--- Log opened Fri Mar 01 00:00:11 2019 2019-03-01T00:01:14 < Cracki> sigrok maybe :P 2019-03-01T00:01:34 < rajkosto> im not using a logic analyzer... 2019-03-01T00:01:46 < rajkosto> itmdump can do it but im not gonna bother 2019-03-01T00:03:22 < kakimir> yes 2019-03-01T00:03:44 < kakimir> you can do hard way, easy way or no way 2019-03-01T00:06:44 < Cracki> I just googled "aouexw" and google knew it meant "source" 2019-03-01T00:06:57 < rajkosto> yes iit knows one letter shifts 2019-03-01T00:07:11 < Cracki> one hand misaligned 2019-03-01T00:07:26 < kakimir> if code editor knew 2019-03-01T00:07:37 < kakimir> what I try to write too fast 2019-03-01T00:10:50 < bitmask> What is the difference between the short ones and longer ones? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/10pcs-lot-4mm-banana-binding-post-4mm-banana-socket-Free-shipping/32809739393.html 2019-03-01T00:10:52 < bitmask> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1pair-black-red-Terminals-Red-Black-Connector-Amplifier-Terminal-Binding-Post-Banana-Speaker-Plug-Jack/32809691942.html 2019-03-01T00:11:59 < Cracki> the long ones have screws you can tighten? 2019-03-01T00:12:31 < Cracki> ah! those are for screwing on fork (?) terminals to it, in addition to banana 2019-03-01T00:13:01 < bitmask> you mean spade? 2019-03-01T00:13:05 < bitmask> on the back end? 2019-03-01T00:13:06 < Cracki> see pic 3, little eye in the metal body. you can stick wire in there and then screw it tight 2019-03-01T00:13:11 < Cracki> front end 2019-03-01T00:13:13 * banana eats Cracki 2019-03-01T00:13:18 < banana> WHO 2019-03-01T00:13:21 < Cracki> back end is two nuts 2019-03-01T00:13:21 < banana> DOTH SUMMON 2019-03-01T00:13:26 < bitmask> :P 2019-03-01T00:13:29 < banana> THE GREAT BANANA 2019-03-01T00:13:40 < banana> [lightning flashes in the distance] 2019-03-01T00:13:40 < bitmask> gimme yo plugs 2019-03-01T00:13:46 * banana plugs bitmask 2019-03-01T00:13:52 < Cracki> wow lewd 2019-03-01T00:13:55 * bitmask kinda likes it 2019-03-01T00:14:11 < Cracki> I knew the gf was a beard! 2019-03-01T00:14:49 < bitmask> alright I"ll just get the longer ones, probably more options to work with 2019-03-01T00:15:35 < Cracki> apropos pissed off old bananas: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D0X5orQWkAAQZaG.jpg:orig 2019-03-01T00:17:10 < Cracki> the long ones ive seen used as PSU terminals on those "fancy" breadboards that are glued onto sheet metal 2019-03-01T00:31:54 < rajkosto> thems animals, boss 2019-03-01T00:40:41 < bitmask> hmm DPS5015 (50v 15A) buck only is the same price as dph5005 (50v 5A) buck/boost 2019-03-01T00:42:23 < rajkosto> oh thats a newer version of the 3605 ? 2019-03-01T00:42:34 < rajkosto> pcb looks identical 2019-03-01T00:43:20 < rajkosto> the buck only is slightly cheaper 2019-03-01T00:43:29 < rajkosto> and has green pcb 2019-03-01T00:44:02 < rajkosto> efficiency of buck boost is way lower (85% vs 95%) so thats why the way lower current rating 2019-03-01T00:45:12 < bitmask> oh hmm 2019-03-01T00:45:43 < bitmask> is it lower efficiency when lowering voltage too? 2019-03-01T00:45:59 < bitmask> maybe I'll get the buck only version and upgrade to a higher voltage psu later 2019-03-01T00:46:21 < rajkosto> yeah its lower efficiency overall 2019-03-01T00:53:21 < rajkosto> https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-02-28_23-53-18_rbg37TRDM.png why have you forsaken me 2019-03-01T00:58:55 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 2019-03-01T01:08:47 < rajkosto> so openocd gives me correct output while j-link is all messed up 2019-03-01T01:13:58 < rajkosto> except now its working wtf 2019-03-01T01:15:02 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-01T01:27:24 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:c021:585d:d07a:15f4] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-01T01:33:44 < rajkosto> i think it set the swo frequency to something abysmally low and now wont change it is why its working 2019-03-01T01:40:18 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nfqwjvxwppqmpzts] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-01T01:47:34 < Thorn> Japanese blade sharpness testing machine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JE9fSsZjgw8 2019-03-01T01:55:11 -!- qyx [~qyx@gw2.krtko.org] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-01T01:56:52 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T01:58:42 -!- qyx [~qyx@gw2.krtko.org] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T02:10:58 < Cracki> get the buck and a 60v psu or something 2019-03-01T02:11:29 < Cracki> I'd be very glad to hear if that thing survives 60v at rated power though :> 2019-03-01T02:37:21 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-01T02:47:20 -!- emeb [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-01T03:07:32 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-98-247-192-179.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-01T03:10:46 -!- SuperBawlz [~SuperBawl@c-68-60-126-222.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T03:12:27 -!- SuperBawlz [~SuperBawl@c-68-60-126-222.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-01T03:13:54 -!- SuperBawlz [~SuperBawl@c-68-60-126-222.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T03:37:16 -!- gsi__ [~gsisig@x4db645a9.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T03:40:02 -!- gsi_ [~gsisig@x4d0c80ad.dyn.telefonica.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-01T03:46:40 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xoiudiommmyyhlal] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T04:16:12 < dongs> https://twitter.com/veltman/status/1077942673342939137 lunix joke of the day 2019-03-01T05:03:05 < Cracki> full of neckbeards I'm sure 2019-03-01T05:05:23 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T05:39:31 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has quit [Ping timeout: 257 seconds] 2019-03-01T05:55:19 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xoiudiommmyyhlal] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-01T06:06:44 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T06:08:26 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-01T06:11:22 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T06:15:47 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-01T06:16:08 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T06:21:50 -!- emeb [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T06:32:38 -!- benishor [~benny@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-01T06:58:27 -!- fc5dc9d4 [~quassel@p57A32E82.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T07:02:32 -!- fc5dc9d4_ [~quassel@p5B0811A8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-01T07:37:24 -!- gsi__ is now known as gsi_ 2019-03-01T07:38:27 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T07:42:50 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-01T07:44:00 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T07:48:04 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 2019-03-01T08:04:21 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T08:19:41 -!- comptroller [~comptroll@47-213-222-253.paolcmtc01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-01T08:56:40 -!- benishor [~benny@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T09:21:40 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-110.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T09:22:10 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T09:25:03 < dongs> jadew: ur warez is here 2019-03-01T09:26:48 < dongs> wow, its way more professional than i expected 2019-03-01T09:28:40 < dongs> looks like one of those attenuator thingies that goes inline with antenna 2019-03-01T09:29:57 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Gone to sleep...] 2019-03-01T09:38:31 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T09:38:41 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T09:54:03 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T10:11:01 < kakimir> what is crc check of flash for? 2019-03-01T10:11:38 < kakimir> is it for when code accidentally fucks contents? 2019-03-01T10:11:49 < qyx> the flash can fuck itself too 2019-03-01T10:11:54 < kakimir> hmm 2019-03-01T10:12:07 < kakimir> so it's liek a good part of self test 2019-03-01T10:12:38 < qyx> some flashes do it regularly 2019-03-01T10:12:48 < qyx> like the samsung may-flash or whatever it was 2019-03-01T10:13:13 < qyx> but thats nand, it is ok in this case 2019-03-01T10:21:11 < kakimir> but I'm talking about flash like what is in AVR micro 2019-03-01T10:21:24 < kakimir> is it NAND shiets nowdays? 2019-03-01T10:23:41 -!- Chris_M [~Chris_M@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T10:29:03 < kakimir> what I expect in small mcus is NOR 2019-03-01T10:31:09 < kakimir> is there NAND in some bigger MCUs? 2019-03-01T10:36:58 < kakimir> yes 2019-03-01T10:37:05 < kakimir> have you played with it? 2019-03-01T10:37:10 < dongs> wat 2019-03-01T10:37:32 -!- marble_visions_ [~user@] has quit [Quit: bye] 2019-03-01T10:37:33 < kakimir> is it ez to use? 2019-03-01T10:37:55 -!- marble_visions [~user@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T10:37:57 < kakimir> do you have fuse set to do it before boot? 2019-03-01T10:38:24 < dongs> what the fuck are you talking about 2019-03-01T10:38:34 < dongs> reference manual on crc peripheral is like 2 pages long 2019-03-01T10:38:37 < dongs> you can just read it 2019-03-01T10:39:23 < kakimir> no I want chatty 2019-03-01T10:39:37 < kakimir> so it's only 1 page long 2019-03-01T10:42:03 < dongs> I hope that I never have to 2019-03-01T10:43:20 < kakimir> emo-chji 2019-03-01T10:43:43 < dongs> um 2019-03-01T10:43:49 < dongs> they are unicode/utf8 2019-03-01T10:43:56 < dongs> you can already have non-ascii commnets? 2019-03-01T10:44:12 < dongs> same for that 2019-03-01T10:44:29 < dongs> you can do "nigger" or L"ニッガー" 2019-03-01T10:44:56 < dongs> L"🅱" 2019-03-01T10:50:35 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-01T11:02:05 < Steffanx> You should learn swift Haohmaru 2019-03-01T11:03:13 < Steffanx> let 🦆 = "duck duck"; 2019-03-01T11:05:00 < Steffanx> Yes you do 2019-03-01T11:05:07 < Steffanx> Write ios apps 2019-03-01T11:10:00 < Steffanx> But you want to 2019-03-01T11:15:20 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:1d51:6a69:42ab:69ec] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T11:19:48 < qyx> but I can't do #define žaba frog 2019-03-01T11:21:02 < qyx> or state = 😖; 2019-03-01T11:21:46 < qyx> and doing strcpy(state, "😖"); doesn't allow you to do switch (state) 2019-03-01T11:41:46 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T12:02:17 -!- comptroller [~comptroll@47-213-222-253.paolcmtc01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T12:14:57 < Steffanx> 👍🏿 2019-03-01T12:54:35 -!- KolK [~KolK@kolk.net.pl] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T12:55:32 < KolK> Hello, I have a problem with stm32 bootloader communication. I'm using PL2303 uart-usb converter, it is connected to usart3 on my stm32f446 nucleo board and boot0 pin is connected to vdd 2019-03-01T12:55:50 < KolK> I read in stm32 bootloader documentation 2019-03-01T12:56:19 < KolK> that I should send 0x7f sequence: start bit, 0x7F data bits, even parity bit and a stop bit 2019-03-01T12:56:58 < KolK> it looks like I should send 11bits 2019-03-01T12:57:04 < KolK> am I correct? 2019-03-01T12:57:35 < KolK> I don't understand thing that is called 0x7f data frame 2019-03-01T12:57:59 < KolK> I'm using this documentation https://bit.ly/2UgSjq8 2019-03-01T12:59:39 < KolK> So I have two questions: 1) how should I understand sth called '0x7f data frame', 2) can pl2303 produce any problems with communication? 2019-03-01T13:00:04 < KolK> because now I'm sending just 0x7f byte, but I receive 0xff or 0xfe 2019-03-01T13:00:12 < KolK> and this is definitely not ACK 2019-03-01T13:00:59 < qyx> did you configure your serial port to even parity? 2019-03-01T13:09:38 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 2019-03-01T13:12:24 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T13:12:42 < englishman> you have to actually send the data 0x7f 2019-03-01T13:13:07 < englishman> stm32 uses it to switch to usart bootloader (from spi, usb etc) and autobaud 2019-03-01T13:13:25 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T13:13:51 < englishman> oh ok you got all that 2019-03-01T13:17:24 -!- Rajko [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T13:20:30 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 2019-03-01T13:36:16 < jadew> do SSRs get hot? 2019-03-01T13:36:49 < jadew> dongs, cool 2019-03-01T13:36:56 < jadew> it got there rather fast 2019-03-01T13:36:59 < jadew> glad you like it 2019-03-01T13:37:07 < dongs> im not sure how long its been here actually 2019-03-01T13:37:12 < dongs> i only go to that office once a month or someshit 2019-03-01T13:37:23 < dongs> jadew, they do if shittily driven 2019-03-01T13:37:52 < jadew> I'm looking for a more pro box to put it in 2019-03-01T13:37:54 < dongs> i was on some garbage project that drove them without using proper phase-sensing coupler 2019-03-01T13:37:54 < qyx> what does shittily driven mean 2019-03-01T13:38:05 < qyx> phase sensing coupler? wut? 2019-03-01T13:38:07 < dongs> qyx, switching them not on phase edges 2019-03-01T13:38:27 < qyx> idk if you know but most of the ssrs have that feature builtin 2019-03-01T13:38:28 < dongs> err zero crossing-sensing thing. sorry that 2019-03-01T13:38:40 < dongs> right, the shit these niggers used didnt 2019-03-01T13:38:48 < dongs> cuz cheap 2019-03-01T13:38:52 < qyx> and even then they are getting hot ion static conditions 2019-03-01T13:39:19 < qyx> eg. 1 am using 16A ssr to drive 750W pump and it is ~hot 2019-03-01T13:39:26 < qyx> without heatsinking of course 2019-03-01T13:39:40 < qyx> with a datasheet approved heatsing it could survive the rated 16 amp 2019-03-01T13:40:18 < qyx> idk, is it triac or what 2019-03-01T13:40:22 < qyx> probably 2019-03-01T13:40:35 < jadew> hmm, how do I know if it has zero crossing sensing? 2019-03-01T13:40:42 < jadew> I'll have to probe the output, isn't it? 2019-03-01T13:41:08 < qyx> just check the DS 2019-03-01T13:41:29 < qyx> but it depends what do you plan to use them for 2019-03-01T13:41:50 < qyx> for simple switching you want ZC 2019-03-01T13:42:01 < jadew> I want to drive my toaster oven 2019-03-01T13:42:08 < qyx> for some phase-cut regulation you don't want it 2019-03-01T13:52:57 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-01T13:54:32 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T14:09:32 < KolK> qyx:yes, I set even parity 2019-03-01T14:14:52 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-lhcyddrwjuriyuyi] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T14:20:27 < englishman> jadew: yes ssrs have significant Ron and usually need to be heatsinked 2019-03-01T14:23:30 < jadew> englishman, thanks 2019-03-01T14:24:04 < jadew> you think the zero-corssing issue would be significant if my PWM period is of about 2-3 seconds? 2019-03-01T14:24:36 < jadew> would be like... 1 bad cycle in 150 2019-03-01T14:24:58 < jadew> actually, I should check the datasheet, maybe I don't have to worry about it at all 2019-03-01T14:26:25 < jadew> looks like they have zero-crossing detection 2019-03-01T14:27:15 < qyx> so less disturbances, much switching, better electricity, wow 2019-03-01T14:27:21 < qyx> cleaner world 2019-03-01T14:27:43 < qyx> I would use ZC, 2-3 sec is not a problem for heating 2019-03-01T14:29:01 < jpa-> SSRs do get hot due to just the voltage drop also, about 1-2 volt 2019-03-01T14:29:13 -!- veegee_ [~veegee@ipagstaticip-3d3f7614-22f3-5b69-be13-7ab4b2c585d9.sdsl.bell.ca] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-01T14:29:21 < jadew> really, that's all they drop? 2019-03-01T14:30:01 < jadew> actually, that still means about 10W @ 10A 2019-03-01T14:30:13 < jpa-> yeah, it's rather high compared to normal relays 2019-03-01T14:32:56 < qyx> 10W is enough to fry it 2019-03-01T14:33:06 < jadew> yeah 2019-03-01T14:33:13 < jadew> it will need active cooling 2019-03-01T14:33:23 < jadew> or a serious heatsink 2019-03-01T14:33:25 -!- veegee [~veegee@ipagstaticip-3d3f7614-22f3-5b69-be13-7ab4b2c585d9.sdsl.bell.ca] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T14:37:06 < jpa-> and with cheap SSR, it can easily be 20W 2019-03-01T14:37:27 < jadew> yeah 2019-03-01T14:46:26 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T14:47:37 -!- oz4ga [~tim@hator.sunsite.lv] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-01T14:49:13 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:1d51:6a69:42ab:69ec] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 2019-03-01T14:51:31 -!- oz4ga [~tim@bestie.edr.dk] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T14:58:47 -!- ou5x [~tim@hator.sunsite.lv] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T14:59:00 -!- oz4ga [~tim@bestie.edr.dk] has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.7.2 - https://znc.in] 2019-03-01T15:04:54 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:1d51:6a69:42ab:69ec] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T15:05:18 < KolK> hmm, in my case the problem may be caused by pl2303 2019-03-01T15:05:50 < KolK> when I turned off stm and send anything through serial 2019-03-01T15:05:58 < KolK> I receive 0x00 2019-03-01T15:06:15 < KolK> when stm is turned on, I still receive 0xff or 0xfe 2019-03-01T15:06:23 < KolK> my baudrate is 9600 2019-03-01T15:08:20 < Cracki> get a logic analyzer or oscilloscope and look at the data line 2019-03-01T15:08:32 < dongs> > pl2303 2019-03-01T15:08:33 < dongs> yeah, definitely 2019-03-01T15:09:10 < Cracki> you should also make sure to open that usb com port with the right settings (9600, parity, stop bit?) 2019-03-01T15:14:29 < KolK> Cracki: I'm sure that I have 9600, parity even and stop bit 2019-03-01T15:14:41 < KolK> dongs: should cp2101 be better? 2019-03-01T15:17:16 < dongs> yes 2019-03-01T15:20:14 < qyx> depends, I did never have any problem with pl2303 neither 2019-03-01T15:20:40 < qyx> mhm except it refuses to work with toradex boards 2019-03-01T15:27:32 -!- akaWolf [~akaWolf@unaffiliated/akawolf] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-01T15:29:07 < KolK> ok, so I'll check it later with cp2101 2019-03-01T15:31:53 < Rajko> whats the difference between 128 bytes of RTC registers vs 2K of battery backed sram 2019-03-01T15:32:02 < PaulFertser> KolK: is it possible you need to power some pl2303's pin with 3.3V so hat it can actually drive its tx? 2019-03-01T15:32:05 < dongs> he way you access it 2019-03-01T15:32:35 < Rajko> does using only 128byte drain the vbat less 2019-03-01T15:32:40 < dongs> nope 2019-03-01T15:33:17 < PaulFertser> KolK: VDD_232 2019-03-01T15:35:37 < Rajko> dongs, so the only advantage of 128bytes is that it can be erased on tamper 2019-03-01T15:36:13 < qyx> and backup sram no? 2019-03-01T15:36:21 < Rajko> https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-01_14-36-19_4rX8xnN9C.png 2019-03-01T15:36:32 < Rajko> here it does say that the additional sram takes up vbat power if enabled 2019-03-01T15:37:02 < dongs> oh 2019-03-01T15:37:05 < dongs> well then it does 2019-03-01T15:37:09 < dongs> i figured it'd be in same domain 2019-03-01T15:45:00 < zyp> same domain, but enabled or not matters 2019-03-01T15:45:21 < zyp> backup regs are part of rtc block, backupsram is independent 2019-03-01T15:47:20 < Rajko> https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-01_14-47-16_2aU6IYDFv.png lol mistyped 0x2C as 0x2 2019-03-01T15:48:13 < qyx> which pdf? 2019-03-01T15:48:22 < Rajko> https://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/reference_manual/59/b9/ba/7f/11/af/43/d5/CD00171190.pdf/files/CD00171190.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.CD00171190.pdf 2019-03-01T15:49:11 < qyx> heh 2019-03-01T15:50:26 -!- Rickta59 [~kimballr@unaffiliated/rickta59] has quit [Quit: leaving] 2019-03-01T16:00:10 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T16:06:12 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-01T16:07:36 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T16:09:31 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in] 2019-03-01T16:10:42 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T16:18:01 -!- ou5x is now known as oz4ga 2019-03-01T16:18:05 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-01T16:23:51 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-lhcyddrwjuriyuyi] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-01T16:31:41 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-01T16:34:32 < KolK> PaulFertser: I see that in my pl2303 device, vdd_232 is not connected to any power source, but this usb gadget works in general (e.g. with beaglebone serial port) 2019-03-01T16:35:19 < KolK> I'll check cp2101 2019-03-01T16:40:48 -!- [1]MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T16:44:04 -!- MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-01T16:44:04 -!- [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius 2019-03-01T16:44:31 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-01T16:47:35 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T16:54:30 < englishman> holy cocks, 80x64 ir sensors are now $160 2019-03-01T16:54:57 < englishman> not even 2019-03-01T16:54:59 < englishman> $113 2019-03-01T16:55:02 < englishman> ya 2019-03-01T16:56:01 < Rajko> i want a 5000 fps camera instead 2019-03-01T16:57:39 < Rajko> smol resolution 2019-03-01T16:58:50 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T17:02:46 < jpa-> englishman: and 32x24 is only 40 EUR https://www.mouser.fi/ProductDetail/Melexis/MLX90640ESF-BAB-000-TU?qs=y6ZabgHbY%252BzqqbVvVujHFQ== 2019-03-01T17:05:04 -!- tomeaton17 [tomeaton17@unaffiliated/tomeaton17] has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.7.2 - https://znc.in] 2019-03-01T17:06:07 -!- tomeaton17 [tomeaton17@unaffiliated/tomeaton17] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T17:24:15 -!- SuperBawlz_ [~SuperBawl@c-68-60-126-222.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T17:25:37 -!- SuperBawlz [~SuperBawl@c-68-60-126-222.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-01T17:40:21 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T17:47:46 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-01T17:56:56 -!- Streake_ [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T18:00:20 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-01T18:11:30 < kakimir> https://pr0gramm.com/new/3025221 2019-03-01T18:16:27 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-01T18:18:47 -!- Streake_ [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-01T18:22:07 -!- emeb [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-01T18:25:25 < kakimir> https://pr0gramm.com/new/3025323 2019-03-01T18:30:17 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-110.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-01T18:31:13 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-01T18:36:15 -!- Rickta59 [~kimballr@unaffiliated/rickta59] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T18:56:30 -!- con3 [~kvirc@ml.sun.ac.za] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T19:11:49 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T19:12:20 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-01T19:14:02 < zyp> englishman, https://bin.jvnv.net/file/dmdbO.jpg https://bin.jvnv.net/file/IOr9k.jpg 2019-03-01T19:14:48 < kakimir> nice neighbourhood 2019-03-01T19:15:24 < englishman> what is that stuff zyp 2019-03-01T19:15:30 < englishman> conduit? 2019-03-01T19:15:33 < zyp> yeah 2019-03-01T19:15:37 < englishman> will you have a heated gravel driveway? 2019-03-01T19:15:43 < zyp> haha, no 2019-03-01T19:16:26 < kakimir> he will charge or heat his car 2019-03-01T19:17:27 < zyp> I've concluded that putting a charger next to the window on the wall and running a cable to it is gonna look kinda ugly and not be all that convenient 2019-03-01T19:18:11 < zyp> and I'm planning to build a stand for the garbage cans on the side towards the road, so I figure it might be more convenient to just put the charger there 2019-03-01T19:18:46 < zyp> and if I wanna do that, I better run the conduit now before they come and cover the entire area with asphalt 2019-03-01T19:19:29 < zyp> kakimir, technically the wife's car, but yes 2019-03-01T19:20:04 < zyp> having power over there would also be convenient if I wanna put up some light poles or something on the fence 2019-03-01T19:20:16 < englishman> here, conduit below vehicles has to be in a solid tube or real deep 2019-03-01T19:20:31 < zyp> what do you mean by solid? 2019-03-01T19:20:47 < englishman> like, protective plastic 2019-03-01T19:20:55 < englishman> so you can hit it with a shovel 2019-03-01T19:21:10 < zyp> this is dualwalled conduit, designed for underground use 2019-03-01T19:21:12 < englishman> or below 2" wood planks for the same reason 2019-03-01T19:21:28 < zyp> not sure how well it stands up to a shovel, but I can jump on it no problem 2019-03-01T19:21:29 < englishman> seemed annoying 2019-03-01T19:22:25 -!- ekaOlogik [~quassel@p5DC6B67A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T19:23:43 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 2019-03-01T19:25:08 -!- con3 [~kvirc@ml.sun.ac.za] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.9.2 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/] 2019-03-01T19:25:42 < qyx> zyp: looks like ~40mm hdpe 2019-03-01T19:25:55 < qyx> we use the same kind here for the same purpose 2019-03-01T19:26:10 < zyp> 50mm, idk what material it is 2019-03-01T19:26:47 < qyx> also, your black ground 2019-03-01T19:27:18 < qyx> looks like coal 2019-03-01T19:27:33 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-01T19:28:02 < zyp> specs say polyethylene, so I guess HDPE is right 2019-03-01T19:28:25 < zyp> and no, it's not coal, just crushed stone 2019-03-01T19:28:44 < qyx> oh I see on the second picture 2019-03-01T19:29:09 < qyx> I though you have some kind of vulcanic ground at first 2019-03-01T19:32:27 < qyx> I did try doing the construction for the plasterboard yesterday https://i.imgur.com/30CltqR.jpg 2019-03-01T19:32:51 < qyx> reading like 10 different manuals first and then concluded that they do something differently in every one 2019-03-01T19:33:35 < qyx> usually they tell the reasoning behind it but when you start reading another one, the reasoning is totally opposite 2019-03-01T19:34:04 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-01T19:34:39 < englishman> zip what kind of supply are you running there 2019-03-01T19:34:46 < englishman> and is it gfi'd inside? 2019-03-01T19:34:48 < qyx> but I am satisfied with the result, it is more rigid as I though and all dimensions are within 2mm orthogonal 2019-03-01T19:35:58 -!- ekaOlogik_ [~quassel@p5DC6B67A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T19:36:32 < englishman> apparently the hyundai kona and the kia e-niro have the same drivetrain 2019-03-01T19:37:57 -!- ekaOlogik [~quassel@p5DC6B67A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-01T19:47:34 < englishman> https://gfycat.com/highfirstbrahmancow-snow 2019-03-01T19:48:46 -!- ekaOlogik [~quassel@p5DC6B67A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T19:51:42 -!- ekaOlogik_ [~quassel@p5DC6B67A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-01T19:54:31 < zyp> englishman, I'm planning on running a shared 3x16A for both charging outlets, but I haven't fully decided yet 2019-03-01T19:55:41 < zyp> and yes, I'll put a RCD inside for it 2019-03-01T19:55:48 < englishman> have you decided on a multi evse controller 2019-03-01T19:56:00 < zyp> short term I'm probably just pulling that yellow extension cord through it 2019-03-01T19:56:02 < zyp> well 2019-03-01T19:56:11 < zyp> long term plan is still to run my own 2019-03-01T19:56:18 < jadew> any advice on tying mains voltage wires together? 2019-03-01T19:56:25 < zyp> wago? 2019-03-01T19:56:26 < qyx> wago 2019-03-01T19:56:27 < zyp> or what? 2019-03-01T19:56:43 < zyp> if you have ends inside a box, use wagos 2019-03-01T19:57:01 < jadew> looking them up 2019-03-01T19:57:05 < jadew> interesting 2019-03-01T19:57:14 < jadew> I'm rewiring my toaster oven 2019-03-01T19:57:37 < jadew> I see no solder joints are used, so I assume I'll need something like those wagos, correct? 2019-03-01T19:58:18 < antto> you'd better toast your reovening wire 2019-03-01T19:58:49 < qyx> wago 2273 for solid 2019-03-01T19:58:50 < qyx> I use 2019-03-01T19:59:10 < jadew> I guess it'll have to wait till tomorrow, cuz I can't get in time to any hardware store 2019-03-01T19:59:13 < qyx> and 221 for stranded 2019-03-01T19:59:54 < englishman> in my toaster I didn't need any joins, all terms were at screw terms 2019-03-01T20:00:14 < englishman> soldered +kapton+shrunk maybe 2019-03-01T20:00:46 < jadew> is that safe tho? 2019-03-01T20:00:59 < englishman> you didn't specify safe 2019-03-01T20:01:20 < jadew> :) 2019-03-01T20:02:08 < jadew> I'll wait 'till tomorrow, see if I can find something proper for the job 2019-03-01T20:03:01 < antto> this is what i used for mains, there are variants with a plastic lid on the top too.. https://i.imgur.com/nKaMhLq.jpg 2019-03-01T20:03:20 < jadew> I'm going to mount the SSRs on the bottom sheet of the case 2019-03-01T20:03:26 < jadew> hope that's going to be enough 2019-03-01T20:03:42 < jadew> the current through each of them is going to be below 3.5A 2019-03-01T20:03:59 < jadew> so they'll have to dissipate about 5 Watts each 2019-03-01T20:04:09 < jadew> I think that's going to be sufficient 2019-03-01T20:04:29 < jadew> antto, yeah, but I don't have a board 2019-03-01T20:04:39 < antto> oh.. oops 2019-03-01T20:04:54 < jadew> I just need to get from one wire to 4 2019-03-01T20:05:11 < jadew> maybe 3... not sure yet 2019-03-01T20:05:31 < jadew> it has a convection fan and a light and I'd like to control those separately too 2019-03-01T20:09:03 < jadew> antto, that board looks ready to snap at any time 2019-03-01T20:09:14 < jadew> you really went to town with those slots 2019-03-01T20:09:15 < antto> i snapped it already ;P~ 2019-03-01T20:09:20 < jadew> hah 2019-03-01T20:09:42 < jadew> I'm surprised the guys at the factory didn't do that for you, thinking they're two separate boards 2019-03-01T20:09:59 < jadew> or are they? 2019-03-01T20:10:48 < antto> they did asked me something in engrish, i think they were asking if i want them to put drills in that spot.. 2019-03-01T20:11:10 < antto> it's one board which can be snapped into two, optionally 2019-03-01T20:11:19 < jadew> got it 2019-03-01T20:12:14 < jadew> that 5W resistor is intriguing me... what does that side do? 2019-03-01T20:12:15 < antto> https://i.imgur.com/nYaqCfP.jpg 2019-03-01T20:12:36 < jadew> power supply? 2019-03-01T20:12:42 < antto> yeah 2019-03-01T20:12:58 < antto> https://i.imgur.com/rIBxkcD.png 2019-03-01T20:14:04 < kakimir> I'm inna bus 2019-03-01T20:14:07 < kakimir> need pumps 2019-03-01T20:14:32 < jadew> want to show off your legs? 2019-03-01T20:15:56 < kakimir> third leg 2019-03-01T20:15:59 < antto> kakimir get a knife and cut the tyre 2019-03-01T20:16:37 < antto> then volunteer to pump up the spare tyre ;P~ 2019-03-01T20:16:42 < kakimir> hmm that would not be a good pump 2019-03-01T20:17:16 < antto> okay.. how about.. flood your house, and then start pumping the water out? 2019-03-01T20:18:07 < kakimir> antto: hmm is that fuse F2 okay? 2019-03-01T20:19:01 < antto> i haven't populated it yet 2019-03-01T20:20:43 < jadew> this looks the same like that wago stuff: https://www.bricodepot.ro/electrice/elemente-de-conexiune/set-10-conectori-pentru-cablu-3-poli.html 2019-03-01T20:21:17 < jadew> not very cheap 2019-03-01T20:22:15 < jadew> this performs the same job? https://www.bricodepot.ro/electrice/elemente-de-conexiune/morseta-deriva-ie-12-poli-2-5-mm2-10-a.html 2019-03-01T20:22:35 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-98-247-192-179.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T20:28:29 -!- Rajko [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-01T20:28:39 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T21:02:42 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T21:16:21 < zyp> jadew, make sure you check temp specs if it's somewhere that can get ho 2019-03-01T21:16:23 < zyp> hot 2019-03-01T21:18:49 < jadew> good idea, I will 2019-03-01T21:20:34 < kakimir> guess what it's called in finnish 2019-03-01T21:20:49 < kakimir> "sokeripala" 2019-03-01T21:21:45 < kakimir> sugar bit 2019-03-01T21:23:29 < zyp> yeah 2019-03-01T21:23:34 < zyp> sukkerbit in norwegian 2019-03-01T21:24:53 < kakimir> työmies needs simple words 2019-03-01T21:28:00 < kakimir> not to say I wouldn't.. I don't have a clue what is correct term for that screw terminal or many other things are 2019-03-01T21:28:55 < kakimir> probs something like ruuvikytkentäkisko 2019-03-01T21:38:09 -!- mawk [znc@serveur.io] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-01T21:44:18 -!- bvernoux [~Ben@chl26-1-88-183-104-56.fbx.proxad.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T21:45:22 -!- mawk [mawk@serveur.io] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T22:09:10 < bitmask> haha I bought a bunch of different size rgb leds and theres no way I can solder most of em 2019-03-01T22:09:11 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:1d51:6a69:42ab:69ec] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-01T22:09:36 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:1d51:6a69:42ab:69ec] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T22:11:49 < rajkosto> why not 2019-03-01T22:14:20 < kakimir> pics or didn't happen 2019-03-01T22:17:04 < bitmask> one sec 2019-03-01T22:23:29 < rajkosto> you dont have a proper pcb for them or something ? 2019-03-01T22:23:53 < bitmask> https://i.imgur.com/qJEUSey.png 2019-03-01T22:24:03 < bitmask> biggest is 3528, smallest is 1616 2019-03-01T22:24:14 < bitmask> they look mighty big in that pic :P 2019-03-01T22:24:27 < rajkosto> 3528 is pretty big 2019-03-01T22:24:29 < rajkosto> 2835 is better 2019-03-01T22:24:41 < rajkosto> they are dimensions in millimeters are they not 2019-03-01T22:24:41 < bitmask> I didnt say all were too small 2019-03-01T22:24:51 < rajkosto> so 1616 is quite a bit larger than a 0402 2019-03-01T22:24:57 < bitmask> 1.6x1.6 2019-03-01T22:25:08 < bitmask> yea 2019-03-01T22:25:17 < bitmask> but it has 4 leads to solder 2019-03-01T22:25:28 < rajkosto> you just drag solder them 2019-03-01T22:25:37 < rajkosto> well you paste it then correct it 2019-03-01T22:27:00 < bitmask> I think I'm gonna use the 1206 2019-03-01T22:30:25 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-01T22:32:24 < bitmask> wait, that cant be 1206 2019-03-01T22:32:43 < bitmask> ali's vendor labeling is always wacky for these things 2019-03-01T22:36:35 < Cracki> might be mm or inch, nobody knows :P 2019-03-01T22:38:57 < bitmask> I like the 1206 because its diffused but I dont know if I can handle that, and its overboard anyway, I'll go with the 3227 2019-03-01T22:38:59 < bitmask> no they are mm 2019-03-01T22:39:23 < bitmask> 3528, 3227, 2121, 2012, and 1616 2019-03-01T22:41:22 < Cracki> btw: 1 hm = 100 meters. 1 hmm = 0.1 meters 2019-03-01T22:50:22 < Cracki> goddamnit spacex whyyy launch at 7:49 utc on a saturday when everyone's wasted 2019-03-01T22:59:21 -!- bvernoux [~Ben@chl26-1-88-183-104-56.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-01T23:07:19 < Thorn> T - 10h 40min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZL0tbOZYhE 2019-03-01T23:09:49 < aandrew> hm. does anyone here have a simple library for stm32 that lets me create scrollable regions in a terminal window? 2019-03-01T23:10:13 < aandrew> something like serila output to a vt100 serial program but lets me have a couple scrolling regions and a command input area 2019-03-01T23:10:21 < aandrew> trying not to reinvent the wheel 2019-03-01T23:10:55 < Thorn> like an ibm os/360 console? 2019-03-01T23:11:19 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-01T23:11:50 < Ultrasauce> wonder how easily ncurses would port 2019-03-01T23:12:40 < aandrew> I haven't used an os/360 before 2019-03-01T23:12:53 < aandrew> Ultrasauce: ncurses is *huge* and not suited for serial terminals I don't think 2019-03-01T23:13:16 < aandrew> vt100 gives you some interactivity (eg I can ask the serial program what the screen size is, and you can define a scroll region but it's tedious as hell) 2019-03-01T23:14:31 < BrainDamage> ncurses uses alternate mode 2019-03-01T23:14:52 < BrainDamage> ... like every interactive terminal application there is 2019-03-01T23:15:20 < BrainDamage> but you'll still end up reinventing your own subset of ncurses for your repl 2019-03-01T23:15:27 < Thorn> I've seen a 'how to write a ncurses based text editor' tutorial 2019-03-01T23:15:39 < BrainDamage> because the moment you add scrolling, you're pretty much adding a virtual terminal 2019-03-01T23:15:49 < Thorn> no, not even ncurses, they used vt100 commands directly 2019-03-01T23:16:02 < BrainDamage> and the only way to get it light is to restrict to a specific subset of commands 2019-03-01T23:17:12 < Thorn> I think this was it https://viewsourcecode.org/snaptoken/kilo/ 2019-03-01T23:18:20 < jpa-> aandrew: https://github.com/infinnovation-dev/incurses might be relevant 2019-03-01T23:24:08 -!- ekaOlogik [~quassel@p5DC6B67A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-01T23:26:41 < bitmask> hmm, CEO of a canadian crypo exchange died and they can't access users funds of $190 mil 2019-03-01T23:28:07 < qyx> zeah old 2019-03-01T23:28:12 < qyx> y 2019-03-01T23:28:23 < bitmask> oh, just got an email about it from kraken 2019-03-01T23:36:42 < kakimir> bitmask: what is the problem? 2019-03-01T23:36:53 < kakimir> with those huge leds 2019-03-01T23:37:47 < kakimir> 1616 is ez --- Day changed Sat Mar 02 2019 2019-03-02T00:04:07 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-02T00:06:47 < Cracki> so I have a dc motor and driver, but the current sensing is shit (~100 mA/LSB) so I was thinking I could estimate torque/current from speed and applied voltage since that's linearly proportional and might only need a little calibration to get me a value in proper units 2019-03-02T00:07:06 < Cracki> has anyone here done that and could share some anecdotes/experience? 2019-03-02T00:09:05 < Cracki> I was also thinking to estimate the load's mass (which varies during operation) from acceleration and torque... F=ma => 1/m = a/F, which sounds doable 2019-03-02T00:11:03 < BrainDamage> if your load varies your system is not linear anymore 2019-03-02T00:11:22 < BrainDamage> and you already have one integral inbetween 2019-03-02T00:11:26 < BrainDamage> what kind of precision can you accept? 2019-03-02T00:12:11 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T00:13:23 < BrainDamage> ( F=ma only if the m is constant, otherwise F=dP/dt ) 2019-03-02T00:13:42 < upgrdman> heh, that was easy. tmobile throttles tethering to ~500kbps by comparing packet TTLs. having my PC use a TTL of 65 does the trick. not throttled. yay 2019-03-02T00:14:33 < Cracki> eh, the old version apparently managed to apply too much current so boss merely wants a current limit. that cheap current sensing would be acceptable but I'm looking at what more can be done with some (simple) ideas 2019-03-02T00:14:40 < Cracki> wat 2019-03-02T00:14:50 < Cracki> oh boy 2019-03-02T00:15:10 < Cracki> m is varying _slowly_ 2019-03-02T00:16:17 < Cracki> so doing a moving/exponential average of 1/m from a/F might be a useful value to have for a control loop 2019-03-02T00:16:23 < BrainDamage> periocally sampling the new value gives you a frequency response with sin(kx) where k is 2pi/sampling_distance, where generally you want the first null to fit your system bandwith 2019-03-02T00:16:47 < BrainDamage> because it's the fourier transform of 2 opposite deltas 2019-03-02T00:17:06 < BrainDamage> in your case the bandwith is the mass variance 2019-03-02T00:17:40 < Cracki> load might gain 5 grams per second at maximum 2019-03-02T00:18:00 < Cracki> range of maybe 0.1kg to 5-10 kg 2019-03-02T00:18:50 < Cracki> it's a cylinder, so from mass I would derive diameter, which would be an interesting value as well :P 2019-03-02T00:19:35 < BrainDamage> so find the ke of your motor, and translate that to the electrical value, you'll get mass variance -> current variance with the ke, and times the builtin resistance the induced voltage 2019-03-02T00:19:50 < Cracki> hm 2019-03-02T00:20:11 < BrainDamage> assuming that the mechanical pole is dominant factor, at 5g/s it should very well be 2019-03-02T00:30:18 -!- superbia [~user@unaffiliated/superbia] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T00:30:37 < superbia> evening pros 2019-03-02T00:33:45 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T00:38:28 -!- superbia [~user@unaffiliated/superbia] has left ##stm32 ["WeeChat 2.4"] --- Log closed Sat Mar 02 00:47:18 2019 --- Log opened Sat Mar 02 00:47:28 2019 2019-03-02T00:47:28 -!- jpa-_ [jpa@hilla.kapsi.fi] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T00:47:28 -!- Irssi: ##stm32: Total of 140 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 139 normal] 2019-03-02T00:48:51 -!- Irssi: Join to ##stm32 was synced in 91 secs 2019-03-02T00:50:01 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:1d51:6a69:42ab:69ec] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-02T00:52:40 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: X230t, jpa-, varesa, tairaeza 2019-03-02T00:55:41 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-02T00:56:07 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T00:57:55 -!- X230t [x13@gateway/shell/suchznc/x-nvtjtifpnmnloqav] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T00:59:47 -!- Netsplit over, joins: tairaeza 2019-03-02T00:59:48 -!- varesa_ [~varesa@ec2-52-49-18-111.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T01:04:45 -!- qyx_ [~qyx@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T01:05:53 -!- Getty [getty@stardestroyer.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-02T01:06:23 -!- qyx [~qyx@gw2.krtko.org] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 2019-03-02T01:06:30 -!- Getty [getty@stardestroyer.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T01:07:09 -!- fest [~fest@static.] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 2019-03-02T01:09:36 -!- qyx [~qyx@gw2.krtko.org] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T01:09:38 -!- qyx_ [~qyx@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-02T01:13:28 -!- fest [~fest@static.] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T01:55:25 -!- upgrdman_ [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T01:57:51 -!- upgrdman_ [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has quit [Client Quit] 2019-03-02T01:58:47 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-02T02:04:39 < ds2> what's P in dP/dt? 2019-03-02T02:06:54 < mawk> whatever you want, ds2 2019-03-02T02:07:04 < mawk> it's the function you're differentiating with respect to time 2019-03-02T02:07:22 < ds2> Yes 2019-03-02T02:07:28 < ds2> but if I want Force... 2019-03-02T02:07:35 < mawk> which force 2019-03-02T02:07:52 < ds2> BrainDamage:##stm32> ( F=ma only if the m is constant, otherwise F=dP/dt ) 2019-03-02T02:07:59 < mawk> ah 2019-03-02T02:08:03 < mawk> right 2019-03-02T02:08:06 < mawk> well it's a minuscule p normally 2019-03-02T02:08:10 < mawk> it's the quantity of movement 2019-03-02T02:08:21 < ds2> hmm 2019-03-02T02:08:24 < mawk> you call that momentum in english 2019-03-02T02:08:30 < mawk> it's the product of mass and acceleration 2019-03-02T02:08:31 < ds2> Oh that 2019-03-02T02:08:32 < mawk> that's all 2019-03-02T02:08:34 < BrainDamage> ds2: momentum 2019-03-02T02:08:46 < ds2> so force is the rate of change of momentum 2019-03-02T02:08:50 < mawk> product of mass and speed sorry 2019-03-02T02:08:52 < BrainDamage> dP/dt is the general formula, works even in relativity 2019-03-02T02:08:54 < mawk> yeah 2019-03-02T02:09:06 < BrainDamage> it reduces to ma iff m is constant 2019-03-02T02:09:10 < ds2> seem to recall that is always called it with some greek letter 2019-03-02T02:09:13 < mawk> but since mass is constant most of the time you can simplify F = dp/dt to F = m·a 2019-03-02T02:09:25 < mawk> no it's usually p 2019-03-02T02:09:28 < mawk> never seen it with a greek letter 2019-03-02T02:09:54 < ds2> or maybe it is the angular version... *shrug* too many decades since I worked with that :D 2019-03-02T02:11:53 < mawk> the angular version is with a L and a fancy M 2019-03-02T02:13:12 < mawk> d(OM∧p)/dt = OM ∧ F 2019-03-02T02:13:38 < mawk> OM∧F is fancyM 2019-03-02T02:13:45 < mawk> \mathcal{M} 2019-03-02T02:16:42 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-znuzwhwxfoajlpyy] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T02:23:10 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-02T02:26:59 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T02:32:57 -!- kow_ [~afed@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-02T02:33:19 -!- kow_ [~afed@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T02:39:54 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-98-247-192-179.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-02T03:17:33 -!- SuperBawlz_ [~SuperBawl@c-68-60-126-222.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-02T03:35:37 -!- gsi__ [~gsisig@x4dbeb46c.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T03:38:34 -!- gsi_ [~gsisig@x4db645a9.dyn.telefonica.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 257 seconds] 2019-03-02T04:07:21 < englishman> oh boy new version of ugfx 2019-03-02T04:09:10 < rajkosto> ugfx bad 2019-03-02T04:42:52 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-02T05:08:37 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-znuzwhwxfoajlpyy] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-02T05:08:49 -!- emeb [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T05:14:24 -!- emeb [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has left ##stm32 [] 2019-03-02T05:49:23 -!- SuperBawlz [~SuperBawl@c-68-60-126-222.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T06:14:54 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Disconnected by services] 2019-03-02T06:15:03 -!- [7] [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T06:57:24 -!- fc5dc9d4_ [~quassel@p57A323A0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T07:01:17 -!- fc5dc9d4 [~quassel@p57A32E82.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-02T07:05:47 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T07:09:51 -!- pennTeller [~user@unaffiliated/pennteller] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T07:15:31 < pennTeller> Hi guys, I am new to stm32. Is it acceptable to program stm32 in the arduino language for a critical piece of machinery? 2019-03-02T07:16:18 < karlp> only you can answer that. 2019-03-02T07:20:15 -!- upgrdman_ [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T07:20:54 < pennTeller> Opinions accepted 2019-03-02T07:21:14 < karlp> "yes" and "no" take your pick. they're both valid :) 2019-03-02T07:21:34 < pennTeller> what is the case according to you as to why they are both valid? 2019-03-02T07:21:47 < karlp> you're obviously asking because you eitehr want justificaiton to keep doing what you'r edoing, or because you want justification for changing. 2019-03-02T07:22:03 < karlp> why would a random person on the internet's opinion be any more useful to you? :) 2019-03-02T07:22:25 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T07:22:31 < pennTeller> Because it's another person's opinion 2019-03-02T07:23:54 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 2019-03-02T07:24:29 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-02T07:24:29 -!- BrainDamage_ is now known as BrainDamage 2019-03-02T07:26:56 < srk> pennTeller: no it's not - better use https://ivorylang.org/ :) 2019-03-02T07:28:28 < pennTeller> srk, ooh that looks promising, thank you very much 2019-03-02T07:39:41 < srk> pennTeller: http://48.io/~rmarko/book/ 2019-03-02T07:39:42 < srk> wip 2019-03-02T07:40:11 < srk> should give you some idea how it works 2019-03-02T07:56:17 -!- upgrdman_ [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-02T08:22:57 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T08:26:08 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-02T08:26:13 -!- BrainDamage_ is now known as BrainDamage 2019-03-02T08:28:50 < pennTeller> srk, thank you so much for this. I really appreciate it. 2019-03-02T08:51:51 -!- You're now known as jpa- 2019-03-02T08:52:56 < jpa-> if your programming team has size of one, you can't really expect to produce good software for safety critical purposes; better try to design the system so that software is not critical 2019-03-02T08:55:32 < dongs> good1 2019-03-02T08:55:34 < dongs> where's that wisdom from 2019-03-02T08:55:57 < dongs> oh, reply to arduino 2019-03-02T08:55:58 < dongs> lols 2019-03-02T08:57:37 < pennTeller> jpa-, I am curious as to why a team of one cannt expect to produce good software for critical purposes 2019-03-02T08:57:55 < jpa-> pennTeller: because people make mistakes, and it's hard to catch your own mistakes 2019-03-02T08:58:58 < pennTeller> jpa-, I see, that makes sense. 2019-03-02T08:59:31 < pennTeller> Thanks for your input 2019-03-02T09:13:56 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T09:23:39 < PaulFertser> A question implying that a person who doesn't know that there's no such thing as "arduino language" is going to write software for a critical machinery sounds really worrysome. 2019-03-02T09:25:52 < jadew> maybe he's planning 5 years ahead 2019-03-02T09:26:07 < jpa-> arduino language does differ from c++ by the automatic addition of prototypes 2019-03-02T09:26:42 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-02T09:26:56 * jadew is proud not to know what that means 2019-03-02T09:27:43 < jpa-> void foo() { bar(); } void bar() { ... } works without adding void bar(); in the beginning 2019-03-02T09:28:08 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T09:28:20 < bitmask> is that why that works? well I'll be... :P 2019-03-02T09:28:21 < jadew> ah 2019-03-02T09:29:03 < jadew> I thought it's some macro shit they added 2019-03-02T09:29:57 < jadew> what happens if you define it in a different file? 2019-03-02T09:30:02 < jadew> does it still work? 2019-03-02T09:40:57 < PaulFertser> jpa-: yes, but I can't call that a "language feature", and it's somehow underspecified afair. 2019-03-02T09:41:40 < PaulFertser> jadew: yes, it somehow preprocesses all the files in the project to auto-create prototypes. And probably add extern global data definitions. Sick shit. 2019-03-02T09:43:48 < PaulFertser> Qt used to have that moc preprocessor but it doesn't make it another language I'd say. 2019-03-02T09:44:15 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T09:58:51 < dongs> jpa-: thats cuz they run some shitty sed script beforehand and search for function signatures and prepend them all at start 2019-03-02T09:59:02 < dongs> which also means you can't do shit like defining your own types and stuff 2019-03-02T09:59:05 < dongs> that go into function args 2019-03-02T09:59:13 < dongs> cuz the p repended list will be ahead of the definmitions 2019-03-02T09:59:17 < dongs> arduino is truly fucking aids 2019-03-02T10:00:11 < dongs> which is why most "serious" attempts at retarduino projects have a single .ino that just has a fuckyuo() { } in it and the rest of the code goes into cpp/h that at least avoids being cancer'd by the scripts 2019-03-02T10:04:56 -!- pennTeller_ [~user@2604:3d09:1380:7200:c1e:483c:9cbe:6257] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T10:04:56 -!- pennTeller [~user@unaffiliated/pennteller] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-02T10:11:25 < pennTeller_> PaulFertser, Maybe worry more about your seriously lacking googling skills xD 2019-03-02T10:12:18 -!- pennTeller_ is now known as pennTeller 2019-03-02T10:12:23 -!- pennTeller [~user@2604:3d09:1380:7200:c1e:483c:9cbe:6257] has quit [Changing host] 2019-03-02T10:12:23 -!- pennTeller [~user@unaffiliated/pennteller] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T10:14:11 -!- Dave_Elec [~Dave@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T10:15:06 -!- pennTeller [~user@unaffiliated/pennteller] has quit [Quit: "Time to sleep"] 2019-03-02T10:57:27 < dongs> read about the new exciting pedo-friendly linux distribution https://exherbo.com/ 2019-03-02T10:57:30 < dongs> haha 2019-03-02T10:57:40 < dongs> < pennTeller_> PaulFertser, Maybe worry more about your seriously lacking googling skills xD 2019-03-02T10:57:44 < dongs> im gonna guess paul uses duckduckgo 2019-03-02T10:59:43 < PaulFertser> dongs: haha, yes, I use it by default but I also often add !g to the request, so I can actuall compare the services. Surprisingly, DDG is often giving me more relevant results. 2019-03-02T11:00:26 < PaulFertser> DDG is kind of annoying as they promised to avoid "guessing" and "correcting" the search requests and now they actually do all that. 2019-03-02T11:01:30 < dongs> google is quite annoying when it searches for synonyms of something 2019-03-02T11:01:45 < PaulFertser> Yes, and ddg promised to not do that. 2019-03-02T11:01:48 < dongs> like you search for jewbunto and it will include results with 'lunix' in it 2019-03-02T11:01:49 < dongs> (for example) 2019-03-02T11:02:02 < dongs> it will even bold the shit it thinks is "related" to the original query 2019-03-02T11:02:10 < dongs> unless you ""' it specially 2019-03-02T11:03:12 < PaulFertser> Exactly 2019-03-02T11:04:30 < PaulFertser> I like ddg because I can search with it, google, google images, wikipedia, wiktionary all from the same interface, I just add "!wiktionary" or "!gimages" right in the request. 2019-03-02T11:20:54 -!- jonsowman [sid155658@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ssuwhejfujhqrpta] has quit [] 2019-03-02T11:24:12 < jpa-> hmm, good to know about !g 2019-03-02T11:24:33 < jpa-> my wife has her computer set to use duckduckgo and it never finds anything 2019-03-02T11:34:03 < zyp> I like google because it finds what I meant, not what I wrote :p 2019-03-02T11:37:36 < zyp> dongs, like I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I'd like to do a new arcin batch now, do you mind getting people started on that? 2019-03-02T12:00:53 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-02T12:07:16 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:44ab:1ddf:b19a:c8ca] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T12:17:48 -!- catphish [~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-02T12:50:38 -!- ekaOlogik [~quassel@p5DC6BB52.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T12:51:42 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-02T12:53:30 -!- oz4ga [~tim@hator.sunsite.lv] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-02T12:54:44 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T13:02:34 -!- oz4ga [~tim@bestie.edr.dk] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T13:05:53 -!- oz4ga [~tim@bestie.edr.dk] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-02T13:06:16 -!- oz4ga [~tim@bestie.edr.dk] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T13:06:18 -!- oz4ga [~tim@bestie.edr.dk] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-02T13:09:55 -!- oz4ga [~tim@hator.sunsite.lv] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T13:11:42 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-02T13:21:58 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T13:26:08 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 2019-03-02T13:27:29 < rajkosto> https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-02_12-27-28_TPK9yXm3e.png 2019-03-02T13:28:50 < jpa-> yeah, no 8-btye floats for you 2019-03-02T13:34:56 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T13:39:26 -!- Dave_Elec [~Dave@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-02T13:49:39 -!- Dave_Elec [~Dave@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T14:04:39 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rkgfjlfkddtuwmcs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T14:19:38 -!- specing [~specing@unaffiliated/specing] has quit [Killed (Sigyn (Spam is off topic on freenode.))] 2019-03-02T14:19:54 -!- specing [~specing@unaffiliated/specing] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T14:25:30 < englishman> google search has gone in the fucking toilet 2019-03-02T14:25:35 < englishman> like most of their services 2019-03-02T14:25:49 < englishman> it doesn't search for all words you entered anymore 2019-03-02T14:26:07 < englishman> that's why I fucking entered that word google. so you'd search for it. motherfucker 2019-03-02T14:32:30 < antto> google doesn't care what you want to search for 2019-03-02T14:32:36 < antto> it shows convenient results 2019-03-02T14:34:54 < tjq> THE CUNTS 2019-03-02T14:45:34 < Steffanx> i tried duckduckgo englishman. its fucking awful imho 2019-03-02T14:45:58 < englishman> idk about awful. search before google was awful in general 2019-03-02T14:46:12 < englishman> and it's better than that 2019-03-02T14:46:21 < englishman> i'd say: pretty bad 2019-03-02T14:47:14 < Steffanx> for some reason i tend to not find with the duck what im looking for, while i can find it with the google. 2019-03-02T14:49:31 < rajkosto> because bing results suck. 2019-03-02T14:49:47 < rajkosto> with google the thing you want will likely be near the top fo the first page 2019-03-02T14:49:54 < rajkosto> with bing you will just get unrelated spammy nonsense 2019-03-02T14:52:25 < BrainDamage> yup, that's what you get for the lack of profiling, you get a generic result, you may like it or not 2019-03-02T14:52:39 < Steffanx> true :P 2019-03-02T14:55:31 < rajkosto> not just profiling 2019-03-02T14:55:41 < rajkosto> most of the time i used bing was on new os installs trying to get drivers 2019-03-02T14:55:44 < rajkosto> couldnt find shit 2019-03-02T14:55:50 < rajkosto> enter same query in google you get the proper result 2019-03-02T14:57:28 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-02T14:57:54 < PaulFertser> I should try to remember share with you the next time I manage to get better results with DDG than with Google, it certainly happens every now and then for me. 2019-03-02T15:01:35 -!- benishor [~benny@] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-02T15:02:40 < antto> i think i haven't searched with google since.. over a month 2019-03-02T15:07:05 -!- benishor [~benny@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T15:07:36 < Steffanx> Yeah you can also go to stackoverflow directly :P 2019-03-02T15:08:21 < englishman> but their search sucks 2019-03-02T15:08:31 < Steffanx> hah never tried it 2019-03-02T15:09:47 < tjq> Lets use altavista 2019-03-02T15:18:16 < PaulFertser> astalavista was a special search engine for exploits :) 2019-03-02T15:27:52 < Steffanx> lol tjq 2019-03-02T15:32:08 < antto> i remember astalavista.box.sk ;P~ 2019-03-02T15:36:25 < kakimir> astalavista 2019-03-02T15:36:34 < Steffanx> baby 2019-03-02T15:36:45 < kakimir> there was something before google 2019-03-02T15:36:53 < kakimir> was it astalavista? 2019-03-02T15:37:05 < dongs> there was tons of shit before google. 2019-03-02T15:41:59 < BrainDamage> yahoo and altavista were the dominant engines before google, but there were hundreds of them 2019-03-02T15:42:35 < BrainDamage> unlike the others, google had a clean page and somewhat worked 2019-03-02T15:42:48 < dongs> there was also the aol webcrawler 2019-03-02T15:42:54 < dongs> and i forgot waht other shit i used that wasnt too aidsy 2019-03-02T15:44:53 -!- Dave_Elec [~Dave@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-02T15:46:58 < englishman> askjeeves 2019-03-02T15:47:38 < englishman> knowing your love for Windows you probably used bonzibuddy unironically 2019-03-02T15:48:37 < kakimir> yahoo 2019-03-02T15:48:47 < kakimir> dot com 2019-03-02T15:49:02 < kakimir> dot com was an interesting era 2019-03-02T15:51:23 < kakimir> I see chinaman didn't bother to input cap these optical converters 2019-03-02T15:51:37 < kakimir> should I populate them cap footprints 2019-03-02T15:55:48 < kakimir> I wonder why these have 5VDC input plug 2019-03-02T15:55:56 < kakimir> there is AM1117 inside 2019-03-02T15:56:54 < kakimir> maybe it's the pd 2019-03-02T15:57:00 < kakimir> not the voltage 2019-03-02T16:02:47 < kakimir> https://soundcloud.com/moter-gr/homefinder musicsss! 2019-03-02T16:08:00 < kakimir> I see amount of copper in their power supply wire is even less than before 2019-03-02T16:08:03 < rajkosto> who here was messing with sensors and lenses 2019-03-02T16:08:27 < aandrew> dot com was NOT an interesting era 2019-03-02T16:08:28 < aandrew> it was stupid 2019-03-02T16:09:31 < kakimir> that is the exact reason why it was so interesting 2019-03-02T16:10:49 < aandrew> https://imgur.com/a/EaaIyao 2019-03-02T16:12:22 -!- ekaOlogik [~quassel@p5DC6BB52.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-02T16:23:09 -!- ekaOlogik [~quassel@p5DC6BB52.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T16:25:22 < kakimir> potential SMA detected 2019-03-02T16:25:46 < rajkosto> thats 100% smas 2019-03-02T16:25:54 < kakimir> sweet 2019-03-02T16:26:00 < kakimir> what is that micro connector on bottom 2019-03-02T16:26:16 < rajkosto> https://www.parallax.com/product/28302 anyone know what kind of lens this is ? 2019-03-02T16:26:16 < kakimir> weirdest 2019-03-02T16:28:00 < kakimir> do you mean materials or something? 2019-03-02T16:28:21 < rajkosto> no i want to buy the lens 2019-03-02T16:28:33 < rajkosto> the plastic and glass part 2019-03-02T16:29:02 < rajkosto> collimator lens 2019-03-02T16:29:17 < kakimir> I don't know anything else but quartz glass 2019-03-02T16:29:30 < kakimir> and some anti reflective coating there 2019-03-02T16:29:48 < kakimir> if it looks like colorful and stuff it's coated 2019-03-02T16:29:51 < aandrew> hm 2019-03-02T16:29:59 < aandrew> https://github.com/ChrisMicro/mcurses might be what I want for my terminal woes 2019-03-02T16:29:59 -!- akaWolf [~akaWolf@unaffiliated/akawolf] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T16:30:03 < rajkosto> i just need something to stick onto https://www.mikroe.com/spectral-click so its not a pinhole camera 2019-03-02T16:30:10 < aandrew> kakimir: again, no SMAs, MCX 2019-03-02T16:30:30 < aandrew> kakimir: no, it's a little i2c IO expander 2019-03-02T16:30:55 < aandrew> basically I fucked up the footprint (mirrored left-right) on that digitizer board so I can't directly plug the PoE/ethernet board on to it 2019-03-02T16:31:08 < aandrew> so I created this stupid simple board to give me access to ethernet and be able to power it 2019-03-02T16:31:18 < aandrew> I just included the same I2C expander that hte PoE board has 2019-03-02T16:31:22 < aandrew> the funny part is 2019-03-02T16:31:28 < aandrew> the pinout is now right 2019-03-02T16:31:30 < kakimir> mirroring error 2019-03-02T16:31:39 < kakimir> amateurish mistake 2019-03-02T16:31:44 < aandrew> but because it's mounted on the other side, my mounting holes are now off 2019-03-02T16:31:48 < aandrew> yes it is 2019-03-02T16:32:07 < aandrew> that is a pretty huge design though so some dumb mistakes were bound to creep in 2019-03-02T16:32:09 < dongs> its almost as if you were using kikecad 2019-03-02T16:32:15 < aandrew> a proper design review would have caught it 2019-03-02T16:32:19 < aandrew> but it was a joke 2019-03-02T16:32:24 < aandrew> dongs: lol 2019-03-02T16:32:42 < kakimir> aandrew: always import your another board to another boards 3d view 2019-03-02T16:32:49 < kakimir> see that everything matches 2019-03-02T16:33:07 < dongs> i can't see signals connecting in 3d view 2019-03-02T16:33:17 < aandrew> this was uberrush, I had it laid out on monday and had the board in my hand on friday 2019-03-02T16:33:31 < jadew> any ideas if this is dangerous to work with? https://4.imimg.com/data4/KH/HQ/MY-323036/fiberglass-insulated-cables-500x500.jpg 2019-03-02T16:33:31 < kakimir> is it works? 2019-03-02T16:33:36 < jadew> (fiberglass insulated wires) 2019-03-02T16:33:37 < dongs> but yeah when i have sockets that need to mate i'll print or draw them on pieces of paper and stack them the way they will be stacked to make sure im not fuckin shit up 2019-03-02T16:33:48 < aandrew> I am still getting my 3d shwerve on 2019-03-02T16:34:03 -!- ekaOlogik [~quassel@p5DC6BB52.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-02T16:34:04 < kakimir> jadew: dangerous in what sense? 2019-03-02T16:34:20 < aandrew> jadew: I suspect it has the same concerns as any other fiberglass work -- those frayed ends will put fibres into the air that you can breathe and get in your lungs 2019-03-02T16:34:26 < jadew> kakimir, stripping the fiberglass may leave some fiberglass in the air 2019-03-02T16:34:31 < aandrew> but no frayed ends and you're not bending the wire constantly = safe enough 2019-03-02T16:34:40 < kakimir> jadew: 1st world problems 2019-03-02T16:34:59 < kakimir> just breathe in before cutting 2019-03-02T16:35:26 < kakimir> I only wonder how much there is FR4 in my lungs 2019-03-02T16:36:15 < rajkosto> dangerous amounts 2019-03-02T16:36:22 < rajkosto> i used to hand drill 300+ holes in fr4 2019-03-02T16:36:23 < kakimir> I can feel it 2019-03-02T16:36:56 < BrainDamage> get a pc fan and a drier flexible tubing 2019-03-02T16:37:08 < kakimir> build a filter box 2019-03-02T16:37:12 < aandrew> kakimir> I only wonder how much there is FR4 in my lungs 2019-03-02T16:37:13 < aandrew> ^^ 2019-03-02T16:37:17 < aandrew> this is my question 2019-03-02T16:37:42 < aandrew> I also wonder how much nerve damage I have from playing with mercury with bare hands as a kid 2019-03-02T16:37:55 < aandrew> I mean I don't have tremors or anything and that was literally like 35y ago 2019-03-02T16:38:00 < kakimir> none 2019-03-02T16:38:01 < aandrew> but the FR4 is pretty recent 2019-03-02T16:38:02 < dongs> haha. 2019-03-02T16:38:34 < dongs> aaJEW, i once broke a huge mercury thermometer, took its contents and filled an empty wristwatch shell with it and brought that to kindergarden 2019-03-02T16:38:41 < kakimir> sometime I use big angle grinder to cut a lot of fr4 quickly 2019-03-02T16:38:50 < sync> as long as you don't snort the fr4 dust you should be fine 2019-03-02T16:39:05 < dongs> and was wearing that shaking it around and watching shit swirl around under the glass 2019-03-02T16:39:32 < dongs> then it got too hot from being on wrist and random bits of it were oozing out 2019-03-02T16:39:36 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T16:39:58 < dongs> A+ experience 2019-03-02T16:40:12 < kakimir> okay we have a winner 2019-03-02T16:40:49 < aandrew> dongs: I got you beat there. I took apart like a dozen mercury switches from thermostats I found in the trash (I used ot live by a kind of industrial/commerical area so would do a LOT of dumpster diving) 2019-03-02T16:41:21 < kakimir> using poisonous materials as wearable item 2019-03-02T16:41:21 < aandrew> the resulting puddle of mercury I literally smashed with a hammer on the garage floor, then swept all the little bits back with my hands and did it over and over 2019-03-02T16:41:31 < aandrew> then of course went back in and ate lunch without washing my hands 2019-03-02T16:41:41 < aandrew> I never washed my hands unless told 2019-03-02T16:41:42 < dongs> awesome 2019-03-02T16:41:46 < aandrew> that was a LOT of fun 2019-03-02T16:41:50 < aandrew> mercury is fucking cool 2019-03-02T16:42:24 < Adluc> aandrew: and effects on your body? 2019-03-02T16:42:33 < rajkosto> aandrew, its fine 2019-03-02T16:42:49 < rajkosto> people in the dark ages would gulp mercury down as a refreshing drink 2019-03-02T16:50:01 < aandrew> Adluc: that's the question. I honestly don't think it had any effect; perhaps the hazards of temporary exposure like that are overstated (in fact I'm sure of it) 2019-03-02T16:57:38 < BrainDamage> it depends on the bioavailability 2019-03-02T16:58:12 < BrainDamage> eg eating lead vs lead acetate 2019-03-02T16:59:55 < aandrew> right 2019-03-02T17:00:07 < aandrew> and I don't think that mercury in that form is very bioavailable 2019-03-02T17:00:40 < PaulFertser> Mercury was also used to treat syphilis. 2019-03-02T17:01:11 < aandrew> perhaps that was the best of two evils 2019-03-02T17:06:06 < PaulFertser> "introduced the treatment of neurosyphilis with fever therapy by infecting the patient with malaria, then treating the malaria with quinine." 2019-03-02T17:23:37 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rkgfjlfkddtuwmcs] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-02T17:23:44 < mawk> elemental mercury doesn't look very bioavailable 2019-03-02T17:23:52 < mawk> you could do like the dark age people 2019-03-02T17:23:58 < mawk> I'm sure it feels funny 2019-03-02T17:27:01 -!- aeo1ack is now known as psprint 2019-03-02T17:50:53 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T18:01:36 < bitmask> hmm what size arms for helping hand, 150 or 200mm 2019-03-02T18:09:53 < kakimir> https://soundcloud.com/phaserlandmusic/hot-stunner-feat-nikki music 2019-03-02T18:37:42 -!- grindhold [~quassel@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-02T18:54:44 -!- comptroller [~comptroll@47-213-222-253.paolcmtc01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-02T18:55:12 -!- grindhold [~quassel@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T19:07:03 -!- comptroller [~comptroll@47-213-222-253.paolcmtc01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T19:09:13 < bitmask> why are these shits so expensive? $11.60 for 4, and it took a long time to find them at that price 2019-03-02T19:09:15 < bitmask> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/DIY-2pCS-lot-m10-male-screw-female-thread-Soft-Light-metal-Flexible-conduit-metal-gooseneck-hose/32822061160.html 2019-03-02T19:12:16 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-02T19:14:04 < Steffanx> Is that expensive? 2019-03-02T19:21:19 < zyp> englishman, finished laying conduit: https://bin.jvnv.net/file/zWoJJ.jpg 2019-03-02T19:22:14 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-02T19:31:38 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T19:31:42 < kakimir> wait 2019-03-02T19:31:46 < kakimir> you have no snow 2019-03-02T19:34:48 -!- kuldeep [~kuldeep@unaffiliated/kuldeepdhaka] has quit [Excess Flood] 2019-03-02T19:35:09 -!- kuldeep [~kuldeep@unaffiliated/kuldeepdhaka] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T19:38:14 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-02T19:39:21 < qyx> how could they, there was like ~20°C in some parts of europe recently 2019-03-02T19:39:45 < mawk> we must thank the oil companies for that 2019-03-02T19:40:22 < Cracki> I'm thanking noone for having under 10 degrees right now 2019-03-02T19:40:48 < zyp> 6 degrees here today, but the past few days were warmer 2019-03-02T19:40:54 < qyx> same here 2019-03-02T19:41:04 < Cracki> they need to invent ways to leave temperature as is, but make the goddamned rain clouds fuck off! shit's been overcast all day. this gloom should be punishable by death 2019-03-02T19:41:06 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@host31-49-125-77.range31-49.btcentralplus.com] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T19:41:09 < Laurenceb_123> sup 2019-03-02T19:41:26 < Cracki> got meems? 2019-03-02T19:41:38 < Laurenceb_123> pm 2019-03-02T19:41:39 < Cracki> :P 2019-03-02T19:42:03 < Cracki> oi hahah 2019-03-02T19:42:19 < Cracki> hahaha wat 2019-03-02T19:43:51 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T19:47:11 < BrainDamage> qyx: 22°C here 3 days ago 2019-03-02T19:51:56 -!- MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-02T19:54:18 -!- MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T20:05:30 < englishman> nice zyp 2019-03-02T20:05:43 < englishman> just pulled a screw out of my nice new winter tires 2019-03-02T20:06:40 < englishman> Feb 28 was the coldest day on record since 1845. -36.5C 2019-03-02T20:06:55 < englishman> coldest Feb 28 2019-03-02T20:17:48 < Steffanx> lol, here 28 febr was the hotest measured. 2019-03-02T20:17:54 < Steffanx> *hottest 2019-03-02T20:18:26 < Steffanx> And then we go all "whoaaa climate change" 2019-03-02T20:26:13 -!- [1]MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T20:26:58 -!- catphish [~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T20:28:50 -!- MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-02T20:28:50 -!- [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius 2019-03-02T20:35:07 -!- R2COM [~R2COM@ip68-3-184-221.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T20:39:08 < zyp> this digging got me inspired, I think I'll do more digging next week 2019-03-02T20:39:35 < zyp> I think I wanna put down a row of concrete blocks as a foundation for a fence 2019-03-02T20:40:01 < zyp> fence and a stand for the trashcans 2019-03-02T20:40:35 < zyp> I put the conduit so it'll come up along the edge of the trashcan stand, so I can mount the charger to the side of it 2019-03-02T21:23:07 -!- Jybz [~jibz@2a02:8071:9289:5900:4a51:b7ff:fe84:99e6] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T21:54:05 -!- con3 [~kvirc@ml.sun.ac.za] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T21:54:35 < Laurenceb_123> covfefe 2019-03-02T21:57:03 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T22:01:25 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T22:03:44 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has quit [Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.] 2019-03-02T22:04:06 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T22:04:49 < Steffanx> so what is Laurenceb_123 up to lately? 2019-03-02T22:05:10 < Laurenceb_123> babby shake 2019-03-02T22:06:18 < Laurenceb_123> https://imgoat.com/uploads/2c0be24560/202793.png 2019-03-02T22:08:16 < Laurenceb_123> autism aunt on faceberg 2019-03-02T22:08:25 < Laurenceb_123> the babbyshaker https://imgoat.com/uploads/2c0be24560/202794.jpg 2019-03-02T22:15:55 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 2019-03-02T22:23:16 < Steffanx> is that real Laurenceb_123? 2019-03-02T22:23:50 < Laurenceb_123> which one? They are both real but the babby is plastic 2019-03-02T22:24:15 < rajkosto> spambotlence ? 2019-03-02T22:24:36 < Laurenceb_123> thats me 2019-03-02T22:30:36 < qyx> shaker related, whats the greatest accel nowadays 2019-03-02T22:30:45 < qyx> mems one, spi 2019-03-02T22:32:19 < Steffanx> nah did you take the photo, Laurenceb_123 2019-03-02T22:32:41 < jpa-> qyx: AXO215 ;) 2019-03-02T22:32:41 < Laurenceb_123> yes 2019-03-02T22:32:53 < Laurenceb_123> lsm6dsl or whatever its called 2019-03-02T22:33:24 < Laurenceb_123> yeah that one 2019-03-02T22:34:39 < qyx> jpa-: pfff 2019-03-02T22:36:33 < rajkosto> https://www.bosch-sensortec.com/bst/products/all_products/bmi160 2019-03-02T22:37:28 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T22:37:52 -!- Streake_ [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T22:38:54 -!- con3 [~kvirc@ml.sun.ac.za] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.9.2 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/] 2019-03-02T22:40:53 < scrts> thinking of using sata cables for board-to-board connection 2019-03-02T22:41:04 < scrts> does anyone know if pairs are swapped in the cable? 2019-03-02T22:41:08 -!- Streake_ [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Client Quit] 2019-03-02T22:41:33 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 2019-03-02T22:44:45 < R2COM> sata cable for regular high speed io? 2019-03-02T22:45:23 < R2COM> samtec has a nicer (and proly more cheap) solutions developed exactly for that 2019-03-02T22:48:46 < rajkosto> scrts, no, the twinax coaxes are straight through 2019-03-02T22:49:11 < scrts> I want to pass SGMII signal 2019-03-02T22:49:13 < scrts> so 1Gbps 2019-03-02T22:49:24 < scrts> not too high speed, but not slow either 2019-03-02T22:49:44 < scrts> SATA connectors are $0.66 2019-03-02T22:49:49 < scrts> cables are probably the same 2019-03-02T22:50:03 < rajkosto> https://i.stack.imgur.com/uFHA7.jpg 2019-03-02T22:50:42 < rajkosto> twisting would be... quite hard 2019-03-02T22:51:07 < scrts> nah... won't work 2019-03-02T22:51:26 < scrts> seems like I'll have to use a mux http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/hd3ss3411.pdf 2019-03-02T22:51:45 < scrts> to select between rx & tx 2019-03-02T22:52:32 < rajkosto> why tho 2019-03-02T22:52:34 < Ultrasauce> if only sgmii could be transformed into some sort of robust signal that can be transmitted over a hundred metres over commodity cable 2019-03-02T22:52:44 < rajkosto> just wire them knowing its straight through 2019-03-02T22:52:57 < rajkosto> or require a bend in the cable (connector would be rotated 180 deg then) 2019-03-02T22:53:07 < scrts> rajkosto: if I want to connect 2 same boards 2019-03-02T22:53:17 < scrts> one has to be set as "transmitter" and another as "receiver 2019-03-02T22:53:59 < qyx> Ultrasauce: would be too easy, it is pity such technology is not common 2019-03-02T22:54:19 < scrts> Ultrasauce: usually SGMII goes into SFP module 2019-03-02T22:54:23 < scrts> for optical transmission 2019-03-02T22:54:34 < scrts> so I could transmit that signal over a mile 2019-03-02T22:54:42 < scrts> but the f... SFP cage is yuuuuge 2019-03-02T22:56:26 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T22:57:32 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-02T22:57:34 -!- BrainDamage_ is now known as BrainDamage 2019-03-02T23:10:36 < Laurenceb_123> https://imgoat.com/uploads/2c0be24560/202814.jpg 2019-03-02T23:10:42 < Laurenceb_123> lsm6dsl based sensor 2019-03-02T23:18:15 < rajkosto> how do i find adjustable lens for a 5x5mm qfn chip with a hole NOT in the exact center of it 2019-03-02T23:19:35 < scrts> the lens is threaded, so not sure what do you expect.. 2019-03-02T23:19:52 < scrts> also the fisheye center would be off 2019-03-02T23:19:59 < scrts> image would look odd 2019-03-02T23:20:13 < rajkosto> https://www.mouser.co.uk/images/marketingid/2017/img/173089913.png 2019-03-02T23:21:39 < scrts> what's that? 2019-03-02T23:22:04 < rajkosto> chip with hole 2019-03-02T23:22:34 < rajkosto> https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-02_22-22-34_y94reZlc4.png 2019-03-02T23:22:37 < rajkosto> its slightly off center 2019-03-02T23:23:18 < kakimir> can optical converters deliver like.. adaptive speed 2019-03-02T23:24:28 < kakimir> I mean I changed my 100M to 1G one fiber model 2019-03-02T23:24:41 < kakimir> now it seems I only get 10M 2019-03-02T23:36:10 < bitmask> yea boi 2019-03-02T23:36:11 < bitmask> https://imgur.com/a/hIK26Kn 2019-03-02T23:36:12 < bitmask> quiet fan 2019-03-02T23:36:22 < bitmask> had to make an adj and cut off a corner but whatevs 2019-03-02T23:46:32 -!- SuperBawlz [~SuperBawl@c-68-60-126-222.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-02T23:47:12 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-dghsptoemnbxaclp] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-02T23:49:18 < kakimir> I need to try the different usb to dc5.5x2.5 2019-03-02T23:49:29 < kakimir> power delivery is always the problems 2019-03-02T23:51:20 < kakimir> I maybe should not have made new cables out of those AC adapters that came with the optic converter 2019-03-02T23:51:32 < kakimir> I mean those were like 30AWG copper 2019-03-02T23:54:04 -!- varesa_ is now known as varesa 2019-03-02T23:57:10 < tjq> crack 2019-03-02T23:57:58 < antto> keygen 2019-03-02T23:59:30 < tjq> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZAbSV1NCOc --- Day changed Sun Mar 03 2019 2019-03-03T00:27:33 -!- upgrdman_ [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T00:31:06 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 2019-03-03T00:31:06 -!- upgrdman_ [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has quit [Client Quit] 2019-03-03T00:48:00 < zyp> scrts, curious what you're doing 2019-03-03T00:59:52 -!- oats [~hurr@durr/im/a/sheep] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T01:01:18 < oats> hello. I'm trying to use stlink and gdb together and I'm running into an issue where gdb doesn't show the source anymore when I run 'target remote localhost:4242' 2019-03-03T01:01:57 < zyp> go on 2019-03-03T01:02:11 < oats> I apologize if this isn't an appropriate channel to ask this in, I just thought I'd try here first 2019-03-03T01:02:42 < zyp> asking is fine, but you have to provide more information 2019-03-03T01:03:33 < zyp> so far it amounts to «it doesn't work» and that's not much to go on 2019-03-03T01:03:53 < oats> I can provide more context 2019-03-03T01:04:06 < oats> I'm trying to compile and debug a simple libopencm3 example program 2019-03-03T01:04:18 < oats> using their makefile 2019-03-03T01:04:32 < oats> `file` tells me the file has debug symbols 2019-03-03T01:05:03 < oats> and before I connect gdb to stlink, the source shows 2019-03-03T01:05:07 < oats> (I'm using --tui, btw) 2019-03-03T01:05:45 < oats> but after I run the target command, it just shows "[ No source available ]" 2019-03-03T01:05:56 < oats> the output from stlink says gdb successfully connected 2019-03-03T01:06:15 < zyp> are you using texane/stlink? 2019-03-03T01:06:19 < oats> yes 2019-03-03T01:06:37 < oats> `st-link -m` 2019-03-03T01:06:43 < zyp> I believe that's fairly obsolete, my impression is that most stlink users are using openocd nowadays 2019-03-03T01:06:57 < zyp> not that this is necessarily related to your problem, but still 2019-03-03T01:06:58 < oats> the same thing happened with openocd 2019-03-03T01:07:09 < oats> here's the gdb command I'm using 2019-03-03T01:07:13 < oats> arm-none-eabi-gdb -q --tui --eval-command="target remote localhost:4242" miniblink.elf 2019-03-03T01:07:31 < zyp> you should probably replace remote with extended-remote 2019-03-03T01:08:09 < oats> no dice 2019-03-03T01:08:13 < zyp> well 2019-03-03T01:08:15 < oats> what's the difference? 2019-03-03T01:08:43 < zyp> more features, not sure the old remote protocol allows loading 2019-03-03T01:08:52 < zyp> anyway 2019-03-03T01:09:29 < zyp> I'm not familiar with gdb-tui, but are you sure you're not just misinterpreting the message and that it's actual normal behavior? 2019-03-03T01:10:15 < oats> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 2019-03-03T01:10:30 < zyp> I figure if you connect to a target running different code, gdb might read a $pc value you don't have symbols for, and as there's no symbol, tui can't find any corresponding source either 2019-03-03T01:10:50 < zyp> or have you actually written this code to the target? 2019-03-03T01:12:17 < oats> do I need to write it first before starting openocd/gdb? 2019-03-03T01:12:44 < zyp> no, if you use extended-remote, you can do it with the «load» command 2019-03-03T01:14:35 -!- Jybz [~jibz@2a02:8071:9289:5900:4a51:b7ff:fe84:99e6] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-03T01:16:23 < oats> oh my god I'm an idiot 2019-03-03T01:16:29 < oats> reset_handler () at ../../cm3/vector.c:67 2019-03-03T01:16:34 < oats> first line gdb printed 2019-03-03T01:16:49 < oats> it starts in the reset_handler, and it has no debug info for that function 2019-03-03T01:16:55 < oats> so 2019-03-03T01:17:03 < oats> break main 2019-03-03T01:17:05 < oats> continue 2019-03-03T01:17:07 < zyp> uh 2019-03-03T01:17:28 < zyp> obviously it has debug info when it can tell you it's in reset_handler at vector.c:67 2019-03-03T01:17:36 < zyp> that's literally what debug info is 2019-03-03T01:19:53 < zyp> it's probably a matter of file paths, ../../cm3/vector.c sounds like it's relative to some directory in the libopencm3 tree, which is probably wherever that file was built 2019-03-03T01:20:11 < zyp> and now you're standing in your project tree instead 2019-03-03T01:20:15 < zyp> or an example or whatever 2019-03-03T01:20:52 < oats> hmm 2019-03-03T01:25:27 < zyp> https://sourceware.org/gdb/onlinedocs/gdb/Source-Path.html 2019-03-03T01:25:48 < zyp> adding the relevant dirs to the source search path would probably help 2019-03-03T01:27:12 < oats> ok, I'll check that out 2019-03-03T01:27:19 < oats> thanks! 2019-03-03T01:27:23 < zyp> np 2019-03-03T01:27:34 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:44ab:1ddf:b19a:c8ca] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-03T01:30:58 < zyp> yeah, seems like libopencm3 builds all sources standing inside the variant dir 2019-03-03T01:31:34 < zyp> so for stm32f4, it'd build from libopencm3/lib/stm32/f4/ and consequently all source paths in the debug symbols will be relative to that dir 2019-03-03T01:51:51 < kakimir> which side of iperf transmits? 2019-03-03T01:52:24 < zyp> either, depending on what you tell it to do 2019-03-03T01:52:46 < kakimir> I tell it nothing 2019-03-03T01:55:05 -!- davor [~davor@unaffiliated/davor] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-03T01:55:10 -!- davor_ [~davor@unaffiliated/davor] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T01:55:34 -!- davor_ is now known as davor 2019-03-03T01:55:50 < zyp> looks like standard is that the client sends 2019-03-03T02:02:53 < kakimir> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X1gcoXjEM-l4drOgCbo9Ey4dz0bGb2x6/view?usp=sharing maybe 1G is too much for this fiber 2019-03-03T02:03:19 < kakimir> with the chepast shiette 2019-03-03T02:04:22 < zyp> those media converters you were talking about? 2019-03-03T02:04:54 < kakimir> ye 2019-03-03T02:09:30 < kakimir> lets try another power supply to another one of them 2019-03-03T02:10:26 < zyp> what's the problem? media converters should be fairly dumb so I don't see why it shouldn't keep up with line rate 2019-03-03T02:11:30 < zyp> hmm, apparently that QCA8334 is actually a switch 2019-03-03T02:11:53 < zyp> so it's essentially a two port switch 2019-03-03T02:12:11 < zyp> but still, switches should do line rate 2019-03-03T02:14:59 < kakimir> another one has FDX line on 2019-03-03T02:15:02 < kakimir> another one doesn't 2019-03-03T02:15:23 < kakimir> performace is about 10M to one direction and 4M to another 2019-03-03T02:16:00 < zyp> should have done like I suggested and just gotten some switches with sfp ports instead of dicking around with shitty converters 2019-03-03T02:16:22 < kakimir> aand.. iperf in one direction is 20M and to another 200k 2019-03-03T02:19:23 < kakimir> I just switch back to old adapters 2019-03-03T02:19:30 < kakimir> those are 100M 2019-03-03T02:25:33 < kakimir> I got greedy 2019-03-03T02:25:54 < kakimir> thought I would run 1000M FX 2019-03-03T02:26:25 < kakimir> zyp: you have datasheet for that chip? 2019-03-03T02:26:37 < zyp> no 2019-03-03T02:30:59 < kakimir> maybe I should try to heat the space where another one is installed 2019-03-03T02:31:06 < kakimir> it's +4 2019-03-03T02:31:09 < kakimir> celsius 2019-03-03T02:31:46 < kakimir> theoretically it can affect spectral response 2019-03-03T02:32:44 < zyp> sfps tend to get fairly hot on their own, wouldn't worry about that 2019-03-03T02:36:52 < kakimir> it draws 2.5W 2019-03-03T02:37:10 < kakimir> measured both ends 2019-03-03T02:37:18 < kakimir> it's about 0.5A @ 5v 2019-03-03T02:41:49 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T02:49:12 < rajkosto> this gooey is taking forever to make 2019-03-03T03:05:33 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T03:07:55 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-03T03:32:46 -!- gsi_ [~gsisig@x4db59e82.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T03:35:52 -!- gsi__ [~gsisig@x4dbeb46c.dyn.telefonica.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-03T03:58:05 < bitmask> https://i.imgur.com/OX6nHH3.png 2019-03-03T04:01:57 -!- tairaeza [~tairaeza@unaffiliated/tairaeza] has quit [Quit: tairaeza] 2019-03-03T04:11:33 < tjq> gooey interface 2019-03-03T04:13:17 < Laurenceb_123> muh gui 2019-03-03T04:13:22 < Laurenceb_123> muh babbyshake 2019-03-03T04:13:59 < Laurenceb_123> wonder if I'll go to jail for muh plastic babby 2019-03-03T04:23:52 -!- grindhold [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-03T04:54:27 < R2COM> yo 2019-03-03T04:54:37 < R2COM> dongs i think of buying gtx2080Ti 2019-03-03T04:55:45 < dongs> why not, go for it. i have 2080, good room heater 2019-03-03T04:56:03 < R2COM> oh you do? 2019-03-03T04:56:13 < dongs> not ti cuz waste of $ 2019-03-03T04:56:26 < R2COM> but Ti got more muscles, no? 2019-03-03T04:56:29 < R2COM> hmm 2019-03-03T04:56:31 < dongs> no idea 2019-03-03T04:56:33 < dongs> i just play minecraft 2019-03-03T04:56:38 < dongs> and altium designer 2019-03-03T04:56:49 < R2COM> altium designer doesnt utilize that shit yo 2019-03-03T04:57:27 < R2COM> i mean its using direct2D, but i doubt it actively using all cores to draw shit fast etc 2019-03-03T04:58:30 < MrMobius> so its the same speed as intel integrated shit on the motherboard? 2019-03-03T04:58:52 < R2COM> i guess 2019-03-03T04:59:00 < R2COM> you mean altium? 2019-03-03T04:59:12 < dongs> no lol altium is WAY faster with proper 3d gpu 2019-03-03T04:59:17 < dongs> its absolute shit on intel gfx 2019-03-03T04:59:17 < MrMobius> yes 2019-03-03T04:59:33 < dongs> R2DONG has no idea as usual cuz he uses ORCAD which still draws using GDI 2019-03-03T05:00:00 < R2COM> meh it just works 2019-03-03T05:00:26 < R2COM> i bought package for $1.8k and does all what altium does 2019-03-03T05:00:34 < dongs> except not 2019-03-03T05:00:37 < MrMobius> lol 2019-03-03T05:00:42 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@host31-49-125-77.range31-49.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-03T05:00:46 < dongs> 1.8k orcad is like eagle lite 2019-03-03T05:00:55 < R2COM> no.. i got "professional" edition 2019-03-03T05:01:11 < R2COM> it has all stuff 2019-03-03T05:01:15 < MrMobius> professionally donged maybe 2019-03-03T05:01:46 < R2COM> the high end is called "Allegro" but that one is $25k 2019-03-03T05:01:56 < R2COM> and there is no even Altium counterpart for that product 2019-03-03T05:03:13 < R2COM> but hey... the soft for IC design which Cadence does is total shit, that one is really bad 2019-03-03T05:03:21 < R2COM> and i know why...cuz there is no competition at all 2019-03-03T05:03:25 < R2COM> except couple companies 2019-03-03T05:03:38 < R2COM> so they dont work hard on making it better they just dont care 2019-03-03T05:04:45 < scrts> zyp: playing around with 88Q5050 2019-03-03T05:05:35 < scrts> it's ethernet switch, but 5x100BASE-T1, 1x100BASE-TX, 2xRGMII & 1xSGMII 2019-03-03T05:05:55 < dongs> sounds like marvell part 2019-03-03T05:05:59 < scrts> it is 2019-03-03T05:06:08 < dongs> how were you a ble to get any kind of docs or even buy the chip 2019-03-03T05:06:18 < scrts> avnet has the chip 2019-03-03T05:06:24 < scrts> docs is difficult.. 2019-03-03T05:06:34 < dongs> hmm, has M7 2019-03-03T05:06:34 < scrts> got a copy from some source 2019-03-03T05:06:36 < dongs> interesting 2019-03-03T05:06:45 < dongs> in a switch huh 2019-03-03T05:06:53 < dongs> yeah so you're helping marvel be cunts 2019-03-03T05:06:54 < scrts> I will try to make it unmanaged 1st 2019-03-03T05:07:05 < dongs> by accepting their policy of being cuts with docs 2019-03-03T05:07:07 < dongs> er cunts 2019-03-03T05:07:07 < scrts> well, they're cunts fo sho 2019-03-03T05:07:17 < scrts> because I can't get docu easily myself 2019-03-03T05:07:49 < scrts> on the other hand - I don't see simple alternatives so far 2019-03-03T05:08:44 < R2COM> how much does it cost 2019-03-03T05:09:11 < MrMobius> R2COM, what currency do they use in dongistan? 2019-03-03T05:09:29 < R2COM> shekels 2019-03-03T05:11:54 < scrts> R2COM: almost 30 bux 2019-03-03T05:12:01 < scrts> 1 piece 2019-03-03T05:12:57 < MrMobius> R2COM, that is about 350 potatoes 2019-03-03T05:21:11 < scrts> P.S. did anyone try to do something with LoRa? 2019-03-03T05:22:54 < R2COM> isnt that shit only a low data rate stuff at longer ranges? 2019-03-03T05:23:44 < scrts> yeah 2019-03-03T05:24:26 < scrts> but if you need to send like 5 bytes for temperature reading - should be OK 2019-03-03T05:24:38 < R2COM> you need to send 5 bytes on 10km? 2019-03-03T05:25:26 < R2COM> cuz if its much less distance then why need lora in a first place 2019-03-03T05:26:00 < scrts> I've been contacted by one lad 2019-03-03T05:26:17 < scrts> he was like: hey I Have a bunch of refrigerators about 5 miles away 2019-03-03T05:26:26 < scrts> and if one dies - I need to throw out all the shit 2019-03-03T05:26:49 < scrts> I'd rather know before it thawns 2019-03-03T05:27:11 < scrts> 1st thing came to my mind was lora sensor as he said there's no internet 2019-03-03T05:27:26 < scrts> and if the power goes out - it should run on a battery 2019-03-03T05:27:59 < R2COM> that stuff in order to avoid FCC must be used in premade modules, rite? 2019-03-03T05:28:24 < scrts> good question 2019-03-03T05:28:29 < scrts> I'd guess so 2019-03-03T05:28:45 < scrts> and I wonder if no license is needed, meaning it operates in license free frequency 2019-03-03T05:30:14 < R2COM> i think for usa its 915mhz 2019-03-03T05:36:34 < englishman> Lora is great 2019-03-03T05:36:49 < englishman> lorawan is even better 2019-03-03T05:56:11 -!- Cracki_ [~cracki@unaffiliated/crackwitz] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T05:56:11 -!- Cracki [~cracki@unaffiliated/crackwitz] has quit [Disconnected by services] 2019-03-03T05:56:15 -!- Cracki_ is now known as Cracki 2019-03-03T06:02:49 < scrts> https://thumbs.gfycat.com/EdibleCreativeAsp.webp 2019-03-03T06:13:32 -!- [7] [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Disconnected by services] 2019-03-03T06:13:38 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T06:56:12 -!- fc5dc9d4 [~quassel@p5B3A8A9A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T07:00:02 -!- fc5dc9d4_ [~quassel@p57A323A0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-03T07:07:57 -!- Jak_o_Shadows [~Jak@unaffiliated/jak-o-shadows/x-0479135] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T07:18:51 -!- grindhold [~quassel@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T07:24:13 -!- grindhold [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-03T08:07:07 -!- benishor [~benny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-03T08:34:46 -!- comptroller [~comptroll@47-213-222-253.paolcmtc01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-03T08:36:13 -!- grindhold [~quassel@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T08:40:51 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-dghsptoemnbxaclp] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-03T08:41:07 -!- grindhold [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-03T09:06:11 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-03T10:06:24 -!- grindhold [~quassel@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T10:48:28 -!- benishor [~benny@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T11:12:52 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T11:18:35 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Gone to sleep...] 2019-03-03T11:53:38 < Thorn> crew dragon docking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21X5lGlDOfg 2019-03-03T12:03:05 < zyp> dongs, sup? 2019-03-03T12:05:50 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:b81b:fe8d:4346:76d4] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T12:09:54 < qyx> those comments 2019-03-03T12:14:16 -!- Chris_M [~Chris_M@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 2019-03-03T12:18:33 < dongs> wat comments 2019-03-03T12:21:44 < karlp> presumably under the youtube vid 2019-03-03T13:07:33 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-03T13:31:15 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T13:45:38 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-03T14:05:24 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-03T14:10:34 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T14:11:12 < rajkosto> dong utec ?? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1-5-inch-30PIN-Full-Color-SPI-OLED-LCD-Screen-SSD1351-Drive-IC-128-128/32793855763.html 2019-03-03T14:18:04 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@host31-49-125-77.range31-49.btcentralplus.com] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T14:21:25 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-110.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T14:26:35 -!- comptroller [~comptroll@47-213-222-253.paolcmtc01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T14:59:45 < Thorn> hatch about to open https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21X5lGlDOfg 2019-03-03T15:23:01 < rajkosto> is the person in the dragon dead 2019-03-03T15:25:20 < englishman> GoPro goes first 2019-03-03T15:25:54 < Thorn> infested by a xenomorph 2019-03-03T15:26:37 < englishman> what happened there I missed jt 2019-03-03T15:26:46 < rajkosto> https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-03_14-26-30_y0naRBAax.png 2019-03-03T15:27:23 < englishman> yeah but it wasnt floating around earlier 2019-03-03T15:31:16 < englishman> did it pop out of a hatch 2019-03-03T15:32:13 < rajkosto> it was disturbed when they reached under the seats for the cargo 2019-03-03T15:36:16 < englishman> such drama 2019-03-03T15:40:20 < englishman> https://i.imgur.com/iDml7fU.gifv 2019-03-03T15:47:00 < jpa-> why so little cargo there? 2019-03-03T15:47:36 < englishman> what you mean to say is: wow such a luxurious and spacious spacecraft 2019-03-03T15:47:59 < jpa-> yeah 2019-03-03T15:54:42 -!- ekaOlogik [~quassel@p5DC6BC85.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T15:59:37 < kakimir> zyp: found the problem 2019-03-03T15:59:56 < kakimir> ubiquiti had 100 Full selected instead of 10/100 auto 2019-03-03T16:00:55 < kakimir> so apparently there was some issue because of that but when I changed ubiquiti to 10/100 auto FDX led lit up in the converter 2019-03-03T16:01:17 < kakimir> and data rates were improved dramatically 2019-03-03T16:02:43 < kakimir> there is still an issue but now data rates are at usable level 2019-03-03T16:02:58 < kakimir> another end converter is at 1000 2019-03-03T16:03:09 < kakimir> another end is at 100 because of ubiquiti 2019-03-03T16:03:18 < kakimir> that seems to cause some issue to data rates 2019-03-03T16:03:59 < kakimir> but when I place my laptop to place of that ubiquiti WDS man it goes fast 2019-03-03T16:04:20 < kakimir> both ends are then 1000 - 1000 2019-03-03T16:05:34 < kakimir> I don't know how fast because another machine running iperf is in wireless network but got at least close to 200Mbps 2019-03-03T16:38:18 -!- piezoid [~piezoid@85-168-243-218.rev.numericable.fr] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T16:38:40 < kakimir> https://pr0gramm.com/new/3028160 2019-03-03T16:40:38 < Steffanx> At least use a proper source kakimir 2019-03-03T16:50:28 < rajkosto> i need a long thin font for clock display 2019-03-03T16:53:11 < Steffanx> invent it 2019-03-03T16:53:16 < Steffanx> or start browsing https://www.dafont.com/ 2019-03-03T16:58:50 < rajkosto> https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-03_15-58-44_QsQCl7yRZ.png something like this but 1.5x taller 2019-03-03T17:06:33 < kakimir> nice selection box 2019-03-03T17:06:52 < catphish> spent some time today tuning my wifi, now my internets are fast! https://www.netmeter.co.uk/rs/201908299975.png 2019-03-03T17:07:48 < Steffanx> wireless -_ 2019-03-03T17:07:49 < Steffanx> _ 2019-03-03T17:07:52 < Steffanx> - 2019-03-03T17:07:53 < Steffanx> lol 2019-03-03T17:09:56 -!- ekaOlogik [~quassel@p5DC6BC85.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-03T17:13:45 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T17:14:00 -!- ekaOlogik [~quassel@p5DC6BC85.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T17:18:11 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T17:19:50 < rajkosto> https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-03_16-19-39_MJvyqcwYy.png or if this one was bold 2019-03-03T17:41:00 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T18:14:56 -!- Hamilton [~Hamilton@unaffiliated/hamilton] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T18:18:15 -!- Hamilton [~Hamilton@unaffiliated/hamilton] has quit [Client Quit] 2019-03-03T18:38:00 < dongs> catphish: what plan are you on 2019-03-03T18:38:10 < dongs> provider 2019-03-03T18:59:44 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@host31-49-125-77.range31-49.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-03T19:18:33 < PaulFertser> catphish: how's your bufferbloat? 2019-03-03T19:23:54 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-03T19:27:00 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T19:41:20 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T19:44:57 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-03T19:46:51 < PaulFertser> Ok, DDG superiority example now. Purpose: find devboard schematics; Request: avr-iot wg; DDG result: 3rd link; Google result: not present on first page. 2019-03-03T19:51:19 < antto> google was too busy corelating yer tracking data 2019-03-03T19:51:26 < antto> >:) 2019-03-03T19:51:46 < PaulFertser> Both from a "private browsing" firefox tab. 2019-03-03T19:51:58 < antto> as if it cares ;P~ 2019-03-03T19:53:08 < PaulFertser> "net.ipv6.conf.wlp6s2.use_tempaddr = 2" , that means my laptop is switching addresses all the time ("Privacy Extensions") 2019-03-03T19:54:37 < jpa-> i would have searched for avr-iot wg schematic which gives first result in google but doesn't find it in ddg 2019-03-03T19:55:13 < antto> i don't even wanna know wtf that is just cuz i see "iot" in it 2019-03-03T19:55:23 < BrainDamage> PaulFertser: that's not what they rely on 2019-03-03T19:55:38 < antto> PaulFertser they know it's still you 2019-03-03T19:55:43 < antto> ..by other data 2019-03-03T19:56:09 < PaulFertser> jpa-: no, it's the same first result in DDG too here. 2019-03-03T19:56:10 < BrainDamage> canvas fingerprinting, ssl fingerprinting, etc etc 2019-03-03T19:56:15 < PaulFertser> (for schematics) 2019-03-03T19:57:02 < BrainDamage> first hit in DDG here too 2019-03-03T19:57:17 < jpa-> PaulFertser: hmm actually yeah, it's just a different pdf that what google finds 2019-03-03T19:57:23 < jpa-> but same info 2019-03-03T19:57:27 < PaulFertser> BrainDamage: I know they _can_ do that but is there any data to actually support the claim? I think it's usually pretty easy to showcase "targetting" when not using a private tab, but has anyone reproduced similar results with it? 2019-03-03T19:57:52 < BrainDamage> not in the searches, but I know for a fact they use those 2019-03-03T19:58:15 < BrainDamage> try to login in gmail scrambling some of those, and it'll complain that you've login from a different browser 2019-03-03T19:58:33 < BrainDamage> canvas fingerprinting for sure it's used for example 2019-03-03T19:59:06 < PaulFertser> BrainDamage: yes, but I am not sure they actually use it for requests that are not related to logging in and not providing authentication cookies. 2019-03-03T19:59:30 < BrainDamage> I'll just assume the worst because it's the safest option 2019-03-03T20:00:00 < Steffanx> what result are we talking about PaulFertser? avr-iot.com? 2019-03-03T20:00:18 < antto> not gon click 2019-03-03T20:00:24 < PaulFertser> Steffanx: no, http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/AVR-IoT_WG_Schematics.pdf 2019-03-03T20:00:39 * antto sprinkles holy water in Steffanx's face 2019-03-03T20:01:35 < Steffanx> but to be honest. You're looking for schematics. "avr-iot wg schematics" is what i would've used. 2019-03-03T20:01:41 < Steffanx> => first hit 2019-03-03T20:01:53 < PaulFertser> BrainDamage: also, canvas fingerprinting, I do not think web-browser gives any dimensions in the GET requests parameters, so how is that supposed to work? 2019-03-03T20:02:02 -!- benishor [~benny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-03T20:02:45 < Steffanx> oh thats what mr jpa- said as well. 2019-03-03T20:02:52 < PaulFertser> Steffanx: well, yes, but in this case I was thinking about getting to the official device description page first as I wasn't sure about the exact board name etc. But what I really needed were the schematics. 2019-03-03T20:03:17 < bitmask> organizing shit is hard 2019-03-03T20:03:34 < Steffanx> pros buy new parts for that reason :P 2019-03-03T20:03:46 < bitmask> yea yea yea 2019-03-03T20:04:00 < antto> bitmask extract the methane, burry the rest of the sh*t in the soil 2019-03-03T20:04:22 < bitmask> wow, no thanks 2019-03-03T20:04:24 < Steffanx> lol antto. :) 2019-03-03T20:04:26 < bitmask> you can have it 2019-03-03T20:05:41 < BrainDamage> PaulFertser: the fingerprinting is not the browser size, they ask the browser to render a piece of text, then hash it, and send back the hash 2019-03-03T20:05:55 < PaulFertser> BrainDamage: that doesn't seem to be possible with plain HTTP, no. 2019-03-03T20:06:02 < BrainDamage> it's not 2019-03-03T20:06:35 < PaulFertser> And I'm not running google's scripts in my web-browser usually. 2019-03-03T20:06:37 < BrainDamage> with http(s), you can still do things like request browser features/extensions and encryption schemes 2019-03-03T20:06:48 < PaulFertser> TLS negotiation, yes. 2019-03-03T20:07:20 -!- benishor [~benny@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T20:07:48 < mawk> it's done with javascript, PaulFertser 2019-03-03T20:07:50 < mawk> dynamically 2019-03-03T20:07:54 < mawk> not with http 2019-03-03T20:08:10 < PaulFertser> mawk: noscript helps 2019-03-03T20:08:20 < mawk> yeah 2019-03-03T20:08:31 < mawk> you can also juste disable 2019-03-03T20:08:34 < mawk> the tor browser doesit 2019-03-03T20:08:53 -!- benishor [~benny@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-03T20:08:55 -!- benishor_ [~benny@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T20:32:20 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-110.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-03T20:35:13 < aandrew> wow. 2019 and ubuntu still has goofy fucking install issues related to the date 2019-03-03T20:35:17 < aandrew> "libc6-udeb" could not be installed, installer just explodes 2019-03-03T20:35:22 < aandrew> there's a new mini.iso published on the 21st of Feb 2019 that hopefully fixes it 2019-03-03T20:35:24 < aandrew> what a shitshow 2019-03-03T20:35:27 < aandrew> truly the year of linux on the desktop 2019-03-03T20:35:46 < Getty> again? ;) 2019-03-03T20:36:10 < BrainDamage> every year is the year of the linux desktop 2019-03-03T20:36:43 < Getty> \o/ 2019-03-03T20:37:17 < aandrew> and it still asks for swap. in 2019. 2019-03-03T20:37:23 < aandrew> fuck off with swap partitions 2019-03-03T20:37:39 < aandrew> create a swapfile like any sane system in the last 15 years 2019-03-03T20:41:13 < jpa-> > uses linux > annoyed to be offered choices 2019-03-03T20:41:51 < aandrew> jpa-: not quite 2019-03-03T20:42:05 < aandrew> it's actually lack of being offered the choice 2019-03-03T20:42:21 < PaulFertser> aandrew: suspend-to-disk is kinda problematic with swap file. 2019-03-03T20:42:29 < aandrew> I can't create a swapfile with the installer, it whines about there not being a swap partition instad of saying "wow it's 2019, want a swapfile since you didn't define a swap partition?" 2019-03-03T20:42:41 < PaulFertser> aandrew: and also it's unclear why you want swap access to go through the filesystem layer. 2019-03-03T20:42:54 < aandrew> PaulFertser: it's virtual so no suspend :-) 2019-03-03T20:43:19 < aandrew> PaulFertser: becuase it is such a minimal layer it's not worth the bother of having a dedicated swap partition that is a pain in the dick to resize should you ever want to 2019-03-03T20:43:38 < PaulFertser> aandrew: then do not define swap at all, duh. If you need some, you'll add it later trivially. 2019-03-03T20:43:47 < aandrew> yes 2019-03-03T20:44:11 < aandrew> but then the installer shouldn't be clutching its pearls about the lack of partition. 2019-03-03T20:44:20 < aandrew> really I'm just bitching about trivial things, I know 2019-03-03T20:46:32 < aandrew> there we go, 16.04 installed. I am not sure what the issue is but if there is no 3d acceleration turned on the gui installer also explodes but CLI works fine 2019-03-03T20:46:42 < aandrew> they must have gotten fancy(ier) with teh installer since I used it last 2019-03-03T20:46:48 < PaulFertser> aandrew: man, you're installing Ubuntu, it's a broken version of Debian, you're not in position to complain about UI ;) 2019-03-03T20:47:30 < aandrew> yeah I am replacing a debian vm. I prefer debian tbh but I've found that debian's gotten worse over the years and ubuntu's kind of taken over as a better debian than debian 2019-03-03T20:48:05 < aandrew> so now instead of vdeb.local it's vubuntu.local :-) 2019-03-03T20:48:16 < PaulFertser> aandrew: in what regard is ubuntu better than debian for you? 2019-03-03T20:56:22 < Steffanx> **crickets** 2019-03-03T20:58:34 < englishman> the different desktop wallpaper obviously 2019-03-03T21:00:29 < Steffanx> At least its not the light through some logo blueish wall paper 2019-03-03T21:01:42 < KolK> hello, dwo days ago I asked for help with connecting to stm32 (f446re) bootloader 2019-03-03T21:02:00 < KolK> my stm32 replies with 0xff to 0x7f 2019-03-03T21:02:15 < KolK> and initially I thought that it may be a problem of pl2303 2019-03-03T21:02:50 < KolK> now I'm using cp2102 2019-03-03T21:02:56 < KolK> and I receive the same answers 2019-03-03T21:03:30 < KolK> the only difference is that cp2102 not connected to anything doesn't respond with rubbish 2019-03-03T21:03:39 < KolK> pl2303 does 2019-03-03T21:04:01 < KolK> Do you know what may is a problem? 2019-03-03T21:06:30 < KolK> I'm using USART3 with baudrate 9600, one stopbit and even parity 2019-03-03T21:27:27 < KolK> depending on baudrate, I receive different results 2019-03-03T21:33:22 < aandrew> PaulFertser: it's little things actually .. a lot of packages are in the main ubuntu repos but you play goofy games with sid on debian. ubuntu polished some of the user shit better than debian did and nobody seems interested to do so on debian 2019-03-03T21:33:43 < aandrew> it's hard to put my finger on it unless I'm in the middle of trying to figure something out that is directly causing pain at the time 2019-03-03T21:37:15 < aandrew> and no it's not hte wallpaper. lol 2019-03-03T22:02:04 < rajkosto> https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-03_20-58-43_JQV3iARCX.jpg ??? 2019-03-03T22:07:40 < Steffanx> > personal 2019-03-03T22:20:43 < qyx> aandrew: what, full rage mode 2019-03-03T22:20:54 < qyx> debian installer allows no swap, it just asks if you are sure 2019-03-03T22:20:57 < qyx> ah ubuntu 2019-03-03T22:20:59 < qyx> fuk ubuntu 2019-03-03T22:21:15 < qyx> also, swap on lvm is like 2 clicks 2019-03-03T22:22:00 < qyx> and resize is faster than dongs is able to find the altium icon on its desktop 2019-03-03T22:22:54 < zyp> the fuck you need swap for 2019-03-03T22:23:25 < qyx> idk I don't use swap 2019-03-03T22:23:33 < zyp> oh, suspend to disk 2019-03-03T22:24:14 < zyp> do people use that? 2019-03-03T22:25:52 < qyx> only suspend to ram here 2019-03-03T22:48:34 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T22:52:20 < Cracki> I think my laptop does to-disk when suspended but battery is about to go empty 2019-03-03T22:52:38 < Cracki> 12 GB / (however fast the SSD can write _sustained_) = ages 2019-03-03T22:56:34 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:b81b:fe8d:4346:76d4] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-03T23:03:53 < englishman> noone has used hibernate since it was available in win98 2019-03-03T23:05:06 < rajkosto> i used it 2 weeks ago 2019-03-03T23:14:10 < fenugrec> I used hibernate all the time on XP 2019-03-03T23:14:21 < fenugrec> had uptimes in the 2000+ hours 2019-03-03T23:19:59 < qyx> KolK: can you post the schematic? 2019-03-03T23:23:10 < KolK> qyx: schematic of my connection? 2019-03-03T23:23:26 < KolK> I can add that I've tried the same setup on other board, nucleo f429zi 2019-03-03T23:23:29 < KolK> and result is the same 2019-03-03T23:30:09 < qyx> yes 2019-03-03T23:30:41 < qyx> are you using some pl2303/cp2102 breakout boards? 2019-03-03T23:31:09 < qyx> and just 3 wires (rx, tx, gnd) to nucleo headers (tx, rx, gnd)? 2019-03-03T23:46:29 < KolK> yes, I'm using cp2102 board (cheapest red one from aliexpress) 2019-03-03T23:48:34 < KolK> i'm drawing scheme 2019-03-03T23:48:41 < KolK> but I can describe you my connection 2019-03-03T23:49:15 < qyx> is it ttl level? 2019-03-03T23:49:54 < KolK> CP2102 TX -> Nucleo PC11 RX, CP2102 RX -> Nucleo PC10 TX, and GND of CP2102 and Nucleo connected 2019-03-03T23:50:15 < KolK> no 2019-03-03T23:50:18 < KolK> no ttl ;-P 2019-03-03T23:50:54 < KolK> Hmm, I cannot tell more about connection 2019-03-03T23:51:00 < qyx> I mean 3V3 lsttl or whatever is it 2019-03-03T23:51:09 < KolK> and BOOT0 pin connected to Vdd 2019-03-03T23:53:36 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@host31-49-125-77.range31-49.btcentralplus.com] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-03T23:55:12 < KolK> hmm 2019-03-03T23:55:17 < KolK> I'm not sure 2019-03-03T23:56:37 -!- piezoid [~piezoid@85-168-243-218.rev.numericable.fr] has quit [Quit: leaving...] 2019-03-03T23:57:25 < qyx> you can check if it has a rs232 level converter or not 2019-03-03T23:57:49 < qyx> but probably not 2019-03-03T23:58:57 < KolK> ok, so I'm sure it hasn't 2019-03-03T23:59:10 < qyx> if you short rx/tx of the converter (excluding the nucleo from the circuit), can you see the echo on your console? 2019-03-03T23:59:54 < qyx> also, with your current setup, can you measure the idle voltage on rx/tx pins? 2019-03-03T23:59:58 < qyx> you said you don't have a scope --- Day changed Mon Mar 04 2019 2019-03-04T00:00:23 < KolK> yes, this chip works, I managed to connect it to uart in bus pirate 2019-03-04T00:00:32 < KolK> and I'm sure it works 2019-03-04T00:00:36 < KolK> with different settings 2019-03-04T00:01:15 -!- ekaOlogik [~quassel@p5DC6BC85.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-04T00:01:16 < KolK> no, I'm not able to measure idle voltage 2019-03-04T00:01:22 < qyx> idk why 2019-03-04T00:01:26 < qyx> *why 2019-03-04T00:01:44 < qyx> no dmm? 2019-03-04T00:01:48 < qyx> or there is no voltage 2019-03-04T00:02:47 < KolK> ok 2019-03-04T00:02:54 < KolK> I misunderstood you 2019-03-04T00:03:03 < KolK> I have 3,3v on tx and on rx 2019-03-04T00:03:07 < KolK> when chip is idle 2019-03-04T00:03:40 < qyx> is a HSE crystal fitted on your nucleo? 2019-03-04T00:05:23 < KolK> no, HSE is probably X3, and I don't have it 2019-03-04T00:05:28 < R2COM> rajkosto remind me please if i enable fast semihosting in visualGDB where i need to turn off similar feature to avoid linker redefenition errors? 2019-03-04T00:06:14 < rajkosto> in the first one where you have to click Change button at top left to change anything 2019-03-04T00:06:27 < rajkosto> you change libc support to Minimal (no semihosting) 2019-03-04T00:07:27 < qyx> hm but USART bootloader requires only the internal RC osc 2019-03-04T00:09:02 < R2COM> ahhh 2019-03-04T00:09:04 < R2COM> right 2019-03-04T00:09:04 < R2COM> thanks 2019-03-04T00:11:15 -!- comptroller [~comptroll@47-213-222-253.paolcmtc01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-04T00:15:54 < KolK> hmm, I'm sure that it should work on nucleo without any additional hardware modifications 2019-03-04T00:16:13 < KolK> but I cannot find anything that I'm not doing right 2019-03-04T00:18:19 < catphish> dongs: just a small rural fiber provider, i have a 1Gbit link, they software limit my upload to 100Mbit 2019-03-04T00:18:39 < dongs> catphish: not mvno of virgin/hyperoptical or wahtever? 2019-03-04T00:18:48 < catphish> nah, just a local ethernet provider 2019-03-04T00:19:29 < catphish> specificaly https://www.wessexinternet.com/ - they're awesome, very small geographic area of operation, but they do things well 2019-03-04T00:19:46 < R2COM> Warning: could not set a breakpoint on main. 'Step into new instance' will not work. 2019-03-04T00:19:48 < R2COM> ^ 2019-03-04T00:19:57 < R2COM> rajkosto sometimes i get this strange thing not sure why 2019-03-04T00:20:17 -!- comptroller [~comptroll@47-213-222-253.paolcmtc01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T00:20:36 < catphish> PaulFertser: i've not seen bufferbloat for a long time, can't imagine anyone would use large buffers on ethernet links 2019-03-04T00:23:33 < R2COM> hmm 2019-03-04T00:23:58 < R2COM> i figured that during a project start one should enable the semihosting 2019-03-04T00:24:05 < catphish> i don't even notice it much on VDSL, but then i don't use consumer CPE routers, so that could help 2019-03-04T00:24:14 < R2COM> and after project created, only then it can be manually disabled and fast semihosting enabled 2019-03-04T00:24:17 < R2COM> then i wont have this error 2019-03-04T00:38:22 < rajkosto> its not magic you just missed a checkbox somewhere in VisualGDB project settings 2019-03-04T00:38:39 < mawk> a jeovah witness gave me a bible 2019-03-04T00:38:51 < mawk> it's nice and shiny, it will be good to press papers 2019-03-04T00:46:12 < rajkosto> how do i display values nice and clearly but still fit them all on the screen 2019-03-04T00:48:18 < kakimir> edgerouter seems to be protek 2019-03-04T00:48:29 < kakimir> so much settings 2019-03-04T00:51:25 < mawk> yeah it's quite nice kakimir 2019-03-04T00:51:38 < mawk> with it I got rid of both ISP routers, for my dual fiber setup 2019-03-04T00:52:20 < mawk> with the SFP port I plugged in the first fiber which is true not-shared fiber so a plain VLAN did the trick, and the second I plugged the GPON output and authenticated with PPPoE on the correct VLAN 2019-03-04T00:52:37 < mawk> so only one router for the two ISPs, ISPs that have a tendancy of pressing their ugly boxes on you 2019-03-04T00:54:58 -!- Jak_o_Shadows [~Jak@unaffiliated/jak-o-shadows/x-0479135] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-04T00:56:50 < catphish> kakimir: yeah i use edgerouter everywhere 2019-03-04T00:57:29 < catphish> handles by fiber and VDSL (via dumb modem) really nicely 2019-03-04T00:57:35 < catphish> much recommended 2019-03-04T00:58:15 -!- Jak_o_Shadows [~Jak@unaffiliated/jak-o-shadows/x-0479135] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T01:02:46 -!- R0b0t1 [~~@unaffiliated/r0b0t1] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T01:03:28 -!- R0b0t1 [~~@unaffiliated/r0b0t1] has left ##stm32 [] 2019-03-04T01:04:54 < zyp> catphish, yeah, they're nice 2019-03-04T01:46:18 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@host31-49-125-77.range31-49.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-04T01:56:14 < kakimir> performance problem with my optical converters is gone 2019-03-04T01:56:32 < kakimir> it's 92-93M both ways 2019-03-04T01:57:29 < kakimir> that is limited by ubiquiti wds eth0 connection speed 2019-03-04T02:13:27 -!- Streake_ [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T02:16:14 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-04T02:18:57 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T02:19:02 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-04T02:20:49 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T02:21:43 -!- Streake_ [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-04T02:39:43 -!- Streake_ [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T02:41:45 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 2019-03-04T03:30:52 -!- gsi__ [~gsisig@x4dbe8b92.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T03:34:05 -!- gsi_ [~gsisig@x4db59e82.dyn.telefonica.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-04T04:27:24 -!- R2COM [~R2COM@ip68-3-184-221.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [] 2019-03-04T04:33:44 < fenugrec> Cool company name. http://www.gloriole.com/ 2019-03-04T04:38:56 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jeafyeafnmwgvuqc] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T04:45:22 -!- grindhold [~quassel@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-04T04:46:43 -!- grindhold [~quassel@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T04:49:02 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-04T04:51:22 < englishman> lol 2019-03-04T05:00:17 -!- R2COM [~R2COM@ip68-3-184-221.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T05:01:44 < Cracki> much trolling potential for people scared of floating point math https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_coincidence 2019-03-04T05:04:20 < R2COM> so i bought this i7-5930k processor like in 2014, and since then been using it with all games as well etc 2019-03-04T05:04:47 < R2COM> and now just decided to overclock it, tried 4.2GHz, and i see that my normal temperatures risen from 35C as before OC, to 50C 2019-03-04T05:05:12 < R2COM> ArmA 3 is a game whjich uses CPU a lot, so before with some map and all ultra settings and 4k i had 29fps 2019-03-04T05:05:17 < R2COM> now i have like 35fps 2019-03-04T05:05:27 < R2COM> (both are low of course, since i got old GTX980) 2019-03-04T05:05:53 < R2COM> but im curious... it seems that my processor didnt give a shit about setting to 4.2GHz and temp risen only 15C up... so... maybe i can push even more? 2019-03-04T05:06:03 < R2COM> hmm 2019-03-04T05:13:45 < Cracki> if you do that, you might have to raise voltage too 2019-03-04T05:14:20 < Cracki> 35C idle I take it 2019-03-04T05:14:55 < Cracki> when it hits its temp limit, it'll throttle on its own... 2019-03-04T05:26:03 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 2019-03-04T05:28:38 < R2COM> jebus 2019-03-04T05:28:43 < R2COM> this processor is a beast 2019-03-04T05:43:14 < tjq> crank it mate 2019-03-04T05:46:11 < scrts> staaaaaph! https://9gag.com/gag/agnO9Ow 2019-03-04T05:47:46 < tjq> unsupported link 2019-03-04T05:47:59 < tjq> autism scale 15/10 2019-03-04T05:49:07 < tjq> irc shut down 2019-03-04T05:51:37 < Cracki> bwahaha dong 2019-03-04T05:51:45 < Cracki> the sound, not the user 2019-03-04T05:55:01 -!- Cracki [~cracki@unaffiliated/crackwitz] has quit [Disconnected by services] 2019-03-04T05:55:01 -!- Cracki_ [~cracki@unaffiliated/crackwitz] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T05:55:05 -!- Cracki_ is now known as Cracki 2019-03-04T06:11:24 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T06:12:13 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-04T06:12:30 -!- [7] [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T06:35:27 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-04T06:36:41 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T06:40:43 -!- Streake_ [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-04T06:50:23 -!- R2COM [~R2COM@ip68-3-184-221.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [] 2019-03-04T06:55:22 -!- fc5dc9d4_ [~quassel@p5B081620.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T06:57:40 -!- comptroller [~comptroll@47-213-222-253.paolcmtc01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-04T06:59:12 -!- fc5dc9d4 [~quassel@p5B3A8A9A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-04T06:59:55 -!- R2COM [~R2COM@ip68-3-184-221.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T07:55:01 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jeafyeafnmwgvuqc] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-04T08:02:37 < Cracki> wholesome https://twitter.com/F73/status/1101366508087734272 2019-03-04T08:05:03 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-04T08:06:52 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T08:23:49 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bocldztorefytuyb] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T08:45:29 -!- psprint [~psprint@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-04T08:48:11 < PaulFertser> catphish: on ethernet, yes, but you said you tweaked your wireless. dslreports.net speedtest is a better one, and it can show bufferbloat. 2019-03-04T08:50:56 < R2COM> PaulFertser when will Cheburnet fully turn on in your area? 2019-03-04T08:55:13 < PaulFertser> R2COM: never, putin and his friends are not really interested to do anything real in that regard, it's all just handwaving. 2019-03-04T09:23:48 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-04T09:26:44 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T09:31:19 < jadew> morning 2019-03-04T09:38:04 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-04T09:39:07 < Cracki> mourning. gonna be cold again for at least a week now :S 2019-03-04T09:40:00 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ip-37-201-5-11.hsi13.unitymediagroup.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T09:47:49 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T09:50:12 < jadew> Cracki, I think spring is finally coming here 2019-03-04T09:50:16 < jadew> we had snow yesterday 2019-03-04T09:50:32 < Cracki> what do you usually have? solid nitrogen boulders? 2019-03-04T09:51:25 < jadew> also snow 2019-03-04T09:51:32 < jadew> it's not that uncommon in march 2019-03-04T09:52:07 < Cracki> same, but I was hoping that global warming wasn't a lie 2019-03-04T09:52:19 < jadew> I remember swimming through snow to go to school and learning that "This is the first day of spring" 2019-03-04T09:52:33 < Cracki> not liking april either, that's usually ice showers 2019-03-04T09:54:08 < jadew> I wanted to get a drill press but wasn't sure which one to get, now they're all out of stock :/ 2019-03-04T09:55:23 < Cracki> this too shall pass 2019-03-04T09:59:48 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T10:22:24 -!- R2COM [~R2COM@ip68-3-184-221.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [] 2019-03-04T10:31:32 < catphish> PaulFertser: interesting, never occurred to me that bufferbloat was a problem on wifi, will have to test it :) 2019-03-04T10:33:37 < catphish> PaulFertser: that test doesn't give me a value for bufferbloat, just says - 2019-03-04T10:33:58 < catphish> i guess i'm good 2019-03-04T10:34:07 < catphish> got to go now, have fun all :) 2019-03-04T10:34:10 -!- catphish [~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-04T10:39:40 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Gone to sleep...] 2019-03-04T10:40:02 -!- Jak_o_Shadows [~Jak@unaffiliated/jak-o-shadows/x-0479135] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-04T10:40:25 -!- Jak_o_Shadows [~Jak@unaffiliated/jak-o-shadows/x-0479135] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T11:04:34 < zyp> still waiting to get fiber installed here 2019-03-04T11:04:56 < zyp> although my temporary solution is now faster than the fiber connection I'm waiting for 2019-03-04T11:04:59 < zyp> http://www.dslreports.com/speedtest/46845836 2019-03-04T11:05:22 < zyp> my friend's ISP recently bumped their 120/120 plan to 150/150 2019-03-04T11:05:32 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-04T11:05:50 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T11:06:23 < c10ud> that's 7x the speed I get at my workplace 2019-03-04T11:07:04 < zyp> oh, disregard, the plan I signed up for is also 150/150 2019-03-04T11:10:05 < c10ud> just checked, it's actually 10x faster lol and we're 40x the people 2019-03-04T11:11:06 < zyp> sounds fun 2019-03-04T11:13:50 < zyp> I had 500/500 before I moved 2019-03-04T11:14:42 < zyp> not because I needed it, but because I got an offer that made it cheaper than the 120/120 I had from a different ISP before 2019-03-04T11:15:37 < c10ud> not needed, doesn't hurt to have it 2019-03-04T11:16:19 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ip-37-201-5-11.hsi13.unitymediagroup.de] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-04T11:19:52 < zyp> yeah 2019-03-04T11:20:35 < zyp> nice to have but not worth paying extra for 2019-03-04T11:22:50 < zyp> currently I figure that up to 100 Mb/s, you notice the difference, but above 100 there's diminishing returns 2019-03-04T11:31:59 < jpa-> i've been doing quite fine on 10/10; had 50/10 for some time from some promotion but in practical use there wasn't that much difference 2019-03-04T11:45:42 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T11:56:16 < qyx> I had 25/25 LTE, then 20/20 LTE, then 15/15 LTE and now about 5/15 LTE 2019-03-04T11:56:24 < qyx> wireless evolution 2019-03-04T12:02:45 < c10ud> that might have something to do with lte market pool 2019-03-04T12:03:12 -!- sk_tandt_ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T12:04:09 < qyx> yeah, probably the number of clients increases faster than they are able to upgrade their network 2019-03-04T12:05:02 < qyx> http://www.teko.it/en/products/family/PO/series/io-tek 2019-03-04T12:05:12 < qyx> enclosure for your next super-pro IoT thingie 2019-03-04T12:05:25 -!- comptroller [~comptroll@47-213-222-253.paolcmtc01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T12:07:05 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-04T12:07:44 < tjq> internet of trouble 2019-03-04T12:18:31 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: sykemyke 2019-03-04T12:19:14 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-110.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T12:33:29 < dongs> https://www.timesofisrael.com/icelandic-band-planning-anti-israel-protest-gets-eurovision-nod/ 2019-03-04T12:38:13 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@host31-49-125-77.range31-49.btcentralplus.com] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T12:50:52 -!- brabo [~brabo@globalshellz/owner/brabo] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-04T12:58:38 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@host31-49-125-77.range31-49.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-04T13:00:23 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T13:01:50 -!- psprint [~psprint@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T13:09:51 < Cracki> FREE PALESTINE 2019-03-04T13:09:57 < Cracki> also yay kink 2019-03-04T13:11:31 < Cracki> just recently the first rabbi set foot on iceland. soon after, mysteriously someone lobbied against a circumcision ban 2019-03-04T13:13:41 < Cracki> excuse me, the proper term is male genital mutilation 2019-03-04T13:14:15 < Cracki> genital mutilation is popular in two of the three big monotheistic religions 2019-03-04T13:17:15 * karlp is so happy for hatari 2019-03-04T13:17:27 < karlp> Cracki: your timeline is wrong. 2019-03-04T13:17:27 -!- kow__ [~afed@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T13:17:41 < karlp> we put forward a bill to ban all cicumcision of minors. 2019-03-04T13:18:11 < invzim> had a look at the altium files for one of the stm32mp157 boards this week-end 2019-03-04T13:18:21 < karlp> and _then_ the orthodox jews organised a funcding drive to install an orthodx rabbi here, to make more local objections to it. 2019-03-04T13:18:30 < invzim> 6 layer and 0.1mm drills.. 2019-03-04T13:18:36 < invzim> 0.5mm pitch bga 2019-03-04T13:18:40 < karlp> (there had been no permanent rabbi here previously, we now have a serious orthodox one, yay) 2019-03-04T13:19:24 < invzim> i.e. not small-scale/hobby friendly reference design at least 2019-03-04T13:20:19 < Cracki> rushing it out the door maybe 2019-03-04T13:20:26 -!- kow_ [~afed@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-04T13:20:28 < englishman> invzim: isnt all that shit BGA 2019-03-04T13:20:32 < Cracki> or they wanted to show off the chip with the widest ass 2019-03-04T13:20:36 < englishman> not really make:r friendly in any case 2019-03-04T13:21:02 < invzim> bga is one thing, but .5mm pitch is another beast 2019-03-04T13:21:33 < englishman> also, what was min via pad size? 2019-03-04T13:21:50 < invzim> .1mm/.2mm it looked like 2019-03-04T13:21:54 < englishman> i ask because i've seen a bunch of pro projects now that just put a stupidly small drillsize, and get the fab to bump it up to whatever 2019-03-04T13:22:17 < invzim> they had mostly 'normal' 0.2mm drill vias 2019-03-04T13:22:26 < invzim> which is still small, but 'doable' I guess 2019-03-04T13:22:27 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T13:22:45 < englishman> cool, 4mil drills, those would be laser vias i guess 2019-03-04T13:31:05 < zyp> invzim, just grab one of these or something: https://www.kontron-electronics.de/fileadmin/exceet/downloads/flyer/KED_Flyer_SoM-STM32MP157_WEB.pdf 2019-03-04T13:32:08 < jpa-> yeah, seems rather unnecessary to spend time relayouting ddr & flash connections 2019-03-04T13:32:34 -!- qyx [~qyx@gw2.krtko.org] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-04T13:32:55 < zyp> same as for any other cortex-a project 2019-03-04T13:33:08 < zyp> either you deal with the complexity or you grab a module with ram and everything on it 2019-03-04T13:34:13 < jpa-> even though you could probably fan out that STM32 4-row 0.5mm bga layout with just jlcpcb specs (4mil trace/space, 0.5mm diameter via) 2019-03-04T13:34:43 < karlp> mp157 is just such a weak cortex-a though.. 2019-03-04T13:34:48 < karlp> that module is a nic esize though. 2019-03-04T13:34:51 < karlp> what are they charging for that? 2019-03-04T13:35:21 < zyp> jpa-, hmm 2019-03-04T13:36:07 < zyp> 0.5mm pitch is 0.7mm diagonal, 0.5mm diameter vias in between leaves 0.2mm, enough for 0.1mm diameter pads and 0.1mm diameter spacing 2019-03-04T13:36:30 < englishman> https://i.redd.it/i18p5ii4a2k21.jpg 2019-03-04T13:36:32 < zyp> pads sounds too small :p 2019-03-04T13:37:30 < jpa-> zyp: i was thinking more like 0.2mm pads, enough space to get one trace in between -> bring out traces to both sides from the 4 edge rows and stagger vias there 2019-03-04T13:37:31 -!- qyx [~qyx@gw2.krtko.org] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T13:38:12 < jpa-> would be really annoying though, and the outer via rows would block inner layer routing quite effectively 2019-03-04T13:38:47 < jpa-> (hm, if you need outer via rows, of course you could just bring out the traces directly from the outer two rows) 2019-03-04T13:41:02 < zyp> at a 0.7mm diagonal, you can't fit 0.5mm vias and 0.2mm pads with any clearance in between 2019-03-04T13:41:44 < invzim> zyp: that's a cool little board 2019-03-04T13:41:48 < zyp> but yeah, I guess you could work something out 2019-03-04T13:42:07 < zyp> invzim, looks like any other SoM to me, haven't looked in detail 2019-03-04T13:42:39 < invzim> know of any other reasonably priced ones? 2019-03-04T13:42:52 < zyp> no 2019-03-04T13:43:10 < zyp> I mean, I'm not sure what's reasonable 2019-03-04T13:43:25 < invzim> <20usd 2019-03-04T13:44:28 < qyx> such small 2019-03-04T13:44:36 < qyx> invzim: sama5d27 som1 2019-03-04T13:44:50 < qyx> it is about 20usd 2019-03-04T13:44:57 < qyx> also acme aria 2019-03-04T13:46:50 < invzim> not according to octopart :( https://octopart.com/atsama5d27-som1-microchip-87879681?r=sp&s=hPgknqSXSJWPBPpz6BtpLg 2019-03-04T13:49:15 < qyx> mhm 2019-03-04T13:58:25 -!- tairaeza [~tairaeza@unaffiliated/tairaeza] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T14:06:13 < karlp> acme aria is till shit tier arm9 with fuckall ram right? 2019-03-04T14:06:18 < karlp> do they have any nic eones? 2019-03-04T14:06:44 < karlp> oh heh, they have sama5 parts now too :) 2019-03-04T14:11:50 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-04T14:25:41 < qyx> the kontron mp1 one looks cool 2019-03-04T14:25:48 < qyx> although probably €€€ 2019-03-04T14:29:11 < zyp> https://www.emcraft.com/som/stm32mp1/stm32mp1-som-pb.pdf <- here's another one 2019-03-04T14:29:19 < zyp> bit higher spec, probably even more $$ 2019-03-04T14:29:27 < zyp> or €€ 2019-03-04T14:29:52 < zyp> more ram and gigabit phy 2019-03-04T14:30:24 < karlp> emcreaft is all $$$ 2019-03-04T14:30:31 < dongs> oh for fucks sake 2019-03-04T14:30:41 < dongs> OpenSTLinux Distribution 2019-03-04T14:30:45 < dongs> did we really need ANOTHER ONE 2019-03-04T14:30:46 < karlp> yeah, super dumb 2019-03-04T14:31:12 < karlp> secret code for "here's a tarball that you can barely change" 2019-03-04T14:31:33 < emeryth> they claim it's fully mainlined 2019-03-04T14:34:18 < karlp> emeryth: yeah, seen the pathches, so no reason for "openstlinux" at all, 2019-03-04T14:34:31 < karlp> other than to bolt in a bunch of other shit that dead ends 2019-03-04T14:35:15 < zyp> there's one reason - people wanna have something readymade to show that it works 2019-03-04T14:35:47 < zyp> you can't ship something like that without any sort of example code 2019-03-04T14:36:05 < emeryth> it's for the windoze devs 2019-03-04T14:41:15 -!- sk_tandt__ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T14:41:33 < karlp> zyp: totally, but there's still no need to go makign up whole new distro names 2019-03-04T14:43:30 < englishman> isnt imx6 stuff around $20 2019-03-04T14:43:41 < englishman> and runs yocto 2019-03-04T14:43:51 -!- Sadale_ [~Sadale@unaffiliated/sadale] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T14:43:51 < englishman> instead of yet another desktop wallpaper distro 2019-03-04T14:44:24 < zyp> karlp, it is what it is, doesn't matter what you call it 2019-03-04T14:45:02 -!- sk_tandt_ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-04T14:45:40 -!- Sadale [~Sadale@unaffiliated/sadale] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-04T14:45:41 -!- Sadale_ is now known as Sadale 2019-03-04T14:46:07 < englishman> oh wow i.mx6 is spendy as fuck 2019-03-04T14:46:57 < karlp> englishman: yar. 2019-03-04T14:47:06 < karlp> and getting kinda long in the tooth now 2019-03-04T14:47:22 < karlp> if you really want like a $20 linux som, you'r ein allwinner or rockchip territory 2019-03-04T14:47:30 < karlp> or going all hardcore and seious china 2019-03-04T14:47:45 < englishman> long in the tooth is nice, who wants to redesign everything 2 years down the road 2019-03-04T14:47:46 < karlp> amlogic and hisilicon and "how cowboy are we" 2019-03-04T14:48:05 < karlp> englishman: long in the tooth shoudla also be meaning "cheap now" 2019-03-04T14:48:09 < karlp> but it isn't the reality 2019-03-04T14:48:33 < karlp> and redesign what? it's a linux som, you just're legoing shit 2019-03-04T14:48:40 < karlp> sw is all drop in 2019-03-04T14:48:46 < englishman> hw is not 2019-03-04T14:48:54 < englishman> and that still is NEVER true and you know it 2019-03-04T14:50:09 < englishman> but yeah that price is absurd for that processor 2019-03-04T14:51:06 < karlp> it's pretty drop in though. 2019-03-04T14:51:14 -!- sk_tandt_ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T14:51:35 < englishman> yes as far as transitions go, using lunix gives you a lot more portability 2019-03-04T14:51:46 < karlp> also, long in the tooth to the point that it might also be "only got 2 years left" 2019-03-04T14:51:54 < karlp> the other versions of imx6 aren't even all compatible 2019-03-04T14:51:59 < englishman> afaik they have a 15 year life cycle guarantee 2019-03-04T14:52:08 < englishman> not for the modules of course 2019-03-04T14:52:18 < karlp> well, we were talking about modules, 2019-03-04T14:52:25 < englishman> yeah. :"( 2019-03-04T14:52:27 < karlp> which is whyI said the hw isnot a big deal 2019-03-04T14:52:39 < karlp> just a new interface board 2019-03-04T14:52:45 < karlp> "just" 2019-03-04T14:52:48 < karlp> "hw is easy" 2019-03-04T14:52:59 < englishman> are you applying for a supervisory position 2019-03-04T14:54:28 < jpa-> clearly a hw boss 2019-03-04T14:54:33 < jpa-> the sw bossess say "sw is easy" 2019-03-04T14:55:02 -!- sk_tandt__ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-04T15:01:28 < justMaku> hey there, yet another stupid question regarding a simple thing on stm32 2019-03-04T15:01:51 < justMaku> i'm trying to do i2c slave (with a master on nrf52) and i simply can't get it to work 2019-03-04T15:02:09 < justMaku> according to logic analyzer, nrf52 is doing a setup for a write 2019-03-04T15:02:21 < justMaku> but this data never reaches stm32 2019-03-04T15:02:42 < justMaku> i've used different pullup resistors (3,6k and 6,1k) with no change 2019-03-04T15:02:51 < justMaku> anything that i could be missing? 2019-03-04T15:03:09 < justMaku> HAL_I2C_Slave_Receive returns HAL_TIMEOUT 2019-03-04T15:03:35 -!- sykemyke [syke@kapsi.fi] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T15:04:07 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: sykemyke 2019-03-04T15:05:01 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bocldztorefytuyb] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-04T15:08:28 < karlp> which stm32Ð 2019-03-04T15:08:40 -!- Netsplit over, joins: sykemyke 2019-03-04T15:09:04 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T15:10:24 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 2019-03-04T15:11:32 < justMaku> karlp: stmf038C6 2019-03-04T15:14:03 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T15:15:41 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T15:17:02 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 2019-03-04T15:17:02 -!- BrainDamage_ is now known as BrainDamage 2019-03-04T15:23:30 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T15:26:43 < kakimir> what to think about when connecting to same host 2 times - both times it asks if to trust the host? 2019-03-04T15:26:58 < kakimir> this being my ubiquiti wds link 2019-03-04T15:27:11 < kakimir> third time no questions 2019-03-04T15:27:43 < kakimir> what happened between was one reboot and changing routing from modem to edgerouter 2019-03-04T15:27:50 < karlp> justMaku: share code at least then :) have you at least turned on the peripheral? 2019-03-04T15:27:55 < kakimir> maybe fw update but not sure 2019-03-04T15:28:28 < justMaku> karlp: sure, give me a sec :) 2019-03-04T15:30:34 < justMaku> karlp: https://hastebin.com/efonatakil.cpp 2019-03-04T15:30:41 < justMaku> here's the simplified listing 2019-03-04T15:35:38 < karlp> re mp157 shitz, theres an octavo module that contains it all too 2019-03-04T15:46:26 < kakimir> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fb2IjN9xdUEw0Z8c6IbgrYNOhJLgkcs9/view?usp=sharing wtf is going on 2019-03-04T15:47:12 < kakimir> sorry I need to take that image down.. forgot something 2019-03-04T15:48:14 < emeryth> too late, already sold that mac on the deep web 2019-03-04T15:49:19 < kakimir> fuuu 2019-03-04T15:49:38 < rajkosto> shortest code to enable RTC on stm32 without disturbing already configured RTC go 2019-03-04T15:50:12 < rajkosto> 32khz external crystal ofc 2019-03-04T15:51:33 < kakimir> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dr9i0XgUs-jTNFQxxFixwmDVwO8xD2P2/view?usp=sharing 2019-03-04T15:51:39 < kakimir> double macs 2019-03-04T15:52:06 < kakimir> any logical explanation? 2019-03-04T15:52:49 < rajkosto> you scanned .255 lol 2019-03-04T15:52:53 < rajkosto> thats the broadcast ip 2019-03-04T15:53:00 < rajkosto> meaning anyone who gets it will respond 2019-03-04T15:53:07 < kakimir> ebin 2019-03-04T15:53:20 < rajkosto> the last ip in a subnet is the broadcast ip 2019-03-04T15:53:23 < kakimir> yes 2019-03-04T15:53:36 < kakimir> I was about to burn my gear 2019-03-04T15:56:16 < kakimir> any logical explanation why one of my ubiquiti wds was untrusted 2 times? 2019-03-04T15:56:45 < kakimir> while login to it with ssh 2019-03-04T15:58:42 < karlp> justMaku: (I'm not personally gointg to look at it, but you needed to provide that sort of infor to get anyone else to look at it) 2019-03-04T16:01:22 < justMaku> karlp: okay :( thanks anyway. 2019-03-04T16:25:26 -!- tomeaton17 [tomeaton17@unaffiliated/tomeaton17] has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.7.2 - https://znc.in] 2019-03-04T16:27:36 -!- tomeaton17 [tomeaton17@unaffiliated/tomeaton17] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T16:47:36 -!- brabo [~brabo@globalshellz/owner/brabo] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T16:59:41 -!- talsit [foobar@gromit.mixdown.ca] has left ##stm32 [] 2019-03-04T17:06:08 -!- Laurence_b [~laurence@cca100-pool11.nottingham.ac.uk] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T17:06:12 < Laurence_b> supp 2019-03-04T17:06:21 < mawk> sup 2019-03-04T17:06:44 < Laurence_b> wambulance 2019-03-04T17:09:36 < Laurence_b> me @ work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeuJ_6skbF4 2019-03-04T17:09:55 -!- emeryth [emeryth@boston-packets.hackerspace.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-04T17:12:34 -!- emeb [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T17:13:14 -!- emeryth [emeryth@boston-packets.hackerspace.pl] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T17:18:38 < aandrew> qyx> and resize is faster than dongs is able to find the altium icon on its desktop 2019-03-04T17:18:42 < aandrew> lol 2019-03-04T17:18:59 < dongs> no u 2019-03-04T17:19:05 < aandrew> how is setting up LVM just to have resizable swap *any* better than swapfile 2019-03-04T17:19:20 < dongs> lol lunix still cant work out swap files huh 2019-03-04T17:19:21 < dongs> in 2019 2019-03-04T17:19:23 < dongs> fantastic 2019-03-04T17:19:27 < aandrew> dongs: you missed my semirant 2019-03-04T17:21:07 < aandrew> hm, I have to try to remmeber how to do flash programming for stm32 on openocd 2019-03-04T17:21:18 < aandrew> flash probe 0 finds 1mb for the f756 but then program foo.hex fails 2019-03-04T17:24:10 < justMaku> ugh 2019-03-04T17:24:25 < justMaku> i did some more testing and turned the stm part of the board into master 2019-03-04T17:24:35 < justMaku> i can't get any signal on the SDA/SCL lines at all 2019-03-04T17:24:56 < justMaku> i assume you can do i2c write attempt without any devices on the bus and it should show on the scope 2019-03-04T17:25:05 < justMaku> but for me both lines stay low for the whole time. 2019-03-04T17:25:12 < aandrew> justMaku: post your code 2019-03-04T17:25:50 < justMaku> aandrew: https://hastebin.com/efonatakil.cpp 2019-03-04T17:25:55 < justMaku> here's the slave 2019-03-04T17:27:02 < justMaku> and here's the current version where stm32 is supposed to be the master: 2019-03-04T17:27:02 < justMaku> https://hastebin.com/nesonemoba.cpp 2019-03-04T17:28:31 < aandrew> please tell me those aren't your actual filenames lol 2019-03-04T17:28:37 < justMaku> lol no 2019-03-04T17:28:50 < justMaku> it's just the random uuid from hastebin 2019-03-04T17:29:02 < justMaku> my names are gpio.c, i2c.c etc xD 2019-03-04T17:29:06 < justMaku> (not sure if much better) 2019-03-04T17:34:05 < aandrew> https://pastebin.com/G3adHvEg is my i2c init code. it absolutely works 2019-03-04T17:35:06 < aandrew> you need a static I2C_HandleTypeDef hi2c3; 2019-03-04T17:35:08 < aandrew> of course 2019-03-04T17:35:10 < aandrew> didn't paste that 2019-03-04T17:35:47 < aandrew> I really don't think you need the analog/digital filter shit but that's just what was pasted 2019-03-04T17:36:17 < justMaku> aandrew: the analog/digital filters i got from cube mx 2019-03-04T17:37:00 < justMaku> how did you calculat that value for hi2c3.Init.Timing? 2019-03-04T17:37:08 < aandrew> justMaku: same here, that's what cubemx did 2019-03-04T17:37:20 < aandrew> justMaku: I told cubemx 100khz and then divided it by 4 for 400khz 2019-03-04T17:37:32 < aandrew> I couldn't be arsed to screw around with calculating it myself 2019-03-04T17:38:26 < justMaku> well, then i'm out of ideas 2019-03-04T17:38:48 < aandrew> do you have 2k pullups? 2019-03-04T17:39:02 < justMaku> hmmm, let me check the *magic drawer* 2019-03-04T17:39:09 < justMaku> i used 3,5k and 6,1k so far 2019-03-04T17:39:21 < aandrew> 3k5 is plenty 2019-03-04T17:39:23 < aandrew> weird, but plenty 2019-03-04T17:41:19 < aandrew> maybe make sure your gpio clocks are enabled as well, maybe they need to be enabled for the gpio to function even though the alternate function is controlling the line 2019-03-04T17:41:43 < aandrew> I enable ALL the GPIO port clocks in another function which is why it's not in the MSP init 2019-03-04T17:42:09 < aandrew> and my MSP is enabling the STM32 pullups on the GPIo but I don't think they're enough, I use physical resistors 2019-03-04T17:43:16 < justMaku> i do __HAL_RCC_GPIOB_CLK_ENABLE before setting up the gpio 2019-03-04T17:44:43 < justMaku> and also SYSCFG_CLK and PWR_CLK 2019-03-04T17:45:18 < qyx> aandrew: because you have lvm by default of course 2019-03-04T17:46:26 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 2019-03-04T17:46:49 < qyx> ok, note to myself 2019-03-04T17:47:07 < aandrew> qyx: fair point, although none of my servers have swap partiions. just little swapfiles since I make sure they have tons of RAM 2019-03-04T17:47:08 < qyx> alu enclosure with non-alu metal connectors + moisture = no worky 2019-03-04T17:47:18 < aandrew> qyx: galvanic corrosion? 2019-03-04T17:47:21 -!- oats [~hurr@durr/im/a/sheep] has left ##stm32 ["WeeChat 2.4"] 2019-03-04T17:47:22 < qyx> yep 2019-03-04T17:47:45 < zyp> aandrew, why swapfiles at all? 2019-03-04T17:48:10 < qyx> a white shit is all over the thing 2019-03-04T17:48:46 < aandrew> zyp: unix needs a bit of swap to do a good job of anything 2019-03-04T17:48:54 < qyx> actually the plastic weipu connectors performed much better than M12 metallic 2019-03-04T17:49:40 < zyp> aandrew, nah 2019-03-04T17:50:41 < qyx> just fukit, we all do something causing us pain 2019-03-04T17:50:55 < qyx> somebody uses swap, somebody don't, some altium 2019-03-04T17:51:05 < aandrew> qyx: nothing on the lines at all? stuck at 1 or 0? 2019-03-04T17:51:55 < qyx> I don't know before the thing was out of order for the last half year 2019-03-04T17:51:57 < zyp> IME all swap does is that when you've got a memory leak, it slows down the entire system until it's useless instead of letting stuff hit the OOM killer 2019-03-04T17:52:08 < qyx> lol 2019-03-04T17:53:32 < aandrew> qyx: there isn't something stupid like the mspinit autogen function fucking with you 2019-03-04T17:53:35 < aandrew> ? 2019-03-04T17:56:25 < qyx> wat 2019-03-04T18:02:54 -!- dan2wik [dan2wik@unaffiliated/dan2wik] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 2019-03-04T18:04:34 -!- dan2wik [dan2wik@hellomouse.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T18:04:34 -!- dan2wik [dan2wik@hellomouse.net] has quit [Changing host] 2019-03-04T18:04:34 -!- dan2wik [dan2wik@unaffiliated/dan2wik] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T18:06:48 < mawk> it's just a side effect zyp , but still swap is required for seamless operation of your system 2019-03-04T18:06:57 < zyp> no, it's not 2019-03-04T18:06:58 < mawk> without swap cold pages are locked in memory 2019-03-04T18:07:16 -!- gsi_ [~gsisig@x4d0c18e8.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T18:07:35 < mawk> you have nowhere to dump them, unlike with cold file pages that get dumped to disk 2019-03-04T18:07:47 < mawk> swap is just an equity mechanism, all pages treated equal 2019-03-04T18:08:34 < jpa-> just have a bit more ram? 2019-03-04T18:08:43 < zyp> if you worry about cold pages, you don't have enough ram :p 2019-03-04T18:08:49 < jpa-> waiting for "cold" pages to be swapped in when you open some old program is annoying 2019-03-04T18:09:05 -!- gsi__ [~gsisig@x4dbe8b92.dyn.telefonica.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 2019-03-04T18:09:56 < mawk> well without swap you can have less old programs open, that's just it 2019-03-04T18:10:07 < jpa-> on my system with too little ram, i only get ~1GB out of 10GB in swap anyway, might as well have 1GB more RAM if the system wasn't maxed up already 2019-03-04T18:10:14 < mawk> it's always relative to your current amount of ram 2019-03-04T18:11:13 < zyp> mawk, how much ram do you think it's reasonable to have in a computer nowadays? 2019-03-04T18:11:20 < jpa-> zram works reasonably well though 2019-03-04T18:11:25 < aandrew> zyp: as much as possible 2019-03-04T18:11:34 < mawk> 8 gib 2019-03-04T18:11:39 < zyp> haha, ok 2019-03-04T18:11:48 < mawk> on a desktop 2019-03-04T18:11:52 < aandrew> zyp: not joking 2019-03-04T18:11:59 < zyp> mawk, and a laptop? 2019-03-04T18:12:02 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T18:12:02 < aandrew> fast ram isn't as important as lots of it 2019-03-04T18:12:08 < mawk> yeah by desktop I mean not server, so for a laptop too 2019-03-04T18:12:17 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T18:12:21 < zyp> aandrew, that was to mawk, I totally agree with you 2019-03-04T18:12:21 < aandrew> when I bought that 1st gen i7 I bought as much RAM as it oculd hold (24GB) 2019-03-04T18:12:28 < zyp> same 2019-03-04T18:12:35 < zyp> 32G in my case 2019-03-04T18:12:37 < aandrew> when I bought this macbook air I bought the i7 and 8GB which was as much as it could hold 2019-03-04T18:12:45 < mawk> 32G is what I have in the server 2019-03-04T18:13:00 < aandrew> my blade server only has 48G on esxi but that's becuase I only had 4G sticks and registered ecc DDR2 is expensive 2019-03-04T18:13:09 < zyp> I've got 32G on both the desktop and the server 2019-03-04T18:13:18 < jpa-> i wouldn't buy a new system for desktop with less than 32GB nowadays 2019-03-04T18:13:25 < jpa-> in home server i can be ok with 4GB 2019-03-04T18:13:26 < aandrew> 100% agreed 2019-03-04T18:13:44 < fenugrec> is it possible to pay less than ~ 10$/GB for desktop ddr4 ? 2019-03-04T18:13:46 < zyp> servers don't really use that much, mostly disk cache 2019-03-04T18:13:49 < fenugrec> seems to be the starting price 2019-03-04T18:14:05 < BrainDamage> I have 24GB in my laptop 2019-03-04T18:14:50 < mawk> I have 12 GiB in this laptop, but I discovered it only some time ago 2019-03-04T18:14:54 < mawk> I thought it had 4 GiB 2019-03-04T18:14:54 < BrainDamage> one huge advantage of having no swap is that OOM kicks in faster 2019-03-04T18:15:01 < mawk> one and only 2019-03-04T18:15:05 -!- nn7 [~nn7@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T18:15:15 < mawk> but it's still a workaround, the true fix is to get more ram 2019-03-04T18:15:37 < BrainDamage> linux swap code performance is just awful 2019-03-04T18:15:37 < jpa-> cheapest 32GB kits are ~200 EUR here 2019-03-04T18:15:42 < BrainDamage> try to swapoff and measure IO 2019-03-04T18:15:54 < BrainDamage> you'll find that you're not IO limited 2019-03-04T18:16:14 < zyp> jpa-, sounds like ram prices have been fairly fixed for the last year then 2019-03-04T18:16:22 < BrainDamage> on my 800MB/s writethrough SSD I had 2MB/s read speed 2019-03-04T18:16:29 < jpa-> BrainDamage: yeah, and it is even worse if you are not swapping in everything in one go but application fetches individual pages here and there 2019-03-04T18:16:34 < zyp> IIRC I paid around 2k NOK for each 32G set that I bought in respectively 2012 and 2013 2019-03-04T18:16:41 < zyp> last years* 2019-03-04T18:17:26 < zyp> also, my home server is apparently using a lot more ram than I expected 2019-03-04T18:17:27 < zyp> total used free shared buff/cache available 2019-03-04T18:17:27 < zyp> Mem: 31G 13G 16G 262M 1.2G 16G 2019-03-04T18:17:27 < zyp> Swap: 0B 0B 0B 2019-03-04T18:18:07 < dongs> lunix, the filth 2019-03-04T18:18:19 < zyp> but I suspect much of the used stuff is zfs cache 2019-03-04T18:18:41 < jpa-> total used free shared buffers cached 2019-03-04T18:18:41 < jpa-> Mem: 4032 3046 986 725 31 1043 2019-03-04T18:18:45 < jpa-> my server 2019-03-04T18:19:02 < aandrew> $ free -m total used free shared buffers cached 2019-03-04T18:19:02 < aandrew> Mem: 16074 15803 270 0 931 11813 2019-03-04T18:19:02 < aandrew> -/+ buffers/cache: 3059 13015 2019-03-04T18:19:02 < aandrew> Swap: 0 0 0 2019-03-04T18:19:06 < aandrew> that's the server I'm typing this through 2019-03-04T18:19:12 < aandrew> it's a VM though 2019-03-04T18:19:13 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-04T18:19:19 < jpa-> aandrew: you're not big on sharing, eh? 2019-03-04T18:19:39 < aandrew> $ free -m total used free shared buff/cache available 2019-03-04T18:19:39 < aandrew> Mem: 48291 5602 300 306 42388 41645 2019-03-04T18:19:40 < aandrew> Swap: 0 2019-03-04T18:19:43 < aandrew> that's the media server 2019-03-04T18:19:47 < fenugrec> my main comp is dying, I've just activated emergency shopping mode. I've had trouble with mobos from MSI and asus... probably luck of the draw do those still produce junk 2019-03-04T18:19:51 < aandrew> jpa-: hm? 2019-03-04T18:19:56 < aandrew> oh shared mem 2019-03-04T18:20:02 < aandrew> not needed for most of my applcations 2019-03-04T18:20:08 < fenugrec> free -mh, gentlemen 2019-03-04T18:20:33 < aandrew> heh you can move the decimal yourself :-) 2019-03-04T18:20:41 < jpa-> -h is for humans 2019-03-04T18:21:19 < fenugrec> never remember if it's bytes, K or M 2019-03-04T18:21:47 < BrainDamage> 640k ram out to be enough for everyone 2019-03-04T18:23:31 < mawk> 256 TiB too, BrainDamage 2019-03-04T18:23:55 < mawk> but IBM built something that has effectively 256 TiB 2019-03-04T18:24:36 < justMaku> aandrew: I'm correct in my thinking that I should see something on the scope on the i2c bus even if theres no peripheral connected? 2019-03-04T18:24:58 < zyp> you're doing a master? 2019-03-04T18:25:25 < zyp> if you're scoping a master trying to talk to a disconnected slave, you should see a start condition, master sending the address and not getting an ACK back 2019-03-04T18:25:37 < aandrew> justMaku: yes, you should see the initial 9 bit clock tick with the first 8 bits correct and a '1' for the 9th bit since nothing is ACKing 2019-03-04T18:28:46 < justMaku> ugh, then something is terribly wrong. I even did a completely clean project with cubemx that only does i2c master with write in the main loop and still nothing visible on the scope 2019-03-04T18:28:54 < justMaku> well, i guess that's the problem for tomorrow 2019-03-04T18:30:32 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T18:31:28 < dongs> that usually means no peripheral clock, wrong AF, etc 2019-03-04T18:31:49 < dongs> or you didn't actually 'start' the peripheral with wahtever HAL equivalent of I2C_Cmd(ENABLE) is 2019-03-04T18:32:49 < justMaku> i assume the cubemx generated project would set that for me 2019-03-04T18:33:55 < justMaku> but at this point i will also take "well, the radiation from the sun flipped some bits in the memory during the compilation, who knows" as an explanation 2019-03-04T18:37:34 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-04T18:38:39 < dongs> well if you were using a proper IDE you could like look at i2c registers and see shit broken right away 2019-03-04T18:38:42 < dongs> i'd start there 2019-03-04T18:41:00 < aandrew> justMaku: you got a blinkenlight? 2019-03-04T18:43:59 -!- nn7 [~nn7@] has left ##stm32 ["Leaving"] 2019-03-04T18:46:38 < Laurence_b> any boy racers here? 2019-03-04T18:46:51 < Laurence_b> thinking of trying to modify my fiesta cuz its shit 2019-03-04T18:46:55 < aandrew> wtf is boy racing 2019-03-04T18:47:05 < Laurence_b> it involves Jimmy Savile 2019-03-04T18:47:07 < Laurence_b> /jk 2019-03-04T18:48:23 < Laurence_b> https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Diesel-Tdci-Common-Power-Box-Chip-Tuning-for-Ford-Fiesta-Focus-Fusion-Galaxy/132913543720?_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIM.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20170920101022%26meid%3D662d0894551a46ebbf52ac997032f37d%26pid%3D100010%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D252979222814%26itm%3D132913543720&_trksid=p2047675.c100010.m2109 2019-03-04T18:48:26 < Laurence_b> ^those things 2019-03-04T18:49:38 < Laurence_b> its quite cheap so maybe I'll try it for the lulz 2019-03-04T18:51:14 -!- sk_tandt_ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-04T18:52:06 < Laurence_b> inb4 it trashes the engine 2019-03-04T18:52:31 < mawk> ?_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIM.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20170920101022%26meid%3D662d0894551a46ebbf52ac997032f37d%26pid%3D100010%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D252979222814%26itm%3D132913543720&_trksid=p2047675.c100010.m2109 2019-03-04T18:52:51 < Laurence_b> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boy_racer 2019-03-04T18:52:54 < Laurence_b> accurate 2019-03-04T19:04:07 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-04T19:06:38 < englishman> don't buy that awful shit laurent 2019-03-04T19:07:26 < englishman> frequently bought with vehicle diagnostic tool 2019-03-04T19:13:50 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-04T19:17:54 < Steffanx> Did you pass the theory exam yet, Laurence_b? 2019-03-04T19:18:04 < Steffanx> And no more vauxhall?! :O 2019-03-04T19:19:07 < mawk> vauxhall 2019-03-04T19:19:16 < mawk> owned by frenchies 2019-03-04T19:22:49 < Steffanx> Yeah the bastards 2019-03-04T19:24:30 < upgrdman> https://i.imgur.com/Zc6gzqC.gifv 2019-03-04T19:25:09 < englishman> how long did it take you to download that gif 2019-03-04T19:28:11 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-110.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-04T19:31:02 < upgrdman> englishman, im america'd right now, so it was quick :) 2019-03-04T19:31:22 < englishman> that's rare! 2019-03-04T19:36:00 < upgrdman> indeed 2019-03-04T19:48:14 -!- barthess [~barthess@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T19:52:00 -!- barthess [~barthess@] has quit [Client Quit] 2019-03-04T19:54:24 < aandrew> upgrdman: wow that's a lot of piss 2019-03-04T20:02:03 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-98-247-192-179.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T20:15:10 < jadew> why did they feel like taking him down? 2019-03-04T20:16:37 < upgrdman> jadew, pissing in public is illegal is most places. romainia doesnt care? 2019-03-04T20:17:00 < jadew> upgrdman, sure it does, but why risk getting piss on you to tackle that guy? 2019-03-04T20:17:05 < jadew> he would have finished anyway 2019-03-04T20:17:14 < jadew> it's not like he could have flooded the airport if they let him finish 2019-03-04T20:17:18 < upgrdman> but punishing bad people is fun 2019-03-04T20:25:25 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T20:28:04 < upgrdman> https://i.imgur.com/bthuHwf.gifv 2019-03-04T20:31:54 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-04T20:33:25 < jadew> reminds me of this: http://www.trilulilu.ro/fata-asta-danseaza-de-cade-dulapul-pe-ea 2019-03-04T20:48:23 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-04T20:49:43 < upgrdman> https://i.redd.it/z4zdxc4l32k21.jpg 2019-03-04T20:50:49 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T21:28:48 -!- DisruptiveNL [~Disruptiv@5ED4324B.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T21:29:58 < DisruptiveNL> Can anyone tell me if STM32 OTG-FS on the B-L474e-IOT01A has to work? 2019-03-04T21:32:35 < DisruptiveNL> Its an ATM32L574e MCU 2019-03-04T21:32:42 < DisruptiveNL> STM32L475e 2019-03-04T21:33:31 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T21:34:23 < jpa-> "has to work"? 2019-03-04T21:36:19 < DisruptiveNL> I am using Nuttx and on the STM32F4Discovery it works. But I cannot get it to work on this board/mcu from STM. 2019-03-04T21:37:21 < jpa-> nuttx usb otg fs driver is quite messy to debug 2019-03-04T21:37:38 < jpa-> but in what way does it not work? does it start enumerating? do you have an usb analyzer or atleast wireshark? 2019-03-04T21:40:03 < DisruptiveNL> I have been testing it with an logic analyzer.. 2019-03-04T21:40:28 < DisruptiveNL> First the hardware has to respond the same way right? Before I can wireshark 2019-03-04T21:41:38 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-46e3e253.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T21:43:48 < DisruptiveNL> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/nuttx/otg%7Csort:date/nuttx/WvFizk4vV-c/GyDTMI1QCQAJ 2019-03-04T21:44:02 < DisruptiveNL> Here I have some screenshots from my Logic Analyzer 2019-03-04T21:44:45 < DisruptiveNL> And within the software the is no panic or stalling... 2019-03-04T21:46:56 < jpa-> quite hard to read the trace, but it looks like the D+ pull-up is not activating? 2019-03-04T21:47:12 < jpa-> do you see any enumeration messages in dmesg? 2019-03-04T21:48:01 < jpa-> you can also try sticking 1.5kohm between +3.3V and D+ and see what happens 2019-03-04T21:55:17 < DisruptiveNL> ah oke 2019-03-04T21:56:18 < DisruptiveNL> In Nuttx you can active USB Device and USB Host 2019-03-04T21:56:23 < DisruptiveNL> I am using USB Host 2019-03-04T21:56:31 < DisruptiveNL> (USB Stick and Mass Storage) 2019-03-04T21:59:00 < jpa-> ok 2019-03-04T21:59:08 < jpa-> does it activate the +5V supply to the usb stick? 2019-03-04T22:02:11 -!- veegee [~veegee@ipagstaticip-3d3f7614-22f3-5b69-be13-7ab4b2c585d9.sdsl.bell.ca] has quit [Quit: veegee] 2019-03-04T22:03:31 < DisruptiveNL> on the logic it seems so 2019-03-04T22:04:04 < DisruptiveNL> I do see it ¨switch¨ 2019-03-04T22:05:12 < DisruptiveNL> stm32l4_usbhost_initialize: Initialize USB host 2019-03-04T22:05:42 < DisruptiveNL> DEBUGVERIFY(CONN_WAIT(g_usbconn, &hport)); //<=== Here seems to be the problem!! 2019-03-04T22:06:31 < jpa-> if you measure the resistance between D+/D- and ground, is it the 15kohm as should be for host? 2019-03-04T22:07:18 < jpa-> i wouldn't be particularly surprised with "CONN_WAIT" waiting for long if its not even enumerating as shown in your screenshot 2019-03-04T22:07:33 < jpa-> or even pulling up D+ 2019-03-04T22:07:58 < jpa-> but of course you can check what CONN_WAIT is waiting for 2019-03-04T22:16:59 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 2019-03-04T22:21:26 < DisruptiveNL> Oke I will try this! But my multimeter just went dead! 2019-03-04T22:21:58 < jpa-> such pro 2019-03-04T22:22:02 < DisruptiveNL> Hahaha 2019-03-04T22:22:06 < DisruptiveNL> Really! 2019-03-04T22:22:25 < DisruptiveNL> And its a 9V ...... Got alllll the batteries... but not this one! 2019-03-04T22:25:26 < DisruptiveNL> Thanks jpa! I will try it tommorrow! 2019-03-04T22:40:42 < aandrew> ok let's see if this mcurses thing is going to work out 2019-03-04T23:01:53 -!- DisruptiveNL [~Disruptiv@5ED4324B.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-04T23:22:13 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Gone to sleep...] 2019-03-04T23:43:23 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-46e3e253.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-04T23:52:30 -!- rmaw [~rmaw@rmaw.hostless.org] has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.8.x-git-125-e415d9f5 - https://znc.in] 2019-03-04T23:52:52 -!- rmaw [~rmaw@rmaw.hostless.org] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-04T23:57:17 -!- veegee [~veegee@ipagstaticip-3d3f7614-22f3-5b69-be13-7ab4b2c585d9.sdsl.bell.ca] has joined ##stm32 --- Day changed Tue Mar 05 2019 2019-03-05T00:02:00 -!- kow__ [~afed@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-05T00:02:25 -!- kow__ [~afed@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T00:17:57 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-05T00:23:02 < englishman> https://i.imgur.com/by72S3P.jpg 2019-03-05T00:24:43 < englishman> only $100 https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Keysight-Oscilloscope-110GHz-real-time-bandwidth_60789539890.html 2019-03-05T00:26:38 < Ultrasauce> what a deal 2019-03-05T00:46:35 < aandrew> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV-92Bq96Co that's kind of cool 2019-03-05T00:49:02 < aandrew> englishman: heh. kind of curiosu what they're actually shipping 2019-03-05T00:49:23 < englishman> nothing, its not aliexpress, you have to get it quoted etc 2019-03-05T00:49:29 < englishman> that is a cool video 2019-03-05T00:50:29 < aandrew> yep. I was trying to get to my video and saw that 2019-03-05T00:50:29 < aandrew> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ao9tBR33zv0 2019-03-05T01:06:43 < Cracki> nice 2019-03-05T01:09:37 -!- Thorn [~Thorn@unaffiliated/thorn] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-05T01:34:06 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-05T01:45:02 -!- ohsix [~ohsix@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-05T01:45:06 -!- ohsix_ [~ohsix@bc175210.bendcable.com] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T01:48:53 < aandrew> weird 2019-03-05T01:48:58 < aandrew> I can retarget putch but not getchar 2019-03-05T01:49:52 < karlp> retarget getchar_ or something? 2019-03-05T01:49:59 < karlp> or _read or something? 2019-03-05T01:50:21 * karlp hasn't usd putch(ar) getch(ar) shit for fucking ever, never remember 2019-03-05T01:52:44 < karlp> aandrew: are you using one of those new value line tiny flash f7s? 2019-03-05T01:54:20 < karlp> you probably need this http://openocd.zylin.com/#/c/4926/ if you haven't gotten it fixed already 2019-03-05T02:01:31 < aandrew> karlp: not using one of those no 2019-03-05T02:02:04 < aandrew> output retargeting is perfect 2019-03-05T02:02:15 < aandrew> I haven't found the right incantation for input though 2019-03-05T02:02:32 < aandrew> getchar is present but is buried in some lib I haven't got access too, and isn't _weak() apparently 2019-03-05T02:02:43 < aandrew> I'm not getting compile or link errors, but it's also not getting to *my* getchar() 2019-03-05T02:02:57 < aandrew> tried fgetc as well 2019-03-05T02:03:02 < aandrew> and _read 2019-03-05T02:03:31 < karlp> pro software right? 2019-03-05T02:03:38 < aandrew> yep 2019-03-05T02:03:40 < aandrew> the pro-est 2019-03-05T02:03:43 < karlp> call your vendors 24/7 suport line? 2019-03-05T02:07:25 < karlp> armcc now free, no size limits, thanks mbed. 2019-03-05T02:07:42 < karlp> I wonder how much they chopped it up though 2019-03-05T02:08:41 < englishman> no size limits so you can use gigantic newlib-nano 2019-03-05T02:10:53 < karlp> "Compilation is restricted to Mbed OS only." 2019-03-05T02:13:29 < karlp> heh, still not supporting linux. dspite being a vscode based thing, with mac and windows support 2019-03-05T02:14:04 < karlp> "There was also strong feedback from some of you around the choice of Eclipse, so we kept that in mind. 2019-03-05T02:14:06 < karlp> " 2019-03-05T02:15:11 < karlp> ok, no, it's not vscode, it's theia, which is also based on monaco like vscode. 2019-03-05T02:15:22 < karlp> and.... is from eclipse :) 2019-03-05T02:17:42 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-05T02:24:22 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T02:31:09 < rajkosto> bah some of these LCD modules are not sealed off, so you can get liquids (alcohol when i was wiping it off) inside 2019-03-05T02:31:24 < kakimir> hello evening 2019-03-05T02:31:37 < kakimir> bad deeds of the day are done 2019-03-05T02:31:43 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-05T02:31:47 < kakimir> time to irc a bit 2019-03-05T02:36:28 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-05T02:39:11 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T02:40:59 -!- talsit [foobar@gromit.mixdown.ca] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T02:45:55 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T02:55:35 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T03:29:04 -!- gsi__ [~gsisig@x4db957ba.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T03:29:22 -!- veegee [~veegee@ipagstaticip-3d3f7614-22f3-5b69-be13-7ab4b2c585d9.sdsl.bell.ca] has quit [Quit: veegee] 2019-03-05T03:32:14 -!- gsi_ [~gsisig@x4d0c18e8.dyn.telefonica.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-05T04:16:27 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-98-247-192-179.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-05T04:31:43 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-05T04:50:51 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T04:52:50 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-05T04:52:50 -!- BrainDamage_ is now known as BrainDamage 2019-03-05T05:02:36 -!- con3 [~kvirc@ml.sun.ac.za] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T05:06:57 -!- PeterM [bgdwiepp@115-69-25-80-cpe.spintel.net.au] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-05T05:11:17 -!- PeterM [bgdwiepp@115-69-25-80-cpe.spintel.net.au] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T05:12:48 -!- con3 [~kvirc@ml.sun.ac.za] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.9.2 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/] 2019-03-05T05:13:16 < Cracki> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D0z0oDLX0AADBfj.jpg:orig 2019-03-05T05:22:40 < rajkosto> https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-05_04-22-16_DBpYGKjTD.png gotta wait for display to dry so the splotches go away, y they no seal properly 2019-03-05T05:26:48 < Cracki> still that backlight, eh 2019-03-05T05:27:12 < rajkosto> nop 2019-03-05T05:28:11 < Cracki> not? 2019-03-05T05:28:21 < rajkosto> this is a different display 2019-03-05T05:28:29 < rajkosto> different project 2019-03-05T05:38:35 < rajkosto> https://streamable.com/ojnoi 2019-03-05T05:46:55 -!- R2COM [~R2COM@ip68-3-184-221.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T05:47:07 < rajkosto> order corn 2019-03-05T05:47:08 < R2COM> yo 2019-03-05T05:49:56 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T05:53:03 -!- Cracki [~cracki@unaffiliated/crackwitz] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-05T05:53:09 -!- Cracki [~cracki@unaffiliated/crackwitz] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T05:57:55 < R2COM> so after overclocking my CPU i gamed and ran some tests and bench'ed it with sopme soft all looks stable and below 60C 2019-03-05T05:58:06 < rajkosto> what cpu 2019-03-05T05:58:08 < rajkosto> and to what 2019-03-05T05:58:10 < R2COM> and bench results for that processor seem good compared to other submissions 2019-03-05T05:58:16 < R2COM> i7-5930k 2019-03-05T05:58:23 < rajkosto> why ask here 2019-03-05T05:58:26 < R2COM> its 3.5GHz i OC'ed it to 4.2GHz 2019-03-05T05:59:16 < R2COM> ask what 2019-03-05T05:59:52 -!- machinehum [~machinehu@ip-142-232-167-15.ptr.bcit.ca] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T05:59:59 < rajkosto> i overclocked a 3570k from stock 3.whatever to 4.7GHz @ 1.3V or 4.9GHz @ 1.37V 2019-03-05T06:00:19 < rajkosto> the other one couldnt reach even 4.2GHz 2019-03-05T06:01:03 < rajkosto> either way dont do it unless you can guarantee stability (run p95 AVX for like hours while never overheating) or you will always be wondering if you are crashing due to bad software or hardware 2019-03-05T06:02:42 < R2COM> 4.7GHz for that processor seems to be stretch no? 2019-03-05T06:02:51 < rajkosto> yes i had a really good one and a pretty bad one 2019-03-05T06:03:06 < rajkosto> different batches 2019-03-05T06:03:13 < rajkosto> anyway, overclock your stm32 2019-03-05T06:03:15 < rajkosto> then ask here 2019-03-05T06:03:51 < R2COM> i can ask here anything 2019-03-05T06:07:02 < Cracki> so... I remember talk of the CM7-based ones crapping out in some way at max specified frequency already 2019-03-05T06:07:14 < rajkosto> i only have f103 and f4xx 2019-03-05T06:07:19 < Cracki> who overclocked their stm32 (which) and got what results? 2019-03-05T06:07:21 < rajkosto> both can run at like 150% of rated freq 2019-03-05T06:07:23 < rajkosto> no issues 2019-03-05T06:07:25 < Cracki> hmmmm 2019-03-05T06:07:28 < rajkosto> f103 cant usb at 128MHz tho 2019-03-05T06:07:35 < rajkosto> as theres no divider availalbe to get it back to 48 2019-03-05T06:07:37 < Cracki> heh 2019-03-05T06:07:47 < rajkosto> gd32 actually fixed that by adding 1.5 and 2.5 dividers 2019-03-05T06:07:55 < Cracki> what should they run at, 72 mhz usually? 2019-03-05T06:08:00 < rajkosto> yes 2019-03-05T06:08:08 < Cracki> 96 would make 48 mhz well 2019-03-05T06:08:21 < rajkosto> NOT ENOUGH 2019-03-05T06:08:55 < Cracki> 1.5 * 72 is only 108 2019-03-05T06:08:55 < rajkosto> i wanted to maximize the display's SPI which is 66MHz max, 128 gets me 64 which is close 2019-03-05T06:09:03 < Cracki> so you're saying 128 mhz on an f103 still works? 2019-03-05T06:09:11 < rajkosto> yes if you dont want usb 2019-03-05T06:09:17 < Cracki> that's very nice to know 2019-03-05T06:10:11 < rajkosto> the f4xx can run at like 400+ mhz i forgot 2019-03-05T06:10:13 < machinehum> Probably not forever 2019-03-05T06:10:23 < rajkosto> nah, forever, just uses more milliamps 2019-03-05T06:10:50 < machinehum> 400+mhz wtf... 2019-03-05T06:11:04 < machinehum> If can run indefinatly 2019-03-05T06:11:04 < Cracki> hm? 2019-03-05T06:11:06 -!- [7] [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Disconnected by services] 2019-03-05T06:11:10 < Cracki> 400 mhz where 2019-03-05T06:11:12 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T06:11:22 < Cracki> some cm7 stm32 could do that, no? 2019-03-05T06:11:23 < machinehum> why wouldn't they market them to do so? 2019-03-05T06:11:35 < rajkosto> stm32f407vg 2019-03-05T06:11:42 < Cracki> those can do 400? hmmmm 2019-03-05T06:12:10 < Cracki> overclocked or in spec? 2019-03-05T06:12:15 < rajkosto> overclocked ofc 2019-03-05T06:12:17 < rajkosto> normal is 2xx 2019-03-05T06:12:18 < Cracki> :> 2019-03-05T06:12:22 < Cracki> 216 or something yeh 2019-03-05T06:13:30 < Cracki> selecting 216-400 mhz on mouser, the f730 seems cheapest 2019-03-05T06:14:03 < rajkosto> why do you need that many mhz 2019-03-05T06:14:13 < rajkosto> at that point just use an A7 or A53 soc 2019-03-05T06:14:42 < Cracki> :P 2019-03-05T06:15:19 < Cracki> I'm just glad to hear the f1 and f4 are a little elastic 2019-03-05T06:15:54 < Cracki> huh, mouser offers 180 mhz max for f4 series 2019-03-05T06:16:26 < rajkosto> yes its 186 default 2019-03-05T06:16:52 < Cracki> 168 for many 2019-03-05T06:17:36 < R2COM> its not that easy, there might be long term reliability issues with 2x freq 2019-03-05T06:17:52 < rajkosto> probably, dont do ti 2019-03-05T06:18:00 < Cracki> yolo 2019-03-05T06:18:13 < rajkosto> but i had to do it on f103 to get dat sweet 15ms screen draw/send time 2019-03-05T06:19:46 < Cracki> hahaha earthquake warnings are now racist https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D0z-ovLWoAAEeqc.png 2019-03-05T06:20:39 < R2COM> what im saying is, its ok to do it for some custom/own projects, noone would do it for product in qty. being sold 2019-03-05T06:20:48 < Cracki> sure, stay in your slums, get eaten by angry earth gods 2019-03-05T06:21:03 < Cracki> obviously nobody's thinking of overclocking for production :> 2019-03-05T06:21:44 < machinehum> R2COM: Never say never. 2019-03-05T06:21:51 < R2COM> ok 2019-03-05T06:22:25 < Cracki> if the customer wants MOAR FEATURES and signs off on the measure... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 2019-03-05T06:25:50 < machinehum> Possible to get the MP1 yet? 2019-03-05T06:25:54 < machinehum> That is a cool part 2019-03-05T06:29:19 < Cracki> someone linked a SoM earlier, including price, so _someone_ has them... 2019-03-05T06:29:35 < machinehum> Yeah saw some shit on Reddi 2019-03-05T06:29:37 < machinehum> Reddit 2019-03-05T06:31:54 < Cracki> arrow and mouser have no stock, digikey not even listings 2019-03-05T06:38:57 < machinehum> mmm 2019-03-05T06:39:37 < machinehum> Selling faster then Coachella tickets 2019-03-05T06:50:40 < Cracki> I looked into optical encoders recently... the new shit is reflective thingies, super flat chips (instead of plastic forks to thread your timing strip/disc through) and very high tech. 2019-03-05T06:50:45 < Cracki> and they cost an arm and a leg 2019-03-05T06:51:20 < machinehum> Any reason to not use the magnetic ones? 2019-03-05T06:51:22 < Cracki> wouldn't be surprised if ST introduced their new shit priced according to demand 2019-03-05T06:51:28 < Cracki> magnetic? fuck off with that 2019-03-05T06:51:29 < machinehum> lol 2019-03-05T06:51:33 < Cracki> I want resolution 2019-03-05T06:51:40 < Cracki> and simplicity 2019-03-05T06:51:55 < machinehum> What res? 2019-03-05T06:52:01 < Cracki> the usual magnetic encoders look at multi-pole magnets (on motor shaft) that have maybe 11 poles 2019-03-05T06:52:07 < machinehum> Nah 2019-03-05T06:52:15 < machinehum> There are some that will give you 4096 2019-03-05T06:52:19 < machinehum> I think way more actually 2019-03-05T06:52:31 < Cracki> cheap ass optical encoders can give you 100 PPR (lines/revolution) 2019-03-05T06:52:47 < Cracki> those are digitizing the magnetic field 2019-03-05T06:52:54 < machinehum> Yes 2019-03-05T06:53:01 < machinehum> How cheap do you need? 2019-03-05T06:53:07 < Cracki> treefiddy 2019-03-05T06:53:28 < Cracki> something the chinese can slap on 10-buck-class motors 2019-03-05T06:53:34 < machinehum> oh 2019-03-05T06:53:48 < Cracki> I want cheap good servos 2019-03-05T06:53:51 < Cracki> without gears 2019-03-05T06:53:53 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-05T06:54:05 -!- fc5dc9d4 [~quassel@p5B08136B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T06:54:19 < Cracki> interestingly, I found breakouts of those avago thingies for 2 bucks (!) on aliex. they go for 20 bucks in the western world 2019-03-05T06:54:55 < machinehum> Yeah they "fall off" the conveyor 2019-03-05T06:54:57 < Cracki> AEDR for Avago Encoder, Reflective 2019-03-05T06:56:04 < Cracki> the last half dozen printers I took apart gave me a bunch of fork-style (transmissive) sensors but if the chinese can use reflective ones for 2 bucks, that would be awesome 2019-03-05T06:56:18 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-05T06:56:35 < Cracki> very flat, SIMPLE to picknplace en masse, and solder onto a motor's ass tabs 2019-03-05T06:57:40 < machinehum> "ass tab" 2019-03-05T06:57:47 < Cracki> you can pair these fuckers with 1000 PPR code discs, so that's 4000 edges/rev already, and they can interpolate x16 on top of that 2019-03-05T06:58:02 < Cracki> back end, you know, where you have + and - 2019-03-05T06:58:09 < machinehum> Yeah got it 2019-03-05T06:58:17 < Cracki> ass is easier to type 2019-03-05T06:58:23 -!- fc5dc9d4_ [~quassel@p5B081620.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-05T06:58:28 < machinehum> Which moters are you using? Just the cheap lil brushed ones 2019-03-05T06:58:41 < Cracki> besides, roosh has been ranting about police women in tight pants again. he seems to not like the butt 2019-03-05T06:58:47 < Cracki> aye cheap lil brushed ones 2019-03-05T06:59:10 < Cracki> not too small tho.... boss gave me a mabuchi with 100 PPR optical encoder. motor diameter is ~30 mm 2019-03-05T06:59:23 < Cracki> RS445pw15200R 2019-03-05T06:59:40 < Cracki> fully decodable type numbers, they're awesome https://www.mabuchi-motor.com/product/knowledge/classification/designations.html 2019-03-05T07:00:52 < machinehum> hmm 2019-03-05T07:01:11 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T07:01:39 < Cracki> if you look for servos on aliexpress, you get those potentiometer thingies for RC cars, or the serious biz $$$ servos, or these geared ones with 11 PPR magnetic encoder 2019-03-05T07:02:00 < Cracki> anyway, new shit is expensive :S 2019-03-05T07:02:19 < machinehum> Those plastic geared things suck 2019-03-05T07:02:34 < machinehum> with the pot, just have an opamp and shit inside 2019-03-05T07:02:42 < Cracki> and when you ask them "212 PPI, does that mean 0.12 mm pitch?" they have no clue what you're talking about 2019-03-05T07:02:53 < machinehum> 40x shitty little plastic gears ready to rip themselves apart 2019-03-05T07:03:00 < Cracki> nah, I got a metal geared thing, but they still have slip of a few degrees 2019-03-05T07:03:16 < machinehum> Depends on the reduction I suppose 2019-03-05T07:03:21 < Cracki> I want _no_ gears so that means no shit magnetic encoder 2019-03-05T07:03:24 < machinehum> Stepper motor with encoders 2019-03-05T07:03:30 < machinehum> work nice 2019-03-05T07:03:34 < Cracki> steppers are heavy and eat current 2019-03-05T07:03:40 < machinehum> Sure do 2019-03-05T07:04:04 < machinehum> You can reduce current with a good driver 2019-03-05T07:04:04 < Cracki> besides you don't really need encoder on them if load < torque 2019-03-05T07:04:24 < machinehum> You can do fun things with the feedback 2019-03-05T07:04:56 < machinehum> With microstepping you torque goes out the window 2019-03-05T07:05:03 < Cracki> steppers have detent torque (the cogging when no current and open circuit) 2019-03-05T07:05:11 < Cracki> wrong 2019-03-05T07:05:19 < Cracki> people always misunderstand torque and microstepping 2019-03-05T07:05:28 < Cracki> it's a misunderstanding propagated by people who have no clue 2019-03-05T07:05:36 < machinehum> Damn that's me 2019-03-05T07:05:45 < Cracki> (and those who think it sounds smart) 2019-03-05T07:06:03 < Cracki> what you have is like FOC for bldcs 2019-03-05T07:06:25 < machinehum> Flux vector control 2019-03-05T07:06:33 < Cracki> field oriented 2019-03-05T07:06:41 < Cracki> and what you have is the magnetic fields giving you one vector, and the rotor giving you another 2019-03-05T07:06:48 < machinehum> Yeah that shit is cool 2019-03-05T07:06:49 < Cracki> and the field pulls the rotor 2019-03-05T07:07:02 < Cracki> and the misunderstanding is this: 2019-03-05T07:07:18 < Cracki> torque is proportional to the angle between magnetic field and rotor 2019-03-05T07:07:22 < Cracki> regardless of microstepping 2019-03-05T07:07:37 < Cracki> the misunderstanding comes from the fact that one microstep is a small angle 2019-03-05T07:07:48 < Cracki> so they think you get less torque, but that's just bullshit 2019-03-05T07:08:29 < Cracki> *proportional to the *cosine* of that difference, I think 2019-03-05T07:08:34 < machinehum> Good to know 2019-03-05T07:08:37 < Cracki> or 1-cos 2019-03-05T07:08:49 < Cracki> watever, stuff on a unit circle 2019-03-05T07:09:05 < Cracki> hm no, sine is probably right 2019-03-05T07:09:57 < machinehum> Is the holding torque reduced? 2019-03-05T07:10:18 < Cracki> microstepping has no effect on that 2019-03-05T07:10:24 < Cracki> there's one caveat tho 2019-03-05T07:10:40 < Cracki> with full stepping, you give 100% on both coils and you drive them into the diagonal of each quadrant 2019-03-05T07:10:49 < Cracki> so the vector is 141%, let's say 2019-03-05T07:11:13 < Cracki> if you move in the unit circle, you move at 100%, so when it points into one corner, you get 71% per coil 2019-03-05T07:11:20 < Cracki> but you already have that with half-stepping 2019-03-05T07:12:02 < machinehum> hmm 2019-03-05T07:12:03 < Cracki> one *could* do half-stepping with +100+0, +100+100, 0+100, -100+100,... but then you'd have uneven field strength, so uneven torque, so that's bad 2019-03-05T07:12:49 < machinehum> cool 2019-03-05T07:12:55 < machinehum> g2g bb 2019-03-05T07:13:00 -!- machinehum [~machinehu@ip-142-232-167-15.ptr.bcit.ca] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.4] 2019-03-05T07:41:55 -!- emeb [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has left ##stm32 [] 2019-03-05T08:16:12 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bxquggmzdgzqhkmn] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T08:30:36 < Cracki> https://twitter.com/DeeeerSimulator 2019-03-05T08:44:06 -!- Jybz [~jibz@2a02:8071:9289:5900:4a51:b7ff:fe84:99e6] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T08:45:27 -!- [1]MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T08:47:07 -!- MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-05T08:47:07 -!- [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius 2019-03-05T08:47:24 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-2fe1e253.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T08:52:47 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-05T08:54:00 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T09:05:06 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T09:23:27 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-05T09:25:20 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T09:36:46 < jadew> Cracki, the programmers of that thing must have been on some really strong drugs 2019-03-05T09:40:41 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-2fe1e253.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-05T09:42:36 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T09:46:15 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T09:49:58 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T10:00:55 -!- R2COM [~R2COM@ip68-3-184-221.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [] 2019-03-05T10:01:13 < dongs> lmao looks like a shitty ripoff of goat simulator 2019-03-05T10:04:13 -!- Jybz [~jibz@2a02:8071:9289:5900:4a51:b7ff:fe84:99e6] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-05T10:10:15 -!- sterna [~Adium@h-90-120.A137.corp.bahnhof.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T10:23:00 < Ecco> Hi :) 2019-03-05T10:23:23 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-05T10:23:40 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T10:24:44 < Ecco> Would you guys have any recommendation for a pogo pin connector? 2019-03-05T10:26:39 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T10:33:10 < dongs> 'connector'? 2019-03-05T10:33:21 < dongs> you just put some pads spaced 2.54mm and done? 2019-03-05T10:35:29 < Ecco> oh, yeah, I meant the other side :) 2019-03-05T10:35:33 < Ecco> The pogo pins themselves :) 2019-03-05T10:36:27 < qyx> can you show a google image of them? 2019-03-05T10:36:35 < Ecco> wat? of pogo pins? 2019-03-05T10:36:46 < Ecco> https://5.imimg.com/data5/KH/OM/MY-9444210/pogo-pins-connector-500x500.jpg 2019-03-05T10:37:41 < qyx> so you want the connector assembly like the tagconnect? 2019-03-05T10:37:45 < qyx> or what 2019-03-05T10:37:52 < qyx> we used ingun pins or feinmetall 2019-03-05T10:38:00 < qyx> but all connectors were custom made 2019-03-05T10:38:04 < dongs> Choose PCBA manufacturer which can produce PCB of IPC CLASS 3 quality, 5/5 mil trace resolution and 0.2 mm holes. Avoid manufacturer who claims "quality" and "satisfaction" but doesn't really know what will be IPC CLASS rating for this project. 2019-03-05T10:38:08 < dongs> lol 2019-03-05T10:38:23 < Ecco> feinmetall -> interesting 2019-03-05T10:38:53 < dongs> Ecco: https://www.mill-max.com/product_finder/1/84 but expensive as Fuck 2019-03-05T10:40:11 < tjq> Haohmaru: anime 2019-03-05T10:40:14 < qyx> there were some PTR or how were they called 2019-03-05T10:40:18 < qyx> they were a bit cheaper 2019-03-05T10:40:19 < dongs> i think i sampled their 2x4 or 2x5 or so array of pogos 2019-03-05T10:40:26 < dongs> for touch-flashing of stuff 2019-03-05T10:40:41 < Ecco> I've browsed the mill-max catalogue 2019-03-05T10:40:47 < Ecco> and they don't seem to have the kind of part I'm after 2019-03-05T10:40:53 < dongs> well fuck you then 2019-03-05T10:40:55 < dongs> autism away 2019-03-05T10:40:58 < Ecco> :-D 2019-03-05T10:41:02 < Ecco> https://www.harwin.com/filter/?level=5&code=PA2253&tlcode=P 2019-03-05T10:41:16 < qyx> yeah https://www.ptr.eu/en/products/interface-pin-blocks/ 2019-03-05T10:41:20 < dongs> yeah these are pogo pins. 2019-03-05T10:41:23 < Ecco> The mill-max have a very short travel 2019-03-05T10:41:25 < dongs> they're like $3 for 100 in china 2019-03-05T10:41:33 < dongs> you didnt fucking specify how long you wanted your shit 2019-03-05T10:42:01 < Ecco> That's true 2019-03-05T10:42:32 < qyx> also as I said https://ingun.com/en 2019-03-05T10:42:40 < qyx> but $$$ 2019-03-05T10:42:42 < dongs> on aliexpress they're called P75 pogo pins 2019-03-05T10:42:46 < Ecco> ok! 2019-03-05T10:43:09 < qyx> I should po-go something too 2019-03-05T10:43:24 < Ecco> Indeed 2019-03-05T10:43:35 < dongs> i always pogo stuff. 2019-03-05T10:43:41 < dongs> but i just make a PCB to mount the pogos in 2019-03-05T10:43:47 < Ecco> I'm a bit cautious about the quality of the chinese ones 2019-03-05T10:43:48 < qyx> lol 100pcs for $1.37 2019-03-05T10:43:49 < dongs> then add some standoffs into mounting holes and shit 2019-03-05T10:43:52 < dongs> qyx, yep 2019-03-05T10:43:54 < Ecco> so I was looking for "reputable" manufacturers 2019-03-05T10:43:57 < dongs> chinagirl sells them for around that much 2019-03-05T10:43:57 < qyx> ololol 2019-03-05T10:43:59 < dongs> and they work great 2019-03-05T10:43:59 < Ecco> since I'd just buy a few of them anyway 2019-03-05T10:44:00 < dongs> zero issues 2019-03-05T10:44:07 < qyx> we were buying such things for ~10€/1pc 2019-03-05T10:44:14 < dongs> ayee. 2019-03-05T10:44:18 < dongs> digikey prices for them are fucking rape 2019-03-05T10:44:32 < dongs> the best ones are diamond head 2019-03-05T10:44:35 < dongs> i forgot waht lm75 number that is 2019-03-05T10:44:56 < qyx> it depends, we used different heads for different purposes 2019-03-05T10:44:59 < Ecco> diamond head = multiple smaller "peaks" at the top? 2019-03-05T10:44:59 < dongs> ah tere it is P75-LM2 2019-03-05T10:45:00 < qyx> usually not for PCB 2019-03-05T10:45:13 < Ecco> oh, ok, got it 2019-03-05T10:46:20 < qyx> mhm I should order some just for the lulz 2019-03-05T10:46:28 < dongs> lcsc should haev some as well 2019-03-05T10:46:30 < dongs> under same part# 2019-03-05T10:46:46 < dongs> hmm tehy dont 2019-03-05T10:46:47 < dongs> odd 2019-03-05T11:00:26 -!- [1]MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T11:04:07 -!- MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 2019-03-05T11:04:07 -!- [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius 2019-03-05T11:19:18 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-60.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T11:20:41 < jadew> Haohmaru, it's weight per square something 2019-03-05T11:20:52 < jadew> (square feet or something similar) 2019-03-05T11:21:13 < jadew> 1 oz = 0.035 mm copper thickness 2019-03-05T11:24:29 < jadew> np 2019-03-05T11:29:46 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-05T11:30:14 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T12:15:24 -!- Dave_Elec [~Dave@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T12:20:27 -!- Sadale [~Sadale@unaffiliated/sadale] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-05T12:22:39 -!- Sadale [~Sadale@unaffiliated/sadale] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T12:36:54 < jadew> what is this material called? 2019-03-05T12:36:58 < jadew> https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1cW5BhQyWBuNjy0Fpq6yssXXaY/100pcs-28-35mm-Black-White-Kraft-paper-Box-Essential-oil-lotion-bottle-sprays-cosmetics-gift-packaging.jpg 2019-03-05T12:37:01 < jadew> is it cardboard? 2019-03-05T12:37:08 < jadew> or some sort of paper? 2019-03-05T12:38:44 < Ultrasauce> boxboard 2019-03-05T12:39:21 < jadew> funny 2019-03-05T12:40:06 < jadew> having a tough time finding the right box and I'm thinking that maybe I don't know what to search for 2019-03-05T12:42:46 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T12:48:23 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-05T12:48:36 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T13:02:30 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-05T13:10:47 -!- Dave_Elec [~Dave@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-05T13:14:22 < jadew> "It said schroefdop (screwcap in the description but its not. very dissapointed but to busy to open an dispute and send that crap back. if someone in netherlands would like to buy mine at half price contact me " 2019-03-05T13:14:41 < jadew> price of the products: $0.90 2019-03-05T13:41:08 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-05T13:45:53 < englishman> rip, norgay https://www.nationalnewswatch.com/2019/03/04/moose-truce-norway-cedes-title-of-tallest-ungulate-back-to-saskatchewan-city/ 2019-03-05T13:46:08 < zyp> haha 2019-03-05T14:21:21 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T14:26:47 -!- dobson [~dobson@68.ip-149-56-14.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-05T14:30:13 -!- dobson [~dobson@68.ip-149-56-14.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T14:40:08 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T14:54:32 < englishman> fuck ikea 2019-03-05T14:58:17 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Gone to sleep...] 2019-03-05T15:05:44 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-05T15:07:23 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T15:12:17 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T15:17:10 < dongs> auto& v = std::get<1>(m); 2019-03-05T15:17:11 < dongs> fuck otuta here 2019-03-05T15:17:15 < dongs> lAzy FUckign Niggers 2019-03-05T15:18:15 < mawk> what's std::get 2019-03-05T15:18:20 < dongs> i dont fuckkng know/care 2019-03-05T15:18:22 < mawk> ah 2019-03-05T15:18:24 < dongs> that entire line is aids 2019-03-05T15:18:36 < mawk> it's m[1] 2019-03-05T15:18:53 < mawk> but written in a fancy way 2019-03-05T15:19:03 < mawk> auto& v = m[1]; 2019-03-05T15:20:30 < dongs> m is also a fucking auto 2019-03-05T15:20:34 < dongs> death to C++ 2019-03-05T15:20:50 < dongs> the whole purpose of C-based shit is to fucking have types 2019-03-05T15:21:00 < dongs> not this too-lazy-to-type-python-trash 2019-03-05T15:24:07 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-05T15:24:59 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T15:26:32 < rmaw> dongs, std::get is for getting the an element of a tuple 2019-03-05T15:26:36 < rmaw> its not m[1] 2019-03-05T15:27:04 < rmaw> a tuple is heterogeneous type 2019-03-05T15:27:22 < dongs> you lost me at "tuple" 2019-03-05T15:27:34 < rmaw> std::tuple 2019-03-05T15:28:30 < dongs> did C++ 2019 or whateer somehow fix bitfields casting to work on all platforms? 2019-03-05T15:29:07 < dongs> this nigger is doing struct crap { uint16_t aids: 12; uint16_t seq : 4; } and then doing crap *foo = (crap *)data 2019-03-05T15:31:27 < mawk> if it's a tuple yes rmaw 2019-03-05T15:31:28 < rmaw> also dongs, "the whole purpose of C-based shit is to fucking have types" , with auto it still absolutely has a type, the type is just deduced 2019-03-05T15:31:33 < mawk> but std::get works for other stuff like arrays 2019-03-05T15:32:05 < dongs> uhh bro, i don't wanna "guess" what hte type is 2019-03-05T15:32:07 < mawk> no I think it's still pretty undefined that dongs 2019-03-05T15:32:09 < dongs> i want to see the shit in code 2019-03-05T15:32:19 < rmaw> dongs, its mainly when you have a mass of templated stuff its useful 2019-03-05T15:32:23 < dongs> if the faggot writing is too lazy to know what type hes getting out of that shit 2019-03-05T15:32:26 < mawk> have a pro IDE tool that shows the type 2019-03-05T15:32:28 < dongs> he should problty just switch tyo rtuby or somethign 2019-03-05T15:32:32 < rmaw> or your writing generic code 2019-03-05T15:33:02 < mawk> "auto" is nicer than "std::enable_if_t, T, uintmax_t>" 2019-03-05T15:33:05 < rmaw> you can still write the type if you want 2019-03-05T15:40:45 < rajkosto> > 2019 2019-03-05T15:40:55 < rajkosto> > not having clang or msvc tell you what the type is when you hover over variable 2019-03-05T15:41:03 < dongs> it does 2019-03-05T15:41:06 < dongs> thats not the point 2019-03-05T15:41:13 < rajkosto> you should still use the type unless it leads to putting the type twice into one line 2019-03-05T15:41:21 < rajkosto> or if its an unutterable/template hell type 2019-03-05T15:42:06 < jadew> dongs, auto was only introduced to solve (vector>::const_iterator i = vec.begin(); ... 2019-03-05T15:42:07 < rmaw> vs 2019 is not too bad. if you go make a coffee by the time you get back the autocomplete has worked out the type 2019-03-05T15:42:15 < rmaw> and pops up 2019-03-05T15:42:33 < jadew> the fact that it's overused was sort of expected, but it's bad practice 2019-03-05T15:42:41 < mawk> you even have it in C dongs ! 2019-03-05T15:42:43 < mawk> __auto_type 2019-03-05T15:42:48 < mawk> everything you like 2019-03-05T15:43:04 < mawk> #define autodongs __auto_type 2019-03-05T15:43:43 < jpa-> > suggests a gcc extension to dongs 2019-03-05T15:46:21 < rmaw> hmm, has anyone ever bought one of the knock off ebay J-links and got it working? 2019-03-05T15:47:02 < rmaw> I bought one about 3 months ago from china, it just turned up and it appears to be junk.. everything wants to upgrade its fw then just fails 2019-03-05T15:48:15 < rajkosto> rmaw, i have gud firmware for it 2019-03-05T15:48:31 < rmaw> let me show you the one I have 2019-03-05T15:48:59 < rajkosto> mine works fantastic but it uses the stlinkv2 ugpraded to jlink firmware 2019-03-05T15:49:05 < rajkosto> so yours needs to be wired that way 2019-03-05T15:49:15 < rmaw> I thought that was only for onboard stlinks 2019-03-05T15:49:19 < rmaw> like on the devkits 2019-03-05T15:49:25 < rajkosto> potato potato 2019-03-05T15:49:27 < Ecco> how is j-link > st-link? 2019-03-05T15:49:41 < Ecco> I mean, as long as you can hook GDB, what's the difference? 2019-03-05T15:49:42 < jpa-> incremental flashing, maybe 2019-03-05T15:49:45 < rajkosto> better, not uisng openOCD, and SWO is easily accessible 2019-03-05T15:50:14 < rajkosto> but you lose VCP if you have stlinkv2.1 (and you cant get it back legitimately, the jlink -> stlink tool only flashes the non vcp firmware back) 2019-03-05T15:50:18 < rmaw> https://i.snag.gy/CpwJrP.jpg 2019-03-05T15:50:34 < rajkosto> fancy 2019-03-05T15:50:35 < rajkosto> too fancy. 2019-03-05T15:50:51 < rmaw> junk. 2019-03-05T15:51:02 < rajkosto> too many buffers 2019-03-05T15:51:12 < rajkosto> but yeah clone j-link dont work as you cant use latest firmware/software on them 2019-03-05T15:51:36 < mawk> and how do you do it non-legitimately rajkosto ? 2019-03-05T15:51:40 < mawk> get vcp back 2019-03-05T15:51:52 < rmaw> seems pointless even for the chinese to make them then 2019-03-05T15:51:58 < rmaw> which was why I was curious to buy one and try it 2019-03-05T15:51:58 < rajkosto> flash empty v2.1 bootloader back 2019-03-05T15:52:17 < rajkosto> then use hacked java upgrader to specifically flash the MSD+VCP firmware back on 2019-03-05T15:52:39 < rajkosto> (its hacked to let you choose any firmware possible) 2019-03-05T15:52:45 < mawk> ah 2019-03-05T15:52:59 < rajkosto> anyway, anything wired like MB1136 can work as a onboard stlink 2019-03-05T15:53:05 < rajkosto> and thus is upgradeable to jlink that way 2019-03-05T15:53:53 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-05T15:53:58 < rajkosto> https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-05_14-53-54_uMhUTEvQE.png 2019-03-05T15:55:48 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T15:56:01 < rajkosto> https://cdn.hackaday.io/images/3987241526056296205.png the main connections 2019-03-05T15:57:51 < rajkosto> how much did that fake j-link cost ? just get a recent cheap 10$ discovery/nucleo board that has st-linkv2.1 and the break off the stlink 2019-03-05T15:58:09 < dongs> < rmaw> https://i.snag.gy/CpwJrP.jpg 2019-03-05T15:58:11 < dongs> cloner trash 2019-03-05T15:58:17 < rmaw> about $10, I bought a ULINK at the same time 2019-03-05T15:58:19 < rmaw> that one works 2019-03-05T15:58:32 < rajkosto> whats a ulink 2019-03-05T15:58:50 < dongs> ulink pro, the thing for keil 2019-03-05T15:58:58 < dongs> their own branded debugger 2019-03-05T15:59:02 < rajkosto> proprietary trash 2019-03-05T15:59:04 < dongs> its kinda shit CUZ IT ONLY WORKS FOR KEIL 2019-03-05T15:59:22 < rmaw> https://i.snag.gy/af9HLQ.jpg 2019-03-05T15:59:36 < rmaw> both were about $10 2019-03-05T16:00:20 < rmaw> yes, I just wanted to try it with KEIL for stm32 2019-03-05T16:01:45 < rajkosto> dis my stlink https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-02-21_18-09-57_c4kdPJVgY.png https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-02-21_18-10-08_BH6OOUIhB.png 2019-03-05T16:02:05 < rajkosto> if you buy the stlink clone its the same layout 2019-03-05T16:02:17 < rajkosto> missing SWO, you can solder a wire for it though 2019-03-05T16:02:55 < rajkosto> http://lujji.github.io/blog/stlink-clone-trace/st-link-mod.jpg 2019-03-05T16:03:36 < rmaw> ohh I have a bunch of the usb ones somewhere 2019-03-05T16:03:59 < rajkosto> you can flash those to j-link 2019-03-05T16:09:16 < rmaw> is there any benefit then over stlink? 2019-03-05T16:09:35 < rmaw> I bought that jlink clone on a whim, no idea if it is a better debug solution or not 2019-03-05T16:09:46 < rajkosto> its faster and SWO is available through a separate port 2019-03-05T16:10:04 < rajkosto> so if your IDE is eclipse or has telnet console you can see it ez 2019-03-05T16:12:50 < rmaw> found one 2019-03-05T16:12:56 < rmaw> blue one too! 2019-03-05T16:13:41 -!- Laurence_b [~laurence@cca100-pool11.nottingham.ac.uk] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 2019-03-05T16:15:31 < rmaw> doesn't detect it with the upgrade tool 2019-03-05T16:16:39 -!- bitrot [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T16:16:45 < bitrot> what u get 2019-03-05T16:17:23 < bitrot> you can upgrade it with stlink upgrader but not with jlink conversion software ? 2019-03-05T16:17:35 < rmaw> Identifying ST-LINK variant...ERROR: Unsupported ST-LINK hardware variant 2019-03-05T16:17:42 < bitrot> upgrade with stlink upgrader first 2019-03-05T16:18:14 < jadew> https://www.livescience.com/25959-atoms-colder-than-absolute-zero.html 2019-03-05T16:19:37 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-05T16:20:41 -!- bitrot [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Client Quit] 2019-03-05T16:20:50 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T16:21:10 < rmaw> still unsupported hardware variant, even after stlink ug 2019-03-05T16:21:22 < rajkosto> now i tell u the secret 2019-03-05T16:21:28 < rajkosto> open the jlink converter exe with a hex editor 2019-03-05T16:21:30 < rajkosto> https://hastebin.com/babaniruci.hs 2019-03-05T16:22:22 < BrainDamage> jadew: a laser has negative temperatures 2019-03-05T16:23:14 < jadew> BrainDamage, at the right pulse frequency and power? 2019-03-05T16:23:16 < jadew> or all the time? 2019-03-05T16:23:21 < BrainDamage> all the time 2019-03-05T16:23:55 < BrainDamage> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermi%E2%80%93Dirac_statistics#/media/File:FD_e_mu.svg 2019-03-05T16:24:05 < jadew> I have to go, I'll check that link later 2019-03-05T16:24:07 < BrainDamage> this is the fermi-diract statistic for fermions 2019-03-05T16:24:10 < jadew> this is super interesting 2019-03-05T16:24:32 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T16:24:34 < BrainDamage> it's how thermal energy is distributed at varying T 2019-03-05T16:24:49 < BrainDamage> and it gives the probability of an electron to occupy a state 2019-03-05T16:25:04 < BrainDamage> for a laser, you have to pourposely implement what's called a population inversion 2019-03-05T16:25:18 < BrainDamage> where instead of the lower states, the higher states are populated 2019-03-05T16:25:35 < BrainDamage> this is represented with a negative temperature, and it'll be hotter than any positive temperature 2019-03-05T16:25:49 < BrainDamage> because it'll always transfer energy towards a positive temperature state 2019-03-05T16:27:23 < rmaw> rajkosto, that worked 2019-03-05T16:33:09 < rajkosto> yeeeeeees 2019-03-05T16:38:06 < rmaw> no vcom option tho 2019-03-05T16:38:07 < rmaw> on that 2019-03-05T16:39:06 < rmaw> https://i.snag.gy/x8iOBX.jpg 2019-03-05T16:40:21 -!- Laurenceb [~laurence@cca100-pool11.nottingham.ac.uk] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T16:41:04 < rmaw> https://www.segger.com/products/debug-probes/j-link/models/other-j-links/st-link-on-board/ 2019-03-05T16:41:10 < rmaw> this suggests it should be 2019-03-05T16:41:59 < rmaw> "Virtual COM port (VCOM) support" 2019-03-05T16:54:23 < bitmask> hioooh 2019-03-05T16:57:30 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-05T17:01:43 -!- con3 [~kvirc@ml.sun.ac.za] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T17:28:52 < bitmask> whats the diff between line regulation and load regulation 2019-03-05T17:31:06 < rajkosto> rmaw, theres no vcp on jlink 2019-03-05T17:31:39 < rajkosto> and your "stlink" doesnt have the points soldered anywhere anyway 2019-03-05T17:31:47 -!- emeb [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T17:32:58 < con3> Is there a way to have the spi received a variable amount of data? In the sense that I have an interrupt set up but the callback is only called if the reception buffer is full. I'd rather like it called when the cs line goes high which for my use case would indicate the end of transmission 2019-03-05T17:33:37 < rajkosto> spi slave huh 2019-03-05T17:33:46 < rajkosto> connected to proper NSS pin ? 2019-03-05T17:33:53 < rajkosto> it should have an option to genrate interrupt on that or something 2019-03-05T17:34:37 < con3> rajkosto: will look into that, thanks! so far I've only got it generating after a filled buffer.Will report back after some research 2019-03-05T17:35:02 < Laurenceb> https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Destroy-Man-Now-DAMN/dp/099982032X 2019-03-05T17:35:43 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bxquggmzdgzqhkmn] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-05T17:38:18 < Laurenceb> the absolute state of the wambulance 2019-03-05T17:38:30 < Laurenceb> all xeon cores at 100%, 80GB ram use 2019-03-05T17:38:58 -!- con3 [~kvirc@ml.sun.ac.za] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.9.2 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/] 2019-03-05T17:39:02 < Laurenceb> database is converting everything to csv ascii internall, I can teven 2019-03-05T17:47:12 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-05T17:47:13 < Cracki> wat 2019-03-05T17:48:30 < Cracki> dat book 2019-03-05T17:48:43 < Cracki> the first book I think should be burned, and the witch of an author too 2019-03-05T18:14:19 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-05T18:16:28 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T18:16:49 -!- catphish [~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T18:27:00 -!- sterna [~Adium@h-90-120.A137.corp.bahnhof.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-05T18:54:28 < rmaw> rajkosto: ok, thanks for the assist 2019-03-05T19:03:40 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T19:14:51 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-60.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-05T19:15:07 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-60.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T19:21:26 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-05T19:24:35 < dongs> #videolan: Total of 420 nicks 2019-03-05T19:26:13 < Ultrasauce> weed!!! 2019-03-05T19:29:49 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-60.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-05T19:31:05 < upgrdman> https://i.redd.it/olv4y1q35bk21.jpg 2019-03-05T19:31:54 < kakimir> boi 2019-03-05T19:41:14 < Laurenceb> now I'm in jail 2019-03-05T19:41:34 < kakimir> laurencer 2019-03-05T19:41:54 < kakimir> welcome back 2019-03-05T19:42:19 < Laurenceb> not for long, now I'm going to sex offender jail cuz uk pronz laws 2019-03-05T19:43:07 < kakimir> babby shaker was too much 2019-03-05T19:44:19 < Laurenceb> oh shit yeah 2019-03-05T19:44:32 < Laurenceb> >get ip logged for looking at illegal pronz 2019-03-05T19:44:42 < Laurenceb> >police find my plastic babby with realistic holes 2019-03-05T19:44:46 < Laurenceb> jail 4 lief 2019-03-05T19:45:07 < kakimir> ok 2019-03-05T19:45:56 < kakimir> but seriously 2019-03-05T19:46:29 < kakimir> are you just being unfunny? 2019-03-05T19:46:42 < Laurenceb> no uk pronz laws are getting crazy 2019-03-05T19:46:55 < Laurenceb> only a month or two until everything is illegal 2019-03-05T19:47:02 < kakimir> interesting 2019-03-05T19:47:04 < Laurenceb> unless it has been pre approved 2019-03-05T19:47:18 < kakimir> legal perv register 2019-03-05T19:47:22 < Laurenceb> yup 2019-03-05T19:47:47 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-05T19:49:06 < kakimir> well just register yourself 2019-03-05T19:49:15 < Laurenceb> kek 2019-03-05T19:49:26 < Laurenceb> keep annoying children away from me 2019-03-05T19:49:49 < kakimir> so does the goverment then watch what you watch? 2019-03-05T19:49:55 < Laurenceb> probably 2019-03-05T19:50:17 < Laurenceb> yeah actually there is a censorship board who has to watch the pronz 2019-03-05T19:50:27 < kakimir> that must be so hard job for someone 2019-03-05T19:50:32 < Laurenceb> abuse of the womens and rape and stuff gets b& 2019-03-05T19:51:11 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-98-247-192-179.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T19:52:34 < kakimir> okay thanks for info 2019-03-05T19:52:41 < kakimir> time for next topic 2019-03-05T19:53:57 < antto> it's still too early for tentacles 2019-03-05T19:54:09 < antto> just saying 2019-03-05T19:59:18 -!- benishor_ is now known as benishor 2019-03-05T20:01:51 < catphish> theresa may has to personally approve every frame of pornographic videos before they're legal here 2019-03-05T20:02:05 < catphish> that's why brexit is taking so long 2019-03-05T20:03:32 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T20:04:27 < kakimir> brexit is never over 2019-03-05T20:07:32 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vmmfbwerljspjrrm] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T20:07:43 < kakimir> englishman: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ifp--xFRlS1e3poY7WM1K_g--GQzox-T/view?usp=sharing 2019-03-05T20:09:29 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-05T20:10:30 < kakimir> made good ol' moose fashionable again 2019-03-05T20:14:28 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-05T20:14:36 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-98-247-192-179.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [] 2019-03-05T20:15:02 < rajkosto> you ruined it grats 2019-03-05T20:15:13 < kakimir> I did 2019-03-05T20:17:15 < kakimir> but I like it better this way 2019-03-05T20:18:41 < Steffanx> You painted it :O 2019-03-05T20:18:57 < Steffanx> Should hide those ugly wires/cables mr kakimir 2019-03-05T20:19:56 < kakimir> it's called being practical 2019-03-05T20:20:36 < kakimir> maybe should change white utp 2019-03-05T20:22:16 < antto> catphish what about all the rejected videos? will she wash her eyes with bleach? 2019-03-05T20:26:03 < catphish> unknown 2019-03-05T21:09:20 < jadew> BrainDamage, I'm back 2019-03-05T21:10:11 < jadew> why is a laser considered to have negative temperature? simply because it can heat up anything, no matter how hot it already is? 2019-03-05T21:10:56 < PaulFertser> But it can also cool things: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resolved_sideband_cooling 2019-03-05T21:11:09 -!- veegee [~veegee@ipagstaticip-3d3f7614-22f3-5b69-be13-7ab4b2c585d9.sdsl.bell.ca] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T21:11:35 < jadew> yeah, I'm aware of that too, but don't know how it works 2019-03-05T21:12:54 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-98-247-192-179.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T21:18:31 < Laurenceb> wew its working 2019-03-05T21:18:40 < Laurenceb> 30MB/s loading into muh database 2019-03-05T21:25:55 < BrainDamage> no, because in order for a laser to work, the electrons has to stay in an excited state 2019-03-05T21:26:26 < BrainDamage> excited state -> population inversion -> inversed fermi dirac -> negative temperature 2019-03-05T21:27:28 < BrainDamage> in order for a laser to work, most of the electrons need to idle in the metastable state https://image.slidesharecdn.com/2xtraedit-140419000942-phpapp01/95/laser-ppt-11-638.jpg?cb=1397866226 2019-03-05T21:27:47 < BrainDamage> this is the opposite of what normally happens, where the electrons idle in the ground state 2019-03-05T21:28:50 < BrainDamage> bear in mind it's kind of useless definition 2019-03-05T21:28:57 < BrainDamage> because it works only for isolated systems 2019-03-05T21:29:46 < jadew> BrainDamage, what's an isolated system? 2019-03-05T21:29:55 < jadew> a couple of suspended atoms or something? 2019-03-05T21:30:25 < BrainDamage> an isolated system is one that doesn't exchange work with the environment 2019-03-05T21:30:37 < jadew> ah ha 2019-03-05T21:30:42 < BrainDamage> it can be as complex as you want 2019-03-05T21:30:42 < jadew> so.. kinda useless 2019-03-05T21:30:49 < BrainDamage> but it has to be self contained 2019-03-05T21:31:20 < jadew> thanks for clearing that up 2019-03-05T21:42:01 -!- Rickta59 [~kimballr@unaffiliated/rickta59] has quit [Quit: leaving] 2019-03-05T21:53:36 < Laurenceb> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VFvQ6LYer4 2019-03-05T21:55:16 < kakimir> ##physics32 2019-03-05T21:55:27 < kakimir> are you a teacher BrainDamage ? 2019-03-05T21:58:08 < BrainDamage> no 2019-03-05T21:58:26 < Steffanx> irc teacher :) 2019-03-05T21:58:47 < BrainDamage> irc pro ee teacher 2019-03-05T22:00:35 < kakimir> irc professor 2019-03-05T22:08:06 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-98-247-192-179.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-05T22:09:04 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-23b8d954.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T22:12:04 < Cracki> fucken magnets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OI_HFnNTfyU 2019-03-05T22:15:10 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:943c:156:b25d:ff63] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T22:16:22 < kakimir> how to find y class capacitors on mouser? 2019-03-05T22:17:56 < Cracki> TIL: https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/technical-articles/safety-capacitor-class-x-and-class-y-capacitors/ 2019-03-05T22:18:50 < kakimir> I try to filter results 2019-03-05T22:19:07 < kakimir> there seems to be no other category than safety capacitors 2019-03-05T22:19:13 < kakimir> and all I find is X 2019-03-05T22:19:29 < Cracki> product type "safety capacitors" maybe? 2019-03-05T22:20:16 < kakimir> apparently those caps can be both 2019-03-05T22:20:24 < kakimir> X and Y simultaneously 2019-03-05T22:20:36 < kakimir> it's just about testing specification 2019-03-05T22:20:39 < Cracki> hmhm 2019-03-05T22:21:09 < Cracki> nvm, I'm slow to read atm 2019-03-05T22:21:11 < kakimir> https://www.mouser.fi/datasheet/2/427/vy2series-95424.pdf 2019-03-05T22:21:19 < kakimir> here an example 2019-03-05T22:21:30 < Cracki> when I filter for safety caps, I see y-class? 2019-03-05T22:22:10 < Cracki> https://imgur.com/ZAZiTGP https://imgur.com/XIeCfHD 2019-03-05T22:22:50 < Cracki> hmhmhm 2019-03-05T22:24:20 < kakimir> okay 2019-03-05T22:24:31 < kakimir> I see them are many times combined X and Y 2019-03-05T22:36:17 < Steffanx> Go for X2Y :P 2019-03-05T22:36:42 < kakimir> I go for the ideal capacitor 2019-03-05T22:37:09 < Steffanx> virtual capacitor. tjq knows all about it 2019-03-05T22:37:36 < kakimir> category: ideal capasitors 2019-03-05T22:37:48 < kakimir> enter: capacitancy 2019-03-05T22:47:01 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vmmfbwerljspjrrm] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-05T22:47:52 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-wwxhxszyzyktxhkj] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T23:08:27 -!- emeryth [emeryth@boston-packets.hackerspace.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-05T23:15:13 < Ecco> https://coral.withgoogle.com/tutorials/devboard-datasheet/ 2019-03-05T23:15:20 < Ecco> -> Arm Cortex-M4 core platform 2019-03-05T23:15:24 < Ecco> 16 KB L1 Instruction Cache 2019-03-05T23:15:28 < Ecco> 16 KB L1 Data Cache 2019-03-05T23:15:39 < Ecco> Wouldn't that be an M7? 2019-03-05T23:15:47 < Cracki> pimp my cortex? 2019-03-05T23:16:08 < Cracki> maybe the m4 is a coprocessor, the caches apply to its master 2019-03-05T23:16:34 < Cracki> does an A53 have 16+16K cache? or more? 2019-03-05T23:16:41 < Ecco> well 2019-03-05T23:16:45 < Cracki> oh, i see the table now 2019-03-05T23:16:52 < Cracki> *digging* 2019-03-05T23:16:54 < Ecco> it says 32KB I/D a few lines above, specifically for the A53 2019-03-05T23:17:12 < Cracki> aparently a CM4 can have (always has?) cache 2019-03-05T23:17:20 < Ecco> huh? 2019-03-05T23:17:24 < Ecco> wat? 2019-03-05T23:17:34 < Cracki> still digging 2019-03-05T23:17:48 < Cracki> or they actually pimped it... 2019-03-05T23:18:09 -!- emeryth [emeryth@boston-packets.hackerspace.pl] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T23:18:18 < Cracki> according to this, it's not supposed to have cache https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARM_Cortex-M#Silicon_customization 2019-03-05T23:18:27 < Ecco> I'm pretty positive M4 never have cache 2019-03-05T23:18:35 < Cracki> maybe they pimped it 2019-03-05T23:18:47 < Ecco> They most likely confused this with an M7 2019-03-05T23:20:08 < Cracki> maybe they did something like ST did with "ART" to cache instructions 2019-03-05T23:21:09 < Cracki> better source would be nxp.com... https://www.nxp.com/products/processors-and-microcontrollers/arm-based-processors-and-mcus/i.mx-applications-processors/i.mx-8-processors/i.mx-8m-family-armcortex-a53-cortex-m4-audio-voice-video:i.MX8M 2019-03-05T23:21:42 < Cracki> block diagram says the M4 has 16+16k cache 2019-03-05T23:30:09 < zyp> CM4 doesn't come with a cache in the core itself, only CM7 does 2019-03-05T23:30:19 < Cracki> so nothing keeps them from bolting some on 2019-03-05T23:30:25 < zyp> but that doesn't stop vendors from throwing a cache in front of the CM4 2019-03-05T23:30:26 < Cracki> stm32 has ART 2019-03-05T23:30:29 < zyp> exactly 2019-03-05T23:31:47 < Ecco> oh 2019-03-05T23:32:03 < Ecco> well that's kinda different 2019-03-05T23:32:26 < Ecco> I mean specifically the data cache 2019-03-05T23:32:39 < Cracki> so they added a cache for that too, so? 2019-03-05T23:32:41 < Ecco> what's the point if the SRAM can run at clock speed? 2019-03-05T23:32:50 < Cracki> dunno, maybe it can't :> 2019-03-05T23:32:55 < zyp> also, on a hybrid platform like that, with both cortex-a and cortex-m, you'll want cache on the cortex-m if it's gonna touch any of the high latency memories anyway 2019-03-05T23:33:10 < Cracki> or it's just more convenient to have a cache handle stuff instead of explicitly copying stuff into CCM 2019-03-05T23:33:17 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-23b8d954.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-05T23:33:19 < zyp> which you'd do at least to exchange data between the cores 2019-03-05T23:33:31 < Ecco> oh, ok, make sense 2019-03-05T23:33:39 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-05T23:35:02 < kakimir> https://pr0gramm.com/new/3032259 2019-03-05T23:35:36 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-05T23:35:37 -!- BrainDamage_ is now known as BrainDamage 2019-03-05T23:35:59 < Steffanx> 23:35 is a nice time to go sleep, kakimir 2019-03-05T23:37:25 < zyp> hmm 2019-03-05T23:37:52 < zyp> stm32mp1 does not have cache for the cortex-m 2019-03-05T23:38:43 < zyp> instead there's four separate SRAM blocks on its AHB matrix, so you can dedicate some both for code and data 2019-03-05T23:44:55 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:943c:156:b25d:ff63] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-05T23:50:08 < kakimir> half of telephone calls in us are scams 2019-03-05T23:53:37 < Cracki> or butt dials 2019-03-05T23:58:29 -!- Rickta59 [~kimballr@unaffiliated/rickta59] has joined ##stm32 --- Day changed Wed Mar 06 2019 2019-03-06T00:10:04 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T00:10:42 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-06T00:11:51 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-06T00:11:51 -!- BrainDamage_ is now known as BrainDamage 2019-03-06T00:21:42 < Cracki> german engineering https://twitter.com/i/videos/1102998620364853248 2019-03-06T00:57:00 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-wwxhxszyzyktxhkj] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-06T00:58:47 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-06T01:04:14 < jadew> BrainDamage, so what happens if you cool something down to below 0 K and then break the isolation? 2019-03-06T01:06:10 < jadew> will it heat up the environment as it heats up to 0 K itself? or will it suck entropy from the environment and at the same time... lose also entropy? 2019-03-06T01:12:41 < jadew> given that something that has negative temperature is hotter than infinity hot, it means that while it's heating up to 0, it should also heat up the environment, so it has to release entropy in order to get hot, but at the same time, putting energy into it, should decrease the entropy 2019-03-06T01:13:34 < jadew> so... both getting and losing energy makes it heat up... 2019-03-06T01:13:36 * jadew scratches head 2019-03-06T01:13:41 < kakimir> is there breadboard with other pin pitch than 2.54 2019-03-06T01:14:05 < jadew> kakimir, I haven't seen any 2019-03-06T01:14:10 < jadew> but there might be 2019-03-06T01:15:19 < jadew> I'm gonna take this to ##physics 2019-03-06T01:17:39 < mawk> putting more energy should make the temperature even more negative jadew 2019-03-06T01:17:48 < mawk> you have even fewer micro-states available 2019-03-06T01:18:07 < jadew> mawk, but then again, how is it negative? 2019-03-06T01:18:20 < jadew> does it simply become infinity+ and stay there? 2019-03-06T01:18:28 < jadew> how do you get it back to 0? 2019-03-06T01:18:41 < mawk> I don't know about this infinity business, maybe it was vulgarisation 2019-03-06T01:18:42 < jadew> I assume that happens by heating up the environment 2019-03-06T01:18:54 < jadew> I don't think it is 2019-03-06T01:18:56 < mawk> also it's maybe a calculus artifact, you have other models that avoid negative temperatures 2019-03-06T01:19:10 < jadew> the idea is that anything below 0 K, is hotter than anything with a positive temperature 2019-03-06T01:19:30 < jadew> I don't think it's an artifact either 2019-03-06T01:19:41 < jadew> I think it's something like.. negative entropy 2019-03-06T01:20:18 < Cracki> breadboard of perfboard? (I'm sure there are perfboards in all kinds of rasters, I had 1.27mm some years ago) 2019-03-06T01:20:36 < mawk> well if you take another definition of entropy, other than S = k_B log Ω, you don't have negative temperatures 2019-03-06T01:20:46 < Cracki> negative temperature is probably just a mathematical construct, not intuitive 2019-03-06T01:20:48 < mawk> but you may have other problems 2019-03-06T01:22:07 < Cracki> the metal contact bridges for protoboard might get really hard to make quickly 2019-03-06T01:23:34 < Cracki> maybe abuse one of these https://mt.rsdelivers.com/product/te-connectivity/2102061-1/te-connectivity-mezalok-127mm-pitch-114-way-6-row/7825291 2019-03-06T01:24:28 < Cracki> kakimir, wat for? 2019-03-06T01:24:46 < kakimir> I would preffer 1/4 pin pitch 2019-03-06T01:24:58 < kakimir> but I just drill every second hole to tht board 2019-03-06T01:25:02 < Cracki> 0.635 mm wat 2019-03-06T01:25:09 < Cracki> that's as wide as standard pins 2019-03-06T01:25:15 < kakimir> 6.35 2019-03-06T01:25:33 < Cracki> what now, 1/4 inch pitch? that's huuuge 2019-03-06T01:25:41 < kakimir> yyes 2019-03-06T01:25:45 < Cracki> uuuh 2019-03-06T01:25:48 < kakimir> I need bulky things 2019-03-06T01:26:10 < Cracki> standard pin diameter, or more? 2019-03-06T01:26:38 < kakimir> pin diameter something like 1.8 2019-03-06T01:26:45 < kakimir> or to say 2019-03-06T01:26:54 < kakimir> I drill every hole to tht board 2019-03-06T01:26:56 < Cracki> wew that sounds like it's cheap to make custom 2019-03-06T01:27:14 < kakimir> it needs to be by weekend so I just drill 2019-03-06T01:27:18 < Cracki> some custom sheet metal clamp strips, a little 3d printing 2019-03-06T01:29:14 < Cracki> how do you feel about 0.22" or 0.28" pitch? that'd be standard 0.1" at 45 degrees 2019-03-06T01:29:30 < Cracki> but still 1.8mm legs would raep any breadboard 2019-03-06T01:29:41 < Cracki> fun problem to have 2019-03-06T01:30:21 < kakimir> recommend solar harvester dev kit 2019-03-06T01:30:35 < Cracki> >melanin harvester dev kit 2019-03-06T01:31:30 -!- rmaw [~rmaw@rmaw.hostless.org] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 2019-03-06T01:31:53 -!- rmaw [~rmaw@rmaw.hostless.org] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T01:32:55 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T01:37:15 < kakimir> melanin sourve harvester 2019-03-06T01:47:06 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-06T01:55:43 -!- emeb [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-06T02:08:36 < kakimir> https://www.mouser.fi/new/aaeon-up/aaeon-up-ai-core-x/ my computer needs 2019-03-06T02:08:48 < kakimir> Idk what it is 2019-03-06T02:08:51 < kakimir> I need it 2019-03-06T02:11:31 < zyp> probably some sort of tensor processor 2019-03-06T02:11:48 < kakimir> should learn neural network soon 2019-03-06T02:12:03 < Cracki> intel movidius 2019-03-06T02:12:15 < Cracki> they sell that in usb dongle form already 2019-03-06T02:12:19 < kakimir> so my mouser order 2019-03-06T02:12:27 < kakimir> 30eur worth of connectors 2019-03-06T02:12:30 < kakimir> that I need 2019-03-06T02:12:43 < kakimir> 46eur worth of atmel ice 2019-03-06T02:13:01 < zyp> reminds me of when I got a mpcie h264 decoder card for my laptop like ten years ago 2019-03-06T02:13:01 < kakimir> any objections? 2019-03-06T02:13:09 < Cracki> which atmel ice? 2019-03-06T02:13:16 < kakimir> PCVA 2019-03-06T02:13:18 < kakimir> PCBA 2019-03-06T02:13:28 < kakimir> the bare board thingie 2019-03-06T02:13:29 < Cracki> yes good I think that's the cheapest 2019-03-06T02:13:49 < Cracki> you can freeze it in carbonite 2019-03-06T02:13:55 < kakimir> I think I cannot figure out any smarter filling for my order 2019-03-06T02:14:36 < zyp> had one of those dell laptops that had sockets for both wlan and 3g modems and the latter were unused, so I stuck the h264 decoder there 2019-03-06T02:14:36 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T02:14:42 < Cracki> those AI thingies are gonna be in everything that has a camera 2019-03-06T02:14:46 < Cracki> including racing drones 2019-03-06T02:15:47 < zyp> still got that laptop in a box somewhere, maybe I should dig it out and put a neural network card in it 2019-03-06T02:16:11 < Cracki> those AI thingies are only good for inference tho, not learning 2019-03-06T02:16:30 < Cracki> (unless they actually mention fp32 crunch) 2019-03-06T02:16:59 < zyp> how does the computational load between inference and learning differ? 2019-03-06T02:17:33 < Cracki> inference is a single forward pass 2019-03-06T02:17:43 < Cracki> learning is a gazillion backwards passes 2019-03-06T02:18:10 < Cracki> forward passes can be done in low precision, even uint8 2019-03-06T02:18:16 < Cracki> if you juggle your network weights right 2019-03-06T02:18:32 < Cracki> but learning requires precision, i.e. fp32 2019-03-06T02:18:42 < zyp> ah, makes sense 2019-03-06T02:20:38 < zyp> does backward/forward imply different operations too? 2019-03-06T02:21:50 < zyp> I figure that number of passes doesn't matter, something that's faster at forward passes should be faster at backward passes too, unless those are different kinds of operations 2019-03-06T02:23:20 < Cracki> yes, forward is pretty much summing and applying activation/transfer function 2019-03-06T02:23:29 < zyp> apologies if I sound dumb, I don't know much about neural networks :) 2019-03-06T02:23:31 < Cracki> backwards is taking the derivative of that function and propagating the error 2019-03-06T02:23:38 < Cracki> I don't know much either, for now :P 2019-03-06T02:23:55 < Cracki> the derivative is usually known and a closed form 2019-03-06T02:24:15 < Cracki> still, this can fuck off fast thanks to numerical inaccuracies 2019-03-06T02:24:47 < kakimir> https://www.mouser.fi/datasheet/2/196/Infineon-ProductBrief_XMC_Link_Isolated_Debug_Prob-1274418.pdf 2019-03-06T02:24:49 < Cracki> something you can use for training has TONS of memory and is good at fp32 crunch 2019-03-06T02:25:19 < kakimir> if that works with other than xmc it's a solid deal 2019-03-06T02:25:25 < Cracki> those little edge devices are good at fp16, fp8, uint8 and might only have enough memory for that little bit of crunch they can do 2019-03-06T02:25:32 < zyp> if I were like ten-fifteen years younger, I'd have gotten into machine learning now and made it a career or something 2019-03-06T02:25:37 < Cracki> networks (their weights) can be megabytes upto gigabytes in size 2019-03-06T02:25:43 < Cracki> same :> 2019-03-06T02:26:02 < Cracki> I'll have to though. there's really no alternative for me. 2019-03-06T02:26:39 < zyp> I've filled my head with too much other crap now :p 2019-03-06T02:26:58 < Cracki> it's still the wild west so with a little "hard" work you know the basics and can probably run circles around anyone else 2019-03-06T02:27:23 < Cracki> the point of AI is that you will be able to swap all that crap out :P 2019-03-06T02:27:34 < zyp> speaking of other crap, I've spent hours today figuring out how the fuck to decrypt and encrypt zigbee packets 2019-03-06T02:28:00 < zyp> why is crypto documentation always so fucking unreadable? 2019-03-06T02:28:12 < Cracki> because hype attracts noobs which are eager but useless 2019-03-06T02:28:29 < Cracki> perhaps you're talking about library docs 2019-03-06T02:28:41 < zyp> no, mainly the zigbee spec itself 2019-03-06T02:28:50 < Cracki> library docs, any field, are probably impenetrable unless you've taken the courses or read the text books 2019-03-06T02:28:51 -!- veegee [~veegee@ipagstaticip-3d3f7614-22f3-5b69-be13-7ab4b2c585d9.sdsl.bell.ca] has quit [Quit: veegee] 2019-03-06T02:29:24 < Cracki> computer vision... opencv docs don't explain stuff, they only tell you enough to connect theory to how they implemented it 2019-03-06T02:29:37 < Cracki> it kinda keeps the noobs away :P 2019-03-06T02:29:58 < zyp> cryptographers missed the note on variable naming, so everything is just named a single letter 2019-03-06T02:31:25 < Cracki> all math, all physics, even theoretical CS 2019-03-06T02:31:38 < Cracki> stuff is always \varphi_{something} 2019-03-06T02:32:36 < zyp> and then this bullshit tripped me up for a while: «The security level sub-field of the security control field shall be overwritten by the 3-bit all-zero string '000'.» 2019-03-06T02:32:57 < Cracki> oh looky, that movidius thing can do stereo vision at 720p and 180 hz 2019-03-06T02:33:21 < Cracki> stuff like that is dead simple to accelerate in silicon, but expensive on CPUs (and even still on ordinary gpus) 2019-03-06T02:33:32 < Cracki> the wat of the wat 2019-03-06T02:33:41 < zyp> so there's a field in the packet, but it's only used for encrypting and decrypting, but always transferred as 0 over the air 2019-03-06T02:33:50 < Cracki> so "sc.level is 3 bits" 2019-03-06T02:34:13 < Cracki> I hate prose in place of code 2019-03-06T02:34:14 < zyp> yeah, it's three bits of the security control flags 2019-03-06T02:35:05 < Cracki> aha! movidius only does fp16 and fix8 natively 2019-03-06T02:35:23 < Cracki> yeh they'd waste silicon giving it wider math 2019-03-06T02:35:33 < zyp> once I figured out what data to grab, how to massage it and where to feed it into AES, I wrote some code to pick apart packets: https://paste.jvnv.net/view/JreXR 2019-03-06T02:35:54 < Cracki> btw, seen those neon for cortex-m (helium?) stuff recently? wow that's hardcore 2019-03-06T02:36:06 < Cracki> I love packet parsing code 2019-03-06T02:36:14 < Cracki> it's always so messy 2019-03-06T02:36:20 < zyp> hehe 2019-03-06T02:36:28 < Cracki> oh, that's not all that messy! 2019-03-06T02:36:36 < zyp> declarative stuff is nice 2019-03-06T02:36:50 < Cracki> laying down some data/declarations helps every single time 2019-03-06T02:37:11 -!- Thorn [~Thorn@unaffiliated/thorn] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T02:37:32 < zyp> been using that construct library for a couple of years now, I find that once I started using it, dealing with it in any other way is just annoying :p 2019-03-06T02:37:50 < Cracki> last time I had to touch crypto was when I needes aes-xcb (?) for an old truecrypt volume... disk repartitioning fucked up, so I needed to find that first sector again 2019-03-06T02:37:58 < zyp> hehe 2019-03-06T02:38:39 < Cracki> I've heard of construct before. seems like it has enough users to stay alive and evolving 2019-03-06T02:38:54 < zyp> the problem with crypto is that everything is designed to look like random data, so if only a single thing is fucked up somewhere, everything becomes wrong and it's impossible to figure out where 2019-03-06T02:39:04 < Cracki> hehehe indeed 2019-03-06T02:39:17 < Cracki> test vectors ftw 2019-03-06T02:39:50 < zyp> I had test vectors 2019-03-06T02:39:58 < zyp> still got wrong results 2019-03-06T02:40:37 < zyp> had to go digging into the crypto library and add some prints of intermediate data to figure out where it went wrong 2019-03-06T02:40:47 < Cracki> yes I remember that :P 2019-03-06T02:40:57 < Cracki> always fun to dig around :> 2019-03-06T02:41:15 < zyp> https://paste.jvnv.net/view/1IYKq 2019-03-06T02:41:39 < Cracki> I had some "type" errors... in contemporary python, which has very little static type checking yet 2019-03-06T02:42:03 < zyp> I didn't realize that that 0008 to update() would be generated internally :p 2019-03-06T02:42:06 < Cracki> somewhere instead of the bytes themselves, I got 'Bytes("012345...")' 2019-03-06T02:42:29 < zyp> hehe 2019-03-06T02:43:37 < Cracki> maybe they do it on purpose, making you read the source. that gets your eyes on it, and makes you likelier to change it, and improve it, and contribute back 2019-03-06T02:44:23 < zyp> the other day, I looked at actually patching python 2019-03-06T02:44:27 < Cracki> o.o 2019-03-06T02:45:51 < zyp> sockets in python only supports a given list of address families, the C code behind the socket module got some functions with huge switches on the family 2019-03-06T02:46:58 < zyp> I want a AF_IEEE802154 socket, and there's not a case for that in those switches :p 2019-03-06T02:47:24 < Cracki> hah 2019-03-06T02:48:10 < zyp> it's possible to just feed the integer number for the address family to the socket creation call, but as soon as I try calling a method that would deal with an address like sendto() or recvfrom() it raises an exception 2019-03-06T02:49:54 < Cracki> seems to me like they need a generic fallback that just throws around bytestrings 2019-03-06T02:50:02 < zyp> it just needs a case added with some code to convert sockaddr_ieee802154 structs to and from some python object representation 2019-03-06T02:50:09 < Cracki> and that 2019-03-06T02:51:26 < zyp> might look at adding that later 2019-03-06T02:51:49 < zyp> I put it off for now and wrote some code doing the same in C++ with boost::asio instead 2019-03-06T02:52:17 < Cracki> in #opencv occasionally some eager newbies show up asking "what can I do to contribute". tasks such as this sound ideal. 2019-03-06T02:52:27 < Cracki> just extend existing code 2019-03-06T02:52:48 < Cracki> you *could* use ctypes to use whatever system calls you need directly 2019-03-06T02:53:41 < zyp> https://paste.jvnv.net/view/NU7Og <- asio was really straight forward about adding a new protocol 2019-03-06T02:54:35 < zyp> and yeah, I could use ctypes 2019-03-06T02:54:42 < Cracki> ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, "Hello World", "Hello World", 0) 2019-03-06T02:54:43 < zyp> I've considered that 2019-03-06T02:55:22 < Cracki> it's bare but simpler than starting what you need in cython 2019-03-06T02:55:38 < Cracki> interesting, asio... 2019-03-06T02:55:44 < zyp> but I'd like to use asyncio, and integrating ctypes calls to read/write sockets with the asyncio event loop sounds painful too 2019-03-06T02:56:09 < zyp> boost::asio is fairly similar in concept to python's asyncio module 2019-03-06T02:57:12 < zyp> but then again, it's C++, takes a lot more work to achieve the same as a few lines of python :p 2019-03-06T02:58:41 < zyp> the easiest short term solution is probably to just open an udp socket as well in the asio code and proxy packets between the udp socket and the 802.15.4-socket :p 2019-03-06T02:59:50 < zyp> bonus benefit with that is that the 802.15.4 radio is on a rpi, so the asio code runs there, and if the python code is decoupled through udp I can run it on my workstation 2019-03-06T03:00:45 < zyp> not sure how much impact the additional latency will have, idk how latency sensitive zigbee is 2019-03-06T03:04:56 < Cracki> interesting stuff 2019-03-06T03:05:19 < zyp> yeah 2019-03-06T03:09:20 -!- X230t is now known as \\server\share 2019-03-06T03:11:41 < rajkosto> https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-06_02-11-37_ohHKg2MTY.png 2019-03-06T03:27:17 -!- gsi_ [~gsisig@x4db39be1.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T03:30:03 -!- gsi__ [~gsisig@x4db957ba.dyn.telefonica.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-06T03:32:03 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-06T03:56:01 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@modemcable027.220-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T04:09:25 < englishman> karlp: water pump average power and energy usage has been climbing steadily over the past month until finally today the well ran dry. 2019-03-06T04:09:32 < englishman> 130kWh 2019-03-06T04:11:02 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-98-247-192-179.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T05:18:42 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T05:19:18 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-98-247-192-179.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-06T05:35:39 -!- Cracki [~cracki@unaffiliated/crackwitz] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-06T05:37:31 -!- Cracki [~cracki@unaffiliated/crackwitz] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T05:50:00 -!- Cracki [~cracki@unaffiliated/crackwitz] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-06T06:09:47 -!- Jak_o_Shadows [~Jak@unaffiliated/jak-o-shadows/x-0479135] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-06T06:09:47 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-06T06:10:13 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T06:10:37 -!- Jak_o_Shadows [~Jak@unaffiliated/jak-o-shadows/x-0479135] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T06:29:58 -!- Cracki [~cracki@unaffiliated/crackwitz] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T06:32:50 < rajkosto> why do vendors feel the need to invent layers over i2c with virtual registers and what not 2019-03-06T06:33:06 < rajkosto> just have the address be the first byte comon 2019-03-06T06:36:57 -!- SuperBawlz [~SuperBawl@c-68-60-126-222.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T06:47:07 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@modemcable027.220-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-06T06:53:13 -!- fc5dc9d4_ [~quassel@p5B0813E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T06:56:04 -!- R2COM [~R2COM@ip68-3-184-221.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T06:56:42 < R2COM> sup 2019-03-06T06:57:29 -!- fc5dc9d4 [~quassel@p5B08136B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-06T07:02:22 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-06T07:07:43 -!- benishor [~benny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-06T07:14:49 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T07:14:57 < dongs> more like ragekosto 2019-03-06T07:15:11 < dongs> i've seen some utterly fucked up i2c stuff 2019-03-06T07:15:20 < dongs> for addressing 2019-03-06T07:34:47 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-06T07:35:10 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T07:52:12 < Cracki> wanna rage? look at what apparent ST employees do to an open source project: https://github.com/stm32duino/Arduino_Core_STM32/commit/b423de6beb6025b0c7daa81ee9735b14017306cc#diff-02e9c285901b025499c2500a01db1a8bR88 2019-03-06T07:52:32 < Cracki> they dump google.fr urls into source and apply astyle across the whole code base 2019-03-06T07:59:23 < karlp> englishman: yah man, lot sof things you can see in the power. 2019-03-06T08:13:09 < dongs> > https://www.google.fr/url? 2019-03-06T08:34:24 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-9cebe155.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T08:37:27 -!- MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-06T08:39:23 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Gone to sleep...] 2019-03-06T08:46:55 -!- MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T08:54:16 -!- benishor [~benny@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T08:55:31 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hwcwophfpxmluoqa] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T08:57:12 < tjq> cracking one 2019-03-06T09:02:21 < tjq> Haohmaru: are you there mate 2019-03-06T09:10:27 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-06T09:12:22 < Cracki> https://twitter.com/i/videos/1090849907492061184 2019-03-06T09:12:42 < Cracki> did you mean to say "partyall" 2019-03-06T09:14:37 < jpa-> Cracki: isn't pretty much all commits to that repo from ST? 2019-03-06T09:16:06 < jpa-> dunno what you mean by "apply a style" as i see no reformatting in that commit, but it doesn't look particularly objectionable 2019-03-06T09:16:15 < jpa-> better than some ST published code 2019-03-06T09:23:49 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T09:28:04 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-9cebe155.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-06T09:31:20 -!- Jybz [~jibz@2a02:8071:9289:5900:4a51:b7ff:fe84:99e6] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T09:48:31 < dongs> ugh lately altifuck takes several seconds to save schlib 2019-03-06T09:48:34 < dongs> even longer than pcblib 2019-03-06T09:48:39 < dongs> i wonder if i enabled something retarded 2019-03-06T09:48:53 < dongs> hmm its only 2 megs 2019-03-06T09:48:56 < dongs> cant be anything weird 2019-03-06T09:51:10 < qyx> I cannot get F3 internal opamps working properly :S 2019-03-06T09:52:18 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T09:54:45 -!- sterna [~Adium@h-90-120.A137.corp.bahnhof.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T09:57:20 < qyx> looks like I am not biased enuff 2019-03-06T10:03:06 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-06T10:04:19 < kakimir> several seconds 2019-03-06T10:05:07 -!- Jybz [~jibz@2a02:8071:9289:5900:4a51:b7ff:fe84:99e6] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-06T10:12:58 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-06T10:13:37 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T10:14:14 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T10:28:16 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@upc31-1-78-208-110-13.fbx.proxad.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T10:41:09 < qyx> ok, I don't even opamps 2019-03-06T10:41:53 < qyx> the bottom leg of the internal opamp feedback divider is connected to vssa apparently 2019-03-06T10:42:13 < qyx> I don't know how am I supposed to bias the output in the middle then 2019-03-06T10:42:45 < qyx> the PGA mode is usable only to single-ended positive-only ground-referenced inputs 2019-03-06T10:42:49 < qyx> *in 2019-03-06T10:43:28 < qyx> I needed to configure it so that tha inverting input is on a pad 2019-03-06T10:43:42 < qyx> and then connect divider here + cap to ground 2019-03-06T10:43:53 < qyx> like https://www.electronics-notes.com/images/op-amp-non-inverting-amplifier-single-supply-01.svg 2019-03-06T10:43:57 < qyx> now it works 2019-03-06T10:44:22 < qyx> except the nice usart waveform in the adc input 2019-03-06T10:47:12 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-06T10:51:32 < tjq> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Rsk1quUps0 2019-03-06T10:56:41 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T10:56:45 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-06T11:04:41 -!- crispy [~quassel@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T11:04:48 < crispy> hello 2019-03-06T11:05:06 < crispy> im reading through the datasheet of the stm32f427ii 2019-03-06T11:05:38 < crispy> i only find the amount of GPIO (in this case 140) but on other µC i get the extra information how many Analog Inputs i can use from them.. 2019-03-06T11:06:13 < crispy> the datasheet says "On Chip peripheral current consumption "At startup, all I/O pins are in analog input configuration."" 2019-03-06T11:06:23 -!- catphish [~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-06T11:06:33 < crispy> does that mean that i can use 140 as AIOs? 2019-03-06T11:09:46 < emeryth> no 2019-03-06T11:09:47 < R2COM> no, only those marked AN 2019-03-06T11:10:00 < emeryth> analog input in this case does not mean ADC 2019-03-06T11:11:12 < crispy> ok there is no specific value to see the number of AIOs? 2019-03-06T11:11:32 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@upc31-1-78-208-110-13.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-06T11:12:25 < emeryth> the ADC has 16 external channels 2019-03-06T11:12:51 < zyp> crispy, 24 2019-03-06T11:13:50 < crispy> zyp: is this information in the datasheet? 2019-03-06T11:14:19 < zyp> yes, that's where I pulled it from 2019-03-06T11:14:29 < crispy> thanks! which site? 2019-03-06T11:14:32 < zyp> https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/stm32f427ii.pdf <- bottom line on page 16 2019-03-06T11:15:25 < zyp> in that table you'll see that the 100-pin variant got 16 analog inputs, the larger ones got 24 2019-03-06T11:15:47 < zyp> the chip is the same in any case, it's just the 100-pin variant don't got the last 8 hooked up 2019-03-06T11:17:18 < crispy> Ok thanks! 2019-03-06T11:17:39 < crispy> i have to make a research about µCs and am a little confused about it 2019-03-06T11:17:55 < zyp> if you look at the pin table, you'll see that the ones missing from the 100pin variant are the ones on PF3-10 because those pins don't exist in the 100-pin package 2019-03-06T11:18:01 < crispy> to the GPIOS are independent of the AIOs? 2019-03-06T11:18:35 < R2COM> you can find a diagram of what IO is made of 2019-03-06T11:18:39 < zyp> yes, analog inputs are an additional function that's available on some pins 2019-03-06T11:19:16 < R2COM> oh shit its 2am 2019-03-06T11:19:21 < R2COM> i need to be in bed 2019-03-06T11:19:31 < crispy> ok, so i have to read it like that.. there a 3 ADC Ports, and every Port of the ADC has 16channels, (maybe multiplexed?) so i got 3x24 AIOs? 2019-03-06T11:19:48 < crispy> R2COM: :D its 10:30 2019-03-06T11:19:53 < zyp> crispy, that's not entirely correct 2019-03-06T11:20:30 < R2COM> look at alternate function table to see which pin can be used for which peripheral 2019-03-06T11:20:39 < zyp> there's three ADC peripherals, in front of each there's a 16-channel mux, and each input to the mux are hooked up to some pin 2019-03-06T11:21:06 < zyp> some pins are hooked up to inputs on all of the ADC peripherals, some of them are only hooked up to one or two of them 2019-03-06T11:21:37 < zyp> I believe there's 8 pins hooked up to all three, 8 pins hooked up to only ADC1 and ADC2 and 8 pins hooked up to only ADC3 2019-03-06T11:22:10 < crispy> ohman thats confusing^^ 2019-03-06T11:22:48 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-110.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T11:22:59 < crispy> how many different input signals can i convert with the ADC? 2019-03-06T11:23:10 < crispy> thats the information i need 2019-03-06T11:23:41 < zyp> 24 2019-03-06T11:24:06 < crispy> ah ok, so the 24 are for all 3 ADC 2019-03-06T11:24:37 < zyp> yes, 24 is the total number of externally available pins 2019-03-06T11:25:10 < crispy> ok! thx 2019-03-06T11:25:19 < crispy> and 2 DAC? 2019-03-06T11:25:55 < zyp> yes 2019-03-06T11:26:00 < zyp> can I ask what you're planning to do? 2019-03-06T11:26:44 < crispy> yes sure 2019-03-06T11:27:16 < dongs> btw, you can't sample all those at same time, hope you realize that 2019-03-06T11:27:19 < crispy> i have to create a overview of specific µCs used in some gears 2019-03-06T11:27:36 < dongs> its select and sample, then switch to next channel 2019-03-06T11:27:53 < zyp> dongs, but all that can be automated 2019-03-06T11:27:57 < dongs> ya sure 2019-03-06T11:28:08 < crispy> dongs: yes, i know. there are 2 ways to S&H them, i read about it 2019-03-06T11:28:17 < dongs> i mean select + dma into buffer, all automatic 2019-03-06T11:28:18 < crispy> simultaneous and interleaved 2019-03-06T11:28:22 < zyp> can set up each ADC to sample 8 channels each, looping over them, continously 2019-03-06T11:28:43 < zyp> that way you'll sample three and three at a time 2019-03-06T11:29:27 < zyp> and everything can be DMAed into a buffer so you've got 24 samples being continously updated 2019-03-06T11:30:17 -!- R2COM [~R2COM@ip68-3-184-221.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [] 2019-03-06T11:31:00 < crispy> http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/sprs584m/sprs584m.pdf on site 6 in the last line is the Info that there are 6 AIO. i got the 28034 80pins. But there are 16ADC Inputs.. 2019-03-06T11:31:26 < dongs> diccolo 2019-03-06T11:31:29 < zyp> crispy, so anyway, you're not really gonna use these chips for anything, you're just doing research? 2019-03-06T11:31:33 < zyp> is this classwork or something? 2019-03-06T11:31:37 < crispy> zyp: yes 2019-03-06T11:31:41 < dongs> sounds like wank 2019-03-06T11:31:47 < crispy> just doing research 2019-03-06T11:31:55 < zyp> okay, fair enough 2019-03-06T11:32:10 < crispy> zyp: but im interested in starting programming with stm32 2019-03-06T11:32:31 < crispy> i already got a nucleo board but wanted to understand the hardware better first 2019-03-06T11:33:34 < zyp> hmm, I'm not sure what those TI specs mean 2019-03-06T11:33:57 < crispy> thats frustrating.. 2019-03-06T11:34:07 < zyp> I haven't worked with TMS320, but I've worked with RM46 which IIRC is very similar to TMS570 2019-03-06T11:34:45 < zyp> but at a glance I'm guessing that AIO spec is unrelated and that the number of ADC Channels in the middle of the table is what's relevant 2019-03-06T11:34:51 < zyp> since that depends on package size 2019-03-06T11:35:40 < crispy> there are some specs i cant understand.. TI says tconv is 216.67ns. ST say 0.5µs - 16.4µs depends on how many bits.. 2019-03-06T11:35:54 < crispy> the µs range is for the whole ADC Bank i guess? 2019-03-06T11:36:14 < crispy> and the TI tconv is for one channel? 2019-03-06T11:36:17 < zyp> looking at the pinout drawings a few pages later, they have pins like ADCINB2/COMP1B/AIO10, so the AIO signals are apparently unrelated from the ADCIN signals 2019-03-06T11:36:21 < dongs> no, its single channel conversion 2019-03-06T11:36:38 < dongs> it depends on how many samples and ADC peripheral clock 2019-03-06T11:38:45 < zyp> yeah, conversion time is for a single conversion 2019-03-06T11:39:05 < crispy> ok so when i got 24 of them in a row i will need in worst case 24*16.4µs? 2019-03-06T11:39:22 < zyp> no 2019-03-06T11:40:18 < zyp> anyway, you choose the conversion time 2019-03-06T11:41:00 < crispy> ok, so when a voltage is at my Channel, my µC will need 0.5µs - 16.4µs to digitalize it? 2019-03-06T11:41:14 < dongs> yeah. 2019-03-06T11:41:27 < zyp> if you want 0.5us conversion time, you configure it to that, and since you have channels distributed across three ADCs, best case it'll take you 4us to read all 24 2019-03-06T11:41:45 < crispy> ahhh 2019-03-06T11:42:39 < crispy> so in that spec TI is faster 2019-03-06T11:43:08 < zyp> well, it says 4.6 MSPS for the one you're looking at, lower spec ones are 2.0 MSPS just like the stm32 you're looking at 2019-03-06T11:43:09 < crispy> just the µC im looking at right now, not in general 2019-03-06T11:43:33 < zyp> but if you are looking for ADC performance, you should probably be looking at stm32f3, not f4 2019-03-06T11:43:48 < zyp> f3 family is analog oriented 2019-03-06T11:44:21 < crispy> datasheet reading is a science for itself :D 2019-03-06T11:44:54 < qyx> or L4 2019-03-06T11:45:00 < qyx> they have 5Msps ADC too 2019-03-06T11:45:06 < zyp> let's see, f303 has up to 40 channels across 4 ADCs with 5 MSPS each 2019-03-06T11:45:17 < qyx> yes 2019-03-06T11:45:39 < crispy> zyp: how do you got that the TI 28034 is slower with the conversion than the ST? 2019-03-06T11:46:00 < crispy> conversion time of the TI is 216.67 ns and the ST 0.5µS 2019-03-06T11:46:06 < zyp> that's 40 channels in 2us total assuming channels are evenly distributed 2019-03-06T11:46:12 < zyp> crispy, I havent claimed that 2019-03-06T11:46:24 < crispy> ah ok sorry 2019-03-06T11:46:43 < dongs> that 0.2us for TI could also be the shittiest quality conversion 2019-03-06T11:46:53 < dongs> with like 4 enob 2019-03-06T11:46:59 < zyp> well, of course it is 2019-03-06T11:47:04 < zyp> the fastest is always the shittiest 2019-03-06T11:47:14 < crispy> dongs: i think so, but they dont give a range 2019-03-06T11:47:25 < dongs> its not like youre gonna use it so it probly doesnt matter so much 2019-03-06T11:47:28 < crispy> ST and Renesas gives a range 2019-03-06T11:47:42 < dongs> friends dont let friends use renesas 2019-03-06T11:47:58 < crispy> :D why 2019-03-06T11:48:39 < zyp> crispy, you're kinda going about it the wrong way though 2019-03-06T11:49:01 < zyp> in the real world, you're not starting out looking for the fastest ADC with the most channels 2019-03-06T11:49:17 < crispy> zyp: no sure 2019-03-06T11:49:40 < crispy> zyp: maybe i have to say more about my work i have to do. 2019-03-06T11:49:51 < zyp> in the real world, you start out with having a given number of channels that you want to sample at a given rate, and then you filter by parts being capable of doing that 2019-03-06T11:49:56 < dongs> like, there are also dedicated ADC chips 2019-03-06T11:50:04 < dongs> yeah 2019-03-06T11:50:08 < dongs> what zp said 2019-03-06T11:50:26 < zyp> and then pick whatever is most suitable out of the capable parts 2019-03-06T11:50:39 < crispy> im a student and i have to analyze the existing µC in the products we are assembling, to create a overview which controller we and our concurrent in the market uses 2019-03-06T11:51:14 < dongs> do you work for ST 2019-03-06T11:51:14 < crispy> i have written down a list of specs that are interesting and now im doing research 2019-03-06T11:51:20 < dongs> cuz that sounds like the kinda job they'd give to a ST intern 2019-03-06T11:51:22 < zyp> I think you overestimate the value of individual specs like that 2019-03-06T11:51:25 < dongs> instead of say, fixing shit in cube 2019-03-06T11:51:56 < crispy> dongs: :D if i would worked for ST i should more about µCs than i know now :D 2019-03-06T11:52:38 < crispy> zyp: that might be right, but i want to make a good overview 2019-03-06T11:52:59 < crispy> how deeper i get into the hardware specs, the more i learn 2019-03-06T11:54:25 < zyp> when I pick parts for a project, the first thing I look at is how easy they are to use 2019-03-06T11:54:50 < zyp> and the biggest part of that is how much new stuff I'll have to figure out to get started 2019-03-06T11:54:59 < dongs> zyp hates updating laks 2019-03-06T11:55:03 < zyp> haha 2019-03-06T11:55:03 < dongs> to new cores 2019-03-06T11:55:17 < zyp> not really 2019-03-06T11:55:22 < kakimir> babbys first multiple mcu system 2019-03-06T11:56:45 < zyp> the truth is that most of the big vendors have a fairly assorted range of parts, so for most projects you can get a suitable part from any vendor 2019-03-06T11:57:09 < dongs> if you pick that TI shit then you have to deal with crap composter 2019-03-06T11:57:16 < crispy> i want to get the number of channels on which i can Output a PWM signal.. on site 36. in the f427ii datasheet stands that the advanced-control-timers TIM1,TIM8 can be seen as three phase PWM generators multiplexed on 6 channels. 2019-03-06T11:57:20 < dongs> at least ST doesn't FORCE you to use cube and friends 2019-03-06T11:57:32 < dongs> the fuck is site 36 2019-03-06T11:57:33 < dongs> is that page? 2019-03-06T11:57:36 < dongs> you keep saying that 2019-03-06T11:57:41 < crispy> page* 2019-03-06T11:57:43 < dongs> it was site 6 on teh other shit 2019-03-06T11:57:48 < dongs> i was confused as fuck 2019-03-06T11:58:09 < dongs> you can get like 16 PWM outs from F103 2019-03-06T11:58:09 < zyp> dongs, if you pick TMS320, sure, but not if you pick any of the cortex-m based ones 2019-03-06T11:58:12 < dongs> in 48pin pckage 2019-03-06T11:58:18 < zyp> or cortex-r for that matter 2019-03-06T11:58:19 < crispy> so i can generate with TIM1, TIM8 3*6 PWM Signals ? 2019-03-06T11:58:24 < dongs> no 2019-03-06T11:58:30 < dongs> every timer has up to 4 channels 2019-03-06T11:58:35 < dongs> and there's usually a shitload of them 2019-03-06T11:58:40 < dongs> depending on package, you can have LOTS of pwm out. 2019-03-06T11:58:54 < crispy> how can a timer have channels? 2019-03-06T11:59:02 < dongs> it does 2019-03-06T11:59:03 < crispy> i thought it only counts up or down.. 16bit 2019-03-06T11:59:15 < zyp> capture/compare channels 2019-03-06T11:59:15 < dongs> yes, so it has several counters doing that. 2019-03-06T11:59:29 < zyp> each timer has one counter and a number of capture/compare channels 2019-03-06T11:59:38 < crispy> one timer TIM1, hat 4 subTimer which are counting ? 2019-03-06T11:59:42 < dongs> no 2019-03-06T11:59:43 < zyp> no 2019-03-06T11:59:50 < dongs> also i think tim1 only has 3 cahnnels 2019-03-06T11:59:53 < zyp> for PWM you configure the timer to count on a cycle 2019-03-06T12:00:09 < crispy> ok, not 4 but a various number of counters? 2019-03-06T12:00:10 < zyp> and each compare channel has a value that gets compared to the counter 2019-03-06T12:00:13 < dongs> but other general purpose shit like tim3/4/5/232839048 has up to 4 dependign on package 2019-03-06T12:00:48 < zyp> and then each channel has an output that is high or low depending on whether the compare value is higher or lower than the timer value 2019-03-06T12:01:17 < crispy> ah ok, so with one counter i can set the value of some channels? 2019-03-06T12:01:27 < zyp> so you can set the timer to count to 0-999 at 1 MHz, set channel 1 to 250 and channel 2 to 500 2019-03-06T12:01:46 < zyp> then you'll get two square outputs at 1 kHz, one at 25% duty and one at 50% duty 2019-03-06T12:02:54 < crispy> ah ok.. so in general i can use the timer like that: i configure it so count from 0-999 at 1Hz, if the value is lower than 100 i can set Channel 1 high, if the value is between 101-500 i can reset CH1 and Set CH2 2019-03-06T12:03:02 < crispy> is this right, that i can do it like that? 2019-03-06T12:03:15 < zyp> no, there's no «between» 2019-03-06T12:03:21 < zyp> just higher or lower 2019-03-06T12:03:49 < crispy> ah ok, so i can set/reset the channels of my timer just with the expressions lower/higher= 2019-03-06T12:04:08 < zyp> I mean 2019-03-06T12:04:42 < zyp> the timers are pretty complex, you can do a lot with them if you get creative 2019-03-06T12:04:57 < zyp> but if you just want a bunch of pwm outputs, all that is irrelevant 2019-03-06T12:06:27 < crispy> ok! 2019-03-06T12:07:01 < crispy> so i want to declare the maximum number of PWM output signals i can generate with the 427ii 2019-03-06T12:07:09 < zyp> the main difference between timers and channels when doing pwm is that while you can set duty per channel, frequency is set per timer 2019-03-06T12:07:28 < zyp> hmm 2019-03-06T12:07:46 < crispy> zyp: ok that sounds logic 2019-03-06T12:08:00 < crispy> The advanced-control timers (TIM1, TIM8) can be seen as three-phase PWM generators 2019-03-06T12:08:00 < crispy> multiplexed on 6 channels 2019-03-06T12:08:14 < dongs> the 3 channels on TIM1 are useless 2019-03-06T12:08:16 < crispy> i know that there are 2 independet PWM channels for motor control 2019-03-06T12:08:16 < dongs> teh negative ones 2019-03-06T12:08:20 < dongs> they're inverse of the positive 2019-03-06T12:08:25 < dongs> so you don't have as much control over them. 2019-03-06T12:08:29 < zyp> dongs, also TIM1 also got four channels 2019-03-06T12:08:33 < dongs> oh does it? 2019-03-06T12:08:36 < zyp> yeah 2019-03-06T12:08:45 < dongs> even with capcom out? oh well. i was too lazy to look 2019-03-06T12:08:50 < zyp> I think I did a count once and concluded f4 could do twenty-something channels 2019-03-06T12:08:52 < crispy> "Their 4 independent channels can be used for" 2019-03-06T12:08:54 < dongs> but i think urrite, cuz i've used TIM1_Ch4 before for sure 2019-03-06T12:09:03 < crispy> input capture, output compare, pwm gen, one-pulse mode output 2019-03-06T12:09:09 < zyp> we were considering stm32 for the workproject before going for TI RM4 2019-03-06T12:09:46 < crispy> what does it meen "three phase PWM generators muxed on 6chans" 2019-03-06T12:10:20 < zyp> haha 2019-03-06T12:10:27 < zyp> I think it's just marketing wank 2019-03-06T12:10:49 < zyp> it means you can use it to generate timings for driving three phase motors 2019-03-06T12:10:54 < crispy> hehe ok, so they got the right one (me) :D someone who dont have any knowledge 2019-03-06T12:11:49 < zyp> my TI RM4 got 28 PWM outputs hooked up 2019-03-06T12:11:53 < crispy> ah ok, "twelve general-purpose16-bit timers including two PWM timers for motor control" so TIM1 and TIM8 are the 2 PWM timers for control 2019-03-06T12:12:28 < zyp> although half of them are not doing pwm at all 2019-03-06T12:12:45 < zyp> IIRC f407 can also do 28 2019-03-06T12:13:19 < zyp> unless you run into a conflict with other functions you need that are only available on the same pins 2019-03-06T12:13:22 -!- dongs [~dongs@bcas.tv] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-06T12:13:36 < crispy> "This gives up to 16 input capture/output compare/PWMs on the largest packages" 2019-03-06T12:14:00 < crispy> zyp: i know that Pins have multiple functions, if i use a function i cant use the other on that pin 2019-03-06T12:14:15 < zyp> correct 2019-03-06T12:14:43 < crispy> So i got TIM2,3,4,5 with each 4 Channels, that makes 16 2019-03-06T12:14:51 < zyp> also 1 and 8 2019-03-06T12:15:24 < crispy> so i got 24 2019-03-06T12:15:37 < zyp> yeah, and then some 2019-03-06T12:15:43 < zyp> :) 2019-03-06T12:15:43 < crispy> TIM10,11,13,14 feature one channel -> 28 2019-03-06T12:15:57 < crispy> TIM9 and TIM12 feature 2 Ch -> 32 2019-03-06T12:16:21 < zyp> not all channels have outputs and not all outputs might be available at the same time 2019-03-06T12:16:26 < zyp> but yeah 2019-03-06T12:16:36 < crispy> ok! thanks a lot 2019-03-06T12:20:00 < crispy> each channel of the ADC can be conifugured with 10bit/12bit res? 2019-03-06T12:21:01 -!- mirage335 [~mirage335@mirage335-base.soaringindustries.space] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 2019-03-06T12:21:33 < zyp> yes 2019-03-06T12:24:47 < crispy> ok, is that in fact for every µC? i cant find any information on the TMS320 about configuring the ADC to 10bit res 2019-03-06T12:25:48 < qyx> it depends on the adc 2019-03-06T12:26:48 < crispy> "12-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)" means that the core of the ADC is realised with 12bit res 2019-03-06T12:27:00 < crispy> and it cant be configured working with 10bit res? 2019-03-06T12:31:29 < crispy> anyway thanks a lot! 2019-03-06T12:33:38 < qyx> it may or may not be the case, you have to check the datasheet, I don't know TMS320 2019-03-06T12:35:18 -!- psprint [~psprint@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 2019-03-06T12:38:55 < qyx> mhm how can I dump a piezo transducer 2019-03-06T12:40:40 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T12:44:13 < jpa-> qyx: dump? 2019-03-06T12:44:30 < qyx> it keeps oscillating more than I am willing to accept 2019-03-06T12:44:35 < jpa-> ah, dampen 2019-03-06T12:44:45 < qyx> oh yeah 2019-03-06T12:44:54 < qyx> nearly the same 2019-03-06T12:45:24 < jpa-> drive it with opposite polarity signal for a cycle or two 2019-03-06T12:45:53 -!- mirage335 [~mirage335@mirage335-base.soaringindustries.space] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T12:48:00 < qyx> oh I mean a simple disc receiver 2019-03-06T12:48:18 < qyx> but I need to find out first if it is a mechanical oscillation or something else 2019-03-06T12:48:59 < jpa-> do you have a resistor in parallel with the transducer? 2019-03-06T12:50:03 < qyx> I have 2x47K connected to vdda and gnd, so yes 2019-03-06T12:56:05 < qyx> I suspect the cover 2019-03-06T12:56:25 < jpa-> piezos do resonate a lot, though 2019-03-06T12:56:34 < jpa-> is it at the specified resonant frequency or something else? 2019-03-06T12:56:36 < qyx> it looks like it is vibrating 2019-03-06T12:57:03 < qyx> it is such thing https://cdn.sparkfun.com//assets/parts/4/6/8/9/10293_01.jpg 2019-03-06T12:57:10 < qyx> nothing like a resosnant freq 2019-03-06T12:58:07 < qyx> murata says 9kHz for a similar one 2019-03-06T12:58:23 < qyx> this is resonating at <1kHz 2019-03-06T12:58:25 < jpa-> yeah, loudity says 4.5kHz for this one https://www.tme.eu/fi/details/ld-bzpn-2030/pietsosahkoiset-muunt-ilman-generaat/loudity/ 2019-03-06T12:58:34 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-06T12:58:44 < jpa-> if you couple it directly to some extra mass, it will resonate much lower though 2019-03-06T12:59:04 < jpa-> but for piezos, electrical resonance always equals mechanical resonance anyway 2019-03-06T13:00:49 < qyx> I'll insert something furry inside 2019-03-06T13:01:12 < jpa-> i doubt furries will help with such a low freq 2019-03-06T13:01:51 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-06T13:02:48 < jpa-> and you can't get rid of resonances altogether; you can either try to move it out of the band you are interested in, dampen it with lossy material to reduce the Q and thus oscillation time, or just filter it out of the signal later in processing 2019-03-06T13:05:07 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hwcwophfpxmluoqa] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-06T13:05:13 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T13:07:48 < qyx> https://imgur.com/a/QPObS4j 2019-03-06T13:07:50 < qyx> actually it helped 2019-03-06T13:08:32 < jpa-> hmm.. perhaps it was acoustic then 2019-03-06T13:08:35 < qyx> the higher freq component is probably the piezo resosnant freq 2019-03-06T13:13:31 < justMaku> hey there, yet another episode of justMaku trying to get the damned i2c bus to work 2019-03-06T13:13:50 < justMaku> i managed to get the devices to communicate, but it's totally random 2019-03-06T13:14:04 < justMaku> if i reset the stm32 enough times, it will eventually start reading/writing on the bus 2019-03-06T13:14:26 < justMaku> so my question is: what would be the best place to find a freelancer willing to do this properly for money 2019-03-06T13:14:45 < jpa-> _o/ hire me 2019-03-06T13:15:03 < jpa-> or freelancer.com! 2019-03-06T13:17:14 < englishman> wow dongs rage quit over timerchat 2019-03-06T13:18:32 < justMaku> jpa-: what would be a reasonable price for this? I literally need a basic example of stm32 waiting for a command on i2c bus to appear and then replying with some data 2019-03-06T13:19:27 < qyx> dongs doesn't even open keil.exe for less than $500 2019-03-06T13:19:57 < justMaku> yeah, that's the other thing, we don't use keil :) arm-none-eabi-gcc ftw 2019-03-06T13:20:16 < jpa-> justMaku: what hardware are you developing for? what software libs? 2019-03-06T13:20:51 < justMaku> jpa-: stm32f038C6 2019-03-06T13:21:07 < justMaku> and i'm not sure what you mean by software libs 2019-03-06T13:21:39 < jpa-> are you using e.g. cubemx, some rtos, just stm32f038.h and register defs? 2019-03-06T13:21:55 < justMaku> i use hal from cubemx 2019-03-06T13:22:34 < jpa-> ok 2019-03-06T13:23:01 < qyx> jpa- hired 2019-03-06T13:23:10 < justMaku> (background: i'm an iOS developer that got this project handed over after we failed to hire a embedded engineer, it's a prototype board for a project we want to look into) 2019-03-06T13:23:46 < justMaku> i thought I could handle this and everything was going fairly well until the point I got hit the i2c bus 2019-03-06T13:25:01 < justMaku> the stm32 is a slave device in this context, the master is an nrf52 that expects data on the bus and sends it through the BLE 2019-03-06T13:25:35 < justMaku> i got it to ~work~ but it's totally unreliable for any purposes 2019-03-06T13:25:38 < jpa-> i can do it for 200 EUR fixed price or 60 EUR/hour; including review of your existing code and fixing & testing it to work, + support if you'll have any problems applying it to your hardware; i have some STM32F042 here I can use to test it 2019-03-06T13:26:50 < karlp> bargain 2019-03-06T13:26:54 < karlp> I should hire you mor eoften. 2019-03-06T13:26:57 < justMaku> jpa-: where are you based? 2019-03-06T13:27:01 < jpa-> .fi 2019-03-06T13:27:23 < jpa-> karlp: it's just because i absolutely love both cubemx and stm32 i2c 2019-03-06T13:27:45 < qyx> seems to me like challenge accepted 2019-03-06T13:27:48 < qyx> i2c bastard 2019-03-06T13:29:24 < Ultrasauce> not sure if sarcasm or masochism 2019-03-06T13:29:41 < Ultrasauce> i feel like i should know by now 2019-03-06T13:31:33 < jpa-> justMaku: but yeah, in case you are interested, drop me a message here: https://www.devembedded.com/en/services/consulting.html 2019-03-06T13:33:25 < justMaku> i will, talking with my boss right now 2019-03-06T13:33:34 < justMaku> what's your availability? 2019-03-06T13:35:50 < jpa-> pretty good currently 2019-03-06T13:36:09 < justMaku> nice, i will prepare a brief and send it over using the form. 2019-03-06T13:36:14 < jpa-> thanks 2019-03-06T14:00:01 < jadew> jpa-, I love pitch 2019-03-06T14:00:39 < jadew> (on the site) 2019-03-06T14:01:15 -!- dongs [~dongs@bcas.tv] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T14:01:21 < jpa-> jadew: heh 2019-03-06T14:01:43 < jadew> really, I like it, it's very reassuring 2019-03-06T14:02:08 < jadew> been thinking of adding consulting services to mine, but I'm not really sure I want to get into consulting 2019-03-06T14:04:47 < jpa-> what are you doing now then? 2019-03-06T14:04:58 < jadew> designing products 2019-03-06T14:05:07 < jadew> (for myself) 2019-03-06T14:05:47 < jpa-> yeah, i'm trying to get that going also but haven't finished anything so far 2019-03-06T14:06:14 < jadew> yeah, getting something to be production ready seems to be a lot more work than I originally thought 2019-03-06T14:06:48 < jpa-> totally, and trying to meet a pricepoint is hard also 2019-03-06T14:06:57 < jadew> yep 2019-03-06T14:07:41 < jadew> one of the many setbacks I had with one of my current projects is when china let me know that they gave me the wrong quote for a custom machined part 2019-03-06T14:07:48 < jadew> it was off by %500 2019-03-06T14:08:26 < jadew> kinda ruined my margin 2019-03-06T14:11:27 -!- tomeaton17 [tomeaton17@unaffiliated/tomeaton17] has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.7.2 - https://znc.in] 2019-03-06T14:12:38 -!- tomeaton17 [tomeaton17@unaffiliated/tomeaton17] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T14:13:36 -!- sterna [~Adium@h-90-120.A137.corp.bahnhof.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-06T14:14:30 < jadew> here's something interesting, that should make you think about other sources of wasted time, even if this particular thing doesn't apply to you 2019-03-06T14:14:52 < kakimir> wasting time 2019-03-06T14:15:10 < jadew> I did the math today and my wife spends 30 wake-days (16-hour day) in traffic, every year 2019-03-06T14:15:22 < jadew> that's a month out of 12 2019-03-06T14:16:02 < jadew> this alone is a very good incentive to move away from this city 2019-03-06T14:16:38 < kakimir> what citi 2019-03-06T14:16:43 < jadew> Bucharest 2019-03-06T14:17:17 < jadew> everything seems to be far enough, mainly because of the traffic 2019-03-06T14:18:07 < kakimir> citi is not the place 2019-03-06T14:20:46 < jadew> thing is, all wasted time adds up 2019-03-06T14:21:07 < jadew> and I'm sure you can find lots of ways to optimize 2019-03-06T14:21:13 < jpa-> 2 hours a day? 2019-03-06T14:21:18 < jadew> jpa-, yeah 2019-03-06T14:21:24 < jadew> not taking weekends into account 2019-03-06T14:21:31 < jadew> just the work days 2019-03-06T14:21:48 < jpa-> yep, my mom does similar commute every day and has been doing it for years 2019-03-06T14:22:04 < jpa-> for me, 30 minutes of biking each way was long enough :P 2019-03-06T14:22:32 < jadew> at least you were biking, so that time was not completely wasted 2019-03-06T14:23:58 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T14:24:06 < jpa-> yeah 2019-03-06T14:24:52 < jadew> living and working in a small town is probably ideal 2019-03-06T14:25:23 < kakimir> I waste 5minutes a day to commuting 2019-03-06T14:25:32 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T14:25:48 < kakimir> outer skirt of the citi 2019-03-06T14:26:09 < kakimir> I basically see my work place from my appartment 2019-03-06T14:30:34 < Laurenceb> > UK ‘porn block’ starts April 1 – but you can unlock it by handing over ID or buying £5 ‘porn licence card’ on your local high street 2019-03-06T14:30:41 < Laurenceb> my sides, the memes are real 2019-03-06T14:32:36 < jadew> Laurenceb, better get yours soon, before they run out 2019-03-06T14:35:29 < jpa-> "Websites which are more than one-third pornographic" haha, so now they'll just need 75% of "articles" :) 2019-03-06T14:37:27 < jpa-> i can't see how under 18 year olds could possibly get hold of such a "porn license card", this scheme is perfect 2019-03-06T14:38:51 < Laurenceb> or just use vpn 2019-03-06T14:39:51 < Laurenceb> oi m8 wheres ur pron loicense 2019-03-06T14:42:07 < jadew> lmfao, you have to be 18 to watch porn? haha 2019-03-06T14:42:35 < Laurenceb> kek 4chan /pol/ are supporting this 2019-03-06T14:43:20 < Laurenceb> >We should ban literally all porn that involves real human beings, it's all made by the jews, is exploitative, ruins people lives, messes up peoples brain psychology to turn them into pedos. 2019-03-06T14:44:53 < jadew> pantyhose labels will be back in demand in the UK? 2019-03-06T14:45:09 < Laurenceb> probably 2019-03-06T14:48:46 < Laurenceb> >*rings up the local porn control officer* 2019-03-06T14:51:42 < jpa-> i wonder why people are still in denialism about porn and under-18-year-olds 2019-03-06T14:51:45 < englishman> >lives in a city 2019-03-06T14:51:47 < englishman> >drives 2019-03-06T14:51:49 < englishman> doing it wrong 2019-03-06T14:52:19 < jpa-> it would make much more sense to separate porn like everything else into different categories, nice porn that would be like 12 or 10 year old limit, and Laurenceb-porn that would be 21+ 2019-03-06T14:52:52 < Laurenceb> ^spotted the pedo 2019-03-06T14:53:13 < Laurenceb> >10 year olds 2019-03-06T14:53:25 < jpa-> .. limit for the people watching, not the people performing :) 2019-03-06T14:53:30 < Laurenceb> kek 2019-03-06T14:53:41 < PaulFertser> englishman: I live in Moscow but I wasn't able to find a way to reliably get to job place in less than 1:40 using public transport but it's about 45 minutes on motorbike. 2019-03-06T14:53:44 < jadew> yeah, when I was 12, I was watching soft-core 2019-03-06T14:53:48 < jadew> that's all there was 2019-03-06T14:54:07 < Laurenceb> kekking tbh https://imgoat.com/uploads/ae27d77ca2/204037.png 2019-03-06T14:54:08 < jadew> and the occasional hot-line commercials 2019-03-06T14:55:10 < jadew> englishman, yeah, but she has to make a detour to the kindergarten too 2019-03-06T14:55:33 < jadew> everything is just far 2019-03-06T14:57:32 < Laurenceb> spotted the porn control officer https://imgoat.com/uploads/ae27d77ca2/204038.jpg 2019-03-06T14:58:04 < PaulFertser> englishman: another example: my relatives live about 25km away from me, the route is via a straight motorway. It took me 1:30 to get there yesterday (going to bus stop, waiting for bus, going from bus stop) while it's normally about half an hour on motorbike. 2019-03-06T14:59:29 < jpa-> public transit for daily commute feels like fail also, optimal would be to live close enough to bike or walk 2019-03-06T14:59:52 < jpa-> unless it's a particularly fast and often operated line 2019-03-06T15:00:43 < kakimir> assuming you live in country were is good light trafic routes and well established public transport 2019-03-06T15:02:29 < kakimir> also city - suburb planning can make use of bicycle unusable option 2019-03-06T15:03:15 < jpa-> yeah, fail does not necessarily depend on personal choices 2019-03-06T15:03:24 < jpa-> some cities are total fail :P 2019-03-06T15:11:35 < zyp> hmm, farnell sent me an export form to fill out, for the stm32wb nucleo 2019-03-06T15:12:14 < zyp> apparently they arrived in stock at RS today, almost tempted to cancel my farnell order and reorder at RS instead, but they cost more at RS 2019-03-06T15:12:44 < jadew> zyp, just because of the export form? 2019-03-06T15:13:00 < zyp> no, because farnell don't expect them back in stock before next month 2019-03-06T15:13:03 < kakimir> such a friction 2019-03-06T15:13:20 < kakimir> it just doesn't fit modern time and age 2019-03-06T15:13:24 < zyp> RS would presumably send me the same form 2019-03-06T15:13:39 < kakimir> ridiculous 2019-03-06T15:13:46 < jadew> so cancel 2019-03-06T15:13:58 < jadew> there's no point in waiting that long 2019-03-06T15:14:14 < kakimir> order from europe zypster 2019-03-06T15:14:31 < zyp> huh? 2019-03-06T15:14:39 < zyp> both RS and farnell are european 2019-03-06T15:14:56 < zyp> warehouse in UK 2019-03-06T15:15:04 < kakimir> what is the export form for? 2019-03-06T15:15:13 < zyp> crypto 2019-03-06T15:15:27 < zyp> stm32wb comes with hardware AES and shit 2019-03-06T15:15:31 < kakimir> ye 2019-03-06T15:16:05 < kakimir> I thought it was just yankee thing 2019-03-06T15:16:28 < zyp> well 2019-03-06T15:16:41 < jpa-> weird that hardware crypto is export controlled 2019-03-06T15:16:55 < jpa-> the speed advantage is not that much anyway 2019-03-06T15:16:59 < zyp> the difference between american and european distributors is that from european distributors you get a form to fill out, from american distributors you get told to fuck off 2019-03-06T15:17:19 < kakimir> okay 2019-03-06T15:17:33 < zyp> jpa-, my understanding is that it's not hardware crypto in itself that's export controlled, it's the crypto algorithms 2019-03-06T15:17:52 < zyp> it's just that you can't export control software in a sane way 2019-03-06T15:21:36 < dongs> https://s0.2mdn.net/5167093/APP_BMC_BCS_tps61322x_OnlineDatasheet_300x250_st.gif 2019-03-06T15:21:51 < dongs> didn't know we have hipster boost converters now 2019-03-06T15:21:58 < jadew> I was actually going to make a crypto product (have the prototype in a box somewhere) and I kinda halted because I don't understand the legislation 2019-03-06T15:22:17 < dongs> crypto product? like a buttcoin miner? 2019-03-06T15:22:27 < kakimir> like a usb token? 2019-03-06T15:22:35 < jadew> yeah, like an USB token 2019-03-06T15:22:50 < zyp> dongs, any progress on pcbs? 2019-03-06T15:22:52 < jadew> nothing related to mining 2019-03-06T15:22:55 < dongs> zyp, making 2019-03-06T15:23:00 < zyp> cool 2019-03-06T15:23:00 < dongs> need to count parts and get chinagirl list. 2019-03-06T15:23:38 < jadew> there's a lot of legislation, even in the EU, that says I can't sell that thing 2019-03-06T15:23:44 -!- Jak_o_Shadows [~Jak@unaffiliated/jak-o-shadows/x-0479135] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-06T15:23:49 < dongs> just sell the shit anyway 2019-03-06T15:23:55 < dongs> btw, how much was airmail to japan? it looked checap 2019-03-06T15:23:58 < dongs> like 1.2eur? 2019-03-06T15:24:15 -!- Jak_o_Shadows [~Jak@unaffiliated/jak-o-shadows/x-0479135] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T15:24:19 < dongs> it was like 7 jewish romanian liras? 2019-03-06T15:24:28 < jadew> dongs, yeah, that's actually very accurate 2019-03-06T15:24:30 < jadew> how did you know? 2019-03-06T15:24:32 < Laurenceb> Influxdb is retarded 2019-03-06T15:24:56 < Laurenceb> >need a huge html request just to send a 16 bit signed int 2019-03-06T15:25:02 < jadew> I was surprised how cheap it was too 2019-03-06T15:25:04 < zyp> dongs, speaking of export control and shit, how hard would it be for you to get a batch of stm32wb for assembling shit if I manage to make something out of the shit I'm working on? 2019-03-06T15:25:14 < dongs> let's ask chinagirl? 2019-03-06T15:25:18 < dongs> i mean if she can get them then wahtever :p 2019-03-06T15:25:20 < Laurenceb> >literally 1000 times data increase 2019-03-06T15:25:22 < zyp> I mean, wb is new, but parts with crypto in general 2019-03-06T15:25:37 < dongs> STM32s with crypto have no issues in chian supply 2019-03-06T15:25:40 < dongs> id have to ask about wireless 2019-03-06T15:25:44 < zyp> okay, cool 2019-03-06T15:25:56 < dongs> i can also poke china ST people taht I used to buy F103s from before, they'd have an official source 2019-03-06T15:26:23 < dongs> tho that one might have to be a full tray or maybe even full pack 2019-03-06T15:26:29 < zyp> I guess wb is too new to be widely available yet, and it's gonna be months before I have a finished design anyway 2019-03-06T15:27:21 < zyp> especially since farnell isn't gonna send me that nucleo for another month :p 2019-03-06T15:28:49 < dongs> china has a singlechip usb-c > dp altmode thing with lane swappin and all that other shit 2019-03-06T15:28:52 < dongs> in 5x5 qfn 2019-03-06T15:29:12 < dongs> im gonna get evb and some samples, gonna make my dispalyport ipad shit into usb-c 2019-03-06T15:29:20 < dongs> the stuff is STILL selling despite being ancient 2019-03-06T15:30:07 < dongs> last time i looked into this i'd need several expensive TI chips + some mcu for PD/altmode shit 2019-03-06T15:38:33 < zyp> hehe 2019-03-06T15:41:05 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T15:42:38 -!- sterna [~Adium@h-90-120.A137.corp.bahnhof.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T15:57:26 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T15:57:36 -!- sk_tandt_ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T16:01:07 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-06T16:12:42 -!- sk_tandt_ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-06T16:14:14 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T16:14:38 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-06T16:15:57 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T16:17:24 < kakimir> 100 bytes left 2019-03-06T16:18:45 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-06T16:19:18 -!- davor_ [~davor@unaffiliated/davor] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T16:20:23 -!- davor [~davor@unaffiliated/davor] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 2019-03-06T16:20:23 -!- davor_ is now known as davor 2019-03-06T16:21:39 < Laurenceb> argg Influxdb is trash 2019-03-06T16:21:55 < Laurenceb> 10 minutes of data uploaded in 30 minutes of real time 2019-03-06T16:22:58 < Laurenceb> kilobytes of html per 16 bit sample 2019-03-06T16:23:04 < Laurenceb> the absolute state 2019-03-06T16:24:32 < zyp> haha 2019-03-06T16:25:04 < Laurenceb> tfw I'm paid to try to store audio in a database 2019-03-06T16:25:51 < zyp> heh, farnell asked me if I wanted them to send the second item (that I only added to the order to come above the free shipping limit) now instead of waiting to ship with the stm32wb nucleo 2019-03-06T16:26:01 < Laurenceb> it'd probably be about 50 times faster if I created fake channels "lag1, lag2" etc 2019-03-06T16:26:11 < zyp> I told them sure as long as I don't have to pay any extra shipping for it 2019-03-06T16:26:28 < Laurenceb> then uploaded "samples" at<1khz 2019-03-06T16:26:33 < zyp> so now I'm getting my free shipping order padding item shipped separately, for free 2019-03-06T16:28:43 < qyx> Laurenceb: they have that "line" protocol instead of this html json thing or what 2019-03-06T16:29:12 < Laurenceb> qyx: but line protocol is ascii ? 2019-03-06T16:29:29 < Laurenceb> it needs a binary protocol 2019-03-06T16:29:55 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T16:30:08 < qyx> also there is some support for batch processing 2019-03-06T16:31:14 -!- emeb [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T16:37:45 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T16:41:40 < Cracki> Laurenceb, doesn't that thing support sending multiple values per request? also binary encoded? 2019-03-06T16:42:03 < Laurenceb> doesnt seem to 2019-03-06T16:42:06 < Laurenceb> broken by design 2019-03-06T16:42:22 < Laurenceb> I've now uploaded 20 minutes of data... 2019-03-06T16:42:38 < Cracki> dude 2019-03-06T16:42:48 < Cracki> wat https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v1.7/guides/writing_data/#writing-multiple-points 2019-03-06T16:43:04 < Cracki> is that not what you want 2019-03-06T16:43:20 < Laurenceb> yeah thats what I'm doing 2019-03-06T16:43:26 < Laurenceb> still horrible slow 2019-03-06T16:43:45 < Laurenceb> its averaging about realtime atm 2019-03-06T16:44:26 < Cracki> as of august 2018, it seems to want to stay a web hipster piece of shit and won't take binary data 2019-03-06T16:44:42 < Laurenceb> ikr 2019-03-06T16:44:45 < Laurenceb> so much fail 2019-03-06T16:44:57 < Cracki> so how many values per sec will it consume? 2019-03-06T16:45:10 < Laurenceb> about 100k 2019-03-06T16:45:25 < Laurenceb> would probably be faster if I ran the uploader on the server 2019-03-06T16:45:32 < Cracki> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 2019-03-06T16:45:51 < Cracki> good, now I have a number to remember. someone I talked to seemed to think influx was fast 2019-03-06T16:46:08 < Cracki> it's probabvly fast considering all the overhead 2019-03-06T16:46:26 < Cracki> (and it's the wrong tool for isochronously sampled data) 2019-03-06T16:46:30 < zyp> 100k values per second is quite a lot of data 2019-03-06T16:46:44 < zyp> and yeah, it's the wrong tool 2019-03-06T16:46:48 < Laurenceb> ikr 2019-03-06T16:46:54 < qyx> you have to take into consideration Laurenceb is abusing a tsdb for waveform storage 2019-03-06T16:46:57 < Laurenceb> its what I'm paid to do 2019-03-06T16:47:23 < BrainDamage> dumb question, do you get fired if you don't succeed? 2019-03-06T16:47:36 < Cracki> have you considered using a cluster and sharding and fidding 2019-03-06T16:47:39 < BrainDamage> if not, just keep fucking around as long as you're paid 2019-03-06T16:47:41 < Laurenceb> no because everyone else is even more fail 2019-03-06T16:47:54 < Laurenceb> I'm the closest to meeting milestone review 2019-03-06T16:48:11 < Laurenceb> project is already 6 months late due to other ppl failing 2019-03-06T16:48:22 < jadew> they can't just scrap you all? 2019-03-06T16:48:40 < Cracki> uni research, never getting scrapped 2019-03-06T16:48:40 < Laurenceb> nope, too much trouble to rehire 2019-03-06T16:48:45 < Laurenceb> yeah 2019-03-06T16:49:09 < jadew> sounds like a good deal 2019-03-06T16:49:23 < Cracki> if they scrapped those actually hired to do the work, they'd have to scrap the ones merely "managing" them too 2019-03-06T16:49:31 < Laurenceb> guess I could rewrite the uploader in c... 2019-03-06T16:49:42 < Cracki> what's it written in now 2019-03-06T16:49:48 < Laurenceb> python 2019-03-06T16:50:08 < Cracki> some dude from google recently wrote a paper on Ryu, a very fast float to ascii conversion algorithm 2019-03-06T16:50:10 < qyx> I am not sure if it helps 2019-03-06T16:50:17 < Laurenceb> not sure quite where the bottleneck is 2019-03-06T16:50:17 < Cracki> python shouldn't be too bad 2019-03-06T16:50:23 < Laurenceb> yeah, my cpu isnt pegged atm 2019-03-06T16:50:29 < qyx> your network overhead is worse probably 2019-03-06T16:50:39 < Laurenceb> its uploading about 4MB/s, network is faster than that 2019-03-06T16:50:40 < zyp> Laurenceb, not even a single core? 2019-03-06T16:50:49 < Laurenceb> zyp: its 8 core 2019-03-06T16:50:54 < qyx> I mean tcp and http and pps and things 2019-03-06T16:50:54 < jadew> Laurenceb, you can profile this sort of stuff 2019-03-06T16:50:59 < Cracki> remember python is single core, so you have to check process time. individual cores might never beg because scheduler bounces the hot one around 2019-03-06T16:51:03 < Laurenceb> jadew: yeah good idea 2019-03-06T16:51:08 < zyp> yeah, but your uploader is singlethreaded 2019-03-06T16:51:17 < Cracki> pipelining perhaps 2019-03-06T16:51:26 < Cracki> at 4 MB/s latency might already affect you 2019-03-06T16:51:28 < BrainDamage> when you do your test, make sure to set core affinity 2019-03-06T16:51:33 < Cracki> if a request isn't all that large 2019-03-06T16:51:34 < qyx> also, you are basically doing 100k HTTP requests per second, aren't you? 2019-03-06T16:51:39 < BrainDamage> so that the process doesn't get moved around 2019-03-06T16:51:43 < Laurenceb> zyp: I wrote a hacky bash script to spawn about 16 threads of the uploader 2019-03-06T16:51:46 < Cracki> he isn't, multiple values per POST 2019-03-06T16:51:51 < zyp> oh, okay 2019-03-06T16:52:01 < Cracki> still, it's ascii 2019-03-06T16:52:08 < Laurenceb> all uploading from different points into the file 2019-03-06T16:52:35 < Cracki> tbh I'd look into hacking some binary data ingest onto that thing 2019-03-06T16:52:48 < Cracki> spares you the conversion on both ends 2019-03-06T16:53:03 < Laurenceb> heh yeah it needs rf64 import tbh 2019-03-06T16:53:17 < Laurenceb> thats what I'm trying to put into it 2019-03-06T16:53:17 < Cracki> fuck them if they don't want to take the patch 2019-03-06T16:53:29 < Cracki> rf64 meaning riff64, i.e. wave files? 2019-03-06T16:53:33 < Laurenceb> yes 2019-03-06T16:53:43 < Laurenceb> yuuuge ones 2019-03-06T16:53:47 < Laurenceb> like 20GB 2019-03-06T16:53:48 < Cracki> that might require a wave file parser on the other end 2019-03-06T16:54:01 < jadew> Laurenceb, why do you want to store them in a DB tho? 2019-03-06T16:54:06 < jadew> that's not how it's done 2019-03-06T16:54:07 < Cracki> simpler would be to pipe the raw samples into it, and send sample rate etc as header 2019-03-06T16:54:12 < Laurenceb> jadew: cuz managers said so 2019-03-06T16:54:32 < Laurenceb> jadew: my plan was to extract metadata from the rf64, then store metadata on the database 2019-03-06T16:54:33 < jadew> take some initiative and tell them they don't know what they're talking about 2019-03-06T16:54:41 < jadew> exactly 2019-03-06T16:54:43 < Laurenceb> :P 2019-03-06T16:54:45 < Cracki> does influx have optimization for isochronous samples, or is it actually storing the sample time for every sample? 2019-03-06T16:54:46 < jadew> and you store the file on the disk 2019-03-06T16:55:11 < Laurenceb> Cracki: it stores sample time, but its faster for samples that are sorted in time 2019-03-06T16:55:28 < Cracki> or can it only store sequences without timestamp 2019-03-06T16:55:32 < Laurenceb> jadew: yeah it only needs a interface to find the files matching a specific set of metadata 2019-03-06T16:55:50 < jadew> precisely, what you need there is an API 2019-03-06T16:56:08 < Cracki> in your place I'd definitely look into (1) building influx myself (2) hacking some special case for binary isochronous samples 2019-03-06T16:56:10 < jadew> putFile(), getFile(), search(), or whatever 2019-03-06T16:56:14 < Laurenceb> its supposed to be semi n00b friendly 2019-03-06T16:56:17 < Cracki> it can generate time indices itself 2019-03-06T16:56:26 < Laurenceb> so web interface that grabs the data 2019-03-06T16:56:48 < jadew> Laurenceb, web interfaces can make use of the API too 2019-03-06T16:56:53 < Laurenceb> yeah 2019-03-06T16:57:23 < jadew> it's just that you disconnect the user code from the storage 2019-03-06T16:57:44 < jadew> so you become free to store shit wherever you want and however you think it makes more sense 2019-03-06T16:58:25 < Laurenceb> audiodata,configuration=ResearchTrolley,Harness_selector=NeoRestraint,Mattress_selector=New_sponge Chan1=-0.0013 1550763196682792960 2019-03-06T16:58:30 < Laurenceb> this is retarded 2019-03-06T16:58:59 < Laurenceb> all that for <16 bits of data 2019-03-06T16:59:19 < Cracki> I think his overlords specified "influxdb" by name so the only way forward is to completely change it so only the name remains 2019-03-06T16:59:33 < Laurenceb> heh ""influxdb"" 2019-03-06T17:05:00 < zyp> dongs, heh, just got an email from LL guy, apparently his customer are dicking around with some CE bullshit and needs to document that everything is conforming to RoHS 2019-03-06T17:05:18 < dongs> oh, np 2019-03-06T17:05:35 < dongs> uh, yo uneed what , certs on what solder i use and shit? 2019-03-06T17:05:45 < dongs> and pcb datasheet? 2019-03-06T17:05:59 < zyp> yeah, shit like that 2019-03-06T17:06:04 < dongs> ok ill gather some filth up 2019-03-06T17:06:10 < dongs> LL was 4L righT? 2019-03-06T17:06:14 < zyp> yes 2019-03-06T17:06:17 < dongs> kk 2019-03-06T17:07:27 < dongs> i should have something by monday 2019-03-06T17:07:38 < zyp> ok, cool 2019-03-06T17:07:43 < dongs> solder i can get anytime but pcb nigger is in hokkaido snowborading 2019-03-06T17:07:59 < BrainDamage> Laurenceb: can you use any time series db or does it have to be influxdb? 2019-03-06T17:08:22 < Laurenceb> BrainDamage: IT guy on the project uses Influx for his other stuff 2019-03-06T17:08:34 < kakimir> 0.16V could that be concidered safe logic low? 2019-03-06T17:08:42 < Laurenceb> so he wants to use it for this as its all running on his server 2019-03-06T17:08:43 < dongs> pretty safe yea 2019-03-06T17:08:48 < kakimir> nic 2019-03-06T17:13:44 < zyp> dongs, hmm, apparently components also 2019-03-06T17:14:23 < dongs> well, you can look up that they're rohs by the BOM right? the resistors are from RoyalOhm 2019-03-06T17:14:29 < dongs> ill see what caps but mostly samsung 2019-03-06T17:14:31 < dongs> all that shit is ROhs 2019-03-06T17:14:51 < zyp> yeah, I figured as much, just don't know the vendor for the passives 2019-03-06T17:15:06 < jadew> pretty sure all passives are RoHS now 2019-03-06T17:15:28 < zyp> sure, but CE assholes needs proof 2019-03-06T17:15:53 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T17:16:07 < bitmask> what was I thinking? 2019-03-06T17:16:07 < jadew> also, you can just say it's any resistor, they can't check 2019-03-06T17:16:12 < zyp> anyway, if you just have the mfg of the passives I can send the list to the guy and he can deal with looking it up 2019-03-06T17:16:23 < dongs> yas, ill get 2019-03-06T17:16:39 < dongs> like i said resistorsa re all royalohm and caps ill dig through the list/reels and see 2019-03-06T17:16:45 < dongs> but like 90% samsung 2019-03-06T17:16:50 < dongs> if not 100 2019-03-06T17:16:58 < zyp> sounds good 2019-03-06T17:18:06 < rajkosto> what even isnt rohs anymore 2019-03-06T17:21:24 < dongs> some stuff they use in california 2019-03-06T17:21:48 < bitmask> do they use BeO in anything anymore? 2019-03-06T17:23:02 < jadew> don't know if BeO is still commonly used, but beryllium is still used in a lot of stuff 2019-03-06T17:24:41 < rajkosto> mercury is good 2019-03-06T17:24:42 < rajkosto> lead is good 2019-03-06T17:24:51 < rajkosto> rohs was a mistake 2019-03-06T17:25:10 < jadew> I agree 2019-03-06T17:25:27 < jadew> or maybe they shouldn't have banned lead from electronics 2019-03-06T17:25:33 < jadew> at least that... 2019-03-06T17:26:43 < rajkosto> the trace amount in solder is no hazard 2019-03-06T17:26:49 < rajkosto> it was only beacuse of lead paint and lead in gasoline 2019-03-06T17:27:10 < rajkosto> the tiny amount of mercury vapor in CCFLs is no problem either 2019-03-06T17:27:28 < jadew> lead in gasoline was solved a long time ago 2019-03-06T17:27:35 < jadew> when they figured people were going insane because of it 2019-03-06T17:28:15 < emeb> my understanding is that metallic lead isn't nearly as dangerous as lead componds - oxides, etc. 2019-03-06T17:28:53 < rajkosto> rohs was amended to allow cadmium in quantum dots 2019-03-06T17:31:21 < rajkosto> silly to just ban elements outright 2019-03-06T17:35:02 < rajkosto> whats the problem with berillyium 2019-03-06T17:36:24 < BrainDamage> beryllium oxide is super toxic and carcinogen, and there's multiple records where a single inhalation gave lifelong lung issues 2019-03-06T17:36:35 < Laurenceb> oi m8 wher is ur element loicense 2019-03-06T17:37:11 < BrainDamage> sorry, single exposure, not single inhalation 2019-03-06T17:37:29 < jadew> well, that's pretty much the same 2019-03-06T17:37:50 < rajkosto> how many electronic devices would need to explode for a single inhalation 2019-03-06T17:38:05 < bitmask> one old microwave 2019-03-06T17:38:06 < jadew> rajkosto, a tiny amount of that dust can cause this 2019-03-06T17:38:09 < BrainDamage> one 30 year old magnetron 2019-03-06T17:38:16 < jadew> for example, a cracked magnetron 2019-03-06T17:38:30 < rajkosto> yeah but magnetrons have such a cool name they are excused 2019-03-06T17:39:37 < jadew> it's many 10s of times more toxic than cyanide 2019-03-06T17:39:42 < qyx> yeah sounds good, killed by a magnetron 2019-03-06T17:44:26 < Cracki> WAT r u saying zyklon b was cough drops? 2019-03-06T17:46:10 < BrainDamage> compared to eg. ricin, sure 2019-03-06T17:46:27 < BrainDamage> 2mg can kill you 2019-03-06T17:46:29 < Cracki> it killed lice alright 2019-03-06T17:46:45 < Cracki> and fleas, or whatever these buggers were 2019-03-06T17:53:35 < Cracki> funny to think, they had 12000 tons of real nerve gas just sitting around in case anyone used it first 2019-03-06T17:57:05 -!- emeb [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-06T18:00:17 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T18:07:33 < Laurenceb> hmm looks like the server is limiting me 2019-03-06T18:07:47 < Laurenceb> I unironically want some zyklon b 2019-03-06T18:08:17 < Laurenceb> it sounds awesome - kills bugs with no residue and is safe for people if you avoid the fumes during application 2019-03-06T18:11:24 < BrainDamage> huh, doesn't it produce prussian blue on iron objects? 2019-03-06T18:11:31 < Laurenceb> methyl isocyanate would be a better version tho surely ? 2019-03-06T18:12:04 < Laurenceb> BrainDamage: https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/april-gaede 2019-03-06T18:12:33 < BrainDamage> why are you addressing me 2019-03-06T18:12:45 < Laurenceb> >Prussian Blue 2019-03-06T18:19:56 < Laurenceb> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methyl_isocyanate 2019-03-06T18:23:00 < jadew> lol, Laurenceb always has a link in the clipboard 2019-03-06T18:23:22 < aandrew> wow this mcurses library is cancer 2019-03-06T18:23:42 < jadew> aandrew, what does it do? text UI for MCUs? 2019-03-06T18:23:47 < jadew> what do you want to do? 2019-03-06T18:24:15 < Cracki> >m'curses *tips heatsink* 2019-03-06T18:24:51 < kakimir> I send 1 with usart 2019-03-06T18:24:58 < kakimir> receive 249 2019-03-06T18:25:11 < Cracki> if you get that stuff working, I might be inclined to use it in some overkill projects that need a text ui for visualization 2019-03-06T18:25:15 < kakimir> another end receives 249 2019-03-06T18:25:32 < Cracki> maybe you receive multiple bytes and it sends you keyup/keydown events? 2019-03-06T18:25:48 < Cracki> or it's a funky charset 2019-03-06T18:27:09 < kakimir> decoded it with oscilloscope 2019-03-06T18:27:16 < kakimir> 1 2019-03-06T18:27:26 < Cracki> 1 2019-03-06T18:27:29 < kakimir> 1 2019-03-06T18:27:32 -!- crispy [~quassel@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-06T18:27:36 < rajkosto> to the 2 to the 2 to the 3 2019-03-06T18:27:43 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-06T18:27:44 < Cracki> 5 8 13... 2019-03-06T18:27:46 < kakimir> 00000001 2019-03-06T18:28:02 < kakimir> okay lemme put count thru this 2019-03-06T18:28:48 < Cracki> 249 is 0b1111_1001 2019-03-06T18:28:54 < dongs> https://twitter.com/ericgan98/status/1102483521568817152 lmao murica 2019-03-06T18:28:55 < jadew> did you check your boudrate? 2019-03-06T18:28:58 < Cracki> might be something unexpected 2019-03-06T18:30:04 < Cracki> (as opposed to the thing you expect...) 2019-03-06T18:31:27 < jadew> dongs, if everyone had guns, this shit wouldn't have happened 2019-03-06T18:31:30 < jadew> oh wait... they do 2019-03-06T18:31:34 < jadew> and that's why it's happening 2019-03-06T18:33:33 < Cracki> they don't, which is why it happens 2019-03-06T18:33:56 < jadew> cuz if they did, someone would have shot that guy, right? 2019-03-06T18:34:10 < Cracki> dumb fuckers shooing at random houses only do that because they don't expect anyone to come out and return fire 2019-03-06T18:34:25 < Cracki> ok ok driveby is over befure you're out of your bed 2019-03-06T18:34:43 < Cracki> that's what neighborhood watch is for 2019-03-06T18:34:44 < jadew> I think giving guns to idiots is a bad idea 2019-03-06T18:34:49 < Cracki> aye 2019-03-06T18:34:57 < Cracki> let's ban idiots instead of guns 2019-03-06T18:35:09 < Cracki> eugenics is a better idea than a nanny state 2019-03-06T18:36:01 < Cracki> a friend's brother got beaten up by a dozen foreigners... he himself is half foreigner in this country 2019-03-06T18:36:07 < Cracki> it was the usual suspects 2019-03-06T18:36:10 < Cracki> it always is 2019-03-06T18:36:35 < Cracki> the best measure against such violence is removing these creatures from out society 2019-03-06T18:36:39 < Cracki> send them elsewhere 2019-03-06T18:36:47 < Cracki> *our 2019-03-06T18:37:53 < Cracki> it's not a difficult concept. we lock up our *own* criminals to keep them away from society. why don't we do that with _everyone_ _equally_ 2019-03-06T18:38:24 < Cracki> so, kakimir what's the diagnosis? 2019-03-06T18:38:31 < Cracki> got all your bits in the bucket? 2019-03-06T18:39:37 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-06T18:40:25 < kakimir> sorry I have other problem now 2019-03-06T18:41:41 < bitmask> https://twitter.com/notphozee/status/973443317965799424 2019-03-06T18:42:32 < Cracki> nice 2019-03-06T18:43:02 < Laurenceb> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXaIIvfEQ8U 2019-03-06T18:43:07 < Laurenceb> bong activities 2019-03-06T18:44:58 < Cracki> i hope this ends in someone crying 2019-03-06T18:46:58 < Laurenceb> literally the norf fc meme irl 2019-03-06T18:51:59 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-06T19:10:47 < englishman> dongs: I am doing a usbC+pd thing now 2019-03-06T19:10:50 < englishman> where 2 start 2019-03-06T19:11:02 < englishman> do I just buy stm32g0 for usb pd 2019-03-06T19:11:04 < dongs> for what? just power? 2019-03-06T19:11:08 < englishman> ya 2019-03-06T19:11:19 < dongs> do you need highspeed lanes? if not then eyah g0 or that cypress filth 2019-03-06T19:11:31 < englishman> nope usb2 2019-03-06T19:11:32 < dongs> which was on my list of shit but i didnt wanna learn yet another yseless arm micro 2019-03-06T19:23:20 < Steffanx> F103 is all you need right? 2019-03-06T19:23:47 < dongs> nah 2019-03-06T19:23:52 < dongs> G0 hs analog PD shit 2019-03-06T19:23:57 < dongs> or else yo u need over 9000 passives around it 2019-03-06T19:24:06 < dongs> to do the CC/voltage level magic shit 2019-03-06T19:24:12 < dongs> you *can* do PD with 103 its just gonna be aids 2019-03-06T19:24:48 < englishman> is there another set and forget ic 2019-03-06T19:24:50 < zyp> anything can be bitbanged, doesn't mean you'll want to 2019-03-06T19:24:57 < englishman> or is it interactive and bullshit 2019-03-06T19:26:03 < dongs> the cypress thing 2019-03-06T19:26:08 < dongs> CCCG3 or someshit like that 2019-03-06T19:26:29 < dongs> https://www.cypress.com/products/ez-pd-ccg3-type-c-port-controller-pd 2019-03-06T19:26:37 < dongs> cccg2 and maybe 5 or wahtever id ont know what nubmer they're at now 2019-03-06T19:26:42 < dongs> but then you'd be paying R2COM's paycheck 2019-03-06T19:26:48 < dongs> ahuehuaehaueheauahUEHUaehuaehuhauhEUHaeuAHEuAh 2019-03-06T19:27:03 < englishman> by the time I'm done they'll have 3 new versions with new errata 2019-03-06T19:27:06 < englishman> fuck cyprrss 2019-03-06T19:29:09 < englishman> st has stusb4500 2019-03-06T19:30:33 < dongs> i think that's whats inside g0 2019-03-06T19:30:40 < dongs> plus m0 core 2019-03-06T19:30:46 < dongs> yeah that was on my research list also 2019-03-06T19:30:56 < englishman> prolly yeah 2019-03-06T19:31:04 < englishman> don't need an mcu 2019-03-06T19:31:09 < englishman> cuz they are putting MSP430 2019-03-06T19:31:23 -!- sterna [~Adium@h-90-120.A137.corp.bahnhof.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-06T19:36:06 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-110.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-06T19:39:17 < aandrew> jadew> aandrew, what does it do? text UI for MCUs? 2019-03-06T19:39:18 < aandrew> kind of yes 2019-03-06T19:39:26 < aandrew> does basic scrolling/text manipulation 2019-03-06T19:39:48 < aandrew> Cracki: this can do that, but the library has some obvious bugs 2019-03-06T19:43:36 -!- psprint [~psprint@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T19:48:18 < dongs> gay, uint8_t fag[16] = { 0xff, } doesn' 2019-03-06T19:48:22 < dongs> t do same as { 0, }; 2019-03-06T19:48:48 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T19:48:49 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Gone to sleep...] 2019-03-06T19:49:27 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-06T19:52:09 < zyp> dongs, same how? 2019-03-06T19:52:16 < dongs> as in memset it to 0xff 2019-03-06T19:52:19 < dongs> it only sets 1st element. 2019-03-06T19:52:23 < dongs> 0, memsets to zero. 2019-03-06T19:52:57 < zyp> {0xff} would be equivalent to {0xff, 0, 0, …}; 2019-03-06T19:53:28 < zyp> any partially initialized object will have remaining elements set to 0 regardless of what you put into first elements 2019-03-06T19:53:39 < dongs> is the last part in spec? 2019-03-06T19:53:51 < dongs> i would have expceted it to be uninitialized filth after specified valued. 2019-03-06T19:53:53 < dongs> values 2019-03-06T19:55:03 < zyp> C99 Standard 2019-03-06T19:55:03 < zyp> If there are fewer initializers in a brace-enclosed list than there are elements or members of an aggregate, or fewer characters in a string literal used to initialize an array of known size than there are elements in the array, the remainder of the aggregate shall be initialized implicitly the same as objects that have static storage duration. 2019-03-06T19:55:19 < dongs> oic 2019-03-06T19:55:23 < dongs> mmkay 2019-03-06T19:55:24 < zyp> ref. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10828294/c-and-c-partial-initialization-of-automatic-structure 2019-03-06T19:57:02 < zyp> the only time you get garbage in objects is when you allocate something on heap and don't initialize any of it at all 2019-03-06T19:57:07 -!- sterna [~Adium@m37-3-215-124.cust.tele2.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T19:57:10 < zyp> s/heap/stack/ 2019-03-06T19:57:39 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:f85d:e2c1:2b42:7be3] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T19:57:52 < zyp> heap also, but you don't define shit there, you just call malloc() to get you a pointer to a garbage-filled area 2019-03-06T20:00:27 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-06T20:03:08 < englishman> wait, this only works with usbC host side as well 2019-03-06T20:03:12 < englishman> so basically nothing 2019-03-06T20:03:26 < zyp> englishman, what does? 2019-03-06T20:03:32 < englishman> usb pd 2019-03-06T20:03:44 < zyp> how so? 2019-03-06T20:04:00 < englishman> where's the cc lines on usbA? 2019-03-06T20:04:27 -!- sterna [~Adium@m37-3-215-124.cust.tele2.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-06T20:04:29 < zyp> well, sure, legacy PD used sideband comms on vbus line 2019-03-06T20:04:40 < zyp> don't think anything supports taht though :p 2019-03-06T20:04:58 < zyp> but usb-c stuff with PD is fairly common 2019-03-06T20:05:05 < zyp> even my fucking phone charger does PD 2019-03-06T20:05:06 < englishman> how does my phone do fast charging? how much power is that? 2019-03-06T20:05:33 < zyp> I mean, my phone charger is designed to also be able to charge laptops 2019-03-06T20:05:53 < zyp> idk what your phone does, there's tons of standards it can use 2019-03-06T20:06:11 < zyp> plain usbc does 3A@5V 2019-03-06T20:06:25 < englishman> it's plugged into my computer's usbA 3.0 port 2019-03-06T20:06:37 < englishman> so not any special samsung stuff 2019-03-06T20:06:46 < dongs> then you arent gonna get any PD at all 2019-03-06T20:06:51 < englishman> right 2019-03-06T20:06:55 < zyp> plugged into your computer it's probably limited by BC 2019-03-06T20:07:09 < zyp> or even usb2 itself, giving you 500mA 2019-03-06T20:07:19 < englishman> def more than 2.5W 2019-03-06T20:07:28 < zyp> then BC 2019-03-06T20:07:43 < englishman> nothing in this stusb4500 doc about legacy charging 2019-03-06T20:07:53 < zyp> because it's irrelevant 2019-03-06T20:08:02 < englishman> no it isnt 2019-03-06T20:08:13 < dongs> yes it is 2019-03-06T20:08:29 < englishman> if I plug my pd device into a usbA port it still needs to draw more than 2.5W 2019-03-06T20:08:30 < zyp> the devices PD are meant for doesn't give a fuck about legacy charging 2019-03-06T20:08:35 < dongs> it can't 2019-03-06T20:08:39 < englishman> wtc 2019-03-06T20:08:48 < englishman> so there is zero backwards compatibility 2019-03-06T20:09:05 < dongs> it will just draw whatever until it trips the ptc/current limited usb port switc hthingy. 2019-03-06T20:09:08 < zyp> what sort of backwards compatibility do you want? 2019-03-06T20:09:26 < englishman> a pd device can never charge at more than usb1.1 spec except with full PD spec 2019-03-06T20:09:32 < zyp> there's no legacy standards that will provide as much power as PD 2019-03-06T20:09:32 < englishman> is what you're saying? 2019-03-06T20:09:33 < dongs> true 2019-03-06T20:09:42 < zyp> no 2019-03-06T20:09:47 < dongs> it *can* do shit with BC 2019-03-06T20:09:51 < dongs> using usbdm/dp stuff 2019-03-06T20:09:56 < dongs> thats how shitty chink phoens do it 2019-03-06T20:10:02 < dongs> like huawei etc. 2019-03-06T20:10:03 < zyp> you can do BC or QC or whatever shit is available on your A port if you really care 2019-03-06T20:10:07 < dongs> yeah 2019-03-06T20:10:21 < englishman> QC is samdongs stuff 2019-03-06T20:10:28 < zyp> qualcomm 2019-03-06T20:10:32 < dongs> there's also one by MTK 2019-03-06T20:10:34 < dongs> and Huawei 2019-03-06T20:10:50 < dongs> Huawei does 40W over that 2019-03-06T20:10:55 < englishman> so I need both, a pd controller on CC lines and legacy BC controller 2019-03-06T20:11:06 < dongs> if you want leet stuff, yes 2019-03-06T20:11:10 < dongs> are you doing a sink or a source? 2019-03-06T20:11:13 < zyp> yeah, if you really need your device to work with A hosts 2019-03-06T20:11:21 < dongs> i did that battery pack charger thing with a bunch of chink ICs 2019-03-06T20:11:33 < dongs> that do BC, QC negotiation 2019-03-06T20:11:34 < englishman> dont give a shit about this niche stuff, it needs to charge when plugged into 99% of devices which means a computer 2019-03-06T20:11:45 < dongs> then just draw shit and not care 2019-03-06T20:11:57 < zyp> do you even need >5V? 2019-03-06T20:12:04 < zyp> if 5V is enough for you, you don't need PD 2019-03-06T20:12:15 < dongs> maybe measure VUSB and if it starts dropping below say 4.8V, you're probly drawing too much 2019-03-06T20:12:17 < englishman> only for pd, I can give a lower spec when plugged into a usbA but not 2.5W 2019-03-06T20:12:26 < zyp> dongs, BC limit is lower 2019-03-06T20:12:37 < dongs> yeah?> what is it i dont know 2019-03-06T20:12:42 < zyp> then just do a combination of BC and PD 2019-03-06T20:13:13 < zyp> BC is mostly «monitor vbus and limit your current draw so it doesn't drop below x V 2019-03-06T20:13:16 < zyp> » 2019-03-06T20:13:21 < englishman> nice 2019-03-06T20:13:53 < zyp> there's also some shit to check that you're connected to a BC host, but I'm not sure how important that is 2019-03-06T20:14:35 < zyp> usb spec requires hosts to not take damage from overcurrent, so if you draw too much and host craps itself, it's out of spec :p 2019-03-06T20:15:07 < zyp> I mean, you would be too, but who cares :p 2019-03-06T20:17:58 -!- catphish [~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T20:19:00 < englishman> of course maxim has a solution 2019-03-06T20:19:07 < englishman> but can I actually buy it???? 2019-03-06T20:19:10 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T20:19:48 < catphish> yes :) 2019-03-06T20:23:01 < aandrew> dongs> maybe measure VUSB and if it starts dropping below say 4.8V, you're probly drawing too much 2019-03-06T20:23:11 < aandrew> heh that's so crazy it might just work 2019-03-06T20:23:16 < aandrew> suck the power down until you notice the supply can't keep up 2019-03-06T20:23:32 < dongs> no thats how it does work 2019-03-06T20:23:45 < dongs> chink battery banks do this as well 2019-03-06T20:23:46 < aandrew> BC looks at D+/D- resistances does it not? 2019-03-06T20:24:34 < aandrew> I had a small contract making some stm32 do BC1.1 or someshit 2019-03-06T20:24:47 < aandrew> only some stm32s had the hardware support for it 2019-03-06T20:26:35 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-06T20:32:28 < englishman> bc1.2 is still only 7.5W 2019-03-06T20:35:45 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-06T20:48:19 < englishman> mtk's is called Pump Express 2019-03-06T20:51:00 < dongs> haha 2019-03-06T20:51:04 < dongs> for real? 2019-03-06T20:51:43 < englishman> yea 2019-03-06T20:52:04 < englishman> pd works on A ports via active pd-only cables 2019-03-06T20:52:13 < kakimir> aandrew: why not 1.2? 2019-03-06T20:52:23 -!- ekaOlogik [~quassel@p5DC6BC9D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T20:53:26 -!- SuperBawlz [~SuperBawl@c-68-60-126-222.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-06T20:55:48 < kakimir> bc includes current sources 2019-03-06T20:55:54 < kakimir> voltage sources 2019-03-06T20:55:56 < aandrew> kakimir: hm? not sure what ver it was it was a few years ago 2019-03-06T20:56:08 < kakimir> to D+ and D- 2019-03-06T20:56:24 < kakimir> and pile of sequences 2019-03-06T20:56:53 < kakimir> I thought about simulating those different things with passives and shiet but nope 2019-03-06T20:57:02 < englishman> my ms sculpt kB, mouse and numpad arrived 2019-03-06T21:02:53 < kakimir> aandrew: tell me more about the project 2019-03-06T21:05:31 < aandrew> kakimir: I don't remember much. I just ended up telling him he couldn't get what he wanted with the STM32 he chose because the part did not have the required internals for the BC version he wanted 2019-03-06T21:06:30 < kakimir> what are the other requirements for the chip? 2019-03-06T21:06:39 < kakimir> other than BC 2019-03-06T21:06:53 < kakimir> I mean I have looked into it a bit 2019-03-06T21:17:49 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-e1e3e253.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T21:18:06 < kakimir> aandrew: 2019-03-06T21:22:33 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-06T21:23:57 < englishman> fuck I think adjusting current and checking vbus might be the simplest way 2019-03-06T21:26:05 < englishman> uh 2019-03-06T21:26:06 < englishman> wow 2019-03-06T21:26:13 < englishman> that's actually what bc1.2 is 2019-03-06T21:26:21 < englishman> for currents between 1.5 and 5a 2019-03-06T21:26:49 < kakimir> I did vbus thing 2019-03-06T21:28:26 < kakimir> ideally first rule out currents to draw with bc 2019-03-06T21:28:29 < kakimir> then vbus monitoring 2019-03-06T21:29:07 < kakimir> and that is what bc says to do 2019-03-06T21:29:32 < kakimir> in dedicated charging port mode 1A is guaranteed 2019-03-06T21:29:47 < kakimir> if you go above that you monitor voltage 2019-03-06T21:31:49 < kakimir> for chargers there is U-I curves with allowed and not-allowed zones 2019-03-06T21:32:20 < kakimir> and shapes 2019-03-06T21:32:26 < kakimir> of the U-I graph 2019-03-06T21:40:11 < englishman> bc1.2 allows host to provide more than 1.5a but disallows devices from drawing that much 2019-03-06T21:40:47 < kakimir> DCP mode? 2019-03-06T21:42:44 < malinus> kakimir: do you mean BCC? 2019-03-06T21:42:50 < malinus> or BBC? 2019-03-06T21:43:40 < kakimir> BBW 2019-03-06T21:45:18 < aandrew> BBW chargers hahaha 2019-03-06T21:46:12 < kakimir> can you open that BCC BBC terminology for me 2019-03-06T21:53:44 < kakimir> anyone know ANN channels in freenode? 2019-03-06T22:07:34 < Cracki> ann? #machinelearning? 2019-03-06T22:11:44 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T22:38:02 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-dspeeqwocxogfcwe] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T22:39:23 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:f85d:e2c1:2b42:7be3] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-06T22:48:22 < aandrew> does CDC have a maximum endpoint size? 2019-03-06T22:49:17 < jpa-> https://godbolt.org/z/xvRkXa heh, weird gcc optimization here; looks like it goes "hey, i'll load up all those values into registers so the inner loop can access them faster!" but then runs out of registers and spills on stack; and ends up making this weird memcpy from one place on stack to another, for no good purpose 2019-03-06T22:50:03 < aandrew> no, it looks like like 64 bytes is as mucha s you get for full speed, 512 for high speed 2019-03-06T22:53:22 < Cracki> someone somewhere on stackoverflow calculated all the payload and overhead sizes for high speed usb. 512 bytes per bulk packet was one certainty. 2019-03-06T22:54:26 < Cracki> and 10 * 8000 packets a second tops, thanks to various propagation delays and whatnot 2019-03-06T23:00:45 < jpa-> meh, arm-none-eabi-gcc 8.2 seems to be ridicuously stupid regarding optimization and register spilling 2019-03-06T23:03:32 < jpa-> actually seems to affect all versions 2019-03-06T23:04:48 < jpa-> gcc tries to optimize too much by moving all the loads earlier.. and then gcc acts all surprised "what? armv7m doesn't have 40 registers?!? i'll just put these back on stack".. causing 3x memory operations than what a straightforward implementation would need 2019-03-06T23:13:39 -!- ekaOlogik [~quassel@p5DC6BC9D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-06T23:14:58 < Steffanx> Makes me wonder why jpa- writes such code. Or 2019-03-06T23:15:42 < Steffanx> Or didnt you just unroll some loop for the purpose of seeing whats going on 2019-03-06T23:15:48 < Steffanx> Did* 2019-03-06T23:15:53 < Steffanx> Damn. Such english 2019-03-06T23:21:00 < zyp> aandrew, you're not limited by CDC, but by what's allowed for the underlying bulk endpoints 2019-03-06T23:22:29 -!- bvernoux [~Ben@chl26-1-88-183-104-56.fbx.proxad.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T23:26:27 < jpa-> Steffanx: it was actually from libgsm and already unrolled; but in the actual code, even if i don't unroll it, gcc tends to do partial unrolling 2019-03-06T23:27:05 -!- veegee [~veegee@ipagstaticip-3d3f7614-22f3-5b69-be13-7ab4b2c585d9.sdsl.bell.ca] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-06T23:30:04 < jpa-> http://paste.dy.fi/Xez/plain this is also kind of strange, what's up with loading stuff to r7 and then moving to fp? 2019-03-06T23:32:51 < zyp> I'm guessing short ldr only targets low registers? 2019-03-06T23:33:14 < zyp> I think there's a ldr.w, but ldr+mov might be just as cheap maybe? 2019-03-06T23:34:03 < zyp> I mean, of course there's a ldr.w, you've got that too :p 2019-03-06T23:35:30 < zyp> jpa-, are you using intrinsics or something for that smlad, or did the compiler generate that too? 2019-03-06T23:35:31 < jpa-> hmm yeah, maybe that's it 2019-03-06T23:35:37 < jpa-> intrinsic 2019-03-06T23:36:18 < jpa-> i think i'll just write the whole inner loop in assembly and ldm them all into registers 2019-03-06T23:36:37 < zyp> to me this looks like badly interfaced inline assembly 2019-03-06T23:37:23 < zyp> which suggests poor use of constraints in the intrinsics implementation 2019-03-06T23:37:45 < jpa-> __asm__("smlad %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (a) : "r" (x), "r" (y), "r" (a) ); is the intrinsic i'm using 2019-03-06T23:38:07 < jpa-> it seems to be using the registers quite freely in the disassembler output though 2019-03-06T23:38:39 < jpa-> i think main problem is that it doesn't realize it would make sense to spill registers before the inner loop so that it wouldn't have to reload and move stuff around all the time 2019-03-06T23:38:53 < jpa-> no reason why it couldn't use all of r0..r7 2019-03-06T23:46:26 < zyp> why did you even hand unroll it? 2019-03-06T23:49:22 < zyp> also, why are you giving negative indices to dp? is that by design? 2019-03-06T23:50:14 < zyp> and why are there 40 weights, but you're only using 32? 2019-03-06T23:51:12 < zyp> ah 2019-03-06T23:51:40 < zyp> I realized what the compiler is doing 2019-03-06T23:52:06 < zyp> hmm, no, disregard --- Day changed Thu Mar 07 2019 2019-03-07T00:11:44 < zyp> jpa-, by the way 2019-03-07T00:12:17 < zyp> is this actual real code, or a simplified example? 2019-03-07T00:13:00 < zyp> because if this is real code, you should realize that you end up multiplying every value in dp with each weight exactly once, except for the values in the beginning and the end 2019-03-07T00:13:41 < zyp> so you might as well add together all the weights first and multiply every value just once, and then fix the end cases or something 2019-03-07T00:14:28 < upgrdman> anyone know of a tool for monitor usb usage? e.g. i want a live chart of how many Mbps a usb device is doing, etc. 2019-03-07T00:14:33 < upgrdman> for windows 2019-03-07T00:14:59 < zyp> have you checked whether usblyzer can do that? 2019-03-07T00:15:10 < aandrew> zyp: I thought maybe the spec limited the endpoint depth; USB FS does have a 64 byte limit though 2019-03-07T00:15:22 < upgrdman> i have not. will check. thx zyp 2019-03-07T00:16:33 < zyp> aandrew, spec only allows a few given sizes for bulk endpoints, you can't choose arbitrarily up to that limit either 2019-03-07T00:16:48 < zyp> 64 for FS and 512 for HS 2019-03-07T00:17:10 < zyp> and then people who like arguing says FS also allows 32, 16 and 8 or some shit like that 2019-03-07T00:17:14 < zyp> but nobody cares about that 2019-03-07T00:18:00 < aandrew> zyp: interesting 2019-03-07T00:18:20 < zyp> it makes sense 2019-03-07T00:18:47 < aandrew> I'm running into some trouble on nrf52 where I seem to quite easily fill the upstream (to PC) buffer and it seems to take forever to transfer 2019-03-07T00:19:08 < aandrew> I mean I'm dumping packet data and there just isn't that much radio data I'm converting to ascii and dumping, but it won't keep up 2019-03-07T00:19:18 < zyp> only control and bulk does multi-packet transfers, and spec mandates them to be a power of two size 2019-03-07T00:19:27 < aandrew> I did find some speed improvements but nothing that's getting me near 12Mbps I don't think 2019-03-07T00:19:30 < zyp> which makes the modulo operation for packet splitting cheap 2019-03-07T00:19:43 < zyp> for iso and interrupt, spec allows arbitrary sizes 2019-03-07T00:20:11 < zyp> so I assume that limitation in the spec is to simplify hardware implementations 2019-03-07T00:21:04 < zyp> aandrew, how did you design your protocol? 2019-03-07T00:21:52 < zyp> by ascii I assume you're sending this over an ACM pipe? 2019-03-07T00:22:02 < zyp> how do you split the stream into packets? 2019-03-07T00:22:46 < zyp> do you send each line in a packet so you get a bunch of <64B packets, or do you send mainly 64B packets? 2019-03-07T00:22:57 < aandrew> it's not a protocol per se, unless you're talking the RF stuff. radio interrupt is just copying packets into a queue, and my main loop tries to empty the queue. basically while (pull_packet(&p) == 0) { convert_to_ascii_hex(p, str); write_to_tty(str, strlen(str)); 2019-03-07T00:23:14 < aandrew> write_to_tty() copies the string into the outgoing USB data queue 2019-03-07T00:23:27 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-e1e3e253.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-07T00:23:29 < aandrew> neither 2019-03-07T00:23:49 < zyp> I mean, what packet size actually ends up on the bus? 2019-03-07T00:24:10 < aandrew> when I get a "usb transmit complete" callback I grab up to 64 bytes from the outgoing queue and create a USB packet from it 2019-03-07T00:24:44 < aandrew> so it will always send endpoint-lengh-sized USB packets if that much is available, but will obviously send less if there are none 2019-03-07T00:24:50 < zyp> okay, so you end up with mostly 64B packets 2019-03-07T00:24:55 < aandrew> correct 2019-03-07T00:25:13 < aandrew> len = nrf_queue_out(&cdc_from_app, buf, sizeof(buf)); 2019-03-07T00:25:19 < aandrew> app_usbd_cdc_acm_write(&m_app_cdc_acm, buf, len) 2019-03-07T00:25:21 < zyp> that should let you use the capacity of the bus optimally 2019-03-07T00:25:53 < aandrew> yes, so the limitation is likely to be something in the nordic implementation 2019-03-07T00:26:06 < zyp> how so? 2019-03-07T00:26:23 < aandrew> if it's slow to send or slwo to tell me I can send more 2019-03-07T00:26:59 < zyp> are you actually keeping the queue full enough to keep usb going without slowing down? 2019-03-07T00:27:32 < aandrew> that's a good question. I have to benchmark that 2019-03-07T00:27:50 < aandrew> basically dd if=/dev/ttyusbmodem of=/dev/null bs=64 2019-03-07T00:28:33 < zyp> I mean, if you're not overflowing the buffer on the device, usb manages to keep up 2019-03-07T00:28:55 < zyp> usb can't go faster than you actually have data to feed it 2019-03-07T00:29:06 < aandrew> hm I thought dd had an option to tell me the data rate 2019-03-07T00:29:28 < zyp> if you wanna just benchmark, just have the device send a constant 64B buffer over and over again 2019-03-07T00:29:41 < aandrew> I am having trouble where I am getting data dropped 2019-03-07T00:29:47 < zyp> okay 2019-03-07T00:30:11 < zyp> maybe you should consider getting a beagle or something, helps a lot for debugging shit like this 2019-03-07T00:30:12 < aandrew> if I modify my code to spin until it can send everything, I drop data going INTO the queue because I'm taking too long to send it 2019-03-07T00:30:27 < aandrew> yeah I was able to use a beagle at one contract. it was really nice 2019-03-07T00:30:29 < qyx> aandrew: dd if.. | pv > /dev/null 2019-03-07T00:31:09 < qyx> or send USR1 to dd and it prints some stats 2019-03-07T00:31:33 < qyx> watch killall -USR1 dd 2019-03-07T00:31:41 < qyx> or something ike that 2019-03-07T00:31:53 < aandrew> yep pv was what I was looking for 2019-03-07T00:32:13 < zyp> a trace from the beagle would make it immediately obvious whether it's the device that's not sending as fast as the bus allows, or if there's other issues resulting in the device not being polled as often as you'd like 2019-03-07T00:32:28 < aandrew> yep 2019-03-07T00:32:33 < aandrew> too bad they're so damned expensive 2019-03-07T00:32:38 < aandrew> even the 480mbps one isn't cheap 2019-03-07T00:32:43 < zyp> yeah 2019-03-07T00:33:06 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-07T00:33:08 < zyp> the guy I'm borrowing one from still haven't asked for it back 2019-03-07T00:33:11 < aandrew> ah, newer dd than I have has options=status 2019-03-07T00:33:16 < aandrew> time to move 2019-03-07T00:33:23 < zyp> I've had it for like six-seven years now, I think 2019-03-07T00:33:29 < qyx> lol 2019-03-07T00:34:23 < zyp> hmm, I think he's had one of my old fpga devboards for about just as long, although that only cost a fraction of what the beagle does :p 2019-03-07T00:36:39 < catphish> so here's a dull question i ask from time to time: is anyone working on anything interesting and/or have any ideas for anything that would benefit from collaboration? 2019-03-07T00:36:58 < zyp> interesting is always relative 2019-03-07T00:37:14 < zyp> my newest hobby project is hacking up a zigbee stack 2019-03-07T00:37:26 < catphish> i always end up working on stuff alone and never finish it 2019-03-07T00:38:11 < catphish> i thought zigbee was kind of a "buy a module and you're done" deal 2019-03-07T00:38:20 < zyp> well, yeah 2019-03-07T00:38:33 < catphish> or are you looking to build something atop it 2019-03-07T00:38:56 < aandrew> hm, dumping thorugh pv seems to say 22kB/sec 2019-03-07T00:39:11 < zyp> my end goal is making better light switches than what are available on the market at the moment, and I could probably acheive that the quickest if I just bought some module and added a bit of firmware to it to make it do what I want 2019-03-07T00:39:29 < zyp> but that's not very fun 2019-03-07T00:39:32 < aandrew> zyp: I was looking at that too 2019-03-07T00:39:52 < aandrew> basically I want a US-style NOT FUCKING DECORA light switch that didn't look like a dong sticking straight out 2019-03-07T00:40:08 < zyp> what's decora? 2019-03-07T00:40:19 < aandrew> it's trivial to have it behave like a normal fucking three way switch but every fucking smart switch has the paddle stick straight out 2019-03-07T00:40:23 < aandrew> the flat style 2019-03-07T00:40:34 < catphish> zyp: i always forget what is based on what, is zigbee used by existing commercial stuff? like hue? 2019-03-07T00:40:39 < zyp> yes 2019-03-07T00:40:51 < zyp> hue and ikea lights are both based on zigbee light link 2019-03-07T00:41:26 < catphish> i love hue, always fancied building something compatible 2019-03-07T00:41:45 < zyp> I like the ikea ones, same features at a fraction of the price 2019-03-07T00:42:07 < zyp> aandrew, I'm not very familiar with american light switch style 2019-03-07T00:42:44 < catphish> i believe these are hue compatible too https://www.innrlighting.com/en/ 2019-03-07T00:43:32 < catphish> ie https://shop.innrlighting.com/en/shop/138/smart-bulb-white-e27-z3.0 2019-03-07T00:43:36 < catphish> for much less money 2019-03-07T00:43:39 < zyp> catphish, reason I wanna build my own switches is that I want some that can both communicate with a central thing so I can send event triggers out of the zigbee system, but also talk directly to the lamps themself so I won't be stuck unable to turn on/off any lights if the central shit crashes for any reason 2019-03-07T00:44:00 < zyp> there's plenty of shit on the market that can do one or the other of those, but not both 2019-03-07T00:44:32 < catphish> i have stock hue, i have genuinely no idea how messages get from switch to lamps 2019-03-07T00:44:46 < catphish> ie whether they have to go via the hue "hub" 2019-03-07T00:45:09 < zyp> I think they also talk directly 2019-03-07T00:45:27 < zyp> same as the ikea ones do 2019-03-07T00:45:30 < catphish> i guess i could easily turn off the hub and test 2019-03-07T00:46:36 < catphish> so how easy / hard is it to build a zigbee transceiver? 2019-03-07T00:47:14 < zyp> well, the physical layer is 802.15.4, so just get a radio for that, the rest is software 2019-03-07T00:47:38 < zyp> I've ordered a stm32wb nucleo, planning to prototype on that 2019-03-07T00:47:46 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-dspeeqwocxogfcwe] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-07T00:48:21 < zyp> http://www.see-solutions.de/_other/gira/2003/bilder_2003.htm <- for the switches themselves, I'm planning to just buy some of these 2019-03-07T00:48:28 < qyx> by the time it arrives there are commercialy available switches with all your features :P 2019-03-07T00:48:39 < zyp> they fit in the standard 55mm switch frames we use here in norway 2019-03-07T00:48:54 < zyp> so I won't have to deal with mechanical design bullshit 2019-03-07T00:49:03 < zyp> just make a radio module to stick on the back of it 2019-03-07T00:50:06 < zyp> that'll give me six buttons per unit, two to turn directly connected lights on/off/up/down 2019-03-07T00:50:11 < zyp> and four to send event triggers 2019-03-07T00:50:18 < zyp> or however I end up configuring it 2019-03-07T00:51:34 < zyp> well, gira actually have these also: https://www.gira.com/en/gebaeudetechnik/produkte/manuelle_lichtsteuerung/zigbee-lightlink/features.html 2019-03-07T00:51:50 < catphish> how do you intend to power it? battery with tx only on demand? 2019-03-07T00:51:50 < zyp> looks the same, but they don't have the features I want :p 2019-03-07T00:52:08 < zyp> well, yeah, like any other zigbee light switch 2019-03-07T00:52:18 < zyp> they only need to tx when you push it, after all 2019-03-07T00:52:32 < catphish> yeah my hue ones seem to have unlimited battery, i guess they wake on demand 2019-03-07T00:53:16 < zyp> I picked up a spare ikea remote and cracked it open, they are efr32 based 2019-03-07T00:53:55 < catphish> efr32 is bluetooth according to my googling 2019-03-07T00:53:57 < zyp> I first thought about just writing a new firmware for that, but I concluded efr32 seems too annoying to work with, so I dropped that idea 2019-03-07T00:54:09 < zyp> ble is also based on 802.15.4 2019-03-07T00:54:18 < zyp> so hardware that can do one can also do the other 2019-03-07T00:54:33 < catphish> oh, they say "multiprotocol sub-GHz and 2.4 GHz" 2019-03-07T00:54:39 < catphish> so i guess pretty flesible 2019-03-07T00:54:43 < catphish> *flexible 2019-03-07T00:55:06 < zyp> pretty much any low-rate 2.4G stuff is 802.15.4-based 2019-03-07T00:55:16 < zyp> zigbee, ble, 6lowpan/thread, etc… 2019-03-07T00:55:30 < catphish> that's interesting 2019-03-07T00:56:01 < zyp> why reinvent radio framing when you can just reuse and put a new network layer on top of it 2019-03-07T00:56:05 < catphish> we had a conversation at work about whether we could make a multiprotocol IoT hub, didn't realise it was tha easy 2019-03-07T00:57:05 < catphish> ie a replacement for the hue internet connected hub, but with support for products on other protocols 2019-03-07T00:57:48 < catphish> does that mean you could receive a frame without even knowing what ptotocol it balongs to? 2019-03-07T00:58:07 < qyx> sub1g is the way, I love it 2019-03-07T00:58:10 < zyp> sure 2019-03-07T00:58:11 < qyx> it never works 2019-03-07T00:58:20 < zyp> https://openlabs.co/store/Raspberry-Pi-802.15.4-radio <- I've got a couple of these 2019-03-07T00:58:50 < zyp> got one rpi here running as a sniffer feeding anything it picks up into wireshark, and another one that I'm testing sending and receiving on 2019-03-07T00:59:37 < zyp> no need to mess around with hardware design, just plug it in, load the .dts for the module and get a wpan0 network interface 2019-03-07T00:59:47 < zyp> then just open a 802.15.4-socket 2019-03-07T01:00:00 < zyp> except that stuff is not super mature, but it works :p 2019-03-07T01:00:36 < zyp> oh, and the ikea remote I cracked open got useful even if I'm not gonna develop on that 2019-03-07T01:00:54 < catphish> can i use that module with an stm32? 2019-03-07T01:01:08 < zyp> I dumped the flash from it and dug through it until I figured out where it stored the network key that my ikea lights are using 2019-03-07T01:01:13 < catphish> i guess pi might be nice for wireshark though 2019-03-07T01:01:28 < zyp> and then just plugged into wireshark, so it's now decrypting all my traffic 2019-03-07T01:01:47 < zyp> yeah 2019-03-07T01:01:50 < zyp> module is just spi 2019-03-07T01:02:08 < zyp> I just like the plug/play form factor for early prototyping 2019-03-07T01:02:23 < catphish> yeah that's cool, and $10 :) 2019-03-07T01:02:54 < zyp> when I get the stm32wb nucleo, I'll hopefully have some working code already that I can port 2019-03-07T01:03:01 < catphish> arfgh more qfn 2019-03-07T01:03:14 < zyp> well duh, anything RF is gonna be qfn 2019-03-07T01:03:39 < catphish> but i want legs :( 2019-03-07T01:03:50 < zyp> your 2.4G signal doesn't 2019-03-07T01:04:36 < zyp> just get a module if you don't like it 2019-03-07T01:04:40 < catphish> i don't really understand it, why would 2 legs be any different from 2 tracks? 2019-03-07T01:05:04 < catphish> i know people hate legs for RF, but i don't get it 2019-03-07T01:05:15 < zyp> impedance 2019-03-07T01:05:31 < zyp> tracks run at a fixed distance from a ground plane, legs doesn't 2019-03-07T01:08:31 -!- bvernoux [~Ben@chl26-1-88-183-104-56.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-07T01:09:07 < catphish> i'd forgotten about the hassle of network keys 2019-03-07T01:09:21 < catphish> how does one authenticate to a light bulb? 2019-03-07T01:09:32 < zyp> dunno, haven't gotten that far yet 2019-03-07T01:09:49 < kakimir> authenticate light bulb 2019-03-07T01:10:02 < kakimir> what has world become 2019-03-07T01:10:14 < zyp> some exchange happens during pairing, giving the bulb a copy of the key the rest of the network is using 2019-03-07T01:10:27 < zyp> probably a bunch of handshakes and shit 2019-03-07T01:12:34 < zyp> I'll figure that out eventually 2019-03-07T01:13:09 < catphish> i can't remember how pairing works, or how one would re-pair 2019-03-07T01:13:12 < zyp> first I wanna work out how to talk to the devices I've got with the key I've already stolen 2019-03-07T01:13:37 < zyp> ikea stuff is touchlink based, i.e. hold the devices close together to authenticate them to each other 2019-03-07T01:13:47 < catphish> also, ebay seems short of cheap 802.15.4 modules :( 2019-03-07T01:14:16 < zyp> just grab a stm32wb nucleo or something :p 2019-03-07T01:14:34 < zyp> rs got them in stock now 2019-03-07T01:14:46 < catphish> stm32wb has integrated 802.15.4? 2019-03-07T01:14:56 < zyp> I'd cancel my farnell order and reorder at rs if not for the fact that farnell is cheaper :p 2019-03-07T01:15:00 < zyp> yeah 2019-03-07T01:15:13 < catphish> https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/products/evaluation-tools/product-evaluation-tools/stm32-nucleo-expansion-boards/p-nucleo-wb55.html?icmp=tt10667_gl_lnkon_feb2019 2019-03-07T01:15:36 < catphish> nice, antenna baked into the board of the nucleo 2019-03-07T01:16:41 < catphish> weird nucleo board though, my nucleo has a detachable programmer, this is somewhat different 2019-03-07T01:17:21 < zyp> still got programmer, not just detachable anymore 2019-03-07T01:17:21 < catphish> also, how come you have the exact same local suppler as UK? 2019-03-07T01:17:25 < catphish> ah ok 2019-03-07T01:17:36 < zyp> duh, I'm ordering from UK :p 2019-03-07T01:17:58 < catphish> farnell shows P-NUCLEO-WB55 in stoc 2019-03-07T01:18:00 < catphish> *stock 2019-03-07T01:18:31 < zyp> wait, wat 2019-03-07T01:18:34 < zyp> yeah, it does 2019-03-07T01:18:35 < zyp> wtf 2019-03-07T01:18:41 < catphish> lol 2019-03-07T01:19:09 < zyp> farnell sent me an email earlier today, offering to split my order and send my other shit in advance 2019-03-07T01:19:23 < zyp> which I accepted, so I'll have the other shit tomorrow 2019-03-07T01:19:26 < catphish> i can get it next-day" 2019-03-07T01:19:45 < zyp> but okay, maybe they'll send it tomorrow so I'll have it friday then 2019-03-07T01:20:03 < catphish> yeah could have just come in stock tonight 2019-03-07T01:20:13 < zyp> must have 2019-03-07T01:20:22 < kakimir> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHNKTlz1lps youtube recommended me 2019-03-07T01:20:42 < catphish> zyp: remind me where you are? 2019-03-07T01:20:46 < zyp> norway 2019-03-07T01:21:00 < catphish> oh, not far away at all :) 2019-03-07T01:21:17 < catphish> i need to plan a holiday up there 2019-03-07T01:21:36 < zyp> https://www.ups.com/track?loc=en_US&tracknum=1Z2X069F0482840954/trackdetails <- here's the other shit they sent me today 2019-03-07T01:22:33 < catphish> wow you get next-day from uk? 2019-03-07T01:22:36 < catphish> that's impressive 2019-03-07T01:22:41 < zyp> apparently :) 2019-03-07T01:22:56 < catphish> that stuff you send me by cheap post only took about 3 days iirc 2019-03-07T01:23:06 < zyp> UPS deliveries from digikey and mouser takes two days 2019-03-07T01:23:16 < zyp> one day to get from US to EU, and another to get here 2019-03-07T01:23:41 < catphish> international mail sure has got fast 2019-03-07T01:23:52 < catphish> i get DHL from china in 2 days :) 2019-03-07T01:23:59 < zyp> been like that for the past ten years or so 2019-03-07T01:24:24 < catphish> lol well ok 2019-03-07T01:24:33 < zyp> probably longer, but >10 years ago I lived in the north of norway meaning everything takes a day or two extra to get from Oslo to there :p 2019-03-07T01:25:15 < catphish> so where's nice for vacation in norway? 2019-03-07T01:25:33 < kakimir> package can travel across the world 2days and then it takes 2 days to travel across the swamps 2019-03-07T01:25:41 < zyp> dunno, I tend to leave norway when I have vacation 2019-03-07T01:26:04 < catphish> i booked something in greece for next year, but fancy a cold vacation too 2019-03-07T01:26:10 < zyp> well, not entirely true, been plenty around in norway too 2019-03-07T01:26:24 < zyp> I guess it depends what you're looking for 2019-03-07T01:26:47 < zyp> for nature, west coast and the north is the prettiest 2019-03-07T01:27:14 < catphish> ideally: nature + quiet, with reasonable access to something more interesting for the odd evening out 2019-03-07T01:27:46 < zyp> how will you be getting around? 2019-03-07T01:27:48 < catphish> but i could always plan 2 locations, city, then on to the coast 2019-03-07T01:28:02 < catphish> i imagine rent a car from airport 2019-03-07T01:28:48 < zyp> I guess somewhere in the vicinity of Stavanger or Bergen then 2019-03-07T01:28:53 < catphish> i imagine renting a car from the airport, driving to somewhere quiet, or spending a night or 2 in the city first 2019-03-07T01:29:39 < catphish> mostly interested in the nature, will likely go in the winter to catch some snow 2019-03-07T01:29:58 < zyp> hmm, okay, I'm not familiar with vinter destinations 2019-03-07T01:30:12 < catphish> not compulsory though :) 2019-03-07T01:30:30 < zyp> I pretty much only fly up north to visit my parents when I'm going anywhere during winter :p 2019-03-07T01:31:00 < zyp> if you happen to be going somewhere along the south coast, you should stop by here :p 2019-03-07T01:31:18 < catphish> well i'll check out the west coast for locations with cabins that aren't ridicuoously far out from the cities 2019-03-07T01:31:50 < zyp> I figure there'll be plenty 2019-03-07T01:32:18 < zyp> I stayed a couple of nights at a cabin outside bergen when I were on a road trip a couple of years ago 2019-03-07T01:32:30 < catphish> the broken up land on the west coast does look nice 2019-03-07T01:32:40 < catphish> around bergen 2019-03-07T01:32:45 < zyp> yeah 2019-03-07T01:33:47 < zyp> https://bin.jvnv.net/file/HY3e8.png <- we did a two week tour of norway in 2015 2019-03-07T01:34:19 < zyp> started in the south, spent two days getting to the northernmost point, then the rest of the time getting back 2019-03-07T01:35:13 < catphish> zyp: is this efr32? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Silicon-Laboratories-802-15-4-Development-Board/263420919379?_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20160908105057%26meid%3Dcbf5614888d74be4a6c68ea416409684%26pid%3D100675%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D15%26sd%3D263420919379%26itm%3D263420919379&_trksid=p2481888.c100675.m4236&_trkparms=pageci%3A7380fb45-4068-11e9-a67f-74dbd180d5db%7Cparentrq%3A555c28ce1690ad4a9290d356fff2831b%7Ciid%3A1 2019-03-07T01:35:23 < catphish> * https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Silicon-Laboratories-802-15-4-Development-Board/263420919379 2019-03-07T01:35:54 < catphish> cheap, no information provided at all 2019-03-07T01:35:59 < zyp> hmm, dunno 2019-03-07T01:36:19 < zyp> I believe silabs also makes standalone transceivers 2019-03-07T01:36:31 < zyp> so it might be a plain mcu with a transceiver 2019-03-07T01:36:31 < catphish> looks like it has separate mcu and radio ICs 2019-03-07T01:36:37 < catphish> yeah i was just thinking that 2019-03-07T01:36:51 < zyp> or it might be one mcu acting as a programmer for an efr32 2019-03-07T01:37:01 < zyp> ah, no 2019-03-07T01:37:02 < catphish> i fact it has test pads for the interface betwen the 2 2019-03-07T01:37:08 < zyp> yeah, it's spi 2019-03-07T01:37:12 < catphish> yeah 2019-03-07T01:37:18 < zyp> separate transceiver for sure then 2019-03-07T01:37:52 < zyp> looks old, was probably even made before silabs bought out energy micro 2019-03-07T01:38:03 < catphish> does the stm32 actully have the transceiver on-chip? 2019-03-07T01:38:09 < catphish> including phy? 2019-03-07T01:38:12 < zyp> yes 2019-03-07T01:38:29 < catphish> awesome, might buy one of those then 2019-03-07T01:38:44 < zyp> oh, hey, the RM is out now 2019-03-07T01:39:00 < zyp> rev4 even 2019-03-07T01:39:03 < catphish> ? 2019-03-07T01:39:12 < zyp> the RM was not out two weeks ago 2019-03-07T01:39:38 < zyp> I asked an ST rep about it and got a prerelease copy, rev2 2019-03-07T01:39:58 < catphish> rm? 2019-03-07T01:40:36 < zyp> reference manual 2019-03-07T01:40:47 < zyp> ah, it was released march 1. 2019-03-07T01:40:50 < catphish> ah 2019-03-07T01:40:57 < catphish> for the STM32WB55? 2019-03-07T01:41:06 < zyp> yes 2019-03-07T01:41:12 < zyp> entire thing is really new 2019-03-07T01:42:26 < catphish> oh ok 2019-03-07T01:42:37 < catphish> and no legs, because st hates me 2019-03-07T01:43:08 < zyp> only thing I don't like about it is that the radio registers are not documented 2019-03-07T01:43:20 < zyp> so you have to rely on a driver blob for that 2019-03-07T01:43:21 < catphish> that seems impractical 2019-03-07T01:43:38 < catphish> why would st not document it? 2019-03-07T01:43:41 < zyp> not too bad since it'll run on its own cpu 2019-03-07T01:43:54 < zyp> well, it seems to be fairly usual 2019-03-07T01:44:02 < zyp> situation is the same with efr32 2019-03-07T01:44:16 < zyp> except efr32 only got one cpu, so driver needs to be linked into your firmware 2019-03-07T01:44:26 < catphish> so is it basically a separate radio IC jammed in the package? 2019-03-07T01:44:34 < zyp> stm32wb? no 2019-03-07T01:44:49 < zyp> it's a full dual cpu system, pretty fancy stuff 2019-03-07T01:45:09 < zyp> you could run your own stuff on both cpus too 2019-03-07T01:45:09 < catphish> well thats good, but one has to install a binary blob to run the radio on its own core? 2019-03-07T01:45:19 < englishman> like nordick 2019-03-07T01:45:31 < catphish> i guess if it works thats not the end of the world 2019-03-07T01:45:35 < zyp> yeah 2019-03-07T01:45:42 < catphish> but i hate shit like tha 2019-03-07T01:45:45 < zyp> same 2019-03-07T01:45:48 < englishman> fucking altidumb 19 is a pile of shit 2019-03-07T01:45:54 < englishman> speaking of blobs 2019-03-07T01:46:03 < zyp> I hope that at some point I can reverse engineer the radio interface 2019-03-07T01:46:57 < catphish> i guess this is still more efficient than an external spi transceiver 2019-03-07T01:47:13 < zyp> although the blob seems to be encrypted as well, so I'm not sure how easy it'll be to get at the code to decrypt it 2019-03-07T01:47:36 < catphish> but why? :| 2019-03-07T01:47:57 < catphish> does this mean they bought an IP block from someone else who is a dick? 2019-03-07T01:47:59 < zyp> idk, show off their fancy new IP protection mechanisms perhaps 2019-03-07T01:48:13 < zyp> dunno 2019-03-07T01:48:16 < catphish> or is ST doing this on purpose 2019-03-07T01:48:46 < zyp> I figure it might be licensing requirements, to prevent people from abusing the radio hardware 2019-03-07T01:49:18 < zyp> after all, this shit is not restricted to ST 2019-03-07T01:49:36 < zyp> but eh, I'll worry about that later 2019-03-07T01:49:47 < catphish> wow, someone near me is selling a pc with 8 x 1060 cards in it 2019-03-07T01:49:53 < zyp> either way, stm32wb has at least one cpu I can run blob free 2019-03-07T01:50:02 < zyp> sounds like they got tired of mining ethereum 2019-03-07T01:50:12 < catphish> that's some serious math coprocessing there 2019-03-07T01:50:16 < zyp> or whatever it is people mine nowadays 2019-03-07T01:50:25 < catphish> yeah i guess that's the case 2019-03-07T01:50:40 < catphish> £1,312 for 8 1060s isn't a bad price 2019-03-07T01:51:14 < catphish> no idea what one would do with them, choose a crypto currency and hope for the best 2019-03-07T01:51:21 < catphish> or render a movie :) 2019-03-07T01:51:49 < zyp> catphish, btw, I think you'll like this: https://www.st.com/resource/en/application_note/dm00600032.pdf 2019-03-07T01:52:38 < catphish> ah nice 2019-03-07T01:53:27 < catphish> that's fairly minimal :) 2019-03-07T01:53:45 < zyp> yeah, I like that 2019-03-07T01:54:04 < catphish> 2 crystals needed? 2019-03-07T01:54:50 < zyp> depends on what you're doing, I guess 2019-03-07T01:55:08 < catphish> LSE probably isn't compulsory 2019-03-07T01:55:19 < catphish> HSE probably is for the rF 2019-03-07T01:55:22 < zyp> yes 2019-03-07T01:55:59 -!- Streake_ [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T01:56:02 < zyp> for a battery device that'll spend most time sleeping, you'll be turning off HSE, so you probably want LSE if you need accurate timekeeping 2019-03-07T01:56:16 < zyp> but you might be able to get away with LSI 2019-03-07T01:56:36 < catphish> timekeeping seems unnecessary 2019-03-07T01:56:37 < zyp> IIRC it has a second LSI that's more accurate than the old shitty LSI that were wildly inaccurate 2019-03-07T01:56:56 < zyp> not if you need to wake up at particular intervals 2019-03-07T01:57:36 < catphish> no ethernet? 2019-03-07T01:58:06 < zyp> nah, for a stm32 it's fairly small 2019-03-07T01:58:18 < zyp> got usb though 2019-03-07T01:59:07 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-07T01:59:37 < catphish> do they do a high power device with 802.15.4? 2019-03-07T01:59:56 < catphish> i'm thinking i'd want 2 devices, one for buttons, and one for ethernet 2019-03-07T01:59:57 < zyp> so far stm32wb55 is the only stm32 with builtin radio 2019-03-07T02:00:02 < catphish> ok 2019-03-07T02:00:24 < zyp> for ethernet I'd just hook it up to a linux box via usb :p 2019-03-07T02:01:01 < catphish> could always chain it off a larger mcu 2019-03-07T02:01:15 < zyp> yeah 2019-03-07T02:19:16 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T02:20:53 -!- Streake_ [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-07T02:36:15 < mawk> https://pix.watch/R7ElOJ/iQbKL6.png 2019-03-07T02:36:22 < mawk> look at my beautiful material design chrome extension 2019-03-07T02:36:35 < mawk> I sold it for 330€ 2019-03-07T02:37:56 < mawk> python server receives webhook from SIP server, python server sends push notification to google firebase cloud messaging, chrome extension receives notification from google and opens a page in the CRM software according to the incoming call information 2019-03-07T02:39:59 -!- catphish [~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-07T02:43:38 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T02:44:49 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T02:49:10 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-07T02:49:21 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T02:49:46 < rajkosto> why do i see stm32 i2c code having a fixed cycles timeout countdown 2019-03-07T02:49:52 < rajkosto> cant you just wait until I2C_FLAG_BUSY is unset 2019-03-07T02:52:01 < Laurenceb_123> >Mark Taylor, the ISIS terrorist from New Zealand: “I was on holiday. I wanted to voice my freedom of speech,” he said of the incriminating social media posts. “It turns out that freedom of speech was not allowed in the Islamic State." 2019-03-07T03:12:58 < aandrew> these fuckers all every last one of them need their original citizenship revoked and they can figure shit out in their new failed caliphate 2019-03-07T03:25:23 -!- gsi__ [~gsisig@x4db99f74.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T03:27:16 -!- arc_phasor [49141d9f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T03:27:33 < arc_phasor> hi all, using HAL here, is there a quick way to switch a GPIO from output to input? 2019-03-07T03:27:46 -!- alexfan [uid325562@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-pyyddsplsaijvoza] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T03:28:06 < arc_phasor> i thought i could just call HAL_GPIO_ReadPin to change it to a high-z input, but no dice, stays driving the output 2019-03-07T03:28:41 -!- gsi_ [~gsisig@x4db39be1.dyn.telefonica.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-07T03:36:48 -!- alexfan [uid325562@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-pyyddsplsaijvoza] has quit [] 2019-03-07T03:37:03 -!- alexfan [uid325562@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vlcvmxbppunvfuiq] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T03:43:08 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T03:43:56 -!- mawk [mawk@serveur.io] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-07T03:47:19 -!- mawk [mawk@serveur.io] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T03:48:49 -!- arc_phasor [49141d9f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 2019-03-07T03:50:27 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-07T03:57:36 < rajkosto> I2C NOT WORK HELP 2019-03-07T04:03:04 < englishman> wtf he left 2019-03-07T04:03:07 < rajkosto> im an idiot i2c work 2019-03-07T04:10:50 < rajkosto> there's a 25.68uS set of SDA and SCL to 0 when i do init of the gpio tho 2019-03-07T04:15:26 < rajkosto> how do i prevent that 2019-03-07T04:19:00 < englishman> pullups? 2019-03-07T04:20:41 < rajkosto> theyre there 2019-03-07T04:20:48 < rajkosto> the stm32 is actively driving them both to 0 2019-03-07T04:21:37 < rajkosto> https://pastebin.com/K3kPnakb doesnt really matter if i do the AFIO before or after the i2c init 2019-03-07T04:23:42 < dongs> is that I2C on APB1 2019-03-07T04:24:33 < dongs> rajkosto: there's also *_StructInit() calls to clean up structs before going to *_Init() calls, just to be safe there's no junk 2019-03-07T04:24:45 < dongs> like I2C_StructInit(&i2c) first before filling it 2019-03-07T04:25:33 < rajkosto> yeah they are on apb1 or the whole thing wouldnt work 2019-03-07T04:25:40 < rajkosto> theres no need to call structinit when im setting ALL the fields 2019-03-07T04:25:52 < dongs> sure, just saying 2019-03-07T04:25:57 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-07T04:26:09 < dongs> this is F1 right? 2019-03-07T04:26:15 < dongs> are you on the I2C pins that don't need remapping? 2019-03-07T04:26:30 < dongs> see y ou hided all the shit befhind #defines so i can't tell 2019-03-07T04:26:33 < rajkosto> im on i2c2, b10 and b11 2019-03-07T04:26:34 < dongs> PB6/PB7 is it? 2019-03-07T04:26:45 < dongs> ok and thats default remap for it? 2019-03-07T04:27:01 < rajkosto> no idea but its working https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-07_03-26-57_NmnQracKF.png 2019-03-07T04:27:15 < dongs> so what part isnt working 2019-03-07T04:27:24 < rajkosto> i dont want the set to 0 2019-03-07T04:27:26 < rajkosto> on the init 2019-03-07T04:28:55 < rajkosto> i even did this before any i2c init so that there's a 1 in the gpio register just in case https://pastebin.com/FwyNByTM 2019-03-07T04:38:54 < dongs> is your slave stuck 2019-03-07T04:39:00 < dongs> when you init i2c are both scl/sda at high? 2019-03-07T04:39:11 < dongs> looks liek clk is stuck after last pulse 2019-03-07T04:39:16 < dongs> in your pic 2019-03-07T04:39:47 < dongs> i would do the i2c clockout thing before initing peripheral just to make sure nothing is stuck from prebvious debug session 2019-03-07T04:41:44 < rajkosto> when i init it its all high yes 2019-03-07T04:44:12 < rajkosto> dont mind the SCL being stuck low, its cuz i forgot to generate stop on error 2019-03-07T05:06:17 < rajkosto> wtf does the i2c busy flag not clear until you generate stop bit or something ? 2019-03-07T05:07:57 < dongs> F103 i2c is pretty well busted 2019-03-07T05:07:59 < rajkosto> i need to detect case of when all the bits have been clocked out but the slave didnt ack address 2019-03-07T05:18:00 < rajkosto> fuck it https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-07_04-17-40_NEwJ7P8Y6.png https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-07_04-17-55_Jnu77jCat.png 2019-03-07T05:19:56 < Ultrasauce> a macro with a conditional return statement in it 2019-03-07T05:23:55 < rajkosto> wouldnt need to be a macro if hte return wasnt in it 2019-03-07T05:23:57 < rajkosto> would just be inline func 2019-03-07T05:25:14 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T05:31:16 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has left ##stm32 [] 2019-03-07T05:47:23 -!- alexfan [uid325562@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vlcvmxbppunvfuiq] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-07T05:48:05 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T05:50:27 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-07T05:55:02 < dongs> using cpu clock cycles to timeotu I2C sounds like such a wonderful idea 2019-03-07T05:55:11 < rajkosto> EMPIRICALLY 2019-03-07T05:55:12 < rajkosto> PROVEN 2019-03-07T05:56:38 < rajkosto> i tried doing it right and something like this should have worked https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-07_04-56-29_0Z4H5mi0d.png 2019-03-07T05:56:57 < rajkosto> busy never gets cleared tho 2019-03-07T05:57:15 < rajkosto> need a bit that gets cleared when everything got clocked out on the bus (this IS BUSY for SPI and UART) 2019-03-07T05:57:28 < dongs> 72mhz is not fast enough to process some I2C stuff 2019-03-07T05:57:34 < rajkosto> 96* 2019-03-07T05:57:40 < dongs> ive never used polling I2C on F1 2019-03-07T05:57:44 < dongs> it never worked right 2019-03-07T05:57:45 < dongs> had to do IRQs 2019-03-07T05:57:52 < dongs> that or just bitbang that shit 2019-03-07T05:57:55 < rajkosto> this is a master 2019-03-07T05:57:58 < dongs> yes 2019-03-07T05:57:59 < rajkosto> so nothing happens unless i progress it 2019-03-07T05:58:02 < dongs> no 2019-03-07T05:58:04 < dongs> incorrect 2019-03-07T05:58:05 < rajkosto> so why would cpu freq matter 2019-03-07T05:58:11 < dongs> if you don't checkstatus/something on time, it will lock up 2019-03-07T05:58:15 < dongs> its in errata 2019-03-07T05:58:21 < dongs> yes master 2019-03-07T05:58:23 < rajkosto> fuck this gay earth 2019-03-07T05:58:36 < dongs> nobody fucking uses i2c slave on on stm 2019-03-07T06:06:15 < rajkosto> well this cant lock up it has all the timeouts 2019-03-07T06:06:36 < rajkosto> if the errata happens it will just end the transaction with an error 2019-03-07T06:08:47 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-07T06:09:20 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T06:21:38 -!- tairaeza [~tairaeza@unaffiliated/tairaeza] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 2019-03-07T06:26:38 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: akaWolf, srk, kakimir, inca, antto, Jegeva, bonzibuddy, friendofafriend, branjb, englishbot, (+5 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 2019-03-07T06:30:56 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-07T06:34:19 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T06:39:29 -!- machinehum [~machinehu@S01061cabc0ab4603.vc.shawcable.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T06:39:31 < machinehum> hi 2019-03-07T06:49:17 -!- tairaeza [~tairaeza@unaffiliated/tairaeza] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T06:52:19 -!- fc5dc9d4 [~quassel@p5B08103C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T06:53:44 -!- Netsplit over, joins: zoobab, veegee, Laurenceb, akaWolf, Lux, friendofafriend, bonzibuddy, Jegeva, inca, kakimir (+5 more) 2019-03-07T06:56:33 -!- fc5dc9d4_ [~quassel@p5B0813E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-07T06:58:52 -!- [1]MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T07:00:06 < bitmask> can someone buy my ali shopping cart for me for my bday? 2019-03-07T07:00:45 < rajkosto> how much 2019-03-07T07:00:49 < bitmask> only $400 2019-03-07T07:00:50 < rajkosto> your birthday is 8. march ? 2019-03-07T07:00:54 < bitmask> 12th 2019-03-07T07:01:05 < rajkosto> if that was 420$ i might have done it 2019-03-07T07:01:12 < bitmask> its $420 2019-03-07T07:01:20 < rajkosto> missed your chance 2019-03-07T07:01:29 < bitmask> I didnt count tax :P 2019-03-07T07:01:36 < rajkosto> 5% only tax ? 2019-03-07T07:02:06 < bitmask> hah I dont know how much it will come to, not sure why they need tax anyway 2019-03-07T07:02:07 -!- MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-07T07:02:07 -!- [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius 2019-03-07T07:02:26 < bitmask> I wonder if its trump 2019-03-07T07:02:43 < bitmask> or just aliexpress 2019-03-07T07:02:52 < bitmask> never thought there was tax before 2019-03-07T07:38:23 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-07T07:39:15 < machinehum> Take bitcoin? 2019-03-07T07:39:17 < machinehum> or 2019-03-07T07:52:47 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-07T07:54:21 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T07:55:23 < bitmask> of course 2019-03-07T07:55:35 < rajkosto> i only accept BaldCoin 2019-03-07T07:58:38 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-07T08:12:11 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-07T08:18:48 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T08:34:18 -!- rbino [~rbino@rbino.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-07T08:39:49 < jpa-> zyp: godbolt stuff was simplified example, actually it computes autocorrelation so it takes each sum from the outer loop separately 2019-03-07T09:03:25 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-8eb8d954.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T09:10:51 < dongs> https://www.domesday86.com/?page_id=978 useless hardware of the day 2019-03-07T09:25:32 -!- [1]MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T09:25:43 < dongs> hey anyone have any idea http://m.en.brotherobot.com/products_detail/&productId=232&productColumnId=1&orderStr=8&pmcId=170.html what kinda arm attachment is at the end of these 2019-03-07T09:25:46 < dongs> is this something standard? 2019-03-07T09:26:34 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T09:27:52 < dongs> http://m.en.brotherobot.com/imageRepository/31536c48-862a-42bb-bb37-f6e5a0d71484.jpg 2019-03-07T09:27:59 < dongs> the 260x260mm square shit 2019-03-07T09:28:22 -!- MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 2019-03-07T09:28:23 -!- [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius 2019-03-07T09:32:19 -!- [1]MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T09:34:25 < zyp> jpa-, makes sense 2019-03-07T09:35:09 -!- [2]MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T09:35:44 -!- MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-07T09:37:28 -!- MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T09:38:48 -!- [1]MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-07T09:39:37 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T09:40:28 -!- [2]MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-07T09:40:58 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T09:42:06 -!- Jak_o_Shadows [~Jak@unaffiliated/jak-o-shadows/x-0479135] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-07T09:42:26 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-8eb8d954.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-07T09:42:27 -!- Jak_o_Shadows [~Jak@unaffiliated/jak-o-shadows/x-0479135] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T09:44:55 -!- crispy [~quassel@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T09:45:01 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 2019-03-07T09:46:42 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T09:48:42 < kakimir> is there a way to print structtypes? 2019-03-07T09:48:56 < kakimir> print name of instance 2019-03-07T09:49:15 < kakimir> and the element names 2019-03-07T09:49:35 < kakimir> and value of every element 2019-03-07T09:49:57 < jadew> in what language? 2019-03-07T09:50:07 < kakimir> yes - C 2019-03-07T09:50:13 < jadew> no 2019-03-07T09:50:26 < kakimir> bah 2019-03-07T09:51:11 < jadew> c++ has RTTI, but it won't allow you to do what you want 2019-03-07T09:51:26 < jadew> I hear it will get better introspection capabilities in a future version 2019-03-07T09:52:06 < jadew> not sure which one (I saw a talk by Alexandrescu where he was mentioning that) 2019-03-07T09:53:53 < jadew> I need a beer 2019-03-07T09:54:34 < kakimir> it's like 10PM 2019-03-07T09:54:39 < kakimir> aM 2019-03-07T09:54:44 < jadew> yeah, am 2019-03-07T09:54:51 < kakimir> I should not try to use AM PM 2019-03-07T09:54:52 < jadew> woke up with a fever and a dry throat 2019-03-07T09:54:59 < kakimir> you need vodka 2019-03-07T09:55:25 < jadew> I'm just thirsty to be honest 2019-03-07T09:55:31 < jadew> but I don't like water a lot 2019-03-07T09:55:42 < jadew> especially in this condition 2019-03-07T09:55:43 -!- crispy [~quassel@] has left ##stm32 ["http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere."] 2019-03-07T09:57:14 -!- crispy [~quassel@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T09:58:44 < jpa-> zyp: for the record, this is what i ended up with: http://paste.dy.fi/phU/plain it doubles the speed of the loop compared to the gcc + intrinsics version; but that's still just 10% speedup in the complete algorithm 2019-03-07T09:59:50 < jpa-> it might be possible to go lambda += 2 in the loop and then just check odd offsets after loop 2019-03-07T10:01:26 < jadew> kakimir, you might be able to ask the compiler to spit that info out and then embed it in your program 2019-03-07T10:01:32 < jadew> sort of like a two-step thing 2019-03-07T10:01:44 < jadew> a build step for the resources 2019-03-07T10:03:29 < jadew> you could then use RTTI to identify the type and match it with the more complete type information 2019-03-07T10:03:43 < jpa-> you can also play tricks with xmacros 2019-03-07T10:04:17 < zyp> jpa-, by the way, can't you reorder the operations to eliminate some loads? 2019-03-07T10:05:19 < zyp> instead of foreach(lambda) foreach(weight), can't you do something like foreach(weight) foreach(lambda) so you only have to load each weight once? 2019-03-07T10:05:29 < jpa-> zyp: yeah, i thought about computing two offsets in a single inner loop with single set of loads; but then it's difficult to use smlad because i'd have to kind of shift everything by a halfword 2019-03-07T10:05:58 < jpa-> ah that also, but then i'd still have to load and store L_result for each lambda 2019-03-07T10:08:32 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T10:08:54 < jpa-> but now this part of code has already dropped to 25% of the total time used, so i think it will be more fruitful to look for optimization possibilities elsewhere 2019-03-07T10:11:09 -!- sterna [~Adium@h-90-120.A137.corp.bahnhof.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T10:13:42 < jpa-> (started with gsm_encode() using 20% of cpu time and that loop taking 45% of that; now gsm_encode() takes 15% of cpu time and that loop takes 25% of that) 2019-03-07T10:17:25 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-211.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T10:28:34 < crispy> if i got 2x 12bit SAR ADCs how many signals can i read 2019-03-07T10:28:44 -!- rbino [~rbino@rbino.com] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T10:29:03 < jpa-> 2 at a time, and you can mux as many as you have mux inputs 2019-03-07T10:29:37 < crispy> ok so if i got a TriggerMux with 1x73 2019-03-07T10:30:17 < crispy> i can handle 2x73 in general, but only 2 at a time? 2019-03-07T10:34:05 < jpa-> what's a triggermux? 2019-03-07T10:34:24 < jpa-> that sounds something that would just select what signal triggers the conversion 2019-03-07T10:34:34 < jpa-> instead of selecting input source 2019-03-07T10:42:19 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T10:42:28 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-07T10:42:52 -!- BrainDamage_ is now known as BrainDamage 2019-03-07T10:52:27 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-07T10:54:01 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T10:59:08 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Gone to sleep...] 2019-03-07T11:00:14 < jpa-> https://godbolt.org/z/jlQZVB another gcc funniness, though no speed penalty here; it gets so excited about how it manages to prove that 'tmp >> 15' can never be smaller than -32768 that it forgets that ssat is just 1 cycle anyway 2019-03-07T11:02:03 < zyp> haha 2019-03-07T11:05:27 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-211.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-07T11:05:47 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-211.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T11:06:10 < zyp> to be fair, I suppose it inlines and folds the ssat function before it starts looking for the ssat pattern, and after it's folded it's probably not recognizable anymore 2019-03-07T11:06:21 < jpa-> yeah 2019-03-07T11:08:39 < zyp> but, uh, what do you mean no speed penalty? 2019-03-07T11:09:21 < jpa-> isn't cmp + ite block basically 1 cycle also, like ssat would be? 2019-03-07T11:09:36 < jpa-> the movw r3, #32767 would be lifted outside any inner loop 2019-03-07T11:10:24 < zyp> ah, yeah, if you get the movw out of the inner loop, it should be the same 2019-03-07T11:11:55 < jpa-> but in the non-simplified code it gets all branchy and i again find myself writing inline asm :P 2019-03-07T11:22:31 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T11:24:27 < zyp> hmm 2019-03-07T11:24:50 < zyp> ST seems to have put in quite some effort to lock down CPU2 on STM32WB 2019-03-07T11:25:56 < jpa-> probably to satisfy all those FCC / CE requirements of not allowing modifying radio firmware? 2019-03-07T11:27:10 < zyp> that's my guess too, but still 2019-03-07T11:28:57 < zyp> I find it funny how ST changed the wording in the RM between the prerelease I got and the released revision 2019-03-07T11:29:21 < zyp> rev2: A flag (ESE) is available from the Flash memory option register (FLASH_OPTR) informing if CPU2 security is enabled. 2019-03-07T11:29:26 < zyp> rev4: A flag (ESE) is available from the Flash memory option register (FLASH_OPTR) informing that CPU2 security is enabled. 2019-03-07T11:33:12 < Steffanx> Hmm lock down in what way zyp? Cant easily use it yourself? As in remove RF stuff and use it for something else? 2019-03-07T11:37:51 < karlp> dongs: red, "nobody fucking uses i2c slave on on stm" jpa is doing it for 200€ flat fee :) 2019-03-07T11:39:14 < zyp> Steffanx, well, according to rev4, parts will ship with the security mode enabled and doesn't say anymore how to disable it 2019-03-07T11:40:42 < zyp> the bits that controls it are only writable by CPU2 when the security mode is enabled 2019-03-07T11:43:43 < zyp> although, according to rev2 there at least used to be a way to do a full erase including a security mode disabling, but I don't know if that method still works on production parts 2019-03-07T11:45:51 < zyp> I wonder if that still works, and if it still works, I wonder if it'll also delete the keys the bootloader uses to decrypt the radio firmware, making it impossible to load the encrypted firmwares anymore 2019-03-07T11:46:38 < jpa-> karlp: still amazed? :D 2019-03-07T11:47:59 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T11:48:24 < zyp> anyway, I'm gonna play around with that when I get the nucleo 2019-03-07T11:48:46 < jpa-> zyp gets new toy, first step: find ways to make it useless 2019-03-07T11:49:03 < zyp> of course, that's where the fun is :) 2019-03-07T11:51:32 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T12:53:04 -!- beaky [~beaky@2a03:b0c0:0:1010::17cf:7003] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-07T12:55:54 -!- beaky_ [~beaky@2a03:b0c0:0:1010::17cf:7003] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T12:56:32 -!- sk_tandt_ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T12:56:34 -!- beaky_ is now known as beaky 2019-03-07T12:57:33 < zyp> according to AN5247, there's a «RSS» blob stored in the top of the secure flash area, which will run on CPU2 and handle decryption of new firmware for it 2019-03-07T12:59:38 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-07T13:00:06 < zyp> so if it's stil possible to do a full erase, that'll make it impossible to load encrypted firmwares 2019-03-07T13:00:28 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-07T13:00:56 < rajkosto> just like ruining your st-link 2019-03-07T13:22:59 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T13:57:34 -!- sk_tandt__ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T14:00:30 -!- sk_tandt_ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 2019-03-07T14:11:27 -!- sk_tandt__ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-07T14:19:16 < jpa-> http://paste.dy.fi/dkq/plain after writing stuff like this i never know if i should be proud or ashamed 2019-03-07T14:19:41 < zyp> haha 2019-03-07T14:24:29 < karlp> speaking of 802.15.4, new sam r30 seems to be the new successor to the old mrf24j40 stuff and the atrf stuff. 2019-03-07T14:44:39 < englishman> I want to be a compiler when I grow up 2019-03-07T14:46:21 < karlp> I love how it requires the \n\t stuff. 2019-03-07T14:48:01 < Steffanx> It makes you Laurenceb a bit more, jpa- 2019-03-07T14:48:52 < Laurenceb> thumb2 is epin 2019-03-07T14:49:55 < Laurenceb> http://www.leobodnar.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=272 2019-03-07T14:50:05 < Laurenceb> ^thats completely in asm aiui 2019-03-07T14:51:02 < Laurenceb> maybe I need a dedicated stm32f4 based influxdb uploader 2019-03-07T14:51:54 < englishman> Laurenceb: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/8570065/knife-crime-defence-secretary-gavin-williamson-military/ 2019-03-07T14:52:08 < Laurenceb> dat url sounds lulzy 2019-03-07T14:52:23 < Laurenceb> inb4 they deployed tanks and F-35 to defeat knife crime 2019-03-07T14:52:39 -!- tctw [~Tectu@82-197-160-105.init7.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T14:54:38 < englishman> why would you use stm32 for anything 2019-03-07T14:54:43 < englishman> esp32 is superior in literally every way 2019-03-07T14:57:03 < qyx> it even has a sdio slave! 2019-03-07T14:58:06 < tctw> englishman 2019-03-07T14:58:09 < tctw> I missed you 2019-03-07T15:03:23 < englishman> hola tectu 2019-03-07T15:03:39 < englishman> this Microsoft sculpt kb mouse and numpad are perfect 2019-03-07T15:07:12 < Laurenceb> le epin esp32 2019-03-07T15:07:17 < Laurenceb> *catches fire* 2019-03-07T15:07:22 < Laurenceb> oh wow 2019-03-07T15:07:36 < Laurenceb> there is only 100Mbps ethernet to the influxdb server 2019-03-07T15:07:39 < Laurenceb> no wonder its slow 2019-03-07T15:08:07 < Laurenceb> >need to send 16 bit audio values 2019-03-07T15:08:14 < Laurenceb> >saturating the ethernet 2019-03-07T15:08:27 < Laurenceb> the absolute state of this hipster shit 2019-03-07T15:17:47 -!- Thorn [~Thorn@unaffiliated/thorn] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-07T15:19:27 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-07T15:25:16 < jpa-> https://jpa.kapsi.fi/stuff/pix/jlcpcb_bga.jpg hmm, this 0.5mm pitch BGA with jlcpcb cheap board might actually work out; soldermask alignment is spot on 2019-03-07T15:25:25 < jpa-> not very flat though because i went with hasl 2019-03-07T15:27:10 < rajkosto> yes i love the soldermask alignment of jlc 2019-03-07T15:27:13 < rajkosto> they dont expand your mask 2019-03-07T15:27:32 < rajkosto> to fix the flatness just run a solderblob over it 2019-03-07T15:28:04 < rajkosto> cant use paste then 2019-03-07T15:28:26 < jpa-> i'll just use paste, i have stencil also 2019-03-07T15:29:46 < karlp> what device is that pacakge? 2019-03-07T15:29:53 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T15:30:52 < jpa-> DA7212 2019-03-07T15:31:10 < karlp> bt5 module? 2019-03-07T15:32:03 < jpa-> i have BGM113 on that board also but it's not in photo :P 2019-03-07T15:32:45 < karlp> ah, just guessed from the DA prefix, my bad :) 2019-03-07T15:39:41 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T15:45:46 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-07T16:09:15 < Steffanx> Those vias though, meh 2019-03-07T16:09:48 < Steffanx> Was this their 2 layer service mr jpa- ? 2019-03-07T16:20:17 < kakimir> fastest codes of my life 2019-03-07T16:20:37 < kakimir> idk. 500 lines a day or so 2019-03-07T16:22:01 < Steffanx> Bugless? 2019-03-07T16:22:07 < kakimir> it's totally mad pace 2019-03-07T16:22:13 < kakimir> idk 2019-03-07T16:23:03 < kakimir> probs not but this is simple production tester so it doesn't matter so much 2019-03-07T16:24:15 < Steffanx> Does it approve all DUTs? 2019-03-07T16:24:15 < kakimir> it's just mechanical writing of sequence 2019-03-07T16:24:22 < kakimir> no 2019-03-07T16:25:32 < kakimir> I apply chiss cheese safety method 2019-03-07T16:25:49 < kakimir> just layering test so that anything obiviously wrong doesn't pass 2019-03-07T16:47:25 < jpa-> Steffanx: 4-layer 2019-03-07T16:47:50 < jpa-> Steffanx: the vias aren't minimum size, though the minimum size isn't much smaller (0.6 vs. 0.45) 2019-03-07T16:48:11 < jpa-> or maybe they are minimum size? i don't remember 2019-03-07T16:53:20 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T16:56:47 -!- davor [~davor@unaffiliated/davor] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-07T16:57:49 -!- davor [~davor@unaffiliated/davor] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T17:06:35 < Steffanx> Hmm afaik the drilling in my last pcb is much more centered. 2019-03-07T17:07:14 < kakimir> musics 2019-03-07T17:08:53 < kakimir> pump it up 2019-03-07T17:09:14 -!- [1]MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T17:09:27 < Steffanx> Danzel? 2019-03-07T17:09:53 < Steffanx> I bet you liked the Bloodhound gang as well, as a kiddo, kakimir 2019-03-07T17:10:01 < Steffanx> And captain jack 2019-03-07T17:12:37 -!- MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-07T17:12:38 -!- [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius 2019-03-07T17:17:19 < Steffanx> I already know he does 2019-03-07T17:19:50 < Steffanx> No. 2019-03-07T17:20:50 -!- sk_tandt_ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T17:24:27 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-07T17:50:55 -!- sk_tandt__ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T17:54:30 -!- sk_tandt_ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-07T17:56:13 < kakimir> I need advice for hard problem.. to send high byte first via uart or low byte.. it can be done which ever way 2019-03-07T17:57:44 < mawk> high byte first 2019-03-07T17:58:02 < kakimir> thanks 2019-03-07T17:58:48 < mawk> it's the network byte order 2019-03-07T18:00:34 < mawk> that's not how the chip likes it Haohmaru 2019-03-07T18:00:38 < mawk> that's your current byte order 2019-03-07T18:00:41 < mawk> little endian probably 2019-03-07T18:01:16 < mawk> why would it like it ? 2019-03-07T18:01:23 < mawk> it's always the same order when you do it 2019-03-07T18:01:53 < mawk> if the chip likes 8-bit words then it's fine 2019-03-07T18:02:02 < mawk> if it likes 16-bit words it's maybe fine, maybe not 2019-03-07T18:02:07 -!- Jak_o_Shadows [~Jak@unaffiliated/jak-o-shadows/x-0479135] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-07T18:13:52 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T18:19:56 -!- sk_tandt__ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-07T18:23:39 < Steffanx> Just pick a order and do it the same on both ends.. 2019-03-07T18:23:43 < Steffanx> an* 2019-03-07T18:40:26 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-07T18:51:14 < qyx> LE is for loosers 2019-03-07T18:51:27 < qyx> BE is standard in protocols 2019-03-07T18:57:01 -!- crispy [~quassel@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-07T19:01:14 -!- sterna [~Adium@h-90-120.A137.corp.bahnhof.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-07T19:08:10 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-211.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-07T19:08:26 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-211.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T19:09:52 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-07T19:11:56 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-07T19:25:50 -!- psprint [~psprint@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-07T19:27:14 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T19:29:31 < englishman> "it doesn't matter" -> I don't plan on staying here long enough to deal with the fallout 2019-03-07T19:32:05 < Steffanx> Why it matters englishbot? 2019-03-07T19:32:28 < Steffanx> englishman * 2019-03-07T19:34:34 < englishman> replying to mr productionmir 2019-03-07T19:35:12 < Steffanx> Oh not the LE/BE stuff. I see 2019-03-07T19:39:16 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-211.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-07T19:40:14 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-07T19:42:56 < englishman> when is little endian used nowadays? 2019-03-07T19:45:17 < mawk> big endian you mean ? 2019-03-07T19:45:35 < mawk> little endian is everywhere but networking 2019-03-07T19:50:58 < PaulFertser> Some ARMs can run in BE, MIPS often runs in BE. 2019-03-07T19:51:09 < englishman> I always get them mixed up until I have to care about it. 2019-03-07T19:51:17 < qyx> you mean everything is BE except some weird processors 2019-03-07T19:53:16 < antto> iirc byte order in xmega is the same as on comput0r 2019-03-07T19:53:18 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [] 2019-03-07T19:53:42 < antto> 2019-03-07T19:54:38 < antto> OM NOM, wafer 2019-03-07T19:55:29 -!- psprint [~psprint@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T20:00:38 < qyx> so the esp32 xtensa, whats that? 2019-03-07T20:04:38 -!- psprint [~psprint@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-07T20:05:17 < antto> is it a completely different chip? 2019-03-07T20:05:19 -!- psprint [~psprint@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T20:05:30 < antto> i know the first one was xtensa lx 106 or some such 2019-03-07T20:05:45 < antto> or is that just a core 2019-03-07T20:05:46 < kakimir> target side program 3960 bytes with tester sequencing interface excluding minimal self tests 2019-03-07T20:06:03 < antto> blah, why am i even asking.. i don't wanna hear about espressif x_x 2019-03-07T20:06:37 < kakimir> how sweet it would be when you compile it with everything included and compiler output says 4096bytes 2019-03-07T20:07:00 < kakimir> #fate 2019-03-07T20:07:28 < antto> magic numb0rz 2019-03-07T20:08:00 < mawk> by weird processor you mean x86 qyx ? 2019-03-07T20:08:34 < antto> kakimir hopefully you didn't forget some letter in some string ;P~ 2019-03-07T20:10:04 < kakimir> there are no strings 2019-03-07T20:10:20 < antto> how will you tie a knot then? 2019-03-07T20:10:44 < kakimir> I don't tie anything 2019-03-07T20:10:55 < antto> wut are you gonna pluck then? 2019-03-07T20:11:39 < kakimir> I don't understand the question 2019-03-07T20:12:36 * antto isn't serious 2019-03-07T20:21:24 -!- psprint [~psprint@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-07T20:29:59 -!- psprint [~psprint@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T20:31:15 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T20:35:03 -!- psprint [~psprint@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-07T20:44:58 -!- gsi__ is now known as gsi_ 2019-03-07T20:52:45 < Steffanx> Lol kakimir always so serious 2019-03-07T20:54:09 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T20:58:40 < kakimir> grumpymir 2019-03-07T20:58:55 < kakimir> friday tommorow 2019-03-07T21:09:13 < antto> tomorrow is soon 2019-03-07T21:16:06 < mawk> it's always soon 2019-03-07T21:16:38 < mawk> unless you're very bored, but since you'll be as bored as tomorrow we can say that tomorrow is already today 2019-03-07T21:20:26 -!- catphish [~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T21:26:38 -!- psprint [~psprint@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T22:02:48 < qyx> mawk: yep 2019-03-07T22:03:00 < catphish> morning 2019-03-07T22:05:31 < qyx> Prace konserwacyjne on tme.eu again :S 2019-03-07T22:09:02 < catphish> gin martini really is the way to do 2019-03-07T22:09:05 < catphish> *to go 2019-03-07T22:20:21 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:f9cc:641e:fa5b:de78] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T22:31:38 < Ecco> Hi :) 2019-03-07T22:31:52 < Ecco> I'd like to power a PCB with 5V 2019-03-07T22:32:04 < Ecco> I thought about using a micro-usb PSU 2019-03-07T22:32:24 < Ecco> but I'm afraid it won't play well with "high" power (2 or 3A) 2019-03-07T22:32:34 < Ecco> What connector would you guys recommend? 2019-03-07T22:32:53 < Ecco> I've been browsing aliexpress to try and find a "standard" connector (appart from micro-usb) 2019-03-07T22:33:13 < Ecco> and there's quite a lot of jack power adapter 2019-03-07T22:33:24 < srk> barrel jack 2019-03-07T22:33:28 < Ecco> yeah 2019-03-07T22:33:29 < srk> heh, yeah 2019-03-07T22:33:33 < Ecco> but what about the size 2019-03-07T22:33:34 < qyx> usually 2.1/5.5mm barrel jacks are used 2019-03-07T22:33:37 < srk> ^^ 2019-03-07T22:33:39 < Ecco> is there a "standard" one? 2019-03-07T22:33:44 < srk> ty qyx 2019-03-07T22:33:50 < qyx> np srk 2019-03-07T22:33:54 < Ecco> thanks 2019-03-07T22:34:04 < Ecco> I'm kind of curious though because the sellers on Ali don't even mention the size of the jack 2019-03-07T22:34:12 < qyx> either choose the cheap ones from china 2019-03-07T22:34:15 < srk> was buying these week ago but couldn't remember :| 2019-03-07T22:34:19 < qyx> or some serious for higher currents 2019-03-07T22:34:22 < kakimir> usb type B 2019-03-07T22:34:34 < qyx> usb B is not for 3 amps 2019-03-07T22:34:46 < Ecco> Well, I'll more likely pull ~1A 2019-03-07T22:34:51 < Ecco> But I'd rather size the thing for 3A 2019-03-07T22:34:57 < kakimir> but certainly you can put 3amp thru it 2019-03-07T22:34:58 < Ecco> so that gives me a margin 2019-03-07T22:35:00 < kakimir> no problemos 2019-03-07T22:35:15 < qyx> Ecco: https://en.globtek.com/images/high-current-coaxial-barrel-plug-jacks-for-high-wattage-power-supplies/r5.jpg 2019-03-07T22:35:18 < qyx> such thing 2019-03-07T22:35:36 < kakimir> that is 5.5 x 2.5 right? 2019-03-07T22:35:37 < Ecco> yeah ok :) 2019-03-07T22:35:42 < qyx> depends 2019-03-07T22:35:48 < qyx> I would not select 2.5 inner 2019-03-07T22:35:54 < qyx> because it limits your optiuons then 2019-03-07T22:36:05 < Ecco> so 2.1 x 5.5, is that the most common? 2019-03-07T22:37:00 < Ecco> Ha, ok, my bad, the jack size was mentionned in the Ali one I was looking at 2019-03-07T22:37:08 < Ecco> as a matter of fact, this one is 5.5x2.5 2019-03-07T22:37:10 < Ecco> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Power-Adapter-DC-5V-9V-12V-24V-1A-2A-3A-Adaptor-220V-To-5-V-12/32898167936.html 2019-03-07T22:37:36 < Ecco> Would a cheap chinese 3A psu do a decent job or is that utter crap? 2019-03-07T22:37:53 < Ecco> Like I said, it'll most likely draw 2A at most 2019-03-07T22:38:00 < Ecco> (it = my pcb) 2019-03-07T22:38:39 < qyx> if I designed a device drawing ~10W, I would make it wide input range 2019-03-07T22:38:48 < srk> I would avoid chinese PSUs 2019-03-07T22:39:03 < kakimir> do you have margin for cable/contact losses? 2019-03-07T22:39:11 < srk> seen a few with sparkling cables, much safe 2019-03-07T22:39:11 < qyx> something like 5-28 V or so 2019-03-07T22:39:36 < rajkosto> innovators, when we all switching to usb-c 2019-03-07T22:39:42 < Ecco> qyx: why? 2019-03-07T22:39:57 < qyx> because voltage drop 2019-03-07T22:40:08 < qyx> as kakimir says 2019-03-07T22:40:11 < Ecco> kakimir: well, yeah, it'll just reboot the system 2019-03-07T22:40:19 < qyx> mhm also the high current ones are actually 2.5/5.5mm 2019-03-07T22:40:32 < kakimir> what will reboot what 2019-03-07T22:40:40 < Ecco> kakimir> do you have margin for cable/contact losses? 2019-03-07T22:40:46 < Ecco> -> if contact is lost, it'll reboot my PCB 2019-03-07T22:41:46 < kakimir> so you want robbust contact? 2019-03-07T22:41:53 < Ecco> well, yes 2019-03-07T22:42:29 < Ecco> as much as possible :) 2019-03-07T22:45:31 < kakimir> I use powerpole and amass xt series for everything 2019-03-07T22:47:10 < Ecco> ok 2019-03-07T22:47:24 < Ecco> but then, how do you find a PSU with an XT connector? 2019-03-07T22:47:34 < kakimir> I don't 2019-03-07T22:47:44 < kakimir> I make the lead myself 2019-03-07T22:47:50 < Ecco> hmm 2019-03-07T22:49:11 < Ecco> My PCB needs to power a 5V part 2019-03-07T22:49:24 < Ecco> if I pick anything higher, I'll need a DC-DC converter 2019-03-07T22:49:32 < Ecco> would an LDO do the job? 2019-03-07T22:49:40 < Ecco> this for instance : https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/ld29300.pdf 2019-03-07T22:49:48 < Ecco> If I feed it 12V at 3A 2019-03-07T22:49:57 < Ecco> it would have to dissipate a ton of power 2019-03-07T22:50:06 < qyx> thats not going to work 2019-03-07T22:50:17 < qyx> 7*3W is too much 2019-03-07T22:50:21 < Ecco> yeah 2019-03-07T22:50:25 < kakimir> Ecco: can you explain the problem more 2019-03-07T22:50:35 < Ecco> well, the problem is actually very simple 2019-03-07T22:50:58 < Ecco> I have a PCB that needs 5V at 3A (to be safe. more realistically 5V at 2A max) 2019-03-07T22:51:13 < Ecco> question: how do I power that thing from a wall outlet? 2019-03-07T22:51:33 < kakimir> with usb phone charger certainly 2019-03-07T22:51:38 < kakimir> a good one 2019-03-07T22:51:52 < Ecco> well, yeah, that's what I did so far 2019-03-07T22:51:54 < Ecco> it works 2019-03-07T22:52:01 < Ecco> but the micro-usb plug is a bit flimsy 2019-03-07T22:52:28 < kakimir> do you need a connection or can you solder gnd and vbus directly to the board from usb lead? 2019-03-07T22:52:45 < kakimir> what are the practicality aspects 2019-03-07T22:52:58 < Ecco> Well, really, I can decide 2019-03-07T22:53:13 < Ecco> being able to plug/unplug is always nice because you can easily swap'n'replace 2019-03-07T22:53:35 < Ecco> (if the PSU gets fried for some reason) 2019-03-07T22:53:51 < Ecco> I definitely could just cut the wire open and solder it on the PCB 2019-03-07T22:54:07 < Ecco> it's just that I kinda liked the conveniency of being able to change the psu if needed 2019-03-07T22:54:18 < zyp> for 5V 2A microusb is the obvious choice, everything is using it nowadays 2019-03-07T22:54:33 < Ecco> well, that's the choice I made so far 2019-03-07T22:54:39 < zyp> you could also go usb-c if you prefer, but micro is still more common 2019-03-07T22:54:44 < kakimir> certainly 2019-03-07T22:55:03 < Ecco> but the micro-usb traces/pads/pins are so thin 2019-03-07T22:55:19 < zyp> what problems have you had with microusb? 2019-03-07T22:55:29 < Ecco> I'm being concerned about voltage drop and the circuit overheating 2019-03-07T22:55:30 < kakimir> in microusb the most concern is about connection to the pcb 2019-03-07T22:55:38 < kakimir> and shitty cables 2019-03-07T22:55:44 < Ecco> yeah, that too 2019-03-07T22:56:12 < zyp> I don't have an impression that heat is a major issue 2019-03-07T22:56:27 < zyp> shitty cables are, but that's solved by not buying shitty cables 2019-03-07T22:56:46 < kakimir> mechanical stress if the connector is SMT type 2019-03-07T22:56:49 < zyp> mechanical rigidity might be another issue if you don't get a decent socket in a fitting footprint 2019-03-07T22:57:15 < zyp> but just get it right and it's not a big issue 2019-03-07T22:58:21 < Ecco> Allright 2019-03-07T22:58:42 < Ecco> I just thought that a big-ol-jack would be somehow a better solution: sturdier, lower resistance 2019-03-07T22:59:06 < Ecco> lol, Tim Cook changed his name to Tim Apple on Twitter :-D 2019-03-07T22:59:21 < zyp> better is relative, you need to figure out your priorities before you can compare 2019-03-07T22:59:44 < Ecco> He might not be that uptight, after all ^^ 2019-03-07T22:59:48 < kakimir> if the thing is like doing resets and stuff 2019-03-07T22:59:53 < Ecco> no it's not 2019-03-07T23:00:00 < kakimir> you are just having too little bypass capacitance 2019-03-07T23:00:14 < Ecco> reason #1 I'm looking forward to change: one of the thing the PCB powers is a raspberry-pi 2019-03-07T23:00:19 < zyp> big old jack might be tougher, but nobody has shit that just plugs into that 2019-03-07T23:00:24 < Ecco> and the raspberry-pi has an indicator for voltage drops 2019-03-07T23:00:36 < Ecco> and in the current scheme, this indicators happens to turn on quite often 2019-03-07T23:00:55 < Ecco> zyp: oh, I provide the PSU too 2019-03-07T23:00:59 < zyp> you could have considered the full size usb-b connector if you want a big sturdy thing, but that's not gonna work in practice 2019-03-07T23:01:11 < Ecco> why not? 2019-03-07T23:01:22 < Ecco> again, because no one has a usb-b psu lying around? 2019-03-07T23:01:35 < zyp> because no devices are charging through that plug, so good luck finding cables designed for more than 500mA 2019-03-07T23:01:38 < Ecco> (I didn't even know these were a thing) 2019-03-07T23:01:45 < Ecco> yeah 2019-03-07T23:01:45 < rajkosto> Ecco, the traces for microusb are not that thing, and its going to be on the pcb anyway, after the footprint you can fatten them up 2019-03-07T23:01:53 < zyp> miniusb have the same problem 2019-03-07T23:02:04 < rajkosto> thin* 2019-03-07T23:02:05 < Ecco> well, the easiest option is to just put both 2019-03-07T23:02:10 < zyp> ran into it when I got one of dongs' ipad adapter boards 2019-03-07T23:02:15 < Ecco> I can put both a 2.5mm jack *and* a microusb 2019-03-07T23:02:40 < zyp> fucking impossible to find a miniusb cable that doesn't drop too much voltage to be usable 2019-03-07T23:02:53 < zyp> ended up using a microusb cable and a micro to mini adapter 2019-03-07T23:03:17 < Ecco> yeah, by the way 2019-03-07T23:03:20 < Ecco> how do those even work? 2019-03-07T23:03:27 < zyp> those what? 2019-03-07T23:03:28 < Ecco> I mean a standard 5V jack PSU 2019-03-07T23:03:45 < Ecco> Where is the 5V, exactly? 2019-03-07T23:03:53 < Ecco> At the jack or within the PSU? 2019-03-07T23:04:06 < zyp> at the PSU, naturally 2019-03-07T23:04:13 < Ecco> Do they have like a third probe wire that goes back so the PSU can adjust? 2019-03-07T23:04:16 < zyp> otherwise it'd need a sense wire back through the cable 2019-03-07T23:04:23 < Ecco> yeah 2019-03-07T23:04:23 < zyp> like ATX PSUs got 2019-03-07T23:04:37 < Ecco> heh 2019-03-07T23:04:38 < Ecco> wait a minute 2019-03-07T23:04:57 < Ecco> well, those are a bit expensive 2019-03-07T23:05:03 < Ecco> but it wouldn't be that dumb actually 2019-03-07T23:05:13 < zyp> wouldn't be what? 2019-03-07T23:05:20 < Ecco> use an ATX PSU 2019-03-07T23:05:25 < Ecco> completely overkill 2019-03-07T23:05:27 < zyp> uh 2019-03-07T23:05:44 < zyp> you're talking over an order of magnitude more power 2019-03-07T23:05:47 < rajkosto> just use microusb like a normal person 2019-03-07T23:05:51 < Ecco> :-D 2019-03-07T23:05:52 < zyp> yeah 2019-03-07T23:05:54 < Ecco> Yeah 2019-03-07T23:05:55 < Ecco> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Power-Adapter-DC-5V-9V-12V-24V-1A-2A-3A-Adaptor-220V-To-5-V-12/32898167936.html 2019-03-07T23:05:58 < Ecco> Look at those things 2019-03-07T23:06:09 < Ecco> The cable looks decently big 2019-03-07T23:06:15 < Ecco> assuming the copper inside is not hair-thin 2019-03-07T23:06:22 < rajkosto> those are usually pretty crap 2019-03-07T23:06:29 < Ecco> what voltage drop should one expect? 2019-03-07T23:06:43 < zyp> anyway, if you need 5V 2A, use microusb if you care about easily available supplies, use usb-c if you want an improved but so far less common alternative 2019-03-07T23:07:05 < Ecco> makes sense 2019-03-07T23:07:18 < zyp> if you supply a supply with your device, I'd say that's an argument to use usb-c over microusb 2019-03-07T23:07:26 < zyp> since availability matters less 2019-03-07T23:07:34 < englishman> bc1.2 is so dumb 2019-03-07T23:07:35 < Ecco> indeed 2019-03-07T23:07:36 < rajkosto> makes your device more expensive 2019-03-07T23:07:46 < zyp> nah 2019-03-07T23:07:48 < englishman> pd is quite complex we will have to wait much longer than 8 years for it to be ubiquitous 2019-03-07T23:08:03 < rajkosto> quickcharge ;) 2019-03-07T23:08:09 < englishman> proprietarycharge 2019-03-07T23:08:13 < rajkosto> normal microusb cables work for it 2019-03-07T23:08:21 < rajkosto> and you can get chinese QC buck converters 2019-03-07T23:08:26 < englishman> which simple TI chips support QC again? 2019-03-07T23:08:29 < qyx> you can still fit it with a euro socket for ~230V 2019-03-07T23:08:33 < zyp> the only practical difference between putting a microusb socket and a usb-c socket is that you need two pulldown resistors as well 2019-03-07T23:09:04 < rajkosto> usb-c is usually mid-mount, has way more pins, and requires some extra components/routing 2019-03-07T23:09:07 < qyx> esp32 has secure boot 2019-03-07T23:09:11 < qyx> englishman: you were right 2019-03-07T23:09:19 < englishman> hehe 2019-03-07T23:09:20 < zyp> gnd/vbus and data lines hook up the same, apart from those you only need a pulldown on each CC line 2019-03-07T23:09:22 < qyx> esp32 >>>> stm32, the best mcu on the planet 2019-03-07T23:09:25 < englishman> truth 2019-03-07T23:09:37 < rajkosto> zyp, dont you need a controller on CC 2019-03-07T23:09:42 < rajkosto> to negotiate the higher voltages 2019-03-07T23:09:48 < englishman> and esp-wroom-32 the best module on the planet 2019-03-07T23:09:59 < zyp> rajkosto, nobody said anything about negotiating higher voltages 2019-03-07T23:10:19 < qyx> but I am kinda disappointed by the way it is designed to work 2019-03-07T23:10:19 < rajkosto> thats what the quickcharge ICs let me do 2019-03-07T23:10:25 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:f9cc:641e:fa5b:de78] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-07T23:10:31 < qyx> their bootloader, flash partition tables and so on 2019-03-07T23:10:39 < qyx> their freertos 2019-03-07T23:10:54 < qyx> you don't have full control of the mcu 2019-03-07T23:10:54 < zyp> when substituting usb-c for microusb without adding any features, all you need on the CC lines are pulldown resistors to tell the other end you are a device/sink 2019-03-07T23:11:10 < rajkosto> what about SUPERSPEED 2019-03-07T23:11:19 < rajkosto> need a mux chip for that 2019-03-07T23:11:24 < zyp> if you want more features that you couldn't have on microusb, sure that's more complexity 2019-03-07T23:11:34 < rajkosto> microusb 3.0 ;) 2019-03-07T23:11:40 < rajkosto> best connector 2019-03-07T23:12:10 < zyp> also, if you can afford a usb3 chip, you can also afford a mux for the SS lanes :p 2019-03-07T23:12:35 < rajkosto> nah 2019-03-07T23:12:38 < rajkosto> the FTDI ones are pretty cheap 2019-03-07T23:13:03 < zyp> englishman, I disagree, PD sources seems to be fairly ubiquitous already 2019-03-07T23:13:17 < englishman> maybe in the typical millenial household 2019-03-07T23:14:13 < zyp> idk 2019-03-07T23:14:23 < zyp> just saying, my phone charger has PD 2019-03-07T23:14:45 < englishman> sure 2019-03-07T23:14:50 < zyp> had it for two-three years, never used the PD function though 2019-03-07T23:14:54 < englishman> but i'm making a thing that also has to charge from a computer 2019-03-07T23:14:58 < englishman> so it has to support both 2019-03-07T23:15:23 < zyp> should be easy enough 2019-03-07T23:15:52 < zyp> make it support PD, if it doesn't detect a PD source, just regulate by vbus voltage according to BC 2019-03-07T23:15:58 < englishman> yeah 2019-03-07T23:16:00 < englishman> so far 2019-03-07T23:16:04 < rajkosto> my QuickCharge charger was cheaper and has same stuff while being microusb 2019-03-07T23:16:06 < englishman> 2 ICs plus a MCU 2019-03-07T23:16:11 < englishman> just to charge over USB 2019-03-07T23:16:36 < zyp> haha, why? 2019-03-07T23:17:03 < englishman> one PD negotiator, one battery charger, and MCU to manage 2019-03-07T23:17:48 < englishman> a TI rep has some solutions for me but the chargers they make that fully support PD don't do BC1.2 fully 2019-03-07T23:18:02 < zyp> I mean, battery charger you need anyway 2019-03-07T23:18:12 < mawk> PD means pederast, right ? 2019-03-07T23:18:17 < zyp> yes 2019-03-07T23:18:19 < englishman> only to pedo image hosters 2019-03-07T23:18:22 < mawk> :( 2019-03-07T23:18:26 < rajkosto> i dont know how long they will be supported, but i love the quickcharge input bucks 2019-03-07T23:18:36 < mawk> I'm no pedo, that's calomny englishman 2019-03-07T23:18:39 < mawk> I defy you in a duel 2019-03-07T23:18:41 < rajkosto> chinese cloning tech at its best 2019-03-07T23:18:48 < mawk> put on your white gloves 2019-03-07T23:19:12 < englishman> BC1.2 is weird anyway. it defines the supply side as allowing up to 5A but the periph is only allowed to draw 1.5A 2019-03-07T23:19:49 < zyp> as far as I can tell nobody cares about the 1.5A limit 2019-03-07T23:20:01 < englishman> yeah, until you find that one computer that does care :( 2019-03-07T23:20:26 < englishman> anyway, all of TI's last generation stuff does exactly that, vbus monitoring while incrementing charge current 2019-03-07T23:20:29 < englishman> in the battery charger IC 2019-03-07T23:20:35 < englishman> in the PD generation they lose that for some reason 2019-03-07T23:20:56 < englishman> plus the ICs are much much more complex 2019-03-07T23:20:56 < zyp> probably because they are designed for different power levels 2019-03-07T23:21:08 < englishman> this PD controller has 3 i2c interfaces 2019-03-07T23:21:24 < englishman> different power yes, but currents are the same 2019-03-07T23:21:57 < zyp> I mean, BC was designed to charge phones, PD was designed to charge laptops 2019-03-07T23:22:24 < englishman> that's a problem, when you want to charge a phone :( 2019-03-07T23:22:58 < zyp> what max charge power are you targetting? 2019-03-07T23:23:10 < englishman> 25W or so 2019-03-07T23:23:28 < zyp> okay, that's in the PD range 2019-03-07T23:23:33 < englishman> yeah 2019-03-07T23:23:41 < englishman> from legacy USB, as much as possible 2019-03-07T23:23:54 < englishman> it still needs to charge when plugged into a computer, and not at 2.5W 2019-03-07T23:24:01 < zyp> I mean, phones now aren't the same as phones was when BC were written :p 2019-03-07T23:24:17 < zyp> but ok 2019-03-07T23:24:58 < zyp> you want something that can work with all sorts of legacy solutions, naturally then you need to add support for them all :p 2019-03-07T23:25:13 < englishman> yes, and there are a bunch of drop in ICs that do that 2019-03-07T23:25:18 < englishman> but then adding PD becomes harder 2019-03-07T23:25:36 < englishman> anyway the TI guy gave me some stuff and he should get back to me tomorrow 2019-03-07T23:25:58 < zyp> hmm, let's see here 2019-03-07T23:27:26 < zyp> by the way, will the usb port be used for anything but powering? 2019-03-07T23:27:36 < englishman> yes, but just usb2 device 2019-03-07T23:27:51 < zyp> hmm 2019-03-07T23:28:39 < zyp> what's the device? some cortex-a chip or a mcu? 2019-03-07T23:29:58 < englishman> big cortex-a and display and other stuff 2019-03-07T23:30:03 < englishman> like 6-8W total i think 2019-03-07T23:30:18 < kakimir> fuuu fuu I'm getting flu 2019-03-07T23:31:11 < kakimir> I can feel it 2019-03-07T23:37:39 < Steffanx> shit happens 2019-03-07T23:38:35 < Steffanx> Want special ##stm32 care now kakimir? 2019-03-07T23:40:39 < kakimir> yes please 2019-03-07T23:43:00 < Cracki> https://u3d4s4a8.stackpathcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/Are-People-Really-Tying-Get-Well-Soon-Balloons-To-Roadkill-.jpg 2019-03-07T23:43:04 < Cracki> yw 2019-03-07T23:43:36 < qyx> kakimir: same here 2019-03-07T23:43:49 -!- sterna [~Adium@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-07T23:46:46 < rajkosto> is i2c repeated start somewhat standard or does the slave have to specifically say it supports it in the datasheet 2019-03-07T23:47:00 < rajkosto> polling some register and its wasting 2x the clocktime just repeating the address 2019-03-07T23:47:04 < Cracki> standard 2019-03-07T23:47:49 < Cracki> integral feature, allows holding the bus while talking to a different slave 2019-03-07T23:48:47 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-07T23:49:26 < aandrew> I've yet to see a truly functional multi-master i2c system 2019-03-07T23:50:04 < aandrew> between quirky slaves fucking with clock hold and other general i2c goofiness I would not ever design a multimaster i2c system 2019-03-07T23:50:21 < rajkosto> some device datasheets specifically require repeated start in order to do some operations 2019-03-07T23:51:34 < Cracki> if you try it without (instead with explicit stop+start+addressing the slave again), you might discover that it still works... or it might not :P 2019-03-07T23:51:39 < rajkosto> it didnt 2019-03-07T23:51:43 < Cracki> good 2019-03-07T23:51:57 < rajkosto> and whatever mcu i was on didnt support repeated start so i had to bitbang it lol 2019-03-07T23:52:02 < Cracki> wat 2019-03-07T23:52:06 < Cracki> name and shame it 2019-03-07T23:52:14 < rajkosto> some weird 8051 2019-03-07T23:52:26 < Cracki> ah okay then 2019-03-07T23:52:35 < Cracki> bitbang it yay 2019-03-07T23:52:43 < Cracki> it's just open drain anyway :> 2019-03-07T23:58:57 < rajkosto> you also have to follow the proper ACK/NACK protocol when receiving bytes otherwise the slave can try and drive the bus after you want to release it 2019-03-07T23:59:09 < rajkosto> i made that mistake of acking even the last byte when the slave used the ack for "dont send any more bytes" 2019-03-07T23:59:23 < rajkosto> so slave was driving bus after master tried to STOP --- Day changed Fri Mar 08 2019 2019-03-08T00:08:31 < rajkosto> also i realise now why stm32f103 designs use a transistor to enable the 1.5k USB_DP pullup, because if you dont, then while the device is in reset you will get enumeration error 2019-03-08T00:13:38 -!- veegee [~veegee@ipagstaticip-3d3f7614-22f3-5b69-be13-7ab4b2c585d9.sdsl.bell.ca] has quit [Quit: veegee] 2019-03-08T00:14:14 -!- veegee [~veegee@ipagstaticip-3d3f7614-22f3-5b69-be13-7ab4b2c585d9.sdsl.bell.ca] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T00:15:59 -!- sterna [~Adium@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-08T00:19:55 -!- brabo is now known as brb 2019-03-08T00:20:05 -!- brb is now known as brabo 2019-03-08T00:24:42 < qyx> why is st.com shaded on mobile devices 2019-03-08T00:24:53 < qyx> practically unusable 2019-03-08T00:25:22 < qyx> ok, totally unusable 2019-03-08T00:38:42 -!- Thorn [~Thorn@unaffiliated/thorn] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T00:50:06 < mawk> tick "desktop view" in chrome for android 2019-03-08T00:50:51 < qyx> doesnt help 2019-03-08T00:51:58 < qyx> na ja, turn off adblocker 2019-03-08T01:09:28 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-08T01:10:41 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T01:58:23 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-08T02:28:24 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T02:56:31 < rajkosto> best stm32f103 HID USB library that doesnt use HAL go 2019-03-08T02:56:41 < rajkosto> i just need one output report -> one input report 2019-03-08T03:03:24 -!- alexfan [uid325562@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-aryrsoomjzfbuwxb] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T03:06:29 < rajkosto> wtf is the point of a i2c slave that takes 651ms to show up on the bus ? 2019-03-08T03:13:41 < rajkosto> well, more like 800ms 2019-03-08T03:13:54 < Laurenceb_123> power up tiem? 2019-03-08T03:14:10 < rajkosto> after 100ms RST pulse it takes 800ms to start responding to i2c 2019-03-08T03:14:15 < Laurenceb_123> is it normal to talk about autists and cuckoldry irl? 2019-03-08T03:14:20 < rajkosto> no 2019-03-08T03:16:30 < Laurenceb_123> hmm interesting 2019-03-08T03:17:03 < Laurenceb_123> today I met a grrl from online dating and those were her favourite topics of conversation 2019-03-08T03:17:07 < Laurenceb_123> maybe a 4channer 2019-03-08T03:17:45 < rajkosto> lies 2019-03-08T03:17:48 < rajkosto> there are no girls on the internets 2019-03-08T03:18:23 < Laurenceb_123> there are on online dating 2019-03-08T03:20:12 < Laurenceb_123> tfw https://imgoat.com/uploads/ae27d77ca2/204571.jpg 2019-03-08T03:20:44 < zyp> Laurenceb_123, what online dating sites would you recommend? 2019-03-08T03:20:51 < Laurenceb_123> match.com 2019-03-08T03:21:00 < Laurenceb_123> okcupid seems to be dying 2019-03-08T03:22:13 < Laurenceb_123> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=680JH7TxluI 2019-03-08T03:22:40 < zyp> heh 2019-03-08T03:22:45 -!- gsi__ [~gsisig@x4dbd26a8.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T03:23:01 < zyp> I remember I had a profile on okcupid once 2019-03-08T03:23:20 < zyp> never ended up meeting anybody though 2019-03-08T03:24:31 < Laurenceb_123> grrrl I met today was probably an undercover 4channer 2019-03-08T03:24:48 < zyp> how was the sex? 2019-03-08T03:25:48 -!- gsi_ [~gsisig@x4db99f74.dyn.telefonica.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-08T03:30:06 < Laurenceb_123> I was distracted by her esp32 dev boards 2019-03-08T03:30:49 < zyp> aww 2019-03-08T03:55:40 -!- effractur [~Erik@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-08T03:55:46 -!- effractur [~Erik@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T03:57:42 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-08T04:02:04 < rajkosto> why does laurenceb PM randoms with offensive shit 2019-03-08T04:07:39 < dongs> because hes banned? 2019-03-08T04:15:13 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T04:16:46 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-08T04:17:06 -!- BrainDamage_ is now known as BrainDamage 2019-03-08T04:28:15 < rajkosto> https://gfycat.com/disloyalpresentharlequinbug-electronicsengineering-electricsolutions neat 2019-03-08T04:37:44 < dongs> wait what 2019-03-08T04:37:54 < dongs> zyp why you asking for onlinedating site, from laurence/b/ of all places 2019-03-08T05:05:31 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T05:13:27 < dongs> rajkosto: how about actual machine name instead of some MAKE:R wank 2019-03-08T05:13:45 < rajkosto> sparkfun is all about the maker wank tho 2019-03-08T05:14:03 < dongs> you mean mfg in china adn resellt to retards/ 2019-03-08T05:21:37 -!- Cracki [~cracki@unaffiliated/crackwitz] has quit [Disconnected by services] 2019-03-08T05:21:38 -!- Cracki [~cracki@unaffiliated/crackwitz] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T05:23:26 -!- comptroller [~comptroll@47-213-222-253.paolcmtc01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-08T05:26:35 -!- comptroller [~comptroll@47-213-222-253.paolcmtc01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T05:27:44 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has left ##stm32 [] 2019-03-08T05:59:54 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Gone to sleep...] 2019-03-08T06:07:27 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-08T06:08:01 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T06:15:33 -!- veegee [~veegee@ipagstaticip-3d3f7614-22f3-5b69-be13-7ab4b2c585d9.sdsl.bell.ca] has quit [Quit: veegee] 2019-03-08T06:23:02 < rajkosto> so what cheapest place for 3d prints 2019-03-08T06:37:08 -!- benishor [~benny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-08T06:51:09 -!- fc5dc9d4_ [~quassel@p5B08107D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T06:55:21 -!- fc5dc9d4 [~quassel@p5B08103C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-08T07:14:45 -!- mawk [mawk@serveur.io] has quit [Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in] 2019-03-08T07:14:57 -!- mawk [mawk@serveur.io] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T07:17:13 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T07:26:07 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-08T07:31:15 -!- gsi__ is now known as gsi_ 2019-03-08T08:35:13 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nmsekqvegonzimhp] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T08:35:22 < tjq> Thank you 2019-03-08T08:35:47 -!- Ecco [~user@unaffiliated/ecco] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-08T08:58:33 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-0eb9d954.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T09:01:54 -!- benishor [~benny@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T09:05:00 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T09:07:51 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T09:18:54 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-08T09:31:01 < rajkosto> yoooo why %.3f dont work in newlib-nano sprintf 2019-03-08T09:36:27 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-0eb9d954.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-08T09:39:01 < rajkosto> how do i enable this sheeet 2019-03-08T09:41:10 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T09:46:55 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T09:49:16 < qyx> there is no float in nano, isn't it? 2019-03-08T09:51:05 < Steffanx> With nano being nanopb qyx? 2019-03-08T09:56:20 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T09:56:48 < jpa-> no, newlib-nano 2019-03-08T09:57:04 < jpa-> qyx's reply was to rajkosto 2019-03-08T09:57:57 < qyx> yep 2019-03-08T09:58:18 < qyx> btw where did spwf04 go? 2019-03-08T09:59:24 < qyx> even the spwf01 is nrnd 2019-03-08T10:00:23 < qyx> no more wifi from st? 2019-03-08T10:06:21 < Steffanx> Hah. Good morning :P 2019-03-08T10:07:08 < Steffanx> Anyway, there is float stuff, but you have to enable it with some flags 2019-03-08T10:09:26 < Steffanx> Iirc its in the readme.nano 2019-03-08T10:11:16 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-211.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T10:12:33 -!- sterna [~Adium@h-90-120.A137.corp.bahnhof.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T10:16:35 -!- crispy [~quassel@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T10:23:00 -!- alexfan [uid325562@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-aryrsoomjzfbuwxb] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-08T10:26:14 < qyx> what are the alternatives, esp32, the bestest wireless on the planet? 2019-03-08T10:26:16 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-08T10:27:18 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T10:38:13 < Cracki> rajkosto, buy a 3d printer and diy? if you put a price on the delay a printing service causes in your design iteration process... 2019-03-08T10:39:30 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T10:39:32 < Cracki> even the local "fablab" takes at least a day because they fuck around with soluble support material, and generally being stoners 2019-03-08T10:40:29 < Cracki> and when the PC crashes that drives the five figures stratasys, they'll reattempt the print same day *next* week because they only open one day a week to the public 2019-03-08T10:40:54 < Cracki> I don't know what glue they huff but they act like it 2019-03-08T10:41:34 < Cracki> either that or they're bored out of their minds by their job 2019-03-08T10:41:57 < Cracki> if I had all the toys they do, I would do so much stuff 2019-03-08T10:42:08 < Cracki> glue, paint, paint thinner 2019-03-08T10:42:49 < Cracki> maybe that fablab does poison them... they have air filters for the laser cutter and the stratasys (printing ABS?) but... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 2019-03-08T10:44:57 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nmsekqvegonzimhp] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-08T10:46:29 < Cracki> *thinking* 2019-03-08T10:46:52 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-08T10:56:45 < Cracki> "150W VIOLENCE OUTPUT" description of a hand-sized dc motor 2019-03-08T11:00:35 < Cracki> I'm looking for a combo of motor shaft diameter and encoder code disc bore diameter... 2019-03-08T11:00:53 < Cracki> mabuchis seem to come in ~2.3mm, those cheap code wheels come in ~4mm 2019-03-08T11:01:25 < Cracki> also the sensor I'm considering wants optical center at 11mm radius, but those code wheels are made for ~9mm and might not even have lines at 11mm 2019-03-08T11:08:28 < rajkosto> 2 floats of this sensor's output are always 0.000 why 2019-03-08T11:14:45 < rajkosto> i feel like ive been lied to 2019-03-08T11:15:09 < kakimir> I got weird email 2019-03-08T11:15:24 < kakimir> to personal email 2019-03-08T11:15:58 < kakimir> somebody from pcbway asked me how are projects 2019-03-08T11:16:28 < Cracki> are they shaking their customers for "maybe"-projects? 2019-03-08T11:16:33 < Cracki> rajkosto, wat sensor 2019-03-08T11:16:38 < rajkosto> AS7261 2019-03-08T11:16:48 < rajkosto> CCT and LUX are always 0.000 everything else is wiggling 2019-03-08T11:16:57 < kakimir> that is how I understood it Cracki 2019-03-08T11:17:11 < Cracki> maybe needs init for those? 2019-03-08T11:17:39 < rajkosto> nothing to init 2019-03-08T11:17:40 < Cracki> or saturated? 2019-03-08T11:17:49 < rajkosto> maybe it needs way higher integration time set 2019-03-08T11:17:54 < Cracki> or that 2019-03-08T11:18:04 < rajkosto> its already so slow at 100ms for one (it does 2 for all the values) 2019-03-08T11:18:12 < kakimir> I certainly do appreciate reminding of my personal project 2019-03-08T11:18:18 < kakimir> somebody finally cares 2019-03-08T11:19:27 < Cracki> maybe it's saturated. 2019-03-08T11:19:48 < Cracki> or fuck with gain 2019-03-08T11:19:57 < rajkosto> MAXIMUM GAIN 2019-03-08T11:20:01 < Cracki> or don't work in a dark cave 2019-03-08T11:20:06 < rajkosto> SHONE A FLASHLIGHT ON IT 2019-03-08T11:20:08 < Cracki> yeah maybe it's saturated 2019-03-08T11:20:22 < rajkosto> nah even with 64x gain the values are way lower than max 65535 2019-03-08T11:20:46 < Cracki> ask them :P 2019-03-08T11:34:02 -!- veegee [~veegee@ipagstaticip-3d3f7614-22f3-5b69-be13-7ab4b2c585d9.sdsl.bell.ca] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T11:51:38 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-08T12:02:42 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T12:12:39 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-08T12:37:13 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T12:38:27 -!- PeterM [bgdwiepp@115-69-25-80-cpe.spintel.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-08T12:42:03 -!- PeterM [bgdwiepp@115-69-25-80-cpe.spintel.net.au] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T12:54:35 < zyp> dongs, just curiosity :p 2019-03-08T12:59:48 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-08T13:03:41 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T13:21:04 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-08T13:23:12 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T13:33:47 -!- qyx [~qyx@gw2.krtko.org] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-08T13:37:32 -!- qyx [~qyx@gw2.krtko.org] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T13:38:40 -!- beaky [~beaky@2a03:b0c0:0:1010::17cf:7003] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-08T13:41:29 -!- beaky [~beaky@2a03:b0c0:0:1010::17cf:7003] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T13:52:39 -!- sk_tandt_ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T13:54:52 -!- alexfan [uid325562@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-iahtzknztqxijpqf] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T13:56:19 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-08T14:12:44 < englishman> kakimir gave me his disease 2019-03-08T14:12:46 < englishman> asshole 2019-03-08T14:18:32 < zyp> aww 2019-03-08T14:22:20 < Cracki> is thermal paste involved? 2019-03-08T14:24:09 < Steffanx> Awh got the flu, englishman ? 2019-03-08T14:33:15 < englishman> the man-flu 2019-03-08T14:34:28 < jpa-> it could be the SMA disease also, the symptoms are very similar at first but SMA is terminal 2019-03-08T14:38:30 < englishman> chuckle irl 2019-03-08T14:39:20 < Steffanx> Damn jpa- does word jokes :D 2019-03-08T14:39:52 < zyp> haha 2019-03-08T14:42:36 < Laurenceb> sup trolls 2019-03-08T14:43:00 < Laurenceb> englishman: did you unironically recommend esp32 yesterday? 2019-03-08T14:43:15 < englishman> yes 2019-03-08T14:43:17 < englishman> it's great 2019-03-08T14:43:40 < qyx> it is pain 2019-03-08T14:43:43 < englishman> it will take years for ST to catch up 2019-03-08T14:43:48 < qyx> I read some docs yesterday 2019-03-08T14:43:55 < englishman> why did you do that??????? 2019-03-08T14:43:59 < englishman> you dont have to read shit 2019-03-08T14:44:14 < qyx> isr can be only in IRAM 2019-03-08T14:44:16 < zyp> just arduino it up 2019-03-08T14:44:17 < qyx> for example 2019-03-08T14:44:32 < jpa-> yeah, stuff like standby power draw etc are useless, esp32 is great and needs no specs 2019-03-08T14:44:37 < qyx> and such weird things 2019-03-08T14:45:06 < qyx> the low power coprocessor is some FSM with assembly language 2019-03-08T14:45:14 < qyx> and actually consumes 150uA 2019-03-08T14:45:23 < Laurenceb> englishman confirmed as weird brogrammer grrrl 2019-03-08T14:45:33 < qyx> more than a cortex m0 in low power run mode 2019-03-08T14:45:35 < Laurenceb> irl identity confirmed 2019-03-08T14:46:28 < Laurenceb> she was emo and smelt of cheese 2019-03-08T14:47:00 < Laurenceb> wait esp32 has low power consumption?? I'm so confuse 2019-03-08T14:47:14 < Laurenceb> fetid mouldy cheese 2019-03-08T14:47:33 < Laurenceb> yes 2019-03-08T14:48:45 < Laurenceb> does esp32 even have an adc? 2019-03-08T14:49:20 < englishman> whats an adc 2019-03-08T14:49:27 < karlp> qyx: did you find options for your spwf04 searches? 2019-03-08T14:49:28 < englishman> it has spi for sensors 2019-03-08T14:50:10 < Laurenceb> epik fail 2019-03-08T14:50:43 < Laurenceb> why is methlab using 70GB of ram... 2019-03-08T14:51:00 -!- ivanshmakov [~user@violet.siamics.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T14:51:24 < karlp> heh, brain farr.t 2019-03-08T14:51:35 < karlp> we have a machine named methlab, was like, um. it shouldn't be, 2019-03-08T14:51:40 < karlp> but no, yu mean matlab 2019-03-08T14:51:45 < Laurenceb> yes 2019-03-08T14:52:25 < karlp> qyx: modules from murata, panasonic, otsa new ones form cypress post broadcom, dialog, 2019-03-08T14:52:30 < karlp> never used any of them :) 2019-03-08T14:52:41 < Laurenceb> I have 128GB 2019-03-08T14:52:55 < BrainDamage> connect a RC to a output pin, an opamp in differential mode, and use another input pin as a ∑Δ adc 2019-03-08T14:52:55 < Laurenceb> but <50GB free 2019-03-08T14:55:34 < karlp> BrainDamage: who are you replying to? 2019-03-08T14:55:53 < BrainDamage> to englishman's "what's an adc" 2019-03-08T14:56:20 < BrainDamage> and if you wonder, that's A Thing™ in FPGA dev 2019-03-08T14:58:39 < jpa-> in fpga's, you can also use one of the differential receivers as a comparator 2019-03-08T15:02:36 < qyx> karlp: not yet 2019-03-08T15:05:11 < karlp> oh, duh, the adc joke for espshitz 2019-03-08T15:08:43 < Laurenceb> BriannaWu2020 2019-03-08T15:09:17 < Laurenceb> tfw more likely to vote for Brianna than use esp32 2019-03-08T15:15:27 < dongs> brianna wu? 2019-03-08T15:15:37 < karlp> just lolrenceb things 2019-03-08T15:21:02 < englishman> use one of those nice 6.3gbps diff receivers as an adc 2019-03-08T15:21:04 < englishman> yum 2019-03-08T15:30:44 -!- sk_tandt__ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T15:34:30 -!- sk_tandt_ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-08T15:39:41 < Laurenceb> >not voting for Brianna 2019-03-08T15:40:24 < Laurenceb> google 2019-03-08T15:40:53 < Laurenceb> >"Brianna Wu" was born "John Walker Flynt", then adopted by a couple of millionaires and lived a privileged life as a rich white boy 2019-03-08T15:47:09 < BrainDamage> you're so obsessed that one might start to think you're a chaser 2019-03-08T15:50:04 -!- Ecco [~user@unaffiliated/ecco] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T16:00:45 < Laurenceb> Happy international womens day to you too 2019-03-08T16:01:11 < karlp> it's over dude. 2019-03-08T16:01:22 < karlp> have some music instead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xirRCDBCew 2019-03-08T16:04:35 -!- alexfan [uid325562@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-iahtzknztqxijpqf] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-08T16:21:22 < jadew> man... the price for RF connectors is fucking insane 2019-03-08T16:21:46 < jadew> $100 for a stinking adapter 2019-03-08T16:21:52 < jadew> and that's the starting point 2019-03-08T16:22:16 < jadew> and I need 4 2019-03-08T16:23:10 < englishman> wait til you see the price of usb cables 2019-03-08T16:23:17 < jadew> englishman, haha 2019-03-08T16:23:32 < jadew> Haohmaru, a simple N-type to SMA connector 2019-03-08T16:23:54 < BrainDamage> do you have extreme requirements? 2019-03-08T16:24:01 < jadew> BrainDamage, 20 GHz 2019-03-08T16:24:07 < BrainDamage> then yes 2019-03-08T16:24:24 < englishman> $100 is cheap then 2019-03-08T16:24:37 < jadew> I decided to upgrade my connectors box and it looks it's going to sting 2019-03-08T16:24:55 < BrainDamage> cheap shit china sma don't hit 3GHz 2019-03-08T16:25:04 < BrainDamage> average quality is 12 2019-03-08T16:25:07 < BrainDamage> and you want 20 2019-03-08T16:25:24 < karlp> hey look, kodak branded sd cards. almost tempted to buy one for old times sake :) https://www.gearbest.com/memory-cards/pp_009294797978.html 2019-03-08T16:25:49 < Laurenceb> https://imgoat.com/uploads/ae27d77ca2/204705.jpg 2019-03-08T16:25:52 < jadew> BrainDamage, yeah, I'd be ok with 18 GHz too 2019-03-08T16:26:11 < jadew> the chinese stuff seems to be ok up to 4-5 GHz 2019-03-08T16:27:52 < jadew> Haohmaru, well, for example, now I'm unable to calibrate my sig gen because the adapter between the generator's output connector and the power sensor becomes a band stop filter at random frequencies, depending on how you breathe 2019-03-08T16:28:13 < BrainDamage> make sure you get a torque wrench too 2019-03-08T16:28:24 < BrainDamage> at those freqs, you want reliabile mating 2019-03-08T16:28:26 < jadew> yeah, I've been getting by without one 2019-03-08T16:28:30 < jadew> yup 2019-03-08T16:29:15 < BrainDamage> 1mm or more or less will be ~10% signal change 2019-03-08T16:29:59 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T16:33:40 < jadew> I kinda wonder what's the secret for the high-end adapters 2019-03-08T16:34:10 < BrainDamage> precise machining and exotic materials 2019-03-08T16:34:10 < jadew> and why aren't they making only high quality ones 2019-03-08T16:34:26 < jadew> ah, so it's something extra 2019-03-08T16:34:41 < BrainDamage> eg teflon is too lossy past 12GHz 2019-03-08T16:34:43 < jadew> it's not just... we can make them either way, but we cripple these ones so you pay more for the others 2019-03-08T16:34:57 < jadew> what are they using instead? 2019-03-08T16:35:17 < BrainDamage> never looked past 10GHz 2019-03-08T16:35:30 < jadew> seems it's still teflon 2019-03-08T16:36:43 < BrainDamage> you still need the high machining precision, they'd have to be milled, not just casted 2019-03-08T16:38:38 < jadew> BrainDamage, I thought most of them are machined anyway 2019-03-08T16:40:12 < jadew> at least most connectors past $10 seem to be machined 2019-03-08T16:41:51 < kakimir> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq-kIfhe1OI musics 2019-03-08T16:42:09 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T16:42:11 < kakimir> np. Mahoney - Future 2019-03-08T16:44:14 < kakimir> https://soundcloud.com/mahoney/future 2019-03-08T16:44:26 < kakimir> I start slowly using soundcloud 2019-03-08T16:44:34 < kakimir> should do account to soundcloud 2019-03-08T16:47:19 < kakimir> rate my music pick today 2019-03-08T16:47:28 < kakimir> I love autoplay 2019-03-08T16:47:42 < kakimir> you think the song is the shit 2019-03-08T16:47:48 < kakimir> until next song comes along 2019-03-08T16:48:16 < kakimir> autoplay is for music adventure 2019-03-08T16:48:47 < jadew> BrainDamage, for 11 GHz it seems I can get away with just $10 - $12 per connector 2019-03-08T16:49:11 < BrainDamage> jadew: yup, that's still within the range of "normal" connectors 2019-03-08T16:49:17 < BrainDamage> just not china cheapshit 2019-03-08T16:49:18 < jadew> think the performance will degrade a lot from 11 to 20? 2019-03-08T16:50:18 < BrainDamage> depends on your precision requirements 2019-03-08T16:50:32 < BrainDamage> but I'd espect 10dB loss at least 2019-03-08T16:50:37 < jadew> ah 2019-03-08T16:50:40 < jadew> that's crap 2019-03-08T16:50:46 < BrainDamage> if you only need a qualititative measurement it should be ok 2019-03-08T16:50:57 < BrainDamage> like a filter's freq response 2019-03-08T16:51:12 < BrainDamage> but if you need quantitative like return loss peak, etc, then no 2019-03-08T16:51:39 < jadew> got it, thanks 2019-03-08T16:51:52 < BrainDamage> I have a bunch of standard semirigid cables 2019-03-08T16:51:57 < BrainDamage> I call them 1dB cables 2019-03-08T16:52:08 < BrainDamage> connector + cable + connector loss at 10GHz is 1dB 2019-03-08T16:52:23 < BrainDamage> makes for pretty easy estimation of losses 2019-03-08T16:52:35 < jadew> I've made a couple of those too, but the connectors I have are crap 2019-03-08T16:52:53 < jadew> I have a handfull of 3.5mm connectors, but didn't want to waste them on these cables 2019-03-08T16:56:28 -!- arc_phasor [42077df8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T16:56:41 < arc_phasor> is the stm32L0 i2c a "multi-master" i2c or "single-master"? 2019-03-08T16:57:08 < karlp> wat? 2019-03-08T16:57:15 < kakimir> read RM 2019-03-08T16:57:40 < kakimir> and if you ask such question I doubt that you need multi-master support 2019-03-08T16:57:49 < jadew> arc_phasor, even the most basic MCUs can deal with multi-master busses 2019-03-08T16:57:54 < arc_phasor> ok sweet 2019-03-08T16:58:06 < jadew> but yeah, check the RM to make sure 2019-03-08T16:58:39 < kakimir> some chips have like i2c slave only 2019-03-08T16:59:07 < arc_phasor> that would suck 2019-03-08T17:00:01 < arc_phasor> bam! first line of the I2C section of the RM 2019-03-08T17:00:24 < arc_phasor> "Up to three I2C interfaces (I2C1 and I2C3) can operate in multimaster or slave modes. " 2019-03-08T17:00:33 < arc_phasor> very cool 2019-03-08T17:00:46 < arc_phasor> i need to share a battery charging IC between the stm32 and an allwinner chip 2019-03-08T17:01:01 < arc_phasor> this is much excite 2019-03-08T17:03:06 < kakimir> that is much of i2c-migraine 2019-03-08T17:03:27 < kakimir> sorry.. fun.. i2c-fun 2019-03-08T17:04:22 < bitmask> woo, I get my car back today 2019-03-08T17:05:33 < bitmask> drivin' dirty 2019-03-08T17:06:05 < bitmask> been sitting for a year and the wheels/brakes rusted, got a caliper and brake pads replaced, the rotors should be ok for a while, gotta drive it a bit and see if anything else breaks :P 2019-03-08T17:09:09 < arc_phasor> bitmask: just get a tesla 2019-03-08T17:09:12 < jadew> bitmask, you could have just drove like that for a while 2019-03-08T17:09:19 < jadew> they would have cleaned up 2019-03-08T17:09:26 < arc_phasor> bitmask: that could all be fixed with a software update 2019-03-08T17:09:31 < bitmask> hah sure 2019-03-08T17:09:34 < jadew> happened to me too, when I had my license suspended for a couple of months 2019-03-08T17:09:40 < jadew> seriously 2019-03-08T17:09:55 < jadew> it sounds like shit for a couple of days, then it's back to normal 2019-03-08T17:10:06 < bitmask> some of it I'm sure will clean up with driving after I knock some more rust off, but one of the wheels was locked, and break pads isnt a bad thing 2019-03-08T17:10:17 < arc_phasor> i had a buddy who's car would rattle uncontrollably until about 60mph, then smooth sailing 2019-03-08T17:12:51 < zyp> teslas have brakes too :p 2019-03-08T17:13:35 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-08T17:16:35 < arc_phasor> that's actually surprising they haven't done something super novel with the braking system 2019-03-08T17:17:13 < arc_phasor> still same old caliper and pad from the looks of it 2019-03-08T17:17:15 < zyp> like what? 2019-03-08T17:17:31 < arc_phasor> idk, something involving magnets 2019-03-08T17:17:52 < zyp> well, they do regen braking, that involves magnets 2019-03-08T17:18:13 < zyp> but so does every other EV too, hardly novel at this point 2019-03-08T17:18:28 < arc_phasor> regen braking can't stop on a dime though i take it? 2019-03-08T17:18:32 < arc_phasor> hence the calipers and brake pads 2019-03-08T17:18:35 < zyp> exactly 2019-03-08T17:19:25 < arc_phasor> i guess whatever it is would have to stay purely mechanical in case of power failure 2019-03-08T17:19:28 < zyp> regen braking doesn't provide more stopping power than what can be fed back into the battery 2019-03-08T17:20:26 < zyp> that's why trains usually have huge resistor banks on the roof to burn off regenerated energy that can't be fed back into the grid 2019-03-08T17:20:40 < arc_phasor> interesting 2019-03-08T17:20:46 < arc_phasor> seems wasteful 2019-03-08T17:21:25 < zyp> not any more wasteful than using the energy to heat up brake discs 2019-03-08T17:21:46 < zyp> and load resistors can dissipate the energy better 2019-03-08T17:26:11 -!- mitrax [mitrax@lfbn-ncy-1-400-85.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T17:27:03 -!- Jegeva [~Jegeva@d8D873CA2.access.telenet.be] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 2019-03-08T17:28:56 < mitrax> hey, shouldn't an integer division by zero trigger a hardfault by default (cortex M4)? 2019-03-08T17:29:23 < zyp> I think there's a flag to control it, but I'm not sure what the default is 2019-03-08T17:30:12 < arc_phasor> do you think original tesla will still be running in 20 years? 2019-03-08T17:30:23 < arc_phasor> what's life span of these thangs 2019-03-08T17:30:44 < zyp> idk, most EVs here have an 8 year warranty on the battery 2019-03-08T17:31:05 < arc_phasor> battery tech is always getting better too 2019-03-08T17:31:24 < arc_phasor> it might end up being all super-caps in 10 years, charging in 1 minute and lasting for 1000 miles 2019-03-08T17:31:42 < zyp> mitrax, it's controled by the DIV_0_TRP in SCB_CCR 2019-03-08T17:31:51 < mitrax> i want to test a hardfault handler, it's been called before due to bugs etc, but for some reason i can't get it to trigger, even when dereferencing a null pointer or when dividing by zero the program keeps running 2019-03-08T17:31:59 < mitrax> thanks, let me check 2019-03-08T17:32:05 < zyp> CM4 TRM doesn't appear to say what the default is 2019-03-08T17:32:17 < zyp> I'm guessing it might be implementation defined 2019-03-08T17:34:12 < zyp> according to PM0214 it's not enabled by default in stm32 2019-03-08T17:34:20 < zyp> ref. page 231: https://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/programming_manual/6c/3a/cb/e7/e4/ea/44/9b/DM00046982.pdf/files/DM00046982.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.DM00046982.pdf 2019-03-08T17:34:39 -!- sk_tandt_ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T17:35:10 < zyp> arc_phasor, yeah, my EV is three years old now and if I bought one today I'd get two-three times the capacity 2019-03-08T17:35:39 < zyp> in the same price range 2019-03-08T17:35:39 < arc_phasor> dayum, is the battery modular in such a way you can "pop it out" for an upgrade? 2019-03-08T17:35:49 < zyp> no 2019-03-08T17:36:13 < arc_phasor> that sucks 2019-03-08T17:36:17 < zyp> I'm not overly concerned about the range 2019-03-08T17:37:00 < arc_phasor> how many miles? 2019-03-08T17:37:01 < zyp> according to my estimate, when the battery warranty runs out when the car is eight years old, I would have saved around half the cost of the car just in reduced fuel costs 2019-03-08T17:37:23 < mitrax> zyp: yeah that was it, works now, thanks 2019-03-08T17:37:32 < arc_phasor> very true, and gained extra karma for being less shitty to the planet 2019-03-08T17:38:18 < arc_phasor> i would get one, but not sure if my town has many charging stations 2019-03-08T17:38:26 -!- sk_tandt__ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-08T17:38:37 < arc_phasor> buffalo isn't exactly on the cutting edge of tech 2019-03-08T17:38:51 < zyp> car can do >160 km on a charge for gentle driving during summer and I can probably make it run out in less than 100km if I push it during winter 2019-03-08T17:39:31 < arc_phasor> yowch. do you plug it in straight to mains? 2019-03-08T17:39:32 < zyp> not a major concern, most days I drive less, and even when I need to drive more, there's plenty of fast chargers everywhere 2019-03-08T17:40:03 < zyp> yeah, at home I've got plain 16A 230V charging, i.e. 3.7 kW 2019-03-08T17:40:28 < zyp> fast chargers do like 42kW DC straight to the battery 2019-03-08T17:40:44 < arc_phasor> what chemistry battery? 2019-03-08T17:41:16 < zyp> not sure, some lithium stuff like every modern EV 2019-03-08T17:41:25 < zyp> I've got an e-golf, so you can look it up yourself 2019-03-08T17:41:26 < arc_phasor> gotcha 2019-03-08T17:41:30 < zyp> first gen 2019-03-08T17:42:15 < arc_phasor> cool, gotta run to work, later dudes 2019-03-08T17:42:22 < zyp> best bang for the buck today seems to be the hyundai kona, but I think there's a pretty long waiting list of people wanting to buy it :p 2019-03-08T17:42:34 < arc_phasor> #buytesla 2019-03-08T17:42:41 < arc_phasor> :) 2019-03-08T17:42:49 < zyp> don't think the line there is any shorter 2019-03-08T17:43:01 -!- arc_phasor [42077df8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 2019-03-08T17:56:41 -!- sk_tandt__ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T18:00:16 -!- sk_tandt_ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-08T18:07:05 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-211.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-08T18:07:26 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-211.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T18:27:31 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T18:28:23 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-08T18:28:25 -!- BrainDamage_ is now known as BrainDamage 2019-03-08T18:33:30 -!- sterna [~Adium@h-90-120.A137.corp.bahnhof.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-08T18:44:09 -!- Streake_ [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T18:47:00 -!- crispy [~quassel@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-08T18:50:42 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T18:54:48 < jadew> what happened to farnell? 2019-03-08T18:54:55 < jadew> did they get bought? 2019-03-08T18:55:32 < jadew> it looks rebranded 2019-03-08T18:56:55 < mawk> yes 2019-03-08T18:57:04 < mawk> bought by avnet 2019-03-08T18:57:15 < mawk> but since a long time 2019-03-08T18:58:59 < jadew> not sure I like that green 2019-03-08T18:59:23 < Steffanx> Custom css it 2019-03-08T19:00:15 < jadew> that's what I need in my life, another thing to maintain 2019-03-08T19:00:22 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Gone to sleep...] 2019-03-08T19:01:26 < qyx> wasnt avnet bought by farnell? 2019-03-08T19:01:37 < qyx> funny it is actually the other way around 2019-03-08T19:02:34 < qyx> omg such web 2019-03-08T19:02:42 < qyx> nice irls, no jsp in them now 2019-03-08T19:02:45 < qyx> *urls 2019-03-08T19:03:30 < qyx> apparently they bought new servers for them too 2019-03-08T19:03:45 < invzim> so newark, farnell and avnet is now the same thing 2019-03-08T19:04:38 < invzim> and element14 2019-03-08T19:05:16 < invzim> lcsc is still lcsc :) 2019-03-08T19:09:30 < kakimir> hello evenings 2019-03-08T19:13:25 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:3164:5089:3857:52c1] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T19:13:47 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T19:14:05 -!- sk_tandt__ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-08T19:15:07 -!- ivanshmakov [~user@violet.siamics.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-08T19:32:32 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-08T19:34:28 < englishman> extremely spicy chinky food for lunch has cured my disease 2019-03-08T19:35:12 < mawk> lol 2019-03-08T19:35:17 < mawk> which disease ? 2019-03-08T19:35:54 < englishman> manflu 2019-03-08T19:36:13 < englishman> zyp: Tesla is promising model 3 deliveries in 2-4 weeks 2019-03-08T19:36:23 < rajkosto> Cracki, https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-08_18-36-18_a7yKKB9Eu.png :thinking: 2019-03-08T19:36:23 < englishman> I think sales are not as good as expected 2019-03-08T19:36:44 < Cracki> yes? it's just another register, but why would it be 0 2019-03-08T19:36:48 < rajkosto> look at size 2019-03-08T19:36:56 < Cracki> uh... 16 bytes? 2019-03-08T19:37:00 < rajkosto> look at description 2019-03-08T19:37:09 < Cracki> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 2019-03-08T19:37:12 < rajkosto> ??? 2019-03-08T19:37:14 < Cracki> send them an angry email 2019-03-08T19:37:31 < rajkosto> https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-08_18-37-23_LYrFwDcng.png the LUX and CCT are 0 always 2019-03-08T19:37:38 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T19:37:51 < Cracki> maybe cct is four floats 2019-03-08T19:38:25 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-08T19:38:29 -!- BrainDamage_ is now known as BrainDamage 2019-03-08T19:38:29 < Cracki> it also doesn't say floating point, only 4-byte 2019-03-08T19:38:30 < rajkosto> or just open up their .net demo app and check what it does 2019-03-08T19:38:34 < Cracki> might that be significant 2019-03-08T19:38:44 < Cracki> does their thing give non-zero? 2019-03-08T19:38:51 < rajkosto> dont know, dont have the dongle 2019-03-08T19:38:55 < Cracki> angry email 2019-03-08T19:39:01 < Cracki> angry brick through the window 2019-03-08T19:39:07 < rajkosto> yes im sure they care 2019-03-08T19:39:32 < Cracki> six hundred bricks a minute, THEY WILL CARE GODDAMNIT 2019-03-08T19:39:41 < jadew> what a fucking joke... I had to register to download the "test data", which was a doc, with a single page containing a scan from a print-screen with the part name written by hand, showing the properties from 10 MHz to 2 GHz, for a connector that's supposed to work up to 11 GHz 2019-03-08T19:39:43 < rajkosto> honestly, i'd rather just generate all the "calibrated" data through my own code, if they gave me the algo 2019-03-08T19:39:55 < Cracki> kek 2019-03-08T19:40:02 < rajkosto> its slow to fetch all these bytes through i2c 2019-03-08T19:40:25 < rajkosto> (cuz its virtual i2c provided by their mcu, so theres polling involved for ready/done for each byte) 2019-03-08T19:40:44 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-211.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-08T19:41:14 < kakimir> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJcozP9Mcvo new Koenigsegg 2019-03-08T19:41:18 < Cracki> TIL: mellanox are valued in shekels 2019-03-08T19:41:30 < mawk> lol 2019-03-08T19:42:11 < Cracki> was looking up Ross Freeman, inventor of the fpga and founder of xilinx... he's rocking a jewfro 2019-03-08T19:44:12 < rajkosto> they changed it between firmwares https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-08_18-43-55_ZRvgA3yGM.png vs https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-08_18-44-09_jXaVXY8Ia.png 2019-03-08T19:44:45 < Cracki> mixed hex and decimal?! 2019-03-08T19:44:52 < rajkosto> reversed C# 2019-03-08T19:44:56 < rajkosto> it just does that 2019-03-08T19:45:15 < Cracki> low/high implying it's now just 2 bytes? 2019-03-08T19:45:27 < Cracki> that fucker has firmware?? 2019-03-08T19:45:36 < rajkosto> yes it requires a 256KB SPI chip connected to it 2019-03-08T19:45:48 < rajkosto> just load blobs they provide 2019-03-08T19:45:54 < Cracki> uhuh 2019-03-08T19:47:10 < rajkosto> https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-08_18-46-42_nS4YgiRgW.png also R/W temperature register (its not https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-08_18-47-05_u0OxLmD9W.png) 2019-03-08T19:47:59 < Cracki> what's the diff, both say addr 0x06 2019-03-08T19:48:05 < rajkosto> R/W 2019-03-08T19:48:08 < Cracki> ah 2019-03-08T19:48:19 < Cracki> why would anyone wanna write temperature... 2019-03-08T19:48:23 < Cracki> probably error in the shit 2019-03-08T19:50:47 -!- ivanshmakov [~user@violet.siamics.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T19:51:31 < mawk> for calibration 2019-03-08T19:51:41 < rajkosto> its read only in the program 2019-03-08T19:52:35 < englishman> buying $2k of TI devboards 2019-03-08T19:52:44 < qyx> me wanna 2019-03-08T19:52:46 < englishman> for $12 of ics 2019-03-08T19:55:06 < malinus> >TI devboard 2019-03-08T19:55:07 < malinus> ew 2019-03-08T19:56:10 < malinus> why would anyone touch non-cortex-m mcu's in 2019? 2019-03-08T19:56:38 < Cracki> maybe non-cortex-m TI parts 2019-03-08T19:57:04 < Cracki> I know a bunch of motor driver ics from TI 2019-03-08T19:57:29 < Cracki> not implying that they're known for those but you get the idea 2019-03-08T19:58:31 < rajkosto> msp430 TI parts :O 2019-03-08T19:58:48 < Cracki> gah 2019-03-08T19:58:48 < englishman> zero mcus 2019-03-08T19:59:05 < englishman> I refused to touch the msp430 part of the project 2019-03-08T19:59:13 < Cracki> discrete IC for integer division! 2019-03-08T19:59:24 < Cracki> wait, multiplication even! 2019-03-08T20:00:53 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-08T20:01:01 < mawk> like nodejs packages 2019-03-08T20:01:09 < mawk> you have a package for taking the opposite of an integer 2019-03-08T20:01:32 < Cracki> and everything again for negative numbers 2019-03-08T20:01:37 < malinus> what's the opposite of an integer? 2019-03-08T20:01:43 < Cracki> fraction 2019-03-08T20:01:54 < Cracki> rationals and irrationals 2019-03-08T20:02:21 < Cracki> and then you add dimensions, i, j, k... 2019-03-08T20:02:30 < mawk> malinus: -x 2019-03-08T20:02:38 < rajkosto> Cracki, yeah they are 2 byte uints lol 2019-03-08T20:02:42 < Cracki> kek 2019-03-08T20:02:49 < rajkosto> they didnt update the datasheet 2019-03-08T20:02:56 < rajkosto> v12 of firmware doesnt have them as floats 2019-03-08T20:03:02 < Cracki> send angry bobcat 2019-03-08T20:03:26 < rajkosto> https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-08_19-03-24_BHxPe1VtH.png 2019-03-08T20:09:55 < Cracki> hmpf all the sheet metal laser cutting shops I see start at ~0.5mm. I was looking for around 0.1mm thickness... 2019-03-08T20:21:09 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-08T20:35:42 < Cracki> ah, the thin stuff is done photochemically 2019-03-08T20:36:56 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T20:37:18 < Laurenceb> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CT9zPNKTkKQ 2019-03-08T20:37:58 -!- comptroller [~comptroll@47-213-222-253.paolcmtc01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-08T20:39:16 < Cracki> oy vey 2019-03-08T20:39:55 < Cracki> oh, just a man hating chick 2019-03-08T20:43:51 < Cracki> nice wallpaper on that phone 2019-03-08T20:45:27 < Cracki> love those toe nails 2019-03-08T20:45:53 < Laurenceb> irl lolled hard at the trailer in the cinema 2019-03-08T20:51:55 < rajkosto> thats a very strange video 2019-03-08T20:53:10 < rajkosto> why care so much about bad mahvel movie 2019-03-08T20:53:10 < Cracki> you'd think so but it's full of in-jokes ("coincidences"), which makes it hilarious 2019-03-08T20:53:17 < rajkosto> or feet 2019-03-08T20:53:36 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Gone to sleep...] 2019-03-08T20:53:39 < Cracki> nobody cares, and they rage about the misogyny of it. that's the joke 2019-03-08T20:57:24 < kakimir> time to pump 2019-03-08T20:59:23 < kakimir> this is gonna take a while 2019-03-08T21:00:43 -!- DisruptiveNL [~Disruptiv@5ED4324B.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T21:01:31 < Laurenceb> O_o 2019-03-08T21:01:35 < Steffanx> Hows the flu kakimir 2019-03-08T21:21:32 < kakimir> that pumping was not healthy with flu 2019-03-08T21:22:12 < kakimir> I'm waiting to repeat the pumping I need to breathe a moment now 2019-03-08T21:23:20 < Steffanx> this pumping involved more than just your left or right hand? 2019-03-08T21:23:24 < Cracki> if you get enough blood clots in your lung, you can cough them up and then you have a negative of your lung 2019-03-08T21:24:20 < kakimir> Steffanx: full body 2019-03-08T21:24:23 < Laurenceb> https://imgoat.com/uploads/ae27d77ca2/204760.jpg 2019-03-08T21:25:29 < kakimir> who is that gui? 2019-03-08T21:25:37 < Laurenceb> >not knowing 2019-03-08T21:27:34 < Steffanx> Not caring. 2019-03-08T21:29:31 < kakimir> Lurencers mind has melted 2019-03-08T21:29:43 < kakimir> he is totally absurd all the time 2019-03-08T21:30:41 < kakimir> time to repeat pumps> 2019-03-08T21:30:42 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-08T21:32:08 < qyx> mhm semtech has a sub-1G sdr transceiver 2019-03-08T21:32:09 < qyx> Laurenceb: ^ 2019-03-08T21:32:19 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T21:32:24 < Laurenceb> nice, thanks 2019-03-08T21:34:00 < qyx> https://www.semtech.com/products/wireless-rf/lora-gateways/sx1255 2019-03-08T21:35:28 * qyx glues SX1255 and L4 together 2019-03-08T21:37:36 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T21:38:23 < catphish> zyp: got your new nucleo? 2019-03-08T21:40:11 < Cracki> vaping unlocks doors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnmcRTnTNC8 2019-03-08T21:40:42 < Steffanx> oh its in stock now, how fancy. 2019-03-08T21:41:12 < qyx> nucleo? 2019-03-08T21:41:46 < Steffanx> yeah 2019-03-08T21:43:04 < Steffanx> the stm32wb nucleo stuff 2019-03-08T21:43:28 < catphish> https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/p-nucleo-wb55.html 2019-03-08T21:44:52 < catphish> looks awesome, i kinda want one, but can't decide if i can make anything useful with it 2019-03-08T21:45:23 < catphish> i can't get over the value here: https://www.gear4music.com/Recording-and-Computers/Behringer-U-Phoria-UM2-USB-Studio-Pack/2KWN 2019-03-08T21:45:42 < catphish> china really are efficient 2019-03-08T21:46:05 < catphish> and £26 for the audio interface alone 2019-03-08T21:49:01 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Gone to sleep...] 2019-03-08T22:13:44 < kakimir> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MLchWFlAhiZyQHhZGtERHP02q9XeoOKy/view?usp=sharing pumping completed 2019-03-08T22:14:48 < kakimir> Cracki: without opening I assume it's about physical pen testing 2019-03-08T22:14:56 < Cracki> it is 2019-03-08T22:15:07 < Cracki> also soceng 2019-03-08T22:15:14 < Laurenceb> central heating in Finland 2019-03-08T22:15:17 < Laurenceb> what is this 2019-03-08T22:15:34 < kakimir> everything has central heating 2019-03-08T22:15:37 < kakimir> what do you mean? 2019-03-08T22:15:52 < kakimir> only cheap people don't install central heating 2019-03-08T22:16:25 < Laurenceb> air source heat pumps or something, I dunno 2019-03-08T22:16:39 < kakimir> pay little first and after that you shovel cash to electric bill 2019-03-08T22:16:45 < zyp> catphish, yeah, arrived today 2019-03-08T22:17:09 < zyp> haven't had time to play with it yet, working on something else now 2019-03-08T22:17:23 < catphish> :) 2019-03-08T22:18:01 < zyp> picked up a bunch of concrete blocks to make a foundation for a future fence: https://bin.jvnv.net/file/Z2eNx.jpg 2019-03-08T22:18:05 < kakimir> but this fucker has this passive air heat exchanger that has thermostat to keep it warm too 2019-03-08T22:18:16 < zyp> and then I put off doing more work on that by going to ikea and picking up more kitchen parts 2019-03-08T22:18:30 < zyp> so now I'm working on putting together more of the kitchen :p 2019-03-08T22:18:45 < kakimir> and that thing is heated with electricity 2019-03-08T22:19:02 < kakimir> warm months I can pay like 10eur a month of electricity 2019-03-08T22:19:18 < kakimir> then it get's a bit colder and suddenly 30-40eurs 2019-03-08T22:19:51 < zyp> heh 2019-03-08T22:20:02 < zyp> power bill here is like five times that 2019-03-08T22:20:11 < mawk> heat with bitcoin 2019-03-08T22:20:17 < kakimir> this is 35squaremeters 2019-03-08T22:20:32 < mawk> https://www.qarnot.com/crypto-heater_qc1/ 2019-03-08T22:20:35 < kakimir> with rent included heating 2019-03-08T22:20:39 < mawk> ah 2019-03-08T22:20:56 < zyp> mawk, last time I looked at miners, ROI is pretty fucking long even assuming free electricity 2019-03-08T22:21:02 < kakimir> crypto stove was nice idea 2019-03-08T22:21:09 < mawk> yeah zyp 2019-03-08T22:21:11 < catphish> we use plain electric heating in my office 2019-03-08T22:21:12 < kakimir> it just came out too late 2019-03-08T22:21:17 < catphish> i wonder if mining would be a sensible idea 2019-03-08T22:21:23 < mawk> but here you add the generated heat to the benefits, and it suddenly has a good ROI 2019-03-08T22:21:36 < mawk> or better at least 2019-03-08T22:21:54 < kakimir> still it will lose to A/C based heating 2019-03-08T22:22:01 < catphish> of course 2019-03-08T22:22:07 < catphish> heat pumps ftw 2019-03-08T22:22:11 < kakimir> both initial investment and operation cost 2019-03-08T22:22:12 < zyp> mawk, no 2019-03-08T22:22:31 < mawk> it's just mechanic, on one side heat is counted as loss, on the other it's a gain 2019-03-08T22:22:47 < zyp> mawk, beneficial heat just means electricity is free since you would have used it anyway 2019-03-08T22:23:29 < zyp> so you don't get any benefits on top of that 2019-03-08T22:24:32 < zyp> and last I checked, ROI on a miner was like 7-8 months even when not accounting for difficulty increase 2019-03-08T22:24:44 < zyp> I mean, break even 2019-03-08T22:24:56 < zyp> with difficulty increase, you probably need a year to break even 2019-03-08T22:25:23 < mawk> right 2019-03-08T22:25:35 < jpa-> zyp: have you bought food with that bitcoin yet? 2019-03-08T22:26:03 < catphish> someone's selling a machine with 8 x 1060 cards in it 2019-03-08T22:26:18 < catphish> i want to own it, but can't see any sane way it would be viable to use it for anything 2019-03-08T22:26:27 < zyp> jpa-, the one I got from Steffanx? no, it's in the pile of bitcoin I'm pretending I've forgot about 2019-03-08T22:26:40 < Steffanx> \o/ 2019-03-08T22:28:06 < mawk> I want bitcoin too Steffanx 2019-03-08T22:28:30 < zyp> I think I've put like 1k€ into that pile, not sure how much it's worth today 2019-03-08T22:29:02 < mawk> with the recent crash certainly less than some months ago 2019-03-08T22:29:07 < mawk> but you can never know 2019-03-08T22:29:14 < mawk> some voodoo/"technical analysis" guys pretend they do 2019-03-08T22:29:28 < Steffanx> it was like 5 euro in buttcoin when i gave it to zyp. or something close to that 2019-03-08T22:29:31 < zyp> yeah, but all of it was bought in 2018, most of it before the huge spike 2019-03-08T22:29:38 < jpa-> i put 100e or something into bitcoin & ethereum when it was rising, took some 300e out; found out later that i don't even have to pay any capital gain taxes because it was less than 1ke 2019-03-08T22:30:16 < Steffanx> would you even when > 1k? 2019-03-08T22:30:25 < Steffanx> isnt buttcoin the money of the free people 2019-03-08T22:30:35 < zyp> I think I had like 3k€ or 4k€ worth at some point, and now it's probably back to around where it was when I bought it 2019-03-08T22:30:44 < jpa-> Steffanx: only if you spend it on tor 2019-03-08T22:30:57 < mawk> to buy sex slaves 2019-03-08T22:32:06 < rajkosto> is the zyp usb hid stack the best one 2019-03-08T22:32:16 < Steffanx> ofcourse 2019-03-08T22:32:35 < jpa-> it has sold hundreds of units, must be good 2019-03-08T22:32:57 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-08T22:33:11 < Steffanx> lol he couldnt handle it 2019-03-08T22:33:15 < zyp> I'm not too worried about those 1k€, I think of it as money I threw out the window a year and a half ago 2019-03-08T22:33:52 < zyp> i.e. I've already written them off so I don't care too hard if they disappear 2019-03-08T22:34:29 < zyp> best case I'll remember them at some point when they're worth 10k€ or some shit 2019-03-08T22:34:45 < zyp> I mean 2019-03-08T22:34:47 < Steffanx> if ever. 2019-03-08T22:34:57 < zyp> I once bought a bitcoin for $8 and forgot about it 2019-03-08T22:35:04 < zyp> then sold it for $100 two years later p 2019-03-08T22:35:06 < zyp> :p 2019-03-08T22:35:20 < zyp> and today it's what? $4k? 2019-03-08T22:35:42 < zyp> not to mention the bunch I sold at $14 and $30 in 2011 2019-03-08T22:37:06 < zyp> Steffanx, and yeah, I don't really expect it to spike that dramatically again, that's why I figure that money is lost already :p 2019-03-08T22:43:46 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-08T22:51:39 < catphish> unfortunately the only bitcoins i ever had in any quantity i mined and then deleted early on because they were worth zero 2019-03-08T22:51:52 < rajkosto> you deleted probably multiple blocks of 50 2019-03-08T22:51:56 < rajkosto> so much money nowadays 2019-03-08T22:52:14 < catphish> mad isn't it :) i guess some people just got lucky by having faith in it 2019-03-08T22:53:46 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:3164:5089:3857:52c1] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-08T23:08:48 < englishman> musics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRnCoHJGmoU 2019-03-08T23:09:31 < englishman> a lot more people got really unlucky by having faith in it 2019-03-08T23:19:06 < zyp> yeah 2019-03-08T23:19:26 < zyp> all the money people have taken out of bitcoin is money other people put into it :p 2019-03-08T23:20:04 < rajkosto> and any of the whales sitting on tons of coins can make the price plummet by dumpin 2019-03-08T23:20:04 < jadew> almost like a ponzi scheme 2019-03-08T23:20:21 < rajkosto> wealth distirbution is insanely skewed 2019-03-08T23:20:28 < englishman> all those real dollars would have gone to alcohol or other gambling companies anyway so no big loss really 2019-03-08T23:22:28 < zyp> I saw the first tesla model 3 I've seen in the wild today 2019-03-08T23:22:41 < englishman> small isnt it 2019-03-08T23:22:44 < kakimir> if you invent general quantum computer 2019-03-08T23:22:57 < zyp> drove behind a car with EV plates, didn't recognize the shape 2019-03-08T23:23:07 < zyp> then I spotted the tesla logo 2019-03-08T23:23:27 < jadew> how much is it? 2019-03-08T23:23:27 < kakimir> can you just pop out any difficulty hash in constant amount of cycles? 2019-03-08T23:23:35 < jadew> is this one supposed to be cheaper? 2019-03-08T23:23:38 < zyp> didn't really have a good look, I drove past it in the other lane 2019-03-08T23:23:51 < zyp> kakimir, no 2019-03-08T23:24:27 < zyp> jadew, it's supposed to be cheap, haven't looked at how cheap 2019-03-08T23:25:08 < jadew> my wife wants us to get an electric car, but it's not a good fit for us, living in an apartment building 2019-03-08T23:25:29 < zyp> hmm, more expensive than I thought 2019-03-08T23:25:34 < jadew> we'd have to install a charging station next to our parking spot (it's doable, but...) 2019-03-08T23:25:48 < zyp> looks like 43k€ for the cheapest variant here 2019-03-08T23:25:52 < Cracki> why does she want it, because it's hip or because it's (obviously not) a good idea? 2019-03-08T23:26:01 < englishman> cheapest one is still 50kWh 2019-03-08T23:26:06 < Cracki> does she just want to waste money 2019-03-08T23:26:09 < englishman> but kona kinda beats that 2019-03-08T23:26:11 < zyp> englishman, only 50? 2019-03-08T23:26:18 < englishman> "autopilot" that doesnt exist yet costs an extra 20k too 2019-03-08T23:26:29 < jadew> Cracki, I think to save money on gas and... because it's hip 2019-03-08T23:26:35 < kakimir> future is here 2019-03-08T23:26:48 < jadew> kakimir, where's my hoverboard? 2019-03-08T23:27:00 < kakimir> cars drive autonomously 2019-03-08T23:27:12 < Cracki> uh, has she calculated the cost of a kilometer electrically and with gas? 2019-03-08T23:27:40 < englishman> zyp the 50kWh is the $35k usd model and at that price there is not a lot of competition 2019-03-08T23:27:54 < jadew> kakimir, pff... to paraphrase Shania, "that don't impress me much". 2019-03-08T23:27:54 < Cracki> has she calculated the breakeven point 2019-03-08T23:27:56 < Cracki> :P 2019-03-08T23:28:14 < englishman> of course they want $2k for paint that isnt black, so the $35k model will be quite rare 2019-03-08T23:28:21 < kakimir> jadew: me neather 2019-03-08T23:28:21 < jadew> she hasn't, I have, at one point 2019-03-08T23:28:48 < zyp> englishman, I suspect that's not available here 2019-03-08T23:28:59 < englishman> yeah it just became available here last week 2019-03-08T23:29:00 -!- DisruptiveNL [~Disruptiv@5ED4324B.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-08T23:29:10 < englishman> but idk there are too many models 2019-03-08T23:29:15 < englishman> and their website doesnt tell you shit 2019-03-08T23:29:17 < englishman> which is a red flag 2019-03-08T23:29:25 < jadew> Cracki, electric is better, but you have to live with the downsides 2019-03-08T23:29:25 < zyp> cheapest model is called «Long Range», can't find anywhere they state the actual battery capacity, but it says 530 km according to WLTP 2019-03-08T23:29:36 < zyp> hmm 2019-03-08T23:29:47 < zyp> here only Long Range and Performance is available 2019-03-08T23:29:51 < zyp> the latter is more expensive 2019-03-08T23:29:52 < jadew> Cracki, depends on which cars you're comparing too 2019-03-08T23:29:55 < englishman> "long range" is 75kWH 2019-03-08T23:30:06 < zyp> ah 2019-03-08T23:30:08 < Cracki> you can probably put a price on the downsides 2019-03-08T23:30:16 < englishman> performance adds some horsepower to the awd model 2019-03-08T23:30:33 < zyp> they are both AWD 2019-03-08T23:30:40 < zyp> seems they don't sell non-AWD TM3 here 2019-03-08T23:30:40 < englishman> ah, it is an option here 2019-03-08T23:30:54 < zyp> hmm 2019-03-08T23:30:54 < englishman> anyway without awd there is just a big empty space in the front 2019-03-08T23:31:01 < zyp> «estimated delivery in march» 2019-03-08T23:31:05 < zyp> wonder what year :p 2019-03-08T23:31:21 < englishman> avoid 2019-03-08T23:31:22 < englishman> imop 2019-03-08T23:31:56 < zyp> but I mean 2019-03-08T23:31:56 < englishman> the first few hundred model S will be out of warranty this year 2019-03-08T23:32:15 < englishman> so we will start hearing about repairs horror stories only a few years from now still 2019-03-08T23:32:20 < zyp> so far in march there's 782 TM3 registered in norway 2019-03-08T23:32:58 < englishman> already the ones under warranty are: leave the car with the dealer for 8 months while you make payments on it and they wait for parts 2019-03-08T23:32:58 < zyp> on the other hand, there's 796 hyundai kona registered so far in 2019 :p 2019-03-08T23:33:19 < englishman> yeah, it is a nice looking car 2019-03-08T23:33:33 < zyp> my friend finally got his kona a few weeks ago 2019-03-08T23:33:37 < zyp> after a bunch of delays :p 2019-03-08T23:34:01 < zyp> haven't had a chance to drive it yet, but he seems happy with it 2019-03-08T23:34:31 < englishman> hopefully they depreciate as fast as the leafs 2019-03-08T23:34:40 < zyp> hehe 2019-03-08T23:34:40 < englishman> so i can get one in 2-3 years for 15k 2019-03-08T23:35:31 < zyp> I figure I'll be keeping the egolf for another while 2019-03-08T23:37:02 < Laurenceb> muh electric cars 2019-03-08T23:37:17 < Laurenceb> uk electricity co2 footprint has gone down a lot recently 2019-03-08T23:44:52 < jadew> I opened up aliexpress, saw this ad for featured products or whatever: http://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1E0.aKrrpK1RjSZTEq6AWAVXaS.jpg_140x140.jpg 2019-03-08T23:45:02 < jadew> clicked on it and ended up here: https://sale.aliexpress.com/country@RO/__pc/inspiration_vehicles_pc.htm 2019-03-08T23:45:25 < jadew> that's stupid advertising 2019-03-08T23:48:37 < qyx> zyp: where did you put your leaf? 2019-03-08T23:48:51 < zyp> leaf? 2019-03-08T23:48:57 < qyx> I though you had a leaf, not the e-golf 2019-03-08T23:49:10 < zyp> we don't have any leafs, just an e-golf and an ion 2019-03-08T23:49:15 < zyp> englishman got a leaf 2019-03-08T23:49:43 < qyx> ugh 2019-03-08T23:49:48 * qyx rewrites his memories 2019-03-08T23:51:32 < Steffanx> Does mr qyx have a car? 2019-03-08T23:51:45 < Steffanx> (semi-random question day) 2019-03-08T23:53:19 < qyx> old opel astra 2019-03-08T23:53:26 < qyx> german diesel 2019-03-08T23:57:50 < Steffanx> :) 2019-03-08T23:58:01 < Steffanx> old as in pre-2000? 2019-03-08T23:58:07 < qyx> no, 2005 --- Day changed Sat Mar 09 2019 2019-03-09T00:01:47 -!- mawk [mawk@serveur.io] has left ##stm32 ["Leaving"] 2019-03-09T00:01:51 -!- mawk [mawk@serveur.io] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T00:13:29 -!- friendofafriend [~ian@pool-71-120-200-135.nrflva.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-09T00:26:58 -!- superbia [~user@unaffiliated/superbia] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T00:27:03 < superbia> Steffanx: online? 2019-03-09T00:30:38 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T00:31:42 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 2019-03-09T00:31:45 -!- BrainDamage_ is now known as BrainDamage 2019-03-09T00:37:35 -!- friendofafriend [~ian@pool-71-120-200-135.nrflva.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T00:39:38 -!- superbia [~user@unaffiliated/superbia] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.4] 2019-03-09T00:51:10 < fenugrec> hum. 160A through a copper PCB plane... 72 watts dissipation.. I see no problem 2019-03-09T00:51:37 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-09T00:54:55 < Cracki> big enough area? 2019-03-09T00:55:03 < Cracki> got enough fans? 2019-03-09T00:55:15 < Cracki> 72 watts is a nice butt warmer 2019-03-09T00:55:42 < Cracki> how much copper? 2019-03-09T00:56:42 < fenugrec> uncomfortably small area... 15x90mm "trace" 2019-03-09T00:56:54 < fenugrec> thinking of dunking it in oil 2019-03-09T00:57:13 -!- enh [~enhering@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T00:57:24 -!- enh [~enhering@] has left ##stm32 [] 2019-03-09T00:57:28 -!- enh [~enhering@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T00:57:56 < aandrew> fenugrec: how thick? 2019-03-09T00:58:11 < fenugrec> aandrew, 1oz, the cheap stuff 2019-03-09T00:58:17 < fenugrec> so... 35um ? 2019-03-09T00:58:20 < fenugrec> or 39 I forget 2019-03-09T00:58:20 < aandrew> sounds right 2019-03-09T00:58:31 < aandrew> it'll probably work if you're happy with the temp rise 2019-03-09T00:58:49 < aandrew> this is an internal plane? might not be as nice 2019-03-09T00:58:56 < fenugrec> nah top plane 2019-03-09T01:04:50 < Cracki> pepper it with heatsinks 2019-03-09T01:05:17 < Cracki> not liking the extra cost for 2oz copper? 2019-03-09T01:09:22 < zyp> hmm 2019-03-09T01:09:50 < zyp> got the stm32wb hooked up and ready to be loaded some code onto 2019-03-09T01:10:28 < zyp> and I'm now realizing another reason it's fucking annoying that the radio firmware is encrypted 2019-03-09T01:11:02 < rajkosto> cant comrpess it / 2019-03-09T01:11:18 < zyp> it means I'll have to dick around with special tools to even load it 2019-03-09T01:12:08 < zyp> I mean, there's apparently an unpublished appnote about how to work with the security system, but I don't have that 2019-03-09T01:12:32 < Cracki> it's a blob that needs to go into the right address, yes? sounds like _at worst_ you wanna turn that into an array of hex values for C code 2019-03-09T01:12:43 < zyp> no 2019-03-09T01:12:56 < Cracki> "encrypted" means more fuckery then? 2019-03-09T01:13:14 < zyp> the flash area it's going into is inaccessible by CPU1 2019-03-09T01:13:44 < zyp> there's some sort of security code also located in the inaccessible area that'll handle decryption 2019-03-09T01:14:33 < zyp> but as far as I can tell, CPU2 can't bootload itself, so it still needs code on CPU1 that can feed the encrypted blob to the code on CPU2 2019-03-09T01:14:52 < zyp> and I figure the docs on how to do that is the appnote I mentioned 2019-03-09T01:15:25 < Cracki> wow 2019-03-09T01:15:41 < zyp> it'd be a lot more convenient if it was just a plain blob to load at a specific address 2019-03-09T01:16:27 < zyp> also, this means that it's more or less impossible to run anything but ST code on CPU2 2019-03-09T01:16:48 < Cracki> ... 2019-03-09T01:17:12 < rajkosto> why woudl you want to run anything but pre-approved vendor code that does exactly what you want 2019-03-09T01:17:52 < zyp> it _might_ be possible to disable security (prerelease of the RM documents how, released version doesn't) 2019-03-09T01:18:52 < zyp> but doing so involves a full chip erase, so that'll also throw out the decryption blob, making it impossible to ever load the encrypted firmwares again 2019-03-09T01:19:10 < Cracki> maybe someone's gonna glitch that out of it 2019-03-09T01:19:27 < zyp> yeah 2019-03-09T01:20:41 < zyp> I mean, the security model relies on every part shipping with a copy of the same encryption keys, only takes one leak to defeat the whole thing 2019-03-09T01:21:58 < zyp> IMO this is bullshit :p 2019-03-09T01:22:19 < zyp> the hardware is cute, but I just want the register interface to the radio so I can write my own radio stack 2019-03-09T01:22:35 < rajkosto> no 2019-03-09T01:22:37 < rajkosto> AT commands onlky 2019-03-09T01:22:41 < zyp> haha 2019-03-09T01:22:50 < rajkosto> 9600baud interface 2019-03-09T01:23:19 < zyp> but oh well 2019-03-09T01:23:27 -!- friendofafriend [~ian@pool-71-120-200-135.nrflva.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-09T01:23:29 < zyp> at least the bullshit is contained on CPU2 2019-03-09T01:24:10 < zyp> linking in a binary blob that'll share a cpu with your own code is more annoying 2019-03-09T01:24:22 < rajkosto> Keil libs only 2019-03-09T01:24:37 < jadew> zyp, any idea on why they went through all this trouble to do this? 2019-03-09T01:24:57 < zyp> I can at least load the plain 802.15.4 radio firmware to CPU2 and just write my own stack on top of that to run on CPU1 2019-03-09T01:25:04 < rajkosto> because they dont want people openly analyzing the horribly explitable radio stack's rtos ? 2019-03-09T01:26:01 < jadew> well, the OS should be able to handle bad shit coming in, no? 2019-03-09T01:26:29 < zyp> jadew, I figure it's some mix of IP protection and enforcing spectrum rules for the radio 2019-03-09T01:27:39 < jadew> zyp, that's what I thought too, maybe this is how they can claim compliance 2019-03-09T01:28:04 < zyp> still seems extreme 2019-03-09T01:28:09 < jadew> so it's possible the radio can do a lot more 2019-03-09T01:28:42 < jadew> well, you need a license for every band your radio operates in 2019-03-09T01:29:25 < jadew> if they make sure it only does ISM stuff, then there's nothing to worry about 2019-03-09T01:30:11 < zyp> if you wanna use another band, just detune it by changing the main crystal :p 2019-03-09T01:30:23 < jadew> hah 2019-03-09T01:30:53 < zyp> could be it has countermeasures against that too, could be comparing HSE to one of the internal oscillators 2019-03-09T01:30:59 < zyp> but still :p 2019-03-09T01:31:13 < jadew> you could finally get a channel for yourself 2019-03-09T01:32:15 < zyp> anyway, I wanna make a hello world app for this shit, then start bringing up peripherals 2019-03-09T01:33:04 < zyp> I figure usb shouldn't be too hard to get going, seems like this is closely related to l4, which is similar to l0, which I've already got plenty support for 2019-03-09T01:33:47 < zyp> but before I erase whatever is on it now, I should probably load the radio firmware I'll be using later 2019-03-09T01:34:04 < zyp> which is what got me annoyed :p 2019-03-09T01:36:11 < zyp> hmm 2019-03-09T01:37:44 < zyp> okay, maybe this shit is actually halfway sane, looks like the updater tool might be loading a temporary loader into SRAM to run on CPU1 2019-03-09T01:37:55 < zyp> to bridge between USB and CPU2 2019-03-09T01:38:11 -!- basker [~basker@unaffiliated/basker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T01:38:46 < jadew> so if you fully erase it you can still get it back? 2019-03-09T01:38:56 < zyp> no 2019-03-09T01:39:41 < zyp> but at least updating the radio stack might be possible without having my firmware do anything to support it 2019-03-09T01:51:00 -!- catphish [~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-09T01:52:44 -!- friendofafriend [~ian@pool-71-120-200-135.nrflva.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T01:56:04 < zyp> hmm, interesting 2019-03-09T01:57:32 < zyp> originally the device came with flash above 0x80cb000 being reserved 2019-03-09T01:57:42 -!- basker [~basker@unaffiliated/basker] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-09T01:58:26 < zyp> tool has a -fwdelete command, now flash is available up to 0x80f6000 2019-03-09T02:00:35 < zyp> 1MB flash total, upper 40k is apparently reserved for the encryption stuff 2019-03-09T02:00:50 < zyp> then radio stack goes below that, size varying depending on which stack 2019-03-09T02:09:53 < zyp> but okay, that's fairly sane 2019-03-09T02:09:57 < zyp> at least 2019-03-09T02:10:24 < zyp> tool's shit, gui part throws some java exception but cli one works 2019-03-09T02:10:30 < zyp> good enough 2019-03-09T02:10:49 < zyp> time to get a hello world running 2019-03-09T02:15:50 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T02:19:35 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-09T02:32:59 -!- friendofafriend [~ian@pool-71-120-200-135.nrflva.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-09T02:38:22 -!- friendofafriend [~ian@pool-71-120-200-135.nrflva.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T02:54:27 < zyp> there, now I've got a blinky running 2019-03-09T02:59:40 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T03:02:34 -!- Streake_ [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-09T03:02:51 < Laurenceb_123> keeek reading muh local news 2019-03-09T03:03:20 < Laurenceb_123> >a man with a sex fetish for police stations has been arrested after drilling holes into the side of the local police station to have sex with it 2019-03-09T03:04:08 < Laurenceb_123> >after hearing drilling sounds, police found the man engaged in a sex act with the wall holding a battery operated drill 2019-03-09T03:05:05 < Laurenceb_123> inb4 britbongland bands battery operated drills 2019-03-09T03:05:09 < Laurenceb_123> *bans 2019-03-09T03:09:56 -!- friendofafriend [~ian@pool-71-120-200-135.nrflva.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-09T03:18:58 < Cracki> penis loicense 2019-03-09T03:21:00 -!- gsi__ [~gsisig@x4db46b70.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T03:23:52 -!- gsi_ [~gsisig@x4dbd26a8.dyn.telefonica.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 2019-03-09T03:24:53 < Laurenceb_123> less weird than liking https://imgoat.com/uploads/ae27d77ca2/204827.jpg 2019-03-09T03:25:36 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-09T03:26:37 < Cracki> who is that again 2019-03-09T03:27:28 < Cracki> ah, Margarethe Merkel 2019-03-09T03:29:03 < jadew> who? 2019-03-09T03:29:11 < Laurenceb_123> kek 2019-03-09T03:29:20 < Laurenceb_123> our new kween 2019-03-09T03:29:59 < Cracki> oooh the laser cutter of the local faplab is 30W and according to some chinese yt video, that's enough for 0.3mm stainless steel 2019-03-09T03:30:41 < jadew> so you can make stencils? 2019-03-09T03:30:53 < Cracki> haha they're having to shoot at it for a minute before it's through 2019-03-09T03:30:59 < Cracki> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8lPUjeKhto 2019-03-09T03:31:09 < Cracki> my application would be encoder wheels but stencils maybe too 2019-03-09T03:31:23 < Laurenceb_123> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY611ekXuXw&feature=youtu.be 2019-03-09T03:31:26 < Cracki> for stencils, people would use plastic sheets 2019-03-09T03:31:28 < Laurenceb_123> my sides at the comments 2019-03-09T03:31:35 < Cracki> install Dissenter :> 2019-03-09T03:32:26 < Cracki> hahaha 2019-03-09T03:32:43 < Cracki> cops can be real retards... 2019-03-09T03:32:55 < Cracki> commanding a bloody corpse 2019-03-09T03:33:11 < Laurenceb_123> >You are not IQ champs... you are americanos 2019-03-09T03:33:14 < Laurenceb_123> kekking hard 2019-03-09T03:33:37 < Laurenceb_123> >be american 2019-03-09T03:33:41 < Laurenceb_123> >get shot and die 2019-03-09T03:33:45 < Laurenceb_123> kekking harder 2019-03-09T03:34:02 < Cracki> it's a good idea to be white when dealing with murican cops 2019-03-09T03:34:15 < Cracki> I'll bet that driver forgot to be white 2019-03-09T03:35:03 < Laurenceb_123> >implying they wont still shoot you 2019-03-09T03:35:59 < Cracki> russian commenting "I live in Russia, the police do not shoot at people just because they do not want to get out of the car. The United States is an anti-human state, you are terrible people." 2019-03-09T03:36:11 < Cracki> that should give you pause 2019-03-09T03:37:15 < Cracki> maybe it IS a good idea to shoot the cop before it shoots you 2019-03-09T03:37:29 < Laurenceb_123> heh 2019-03-09T03:38:45 < Cracki> that maniac will walk away from this with zero punishment 2019-03-09T03:39:14 < Laurenceb_123> https://imgoat.com/uploads/ae27d77ca2/204837.png 2019-03-09T03:39:29 < Cracki> same as that monster who shot a white dude who was so drunk he didn't have the presence of mind *not* to pull up his pants 2019-03-09T03:39:56 < Cracki> those cops should get capital punishment 2019-03-09T03:40:16 < Cracki> there's absolutely no argument against letting that bastard live 2019-03-09T03:40:19 < Cracki> *for 2019-03-09T03:41:08 < Cracki> aha, looks like that dead driver was black 2019-03-09T03:41:36 < Cracki> I'm no hippie but even I can't justify that cop's actions 2019-03-09T03:43:55 < Cracki> the passenger's name is Disarray- pardon me! Desaray, Clarke 2019-03-09T03:44:26 < Cracki> anyway... so stencils and shit with a laser cutter? 2019-03-09T03:45:10 < Cracki> bwahaha chinaman puts his fat finger right under the laser beam 2019-03-09T03:50:16 < Laurenceb_123> >when ur laser cutter arrives with fingers inside 2019-03-09T03:50:25 * Laurenceb_123 severed two fingers on one hand 2019-03-09T03:51:48 < Laurenceb_123> attached back on at the hospital and 10 years later its close to normal 2019-03-09T03:52:23 < Cracki> oh cool, they will cut plywood with urea-based glue, which isn't such a good idea for health, but they have an exhaust filter 2019-03-09T03:53:45 < Laurenceb_123> inb4 someone has a cutting their own fingers off fetish 2019-03-09T04:00:21 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-09T04:04:24 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T04:15:40 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-09T04:26:08 -!- friendofafriend [~ian@pool-71-120-200-135.nrflva.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T05:22:41 -!- enh [~enhering@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-09T05:26:08 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-09T05:49:16 < Cracki> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D1LnnpNV4AASW0S.jpg:orig 2019-03-09T05:50:12 < Cracki> six women: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D1H5qxJVAAMzr5w.jpg:orig 2019-03-09T06:06:07 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-09T06:06:23 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T06:33:29 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 2019-03-09T06:37:14 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T06:50:10 -!- fc5dc9d4 [~quassel@p57A32896.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T06:54:09 -!- fc5dc9d4_ [~quassel@p5B08107D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-09T07:19:18 -!- friendofafriend [~ian@pool-71-120-200-135.nrflva.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Changing server] 2019-03-09T07:21:28 -!- friendofafriend [~ian@pool-71-120-200-135.nrflva.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T07:44:42 < machinehum> hi 2019-03-09T07:45:43 < friendofafriend> Hello, machinehum. 2019-03-09T07:45:47 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-09T07:46:32 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T07:50:01 < machinehum> friendofafriend: What's happening? 2019-03-09T07:50:28 < machinehum> Embeded Python obviously 2019-03-09T07:58:31 < machinehum> Hey how do I make my makefile compile c and c++ in the same project 2019-03-09T07:58:34 < machinehum> plx 2019-03-09T07:58:36 < machinehum> plx 2019-03-09T08:09:41 -!- leorat [~rat@unaffiliated/leorat] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T08:14:22 -!- leorat [~rat@unaffiliated/leorat] has quit [Client Quit] 2019-03-09T09:03:48 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-09T09:15:26 -!- friendofafriend [~ian@pool-71-120-200-135.nrflva.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-09T09:37:18 -!- friendofafriend [~ian@pool-71-120-200-135.nrflva.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T09:39:09 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T10:11:31 -!- kow__ [~afed@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-09T10:11:57 -!- kow__ [~afed@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T10:20:06 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T10:24:56 -!- friendofafriend [~ian@pool-71-120-200-135.nrflva.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 2019-03-09T10:32:45 -!- R2COM [~R2COM@ip68-3-184-221.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T10:32:57 < R2COM> man this rtx2080 is a beast 2019-03-09T10:33:47 -!- friendofafriend [~ian@pool-71-120-200-135.nrflva.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T10:44:28 -!- leorat [~rat@unaffiliated/leorat] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T10:47:45 -!- friendofafriend [~ian@pool-71-120-200-135.nrflva.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 2019-03-09T10:53:05 -!- leorat [~rat@unaffiliated/leorat] has quit [Quit: leorat] 2019-03-09T10:57:17 < dongs> yes iti s 2019-03-09T11:01:11 -!- friendofafriend [~ian@pool-71-120-200-135.nrflva.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T11:01:49 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:9531:d655:2968:c159] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T11:16:12 -!- Jybz [~jibz@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T11:25:19 -!- Chris_M [~Chris_M@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T11:36:43 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-09T11:46:48 < invzim> How is the noise level when idling/watchning youtube and normal desktop stuff? 2019-03-09T11:49:46 -!- friendofafriend [~ian@pool-71-120-200-135.nrflva.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] 2019-03-09T11:50:16 -!- friendofafriend [~ian@pool-71-120-200-135.nrflva.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T12:09:41 < jadew> invzim, probably ok when new 2019-03-09T12:11:39 -!- benishor [~benny@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-09T12:12:55 < Steffanx> Semi passive doesnt do noise when idle 2019-03-09T12:13:34 -!- benishor [~benny@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T12:18:31 -!- friendofafriend [~ian@pool-71-120-200-135.nrflva.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] 2019-03-09T12:22:19 -!- comptroller [~comptroll@47-213-222-253.paolcmtc01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T12:25:32 -!- friendofafriend [~ian@pool-71-120-200-135.nrflva.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T13:00:32 -!- psprint [~psprint@] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.3] 2019-03-09T13:02:49 -!- psprint [~psprint@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T13:04:13 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-09T13:11:24 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:9531:d655:2968:c159] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 2019-03-09T13:12:12 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:9531:d655:2968:c159] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T13:38:12 < dongs> invzim: none 2019-03-09T13:38:17 < dongs> at least id ont hear anything 2019-03-09T13:42:07 < zyp> dongs, I thought you didn't buy gaymer cpus 2019-03-09T13:42:14 < zyp> gpus* 2019-03-09T13:43:01 < invzim> I kind of want a new cpu, but 'saving' up for a production run of my rgb scaler 2019-03-09T13:45:56 -!- DisruptiveNL [~Disruptiv@5ED4324B.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T13:47:12 < dongs> zyp, 2080 was available with paypal, i couldnt refuse 2019-03-09T13:47:22 < zyp> haha 2019-03-09T13:47:24 < dongs> and its not bad, it plays minecraft and some other random shit prett well 2019-03-09T13:47:30 < zyp> I bet 2019-03-09T13:47:59 < Steffanx> Yeah, i should upgrade my 2070 to 2080 for better minecraft performance 2019-03-09T13:48:01 < dongs> but yeah my main desktop is still quadro 2019-03-09T13:48:17 < dongs> gaming rig has the 2080 2019-03-09T13:48:23 -!- obsrver [~quassel@p4FF16C5B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T13:51:30 < srk> rtx joke gpus :D 2019-03-09T13:52:25 < Steffanx> Ok 2019-03-09T13:52:37 < Steffanx> Better buy amd srk 2019-03-09T13:52:43 < dongs> lol amd 2019-03-09T13:52:47 < Steffanx> Haskell it 2019-03-09T13:52:48 < dongs> brokebitch gpu/cpu combo 2019-03-09T13:53:15 < srk> Steffanx: better troll with style 2019-03-09T13:53:23 < srk> iz getting boring 2019-03-09T13:53:42 < Steffanx> Yeah. It was. 2019-03-09T13:54:05 < srk> with rtx you pay for "special" raytracing cores instead of general purpose compute units 2019-03-09T13:54:18 < srk> cause raytracing is the new hype lol 2019-03-09T13:55:26 < Steffanx> Perhaps. 2019-03-09T13:55:35 < srk> I do have 1070Ti and passively cooled 1030 which is still more than enough for most games 2019-03-09T13:57:01 < dongs> 1070ti is pretty good yea 2019-03-09T13:57:10 < dongs> that was the last thing released from 10 series right? 2019-03-09T13:59:19 < srk> possibly, looks like they've release lower-end ones later (1050 May 2018) 2019-03-09T14:00:04 < Steffanx> Today 1660 is hot 2019-03-09T14:00:53 < dongs> its the RTX witohout gaytracing 2019-03-09T14:03:26 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T14:14:00 -!- DisruptiveNL [~Disruptiv@5ED4324B.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-09T14:17:44 < englishman> isn't 2019 all about watching other people play games 2019-03-09T14:18:27 < srk> that was 2018 2019-03-09T14:19:15 < srk> you still need solid GPU to play youtube xD 2019-03-09T14:25:00 < Steffanx> Does lunix even do proper drivers for 2019-03-09T14:25:03 < Steffanx> Nvidia 2019-03-09T14:25:06 < dongs> no 2019-03-09T14:25:17 < dongs> nvidia is trying hard to have something 2019-03-09T14:25:23 < dongs> but they have to rewrite half the lunix kernel / half of X11 2019-03-09T14:25:26 < dongs> to get thier shit to play nice 2019-03-09T14:27:50 < srk> what :D 2019-03-09T14:28:31 < srk> you can run on opensource drivers, you probably want to install their binary shit for real performance 2019-03-09T14:28:41 < srk> which is quite similar to windows 2019-03-09T14:29:25 < srk> except their driver is not open and not even able to play youtube 2019-03-09T14:30:26 < PeterM> im having performance issues in oldschool runescape, i should probably upgrade my 1080ti to a 2080 2019-03-09T14:31:08 < srk> problem with linux is that such GPU kind-of needs it's own kernel so you have kernel in kernel for this "special" multicore FPU 2019-03-09T14:32:42 < PeterM> thats ok, nobody uses lunix anyway, so doesnt really effect anyone, and on windows someone else (nvidia) takes care of all that for you 2019-03-09T14:32:55 < englishman> https://www.worksonmymachine.pro/ 2019-03-09T14:32:58 < srk> totally 2019-03-09T14:33:34 < srk> PeterM: taking care by downloading 500Mb installer with proprietary drivers and some bloatware lol 2019-03-09T14:33:50 < Steffanx> Yeah. The nvidia experience. 2019-03-09T14:33:54 < srk> because they can't even distribute the driver with OS xD 2019-03-09T14:34:44 < PeterM> i dunno, never had an issue with bloatwear, i guess i dont notice it since im not using some 15 year old ibm laptop 2019-03-09T14:34:47 < BrainDamage> the nvidia driver is 11.8MB 2019-03-09T14:35:08 < srk> yeah, run some pro tools on your pro hardware 2019-03-09T14:35:19 < srk> like anyone gives a fuck 2019-03-09T14:35:45 < srk> better go to pro slack, heard that it's like IRC for modern computers 2019-03-09T14:36:26 < Steffanx> Im temptes to mentiom haskell, but srk no longer likes it :P 2019-03-09T14:36:30 < Steffanx> Mention* 2019-03-09T14:36:46 < srk> no, just step up your trolling 2019-03-09T14:37:00 < PeterM> wait, you cant run two programs at once? i've got both irc and slack running 2019-03-09T14:37:02 < srk> cause it's boring to repeat same shit over and over 2019-03-09T14:37:27 < srk> no I only have 1 core and programs on tape 2019-03-09T14:38:14 < PeterM> sheeeeeet, give me your address and i'll mail you some old hardware 2019-03-09T14:38:15 < englishman> are 15 year old IBM laptops supported in lunix yet? 2019-03-09T14:38:21 < srk> ppl who think that some proprietary shite browser chat is a good idea lol 2019-03-09T14:38:37 < PeterM> englishman im pretty sure they jsut got the wifi drivers sorted 2019-03-09T14:39:04 < englishman> lunix has drivers now? 2019-03-09T14:39:20 < BrainDamage> fun fact, 15 year old ibm laptops are particularly fetishised among lunix users, for multiple reasons 2019-03-09T14:39:20 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ybsxibcbhcnsilqk] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T14:39:46 < srk> like good hardware support 2019-03-09T14:39:53 < srk> same with lenovo 2019-03-09T14:40:08 < englishman> slack is pretty nice 2019-03-09T14:40:09 < BrainDamage> coreboot support mostly 2019-03-09T14:40:10 < PeterM> yeah man, they have drivers, lunix is the number 1 operating system for writing drivers 2019-03-09T14:40:47 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-09T14:40:52 < srk> I've flashed my x200 with coreboot, need bigger clip for x230 2019-03-09T14:40:54 < PeterM> it's also up there for editing text config files and recompiling kernels 2019-03-09T14:41:03 < srk> aww 2019-03-09T14:41:27 < srk> vim is too hard, I get it 2019-03-09T14:41:34 < srk> better install visual studio pro 2019-03-09T14:41:56 < srk> command line apps!? in 20th century.. what a joke 2019-03-09T14:42:11 < Steffanx> Srk step up the troll game ;) 2019-03-09T14:42:14 < PeterM> i think you're confused, i said it is very good for that application... 2019-03-09T14:42:25 < srk> what was teh last time you've seen an actual linux? 20y ago? 2019-03-09T14:43:18 < PeterM> nah, probably a month or so ago, had to do some stuff on an rpi 2019-03-09T14:43:34 < srk> poor you 2019-03-09T14:43:47 < srk> raspbian sucks so hard 2019-03-09T14:43:48 < Steffanx> Should've used haskell PeterM 2019-03-09T14:44:04 < srk> sel4 2019-03-09T14:44:27 < Steffanx> Raspbian is more than just debian for rpi? 2019-03-09T14:44:27 < englishman> rapsbian is pretty nice too, smoothest install of any lunix, graphical config utility 2019-03-09T14:44:48 < srk> sadly it is more 2019-03-09T14:45:08 < srk> it's like fucked up linux for arduino pros 2019-03-09T14:45:26 < englishman> works fine here 2019-03-09T14:45:38 < srk> need camera? use raspivid. need gpio? install some rpi.gpio python crap 2019-03-09T14:45:40 < srk> etc etc 2019-03-09T14:46:02 < englishman> doesn't everything on lunix work like that 2019-03-09T14:46:30 < srk> no, there's usually a pretty standardized way how to do *common* stuff 2019-03-09T14:46:40 < englishman> need camera, install uvc 2019-03-09T14:46:45 < srk> v4l 2019-03-09T14:46:51 < englishman> need gpio, haha lol 2019-03-09T14:47:03 < srk> /sys/class/gpio 2019-03-09T14:47:05 < englishman> wait for the driver 2019-03-09T14:47:10 < srk> deprecated in favor of gpiod something 2019-03-09T14:47:19 -!- Jybz [~jibz@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-09T14:47:29 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-211.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T14:48:50 < englishman> I'm sure next year it will be deprecated again 2019-03-09T14:48:52 < srk> raspbian mainly ships custom kernel, with "support" for boot.txt and overlays 2019-03-09T14:49:02 < PeterM> if i had more time for the project and i was feeling suicidal i probably would have used a chibiOS port on it 2019-03-09T14:49:21 < dongs> gpiod = made by systemd & co? 2019-03-09T14:49:24 < PeterM> since it was more of an embedded application, didnt really need lunix 2019-03-09T14:49:26 < srk> nope 2019-03-09T14:50:11 < srk> https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/libs/libgpiod/libgpiod.git/ 2019-03-09T14:55:35 < tjq> thank 2019-03-09T14:58:36 < Steffanx> tw 2019-03-09T15:04:07 < tjq> J 2019-03-09T15:06:54 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T15:15:03 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [] 2019-03-09T15:32:46 -!- enh [~enhering@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T15:42:27 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:9531:d655:2968:c159] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-09T15:55:08 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T15:55:53 < bitmask> hi hi hi 2019-03-09T15:59:24 < Steffanx> Goodday sir 2019-03-09T15:59:31 < bitmask> how do you do? 2019-03-09T16:00:09 < Steffanx> Good enough. There? 2019-03-09T16:00:11 < bitmask> its wonderful to have my car back, now I just need monies to fill her gas hole 2019-03-09T16:00:29 < bitmask> good enough as well 2019-03-09T16:00:34 < Steffanx> did they take your car? 2019-03-09T16:01:17 < bitmask> it was sitting for a year outside and rusted, brought it to the shop last week and just got it back yesterday 2019-03-09T16:01:26 < bitmask> gonna need more work but its good for now 2019-03-09T16:02:01 < bitmask> got new pads in the back and a brake caliper and hose on one side, rotors should be ok for a while 2019-03-09T16:02:16 < bitmask> the front is gonna need more work but at least none of the wheels were locked up so I can wait a while for it 2019-03-09T16:14:55 < bitmask> is there anyway to measure power supply noise without a scope? 2019-03-09T16:15:20 < jadew> with a spectrum analyzer 2019-03-09T16:15:28 < bitmask> that sounds more expensive 2019-03-09T16:15:29 < bitmask> :P 2019-03-09T16:15:32 < jadew> :) 2019-03-09T16:16:57 < bitmask> figured Id get a little lab power supply for my bday, the DPS5015 2019-03-09T16:17:34 < jadew> how much is it? 2019-03-09T16:17:45 < bitmask> $60 with the case 2019-03-09T16:17:54 < jadew> hmm 2019-03-09T16:17:54 < bitmask> and usb/bluetooth 2019-03-09T16:18:04 < jadew> you can probably get something better in that range 2019-03-09T16:18:43 < jadew> looks ok I guess 2019-03-09T16:18:47 < jadew> did you already get it? 2019-03-09T16:18:51 < bitmask> I was thinking with this I could eventually add a 5005 for a dual supply and maybe have a switch that switches the output to go through a linear ldo for less noise? 2019-03-09T16:18:58 < bitmask> no not yet 2019-03-09T16:19:27 < jadew> a linear regulator will reduce noise, yes 2019-03-09T16:19:37 < jadew> but might not reduce it as much as you'd want, depending on the noise 2019-03-09T16:20:07 < jadew> how much is the 5005? 2019-03-09T16:20:14 < bitmask> I'm not into very high precision stuff (yet?) so I"m not sure what I want but this just seemed like a more configurable option 2019-03-09T16:20:18 < bitmask> $27 2019-03-09T16:20:24 < bitmask> without case 2019-03-09T16:20:40 < jadew> oh, I thought the 5005 was the Korad one 2019-03-09T16:21:15 < bitmask> the 5005 has more precision which is why id get that instead of a second 5015 2019-03-09T16:21:44 < jadew> why don't you get a linear one? 2019-03-09T16:22:17 < bitmask> they have linear bench psus? isnt that really inefficient? 2019-03-09T16:22:46 < jadew> they do, they have the cleanest output 2019-03-09T16:23:00 -!- gsi__ is now known as gsi_ 2019-03-09T16:23:18 < jadew> and you don't care about efficiency in the lab anyway 2019-03-09T16:24:05 < bitmask> ehh I think id be fine with a switching for the main unit and then like I mentioned, add a ldo linear as an output option if I decide I want to clean it up 2019-03-09T16:24:34 < jadew> if you need to use a bunch of other crap after the supply, it kinda defeats the purpose 2019-03-09T16:24:44 < jadew> you'll then have to set the voltage from that thing 2019-03-09T16:24:49 < jadew> rather than from the PSU 2019-03-09T16:25:12 < bitmask> I was looking at the TPS7A4700 and some other one 2019-03-09T16:25:44 < bitmask> yea but thats not for a common use case, i mean if you know of a linear option in that price range I'm open to suggestions but this doesnt seem that annoying 2019-03-09T16:26:01 < jadew> this looks ok: https://www.amazon.com/Tekpower-TP3005TN-Variable-Alligator-Switchable/dp/B07G4HVD5M/ref=pd_day0_hl_469_8 2019-03-09T16:26:22 < jadew> that's what I found on a quick serach 2019-03-09T16:26:26 < jadew> I'm sure you can be more picky 2019-03-09T16:26:32 < jadew> look for more buttons, etc 2019-03-09T16:27:13 < bitmask> yea but its already more expensive with much lower output, I mean I guess I probably don't need 50V or 15A but I'll have to think about it 2019-03-09T16:28:30 < jadew> do you even have banana cables that can do 15 A? 2019-03-09T16:28:56 < bitmask> I dont have any, thats another purchase 2019-03-09T16:29:17 < jadew> I guess it depends what you're into 2019-03-09T16:29:25 < jadew> for me, precision is key 2019-03-09T16:29:27 < bitmask> yea I guess I gotta think about it 2019-03-09T16:30:09 < bitmask> thanks for the info though, you definitely complicated things but I guess its better to get the right product :) 2019-03-09T16:30:21 < jadew> heh, you're welcome 2019-03-09T16:35:36 < bitmask> oh I guess these units include the power supply itself too right? 2019-03-09T16:35:46 < bitmask> the ones I mentioned dont 2019-03-09T16:35:51 < jadew> which units? 2019-03-09T16:35:56 < jadew> the one I linked? 2019-03-09T16:35:59 < bitmask> like the linear one you linked 2019-03-09T16:36:08 < jadew> yeah, that's a proper lab power supply 2019-03-09T16:36:29 < bitmask> alright, I guess I should do that, the one I was talking about was just a step down unit 2019-03-09T16:36:34 < jadew> I don't know anything about the one I linked, but I only gave it as an example for what you should be looking for 2019-03-09T16:36:41 < bitmask> right 2019-03-09T16:39:27 < jadew> this is a popular one: https://www.amazon.com/KORAD-KA3005D-Precision-Adjustable-Regulated/dp/B0084JFWNY 2019-03-09T16:39:31 < jadew> there's a version with USB too 2019-03-09T16:40:08 < bitmask> whys it gotta look so old :P 2019-03-09T16:40:53 < jadew> probably because it doesn't matter :) 2019-03-09T16:41:04 < bitmask> haha 2019-03-09T16:41:41 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T16:41:59 < jadew> you could build your own power supply and do something else with the money 2019-03-09T16:42:28 < jadew> I built my first couple power supplies, but I don't use any of them anymore 2019-03-09T16:45:52 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T16:47:54 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T16:52:01 < bitmask> any tips on where to find info? I don't know if I would want to but I'm interested in reading up on it anyway 2019-03-09T17:00:03 -!- obsrver [~quassel@p4FF16C5B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-09T17:08:20 < bitmask> is it worth getting a pc programmable supply? 2019-03-09T17:08:35 < bitmask> seems to be about $30 more for the korad 2019-03-09T17:09:00 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ybsxibcbhcnsilqk] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-09T17:40:36 -!- obsrver [~quassel@p4FF16C5B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T17:40:50 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:9531:d655:2968:c159] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T17:43:47 -!- obsrver [~quassel@p4FF16C5B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Client Quit] 2019-03-09T17:44:33 -!- obsrver [~quassel@p4FF16C5B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T17:46:53 -!- enh [~enhering@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-09T17:47:05 < Laurenceb_123> https://imgoat.com/uploads/ae27d77ca2/204980.jpg 2019-03-09T17:47:30 < Laurenceb_123> memetic 2019-03-09T17:48:46 < jadew> I don't get it 2019-03-09T17:48:51 < Laurenceb_123> imagine if Alba-Chan and Sargon had a babby 2019-03-09T17:48:59 < jadew> bitmask, don't know if it's worth it, not as much as you might think 2019-03-09T17:49:22 < bitmask> k 2019-03-09T17:49:40 < jadew> I've only used that feature on my power supplies maybe... twice 2019-03-09T17:49:52 < Laurenceb_123> uk versus usa https://imgoat.com/uploads/ae27d77ca2/204983.jpg 2019-03-09T17:51:11 < dongs> Laurenceb_123: Hi! It looks like you're engaging in activity not directly related to STM32 or electronics. May I suggest you tweet about it instead? Or perhaps make a stumble.upon? Or even better, just /msg ohsix directly? Thank you! 2019-03-09T17:51:29 < Laurenceb_123> ohsix, I remember that guy 2019-03-09T17:51:37 < jadew> dongs, did you get a chance to use that thing from me? 2019-03-09T17:51:48 < dongs> yes jadew of course its been running 2019-03-09T17:51:49 < dongs> it works 2019-03-09T17:51:52 < dongs> as far as i can tell 2019-03-09T17:51:57 < dongs> i've got amp>thing>pluto 2019-03-09T17:52:01 < dongs> it works, and signal is much better 2019-03-09T17:52:04 < jadew> awesome 2019-03-09T17:52:17 < BrainDamage> what is "thing"? bandstop filter? 2019-03-09T17:52:24 < jadew> BrainDamage, limiter 2019-03-09T17:52:32 < dongs> it protects pluto from chinaamp output 2019-03-09T17:53:01 < BrainDamage> yeah, the other solution typically employed is bandstop filters on strong stations, especially on broadcast bands 2019-03-09T17:53:20 < Laurenceb_123> wtf is pluto? 2019-03-09T17:53:25 < BrainDamage> plutosdr 2019-03-09T17:53:32 < jadew> BrainDamage, yeah, but that wouldn't protect your receiver if the amplifier started oscillating or something 2019-03-09T17:53:44 < BrainDamage> yup 2019-03-09T17:56:33 * veverak is braindead this day 2019-03-09T17:56:35 < veverak> hmm 2019-03-09T17:56:41 * veverak is braindead this day more than other days 2019-03-09T17:56:42 < veverak> that is 2019-03-09T17:58:55 < veverak> on stm32l432kc nucleo kit, 5V pin or VIN pin should be used to provide the board 5V? (when USB is not doing so, that is) 2019-03-09T18:07:32 -!- sterna [~Adium@cgn85-194-11-99.bredband.comhem.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T18:27:59 < rajkosto> whats the fastest a photoresistor can detect light 2019-03-09T18:28:49 -!- sYCH3L [50eb5913@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T18:28:58 < mawk> some can take hours to get to the target resistance 2019-03-09T18:29:12 < mawk> to fully stabilize 2019-03-09T18:29:26 < mawk> maybe you want something else than a photoresistor 2019-03-09T18:30:42 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:9531:d655:2968:c159] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-09T18:31:15 < jadew> rajkosto, a photo diode 2019-03-09T18:31:33 < jadew> ah, I misread the question 2019-03-09T18:32:31 < rajkosto> i want a 10000fps single pixel camera 2019-03-09T18:34:46 < jadew> so get a photo diode 2019-03-09T18:34:57 < jadew> do you need to know color too? 2019-03-09T18:34:59 < rajkosto> isnt that digital 2019-03-09T18:35:00 < rajkosto> yes 2019-03-09T18:35:12 < jadew> it's not 2019-03-09T18:35:19 < jadew> then get 3 photo diodes 2019-03-09T18:36:53 < rajkosto> how do you get a linear intensity reading off photo diodes 2019-03-09T18:37:50 < jadew> with math 2019-03-09T18:38:17 < jadew> depends on how much light you shine on them 2019-03-09T18:38:27 < jadew> but at the lower end, they're not linear 2019-03-09T18:38:34 < rajkosto> plenty. 2019-03-09T18:38:34 < jadew> after that part is done, they're fairly linear 2019-03-09T18:40:05 < jadew> then you might not have to deal with the non-linearities, but again, depends on your application 2019-03-09T18:40:22 < jadew> if you want perfect linearity, there's still something to correct there 2019-03-09T18:40:40 < rajkosto> its all going to a computer for processing anyway 2019-03-09T18:41:31 < jadew> the slope is still logarithmic, but depending on your dynamic range, it might look linear enough 2019-03-09T18:43:38 < rajkosto> actually for what i want to do i can totally just characterize it before use 2019-03-09T18:43:48 < BrainDamage> rajkosto: https://i.imgur.com/1gMRYjn.png 2019-03-09T18:44:02 < BrainDamage> this will give a linear output with light intensity 2019-03-09T18:44:23 < BrainDamage> however, you want a photodiode with very low dark current if you plan to use it at high speed 2019-03-09T18:44:51 < BrainDamage> because the shot noise of the dark current is what compares to the integral of your light signal in the shutter time 2019-03-09T18:44:55 < BrainDamage> for the SNR 2019-03-09T18:45:04 < mawk> senza titolo 2019-03-09T18:45:33 < BrainDamage> sans titre 2019-03-09T18:46:06 < BrainDamage> oh and the resistor I just slapped a random 50Ohm, but you actually want it pretty large 2019-03-09T18:46:20 < Laurenceb_123> just get a APD tbh 2019-03-09T18:46:21 < BrainDamage> 10MOhm or more 2019-03-09T18:46:40 < Laurenceb_123> or one of these babies 2019-03-09T18:46:41 < Laurenceb_123> https://sensl.com/ 2019-03-09T18:46:42 < BrainDamage> or a SPAD 2019-03-09T18:47:09 < rajkosto> BrainDamage, https://www.osram.com/media/resource/hires/osram-dam-2495896/BPW%2021.pdf ? 2019-03-09T18:47:10 < Laurenceb_123> oh they got brought up 2019-03-09T18:47:12 < Laurenceb_123> https://www.onsemi.com/PowerSolutions/parametrics/17940/products 2019-03-09T18:48:09 < scrts> hey lads 2019-03-09T18:48:17 < scrts> does anyone have parallella board? 2019-03-09T18:48:32 < Laurenceb_123> why.jpg 2019-03-09T18:49:06 < Laurenceb_123> I was thinking of haxoring some of those sensl detectors to 10Mbps ethernet and trying to set free space optical comms record 2019-03-09T18:49:15 < Laurenceb_123> but it would be pointless and lame tbh 2019-03-09T18:49:55 < BrainDamage> rajkosto: that limits your light sensitivity to a lux or so 2019-03-09T18:50:20 < scrts> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D1JypcnWsAA8Sr6.jpg:large 2019-03-09T18:50:36 < BrainDamage> are those nail clippings? 2019-03-09T18:50:45 < jadew> yeah, but it looks fake 2019-03-09T18:51:00 < jadew> who clips their nails on top of the keyboard? 2019-03-09T18:51:02 < dongs> looks like my clipboard 2019-03-09T18:51:02 < BrainDamage> there's quite a few in my keyboard, but not as many 2019-03-09T18:51:07 < dongs> err 2019-03-09T18:51:08 < dongs> keyboard 2019-03-09T18:51:12 < BrainDamage> someone who bites their nails 2019-03-09T18:51:19 < jadew> ah 2019-03-09T18:51:30 < jadew> I thought people who do that also swallow them 2019-03-09T18:51:38 < scrts> dunno 2019-03-09T18:51:39 < scrts> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D1LRcg1WoAAaIPs.jpg:large 2019-03-09T18:51:40 < jadew> I guess some might spit them out 2019-03-09T18:51:48 < jadew> lol 2019-03-09T18:51:57 < jadew> that looks disgusting 2019-03-09T18:52:19 < rajkosto> thanks for making me slightly vommy 2019-03-09T18:52:25 < Laurenceb_123> kek wut 2019-03-09T18:52:39 < jadew> I found nails in mine too, but just one or two 2019-03-09T18:52:58 < mawk> I have resistors under my keys, not nails 2019-03-09T18:53:18 < mawk> it's not a mech keyboard so I can't remove the key caps, so it's stuck there for life 2019-03-09T18:54:19 < jadew> even if it's glued, you can still get to it with enough force 2019-03-09T18:54:35 < jadew> *if the keys are glued 2019-03-09T18:54:42 < mawk> I can remove them, but not put them back 2019-03-09T18:54:49 < mawk> some piece of plastic snaps 2019-03-09T18:55:01 < jadew> you should get a proper keyboard 2019-03-09T18:56:30 < jadew> mine is 8 years old and still going strong 2019-03-09T18:56:34 < mawk> my girlfriend complained about the noise when I had a mechanical keyboard 2019-03-09T18:56:43 < mawk> even though I got what was marketed as silent keys 2019-03-09T18:56:47 < mawk> cherry mx silent or something 2019-03-09T18:57:09 < jadew> why are there people around you when you're using the PC? 2019-03-09T18:57:20 < mawk> my appartment is too small 2019-03-09T18:57:26 < mawk> there just a bedroom, and that's all 2019-03-09T18:57:31 < jadew> ah 2019-03-09T18:57:32 < mawk> kitchen, bathroom, but I can't code in there 2019-03-09T18:57:56 < mawk> appartments are a bit expensive where I am 2019-03-09T18:58:04 < mawk> it's around 30-40€ per square meter 2019-03-09T18:58:44 < jadew> you should move 2019-03-09T18:59:05 < mawk> I'm near my school 2019-03-09T18:59:39 < jadew> how old are you? 2019-03-09T19:00:24 < englishman> rajkosto: usually they use a chopper and lock in amplifier 2019-03-09T19:00:56 < englishman> as drift, DC effects and pink noise >> signal 2019-03-09T19:01:26 < mawk> 22, jadew 2019-03-09T19:01:57 < jadew> ah, you're fine 2019-03-09T19:05:39 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-09T19:08:50 < rajkosto> BrainDamage, what do you mean light sensitivity to a lux or so 2019-03-09T19:21:32 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-09T19:30:00 < rajkosto> thats way too crappy 2019-03-09T19:35:32 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-211.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-09T19:48:09 -!- mirage335 [~mirage335@mirage335-base.soaringindustries.space] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 2019-03-09T19:49:56 -!- enh [~enhering@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T19:53:58 -!- mirage335 [~mirage335@mirage335-base.soaringindustries.space] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T20:30:39 -!- emeryth [emeryth@boston-packets.hackerspace.pl] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.4] 2019-03-09T20:36:18 -!- obsrver [~quassel@p4FF16C5B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-09T20:48:55 < Cracki> lol pakis caught the pilot of an indian fighter jet... the pilot is israeli 2019-03-09T20:49:26 < Cracki> every single time 2019-03-09T20:50:44 -!- DisruptiveNL [~Disruptiv@5ED4324B.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T20:56:35 -!- sYCH3L [50eb5913@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 2019-03-09T21:04:07 < scrts> that was behind my wall plate: https://imgur.com/mUPBYuc 2019-03-09T21:04:14 -!- obsrver [~quassel@p4FF16C5B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T21:06:17 -!- friendofafriend [~ian@pool-71-120-200-135.nrflva.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] 2019-03-09T21:06:39 -!- friendofafriend [~chat@pool-71-120-200-135.nrflva.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T21:08:03 < zyp> nice 2019-03-09T21:08:46 < zyp> reminds me of when I were working as an electrician, were removing a ceiling lamp at the entrance of a store being renovated 2019-03-09T21:08:54 < zyp> entire inside of the lamp was packed of dead flys 2019-03-09T21:10:08 -!- Cracki [~cracki@unaffiliated/crackwitz] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-09T21:10:37 -!- Cracki [~cracki@unaffiliated/crackwitz] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T21:18:09 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:f1b0:9d85:2d20:19f8] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T21:27:14 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 2019-03-09T21:36:57 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T21:37:13 < Laurenceb_123> *BBC audience CHEERS* 2019-03-09T21:39:55 < kakimir> hello lurencer 2019-03-09T21:42:50 < englishman> so i have a 240V 15A device, it turns off and on its own, but if it runs for too long, i want it to shut off and stay off or stay off for a predetermined time 2019-03-09T21:43:02 < englishman> what is that controller called, i think bypass timer comes to mind 2019-03-09T21:43:08 < englishman> and where do i get one for $10 2019-03-09T21:46:07 < Laurenceb_123> https://imgoat.com/uploads/eabe3a1649/205067.jpg aww I thought they would get on well as a couple 2019-03-09T21:47:07 < Laurenceb_123> the answer is China I suspect 2019-03-09T21:47:46 < malinus> englishman: "digital timer 240V" or "analog timer 240V" 2019-03-09T21:48:32 < englishman> that just returns a bunch of grow light cycle timers tho 2019-03-09T22:01:26 -!- rue_shop1 [~rue_mohr@d205-250-204-74.bchsia.telus.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-09T22:01:39 < bitmask> how do you even get large high power toroid cores 2019-03-09T22:01:50 < bitmask> I guess its really not worth winding your own 2019-03-09T22:06:12 < bitmask> ahh found one for $44+15 shipping :P 2019-03-09T22:07:40 < englishman> The essential multiplatforms tools for any ESP8266 developer from luatool author’s, including Lua for NodeMCU and MicroPython. 2019-03-09T22:07:43 < englishman> what the fuck is this 2019-03-09T22:07:52 < englishman> is this written by some total ESL or a high school student 2019-03-09T22:09:36 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:f1b0:9d85:2d20:19f8] has quit [Ping timeout: 257 seconds] 2019-03-09T22:10:18 -!- karlp [karlp@palmtree.beeroclock.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-09T22:10:26 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:f1b0:9d85:2d20:19f8] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T22:10:34 < srk> bitmask: link? 2019-03-09T22:10:51 -!- esden [sid32455@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-mouyosevovslgxcv] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-09T22:11:06 < scrts> gents, does anyone have parallella board? 2019-03-09T22:11:10 -!- karlp [karlp@palmtree.beeroclock.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T22:11:12 < bitmask> https://www.ebay.com/itm/Toroidal-laminated-core-for-AC-power-transformer-500VA-wind-your-own/173781866197 2019-03-09T22:12:54 < bitmask> for a one shot deal Its probably worth it to just buy one premade 2019-03-09T22:13:12 < bitmask> if I was buying wire in bulk Id probably think otherwise 2019-03-09T22:13:28 -!- esden [sid32455@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ymhdgihphwyfvjjs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T22:14:20 < zyp> scrts, yeah 2019-03-09T22:14:27 < bitmask> might be fun though 2019-03-09T22:14:28 < zyp> scrts, do you wanna buy it? 2019-03-09T22:14:41 < scrts> it depends 2019-03-09T22:14:43 < scrts> how much? 2019-03-09T22:14:54 < Steffanx> $2 2019-03-09T22:15:06 < scrts> d34l 2019-03-09T22:16:33 -!- leorat [~rat@unaffiliated/leorat] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T22:19:57 -!- zyp [zyp@zyp.no] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 2019-03-09T22:20:19 -!- zyp [zyp@zyp.no] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T22:20:37 < scrts> zyp: u timed out 2019-03-09T22:20:47 < zyp> I noticed 2019-03-09T22:21:31 < zyp> dunno what the board is worth, I guess if you're seriously interested we could negotiate something 2019-03-09T22:21:53 < scrts> I mean I'd buy it, but just to toy with it 2019-03-09T22:22:03 < scrts> I remember it was $100 bux when appeared 2019-03-09T22:22:10 < scrts> yours is with z7010? 2019-03-09T22:22:26 < zyp> that was my plan, got it from the kickstarter way back, but I never got around to actually do anything with it 2019-03-09T22:22:33 < zyp> not sure I've even booted it yet 2019-03-09T22:22:54 < scrts> I wonder if there were any bugs in the first batches :/ 2019-03-09T22:23:23 < zyp> also, apparently my connection is still shit 2019-03-09T22:24:19 < zyp> IIRC the kickstarter ones got a free upgrade to z7020 or something 2019-03-09T22:28:08 -!- tctw_ [~Tectu@82-197-160-105.init7.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T22:30:06 < kakimir> fever codings 2019-03-09T22:31:13 -!- tctw [~Tectu@82-197-160-105.init7.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-09T22:34:56 < Steffanx> awh did the flu kick in for real now kakimir? 2019-03-09T22:35:51 < kakimir> my head 2019-03-09T22:35:57 < kakimir> it's not okay 2019-03-09T22:37:04 < Steffanx> so shut down that pc and go in bed. 2019-03-09T22:37:19 < mawk> take some meds kakimir 2019-03-09T22:38:02 < mawk> caffeine with some kind of pain soother like acetaminophen and a nasal decongestant like pseudoephedrine 2019-03-09T22:38:43 < mawk> then you can code all night like nothing happened 2019-03-09T22:39:11 < kakimir> Steffanx: negative 2019-03-09T22:39:27 < Steffanx> lol mawk knows his stuff 2019-03-09T22:39:36 -!- leorat [~rat@unaffiliated/leorat] has quit [Quit: leorat] 2019-03-09T22:42:22 < Steffanx> hows moving to dutchland going mawk? Or did you also watch this documentary Leaving Netherland? 2019-03-09T22:42:24 < friendofafriend> Please drink lots of water, medfriend. 2019-03-09T22:43:05 < mawk> lol Steffanx 2019-03-09T22:43:12 < mawk> I downloaded it 2019-03-09T22:43:17 < mawk> but well I need to finish my studies 2019-03-09T22:43:24 < mawk> normally around july I can come 2019-03-09T22:54:18 -!- sferrini [sid115350@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-lnqblvgarrhakmbs] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-09T22:56:06 -!- karlp [karlp@palmtree.beeroclock.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-09T22:56:51 -!- sferrini [sid115350@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qsyxauhwifvmisok] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T22:57:29 -!- karlp [karlp@palmtree.beeroclock.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T23:03:07 -!- enh [~enhering@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-09T23:07:14 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T23:25:36 < rajkosto> good high res SPI DAC for use with stm32 ? 2019-03-09T23:28:02 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-sqloohutnvmekmra] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T23:29:37 < antto> https://i.imgur.com/ihvXcSM.mp4 2019-03-09T23:30:02 < Steffanx> no sound? 2019-03-09T23:30:06 < tjq> Michael Jackson 2019-03-09T23:30:12 < tjq> The Greatest paedophile that ever lived 2019-03-09T23:30:24 < Steffanx> ok 2019-03-09T23:34:32 < Laurenceb_123> hi tjq 2019-03-09T23:34:54 < Laurenceb_123> we know there is a question, but wat is the solution? 2019-03-09T23:36:54 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-09T23:50:41 < Laurenceb_123> rajkosto is audiophool? 2019-03-09T23:50:57 < rajkosto> stm32 is not for audio 2019-03-09T23:53:33 < Laurenceb_123> wut 2019-03-09T23:53:40 < Laurenceb_123> works for me 2019-03-09T23:53:54 < mawk> are you, Laurenceb_123 ? 2019-03-09T23:54:25 < Laurenceb_123> nope 2019-03-09T23:54:37 < Laurenceb_123> the most pro stuff I have is DPA gear 2019-03-09T23:54:52 < mawk> odiophewl 2019-03-09T23:55:03 < mawk> I have 10€ earphones 2019-03-09T23:55:08 < zyp> audiofowl 2019-03-09T23:55:11 < mawk> and a 20€ feature phone to listen to music 2019-03-09T23:55:18 -!- DisruptiveNL [~Disruptiv@5ED4324B.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-09T23:55:26 < mawk> I have to set the equalizer to "classical music" to get my big techno to sound right 2019-03-09T23:58:00 -!- obsrver [~quassel@p4FF16C5B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] --- Day changed Sun Mar 10 2019 2019-03-10T00:00:15 < englishman> techno is classical music 2019-03-10T00:01:41 < rajkosto> guess ill use the internal ADC then 2019-03-10T00:02:17 < rajkosto> which are trash 2019-03-10T00:04:26 < Laurenceb_123> wut 2019-03-10T00:04:34 < Laurenceb_123> stm32 adc is v good 2019-03-10T00:07:08 < Laurenceb_123> although my maya 44 sound card is impressive, 15enob at 48ksps 2019-03-10T00:07:21 < Laurenceb_123> hard to achieve with stm32 2019-03-10T00:07:50 < Laurenceb_123> but it uses about 1W O_o 2019-03-10T00:09:38 < englishman> if i want to know how for how much time something has been on in the last 24 hours, in order to not use a lot of flash or ram and survive reboots, is sending all data to influxdb and querying it the best way 2019-03-10T00:11:11 < Laurenceb_123> my sides 2019-03-10T00:11:29 < englishman> why do you fail so bad at influxdb 2019-03-10T00:11:35 < englishman> you just send an mqtt thing, and its there 2019-03-10T00:11:35 < Laurenceb_123> use battery backed ram or something 2019-03-10T00:11:45 < englishman> esp32 is cheaper than fram 2019-03-10T00:11:49 < Laurenceb_123> wait it accepts mqtt? 2019-03-10T00:11:50 < englishman> or battery backed ram 2019-03-10T00:11:53 < englishman> of course, dingus 2019-03-10T00:12:05 < Laurenceb_123> hmm maybe that would be faster than deranged ascii 2019-03-10T00:12:15 < englishman> HMM MAYBE 2019-03-10T00:12:25 < jadew> englishman, who needs to know? 2019-03-10T00:12:31 < englishman> me 2019-03-10T00:12:33 < jadew> the device itself or something external? 2019-03-10T00:12:40 < englishman> i am external to the device 2019-03-10T00:12:43 < jadew> so something external 2019-03-10T00:12:46 < englishman> yes 2019-03-10T00:13:03 < englishman> i think influxdb is made for exactly that 2019-03-10T00:13:28 < jadew> has to be wireless? 2019-03-10T00:13:34 < englishman> im sure there is some nice and clean way to count seconds a pin is high in the last 24 hours 2019-03-10T00:13:36 -!- emeryth [emeryth@boston-packets.hackerspace.pl] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T00:13:48 < englishman> but probably well beyond my programmer skillz 2019-03-10T00:14:03 < Laurenceb_123> why.jpg 2019-03-10T00:14:30 < Laurenceb_123> I guess if you have lots of power and stuff... 2019-03-10T00:14:39 < englishman> you mean like, everything these days 2019-03-10T00:14:43 < englishman> except smartwatches 2019-03-10T00:15:07 < Laurenceb_123> wut 2019-03-10T00:15:23 < Laurenceb_123> internet of things is so removed from reality 2019-03-10T00:15:33 < Laurenceb_123> internet of power hungry shit 2019-03-10T00:16:13 < jadew> if it's wired, you can have another device monitoring that, if it's not and you have internet access, just make a server and ping something 2019-03-10T00:16:22 < englishman> grafana is querying my influxdb and it says i used 4.73MWh in the last 30 days 2019-03-10T00:16:30 < englishman> so i dont really give a shit about another esp32 2019-03-10T00:16:33 < jadew> if it stays awake a long time, you can ping when it wakes up and when it goes to sleep 2019-03-10T00:17:31 < jadew> that's the smallest footprint, code wise 2019-03-10T00:17:33 < jadew> and ram wise 2019-03-10T00:17:39 < jadew> a simple connect 2019-03-10T00:17:40 < Laurenceb_123> wtf are you doing 2019-03-10T00:17:44 < jadew> then you close the socket 2019-03-10T00:17:44 < Laurenceb_123> I cant even right now 2019-03-10T00:17:54 < Laurenceb_123> 4.73MWh 2019-03-10T00:17:56 < jadew> you can even write a 1 or a 0 2019-03-10T00:18:25 < jadew> and from the little server getting that, you can put the data wherever you want 2019-03-10T00:19:28 < zyp> englishman, 6.6kW avg.? cute 2019-03-10T00:19:47 < englishman> yea 2019-03-10T00:19:50 < englishman> 2.73MWh heat 2019-03-10T00:20:02 < englishman> 395kWh car 2019-03-10T00:20:14 < englishman> 340kWh hot tub 2019-03-10T00:20:43 < Laurenceb_123> wtf 2019-03-10T00:20:51 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T00:20:51 < Laurenceb_123> that'd be about ukp8k/year here 2019-03-10T00:21:01 < englishman> rip 2019-03-10T00:21:06 < Laurenceb_123> about an order of magnitude more than average uk bill 2019-03-10T00:21:16 < Laurenceb_123> crazy Canucks 2019-03-10T00:21:27 < englishman> average -10C low -25.4C 2019-03-10T00:21:39 < Laurenceb_123> what is gas central heating 2019-03-10T00:21:40 < zyp> and no fucking insulation 2019-03-10T00:21:50 < englishman> >burning dinosaurs to heat your home 2019-03-10T00:21:52 < englishman> yeah zyp 2019-03-10T00:21:55 < englishman> 160+ year old house 2019-03-10T00:22:03 < englishman> insulation is sawdust and newspaper 2019-03-10T00:22:11 < Laurenceb_123> >burning dinosaurs with 50% efficiency to heat uk home 2019-03-10T00:22:15 < englishman> the hot tub is the best insulated part of the house 2019-03-10T00:22:22 < englishman> electric gives me 100% efficiency 2019-03-10T00:22:23 < Laurenceb_123> madness 2019-03-10T00:22:43 < Laurenceb_123> nobody could afford that insanity in this country 2019-03-10T00:22:56 < englishman> when the gulf stream reverses itself you gonna be cold 2019-03-10T00:23:03 < Laurenceb_123> gas central heating is about 5 times cheaper 2019-03-10T00:23:25 < zyp> Laurenceb_123, have you considered that the electricity costs are not the same everywher? 2019-03-10T00:23:29 < englishman> not my fault you burn coal to make electricity 2019-03-10T00:24:27 < zyp> Laurenceb_123, how much do you pay per kWh? 2019-03-10T00:24:40 < Laurenceb_123> about £0.14 2019-03-10T00:24:43 < Laurenceb_123> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electricity_sector_in_Canada#/media/File:Electricity_production_in_Canada.svg 2019-03-10T00:24:48 < Laurenceb_123> ah lots of hydropower 2019-03-10T00:24:56 < englishman> thats like 5-6x what i pay 2019-03-10T00:25:19 < Laurenceb_123> crazy cheap 2019-03-10T00:25:23 < Cracki> dumb germans shut off all their nuclear plants and tax their population to death. 28 cents/kWh and rising 2019-03-10T00:25:31 < Laurenceb_123> woah 2019-03-10T00:25:38 < Laurenceb_123> that makes ours look cheap 2019-03-10T00:25:39 < englishman> at work its even less 2019-03-10T00:25:43 < englishman> like 1/10 2019-03-10T00:26:08 < Cracki> please nuke berlin 2019-03-10T00:26:18 < Laurenceb_123> gas is about ukp0.04/kwh 2019-03-10T00:27:08 < Laurenceb_123> so gas central heating is way cheaper than even heat pumps 2019-03-10T00:27:10 < Cracki> ze fuk https://www.statista.com/statistics/263492/electricity-prices-in-selected-countries/ 2019-03-10T00:27:56 < Laurenceb_123> >put pylons across border 2019-03-10T00:27:58 < Laurenceb_123> >??? 2019-03-10T00:28:00 < Laurenceb_123> >profit 2019-03-10T00:28:06 < Cracki> kek 2019-03-10T00:28:17 < Cracki> using migrant flow to generate power? 2019-03-10T00:28:23 < Laurenceb_123> lol 2019-03-10T00:28:30 < Laurenceb_123> migrant treadmills 2019-03-10T00:28:37 < Cracki> I was about to say that 2019-03-10T00:28:46 < Laurenceb_123> muslims chased by pigs 2019-03-10T00:28:48 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-10T00:28:54 < Cracki> would be something useful for all these highly skilled doctors and engineers to do 2019-03-10T00:29:18 < Cracki> in turn, our women chased by muslims 2019-03-10T00:29:54 < Cracki> full circle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zapepoxRLUw 2019-03-10T00:31:15 < englishman> apparently the first actual melted bits of the fukushima reactors were located only in 2017 2019-03-10T00:31:48 * Laurenceb_123 is reading about sugar daddy ""relationships"" 2019-03-10T00:31:53 < Laurenceb_123> this shit is fucked 2019-03-10T00:32:14 -!- codyps [~codyps@richard.einic.org] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-10T00:32:50 < Cracki> collar and leash, the only way 2019-03-10T00:32:59 < Laurenceb_123> >The expected donations are high. The expectation is that you are rich and can afford to spend a lot on your sugar babes. In Leeds it was from £150 - £300, In Manchester £200- £500. Obviously, the youngest and best looking expect the highest donation. 2019-03-10T00:33:07 < Laurenceb_123> the fuck is this shit 2019-03-10T00:33:09 < Cracki> and never give your finances to a woman 2019-03-10T00:33:29 < Cracki> dumb paypigs, brainwashed by feminism 2019-03-10T00:33:42 < Laurenceb_123> kek >paypigs 2019-03-10T00:34:08 < Laurenceb_123> what a time to be alive 2019-03-10T00:34:21 < Cracki> opposite of a piggy bank 2019-03-10T00:34:37 < Cracki> smash the matriarchy 2019-03-10T00:35:25 < Cracki> wikipedia's table, as usual, is fucking useless. can't sensibly sort text this complex by value https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electricity_pricing#Price_comparison 2019-03-10T00:39:31 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T00:45:28 -!- Thaolia [~thaolia@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-10T00:45:34 < upgrdman> shit, that was easy. ftdi's sync fifo mode is easy. i'm getting 359Mbps from my FPGA to the PC with USB2.0 2019-03-10T00:45:45 -!- Thaolia [~thaolia@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T00:51:39 < rajkosto> uses both channels and digilent/other fpga boards arent wired up for it tho 2019-03-10T00:51:48 < rajkosto> SAD 2019-03-10T00:52:06 < upgrdman> boards not wired for it = not ftdi's fault 2019-03-10T00:52:21 < upgrdman> but ya, kinda annoying that it uses both channels. but oh well. 2019-03-10T00:54:06 < rajkosto> both channels means cant use the newer/cheaper ft232h either 2019-03-10T00:54:55 < upgrdman> ? USB to synchronous 245 parallel FIFO mode for transfers up to 40 Mbytes/Sec 2019-03-10T00:54:58 < upgrdman> from their web site 2019-03-10T00:55:14 < upgrdman> or is this some reduced pin count ft232h youre talking about 2019-03-10T00:56:29 < englishman> cool upgrdman 2019-03-10T00:59:31 < upgrdman> englishman, ya. it was almost too easy. it just worked the first time. didn't even need to use the debugger or oscope. i feel like i've been tricked. https://imgur.com/a/yy8UAGk 2019-03-10T00:59:55 < englishman> thats what happens when you deal with pro companies like FTDI 2019-03-10T01:00:09 < englishman> if you had bought a fx2 youd still be waiting for them to fax you the reference manual 2019-03-10T01:00:40 < upgrdman> lol 2019-03-10T01:00:55 < upgrdman> ya and i kinda want to buy the ft600/601 dev board and try usb3 2019-03-10T01:01:23 < upgrdman> only problem, is i don't even know if Telemetry Viewer can keep up with 359Mbps 2019-03-10T01:02:21 < Cracki> don't underestimate :P 2019-03-10T01:10:18 < tjq> Fu k my 2019-03-10T01:10:44 < tjq> RM 2019-03-10T01:11:16 < rajkosto> upgrdman, they seem to have abandoned the ft601 2019-03-10T01:11:32 < upgrdman> ? how so 2019-03-10T01:11:45 < rajkosto> they also told me they'd be releasing a new version that would have UART comms so you could configure the descriptor etc via FPGA 2019-03-10T01:12:16 < tjq> https://www.analog.com/en/design-center/evaluation-hardware-and-software/evaluation-boards-kits/bf548-ezlite.html 2019-03-10T01:14:14 < Steffanx> What will you audio tjq? 2019-03-10T01:17:08 < Laurenceb_123> Schwarzenegger, does that mean he is black? 2019-03-10T01:18:05 < jadew> because schwarz means black? 2019-03-10T01:18:06 < rajkosto> he is the blackest 2019-03-10T01:18:12 < rajkosto> because he is the black neger 2019-03-10T01:18:18 < Steffanx> LaurenceBlackster... 2019-03-10T01:18:44 < Laurenceb_123> in my case it's accurate 2019-03-10T01:19:14 < tjq> Hi Laurenceb_123 2019-03-10T01:19:30 < Steffanx> So black you overflowed to white? 2019-03-10T01:20:19 < tjq> The BLACKfin 2019-03-10T01:20:24 < Steffanx> Ohnoes 2019-03-10T01:20:38 < Steffanx> Is it like kakimir? 2019-03-10T01:20:47 < Steffanx> Kakifin 2019-03-10T01:20:50 < tjq> fixed point disaster 2019-03-10T01:21:16 < jadew> any new good movies? 2019-03-10T01:21:27 < Steffanx> Uhm 2019-03-10T01:21:31 < Steffanx> No 2019-03-10T01:21:39 < tjq> Yeah captain marvel because cat 2019-03-10T01:21:55 < tjq> I didn’t like it until cat 2019-03-10T01:21:56 < jadew> that's sad 2019-03-10T01:22:07 < tjq> And then cat started eating ppl 2019-03-10T01:22:12 < jadew> I'm not that big on superhero movies 2019-03-10T01:22:15 < jadew> unless they're smart 2019-03-10T01:22:19 < tjq> Same 2019-03-10T01:22:24 < Steffanx> Spoiler alert tjq 2019-03-10T01:22:29 < tjq> It was no good until the cat 2019-03-10T01:22:46 < tjq> 🐈 2019-03-10T01:22:59 < Steffanx> 😾 2019-03-10T01:23:05 < tjq> :3 2019-03-10T01:23:23 < tjq> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/nkFbY7bL/cat.JPG 2019-03-10T01:23:32 < rajkosto> https://i.imgur.com/S2Uyaqu.mp4 2019-03-10T01:24:19 < tjq> I was hoping you had an animation of cat 2019-03-10T01:24:54 < jadew> 🐍 2019-03-10T01:25:19 < tjq> Thank 2019-03-10T01:25:31 < jadew> that should animate your cat 2019-03-10T01:27:20 < tjq> 🦆 2019-03-10T01:27:36 < jadew> that's empty for me 2019-03-10T01:28:42 < Laurenceb_123> I only see hex 2019-03-10T01:29:18 < mawk> because you need to install Laurenceb_123 fonts-noto-color-emoji 2019-03-10T01:29:58 < jadew> lol, after the second cat character my irc client started showing milliseconds 2019-03-10T01:30:12 < mawk> that's a security vulnerability 2019-03-10T01:30:13 < Laurenceb_123> mawk: how about no 2019-03-10T01:30:17 < mawk> do it Laurenceb_123 2019-03-10T01:30:21 < jadew> it's back now 2019-03-10T01:30:24 < mawk> you'll nice emojis 2019-03-10T01:30:29 < Laurenceb_123> >nice 2019-03-10T01:30:32 < mawk> yeah 2019-03-10T01:30:33 < mawk> very nice 2019-03-10T01:30:45 < Laurenceb_123> homojis 2019-03-10T01:30:47 < Steffanx> 👍🏿 2019-03-10T01:30:50 < mawk> https://pix.watch/0gaZBF/z5eIuQ.png 2019-03-10T01:31:14 < jadew> it's doing it again 2019-03-10T01:31:16 < jadew> lol 2019-03-10T01:31:35 < Steffanx> Your irc client is surprisingly white, mawk 2019-03-10T01:31:35 < mawk> hmm 2019-03-10T01:31:36 < jadew> https://pastebin.com/m1T1MyCz 2019-03-10T01:31:45 < mawk> yes Steffanx , before I had weechat 2019-03-10T01:32:01 < jadew> that's what I'm using now, weechat 2019-03-10T01:32:09 < mawk> yeah I saw that 2019-03-10T01:32:15 < mawk> I queried your client with my haxxor skills 2019-03-10T01:32:20 < mawk> and it said weechat 2.4 2019-03-10T01:32:28 < Steffanx> 👍🏾 2019-03-10T01:32:29 < jadew> it's back on milliseconds 2019-03-10T01:32:38 < mawk> is it a vulnerability or a mere graphic bug, that's the question 2019-03-10T01:32:41 < jadew> I wonder how long it takes until it gets back 2019-03-10T01:32:45 < englishman> weechat is gr8 2019-03-10T01:32:48 < mawk> you can do ctrl-L jadew 2019-03-10T01:32:51 < mawk> to refresh the display 2019-03-10T01:33:01 < jadew> ok, it was a graphic bug 2019-03-10T01:33:12 < jadew> maybe a screen issue? 2019-03-10T01:33:19 < mawk> a xterm issue I'd say 2019-03-10T01:33:33 < mawk> it's xterm that interprets the color codes and other escape codes 2019-03-10T01:33:41 < jadew> not using xterm 2019-03-10T01:33:43 < englishman> sounds complicated 2019-03-10T01:33:47 < mawk> and multibyte emojis may be mistaken for xterm escape code 2019-03-10T01:33:55 < englishman> works in glowingbear 2019-03-10T01:33:56 < mawk> not xterm per se but your terminal emulator understands xterm escape codes jadew 2019-03-10T01:33:58 < mawk> like every other 2019-03-10T01:34:06 < jadew> ah, got it 2019-03-10T01:34:11 < mawk> like \033[31m for red color, etc 2019-03-10T01:34:19 < jadew> yeah 2019-03-10T01:34:29 < jadew> looks like it's back 2019-03-10T01:35:03 < jadew> the whole thing is a mess now 2019-03-10T01:35:08 < mawk> lol 2019-03-10T01:36:05 < Laurenceb_123> >being a sugar daddy is all about flattering women, chatting them up and then paying them for sex 2019-03-10T01:36:10 < Laurenceb_123> my sides at the state of this 2019-03-10T01:36:58 -!- sterna [~Adium@cgn85-194-11-99.bredband.comhem.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-10T01:38:09 < Cracki> captain Mary Sue's cat is an alien with tentacles... so we have a cat lady with a tentacle fetish 2019-03-10T01:38:38 < zyp> Laurenceb_123, what's up with all the sugar daddy research today? something you're considering? 2019-03-10T01:39:09 < Laurenceb_123> some idiot recommended me a "dating" site and it's full of sugar daddy shit 2019-03-10T01:39:14 < Laurenceb_123> kekking hard at the state of this 2019-03-10T01:39:23 < zyp> haha 2019-03-10T01:39:29 < veverak> so, you do not have a partner? 2019-03-10T01:40:10 < Laurenceb_123> inb4 veverak is grrl/homo 2019-03-10T01:40:22 < Laurenceb_123> or... a trap 2019-03-10T01:40:32 < Cracki> you would kick a trap out of your bed? 2019-03-10T01:41:15 < mawk> you're trapphobic Laurenceb_123 2019-03-10T01:42:01 < veverak> Laurenceb_123: nope 2019-03-10T01:42:05 < Cracki> oh those blackfin DSPs are funny things. last time I saw one of those was in a digital audio recorder. iirc it had some "encryption" that was basically a substitution cipher. apply a permutation table and you've unlocked the firmware file 2019-03-10T01:42:40 < Cracki> armed with that knowledge you could give it your own boot screen picture 2019-03-10T01:43:01 < zyp> to me, sugar daddy stuff just reads like prostitution with a regular partner 2019-03-10T01:43:31 < Cracki> nothing regular about it. you can be SURE these prostitutes have multiple johns 2019-03-10T01:43:42 < zyp> regular as in recurring 2019-03-10T01:43:47 < zyp> not as in normal 2019-03-10T01:43:54 < Cracki> regular johns 2019-03-10T01:43:59 < Cracki> the saddest type of john 2019-03-10T01:44:36 < Cracki> feeding a greedy creature will always strengthen its greed 2019-03-10T01:45:32 -!- upgrdman_ [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T01:49:21 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-10T01:49:47 < jadew> Laurenceb_123, that site has it right 2019-03-10T01:50:03 < jadew> being a sugar daddy is like dating whores 2019-03-10T01:50:22 < jadew> which is obviously stupid 2019-03-10T01:57:04 < zyp> there's that saying «you're not paying prostitutes for the sex, you're paying them to leave afterwards» 2019-03-10T02:03:20 -!- mitrax [mitrax@lfbn-ncy-1-400-85.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit [] 2019-03-10T02:04:49 < Laurenceb_123> keeek 2019-03-10T02:09:00 < R2COM> nothing wrong with sugar daddy stuff, its a personal business of both parties 2019-03-10T02:11:48 < friendofafriend> Sugar Daddy detected. 2019-03-10T02:12:04 < Laurenceb_123> my sides https://imgoat.com/uploads/eabe3a1649/205154.png 2019-03-10T02:12:27 < Laurenceb_123> imagine taking this long to realise Trump is a con artist 2019-03-10T02:12:43 < R2COM> no, but why is this even judged or criticized? so gay stuff is not judged but this is? i dont get it... 2019-03-10T02:15:11 < jadew> being gay is not the same with being stupid 2019-03-10T02:15:29 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T02:15:30 < R2COM> wait what.. 2019-03-10T02:15:48 < R2COM> someone being gay 2019-03-10T02:15:51 < jadew> although, I guess that if want the long term girlfriend experience... that's the only way of getting it 2019-03-10T02:15:52 < R2COM> i mean 2019-03-10T02:15:55 < R2COM> someone being gay = ok 2019-03-10T02:15:59 < jadew> *if you 2019-03-10T02:16:01 < R2COM> someone being sugar daddy = not ok 2019-03-10T02:16:01 < R2COM> ? 2019-03-10T02:16:20 < jadew> it's ok with me, the argument is that it's a poor choice 2019-03-10T02:16:31 < R2COM> being gay is not poor choice? 2019-03-10T02:16:49 < jadew> as far as I know, that's not a choice 2019-03-10T02:17:57 < R2COM> if both are adults, and someone gives expencive gifts/stuff to his gf its their personal matter 2019-03-10T02:18:11 < R2COM> and you have no ground to claim him as "stupid" for this 2019-03-10T02:18:26 < R2COM> perhaps he is even smarter actually than you since he can afford it 2019-03-10T02:20:32 < jadew> sorry, but supporting someone who fucks other people and you (only as long as you're supporting her) is far from smart 2019-03-10T02:20:38 < jadew> you can get that way cheaper 2019-03-10T02:20:58 < R2COM> why you claim that she has to fuck others 2019-03-10T02:21:08 < jadew> that's how it works 2019-03-10T02:21:11 < R2COM> no 2019-03-10T02:21:23 < R2COM> i mean there are many wifes who fuck others too, right? 2019-03-10T02:21:39 < jadew> pff... young chicks who would do this, would cheat even someone their own age 2019-03-10T02:21:53 < jadew> in fact, odds are they're cheating the guys they're cheating the old guy with 2019-03-10T02:22:24 < R2COM> solid dudes usually dont sugar daddy some dumb cunts 2019-03-10T02:22:45 < R2COM> you watch movies too much 2019-03-10T02:22:58 < jadew> I've seen it first hand 2019-03-10T02:23:10 < jadew> my dad's business partner had a chick like this 2019-03-10T02:23:30 < R2COM> did your dad manage to get a pass on her? 2019-03-10T02:23:36 < jadew> ruined his marriage, sucked him dry of all his money and when the money was out, she was gone 2019-03-10T02:23:43 < jadew> I hope he did 2019-03-10T02:23:46 < jadew> she was hot 2019-03-10T02:24:30 < jadew> that's not the only case I know of 2019-03-10T02:24:36 < R2COM> ok im now back to this LTDC coding 2019-03-10T02:24:39 < jadew> I actually used to know a chick like this 2019-03-10T02:25:34 < jadew> have fun 2019-03-10T02:25:43 < jadew> I'm back to my code too 2019-03-10T02:30:08 < Cracki> friendofafriend was right 2019-03-10T02:30:12 < Cracki> scroll up 2019-03-10T02:47:31 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-10T02:48:56 -!- upgrdman_ [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-10T02:55:45 < zyp> jadew, is it wrong for other people to have sex with other than you? 2019-03-10T02:56:36 < jadew> that's a question with a million answers 2019-03-10T02:57:10 < jadew> but what I can say for sure is that it's risky 2019-03-10T02:58:56 < zyp> you're thinking STDs? 2019-03-10T02:59:00 < jadew> yeah 2019-03-10T02:59:37 < zyp> well, you have a point 2019-03-10T02:59:55 < jadew> and from the perspective of the sugar daddy, is it fair that several people are eating from the same meal he's paying for? 2019-03-10T03:00:12 < jadew> I guess it could be fair, if he knew that's what he's getting into 2019-03-10T03:00:24 < jadew> but even then, you can make the argument that it's a bad deal, hence stupid 2019-03-10T03:00:35 < zyp> maybe I'm expecting too much of people but I figure nobody wants to contract and spread STDs, so I expect everybody to take care of themself 2019-03-10T03:01:05 < zyp> «eating from the same meal» sounds like bullshit 2019-03-10T03:01:32 < jadew> well, if he's supporting her way of life and other people are taking advantage of that way of life he's supporting 2019-03-10T03:01:35 < jadew> without paying 2019-03-10T03:01:42 < jadew> then... he's paying for everyone 2019-03-10T03:03:12 < jadew> it's like the worst deal you can think of when it comes to getting regular sex 2019-03-10T03:03:22 < zyp> so you argue she won't fuck those other people if the sugar daddy didn't pay? 2019-03-10T03:03:47 < jadew> if he didn't pay, he'd at least get the same deal the other guys are getting 2019-03-10T03:03:54 < jadew> which makes him less of a loser 2019-03-10T03:04:01 < zyp> I don't really see the point 2019-03-10T03:04:21 < zyp> my employer pays me to write code 2019-03-10T03:04:39 < zyp> sometimes on my free time I also write code that I contribute to opensource projects for free 2019-03-10T03:04:53 < jadew> right and if on his time you'd write code for others, for free, then would that be fair to him? 2019-03-10T03:05:10 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T03:05:18 < jadew> yeah, but considering he's paying her everything 24/7 2019-03-10T03:05:25 < jadew> she's never off the hook, is she? 2019-03-10T03:05:33 < zyp> no, I think we disagree here what is considered «his time» 2019-03-10T03:05:39 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:f1b0:9d85:2d20:19f8] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-10T03:05:55 < jadew> no, I see what you mean 2019-03-10T03:06:13 < jadew> you're seeing it as an employment thing, but I don't think it's like that 2019-03-10T03:06:29 < zyp> I mean, my employer is almost completely sustaining my lifestyle, but I'm still only working 37.5 hours a week for them 2019-03-10T03:06:35 < jadew> but I could be wrong or it could be any number of ways 2019-03-10T03:07:18 < zyp> the way I see it, the sugar daddy is paying for a service, the girl is providing the service 2019-03-10T03:07:23 < jadew> yeah, but you're trading a service 2019-03-10T03:07:27 < jadew> and hours 2019-03-10T03:07:44 < jadew> I'm not sure that's the case with these types of relationships 2019-03-10T03:07:52 < jadew> if it is, then yeah, it's all ok 2019-03-10T03:07:57 < jadew> but the guy is still stupid 2019-03-10T03:08:07 < jadew> he can get the same deal for a fraction of the price 2019-03-10T03:08:21 < zyp> I'm not arguing he's not 2019-03-10T03:08:34 < jadew> if he's seeing it like that 2019-03-10T03:08:38 < zyp> but could he really? necessarily? 2019-03-10T03:08:40 < jadew> then yeah, it's all fair 2019-03-10T03:09:20 < jadew> you mean if he could get a better deal? 2019-03-10T03:09:30 < jadew> how often to old farts get horny? 2019-03-10T03:09:35 < zyp> yes 2019-03-10T03:09:37 < jadew> once... twice a month? 2019-03-10T03:11:21 < jadew> he can probably go to the same high end escort and only drop a couple of hundred eur/usd 2019-03-10T03:11:27 < jadew> he'd be charged by the hour 2019-03-10T03:12:02 < Cracki> the point isn't that he's paying her. the point is that he's paying immense sums when he could get that way cheaper 2019-03-10T03:12:25 < jadew> yeah, if he didn't pay her, it wouldn't be an issue at all 2019-03-10T03:12:45 < Cracki> then it'd just be an issue keeping emotions out of it 2019-03-10T03:13:35 < Cracki> "sugar daddies" are an allaround bad thing. there's no way to salvage that or rationalize it. 2019-03-10T03:14:37 < Cracki> you'll get rationalization for these broken individuals and their broken life choices mostly from western countries, who are similarly broken 2019-03-10T03:14:52 < zyp> haha 2019-03-10T03:15:48 < zyp> so you're saying that what makes it bad is the price point? 2019-03-10T03:15:53 < Cracki> no 2019-03-10T03:16:06 < Cracki> do not mistake highlighting one aspect as there being only one aspect 2019-03-10T03:16:16 < Cracki> common fallacy 2019-03-10T03:16:21 < zyp> fair 2019-03-10T03:16:42 < zyp> my view regarding the price point is that it doesn't matter 2019-03-10T03:16:48 < Cracki> why doesn't it? 2019-03-10T03:17:08 < Cracki> to my mind, it obviously does. money doesn't grow on trees. 2019-03-10T03:17:26 < zyp> you can apply «why do you buy x when you can buy y for a lot cheaper?» to a lot of stuff, people still buy x 2019-03-10T03:17:50 < zyp> why do you buy mercedes when you can buy skoda? etc… 2019-03-10T03:17:50 < Cracki> then you should explain how people put value on things 2019-03-10T03:17:55 < Cracki> still 2019-03-10T03:18:08 < R2COM> jeez who the fuck would buy skoda 2019-03-10T03:18:13 < Cracki> explain to me how being a paypig is more valuable than spending your money on normal hookers 2019-03-10T03:18:13 < jadew> lol 2019-03-10T03:18:33 < Cracki> this is disingenious 2019-03-10T03:18:57 < rajkosto> Cracki, you get the privilege of experiencing a western style capitalist relationship 2019-03-10T03:19:08 < Cracki> except not? 2019-03-10T03:19:15 -!- gsi__ [~gsisig@x4d0c8d96.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T03:19:27 < Cracki> it's a "relationship" based on exchange of money and power 2019-03-10T03:19:38 < Laurenceb_123> https://imgoat.com/uploads/eabe3a1649/205175.png 2019-03-10T03:19:40 < zyp> Cracki, does the explanation need to be more complex than «because they want to spend money on that»? 2019-03-10T03:19:47 < zyp> I mean 2019-03-10T03:19:59 < zyp> we have a furniture store nearby 2019-03-10T03:20:12 < Cracki> then you'd have to ask "why do they want to waste their money?" 2019-03-10T03:20:12 < zyp> I've never bought anything there, but I've browsed a couple of times 2019-03-10T03:20:15 < jadew> zyp, there's nothing wrong with it 2019-03-10T03:20:26 < jadew> I don't think anyone is arguing against that guy's right to do it 2019-03-10T03:20:35 < zyp> the reason I've never bought anything there is because shit costs like ten times of what comparable stuff costs at ikea 2019-03-10T03:20:46 < Cracki> bad analogy 2019-03-10T03:21:00 < Cracki> good analogy would be you paying lots of money for something you could have cheaper 2019-03-10T03:21:07 < Cracki> for the exact same thing 2019-03-10T03:21:20 < jadew> and with a faster delivery 2019-03-10T03:21:24 < Cracki> unless you enjoy wasting money, which would put a *value* on the act of wasting it 2019-03-10T03:21:29 < jadew> and easier to get access to it 2019-03-10T03:22:02 < jadew> I think guys who do this find it easier being in a relationship like this, than actually paying a hooker 2019-03-10T03:22:05 < zyp> Cracki, I think it's a reasonable analogy, it's not the same girl you'd be fucking 2019-03-10T03:22:05 < Cracki> paypigs enjoy losing money. I'd classify that as irrational at least, pathologic even. 2019-03-10T03:22:06 -!- gsi_ [~gsisig@x4db46b70.dyn.telefonica.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-10T03:22:11 < jadew> it probably feels right to them 2019-03-10T03:22:22 < Cracki> no it's a bad analogy because you're actually saving money, not wasting it 2019-03-10T03:22:42 < rajkosto> where can i find some dope ass lenses to focus light into a light sensor 2019-03-10T03:22:49 < rajkosto> aliexpress seems to just have LED ones 2019-03-10T03:23:03 < Cracki> you're actually arguing for this being irrational. you obviously would prefer buying the same good for cheaper. 2019-03-10T03:23:10 < Cracki> rajkosto, specify 2019-03-10T03:23:16 < zyp> Cracki, yes 2019-03-10T03:23:18 < Cracki> I bought lenses on aliex before 2019-03-10T03:23:27 < zyp> Cracki, that is what I'm saying 2019-03-10T03:23:45 < Cracki> wait I thought you were arguing for the act _not_ being irrational? 2019-03-10T03:24:03 < rajkosto> Cracki, i need like a .... cutoff cone calculator 2019-03-10T03:24:05 < Cracki> then I must have misunderstood 2019-03-10T03:24:11 < Cracki> a calculator eh? 2019-03-10T03:24:15 < zyp> Cracki, I'm saying that I don't get why people would want to buy furniture at that other store 2019-03-10T03:24:22 < Cracki> wait, what do cones have to do with lenses? 2019-03-10T03:24:32 < Cracki> ah right, yes, I don't get that either 2019-03-10T03:24:34 < zyp> but people still do 2019-03-10T03:24:39 < rajkosto> this shit is confusing me https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-10_02-24-29_KKXY3ZALk.png 2019-03-10T03:24:55 < zyp> so I figure they simply just like spending the money 2019-03-10T03:24:55 < jadew> zyp, which makes them suckers 2019-03-10T03:24:56 < rajkosto> do i focus into the 0.75mm hole or onto the die making sure the angle is 41o 2019-03-10T03:25:03 < Cracki> maybe they don't know any better, or they can't be assed to put the time in to find better offers, or they live right around the corner :> 2019-03-10T03:25:08 < Laurenceb_123> https://imgoat.com/uploads/eabe3a1649/205177.png 2019-03-10T03:25:21 < Cracki> rajkosto, what is that 2019-03-10T03:25:28 < rajkosto> light sensor with HOLE 2019-03-10T03:25:31 < R2COM> jadew why are they suckers 2019-03-10T03:25:33 < zyp> said store is five minutes away from ikea :p 2019-03-10T03:25:43 < jadew> R2COM, because they're spending more than they have to 2019-03-10T03:25:48 < Cracki> as long as it's not supposed to make a picture, just focus any way you like 2019-03-10T03:25:49 < rajkosto> to make sure the fov does not become higher than its calibrated to 2019-03-10T03:25:51 < R2COM> he makes a lot of money and wants to spend it why the hell he is sucker! 2019-03-10T03:25:55 < R2COM> LMAO 2019-03-10T03:26:00 < R2COM> who is the judge? 2019-03-10T03:26:01 < R2COM> you? 2019-03-10T03:26:06 < jadew> math 2019-03-10T03:26:09 < R2COM> no 2019-03-10T03:26:18 < R2COM> people spend 1 million dollar for a fucking PAINTING 2019-03-10T03:26:22 < zyp> I agree with R2COM here 2019-03-10T03:26:23 < R2COM> which i would not pay $500 for 2019-03-10T03:26:24 < R2COM> now what? 2019-03-10T03:26:25 < Cracki> lol 2019-03-10T03:26:26 < rajkosto> Cracki, CAN you even focus an "infinite area light 3mm away" 2019-03-10T03:26:31 < Cracki> keep going, you're funny 2019-03-10T03:26:37 < Cracki> rajkosto, uh wat 2019-03-10T03:26:41 < Cracki> show me infinite 2019-03-10T03:26:43 < jadew> if you can get X for 10 or X for 200 and you get X for 200, even tho 10 has faster delivery and easier to order, then yeah, you're a sucker 2019-03-10T03:26:55 < rajkosto> its infinite because it covers the entire opening of the lens 2019-03-10T03:27:04 < rajkosto> im sticking this thing right into the light 2019-03-10T03:27:13 < Cracki> you're overcomplicating it 2019-03-10T03:27:14 < zyp> what is the point of saving money? 2019-03-10T03:27:25 < rajkosto> i want light amplification pls 2019-03-10T03:27:29 < jadew> zyp, so you can get more stuff 2019-03-10T03:27:29 < Cracki> money grows on trees, I knew it 2019-03-10T03:27:30 < R2COM> being richest man on the cemetery 2019-03-10T03:27:37 < zyp> R2COM, exactly 2019-03-10T03:27:41 < zyp> when you're dead, you're dead 2019-03-10T03:27:46 < jadew> you could get two chicks for the price of one 2019-03-10T03:27:57 < zyp> having a lot of money isn't the goal, money is just the means 2019-03-10T03:27:59 < tjq> Perhaps you would like an 11 year old prostitute sent to your room. We can do that 2019-03-10T03:28:03 < Cracki> this is getting stupid. you aren't arguing over a terminal cancer patient. 2019-03-10T03:28:21 < zyp> Cracki, we're all gonna die at some point :) 2019-03-10T03:28:56 < R2COM> dying is just a way of getting into Valhalla 2019-03-10T03:29:04 < Cracki> rajkosto, you want a simple focusing lens. you'd put the sensor right in the focal point of the lens. then any parallel rays come out focused in that point 2019-03-10T03:29:29 < jadew> should I give you my paypal account to relieve you of those money you don't need anyway? 2019-03-10T03:29:44 < R2COM> i dont have money i dont need 2019-03-10T03:29:53 < R2COM> and you are not a hot chick with big boobs 2019-03-10T03:29:58 < R2COM> so.. .sorry 2019-03-10T03:29:59 < rajkosto> Cracki, look at drawing in datasheet i linked 2019-03-10T03:30:04 < Cracki> rajkosto, the aperture/hole only matters for how large and far away the lens can be 2019-03-10T03:30:37 < rajkosto> it will cutoff any image that's larger than 0.75mm radius when it hits the hole 2019-03-10T03:30:40 < Cracki> lens diameter = tan(20.5 degrees) * lens distance from die 2019-03-10T03:30:56 < Cracki> and distance should be focal distance 2019-03-10T03:30:58 < Laurenceb_123> wtf is rajkosto building? 2019-03-10T03:31:04 < rajkosto> Laurenceb_123, A WEAPON TO SURPASS METAL GEAR 2019-03-10T03:31:07 < Laurenceb_123> a free space optical comms thing? 2019-03-10T03:31:14 < jadew> is that sex map real? 2019-03-10T03:31:18 < Laurenceb_123> yes 2019-03-10T03:31:26 < jadew> what is ebony? 2019-03-10T03:31:31 < Cracki> black 2019-03-10T03:31:36 < rajkosto> its not a sex map 2019-03-10T03:31:37 < Laurenceb_123> like you dont know 2019-03-10T03:31:39 < rajkosto> its porn searches by women on pornhub 2019-03-10T03:31:59 < tjq> Hyperloop 2019-03-10T03:32:10 < tjq> Or EEstor battery 2019-03-10T03:32:17 < Cracki> lenses, let's get back to lenses please 2019-03-10T03:32:27 < jadew> so... the blacks are looking for black, indians for indians, the chinese are looking for japanese porn lol 2019-03-10T03:32:42 < Cracki> that's at least related to that optical IC, which is somewhat related to programming stm32 2019-03-10T03:32:58 < Cracki> yes the chinese want what they can't have :> 2019-03-10T03:33:00 < rajkosto> Cracki, well without any lens i seem to get 1000 counts (out of 65535) for my target average light, which is super low 2019-03-10T03:33:08 < rajkosto> with a diffuser sheet somewhere in the optical path, it halves 2019-03-10T03:33:09 < jadew> Cracki, being groped in the bus? 2019-03-10T03:33:15 < Cracki> rajkosto, is that aperture circular, square, ...? 2019-03-10T03:33:18 < jadew> by a large crowd 2019-03-10T03:33:26 < zyp> jadew, they have a lot of fun statistics: https://www.pornhub.com/insights/ 2019-03-10T03:33:31 < rajkosto> and it also doesnt seem to matter what distance the chip is vs the light source 2019-03-10T03:33:31 < Cracki> bus groping, that must be an interesting experience 2019-03-10T03:33:34 < rajkosto> Cracki, hole 2019-03-10T03:33:38 < jadew> zyp, that's great, thanks :D 2019-03-10T03:33:43 < Cracki> rajkosto, diffuser is silly of course 2019-03-10T03:33:58 < rajkosto> a diffuser like one of those funky sheets from a lcd monmitor 2019-03-10T03:34:03 < Cracki> distance will matter if you aren't very far away from the light source 2019-03-10T03:34:12 < rajkosto> https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-10_02-34-06_Bxp4yZywG.png 2019-03-10T03:34:21 < Cracki> so... circular hole, diameter 0.75mm, you calculate the area of that 2019-03-10T03:34:29 < rajkosto> distance doesnt seem to matter i can glue the thing to my monitor and its the same as being 1-3cm away 2019-03-10T03:34:31 < Cracki> then you tell me how much more light you want. that's the area of the lens you need. 2019-03-10T03:35:23 < rajkosto> distance does matter for point light sources like a high brightness LED of course but i dont care about that 2019-03-10T03:35:25 < rajkosto> just flat panels 2019-03-10T03:35:43 < Cracki> aperture is 0.44 sq.mm, so if you want 100 times more light, you want a lens with 7.5 mm diameter 2019-03-10T03:35:53 < R2COM> apex legends search on pornhub? 2019-03-10T03:35:54 < R2COM> WTF 2019-03-10T03:36:01 < rajkosto> R2COM, rule 34 2019-03-10T03:36:09 < rajkosto> last year it was FORTNITE btw 2019-03-10T03:36:37 < Cracki> so you get a lens with the right area/diameter, and then you have to figure out focal distance 2019-03-10T03:36:54 < rajkosto> Cracki, if only it was that easy 2019-03-10T03:36:58 < Cracki> it is? 2019-03-10T03:37:01 < rajkosto> its not 2019-03-10T03:37:03 < R2COM> are there stm32 searches 2019-03-10T03:37:03 < Cracki> why not 2019-03-10T03:37:29 < Cracki> the drawing shows height of whole IC, not aperture to die surface, but I guess that hardly matters 2019-03-10T03:37:32 < rajkosto> you arent taking the hole into account 2019-03-10T03:37:42 < Laurenceb_123> ^rule 34 2019-03-10T03:37:59 < Cracki> why do you think I'm not? 2019-03-10T03:38:21 < Cracki> why do you think I'm talking about focal distance? 2019-03-10T03:38:28 < rajkosto> if you focus on the hole 2019-03-10T03:38:29 < zyp> aww, searching stm32 doesn't return any results 2019-03-10T03:38:41 < Cracki> explain your confusion 2019-03-10T03:38:42 < zyp> «We're sorry, but the requested search cannot be found. Broaden your search. 2019-03-10T03:38:44 < zyp> › 2019-03-10T03:39:13 < Cracki> it would make sense to put the hole in focus, not the die. 2019-03-10T03:40:23 < Cracki> still, lens diameter / focal length = sensor size / (distance of hole to die surface) 2019-03-10T03:40:40 < Cracki> so you cover the sensor completely, and not more 2019-03-10T03:41:43 < Cracki> if you have space constraints, you can put the focus closer to the die, as long as the aperture doesn't intersect the path of your light 2019-03-10T03:42:20 < Cracki> you need to come up with some concrete numbers 2019-03-10T03:42:35 < rajkosto> if you focus on the hole you get this https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-10_02-42-26_ve176wDAb.png 2019-03-10T03:42:38 < Cracki> sensor area would be the first useful one, desired "gain" being the second 2019-03-10T03:42:54 < rajkosto> the image is larger than the sensor once it reaches it, so most of it is wasted 2019-03-10T03:43:00 < Cracki> yeah so? then you pick a longer focal distance so the cone is narrower 2019-03-10T03:43:11 < Cracki> or you put the focus closer to the die, as I said 2019-03-10T03:43:30 < rajkosto> you cant do it if maintaining angle of 20.5/41 2019-03-10T03:43:36 < Cracki> wat 2019-03-10T03:43:43 < Cracki> that is irrelevant 2019-03-10T03:43:54 < rajkosto> you need to use a larger angle 2019-03-10T03:43:57 < Cracki> that's just a helpful number they give 2019-03-10T03:44:01 < rajkosto> and larger angles get cut off by the aperture 2019-03-10T03:44:08 < Cracki> dude you know geometry, you can figure this out 2019-03-10T03:44:18 -!- mirage335 [~mirage335@mirage335-base.soaringindustries.space] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-10T03:44:20 < rajkosto> ive figured it out and its impossible :( 2019-03-10T03:44:27 < zyp> wtf are you going on about? 2019-03-10T03:44:27 < Cracki> it sounds to me like you're just voicing objections because you haven't spent a moment of thought on it 2019-03-10T03:44:34 < Cracki> "impossible" hah 2019-03-10T03:44:45 < zyp> angle is a function of sensor size and focal distance 2019-03-10T03:44:48 < rajkosto> it violates the conservation of etendue 2019-03-10T03:45:09 < Cracki> conservation of what? 2019-03-10T03:45:31 < Cracki> only mawk is allowed to anglicize french terms 2019-03-10T03:45:39 < rajkosto> thats the only thing its called 2019-03-10T03:45:54 < mawk> I don't know what it is either 2019-03-10T03:45:58 < tjq> CIS white males invoking reality and science. Niggers are free to practice voodoo without persecution 2019-03-10T03:46:03 < mawk> étendue means spread 2019-03-10T03:46:09 < mawk> or span 2019-03-10T03:46:11 < mawk> or I don't know 2019-03-10T03:46:17 < Cracki> hmmm thank you for explaining him :P 2019-03-10T03:46:46 < Cracki> we're back to spreading things. I'm sure pornhub knows all about it. 2019-03-10T03:46:53 < mawk> lol 2019-03-10T03:47:25 < zyp> rajkosto, you'll probably want the circle to be a bit larger than the sensor anyway to avoid vigntting in the corners 2019-03-10T03:47:48 < rajkosto> i dont know how large the sensor is or how distant it is from the aperture 2019-03-10T03:48:07 < zyp> what aperture are you talking about? 2019-03-10T03:48:23 < rajkosto> https://www.mouser.co.uk/images/marketingid/2017/img/173089913.png this one 2019-03-10T03:48:42 < zyp> got the product link for that? 2019-03-10T03:48:57 < Cracki> https://i.imgur.com/Z7kIDR3.png 2019-03-10T03:49:06 < Cracki> this is the maximum angle 2019-03-10T03:49:24 < rajkosto> congrats you violated the law 2019-03-10T03:49:31 < Cracki> pick your lens diameter, put it at the minimum distance, figure focal length, done 2019-03-10T03:49:36 < Cracki> what fucking law 2019-03-10T03:49:39 < rajkosto> I AM THE LAW 2019-03-10T03:49:45 < rajkosto> the law that the angle must be 41oC 2019-03-10T03:49:51 < Cracki> there is no such law 2019-03-10T03:49:52 < Laurenceb_123> he probably means brightness conservation? 2019-03-10T03:49:53 < R2COM> rajkosto how do i disable that "hyperlink" in MSVC showing "references" when i dont ask for it inside a code 2019-03-10T03:50:25 < rajkosto> zyp, https://ams.com/as7261 2019-03-10T03:50:43 < Cracki> if you want your 41 damned degrees, then calculate with that and be done 2019-03-10T03:51:36 < Cracki> then lens diameter = 2 * tan(20.5 degrees) * focal distance 2019-03-10T03:51:54 < rajkosto> what curvature of the lens 2019-03-10T03:52:02 < Cracki> depends on focal distance 2019-03-10T03:52:12 < rajkosto> 0 2019-03-10T03:52:14 < Cracki> or do you mean "convex" 2019-03-10T03:52:20 < Cracki> now you're just trolling 2019-03-10T03:52:30 < rajkosto> focal distance == thing you are trying to take an image of, right ? 2019-03-10T03:52:33 < Cracki> do you actually mean 0 focal distance 2019-03-10T03:52:34 < Cracki> no 2019-03-10T03:52:42 < Cracki> please review lens geometry 2019-03-10T03:52:46 < zyp> you might want to read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angle_of_view 2019-03-10T03:53:00 < zyp> Cracki, I don't see how lens diameter is relevant for the FoV 2019-03-10T03:53:36 < zyp> in my understanding, lens diameter is only relevant for the aperture, as in the amount of light you let in 2019-03-10T03:53:40 < Cracki> zyp, do you think anyone related diameter to fov? I didn't. 2019-03-10T03:53:50 < Cracki> diameter only matters to how much light he wants to gather. 2019-03-10T03:53:54 < Cracki> why did you ask that? 2019-03-10T03:54:05 < Cracki> was I unclear? 2019-03-10T03:54:06 < zyp> because I'm confused 2019-03-10T03:54:13 < rajkosto> Cracki, https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-10_02-53-53_mSxor4HxM.png my object is infinitely close and infinitely large 2019-03-10T03:54:22 < Cracki> infinitely close means 0 distance 2019-03-10T03:54:25 < Cracki> and that's nonsense 2019-03-10T03:54:37 < Cracki> you're working with mathematical bullshit numbers 2019-03-10T03:54:45 < Cracki> you'll never get a solution like that 2019-03-10T03:55:57 < Laurenceb_123> kek he is on 4chan /pol/ again https://mobile.twitter.com/PrisonPlanet/status/1104495369138987009?p=v 2019-03-10T03:56:13 < zyp> Cracki, unless I'm misunderstanding you stated that lens diameter = blah * tan(fov/2) or something, and I don't understand how 2019-03-10T03:56:25 < Cracki> you misunderstand 2019-03-10T03:56:51 < Cracki> besides, why would that even be a question 2019-03-10T03:57:03 < zyp> so what did you actually mean? 2019-03-10T03:57:09 < Cracki> lens size scales with focal distance 2019-03-10T03:57:12 < Cracki> that's what I mean 2019-03-10T03:57:22 < Cracki> for this given problem, that's the degree of freedom 2019-03-10T03:57:31 < Cracki> not in general. I DO NOT claim this in general. 2019-03-10T03:57:37 < Cracki> people always misunderstand that. 2019-03-10T03:58:01 < zyp> why does lens size scale with focal distance? 2019-03-10T03:58:06 < Cracki> I am deliberately ignoring his insane requirements of "infinitely close, infinitely large" 2019-03-10T03:58:28 < Cracki> are you asking because you don't see the geometry or because you think I said something wrong? 2019-03-10T03:59:41 < zyp> I'm asking because it doesn't yet make sense to me 2019-03-10T03:59:43 < rajkosto> Cracki, the object is bigger than the lens and like 3mm away how about now 2019-03-10T03:59:47 < Cracki> you have a cone, right? 2019-03-10T03:59:59 < Cracki> tip of the cone is suppsoed to be focus 2019-03-10T04:00:04 < Cracki> put a lens in the cone 2019-03-10T04:00:09 < rajkosto> to collect all the light from this object that the lens can see, the angle on the other side will be HUGE 2019-03-10T04:00:11 < Cracki> size scales with focal distance 2019-03-10T04:00:24 < rajkosto> huge angles get cut off by aperture 2019-03-10T04:00:27 < Cracki> rajkosto, specify "object" 2019-03-10T04:00:33 < Cracki> explain why your object is 3mm away 2019-03-10T04:00:38 < rajkosto> because its the computer screen 2019-03-10T04:00:43 < Cracki> and...? 2019-03-10T04:00:47 < rajkosto> and im sticking the sensor right on the screen. 2019-03-10T04:01:05 < zyp> I think you're going about it the wrong way 2019-03-10T04:01:07 < Cracki> and you won't change that 3mm requirement? 2019-03-10T04:01:36 < Cracki> so you want more light... but you also want a distance of 3mm 2019-03-10T04:01:40 < Cracki> good luck with that 2019-03-10T04:01:48 < rajkosto> it really doesnt matter what the distance is because to collect more light the lens would need to be bigger, hwich means larger distance, which ends up with the same amount of light being collected 2019-03-10T04:01:53 < Cracki> I think there's no way to go about fixing bad requirements 2019-03-10T04:02:40 < zyp> Cracki, you're talking about these cones, right: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cd/Cirles_of_confusion_lens_diagram.png ? 2019-03-10T04:02:50 -!- mirage335 [~mirage335@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T04:02:51 < Cracki> only the right cones 2019-03-10T04:03:10 < Cracki> if the lens would sit right on the screen surface 2019-03-10T04:03:58 < Cracki> please disengage from me, turn to him with questions. I'm done with this. 2019-03-10T04:04:23 < zyp> okay, I think I'm starting to see your point now 2019-03-10T04:04:38 < zyp> although, who the fuck cares about the angle between the sensor and the lens? 2019-03-10T04:04:41 < rajkosto> the total number of photons emitted by the surface in view increases when you move it away, but so does the total number of photons missing. 2019-03-10T04:05:09 < rajkosto> zyp, https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-10_03-05-07_3p77o8j2o.png 2019-03-10T04:05:11 < Cracki> simply wat 2019-03-10T04:05:55 < zyp> rajkosto, ah, okay 2019-03-10T04:06:16 < rajkosto> its calibrated for that angle, which is why they even included it on the chip 2019-03-10T04:06:29 < rajkosto> they have a non-calibrated sensor that just gives you raw values and is an exposed die in a clear coating 2019-03-10T04:06:37 < rajkosto> its many times cheaper 2019-03-10T04:08:15 < zyp> in that case what Cracki said makes total sense, choose lens diameter based on focal length 2019-03-10T04:09:50 < zyp> rajkosto, so at this point what are you uncertain about? 2019-03-10T04:10:09 < rajkosto> how to do any calculations when the object on the other side of the lens isnt an object but the entire frame 2019-03-10T04:10:21 < zyp> what sort of calculations? 2019-03-10T04:10:33 < rajkosto> like lens curvature and distance 2019-03-10T04:11:35 < zyp> what do you mean by «isn't an object»? 2019-03-10T04:12:14 < rajkosto> https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-10_03-12-11_ClSUQ2H4y.png ??? 2019-03-10T04:12:41 < zyp> what am I looking at? 2019-03-10T04:12:57 < rajkosto> the object is always the same size as the lens and very close to it 2019-03-10T04:14:18 < zyp> why? 2019-03-10T04:14:55 < rajkosto> because its stuck to the screen and its trying to get as large of a circle of a screen to get to the sensor 2019-03-10T04:15:21 < zyp> what are you trying to do? 2019-03-10T04:15:29 < rajkosto> https://www.datacolor.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Feature4-12.jpg 2019-03-10T04:16:09 < zyp> okay, so you're building a color calibrator 2019-03-10T04:16:19 < rajkosto> kinda 2019-03-10T04:16:28 < rajkosto> "why not use an existing one" need it to be controllable by my stm32 precisely 2019-03-10T04:16:53 < rajkosto> they are all super proprietary and unfriendly 2019-03-10T04:16:56 < zyp> why does the lens be as close to the screen as possible? what prevents you from adding some distance? 2019-03-10T04:17:03 < rajkosto> ok i can add distance 2019-03-10T04:17:13 < Cracki> doesn't even matter. just assume parallel light rays 2019-03-10T04:17:33 < rajkosto> dont think adding distance gets me anything 2019-03-10T04:17:46 < zyp> of course it does 2019-03-10T04:18:07 < zyp> stick your eye to the surface of the monitor and see if you can get anything in focus 2019-03-10T04:18:10 < rajkosto> is there like an online lens jiggler i can use 2019-03-10T04:18:16 < rajkosto> heh i want it to be out of focus 2019-03-10T04:18:34 < rajkosto> blur the grid in between the pixels away 2019-03-10T04:18:41 < zyp> why even bother with a lens then? 2019-03-10T04:18:54 < rajkosto> because i need a lot more light to get into the sensor than is getting into it without one 2019-03-10T04:20:13 -!- enh [~enhering@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T04:20:14 < zyp> how do you figure? 2019-03-10T04:20:30 < rajkosto> im only at 1000 out of 65535 counts at maximum gain 2019-03-10T04:21:00 < zyp> without a lens now? 2019-03-10T04:21:04 < rajkosto> yes 2019-03-10T04:21:09 < zyp> how much screen area is visible to the sensor? 2019-03-10T04:21:10 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 2019-03-10T04:21:23 < rajkosto> doesnt matter its always around 1000 counts 2019-03-10T04:22:00 < rajkosto> ideal distance would be like 2.5cm or 41o angle but i get 1000 even if i tape it down to the screen 2019-03-10T04:22:08 < tjq> I was looking for dr b 2019-03-10T04:26:07 -!- leorat [~rat@unaffiliated/leorat] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T04:30:42 < tjq> anita sarkeesian cashes out: landwhales enraged 2019-03-10T04:31:21 < dongs> i thought sarah jeong was the new hot shit 2019-03-10T04:31:35 < tjq> honestly have no idea 2019-03-10T04:32:07 < tjq> I was just thinking about a bunch of angry fat feminazis who poured their disability (obesity) pension into her 2019-03-10T04:33:45 < zyp> rajkosto, okay, I had to wrap my head around this a bit 2019-03-10T04:34:43 < zyp> if im calculating correctly, ±20.5 degrees equals f/1.3 or so 2019-03-10T04:37:32 < zyp> since all you want is to pick up the average color, you'll want to use a lens focused at infinity, and can put it all up to the monitor 2019-03-10T04:39:13 < zyp> as long as you pick a focal length and diameter relationship to give you ±20.5 degrees, you'll get f/1.3 in any case, which in traditional photography terms says you get the same amount of illumination from the same scene 2019-03-10T04:39:23 < zyp> but in your case, you won't have the same scene 2019-03-10T04:39:46 < zyp> the larger lens you pick, the more screen area it will cover and the more light it will pick up 2019-03-10T04:40:29 < rajkosto> so screen can be assumed to just be parallel rays coming from infinity ? 2019-03-10T04:40:38 < zyp> yes 2019-03-10T04:41:10 < zyp> all the rays coming straight in will then hit the center of the sensor 2019-03-10T04:42:37 < zyp> hmm 2019-03-10T04:43:49 < zyp> on the other hand, a larger lens/focal length means that less of the rays that are not coming straight in will hit the sensor 2019-03-10T04:44:28 < rajkosto> arent they all polarized and coming straight in on a screen anyway ? 2019-03-10T04:45:23 < zyp> not if you can see anything at all also when you don't look straight at it :p 2019-03-10T04:46:34 < zyp> hmm 2019-03-10T04:46:44 < rajkosto> doesnt it all average out to unity gain at the end ? 2019-03-10T04:46:44 < aandrew> zyp: how did you calculat the angle to f-stop? 2019-03-10T04:46:47 < aandrew> <-- camera stupid 2019-03-10T04:47:06 < zyp> just flipped your formula around 2019-03-10T04:47:17 < zyp> f-stop is f/D 2019-03-10T04:47:55 < zyp> so 1 / 2tan(20.5deg) 2019-03-10T04:47:55 < aandrew> ahh 2019-03-10T04:48:12 < aandrew> I just read f-stop is ratio of focal length to aperture diameter 2019-03-10T04:48:18 < rajkosto> is it 20.5 deg or 41 deg in calculations ? 2019-03-10T04:49:03 < zyp> ±20.5 deg is 2 * tan(20.5) in this case 2019-03-10T04:49:15 < zyp> 2 * tan(20.5) is different from tan(41) 2019-03-10T04:49:42 < rajkosto> degrees or radians are supposed to be used ? 2019-03-10T04:50:41 < zyp> doesn't matter as you and the calculator agree on what you're using 2019-03-10T04:51:40 < zyp> so anyway, I'm starting to suspect lens size doesn't matter either 2019-03-10T04:52:15 < rajkosto> "The total number of photons emitted by the surface in view increases when you move it away, but so does the total number of photons missing." 2019-03-10T04:53:02 < zyp> a larger lens would catch more light, but having it longer away from the sensor would spread the light over a larger area as well, so you lose what you gain 2019-03-10T04:53:20 < rajkosto> DAS WHAT IM SAYIN 2019-03-10T04:53:27 < zyp> yes 2019-03-10T04:54:00 < rajkosto> however it eliminates the need for a diffuser 2019-03-10T04:54:47 < rajkosto> which loses half the light for me if i put it anywhere in the optical path 2019-03-10T04:54:52 < zyp> so the only way to get more light is to get a larger aperture, i.e. a lower f-stop 2019-03-10T04:55:14 < zyp> which means increasing the angle past ±20.5 degrees 2019-03-10T04:55:25 < rajkosto> which ruins the color accuracy 2019-03-10T04:55:25 < Cracki> ever roasted ants with a magnifying glass? lens size DOES matter 2019-03-10T04:55:38 < rajkosto> Cracki, your light is also infinitely away 2019-03-10T04:55:46 < Cracki> was that an objection? 2019-03-10T04:56:06 < rajkosto> youre increasing the angle by increasing your lens size but keeping the same distance from the ant 2019-03-10T04:56:23 < Cracki> you need to learn optics or trust others to solve it for you 2019-03-10T04:56:43 < rajkosto> Cracki, i apparently solved it before even asking 2019-03-10T04:56:45 < zyp> Cracki, bigger lens means bigger aperture :) 2019-03-10T04:56:54 < rajkosto> and its impossible 2019-03-10T04:56:57 < zyp> problem is rajkosto can't increase the aperture more 2019-03-10T04:57:04 < Cracki> certainly more aperture is the whole point of this exercise 2019-03-10T04:57:14 < zyp> aperture as in f-stop 2019-03-10T04:57:15 < Cracki> uh 2019-03-10T04:57:24 < Cracki> I don't believe you're figuring this right 2019-03-10T04:57:45 < Cracki> it's certainly a challenge to find a lens that's large _and_ has a short focal distance 2019-03-10T04:58:01 < zyp> did you read this part? https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-10_03-05-07_3p77o8j2o.png 2019-03-10T04:58:12 < zyp> that's what limits the aperture 2019-03-10T04:58:14 < Cracki> yes, which is why I need the whole data shit 2019-03-10T04:58:27 < rajkosto> the only way to get rid of the 20.5 angle limit 2019-03-10T04:58:32 < rajkosto> is to drill the hole to be bigger 2019-03-10T04:58:34 < Cracki> with some more information, one could work with/around that fucking microlens 2019-03-10T04:58:47 < rajkosto> and then you lose all the calibration 2019-03-10T04:58:52 < Cracki> that angle limit isn't a limit to how much light you can gather 2019-03-10T04:59:03 < Cracki> it's only a limit to the size of your apparatus 2019-03-10T04:59:08 < Cracki> (lower limit) 2019-03-10T04:59:25 < Cracki> kek you want calibration? 2019-03-10T04:59:28 < rajkosto> im goin mental here 2019-03-10T04:59:31 < rajkosto> Cracki, its already calibrated 2019-03-10T04:59:38 < Cracki> you think you're getting calibrated values with a huge fucking lens in front of it? 2019-03-10T04:59:46 < rajkosto> yes ;) 2019-03-10T04:59:59 < Cracki> color values will probably stay the same, but you ARE getting more photons 2019-03-10T05:00:07 < rajkosto> try it. 2019-03-10T05:00:25 < rajkosto> photons get lost to the void 2019-03-10T05:00:39 < Cracki> I'm starting to doubt your ability to grasp this 2019-03-10T05:00:51 < rajkosto> its the same reason its getting the same amount of photons when its right stuck to the screen vs some centimeters away 2019-03-10T05:00:59 < Cracki> nah 2019-03-10T05:01:02 < zyp> I agree with rajkosto here 2019-03-10T05:01:21 < Cracki> "stuck to screen" and "some centimeters away" is nothing 2019-03-10T05:01:48 < Cracki> that's how light works 2019-03-10T05:02:06 < Cracki> a white wall is the same brightness, no matter if you have your eyeball almost up to it, or you're standing meters away 2019-03-10T05:02:24 < rajkosto> now youre gettin it 2019-03-10T05:02:32 < Cracki> no, you misunderstand me again 2019-03-10T05:02:54 < Cracki> ray optics are simple but not as simple as everyone thinks 2019-03-10T05:02:56 < rajkosto> now add an aperture in front of your eye 2019-03-10T05:03:07 < Cracki> look into the equations people need to deal with for photon mapping 2019-03-10T05:03:15 < rajkosto> not only will brightness be the same, but total photon count will be the same 2019-03-10T05:03:39 < Cracki> you're forgetting that lenses are involved 2019-03-10T05:04:05 < Cracki> anyway, I think your project is just not possible for you 2019-03-10T05:04:09 < rajkosto> all the lenses will do is focus/defocus, which doesnt matter for this exercise 2019-03-10T05:04:20 < Cracki> wrong 2019-03-10T05:04:43 < Cracki> https://ricktu288.github.io/ray-optics/ 2019-03-10T05:05:07 < Cracki> if that doesn't fix your intuition, nothing will 2019-03-10T05:05:17 < zyp> Cracki, a photo of a white wall taken at a 1m distance will also be the same brightness whether taken with a 18mm f/2.8 lens or a 200mm f/2.8 lens, even if the latter photo contains a much smaller piece of the wall surface 2019-03-10T05:05:32 < Cracki> again, f-stops, I don't follow 2019-03-10T05:05:56 < Cracki> before I go along with any of that f-stop stuff you'd have to explain it to me so I understand 2019-03-10T05:06:28 < zyp> like I said, it's f/D, i.e. focal length / aperture diameter 2019-03-10T05:06:37 < Cracki> besides, I suspect you're stating things I'm not even disputing 2019-03-10T05:06:47 < Cracki> so it's beside the point to discuss that 2019-03-10T05:06:47 < rajkosto> on that website 2019-03-10T05:06:49 < rajkosto> how do i use real units 2019-03-10T05:07:01 < rajkosto> and move objects exactly 2019-03-10T05:07:13 < Cracki> try not 2019-03-10T05:07:52 < zyp> Cracki, so you're disputing my argument, but not the points I back it up with? 2019-03-10T05:08:03 < Cracki> zyp, it appears to me that "f-stops" are a measure of the solid angle 2019-03-10T05:08:09 < BrainDamage> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etendue 2019-03-10T05:08:15 < Cracki> STILL the amount of light gathered can be increased by ADDING lenses 2019-03-10T05:08:23 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-10T05:11:19 < Cracki> zyp, your question contains an implication. would you please make explicit what you're referring to 2019-03-10T05:11:28 < rajkosto> that simulator is too ideal 2019-03-10T05:11:32 < Cracki> lol 2019-03-10T05:11:44 < rajkosto> http://nagykrisztian.com/synthrays/synthrays.html 2019-03-10T05:11:58 < rajkosto> more real 2019-03-10T05:11:58 < Cracki> you want a non-ideal simulator AND you want to "move objects exactly" 2019-03-10T05:12:20 < rajkosto> yes for max realism 2019-03-10T05:12:30 < rajkosto> the lens idea works for parallel input rays 2019-03-10T05:12:52 < Cracki> just raytrace it 2019-03-10T05:14:16 < R2COM> may i know what are you building 2019-03-10T05:14:48 < rajkosto> n, its a secret to everyone 2019-03-10T05:15:31 < R2COM> probably some device for serbian missiles to hit F22 2019-03-10T05:16:40 < rajkosto> dont need em 2019-03-10T05:16:51 < rajkosto> serbians hit billion dollar planes with no machine assistance 2019-03-10T05:17:21 < R2COM> it wasnt billion one.. like 200mil 2019-03-10T05:17:46 < R2COM> and it did >1000 trips with bombing and shot once 2019-03-10T05:18:01 < R2COM> congrats, your accuracy is 0.001% 2019-03-10T05:19:05 < R2COM> i wonder if Nikola Tesla lived in our days, would he hang out in ##stm32 ? 2019-03-10T05:19:13 < rajkosto> n 2019-03-10T05:25:14 < rajkosto> R2COM, it was its first flight 2019-03-10T05:25:30 < rajkosto> The lost F-117 carried the name "Something Wicked" and had previously flown 39 sorties during the Persian Gulf War's Operation Desert Storm.[15] 2019-03-10T05:25:32 < zyp> https://bin.jvnv.net/file/iFARx.png https://bin.jvnv.net/file/d2uYi.png 2019-03-10T05:25:57 < R2COM> im not talking about flight of that specific jet, im talking about general amount of flights vs amount of shot down flights 2019-03-10T05:26:54 < rajkosto> they sent another one and it was damaged and never flew again too 2019-03-10T05:27:01 < zyp> ^ the effect of focal distance, beam vs a bunch of point sources 2019-03-10T05:27:01 < rajkosto> they apparently suck 2019-03-10T05:27:14 < R2COM> nah, F117's did >1000 flights there 2019-03-10T05:27:21 < R2COM> 1 damaged, 1 shot 2019-03-10T05:27:38 < R2COM> and serbian AA was literally "turned down" 2019-03-10T05:28:01 < machinehum> Does anyone have any papers from people using very high voltages to drive stepper at high speeds 2019-03-10T05:28:06 < machinehum> 300V range 2019-03-10T05:28:55 < rajkosto> zyp, wonder which one would a raytraced "area light" simulate to 2019-03-10T05:29:57 < zyp> I imagine for what you're doing a bunch of point sources are the more accurate model 2019-03-10T05:38:24 < rajkosto> so where do i find a f1.3 lens 2019-03-10T05:47:03 < rajkosto> what type of lens btw, convex, plano-convex ? 2019-03-10T05:47:31 -!- Cracki_ [~cracki@unaffiliated/crackwitz] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T05:47:31 -!- Cracki [~cracki@unaffiliated/crackwitz] has quit [Disconnected by services] 2019-03-10T05:47:35 -!- Cracki_ is now known as Cracki 2019-03-10T06:01:33 < tjq> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IeK-V-Dlbo 2019-03-10T06:01:40 < tjq> this reminds me of something... 2019-03-10T06:04:47 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-10T06:05:12 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T06:21:28 -!- enh [~enhering@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-10T06:21:59 -!- enh [~enhering@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T06:24:11 -!- leorat [~rat@unaffiliated/leorat] has quit [Quit: leorat] 2019-03-10T06:27:42 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T06:36:29 -!- enh [~enhering@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-10T06:49:16 -!- fc5dc9d4_ [~quassel@p5B3A8620.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T06:53:30 -!- fc5dc9d4 [~quassel@p57A32896.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-10T07:02:47 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-10T07:03:22 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T07:17:16 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-10T07:43:48 < R2COM> rajko is done for today 2019-03-10T07:53:16 < R2COM> dongs sup 2019-03-10T08:33:48 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-10T08:41:54 < R2COM> hmm why DSI pins are not all shown in AF mapping 2019-03-10T08:42:33 < R2COM> like, F13, it is DSI specific pin - DSI_D1_N 2019-03-10T08:42:53 < R2COM> but in AF table, its not specified 2019-03-10T08:50:55 -!- tomeaton17_ [tomeaton17@unaffiliated/tomeaton17] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T08:57:43 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-sqloohutnvmekmra] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-10T08:58:04 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: HorizonBreak, tomeaton17, Adluc 2019-03-10T09:00:48 -!- Adluc [Adluc@base48.cz] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T09:01:07 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-10T09:02:29 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T09:04:53 -!- Thorn [~Thorn@unaffiliated/thorn] has quit [Max SendQ exceeded] 2019-03-10T09:10:27 -!- jef79m [~jef79m@124-149-86-191.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-10T10:01:35 < dongs> should be 2019-03-10T10:21:37 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ddfjdhdxcuaesryw] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T10:27:05 < tjq> hi R2COM 2019-03-10T10:30:43 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Gone to sleep...] 2019-03-10T10:45:56 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T11:16:12 -!- jef79m [~jef79m@124-149-88-161.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T11:21:17 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:fc79:fa5c:a9bd:9e75] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T11:50:19 -!- Peter_M [bgdwiepp@115-69-25-80-cpe.spintel.net.au] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T11:50:52 -!- PeterM [bgdwiepp@115-69-25-80-cpe.spintel.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-10T11:57:06 -!- leorat [~rat@unaffiliated/leorat] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T12:16:11 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-211.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T12:16:49 -!- Peter_M [bgdwiepp@115-69-25-80-cpe.spintel.net.au] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 2019-03-10T12:17:55 -!- catphish [~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T12:21:59 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:fc79:fa5c:a9bd:9e75] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-10T12:32:22 -!- obsrver [~quassel@p4FF16CB3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T12:41:15 -!- leorat [~rat@unaffiliated/leorat] has quit [Quit: leorat] 2019-03-10T12:44:13 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-10T12:44:34 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-10T13:04:06 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:e419:4f7e:d983:d749] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T13:25:04 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T13:30:35 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-211.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-10T13:30:52 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-211.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T13:31:19 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ddfjdhdxcuaesryw] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-10T13:32:11 -!- HorizonBreak [sid131374@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-pimusxcaxiylbuvf] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T13:36:18 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-211.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-10T13:36:32 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-211.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T13:44:41 -!- gsi__ is now known as gsi_ 2019-03-10T14:13:12 < karlp> huh sparkfun, of all people, built an ambiq micro dev board 2019-03-10T14:18:22 -!- tomeaton17_ is now known as tomeaton17 2019-03-10T14:19:11 < dongs> what is that shit 2019-03-10T14:19:14 < dongs> some riscv trash? 2019-03-10T14:19:42 < karlp> they were doing some super low voltage parts, 2019-03-10T14:21:04 < karlp> desing a board with mics and shit for doing tensor flow, provide a serial port on pin headers for "proframming and debug" 2019-03-10T14:21:06 < karlp> losers 2019-03-10T14:27:26 < Steffanx> link karlp? 2019-03-10T14:28:37 < Steffanx> nevermind 2019-03-10T14:33:30 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:e419:4f7e:d983:d749] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 2019-03-10T14:34:33 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:e419:4f7e:d983:d749] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T14:59:28 < Adluc> Does anyone know about any 'standard' or whatever for pinouts for M8 connectors? (SPI/UART/I2C/GPIO) 2019-03-10T15:01:35 < Adluc> 'yet another standard "standard"' 2019-03-10T15:02:14 < Adluc> or what do you guys use for connecting sensors and shit? 2019-03-10T15:06:34 < dongs> wtf is m8 connector? 2019-03-10T15:06:41 < dongs> oh those 2019-03-10T15:06:45 < dongs> for sure theres no standard lol 2019-03-10T15:07:17 < Steffanx> olimext invented uext. 2019-03-10T15:11:40 < Steffanx> at least i think it was them 2019-03-10T15:16:31 < Adluc> I have pmods on boards with L4's 2019-03-10T15:16:40 < Adluc> but I need something waterproof, what i can conformal coat 2019-03-10T15:16:51 < Adluc> pinheaders are shit on this 2019-03-10T15:16:59 < Steffanx> oh, m8 is a connector not a pinout standard :P 2019-03-10T15:17:46 < Steffanx> since you mention the protocols i though you were referring to some pinout standard 2019-03-10T15:17:51 < Steffanx> *mentioned 2019-03-10T15:17:54 < Steffanx> :P 2019-03-10T15:25:38 -!- Thorn [~Thorn@unaffiliated/thorn] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T15:26:28 < Adluc> just looking for existing pinouts for M8, so i dont have to come up with custom bullshit 2019-03-10T15:26:40 < Adluc> or generally such circular connectors 2019-03-10T15:41:20 < jpa-> if you are going to have the same signals as PMOD connectors, just use the same numbering? 2019-03-10T15:41:44 < jpa-> it's not like many people run SPI/UART/I2C over such connectors, usually it's RS485 or similar 2019-03-10T15:57:49 < Adluc> jpa-: actually :D didnt think of it to keep numbers of pins same 2019-03-10T16:38:16 < zyp> I'd say look at where other pinouts are placing ground at least 2019-03-10T16:38:22 < zyp> keep the ground where ground usually is 2019-03-10T16:42:10 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T16:43:42 < Steffanx> Damn, did you do your hair before you took the pic you used for github jpa-? 2019-03-10T16:44:21 < zyp> haha 2019-03-10T16:44:34 < jpa-> i did comb it, yeah 2019-03-10T16:44:44 < Steffanx> and trimmed it a bit. 2019-03-10T16:44:53 < jpa-> ah, yeah, my wife does that occassionally 2019-03-10T16:45:05 < jpa-> i needed a profile pic for freecancer so i thought might as well put one on github also 2019-03-10T16:45:20 < Steffanx> Do you actually get work from the freelancer? 2019-03-10T16:45:44 < jpa-> yeah, there are interesting projects among the crap 2019-03-10T16:46:00 < Steffanx> but dont they all want to for less than a dollar? 2019-03-10T16:46:01 < jpa-> not very well paying though but i'm mostly just looking for variation 2019-03-10T16:46:34 -!- enh [~enhering@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T16:46:59 < jpa-> so far i've managed to stay close to my ~70 EUR/h target 2019-03-10T16:47:08 < Steffanx> oh not too bad then 2019-03-10T16:47:45 < jpa-> but hard to say exactly, i've spend quite a bit of time writing bids that never get anywhere 2019-03-10T17:16:32 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-10T17:33:19 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T17:46:09 -!- catphish [~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 2019-03-10T17:46:17 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-10T17:52:43 -!- obsrver [~quassel@p4FF16CB3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-10T18:03:19 < R2COM> so i dont see DSI specified in AF table 2019-03-10T18:03:29 < R2COM> the pins like CK N/ P etc 2019-03-10T18:03:55 < R2COM> DSI-specific ones, those pin on specific ports are not specified in AF table 2019-03-10T18:05:13 < aandrew> what's a cheap/slick/whatever way to get composite video to hdmi or even just an LCD 2019-03-10T18:06:21 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T18:13:16 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-211.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-10T18:13:26 < dongs> aandrew: https://www.ebay.com/itm/chinesium/273049762337? 2019-03-10T18:13:33 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-211.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T18:14:59 -!- obsrver [~quassel@p4FF16CB3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T18:19:16 < mawk> « This converter's advanced processing IC allows you to get the clearest picture quality possible with optimal color and detail reproduction. » 2019-03-10T18:20:55 < dongs> yes 2019-03-10T18:20:59 < dongs> the IC is some chinesium shit 2019-03-10T18:21:03 < dongs> its a single chip thing 2019-03-10T18:21:05 < dongs> very little external parts 2019-03-10T18:21:07 < rajkosto> its decent 2019-03-10T18:21:11 < dongs> sure 2019-03-10T18:21:14 < rajkosto> amazing how VLSI works 2019-03-10T18:28:21 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ozjxgedhenkjslrt] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T18:31:31 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T18:52:43 < aandrew> I decided to go a different route 2019-03-10T18:52:55 < aandrew> found aftermarket backup camera displays for $25 on amazon 2019-03-10T18:53:07 < aandrew> so I dn't need a monitor on top of it 2019-03-10T19:03:46 < kakimir> do you know any switch that has poe pass through? 2019-03-10T19:03:56 < kakimir> cheap and stuff too 2019-03-10T19:04:47 < kakimir> 100M 2019-03-10T19:06:03 < tjq> https://i.imgur.com/E9O33tl.jpg 2019-03-10T19:06:33 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 2019-03-10T19:07:30 < Steffanx> in memoriam? 2019-03-10T19:08:16 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T19:14:27 < kakimir> hats off 2019-03-10T19:20:07 < R2COM> kakimir tps61097 2019-03-10T19:22:30 < kakimir> hmm 2019-03-10T19:26:01 < aandrew> tjq: who's that 2019-03-10T19:27:18 < Steffanx> templeos guy aandrew 2019-03-10T19:28:54 < aandrew> looks a bit like bill nye 2019-03-10T19:30:21 < kakimir> R2COM: ? 2019-03-10T19:38:50 < rajkosto> usb hid easy how 2019-03-10T19:41:21 < rajkosto> https://github.com/arpruss/USBComposite_stm32f1 ? 2019-03-10T19:48:54 < aandrew> rajkosto: interesting 2019-03-10T19:55:49 < aandrew> so. mcurses seems to work reasonably okay. it exposed a problem where I'm just not spitting shit out usb serial (CDC) fast enough and thus dropping chars, sometimes in the middle of the vt100 commands which was causing obvious problems 2019-03-10T19:56:29 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T19:56:32 < aandrew> for simple stuff it looks ok though. it's a pity there are no vt100 commands to scroll a rectangular region that ISN'T the entire width of the display though 2019-03-10T19:56:33 < Laurenceb_123> esp32 grrrl 2019-03-10T19:56:44 < Laurenceb_123> I think I fell out with her :( 2019-03-10T19:57:05 < aandrew> you can define scroll regions and it's nice because you're not redrawing,t he terminal is, but it's the entire width of the display that's scrolling 2019-03-10T19:57:08 < aandrew> Laurenceb_123: oh? 2019-03-10T19:57:29 < aandrew> you told her you once used a cc3200 didn't you 2019-03-10T19:59:47 < Laurenceb_123> no it was much much worse 2019-03-10T20:00:00 < Laurenceb_123> I told her she needed mental help 2019-03-10T20:00:59 < Laurenceb_123> she wanted to be strangled until she was unconscious O_o 2019-03-10T20:01:19 < Laurenceb_123> and now my car is broken 2019-03-10T20:01:21 < Laurenceb_123> funtimes 2019-03-10T20:01:31 < aandrew> that's pretty much the only way to write esp32 code that works. makes sense. 2019-03-10T20:01:55 < Laurenceb_123> my power steering fluid is black 2019-03-10T20:01:58 < Laurenceb_123> thats bad right? 2019-03-10T20:02:02 < aandrew> yes 2019-03-10T20:02:12 < aandrew> er wait 2019-03-10T20:02:18 < aandrew> power steering fluid should be clear/yellowish 2019-03-10T20:02:26 < aandrew> tranny fluid is clear red 2019-03-10T20:02:27 < Laurenceb_123> :-/ 2019-03-10T20:02:39 < aandrew> I honestly can't remember power steering fluid 2019-03-10T20:02:45 < aandrew> brakefluid is clear 2019-03-10T20:02:48 < Laurenceb_123> >implying anyone in britbongland would have automatic transmission 2019-03-10T20:02:49 < Laurenceb_123> yeah 2019-03-10T20:03:00 < aandrew> Laurenceb_123: heh 2019-03-10T20:14:27 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-10T20:20:00 -!- marble_visions [~user@] has quit [Quit: bye] 2019-03-10T20:20:41 -!- marble_visions [~user@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T20:27:01 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-10T20:33:16 -!- DisruptiveNL [~Disruptiv@5ED4324B.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T20:41:28 -!- enh [~enhering@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-10T20:44:57 < DisruptiveNL> Did anyone have a STM32L4 OTG FS working with STM32CubeMX or has some sample project? 2019-03-10T20:48:40 < englishman> zyp: there is some bitch nigger plugged into the DC charger who isn't even charging 2019-03-10T20:48:45 < englishman> he just wanted the place 2019-03-10T20:49:53 -!- enh [~enhering@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T20:54:36 -!- catphish [~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T20:55:05 < rajkosto> how quicc can i run the stm32 adc for like 64 samples in a row 2019-03-10T21:02:39 < qyx> it depends on adc clock freq, sampling time, etc. 2019-03-10T21:02:51 < qyx> the maximum samples per second is mentioned in the datasheet 2019-03-10T21:03:04 < qyx> 1-5msps for the main stm32 families 2019-03-10T21:03:18 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:e419:4f7e:d983:d749] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-10T21:06:27 < rajkosto> still dunno what higher sampling time gets you, noise suppression ? 2019-03-10T21:06:49 < Cracki> philosoraptor time again? 2019-03-10T21:07:15 < rajkosto> wdym 2019-03-10T21:07:45 < Cracki> yes, longer sampling time is for lower noise 2019-03-10T21:07:51 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ozjxgedhenkjslrt] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-10T21:08:09 < Cracki> I'm sure all that is written somewhere in the RM or data sheet 2019-03-10T21:08:14 < rajkosto> but the integrator is not linear so you must make sure your input signal doesnt change faster than your sampling time ? 2019-03-10T21:09:05 < Cracki> wrong, that's what the sampling circuit does 2019-03-10T21:09:13 < Cracki> sample and hold 2019-03-10T21:09:21 < Cracki> pls there is TONS of stuff written on this 2019-03-10T21:10:24 < mawk> what's a non-linear integrator 2019-03-10T21:11:09 < Cracki> I suspect it's his confusion 2019-03-10T21:11:39 < Cracki> he's just stringing words together 2019-03-10T21:11:54 < rajkosto> just cuz you dont understand them doesnt mean its nonsense 2019-03-10T21:11:59 < rajkosto> same as yesterday 2019-03-10T21:12:04 < mawk> but an integrator is linear 2019-03-10T21:12:11 < qyx> wut integrator 2019-03-10T21:12:19 < mawk> any integrator 2019-03-10T21:12:20 < qyx> there is a few picoF sampling cap 2019-03-10T21:12:28 < qyx> the exact value is in the ds 2019-03-10T21:12:33 < qyx> there is also an AN 2019-03-10T21:12:42 < qyx> describing "getting best accuracy results using stm32 ADC" 2019-03-10T21:12:49 < qyx> there is some useful information 2019-03-10T21:12:55 < mawk> with L1 but yeah DisruptiveNL 2019-03-10T21:12:57 < mawk> I set it up at least 2019-03-10T21:13:02 < mawk> but did not go very far 2019-03-10T21:13:07 < qyx> how to drive the ADC, how to compute errors, etc. 2019-03-10T21:13:50 < DisruptiveNL> Oke... I have some config which seems good... (taken from STM32F4) but when I want to add USART all good to shit 2019-03-10T21:14:13 < Cracki> you guys let yourselves get run around from his nonsensical prompts 2019-03-10T21:14:23 < qyx> rajkosto: higher sampling time eg. allows you to use higher impedance inputs 2019-03-10T21:15:06 < qyx> Cracki: i just have to exercise my fingers a bit 2019-03-10T21:18:30 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-10T21:24:20 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T21:31:41 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-10T21:32:58 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T21:42:21 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T21:45:34 -!- Cracki [~cracki@unaffiliated/crackwitz] has quit [Disconnected by services] 2019-03-10T21:45:34 -!- Cracki_ [~cracki@unaffiliated/crackwitz] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T21:45:38 -!- Cracki_ is now known as Cracki 2019-03-10T21:47:11 -!- sterna [~Adium@cgn85-194-11-99.bredband.comhem.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T21:49:04 -!- DisruptiveNL [~Disruptiv@5ED4324B.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-10T21:49:06 < kakimir> https://twitter.com/internetofshit 2019-03-10T21:52:39 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Gone to sleep...] 2019-03-10T21:56:13 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T22:06:26 -!- obsrver [~quassel@p4FF16CB3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.] 2019-03-10T22:07:46 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vruymhoymlcpeekk] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T22:19:36 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-10T22:37:26 < tjq> good morning Laurenceb_123 2019-03-10T22:37:49 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T22:45:37 < Laurenceb_123> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=224InR8VBUw 2019-03-10T22:46:50 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-211.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 2019-03-10T22:47:41 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-211.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T22:49:04 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-10T22:51:39 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T22:51:56 < Cracki> kek so innocent 2019-03-10T22:52:16 < Cracki> as always, the comments speak the truth 2019-03-10T22:55:31 < tjq> the cooley-tukey 2019-03-10T22:59:08 < PaulFertser> Cracki, can you help me translate "Messer mit einhändig feststellbarer Klinge"? 2019-03-10T22:59:11 < PaulFertser> Please 2019-03-10T22:59:45 -!- enh [~enhering@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-10T22:59:53 < Cracki> knife with single-handedly lockable blade? 2019-03-10T23:00:05 < Cracki> maybe lockable, maybe something else 2019-03-10T23:00:31 < PaulFertser> Cracki: lockable as in something that locks into place, right? So a knife that can be open but has no mechanical locks/fixtures to hold the blade open is not included? 2019-03-10T23:00:32 < Cracki> arrestable perhaps, if anyone understands that 2019-03-10T23:00:40 < Cracki> can't tell from the word 2019-03-10T23:00:50 < Cracki> might be an actual lock, or might be a screw you can tighten, no clue 2019-03-10T23:00:56 < Cracki> pics or gtfo ;) 2019-03-10T23:01:16 < PaulFertser> It's a quote from German knife law :) 2019-03-10T23:01:21 < Cracki> ah that 2019-03-10T23:01:37 < Cracki> yes, the issue there is knives that can snap shut are unsafe 2019-03-10T23:02:00 < Cracki> pocket knives usually don't have any locking mechanism 2019-03-10T23:02:22 < PaulFertser> And so are they legal even if you can open them single-handedly? 2019-03-10T23:02:23 < Cracki> at least the ones I know don't 2019-03-10T23:02:30 < Cracki> uh you misunderstand 2019-03-10T23:02:41 < Cracki> perhaps show me more context 2019-03-10T23:02:49 < Cracki> I will refuse to read tea leaves 2019-03-10T23:03:04 < qyx> are you into potter? 2019-03-10T23:03:18 < PaulFertser> Cracki: https://www.bka.de/SharedDocs/FAQs/DE/Waffenrecht/waffenrechtFrage03.html 2019-03-10T23:03:40 < Cracki> fuehrverbot means forbidden to carry 2019-03-10T23:03:50 < Cracki> german weapons law distinguishes between carrying and owning 2019-03-10T23:04:06 < Cracki> you can own a lot of stuff as long as it doesn't leave private property 2019-03-10T23:04:13 < BrainDamage> are you going to germany? 2019-03-10T23:04:22 < Cracki> and if you transport it, you have a bunch of regulations 2019-03-10T23:04:25 < PaulFertser> Yes, but my question is whether there's any distinction for carrying foldable knives with and without locking blade. 2019-03-10T23:04:44 < Cracki> the wording needs some parsing 2019-03-10T23:04:56 < Cracki> I'm not sure what they *contrast* single-handedly lockable knives *against* 2019-03-10T23:05:14 < Cracki> maybe they want you to have to use both hands to operate it, maybe not, has to be deciphered 2019-03-10T23:05:42 < Cracki> that page explains very little... unfortunate 2019-03-10T23:06:06 < PaulFertser> Good FAQ... 2019-03-10T23:06:24 < Cracki> ah, Einhandmesser can be sprung open singlehandedly. if you need a second hand to open it, it's safer. 2019-03-10T23:07:03 < PaulFertser> Yes, but my question is about locking the blade in the open state. 2019-03-10T23:07:09 < Cracki> parsing 2019-03-10T23:08:48 < Cracki> when in doubt, send a picture of what you want to carry to some authorities 2019-03-10T23:09:05 < rajkosto> PaulFertser, knife with a blade that you can fix in position with only one hand 2019-03-10T23:09:15 < Cracki> their FAQ is real shit 2019-03-10T23:10:00 < PaulFertser> rajkosto: so a knife that can't be fixed at all is apparently legal to be carried, right? 2019-03-10T23:10:12 < Cracki> even the law itself uses this coded language 2019-03-10T23:11:53 < Cracki> it appears to me that they consider _lockable_ folding knives more dangerous because you can just slash and stab with them, without regard for your own fingers 2019-03-10T23:12:34 < PaulFertser> And that makes sense actually. 2019-03-10T23:12:56 < Cracki> it's all very convoluted 2019-03-10T23:13:20 < Cracki> some site says a 10cm fixed knife is good but 4.7cm foldable and lockable is bad 2019-03-10T23:13:41 < PaulFertser> The law doesn't talk about 10cm at all though? 2019-03-10T23:13:45 < Cracki> examples 2019-03-10T23:14:24 < PaulFertser> 4.7cm foldable, lockable _and_ something you can open single-handedly is bad. 2019-03-10T23:14:52 < Cracki> just talk to someone who is an expert in this 2019-03-10T23:15:02 < rajkosto> jacknifes that you can open with only one hand are forbidden in germany 2019-03-10T23:15:04 < Cracki> or don't get caught :P 2019-03-10T23:15:42 < PaulFertser> I thought you guys know your laws ;) 2019-03-10T23:16:27 < Cracki> a lot of the motivation behind this stuff is forbidding the weapons that subhumans carry 2019-03-10T23:16:38 < Cracki> anything you can hide in a pocket yet use effectively in a fight 2019-03-10T23:17:16 < Cracki> my country isn't fucked enough yet that I would bother being versed in weapons law 2019-03-10T23:17:39 < Cracki> a friend of mine's brother got beat up by a dozen arabs/turks last weekend 2019-03-10T23:17:59 < Cracki> now they consider carrying legal pepper spray 2019-03-10T23:18:14 < Cracki> there's very little you are allowed to defend yourself with around here 2019-03-10T23:18:54 < Cracki> police with (semi?)-automatic weapons standing guard around christmas markets... 2019-03-10T23:19:23 < Cracki> if they'd just shoot those fuckers at the nonexistent border, we wouldn't have to have all that shit INSIDE our country 2019-03-10T23:19:33 < PaulFertser> Can you get a handgun licence? 2019-03-10T23:19:39 < Cracki> no. 2019-03-10T23:19:58 < Cracki> not even most security jobs have a justification for getting that. 2019-03-10T23:20:26 < PaulFertser> How about non-lethal (rubber shots) guns? 2019-03-10T23:20:37 < Cracki> what you can get is rifles and stuff for sport, which you may only use on private property 2019-03-10T23:20:54 < Cracki> there's a way you can carry gas pistols 2019-03-10T23:20:56 < Cracki> no projectiles 2019-03-10T23:21:06 < Cracki> those are quite useless tho 2019-03-10T23:21:19 < Cracki> you'd have to shoot someone point blank to cause any damage 2019-03-10T23:22:11 < Cracki> this country is obviously emasculated. that's why we have so much rape and murder of natives by foreigners 2019-03-10T23:22:35 < Cracki> if we were allowed to defend ourselves, we wouldn't look like such easy targets 2019-03-10T23:22:57 < kakimir> what country? 2019-03-10T23:23:00 < Cracki> personally, I'd go for an electro shocker, not a taser 2019-03-10T23:23:08 < Cracki> tasers are forbidden anyway 2019-03-10T23:23:26 < PaulFertser> Knives are not really useful for self-defense anyway it seems. 2019-03-10T23:23:54 < Cracki> they're useful if you want to take the other dude down while you're about to die anyway 2019-03-10T23:24:09 < Cracki> they ALWAYS attack in groups 2019-03-10T23:24:13 < Cracki> you are powerless against groups 2019-03-10T23:24:24 < Cracki> germans have been brainwashed against sticking together 2019-03-10T23:25:02 < Cracki> the most redpilled ones around here are foreigners and halfbreeds because nobody dares lecture them about original sin 2019-03-10T23:25:54 < Cracki> the most satisfying part of all this shit is that those fucking idiots who stood at the train stations clapping while those invaders came, they get knifed and raped now 2019-03-10T23:26:08 < Cracki> anyone with an ounce of brains stays the fuck away from the enrichment 2019-03-10T23:27:14 < Cracki> this "article" looks like it's a bit more thorough: http://www.taschenmesser.de/fuehrungsverbot/ 2019-03-10T23:27:59 < Cracki> they probably don't even consider knives you can open singlehandedly but not lock... that'd imply a loose enough blade that it's almost flopping around 2019-03-10T23:29:02 < Cracki> transport in a bag is alright too because you can't draw within a second 2019-03-10T23:29:28 < Cracki> Ein Tortenmesser mit einer langen Klinge darf ruhig für ein Picknick im Park genutzt werden. 2019-03-10T23:29:52 < Cracki> you're allowed to knife-rape your pie 2019-03-10T23:31:01 < kakimir> history of our age will be interesting 2019-03-10T23:31:07 < Cracki> it's a good idea to carry a box cutter knife 2019-03-10T23:31:50 < Cracki> dangerous enough to slash at someone's neck, not sturdy enough to stab them in the heart 2019-03-10T23:32:23 < Cracki> hm, maybe even that's illegal :> 2019-03-10T23:32:50 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-10T23:33:09 < kakimir> has something happend Cracki ? 2019-03-10T23:33:22 < Cracki> ask PaulFertser, he asked about this stuff 2019-03-10T23:33:25 < kakimir> appart from mass illegal immigration? 2019-03-10T23:33:35 < Cracki> apart from that? yes? RAPES AND MURDERS? 2019-03-10T23:34:19 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T23:34:36 < Cracki> MASSIVE expenditures of our welfare state 2019-03-10T23:34:42 < Getty> not really 2019-03-10T23:34:49 < Getty> we actually earn a shitton of money from them 2019-03-10T23:34:50 < Cracki> he's german, don't believe him 2019-03-10T23:34:53 < Cracki> bullshit 2019-03-10T23:34:59 < Getty> 22 billion euro alone in 2015 2019-03-10T23:35:05 < kakimir> Getty: you mean rich people do 2019-03-10T23:35:07 < Cracki> that's what's been spent, yearly 2019-03-10T23:35:07 < Getty> i am also a german, and not brainwashed by the fake media 2019-03-10T23:35:31 < Cracki> you are disingenious 2019-03-10T23:35:33 < Getty> kakimir: no, the government, its calculated that by average we earn 6000 EUR / year / immigrant, which already counts in the social security we pay out for those not working 2019-03-10T23:35:44 < kakimir> how? 2019-03-10T23:35:47 < Getty> taxes? 2019-03-10T23:35:50 < Getty> by them working? 2019-03-10T23:35:51 < Cracki> distinguish between those migrants that can hold a job, and those that can't 2019-03-10T23:35:59 < Cracki> now bring numbers 2019-03-10T23:36:00 < Getty> they work in way higher rates as native 2019-03-10T23:36:03 < Cracki> bullshit 2019-03-10T23:36:09 < Cracki> you're picking your numbers 2019-03-10T23:36:11 < Getty> well, reality you want to deny 2019-03-10T23:36:13 < Getty> no 2019-03-10T23:36:15 < Cracki> show numbers 2019-03-10T23:36:15 < Getty> they are actually reality 2019-03-10T23:36:26 < Getty> well, you are the wrong believing bullshit, check the official numbers, you can see it 2019-03-10T23:36:32 < Cracki> show me numbers 2019-03-10T23:36:38 < Cracki> you're being deceptive 2019-03-10T23:36:39 < Getty> i don't need to show you the numbers if you make up claims 2019-03-10T23:36:44 < Cracki> you make up claims 2019-03-10T23:36:46 < Getty> i dont need to, you are making up shit 2019-03-10T23:36:48 < kakimir> there are lies, bigger lies and official statistics 2019-03-10T23:36:51 < Getty> not really 2019-03-10T23:36:51 < Cracki> ^ 2019-03-10T23:36:55 < Getty> hahaha 2019-03-10T23:37:04 < Getty> yeah thats not how it works 2019-03-10T23:37:17 < Getty> see, the first thing to start a fascist regime is denying that there is any reality in what we see. 2019-03-10T23:37:32 < Ultrasauce> Yeah I'm just gonna 2019-03-10T23:37:34 < Cracki> up is down, it's always the same with these bolsheviks 2019-03-10T23:37:34 < Getty> most germans learned that concept already very early, and those numbers are indeed facts, coming from the government 2019-03-10T23:37:49 < Getty> it is also kinda weird that we have the highest income years of our history with all those "problems" you state 2019-03-10T23:37:49 < Cracki> oh boy 2019-03-10T23:38:03 < Getty> you can see that we are one of the rare countries that actually has income, even very big 2019-03-10T23:38:05 -!- mode/##stm32 [+o Ultrasauce] by ChanServ 2019-03-10T23:38:05 < Cracki> you are ridiculous 2019-03-10T23:38:20 < Getty> well, you can see it, everywhere ;) 2019-03-10T23:38:42 -!- enh [~enhering@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T23:39:26 < kakimir> in funland I think the wave of immigrants are just about to finish their finnish lessons 2019-03-10T23:40:03 < kakimir> those that stayed 2019-03-10T23:42:23 -!- mode/##stm32 [+b Cracki!*@*] by Ultrasauce 2019-03-10T23:42:40 -!- mode/##stm32 [-o Ultrasauce] by Ultrasauce 2019-03-10T23:43:40 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-10T23:44:49 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T23:44:51 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:d426:9bc8:a393:ce10] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-10T23:45:51 < Laurenceb_123> shitpost32 2019-03-10T23:46:02 < qyx> we were expecting an immigrant wave too 2019-03-10T23:46:05 < qyx> but nothing happened 2019-03-10T23:46:13 < qyx> even those who stayed want to leave :> 2019-03-10T23:46:22 < Laurenceb_123> Getty confirmed as "Syrian refugee" 2019-03-10T23:46:37 < tjq> welcome back jack; 2019-03-10T23:47:41 < Getty> lol 2019-03-10T23:50:36 -!- sterna [~Adium@cgn85-194-11-99.bredband.comhem.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-10T23:50:40 < tjq> so I was thinking about microcontrollers 2019-03-10T23:51:10 < Laurenceb_123> power them using miniaturised immigrants? 2019-03-10T23:51:26 < tjq> nah this can plug into the wall man 2019-03-10T23:51:55 < tjq> 240v 10a 2019-03-10T23:52:16 < tjq> can miniaturised immigrants provide that? 2019-03-10T23:52:51 < Laurenceb_123> attach electrodes to immigrant to extract their hybrid vigour 2019-03-10T23:53:44 < Laurenceb_123> why did I know this would exist as a subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/sugarlifestyleforum/ 2019-03-10T23:54:45 -!- enh [~enhering@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-10T23:55:13 < rajkosto> lol theyre getting fraud check scammed 2019-03-10T23:55:23 < Laurenceb_123> my sides 2019-03-10T23:58:16 < Laurenceb_123> I suspect the "immigrants" include BASED POLACKS tbh 2019-03-10T23:58:16 < tjq> uggh 2019-03-10T23:58:30 < tjq> i like trying to open up an on-topic discussion here 2019-03-10T23:58:32 < tjq> :) 2019-03-10T23:58:57 < tjq> I saw a post on digikey about sub $1 MCUs 2019-03-10T23:59:13 < tjq> as in +1000x qty 2019-03-10T23:59:32 < tjq> perhaps you could roll that up and smoke it? --- Day changed Mon Mar 11 2019 2019-03-11T00:00:08 < R2COM> what was that discussion about with ban 2019-03-11T00:00:08 < tjq> something not in sot23-6 though 2019-03-11T00:00:11 < R2COM> dont even get it 2019-03-11T00:00:26 < tjq> maybe he accidentally banned the wrong guy 2019-03-11T00:01:09 < englishman> sub-$1 stm32 on digikey? or something else 2019-03-11T00:01:29 < tjq> stm8 maybe 2019-03-11T00:01:47 < englishman> probably <$1 on digikey 2019-03-11T00:02:03 < tjq> i wonder if stm32 can 2019-03-11T00:02:59 < kakimir> https://jaycarlson.net/microcontrollers/ 2019-03-11T00:03:23 < R2COM> in F7 do pins need to be defined for DSI function for that interface? 2019-03-11T00:03:30 < tjq> https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/STM32F030C6T6/497-14042-ND/4357251?WT.z_slp_buy=stm_stm32f4 2019-03-11T00:03:37 < R2COM> as in case for alternate function stuff for any other peripheral 2019-03-11T00:03:39 < R2COM> ? 2019-03-11T00:03:51 < kakimir> go for EFM8 2019-03-11T00:04:30 < Laurenceb_123> tjq I found ur family album https://collections.museumvictoria.com.au/content/media/21/372671-small.jpg 2019-03-11T00:04:31 < tjq> i'll start checkering also ty for the link 2019-03-11T00:04:45 < Laurenceb_123> tjq at left 2019-03-11T00:04:55 < tjq> Laurenceb_123: you've already posted that with the same remark 2019-03-11T00:05:02 < englishman> kaks those efm8 are just garbo 8051 barely enough ram for C 2019-03-11T00:05:05 < englishman> iirc 2019-03-11T00:05:20 < englishman> not even that cheap 2019-03-11T00:05:25 < tjq> damnation 2019-03-11T00:05:39 < kakimir> those go for way under 1eur 2019-03-11T00:05:40 < tjq> guess I'll have to be one of those cool 8051 ASM guys 2019-03-11T00:05:51 < tjq> 1eur is like $20 aud 2019-03-11T00:06:01 < kakimir> and rising 2019-03-11T00:06:44 < englishman> kakimir: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KndmtryfiTk 2019-03-11T00:06:59 -!- catphish [~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-11T00:08:23 < kakimir> I went for that clickbait already 2019-03-11T00:08:56 < tjq> you're going to have an error 2019-03-11T00:09:47 < R2COM> so the ref manual says to optionally configure GPIO for some other feature 2019-03-11T00:09:55 < kakimir> tjq: when 2019-03-11T00:09:56 < R2COM> but doesnt say that GPIO for all DSI pins need to be configured 2019-03-11T00:11:12 < Steffanx> Never did dsi so idk 2019-03-11T00:14:14 < aandrew> I can't imagine that it's any different than any other peripheral 2019-03-11T00:16:48 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-11T00:18:19 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T00:18:47 < R2COM> for example pins H12,H13 2019-03-11T00:18:54 < R2COM> no mention for them in AF table 2019-03-11T00:19:16 < R2COM> under DCMI/LCD/DSI column 2019-03-11T00:19:28 < R2COM> however, those are DSI_CK_P/N pins 2019-03-11T00:19:36 < R2COM> and actually used in disco board 2019-03-11T00:21:01 < Laurenceb_123> when Cracki gets the rage he doesnt know when to shut up 2019-03-11T00:21:11 < Laurenceb_123> Cracki confirmed as Elliot 2.0 2019-03-11T00:23:31 < mawk> why is he banned ? 2019-03-11T00:23:39 < mawk> for the migrant talk ? 2019-03-11T00:25:14 < R2COM> so PH12 for example, as alternate function has DCMI_D3 listed 2019-03-11T00:25:20 < R2COM> but its also DSI_CK_P pin for DSI 2019-03-11T00:26:43 < mawk> electro-shocker is bad Cracki , you have to be very close and it doesn't work over leather; knives are bad too, they will hurt you with it if you're not a master ninja; pepper spray is bad because of the wind; peper gel is better, and you can have pepper gel guns that throw the gel at 200km/h against all possible wind, getting under any eye protection of any sort; another possibility is rubber bullet guns but they have terrible aim and you can't legally carry them 2019-03-11T00:26:43 < mawk> on the street; better gen a rubber bullet rifle that will aim way better and is more dissuasive, you can saw off some part of the barrel to shorten it down 2019-03-11T00:30:14 < R2COM> rubber bullt rifle 2019-03-11T00:30:18 < R2COM> wtf is that shit 2019-03-11T00:30:28 < friendofafriend> Good God, just get a pistol. 2019-03-11T00:31:03 < friendofafriend> Like a .25 or a .32, something that fits in your pocket. 2019-03-11T00:31:15 < englishman> who is banned 2019-03-11T00:31:15 < R2COM> i always have 9mm walther PPQ M2 in my car 2019-03-11T00:31:20 < englishman> oh lol 2019-03-11T00:31:29 < englishman> unwanted chatter 2019-03-11T00:31:43 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 2019-03-11T00:32:05 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T00:33:09 < mawk> if you're in gun country friendofafriend 2019-03-11T00:33:10 < mawk> but I'm not 2019-03-11T00:33:27 < R2COM> which country you are in? 2019-03-11T00:33:29 < englishman> where mawk is, you can't buy a .32. but you can get some 7.62x39 easily 2019-03-11T00:33:43 < friendofafriend> Oh, fair enough. Bear country. 2019-03-11T00:33:48 < mawk> not legally, englishman 2019-03-11T00:33:51 < BrainDamage> get a fa-mas 2019-03-11T00:33:54 < englishman> noone said anything about that 2019-03-11T00:33:55 < mawk> lol 2019-03-11T00:34:01 -!- enh [~enhering@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T00:34:03 < mawk> famas, the french pride 2019-03-11T00:34:10 < englishman> mawk 2019-03-11T00:34:10 < mawk> we don't even use it anymore, we switched to a swiss gun or something 2019-03-11T00:34:13 < mawk> yes 2019-03-11T00:34:13 < englishman> i bought a gevarm 2019-03-11T00:34:17 < friendofafriend> Don't know what you call them there, "blackjack" or a "sap". 2019-03-11T00:34:22 < mawk> nice 2019-03-11T00:34:25 < englishman> my first franco riffle 2019-03-11T00:36:26 < R2COM> https://i.imgur.com/EIsm3vM.jpg here, my toy 2019-03-11T00:36:42 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-11T00:37:01 < mawk> rubber bullet rifle is just a regular rifle but with a rubber ball instead of the lead for shooting animals 2019-03-11T00:37:14 < mawk> which is the only thing legal without a sports shooting license here 2019-03-11T00:37:26 < mawk> you still need to get a certificate from a doctor saying you're not crazy and register the gun with the police 2019-03-11T00:37:29 < R2COM> so get sports shooting license and be done with it 2019-03-11T00:37:38 < mawk> it's hard to get 2019-03-11T00:37:41 < R2COM> where you from? 2019-03-11T00:37:43 < Laurenceb_123> loicense 2019-03-11T00:37:57 < mawk> and still you can't carry the gun on the streets, and you need to keep it at home unloaded in a locked safe at all times 2019-03-11T00:37:59 < mawk> France 2019-03-11T00:38:16 < mawk> and bullets can't be stored with the gun 2019-03-11T00:38:42 < R2COM> everytime i hear this stuff i love usa even more 2019-03-11T00:38:47 < mawk> lol 2019-03-11T00:38:51 < R2COM> although...its not as "free" here as i really wanted 2019-03-11T00:38:58 < Laurenceb_123> https://files.catbox.moe/m1r7pk.png 2019-03-11T00:39:02 < R2COM> fully automatic requires registration 2019-03-11T00:39:31 < mawk> but really if you don't care about the law you can get an AK-47 easily here 2019-03-11T00:39:35 < mawk> our suburbs are full of it 2019-03-11T00:39:42 < mawk> preferred weapon of terrorists and drug lords 2019-03-11T00:40:02 < R2COM> you wouldnt be able to get out in open and enjoy it 2019-03-11T00:40:06 < BrainDamage> ak works, which is what ~everyone asks in a weapon 2019-03-11T00:40:06 < englishman> and ak series rifle enthusiasts and roleplayers 2019-03-11T00:40:14 < R2COM> errm 2019-03-11T00:40:18 < R2COM> AK doesnt work... its a shit weapon 2019-03-11T00:40:56 < mawk> isn't it resistant to water and stuff ? 2019-03-11T00:41:01 < R2COM> no, its all myth 2019-03-11T00:41:12 < R2COM> it is a gas piston system, which surely helps against water 2019-03-11T00:41:32 < R2COM> but AR15 also resistant to water 2019-03-11T00:41:39 < R2COM> unless you submerge it and then fire 2019-03-11T00:42:08 < R2COM> since AR15 is a direct impingement weapon, gas operated. but AK is piston operated so piston "seals" internals from outside water 2019-03-11T00:42:22 < R2COM> but there are gas piston versions of AR too, like M416 2019-03-11T00:42:29 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:d426:9bc8:a393:ce10] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-11T00:42:44 < R2COM> or..one can buy "piston" kit from online and convert AR15 to piston system, and make it more reliable than AK 2019-03-11T00:42:46 < R2COM> yet accurate 2019-03-11T00:43:38 < R2COM> anyway...arms related stuff need to be in constitution of a country 2019-03-11T00:43:47 < R2COM> cuz if its not, then some libs can make gun prohibiting laws 2019-03-11T00:44:12 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-211.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-11T00:44:36 < kakimir> ##ak32 2019-03-11T00:45:01 < mawk> lol 2019-03-11T00:45:37 < kakimir> do you have weaponry R2COM? 2019-03-11T00:45:46 < R2COM> yea 2019-03-11T00:46:33 < kakimir> what type? 2019-03-11T00:46:44 < R2COM> i just showed pic 2019-03-11T00:47:00 < R2COM> i got various ARs, that one is for close combat 2019-03-11T00:47:20 < R2COM> i got DMR versions too with a proper caliber 2019-03-11T00:47:44 < kakimir> what calibers do you have? 2019-03-11T00:47:57 < R2COM> 6.5 Grendel and 5.56 2019-03-11T00:48:24 < kakimir> no 7,62mm? 2019-03-11T00:48:27 < R2COM> nah 2019-03-11T00:49:10 < R2COM> you should have rifle too, in case if russia invades funland *again* 2019-03-11T00:50:23 < kakimir> if something happens 2019-03-11T00:50:27 < kakimir> it's baltics 2019-03-11T00:50:29 < kakimir> and finland 2019-03-11T00:50:37 < kakimir> if anything happens* 2019-03-11T00:50:53 < kakimir> the first step 2019-03-11T00:52:11 < kakimir> and as if some pesky rifle would do anything at that point 2019-03-11T00:52:29 < R2COM> no pesky 2019-03-11T00:52:44 < R2COM> get good optics+rifle and many many 30 rounbd magazines 2019-03-11T00:52:48 < R2COM> and you good :) 2019-03-11T00:53:03 < R2COM> you dont evne need full auto... 2019-03-11T00:53:13 < kakimir> ye 2019-03-11T00:54:18 < R2COM> anyway im back to this DSI related stuff 2019-03-11T00:55:01 < R2COM> this shit is really confusing 2019-03-11T00:55:22 < R2COM> im not getting why they handled its peripheral pin config in such a way 2019-03-11T00:57:44 < R2COM> oh ill just recheck with cube... 2019-03-11T00:59:11 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T00:59:49 < englishman> who is working on juicero 3.0 2019-03-11T01:00:34 < aandrew> my son dropped his open squishie today, that made a bit of a splash 2019-03-11T01:00:50 < kakimir> the scam is still going englishman? 2019-03-11T01:01:07 < englishman> you tell me 2019-03-11T01:05:50 < kakimir> https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Juicero/reviews 2019-03-11T01:08:09 < R2COM> i do not see cube generating port initialization code for DSI 2019-03-11T01:18:56 < Laurenceb_123> *sips soy* so, ho is going to watch Captain Marvel? 2019-03-11T01:34:46 < Laurenceb_123> http://www2.b3ta.com/host/creative/46786/1551895498/GammonRadiationSm.jpg 2019-03-11T01:37:15 -!- enh [~enhering@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-11T01:38:26 -!- enh [~enhering@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T01:50:34 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-11T02:01:03 < aandrew> I actually want to watch that 2019-03-11T02:01:27 < aandrew> I have been intentionally ignoring any news around it but bits of SJW bullshit have made it through th efilters 2019-03-11T02:03:10 -!- enh [~enhering@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-11T02:05:03 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T02:09:37 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-11T02:11:02 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T02:21:53 -!- enh [~enhering@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T02:32:12 < rajkosto> how do you non destructively stick things to other things like double sided tape but weak 2019-03-11T02:33:33 < kakimir> what are you doin 2019-03-11T02:47:48 < englishman> blue tack 2019-03-11T02:47:58 < englishman> chewing gum 2019-03-11T02:48:03 < englishman> spittle 2019-03-11T02:48:18 < englishman> masking tape 2019-03-11T02:48:34 < rajkosto> i need like double sided tape 2019-03-11T02:48:39 < rajkosto> but one side is super strong the other sucsk 2019-03-11T02:49:10 < englishman> suction cup 2019-03-11T02:50:11 < englishman> vacuum table 2019-03-11T02:53:40 < bitmask> what IC would you base a variable linear power supply off of 2019-03-11T02:55:18 -!- enh [~enhering@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-11T03:07:14 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T03:10:57 < R2COM> depending what that supply is for 2019-03-11T03:11:20 < R2COM> if its for low current but very low noise analog/sensing stuff then linear supply 2019-03-11T03:12:42 < Laurenceb_123> suppp 2019-03-11T03:16:13 -!- enh [~enhering@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T03:17:32 -!- gsi__ [~gsisig@x4dbd83bf.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T03:20:27 -!- gsi_ [~gsisig@x4d0c8d96.dyn.telefonica.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-11T03:21:23 < bitmask> linear but doesn't have to be incredibly low noise because I want a decent range of at least 30V/5A, maybe 3A if 5 is pushing it 2019-03-11T03:22:04 < R2COM> if its one off or personal stuff, buy best. go see what LT has 2019-03-11T03:22:26 < bitmask> k 2019-03-11T03:22:52 < bitmask> yea its just personal, never had an easy way to power things so I figured it was time for a bench supply 2019-03-11T03:23:00 < enh> Hi. 2019-03-11T03:23:33 < R2COM> why not buy bench supply then 2019-03-11T03:23:39 < rajkosto> bitmask, why not buy them cheap shits 2019-03-11T03:24:04 < enh> Can somebody here give me a link to an example of connecting two or more STM32f303 MCUs via CAN? 2019-03-11T03:24:50 < enh> That MCU can handle the CAN bus without the need for another IC? 2019-03-11T03:25:43 < englishman> no they will need a phy 2019-03-11T03:25:58 < bitmask> thought building one would be fun and help me learn more analog stuff, but I may just buy one, just wanted to figure out some options before I decide 2019-03-11T03:29:37 < enh> What is a phy, englishman? 2019-03-11T03:30:07 < englishman> with can, a transceiver, something to drive the actual canbus signals 2019-03-11T03:31:32 < englishman> not sure if there is a stm32 devboard with can on board 2019-03-11T03:32:06 < Laurenceb_123> olimex probably make something 2019-03-11T03:32:11 < Laurenceb_123> if you trust olimex... 2019-03-11T03:32:21 < englishman> something like MCP2561 is needed 2019-03-11T03:34:00 < aandrew> https://youtu.be/ws3DJF7MbMU 2019-03-11T03:46:11 < enh> Maybe this one: https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/l9616.pdf 2019-03-11T03:57:44 < tjq> Doctor B!!! 2019-03-11T04:04:49 -!- enh [~enhering@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-11T04:17:26 < jadew> https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=CHuFp_1552234712 2019-03-11T04:19:04 < Laurenceb_123> thats me 2019-03-11T04:19:07 * Laurenceb_123 zzz 2019-03-11T04:23:42 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 2019-03-11T04:26:37 < jadew> https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=uwp9j_1552207727 2019-03-11T04:35:43 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-11T04:36:52 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T04:58:04 < R2COM> not fun 2019-03-11T04:59:39 < dongs> jadew: haha 2019-03-11T04:59:44 < dongs> that nigga was RUNNING 2019-03-11T05:00:31 < R2COM> why he just didnt step aside perpendicularly 2019-03-11T05:00:36 < R2COM> instead of running vertically 2019-03-11T05:07:10 < R2COM> dongs here is what i got now: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814137387&Description=rtx2080&cm_re=rtx2080-_-14-137-387-_-Product 2019-03-11T05:08:01 < R2COM> now i can dowload apex legends 2019-03-11T05:08:06 < scrts> will mine dongcoin? 2019-03-11T05:08:53 < R2COM> nah 2019-03-11T05:09:10 -!- [1]MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T05:12:33 -!- MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-11T05:12:33 -!- [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius 2019-03-11T05:16:23 < tjq> BOEING 2019-03-11T05:16:26 < tjq> dun goofed 2019-03-11T05:16:53 < tjq> consequences: WILL NEVER BE THE SAME 2019-03-11T05:18:47 < dongs> R2COM: lol i just have the ghetto nvidia FE version 2019-03-11T05:18:50 < dongs> without rgb cancer 2019-03-11T05:21:37 < R2COM> thats right this rgb shit looks like gay flag inside my PC case 2019-03-11T05:22:17 < R2COM> but i bought this cuz of triple fans 2019-03-11T05:22:40 < friendofafriend> Pfffft, I've got a pride flag for a keyboard and mouse, too. 2019-03-11T05:22:57 < R2COM> so this shit really kicks, games which before gave 20FPS @ 4k/all ultra settings, now they give 45FPS and playable @ 4k 2019-03-11T05:23:31 < friendofafriend> What's the refresh on your display? 2019-03-11T05:23:37 < R2COM> 60 of course 2019-03-11T05:27:13 < tjq> alright younes RTX2080 2019-03-11T05:27:17 < tjq> get it? naa? 2019-03-11T05:27:19 < tjq> yea? 2019-03-11T05:27:51 < rajkosto> imagine playing games at only 45fps lol 2019-03-11T05:28:23 < dongs> all my shit plays at 60 on 2080 but i only play minecraft and apex 2019-03-11T05:28:44 < rajkosto> imagine sacrificing framerate for resolution in a shooter 2019-03-11T05:28:59 < R2COM> well, i tested demanding game with all shadow/water ultra setting and "12km" viewdistance in ArmA 3 2019-03-11T05:29:22 < R2COM> it was my testbench, i can slow down on some shadow shit etc 2019-03-11T05:29:24 < R2COM> and get it 60 2019-03-11T05:29:53 < R2COM> but honestly 45 is very playable 2019-03-11T05:30:16 < R2COM> depending on game... 2019-03-11T05:30:22 < R2COM> in stuff like CSGO you want MAX 2019-03-11T05:30:30 < R2COM> but there ill have like 180FPS... 2019-03-11T05:31:07 < R2COM> shooters are different 2019-03-11T05:31:22 < R2COM> in ArmA 3 100FPS wont be big deal 2019-03-11T05:31:38 < R2COM> but in dynamic shooters like BF/CSGO it matters more (action like shooters) 2019-03-11T05:41:03 < R2COM> dongie what are you working on 2019-03-11T05:41:11 < dongs> not much 2019-03-11T05:41:16 < dongs> just autisming various things 2019-03-11T05:41:31 < dongs> spring makes me fel even more lazy than usual 2019-03-11T05:42:32 < R2COM> nice 2019-03-11T05:43:23 < R2COM> i put my work laptop in a car so that i dont run back and forth and resimulate shit 2019-03-11T05:43:29 < R2COM> this should stop 2019-03-11T05:44:20 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T05:44:41 < R2COM> is otm8009a a popular DSI controller? 2019-03-11T05:44:51 < R2COM> at least thats what on this disco board 2019-03-11T05:45:52 < R2COM> hmmm 2019-03-11T05:45:54 < dongs> i have never heard of it 2019-03-11T05:46:39 < dongs> usualyl the shit is from novatec 2019-03-11T05:46:45 < dongs> but whatever chink stuff its all same anyway 2019-03-11T05:46:45 < R2COM> with dsi? 2019-03-11T05:46:48 < dongs> yeah 2019-03-11T05:47:00 < R2COM> you already used dsi with stm32? 2019-03-11T05:47:24 < dongs> but i only used dsi shit with 1920 and 2560x panels and those weer all novatec 2019-03-11T05:47:34 < dongs> nah stm graphics is uselses lol 2019-03-11T05:49:14 < R2COM> not useless its 720p 30hz max 2019-03-11T05:49:30 < dongs> nobody even makes a 720p dsi panel 2019-03-11T05:49:33 < dongs> like literally noone 2019-03-11T05:49:42 < dongs> they're all gonna be way more expensive than 1080p or 2560 2019-03-11T05:49:46 < R2COM> well this is more like for talking to small control type touch panels 2019-03-11T05:49:49 < R2COM> via dsi interface 2019-03-11T05:49:55 < dongs> where RGB works just fine 2019-03-11T05:50:08 < R2COM> i mean this is all about pin reduction mainly 2019-03-11T05:50:25 < R2COM> ltdc-->dsi--->low pin connecto to small panel 2019-03-11T05:52:51 < dongs> well youre already routing out of a bga 2019-03-11T05:52:55 < dongs> so that doesnt amtter 2019-03-11T05:53:03 < dongs> and you have like 2 vendors for 720p DSI panels 2019-03-11T05:53:10 < dongs> vs like 234782394792837 vendors for 16/24bit rgb panels 2019-03-11T05:54:19 < R2COM> well no if one uses lots of stuff from that BGA you can run out of pins 2019-03-11T05:54:29 < R2COM> and if you just control 4 or 7" panel? 2019-03-11T05:54:39 < dongs> then you probly can just use SPI mode anyway 2019-03-11T05:54:40 < R2COM> and XGA resolution is enough for you 2019-03-11T05:54:47 < dongs> shrug 2019-03-11T05:54:56 < R2COM> well yea.. 2019-03-11T05:55:11 < dongs> 16bit rgb is not THAT many pins 2019-03-11T05:55:22 < dongs> 16+like 3-4 for signalling? 2019-03-11T05:55:30 < dongs> so 20 vs like 6 pins for DSI 2019-03-11T05:55:48 < R2COM> yesa 2019-03-11T05:56:17 < dongs> nyway i dont think STM is very suitable for industrial control type shit with a full frame rate / full size screen 2019-03-11T05:56:25 < dongs> at that point you might as well use some cheap chink SoC 2019-03-11T05:56:29 < dongs> the price will be same 2019-03-11T05:56:37 < dongs> high end F7s are way too expensive 2019-03-11T05:56:58 < R2COM> $11 2019-03-11T05:56:59 < R2COM> ? 2019-03-11T05:57:12 < R2COM> thats the price 2019-03-11T05:57:30 < dongs> yeah, chinese SoC *with* ddr and pmic is less than tha total 2019-03-11T05:57:48 < R2COM> oh 2019-03-11T05:57:58 < R2COM> its most like ~$16 2019-03-11T05:59:04 < R2COM> yeah i guess that makes sense.. stm32f7 high end has its own place still 2019-03-11T05:59:36 < R2COM> with many different peripherals/IOs required, + 7" TFT with DSI and if price +/-~$3 doesnt matter and one already knows this platform .... then it will make sense 2019-03-11T06:00:01 < dongs> people are spoiled cunts these days, they see a color screen, they will expect assdroid or ios-levels of 'flashiness' 2019-03-11T06:00:11 < dongs> when they see a dumb square GUI with no transitions/fading/etc 2019-03-11T06:00:15 < dongs> they'll be like "this product is trash" 2019-03-11T06:00:34 < R2COM> yes 2019-03-11T06:06:27 < rajkosto> you can get transitions/fading 2019-03-11T06:06:33 < rajkosto> especially with RGB/DSI 2019-03-11T06:11:25 < tjq> you can pump more 2019-03-11T06:11:50 < R2COM> tjq how is australia 2019-03-11T06:12:18 < tjq> well 2019-03-11T06:12:22 < rajkosto> is it better than austria 2019-03-11T06:12:31 < tjq> still in one piece oh wait 2 pieces technically 2019-03-11T06:12:41 < tjq> probably not rajkosto 2019-03-11T06:13:11 < R2COM> i imagine australia as it is shown in Housos series 2019-03-11T06:13:28 < tjq> like come on, from Austria comes such greatness, for example Adolf Hitler 2019-03-11T06:13:40 < tjq> and Josef Fritzl 2019-03-11T06:14:40 < tjq> R2COM: of course 2019-03-11T06:16:47 -!- benishor [~benny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-11T06:17:12 < R2COM> and from Australia comes the EEVBLOG and David Jones... lolz 2019-03-11T06:18:00 < tjq> yeah junk isn't it 2019-03-11T06:18:28 < R2COM> indeed 2019-03-11T06:18:37 < rajkosto> how do i temperature compensate something that's already supposed to be temperature compensating itself 2019-03-11T06:18:37 < R2COM> "25+ years experience in the electronics design industry" 2019-03-11T06:18:51 < R2COM> minus 8 2019-03-11T06:18:55 < R2COM> 17 years 2019-03-11T06:19:04 < R2COM> cuz youtube EE blog is not electronics industry 2019-03-11T06:19:50 < R2COM> rajko get another sensor and recalibrate i guess 2019-03-11T06:20:00 < tjq> wtf are you reading his ED article? 2019-03-11T06:20:03 < rajkosto> its already processing the raw values 2019-03-11T06:20:32 < rajkosto> i cant intercept that i dont have the algorithm it uses 2019-03-11T06:20:45 < R2COM> just read his fucking "about page" 2019-03-11T06:20:53 < tjq> oh no 2019-03-11T06:21:11 < tjq> what would compel you to do this 2019-03-11T06:21:23 < R2COM> dunno just wanted to peek 2019-03-11T06:21:27 < tjq> hah 2019-03-11T06:21:36 < tjq> each to their own right 2019-03-11T06:21:47 < R2COM> thats what hitler said 2019-03-11T06:21:54 < tjq> https://secure.i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00666/fritzl-beach-404_666415c.jpg 2019-03-11T06:27:27 < tjq> repost from another ch - https://i.imgur.com/Juj9dQH.jpg 2019-03-11T06:35:27 < R2COM> rajkosto hey how to remove that annoying shit in Visual Studio which creates "hyperkink" right inside source text after you typed some fuinction (trying toi refer to where it appears right inside text) 2019-03-11T06:35:34 < R2COM> dont know how that fucking feature is called 2019-03-11T06:39:11 < R2COM> hjyperlink* 2019-03-11T06:48:24 -!- fc5dc9d4 [~quassel@p5B0812B0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T06:52:18 -!- fc5dc9d4_ [~quassel@p5B3A8620.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-11T07:01:47 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-11T07:02:01 -!- [7] [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T07:15:09 < rajkosto> that usb stack wants libmaple which is too much what other one can i use 2019-03-11T07:18:39 < dongs> try zyp's usb stack 2019-03-11T07:19:14 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Gone to sleep...] 2019-03-11T07:22:14 < rajkosto> literally 4 byte output report and 60 byte input report fixed format 2019-03-11T07:22:34 -!- davor [~davor@unaffiliated/davor] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-11T07:22:45 -!- davor_ [~davor@unaffiliated/davor] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T07:23:09 -!- davor_ is now known as davor 2019-03-11T07:30:07 -!- [7] [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-11T07:30:31 < dongs> zyp there are 182 arcins 2019-03-11T07:30:34 < dongs> in FR4 2019-03-11T07:30:41 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T07:31:17 -!- machinehum [~machinehu@S01061cabc0ab4603.vc.shawcable.net] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.6] 2019-03-11T07:44:18 -!- Steffann [~steffanx@unaffiliated/steffanx] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T07:45:02 -!- Steffanx [~steffanx@unaffiliated/steffanx] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-11T07:53:20 -!- benishor [~benny@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T07:58:40 -!- gsi__ is now known as gsi_ 2019-03-11T07:59:56 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-11T08:02:01 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T08:06:17 -!- ski7777 [~quassel@ip5b437fc1.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-11T08:07:49 -!- ski7777 [~quassel@ip5b437fc1.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T08:49:13 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-11T08:56:36 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-11T09:05:17 < tjq> i think my lenovo exploded 2019-03-11T09:05:38 < tjq> should I get a Mac sir? 2019-03-11T09:07:59 < qyx> yeah a big mac 2019-03-11T09:09:12 < tjq> heh my attempt to summon certain chatters failed 2019-03-11T09:15:26 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T09:16:27 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-11T09:16:27 -!- BrainDamage_ is now known as BrainDamage 2019-03-11T09:19:40 -!- sterna [~Adium@cgn85-194-11-99.bredband.comhem.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T09:22:29 < R2COM> i use ipad Pro and iphone 2019-03-11T09:22:32 < R2COM> apple is amazing 2019-03-11T09:23:35 < R2COM> but i dont think PC or laptop from apple is any good for me 2019-03-11T09:31:11 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T09:33:49 < zyp> dongs, sounds good 2019-03-11T09:34:00 -!- sterna [~Adium@cgn85-194-11-99.bredband.comhem.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-11T09:35:39 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T09:36:30 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T09:46:48 < dongs> i got rohs for some parts, still waiting for ot hers 2019-03-11T09:51:53 < tjq> stm32 boards are safu 2019-03-11T09:53:04 < dongs> TD6810 hmm another chinesium DC/DC converter 2019-03-11T09:53:36 < dongs> ah 2019-03-11T09:53:39 < dongs> pin compatible to SY8088 2019-03-11T09:56:53 < tjq> silergy and techcode ey 2019-03-11T09:56:59 < dongs> ya 2019-03-11T09:57:01 < dongs> both chinky 2019-03-11T09:57:03 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-175.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T09:57:10 < dongs> SY is great tho 2019-03-11T09:57:12 < dongs> its cheap as shit 2019-03-11T09:57:14 < tjq> yah 2019-03-11T10:17:36 -!- c10ud_ [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T10:17:36 -!- c10ud_ [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-11T10:18:03 -!- c10ud_ [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T10:20:56 -!- R2COM [~R2COM@ip68-3-184-221.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [] 2019-03-11T10:21:03 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T10:21:07 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-11T10:23:45 -!- sterna [~Adium@h-90-120.A137.corp.bahnhof.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T10:24:13 -!- crispy [~quassel@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T11:13:06 -!- psprint [~psprint@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-11T11:13:35 -!- psprint [~psprint@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T11:27:55 -!- pero_p [uid63038@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-eumqzawizsuitces] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T12:02:58 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-11T12:04:42 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T12:06:27 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-11T12:06:27 -!- BrainDamage_ is now known as BrainDamage 2019-03-11T12:06:28 < jadew> morning 2019-03-11T12:14:51 < tjq> hi sir 2019-03-11T12:30:00 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T12:56:29 < Laurenceb_123> >The open database in China contains the personal information of more than 1.8 million women, including their phone numbers, addresses, and is called “BreedReady” 2019-03-11T12:56:35 < Laurenceb_123> incel nation 2019-03-11T13:01:18 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-11T13:06:03 -!- sklv [~sklv@gateway/tor-sasl/sklv] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T13:11:12 < sklv> if i flash this to stm32 bluepill, how can i find out which pins are used on the mcu? 2019-03-11T13:16:32 < jpa-> "flash this"? 2019-03-11T13:18:12 * karlp pulls hteblanket off his crystal ball 2019-03-11T13:27:50 < sklv> apologies, i meant to append a link then got distracted - this is the repo https://github.com/dword1511/stm32-vserprog 2019-03-11T13:29:47 < jpa-> https://github.com/dword1511/stm32-vserprog/blob/master/pcb/v3/sch.pdf here? 2019-03-11T13:31:06 < karlp> (why do you even want to use that?) 2019-03-11T13:31:50 < jpa-> (why not? it's to program serial eeproms) 2019-03-11T13:32:03 < sklv> i thought that was for their custom pcb but it makes sense the pinout would be the same for bluepill 2019-03-11T13:32:10 < karlp> oh, it's for flashrom 2019-03-11T13:32:15 < sklv> i want to use it because i don't want to risk frying my expensive ass BBB 2019-03-11T13:32:41 < sklv> thanks 2019-03-11T13:33:56 < qyx> bbb = beagleboneblack? 2019-03-11T13:34:52 * karlp wishes mor epeople would test their websites with 400ms delay on requests. 2019-03-11T13:35:11 < karlp> my bank isn't combinign all their js, so it's ~40 requests or something 2019-03-11T13:35:25 < qyx> are there long cables to iceland? 2019-03-11T13:35:40 < karlp> no, I'm in australia, doing icelandic banking. 2019-03-11T13:35:47 < qyx> ou 2019-03-11T13:35:52 < karlp> though my australian bank when I'm in iceland isn't much better. 2019-03-11T13:36:34 < jpa-> the police finally caught you and sent to australia? 2019-03-11T13:36:35 < qyx> now imagine doing icelandic banking while being on mars 2019-03-11T13:36:54 < karlp> felt mor elike mercury today 2019-03-11T13:37:00 < karlp> all brown and 38C 2019-03-11T13:37:38 < qyx> forecasters here are saying it is going to snow tomorrow 2019-03-11T13:37:42 < qyx> I hope they are kidding 2019-03-11T13:45:17 < sklv> qyx: yes bbb = beaglebone black 2019-03-11T13:49:57 < karlp> hrm, ok, 3 days to sort out letsencrypt shit when I get back. 2019-03-11T13:52:27 < jadew> what's there to sort about it? 2019-03-11T13:52:46 < jadew> you're not using it with their automated shit? 2019-03-11T13:52:52 < karlp> they deprecated the way I was using. 2019-03-11T13:53:02 < karlp> and now I need to automate dns text entries every blah days 2019-03-11T13:53:24 < jadew> hmm, you can validate differently 2019-03-11T13:53:37 < karlp> yes. but not the way I was. 2019-03-11T13:53:38 < dongs> hm my pal was bitching something about txt dns stuff 2019-03-11T13:53:38 < jadew> I think there's a way to validate ownership by having a special folder 2019-03-11T13:53:43 < karlp> and the other way that's allowed is by using hte .well-knonw 2019-03-11T13:53:47 < jadew> (easier than using the DNS method) 2019-03-11T13:53:54 < jadew> yeah, with that folder 2019-03-11T13:53:57 < karlp> which requires having a website publically available on that name 2019-03-11T13:54:06 < karlp> which is shock horror, not always actually useful or feasible. 2019-03-11T13:54:33 < karlp> dns is fine too, they hav ea plugin for my dns host for certbot 2019-03-11T13:54:36 < karlp> just not packaged for me. 2019-03-11T13:54:40 < karlp> just a fucking hassle 2019-03-11T13:56:39 < jadew> I think DHL is screwing with me again 2019-03-11T13:57:00 < jadew> they were supposed to deliver my boards today, but I see no update in the tracking info 2019-03-11T13:57:13 < jadew> the package is already here and went through customs 2019-03-11T14:09:02 -!- f3r70rr35f [~fernando@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T14:23:32 < jadew> did you guys know about vcpkg? 2019-03-11T14:23:53 < jadew> it's a library manager for VC 2019-03-11T14:24:12 < jadew> so if you need libwhatever, you just say vcpck install whatever 2019-03-11T14:24:23 < jadew> then you can proceed to include the header file and it works 2019-03-11T14:24:36 < karlp> VC? 2019-03-11T14:24:43 < jadew> handles dependencies and all that 2019-03-11T14:24:51 < jadew> visual studio's c/c++ 2019-03-11T14:25:00 < jadew> works on linux too from what I understand 2019-03-11T14:25:00 < karlp> why the fuck would it need itð's _own_ packager? 2019-03-11T14:25:20 < jadew> so you don't have to pick all the pieces yourself 2019-03-11T14:25:36 < jadew> some packages require you to have 20-30 other shit available first 2019-03-11T14:25:48 < karlp> well, fuck windows then. 2019-03-11T14:25:49 < jadew> this takes care of all those dependencies 2019-03-11T14:26:03 < jadew> karlp, those are usually opensource packages 2019-03-11T14:26:08 < jadew> ported from linux 2019-03-11T14:26:31 < jadew> libpng, libzip, libshit 2019-03-11T14:28:53 < srk> lol 2019-03-11T14:35:47 -!- tctw_ [~Tectu@82-197-160-105.init7.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-11T15:28:04 < aandrew> jadew: not sure i like that 2019-03-11T15:29:39 < aandrew> now you've got more dependencies and something else to manage in your source tree 2019-03-11T15:30:00 < aandrew> I mean yes it's great for eliminating the shit work, I totally get why you'd do it 2019-03-11T15:45:55 -!- crispy [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-11T15:47:28 -!- pero_p [uid63038@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-eumqzawizsuitces] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-11T15:47:28 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vruymhoymlcpeekk] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-11T15:48:39 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-11T15:49:38 < jadew> aandrew, don't know... seems like a great tool to me 2019-03-11T15:50:11 < jadew> instead of having to manually install and keep track of all the libraries my own library depends on, I can just run a script that installs them all using this tool 2019-03-11T15:50:20 < jadew> then I can proceed to compiling 2019-03-11T15:50:56 < jadew> and I don't even have to care about install paths 2019-03-11T15:53:11 < zyp> hmm, I think I might have bricked one of my stm32wb devices :D 2019-03-11T15:55:23 < qyx> did you mess with cpu2? 2019-03-11T15:56:16 < zyp> yeah, I tried turning off security (which should implicitly mass erase the flash) 2019-03-11T15:57:10 < zyp> seems like security might be forced on, but mass erase might still have gone through, killing the blob that would load encrypted firmwares 2019-03-11T16:00:11 < qyx> so now you have an empty flash with security still on 2019-03-11T16:00:32 < qyx> mhm 2019-03-11T16:00:47 < zyp> I suspect that might be the case, yes 2019-03-11T16:00:47 < qyx> even the loader is gone? 2019-03-11T16:01:04 < zyp> kinda hard to tell since I still don't get to read out that flash area 2019-03-11T16:01:39 < qyx> what if the loader is still there and just the keys have been erased to 0xff 2019-03-11T16:02:00 < qyx> but I am just writing bullshit 2019-03-11T16:12:33 * qyx unpacking chinese PCBs 2019-03-11T16:27:01 < Laurenceb> https://imgoat.com/uploads/eabe3a1649/205600.jpg 2019-03-11T16:37:06 -!- crispy [~quassel@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T16:39:52 < Laurenceb> https://imgoat.com/uploads/eabe3a1649/205604.png 2019-03-11T16:39:58 < Laurenceb> >free delivery in the UK 2019-03-11T16:40:35 < mawk> you're survivalist Laurenceb ? 2019-03-11T16:40:50 < Laurenceb> >free delivery to ur chest moar liek 2019-03-11T16:41:00 < Laurenceb> was just laughing at the page 2019-03-11T16:41:30 < Laurenceb> apparently ppl have started carry knives for self defence 2019-03-11T16:41:41 < mawk> they're dumb 2019-03-11T16:41:43 < Laurenceb> even moar retarded than muricns carrying gunz tbh 2019-03-11T16:41:47 < Laurenceb> yeah 2019-03-11T16:41:50 < mawk> unless they mastered kniving with a 15 years retreat in tibet 2019-03-11T16:41:56 < mawk> but it's not very likely 2019-03-11T16:42:18 < Laurenceb> yeah easier to master matrial arts to defend urself 2019-03-11T16:42:25 < Laurenceb> or just the ancient art of running away 2019-03-11T16:42:36 < mawk> lol 2019-03-11T16:42:58 < mawk> that's what I did the second last time someone wanted to assault me 2019-03-11T16:43:23 < mawk> I was chilling drinking my drugs on the street then a group of 5 young stupids circled me, so I threw my bottle at their face and ran 2019-03-11T16:43:32 < mawk> I think I hurted one 2019-03-11T16:43:38 < mawk> I was like 15 2019-03-11T16:59:42 < aandrew> heh I heard on the CBC today that the chance of britain actually leaving in march is under 50%, but by july which is the drop dead date (I think?) is much higher. 2019-03-11T17:08:11 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T17:18:26 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T17:20:46 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-11T17:30:46 < jadew> so they're finally leaving? 2019-03-11T17:31:08 < jadew> that's going to screw so many people... 2019-03-11T17:31:25 < BrainDamage> there's a hard set date of 29 march 2019-03-11T17:31:32 < BrainDamage> if they don't do anything, they leave 2019-03-11T17:31:39 < jadew> oh, really, so this month? 2019-03-11T17:31:42 < BrainDamage> they have the power to request a delay 2019-03-11T17:31:51 < jadew> any ideas on what deals have been made, if any? 2019-03-11T17:31:55 < BrainDamage> none 2019-03-11T17:32:04 < BrainDamage> all so far have been refused 2019-03-11T17:32:45 < BrainDamage> if they hit the date, it'd be a 'no deal' exit, which means that uk is effectively out of EU the 30th 2019-03-11T17:33:18 < BrainDamage> if they approve deals, they can stay for some fields, or further delay severing some ties 2019-03-11T17:33:30 < BrainDamage> but as it is, if they do nothing, it'll be a clean cut 2019-03-11T17:33:53 < jadew> that's gonna suck 2019-03-11T17:34:27 < jadew> they'll have to lower their prices by at least %20 on their exports within the EU, only to stay competitive 2019-03-11T17:34:32 < BrainDamage> it's going to suck for a lot of people, eg immigrant workers in the UK, or emigrant workers outside 2019-03-11T17:35:01 < BrainDamage> individual countries have reassured that they'll keep the same priviledges even in the case of a hard exit ( italy for example ) 2019-03-11T17:35:12 < BrainDamage> but that boils to the goodwill of the individual government 2019-03-11T17:35:16 < jadew> yeah, those guys are in a tough position too, but if they're already there, I guess their situation could be improved somehow 2019-03-11T17:35:21 < jadew> with visas and stuff 2019-03-11T17:35:39 < BrainDamage> well, if your visa is suddenly invalid, you'd feel pretty stressed too 2019-03-11T17:35:46 < BrainDamage> out of a job and potentially a home 2019-03-11T17:36:06 < BrainDamage> fixing things takes time, in the meantime you'll have to swallow quite some crap 2019-03-11T17:40:16 < jadew> https://euexitbusiness.campaign.gov.uk/ 2019-03-11T17:40:30 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T17:44:50 < jadew> https://researchbriefings.parliament.uk/ResearchBriefing/Summary/CBP-7851 2019-03-11T17:45:11 < jadew> so according to this, the EU represents only 44% of UK's export market 2019-03-11T17:47:00 < BrainDamage> "only" 2019-03-11T17:47:16 < jadew> yeah... 2019-03-11T17:47:44 < jadew> was honestly thinking that number would be bigger tho 2019-03-11T17:47:48 < jadew> still pretty big 2019-03-11T17:54:31 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T17:55:49 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Gone to sleep...] 2019-03-11T17:58:28 -!- hansihe_ [sid106603@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-wmyswmlopbmccryj] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-11T18:04:16 < mawk> I just saw Haohmaru speaking normally in another channel 2019-03-11T18:04:22 < mawk> I think it's the air of ##stm32 that's getting to his head 2019-03-11T18:05:39 < qyx> ok, thats normal 2019-03-11T18:05:42 < qyx> and the second one? 2019-03-11T18:06:44 < qyx> much diplomatic 2019-03-11T18:13:50 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-11T18:15:51 -!- Rickta59_ [~kimballr@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T18:15:56 -!- Rickta59_ [~kimballr@] has quit [Client Quit] 2019-03-11T18:16:31 -!- Rickta59_ [~kimballr@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T18:17:14 -!- Rickta59 [~kimballr@unaffiliated/rickta59] has quit [Disconnected by services] 2019-03-11T18:17:29 -!- Rickta59_ [~kimballr@] has quit [Client Quit] 2019-03-11T18:18:10 -!- Rickta59 [~kimballr@unaffiliated/rickta59] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T18:20:40 -!- crispy [~quassel@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-11T18:33:08 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T18:47:04 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-11T18:58:26 < englishman> https://www.cnbc.com/2019/03/11/nvidia-to-acquire-mellanox-technologies-for-about-7-billion-in-cash.html 2019-03-11T19:00:31 -!- c10ud_ [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-11T19:01:39 -!- sterna [~Adium@h-90-120.A137.corp.bahnhof.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-11T19:14:17 < Laurenceb> oy vey 2019-03-11T19:15:31 < Steffann> I only know mellanox from some 10gbe nic i ebayed 2019-03-11T19:15:44 < mawk> to ebay 2019-03-11T19:16:08 < Steffann> Ebuyed 2019-03-11T19:17:39 -!- Steffann is now known as Steffanx 2019-03-11T19:19:25 < Steffanx> I ended up not using it 2019-03-11T19:27:46 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-175.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-11T19:29:30 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-98-247-192-179.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T19:30:06 -!- banana is now known as bananya 2019-03-11T19:41:38 -!- codyps [~codyps@richard.einic.org] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T19:43:22 -!- codyps [~codyps@richard.einic.org] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-11T19:43:49 -!- codyps [~codyps@richard.einic.org] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T19:45:41 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T19:50:57 < kakimir> shopping spree 2019-03-11T19:53:55 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T19:57:24 < Laurenceb> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU3Vxdu4bWY 2019-03-11T20:07:36 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Quit: Streaker] 2019-03-11T20:11:18 < rajkosto> https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-11_19-11-11_Puxwp9Um2.jpg help 2019-03-11T20:12:01 < antto> reboot it ;P~ 2019-03-11T20:12:18 < rajkosto> also got these https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-11_19-12-08_eR0fbeKFD.png 2019-03-11T20:12:30 < antto> hit it with your fist on the top, and then on the side 2019-03-11T20:13:23 < antto> cuccumber green 2019-03-11T20:14:10 < rajkosto> the saturated colors seem to have a worse locking mechanism 2019-03-11T20:15:17 < antto> my latest innomprovisation: https://i.imgur.com/hv5Kceo.png 2019-03-11T20:16:03 < antto> 0805 LEDs, mounted into a NPTH 2019-03-11T20:17:57 < jpa-> IMO those parts mounted in thin air are more impressive 2019-03-11T20:22:33 < antto> now now, imagine that they are not there ;P~ 2019-03-11T20:22:37 < aandrew> that's just the practical expression of airwire 2019-03-11T20:23:12 < antto> lately when i'm kicading, this tracks sneaks into my mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTP2RUD_cL0 2019-03-11T20:23:46 < antto> when i've got to move something on the board.. 2019-03-11T20:23:57 -!- Dave_Elec [~Dave@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T20:24:55 < antto> or when something ain't workin' 2019-03-11T20:25:40 < PaulFertser> Hey jpa- , how's your ##stm32 I2C gig? Please ignore if you deem this question inappropriate. 2019-03-11T20:27:42 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-lfnmpltcxoourcps] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T20:29:26 < Laurenceb> >I2C 2019-03-11T20:30:54 < tjq> yeah what's an I2C gig? 2019-03-11T20:33:06 < antto> some aparatus for pain delivery 2019-03-11T20:33:33 < antto> mm, slow pain 2019-03-11T20:35:39 < tjq> m 2019-03-11T20:40:30 -!- Dave_Elec [~Dave@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-11T20:43:22 < jpa-> PaulFertser: "waiting for bosses' approval" 2019-03-11T20:43:30 < jpa-> (on the client side) 2019-03-11T20:43:49 < PaulFertser> tjq: "gig" is usually used to denote a single payed artistic performance (e.g. of a rock band). 2019-03-11T20:43:49 < jpa-> but it's not like i could share any details anyway 2019-03-11T20:44:58 < Steffanx> good evening jpa-. In your bike controller you do FOC. You only control Iq/torque corrent and not the direct current. You just assume its 0 or do i just miss something? 2019-03-11T20:45:03 < PaulFertser> jpa-: ok, thank you. They seem to be spending much time considering it when in fact you could probably solve their issue in an hour, heh. 2019-03-11T20:45:30 -!- Dave_Elec [~Dave@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T20:45:31 < jpa-> PaulFertser: yeah, it is pretty normal, hiring externals seems to be complicated in many companies 2019-03-11T20:45:50 < PaulFertser> Also, I guess you could still share some details like "guys do not forget to set bit X when Y mode is used because X in the ST docs stands for _that_obscure_thing_, not the one you thought" 2019-03-11T20:46:46 < jpa-> PaulFertser: well, i wouldn't 2019-03-11T20:47:20 < jpa-> not like it would be a huge benefit to mankind to know how a particular piece of code failed 2019-03-11T20:48:17 < PaulFertser> In some cases, I can agree, in some others, ##stm32 regulars might benefit from your new experience. Depends on the specifics I guess. 2019-03-11T20:48:28 < jpa-> Steffanx: direct current? how's that different from torque current? 2019-03-11T20:48:48 < jpa-> PaulFertser: yeah, i usually try to share stuff i learn, but i won't tie it to a specific project 2019-03-11T20:49:27 < PaulFertser> jpa-: got your point, thanks! 2019-03-11T20:49:36 < jpa-> which is easier if it's not publicly known as the "I2C gig" ;) 2019-03-11T20:49:59 < Laurenceb> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fhy17pZGDLI 2019-03-11T20:50:14 < rajkosto> i2c ? super simple stuff 2019-03-11T20:50:16 < Laurenceb> not me btw (I'm not _that_ autistic) 2019-03-11T20:50:24 < Laurenceb> rajkosto: not on stm32 2019-03-11T20:50:32 < rajkosto> eh its pretty simple 2019-03-11T20:50:50 < rajkosto> more complicated than it should be tho 2019-03-11T20:51:13 < Laurenceb> muh i2c driver 2019-03-11T20:51:20 < Laurenceb> only useful codez I ever wrote 2019-03-11T20:51:24 < jpa-> Steffanx: basic logic is that magnetic field equals current through coils; only magnetic field at 90deg angle from rotor does useful work, so that's the direction it should keep the field; and strenght of current directly determines the strength of field and thus torque 2019-03-11T20:51:54 < Steffanx> Yeah, but in the theory you often see they control both using some pi(d) controller. like https://www.roboteq.com/images/article-images/how-to/image012.png 2019-03-11T20:54:02 < jpa-> ah, flux current; that's not any more DC than the other, but it is at 0deg angle; it gives no torque, but it can be used to 1) provide magnetic field in rotor for non-permanent-magnet induction motors or 2) cancel part of the permanent-magnet field to achieve larger speeds 2019-03-11T20:54:29 < jpa-> i just use complex numbers so that is handled by the same PID 2019-03-11T20:54:57 < Steffanx> hm 2019-03-11T20:55:07 < Laurenceb> holy shit this guy is actually funny 2019-03-11T20:55:11 < jpa-> https://github.com/PetteriAimonen/ebike-controller/blob/master/src/motor_control.c#L93 reference = I * torque_current makes the flux current zero, but it could be reference = I * torque_current + flux_current 2019-03-11T20:55:20 < Laurenceb> 7:20 for teh lulz 2019-03-11T20:57:00 < Steffanx> Thank you jpa-, ill go back and look at it a bit more :) 2019-03-11T20:57:19 < srk> jpa-: sounds like FOC 2019-03-11T20:57:26 < jpa-> srk: .. because it is FOC? 2019-03-11T20:57:58 < srk> :) 2019-03-11T20:58:34 < jpa-> Steffanx: FOC was really difficult to understand at first, but really the point is just to do PID control in rotating frame, so that the current / voltage vectors stay relatively constant and are easy to control - without the transform, they would vary so fast that PID wouldn't keep up 2019-03-11T20:58:42 < Steffanx> Did i make it to srk ignore list or did he just miss the initial question? 2019-03-11T20:58:52 < srk> missed 2019-03-11T21:00:08 < tjq> Laurenceb: what will the UK do now? 2019-03-11T21:00:21 < Laurenceb> answer the question 2019-03-11T21:00:32 < Laurenceb> answer tjq 2019-03-11T21:00:48 < Laurenceb> https://youtu.be/xK39-VG8x4E 2019-03-11T21:00:53 < Laurenceb> holy shit dis guy is funny 2019-03-11T21:01:28 < tjq> hokay 2019-03-11T21:01:48 < tjq> maybe they can put britain in the corbyn 2019-03-11T21:03:29 < Laurenceb> oh wow he is anti brexit 2019-03-11T21:03:31 < Laurenceb> lol 2019-03-11T21:03:31 < Steffanx> heh ok jpa-. For some reason i want to apply it (partially) to a 2 phase stepper motor, but to make sense of that i have to make sense of it all first :) 2019-03-11T21:03:46 < Laurenceb> illuminati did brexit 2019-03-11T21:04:10 < jpa-> Steffanx: yeah, once you finish your FOC servo controller for steppers, please share 2019-03-11T21:04:33 < Steffanx> if ever :P 2019-03-11T21:04:36 < srk> seen one recently built with two spartans 6 2019-03-11T21:04:42 < Steffanx> wut 2019-03-11T21:04:44 < jpa-> it should work very much the same for steppers, just the transform is easier because you just take real and imag part directly 2019-03-11T21:04:44 < kakimir> zyp: how are digital hydraulics going? 2019-03-11T21:04:52 -!- Dave_Elec [~Dave@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 2019-03-11T21:04:54 < jpa-> srk: why so overkill? 2019-03-11T21:04:57 < Laurenceb> holy sheet this guy is like britbong alex jones 2019-03-11T21:04:57 < srk> one isolated for current measurements and one for FOC and control 2019-03-11T21:05:00 < Laurenceb> orbital sides 2019-03-11T21:05:15 < Steffanx> i hoped to do it with my 100MHz F412 srk. 2019-03-11T21:05:42 < srk> dunno, the guy told me you need faster phase measurements and control 2019-03-11T21:05:57 < srk> with some crazy high ppr encoders 2019-03-11T21:06:23 < jpa-> it all depends on the target RPM / step rate 2019-03-11T21:06:37 < Steffanx> Step rate will be extremely low for me 2019-03-11T21:06:52 < Steffanx> nah relatively low :P 2019-03-11T21:08:25 < jpa-> something like ~10 samples per one full step should be plenty, and it will rotate ok with even just 2 samples per full step 2019-03-11T21:09:38 < jpa-> high PPR encoders are good if you want sub-step resolution position control, but if the point is just to get the acoustic & torque advantages of FOC, whatever resolution is enough for the application is plenty 2019-03-11T21:10:03 < tjq> hmm 2019-03-11T21:10:07 < jpa-> (and nothing stops connecting very high PPR encoders to STM32 timers also, or use sin/cos encoders and connect using ADC) 2019-03-11T21:10:08 < Steffanx> have a 1000ppr one, 200 steps. 2019-03-11T21:10:44 < tjq> nice one Steffanx 2019-03-11T21:10:51 < tjq> how much does that cost? 2019-03-11T21:12:06 < Steffanx> doo you really want to know tjq? 2019-03-11T21:12:15 < tjq> yeah 2019-03-11T21:12:35 < tjq> does it have a part # 2019-03-11T21:13:04 < Steffanx> its a stepper with "integrated" encoder > 100 euro bucks iirc 2019-03-11T21:13:46 < jpa-> Steffanx: for me, 168 MHz F4 was enough to run control loop at ~25kHz, though i scaled back to 10kHz to have some slack - but that is just because i was lazy and used the complex.h functions directly which aren't particularly optimized 2019-03-11T21:13:52 < Steffanx> aliexpress mr tjq 2019-03-11T21:13:59 < jpa-> using e.g. sin/cos lookup table would be much faster 2019-03-11T21:14:08 < tjq> aliexpress :\ 2019-03-11T21:14:56 < jpa-> the mechaduino approach of gluing a magnet to the motor shaft and putting magnetic sensor on the pcb in the back is kind of neat 2019-03-11T21:17:25 < Steffanx> isnt magnetic near the coils a bit noisy? 2019-03-11T21:18:07 < jpa-> perhaps, but at such a small distance (some millimeters) the neodymium magnet would overpower any noise by a large factor 2019-03-11T21:19:49 < srk> there's AGC on these 2019-03-11T21:20:13 < srk> can deal with external mag fields somehow as well 2019-03-11T21:21:25 < Laurenceb> kekking hard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c65jpkgtHzY 2019-03-11T21:21:30 < Laurenceb> this channel is good 2019-03-11T21:22:13 < Laurenceb> dat facebook face id 2019-03-11T21:22:25 < jpa-> hm, the basic FOC calculation for each sample is sin() + ~13 complex multiplications, i.e. ~50 float mul+adds, i.e. ~150 cycles 2019-03-11T21:23:28 < jpa-> 16 bit fixed point would also be plenty for it which would take only 2 cycles per complex multiply on cortex-m4; but then you have to be a bit ashamed of the code 2019-03-11T21:26:40 < Laurenceb> https://youtu.be/c65jpkgtHzY?t=342 2019-03-11T21:26:43 < Laurenceb> orbital sides 2019-03-11T21:41:18 -!- scrotal_b [sid118777@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-lwbhmhcocaiznnxh] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-11T21:54:53 < c10ud> how do you usually handle f7 ram sections? disable caching, force stuff where it's due or what 2019-03-11T21:57:37 < jpa-> you mean for DMA? 2019-03-11T21:57:41 < c10ud> i'm porting some stuff over and dma is most probably fucking up due to cache 2019-03-11T21:57:47 < c10ud> yes 2019-03-11T21:59:02 < jpa-> if running from fast memory (such as internal flash), i'd just flush the whole cache before starting DMA operation (or after writing to DMA buffer if doing so on the fly) 2019-03-11T21:59:41 < jpa-> (or actually, as you only need to flush DCACHE, make that "when having stack in fast memory (such as internal ram)") 2019-03-11T22:00:22 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:c1b9:4b14:4e55:ae33] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T22:01:30 < c10ud> yeah given that this application isn't time critical I could just go for disabling it entirely 2019-03-11T22:02:01 < c10ud> but I was reading on the internets some guy didn't fix his problem with complete deactivation 2019-03-11T22:02:15 < c10ud> I'll try it tomorrow, I'm curious 2019-03-11T22:02:22 < jpa-> it's possible to have buggy code even without caches, it will just bug slower 2019-03-11T22:03:44 < c10ud> :) 2019-03-11T22:04:52 < jpa-> cortex-m7 has 6-stage dual-issue pipeline, so stuff like data-memory-barrier instructions may become important 2019-03-11T22:05:48 < jpa-> on cortex-m3/4, memory stores are never reordered AFAIK; not sure if they might be on cortex-m7 if two stores get issued simultaneously 2019-03-11T22:09:46 < c10ud> ah yes I was reading today about 64 bit stores iirc 2019-03-11T22:10:09 < c10ud> so you mean it could do two 32 bit ones at the same time 2019-03-11T22:13:31 < jpa-> yeah, and what happens if you write some DMA control register at the same time as you write its enable bit? 2019-03-11T22:14:30 < jpa-> because they are on the same peripheral, they couldn't complete at once but one after another and would be serialized at the bus arbiter; but do they necessarily complete in the same order as in code? 2019-03-11T22:14:37 < jpa-> i haven't found the answer so far 2019-03-11T22:15:11 < c10ud> woah, sounds worrying 2019-03-11T22:15:51 < jpa-> http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.dui0646a/CHDHHFCC.html suggests that order is guaranteed for the peripheral register areas, but not for general data memory 2019-03-11T22:17:27 -!- f3r70rr35f [~fernando@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 2019-03-11T22:18:42 < c10ud> well if that wasn't the case for peripherals I guess you would have to use lots of barriers 2019-03-11T22:19:12 < c10ud> which would spruce up the code a bit 2019-03-11T22:19:31 < jpa-> yeah 2019-03-11T22:33:17 < englishman> what the shit 2019-03-11T22:33:23 < englishman> dont leave altidumb 19 running 2019-03-11T22:33:28 < englishman> you'll lose all your work 2019-03-11T22:33:40 < Steffanx> dont do that 2019-03-11T22:33:46 < englishman> also "close all documents" closes about half the documents 2019-03-11T22:34:22 < tjq> the cunts 2019-03-11T22:39:05 < englishman> https://github.com/marcan/takeover.sh 2019-03-11T22:39:30 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-7de0e253.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-11T22:41:02 < tjq> hi englishman and welcome 2019-03-11T22:41:55 < tjq> I was thinking about https://www.reddit.com/r/nebelung/ 2019-03-11T22:42:04 < englishman> its a good site 2019-03-11T22:50:00 < tjq> The Analog Engineer's Circuit Cookbooks now include even more amplifier and data converter circuits! Download the sub-circuit e-book “cookbooks” for step-by-step instructions with detailed formulas that you can easily adapt to meet your specific system needs. 2019-03-11T22:59:42 < englishman> *analogue 2019-03-11T23:04:11 < tjq> :) 2019-03-11T23:04:15 < tjq> TEXAS mate 2019-03-11T23:05:44 < tjq> heh... analog... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analog_Devices 2019-03-11T23:07:08 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-11T23:10:25 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-11T23:27:08 < kakimir> their office looks beautiful 2019-03-11T23:27:24 < kakimir> headquarters* 2019-03-11T23:28:51 < kakimir> let's code 2019-03-11T23:30:10 < Steffanx> *sleep 2019-03-11T23:31:03 < kakimir> not yet to sleep routines 2019-03-11T23:31:14 < kakimir> this one probs doesn't sleep at all 2019-03-11T23:43:40 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-7de0e253.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-11T23:51:16 < rajkosto> Cracki, ready for more optics ? --- Day changed Tue Mar 12 2019 2019-03-12T00:10:23 < zyp> haha 2019-03-12T00:13:23 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:c1b9:4b14:4e55:ae33] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-12T00:24:48 -!- bananya is now known as baenana 2019-03-12T00:29:33 < rajkosto> zyp, https://abm-website-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/ecnmag.com/s3fs-public/embedded_image/2018/07/ams.jpg this one has no aperture and is way larger, but it still says keep angle of incidence <= 10o 2019-03-12T00:35:36 < kakimir> are your chakras in balance? 2019-03-12T00:36:31 < rajkosto> absolutely not 2019-03-12T00:36:33 < rajkosto> too much phlegm 2019-03-12T00:38:22 < kakimir> https://vimeo.com/53034138 2019-03-12T00:42:14 < Steffanx> This is no coding kak 2019-03-12T00:42:18 < Steffanx> kakimir* 2019-03-12T00:42:29 < kakimir> ye 2019-03-12T00:45:11 -!- codyps [~codyps@richard.einic.org] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-12T00:47:13 < kakimir> I need to balance my chakras 2019-03-12T00:51:16 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T00:51:39 < Steffanx> Here some special music for you kakimir https://youtu.be/SwHqV-gLIpk 2019-03-12T01:00:13 < rajkosto> Laurenceb, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v93LDf6yqeA 2019-03-12T01:10:18 -!- Thorn [~Thorn@unaffiliated/thorn] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-12T01:13:40 -!- fc5dc9d4 [~quassel@p5B0812B0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.] 2019-03-12T01:16:45 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-12T01:22:21 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-lfnmpltcxoourcps] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-12T01:27:14 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-12T01:28:57 -!- Rickta59 [~kimballr@unaffiliated/rickta59] has quit [Quit: leaving] 2019-03-12T01:32:55 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T01:33:14 -!- fc5dc9d4 [~quassel@p5B0812B0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T01:34:37 -!- Rickta59 [~kimballr@unaffiliated/rickta59] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T01:40:59 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T01:43:33 -!- Rickta59 [~kimballr@unaffiliated/rickta59] has quit [Quit: leaving] 2019-03-12T01:44:35 -!- Rickta59 [~kimballr@unaffiliated/rickta59] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T01:52:14 -!- Thorn [~Thorn@unaffiliated/thorn] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T02:24:35 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-12T02:25:42 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-98-247-192-179.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-12T02:34:38 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T02:54:12 < rajkosto> https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-12_01-52-02_lLNAdDQB2.png is this really how you make correction matrices 2019-03-12T02:56:25 < englishman> ams is a dying company 2019-03-12T02:56:43 < englishman> also, they suck 2019-03-12T02:59:14 < rajkosto> they bought everyone else how are they dying 2019-03-12T02:59:47 < englishman> they bought shit companies 2019-03-12T02:59:57 < englishman> like cmosis 2019-03-12T02:59:58 < englishman> wtf 2019-03-12T03:00:06 < rajkosto> well this used to be MAZET 2019-03-12T03:00:53 < rajkosto> and then deprecated https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/enrgtech-images/full/45ebee1442d13e50944cbd0275130c44aba9db4a.jpg and replaced it with https://abm-website-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/ecnmag.com/s3fs-public/embedded_image/2018/07/ams.jpg 2019-03-12T03:09:20 < rajkosto> i guess i need to calibrate them with like the little color sheets having known colors 2019-03-12T03:14:54 -!- gsi__ [~gsisig@x4db5179e.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T03:18:34 -!- gsi_ [~gsisig@x4dbd83bf.dyn.telefonica.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 2019-03-12T03:21:24 < Laurenceb_123> https://imgoat.com/uploads/eabe3a1649/205773.jpg 2019-03-12T03:26:08 < Laurenceb_123> bool BreedReady 2019-03-12T03:40:27 < dongs> unfunny 2019-03-12T04:28:23 < branjb> anyone know of any smd LEDs that shine at a 90 degree angle 2019-03-12T04:28:25 < branjb> is that a thing? 2019-03-12T04:30:56 < srk> yep 2019-03-12T04:31:24 < branjb> oh 2019-03-12T04:31:31 < branjb> there is an entire digikey filter called viewing angle 2019-03-12T04:31:31 < branjb> lol 2019-03-12T04:32:16 < srk> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/10-1500pcs-SK6812-4020-side-WS2812B-IC-in-LED-Chip-Side-lighting-SMD-4020-RGB-4/32841790913.html 2019-03-12T04:34:55 < branjb> hmm, viewing angle is not the filter I want 2019-03-12T04:37:19 < branjb> is there no digikey filter to filter side mounted LEDs? 2019-03-12T04:39:24 < rmaw> banjb, "right angle smd led" on google image search yeilded alot of results 2019-03-12T04:39:38 < rmaw> some look promising 2019-03-12T04:40:09 < rmaw> http://www.kingbrightusa.com/category.asp?catalog_name=LED&category_name=KCRight+Angle+SMD+LED&Page=1 2019-03-12T04:40:12 < rmaw> few on there 2019-03-12T04:57:29 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-12T05:34:20 < dongs> ive used those side shining shits, they're legit 2019-03-12T05:45:00 -!- Cracki [~cracki@unaffiliated/crackwitz] has quit [Disconnected by services] 2019-03-12T05:45:00 -!- Cracki_ [~cracki@unaffiliated/crackwitz] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T05:45:04 -!- Cracki_ is now known as Cracki 2019-03-12T06:11:38 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 2019-03-12T06:18:20 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T06:44:02 -!- [1]MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T06:47:10 -!- MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-12T06:47:10 -!- [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius 2019-03-12T06:47:30 -!- fc5dc9d4_ [~quassel@p5B08118C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T06:50:00 -!- [1]MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T06:51:42 -!- fc5dc9d4 [~quassel@p5B0812B0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-12T06:53:04 -!- benishor [~benny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-12T06:53:25 -!- MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-12T06:53:25 -!- [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius 2019-03-12T07:00:27 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-12T07:01:02 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T07:31:00 -!- bonzibuddy [~hamnstar@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 2019-03-12T07:35:21 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T07:35:45 -!- benishor [~benny@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T07:54:47 -!- Alexer [~alexer@alexer.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T08:00:45 < Alexer> would anyone happen to have old versions (< 2.2.1) of STM32_USB-FS-Device_Lib lying around? 2019-03-12T08:02:21 -!- Teeed_ [~teeed@teeed.eu] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T08:03:30 -!- dfgg [~damian@62-210-38-95.rev.poneytelecom.eu] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 2019-03-12T08:04:06 -!- mentar_ [~quassel@38.ip-51-254-125.eu] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T08:04:27 -!- sklv [~sklv@gateway/tor-sasl/sklv] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 2019-03-12T08:05:59 -!- sklv [~sklv@gateway/tor-sasl/sklv] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T08:07:21 -!- Teeed [~teeed@vps.na1noc.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-12T08:07:21 -!- mentar [~quassel@38.ip-51-254-125.eu] has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.] 2019-03-12T08:07:21 -!- msgctl [~msgctl@ometochtli.centzontotochtin.org] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-12T08:07:22 -!- sync [~sync@sync-hv.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-12T08:10:07 -!- dfgg [~damian@62-210-38-95.rev.poneytelecom.eu] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T08:12:30 -!- sync [~sync@sync-hv.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T08:13:43 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T08:14:51 -!- msgctl [~msgctl@ometochtli.centzontotochtin.org] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T08:20:27 -!- comptroller [~comptroll@47-213-222-253.paolcmtc01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-12T08:23:24 -!- Jybz [~jibz@2a02:8071:9289:5900:4a51:b7ff:fe84:99e6] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T08:35:27 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-12T08:35:55 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T08:42:09 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-abe0e253.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T08:56:16 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T09:07:19 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-12T09:07:26 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 2019-03-12T09:10:39 -!- Jybz [~jibz@2a02:8071:9289:5900:4a51:b7ff:fe84:99e6] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-12T09:14:13 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-12T09:19:33 -!- PaulFertser [paul@paulfertser.info] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-12T09:21:03 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-stkuryoijdwkitch] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T09:21:44 < tjq> 32 for ya 2019-03-12T09:22:04 < tjq> We’ll check around here okay 2019-03-12T09:27:08 < dongs> https://i.imgur.com/kNp4HZE.jpg found stm32cube 2019-03-12T09:28:01 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T09:33:47 -!- comptroller [~comptroll@47-213-222-253.paolcmtc01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T09:43:24 < tjq> Picking all the nigger parts from the Ethiopian airlines disaster is a puzzle 2019-03-12T09:46:02 < dongs> hey thats news to me 2019-03-12T09:46:08 < dongs> thank you crt 2019-03-12T09:57:03 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-abe0e253.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-12T09:58:24 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T09:59:24 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 2019-03-12T10:01:50 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T10:23:17 -!- PaulFertser [paul@paulfertser.info] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T10:23:27 -!- sterna [~Adium@h-90-120.A137.corp.bahnhof.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T10:23:32 < tjq> i'm garrett bobby ferguson 2019-03-12T10:24:51 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-175.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T10:28:04 -!- benishor [~benny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-12T10:30:49 -!- comptroller [~comptroll@47-213-222-253.paolcmtc01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-12T10:31:33 -!- benishor [~benny@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T10:39:02 -!- fc5dc9d4_ [~quassel@p5B08118C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.] 2019-03-12T10:39:28 -!- fc5dc9d4 [~quassel@p5B08118C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T10:44:24 -!- pero_p [uid63038@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-luasklnsmcbhcitm] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T10:46:13 < tjq> noise 2019-03-12T11:09:28 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-12T11:35:10 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T11:38:22 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-175.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-12T11:38:41 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-175.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T11:58:11 -!- comptroller [~comptroll@47-213-222-253.paolcmtc01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T12:07:31 -!- ohsix_ [~ohsix@bc175210.bendcable.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-12T12:26:44 -!- ski7777 [~quassel@ip5b437fc1.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 2019-03-12T12:27:36 -!- ski7777 [~quassel@ip5b437fc1.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T12:33:17 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T12:44:39 -!- ski7777 [~quassel@ip5b437fc1.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-12T12:44:56 -!- ski7777 [~quassel@ip5b437fc1.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T12:46:44 < englishman> Crater pix http://avherald.com/h?article=4c534c4a&opt=7680 2019-03-12T12:47:25 < englishman> like the Pentagon plane, there's nothing left 2019-03-12T12:51:44 -!- ski7777 [~quassel@ip5b437fc1.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-12T12:51:57 -!- ski7777 [~quassel@ip5b437fc1.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T12:53:25 < qyx> wheres the actual plane 2019-03-12T12:53:54 < englishman> somewhere in there 2019-03-12T12:54:02 < englishman> data and voice recorders were recovered 2019-03-12T12:54:08 -!- pero_p [uid63038@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-luasklnsmcbhcitm] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-12T12:54:42 -!- sk_tandt_ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T12:57:46 -!- obsrver [~quassel@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T12:58:02 -!- ski7777 [~quassel@ip5b437fc1.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-12T12:58:36 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 2019-03-12T13:06:43 < qyx> The crash site appears to be consistent with a steep dive, the aircraft is right inside the ground 2019-03-12T13:06:46 < qyx> uhm 2019-03-12T13:12:02 -!- obsrver [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-12T13:16:12 -!- ski7777 [~quassel@ip5b437fc1.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T13:20:10 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-stkuryoijdwkitch] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-12T13:23:00 -!- pero_p [uid63038@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-lpkcoztsyflebxuv] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T13:28:55 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T13:30:02 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-12T13:30:02 -!- BrainDamage_ is now known as BrainDamage 2019-03-12T13:37:02 -!- f3r70rr35f [~fernando@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T13:41:07 -!- ski7777 [~quassel@ip5b437fc1.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-12T13:43:55 -!- ski7777 [~quassel@ip5b437fc1.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T14:13:47 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T14:48:23 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T15:05:24 < rajkosto> so whats the best addressable rgb leds still WS2812B 2019-03-12T15:08:05 -!- ski4x7 [~quassel@ip5b437fc1.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T15:09:04 -!- ski7777 [~quassel@ip5b437fc1.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 2019-03-12T15:29:29 < jpa-> rajkosto: if you need minimum amount of wires, WS2812; otherwise APA102 2019-03-12T15:29:49 < rajkosto> whats the diff between ws2812/ws2813 etc 2019-03-12T15:30:49 < rajkosto> ahh the APA lets you use normal SPI 2019-03-12T15:31:26 < rajkosto> is there variant with 4 channels ? 2019-03-12T15:34:06 -!- pero_p [uid63038@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-lpkcoztsyflebxuv] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-12T15:34:40 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T15:36:41 < emeryth> there is an RGBW version of SK6812 2019-03-12T15:36:43 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-12T15:36:44 -!- BrainDamage_ is now known as BrainDamage 2019-03-12T15:37:34 < emeryth> which is a clone of the WS2812 of course 2019-03-12T15:38:06 < jpa-> i've heard there is a RGBS variant of WS2812, though it is not labelled as such 2019-03-12T15:50:41 -!- sk_tandt__ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T15:53:49 -!- sk_tandt_ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-12T15:59:55 -!- c10ud_ [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T15:59:55 -!- Rajko [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T16:03:53 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-12T16:04:17 -!- malinus_ [~malinus@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T16:04:24 -!- hornang_ [~quassel@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T16:08:43 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T16:09:24 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T16:09:41 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: hornang, SadMan, c10ud, malinus, veverak, rajkosto, ABLomas, ColdKeybo[a]rd 2019-03-12T16:11:02 -!- Netsplit over, joins: ColdKeybo[a]rd 2019-03-12T16:14:38 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-12T16:16:08 < bitmask> I done did it 2019-03-12T16:16:13 < bitmask> broke my phone 2019-03-12T16:16:22 < bitmask> Swapped the battery and ended up breaking the screen 2019-03-12T16:16:26 < bitmask> muh skillz 2019-03-12T16:16:56 -!- ABLomas [abl@78-58-248-227.static.zebra.lt] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T16:17:05 -!- SadMan [foobar@sadman.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T16:17:20 -!- veverak [~squirrel@ip-89-102-104-133.net.upcbroadband.cz] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T16:18:43 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T16:24:37 < aandrew> nice 2019-03-12T16:24:40 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-12T16:24:41 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T16:26:23 -!- BrainDamage_ is now known as BrainDamage 2019-03-12T16:40:17 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-12T16:40:50 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T16:42:35 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T16:45:53 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-12T16:47:03 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T16:54:25 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-12T16:59:01 < mawk> /mode ##stm32 -b Cracki!*@* 2019-03-12T16:59:10 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-12T17:00:45 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T17:03:43 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-12T17:06:09 < bitmask> hah why was he banned? 2019-03-12T17:06:32 < mawk> for talking about migrants I think 2019-03-12T17:07:22 < bitmask> :P 2019-03-12T17:07:59 < kakimir> he had proper heat-up 2019-03-12T17:08:48 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-12T17:09:25 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hhoqvpdbzcjpxthe] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T17:22:06 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T17:28:09 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Bye!] 2019-03-12T17:33:15 < Adluc> do you guys tent vias? 2019-03-12T17:34:15 < PaulFertser> He wasn't banned even, the ban line was incorrect, not matching. 2019-03-12T17:35:06 < PaulFertser> As Cracki is not using identd so there's a ~ before his nick. I guess. 2019-03-12T17:35:26 < PaulFertser> Also, he's still on the channel, something a banned nick can't do afaik. 2019-03-12T17:36:47 < aandrew> Adluc: I tent all vias as a general rule, then un-tent ones that I might want to use as test points, but that's rare. I usually place intentional test point pads for that purpose, as my vias are small (0.2mm) 2019-03-12T17:37:19 < aandrew> Haohmaru: um, a ban is not allowed to enter the chan. unless kicked/part, they can stay 2019-03-12T17:37:29 < aandrew> Haohmaru: it's voice that disallows them from talking when the chan is +m 2019-03-12T17:37:56 < aandrew> that's what I meant :-) 2019-03-12T17:38:12 < aandrew> if chan is +m, only +v/+o can speak 2019-03-12T17:38:24 < aandrew> however +b can exist and participate in the chan, just can't join 2019-03-12T17:40:10 < aandrew> not sure how a +b would have kept him quiet unless he was also kicked 2019-03-12T17:40:23 < aandrew> perhaps just as a warning? 2019-03-12T17:46:22 -!- Rajko [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-12T17:46:31 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T17:48:47 < rajkosto> do WS2812 keep their value if you hold the line in RET (zero all the time) 2019-03-12T17:48:53 -!- sk_tandt__ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-12T17:51:48 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T17:57:39 -!- ohsix [~ohsix@bc175210.bendcable.com] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T18:03:33 < rajkosto> hagrid check it out 2019-03-12T18:05:21 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T18:06:42 -!- sk_tandt_ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T18:10:22 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-12T18:12:25 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-12T18:12:45 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T18:14:41 < englishman> Adluc: yes 2019-03-12T18:15:12 < englishman> especially where manual soldering might take place or near any pasted pads 2019-03-12T18:19:20 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-12T18:20:18 -!- sterna [~Adium@h-90-120.A137.corp.bahnhof.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-12T18:22:09 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T18:27:59 < mawk> it does match PaulFertser , it's a mask on his nickname 2019-03-12T18:28:01 < mawk> and he can stay in the channel, just he cannot talk 2019-03-12T18:28:05 < mawk> and he can't come back if he leaves 2019-03-12T18:29:59 < englishman> /ignore solved all of those problems months ago 2019-03-12T18:47:20 < bitmask> god damn world 2019-03-12T18:47:35 < bitmask> my phone breaks and I cant 2fa into my password manager 2019-03-12T18:48:24 < mawk> lol 2019-03-12T18:48:33 < mawk> this happened with my bank account 2019-03-12T18:48:42 < mawk> I used it to receive notifications on my phone 2019-03-12T18:48:47 < mawk> so now I couldn't pay online 2019-03-12T18:48:56 < bitmask> this blows 2019-03-12T18:49:08 < BrainDamage> no backup of the AES key? 2019-03-12T18:54:29 < bitmask> I think I shoulda done more research before picking this app 2019-03-12T18:54:40 < bitmask> I have no local copy or anything its just all web based 2019-03-12T18:54:43 -!- talsit [foobar@gromit.mixdown.ca] has left ##stm32 [] 2019-03-12T18:55:25 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T18:56:09 -!- talsit [foobar@gromit.mixdown.ca] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T18:57:46 -!- talsit [foobar@gromit.mixdown.ca] has left ##stm32 [] 2019-03-12T18:58:31 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T18:58:40 -!- sk_tandt_ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-12T18:59:28 -!- talsit [foobar@gromit.mixdown.ca] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T18:59:36 < bitmask> interesting, with verizon you can view your texts online, it shows everything but the one I need 2019-03-12T18:59:43 < bitmask> oh fuck 2019-03-12T18:59:48 < bitmask> its not a text, what am I thinking 2019-03-12T19:00:10 < bitmask> I can do this with a text though I think 2019-03-12T19:00:25 < mawk> my provider does this too, but it's not free 2019-03-12T19:00:26 < mawk> €€€ 2019-03-12T19:00:32 < mawk> it's like 1€/mms or something 2019-03-12T19:03:08 < bitmask> I think its done through an app, its not showing new msgs, I'm trying to turn on my phone so that it will hopefully sync 2019-03-12T19:03:28 < bitmask> oh haha its not set up right now 2019-03-12T19:03:32 < bitmask> I'm fucked 2019-03-12T19:06:43 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T19:06:58 < Laurenceb> wew MacDonald got b& from amazon 2019-03-12T19:07:07 < Laurenceb> https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2018/04/16/analyzing-kevin-macdonalds-culture-of-critique-and-the-alt-rights-embrace-of-anti-jewish-ideology/ 2019-03-12T19:07:26 < Laurenceb> based Cofnas 2019-03-12T19:07:49 < Laurenceb> autism face https://philpeople.org/profiles/nathan-cofnas 2019-03-12T19:13:54 -!- gsi__ is now known as gsi_ 2019-03-12T19:16:11 -!- sk_tandt_ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T19:18:05 < bitmask> why is Laurenceb sending me pms with mp4 links? 2019-03-12T19:18:15 < Laurenceb> sexting 2019-03-12T19:18:24 < bitmask> I'm not clicking it 2019-03-12T19:18:29 < rajkosto> bitmask, he runs a bot to send offensive shit to #stm32 members 2019-03-12T19:18:39 < Laurenceb> correct 2019-03-12T19:18:42 < rajkosto> cuz he cant do it in chan i guess 2019-03-12T19:18:56 < Laurenceb> the captcha is too hard to crack 2019-03-12T19:19:42 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-12T19:20:10 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hhoqvpdbzcjpxthe] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-12T19:25:42 < mawk> I want to see too Laurenceb 2019-03-12T19:27:14 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-12T19:29:28 < Steffanx> Sad thing is.. its not a bot rajkosto 2019-03-12T19:33:15 -!- Jybz [~jibz@ufr-132-230-194-175.eduroam-nat.uni-freiburg.de] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-12T19:36:59 -!- c10ud_ [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-12T19:37:08 -!- sk_tandt_ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-12T19:45:45 < Laurenceb> LMFAO!! YOU MAD, PUTLER BOT? 2019-03-12T20:05:04 < kakimir> #putinlove 2019-03-12T20:05:47 < kakimir> recommend a movie bois 2019-03-12T20:07:25 < mawk> your phrase feels more french than english to me kakimir 2019-03-12T20:07:27 < mawk> congratulations 2019-03-12T20:07:30 < mawk> you almost speak french 2019-03-12T20:07:52 < Laurenceb> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2CPr-JjnNU 2019-03-12T20:08:54 < mawk> did you enable adb at some point on your phone bitmask ? 2019-03-12T20:09:04 < mawk> and plugged in to your computer at least once 2019-03-12T20:09:11 < mawk> and remembered to tick the "always accept debugging" case 2019-03-12T20:09:43 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T20:10:44 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-12T20:11:32 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Client Quit] 2019-03-12T20:14:38 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-12T20:17:31 < antto> don't watch "born twice" 2019-03-12T20:17:36 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [] 2019-03-12T20:19:10 < mawk> lol 2019-03-12T20:19:16 < mawk> just the poster is a warning, antto 2019-03-12T20:19:20 < mawk> your wife forced you to watch ? 2019-03-12T20:19:34 < antto> nah 2019-03-12T20:20:14 < antto> just watched it cuz there woz nothing interesting at that time, and then i saw some familiar-ish sh*t so i got intrigued 2019-03-12T20:24:31 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T20:32:04 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 2019-03-12T21:04:30 -!- bvernoux [~Ben@2a01:e35:8b76:a0f0:a13a:2d76:3ead:6ee6] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T21:12:41 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T21:18:12 < PaulFertser> Ok, mawk, you're right, something made me sure ~ prepended to the nick is taken into account when matching bans, apparently not, thank you for correcting me. 2019-03-12T21:19:11 < mawk> yeah ~ is the ugly prefix irc servers that still think it's 1990 prepend to users that have no identd answering on their ips 2019-03-12T21:19:58 -!- obsrver [~quassel@p5DC6B81E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T21:20:03 < mawk> but it's on the username yeah 2019-03-12T21:22:18 < PaulFertser> ~ makes sense, it helps to tell if users are using their login name (or being root on the host) or not. 2019-03-12T21:23:03 < mawk> yeah with a reasonable number of internet users that each have their own ips 2019-03-12T21:23:21 < mawk> and no ugly NAT or firewall or CGNAT or whatever blocking along the way 2019-03-12T21:23:52 < PaulFertser> Those behind NAT are not internet hosts so probably can't be really called internet users ;) 2019-03-12T21:24:11 < mawk> lol 2019-03-12T21:24:43 < mawk> I don't know why the internet authorities don't get back from microsoft/apple/whatever the thousand IPs they had at the time they thought it was unlimited 2019-03-12T21:24:46 < mawk> politics probably 2019-03-12T21:24:54 < mawk> same thing why they didn't take back ymca.int from the YMCA 2019-03-12T21:25:13 < BrainDamage> what really puzzles is that in this day and age ports < 1024 are still root reserved 2019-03-12T21:25:28 < PaulFertser> It wouldn't help much, IPv4 is exhausted anyway. 2019-03-12T21:25:36 < mawk> it would allow for even more cgnat ! 2019-03-12T21:25:42 < mawk> so it's indeed a bad for a good, BrainDamage 2019-03-12T21:25:43 < BrainDamage> it's not like we're in the 70s where the port number meant a trusted admit set it up 2019-03-12T21:26:55 < mawk> but you can still tweak it with /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_unprivileged_port_start 2019-03-12T21:27:36 < mawk> start the no-privileged-port revolution 2019-03-12T21:27:58 < BrainDamage> yes, but that requires root itfp 2019-03-12T21:28:10 < mawk> yeah 2019-03-12T21:28:26 < BrainDamage> it solves nothing until it becomes the new standard 2019-03-12T21:29:24 < mawk> if for whatever reason a local process, so with an unlimited network pipe, can crash the http server for instance, in the interval it can spawn a new one on port 80 2019-03-12T21:29:28 < mawk> that's the first thing I can think of 2019-03-12T21:29:33 < mawk> but I'm sure that would allow many other attacks 2019-03-12T21:34:33 < BrainDamage> there's plenty of critical internet-facing services that have ports >1024 nowdays 2019-03-12T21:34:40 < mawk> right 2019-03-12T21:35:01 < BrainDamage> relying on no-replace sounds a bit silly 2019-03-12T21:35:02 < mawk> but my attack doesn't work, linux already thought of it 2019-03-12T21:35:03 < mawk> too bad 2019-03-12T21:36:19 < mawk> well not really thought of it but I'm sure every critical server uses SO_REUSEPORT, and when you have that you need to have the same pid to bind a new socket over an existing one/a TIME_WAIT one 2019-03-12T21:36:22 < mawk> which defeats the attack 2019-03-12T21:37:36 < mawk> the same uid 2019-03-12T21:37:39 < mawk> what am I saying 2019-03-12T22:02:46 -!- obsrver [~quassel@p5DC6B81E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.] 2019-03-12T22:04:03 -!- obsrver [~quassel@p5DC6B81E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T22:07:23 -!- Jybz [~jibz@2a02:8071:9289:5900:4a51:b7ff:fe84:99e6] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T22:09:19 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-77e1e253.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T22:09:31 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:8c7f:9c77:8b71:507] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T22:12:32 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-riekxgtrqvtnedyi] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T22:12:43 < tjq> Welcome Laurenceb 2019-03-12T22:12:49 < Laurenceb> sup 2019-03-12T22:13:11 < tjq> Reading your work here 2019-03-12T22:15:30 < Laurenceb> good stuff 2019-03-12T22:18:22 -!- mode/##stm32 [-b Cracki!*@*] by ChanServ 2019-03-12T22:20:07 -!- f3r70rr35f [~fernando@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 2019-03-12T22:26:34 -!- ds2 [~ds2@rehut.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-12T22:27:55 < tjq> Steffanx: is cracki alright, do you know? 2019-03-12T22:31:05 < Steffanx> He has his good and his bad times, yes. 2019-03-12T22:31:20 < Steffanx> *sides or wahtever 2019-03-12T22:34:08 < kakimir> what would you think Steffanx 2019-03-12T22:34:30 < kakimir> if we crashed to your place with lurencer 2019-03-12T22:35:59 < Steffanx> lurencer = mr blaxter? 2019-03-12T22:36:18 < antto> 2019-03-12T22:36:26 < Steffanx> Not ever going to happen. 2019-03-12T22:36:47 < antto> he gonna evacuate himself to ze bunker 2019-03-12T22:37:17 < kakimir> concern.exe 2019-03-12T22:37:39 < antto> 2019-03-12T22:38:15 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-12T22:40:52 < tjq> thanks mate 2019-03-12T22:43:22 < kakimir> that would be great fun 2019-03-12T22:51:29 < kakimir> 3 strangers 2019-03-12T22:51:37 < kakimir> in one strangers home 2019-03-12T22:51:42 < Steffanx> no ty 2019-03-12T22:59:29 -!- obsrver [~quassel@p5DC6B81E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.] 2019-03-12T23:09:47 -!- Jybz [~jibz@2a02:8071:9289:5900:4a51:b7ff:fe84:99e6] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-12T23:17:32 -!- Dave_Elec [~Dave@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T23:21:31 < mawk> so I shouldn't spam gifs from ?chan if I want to get in Steffanx's home 2019-03-12T23:21:35 < mawk> I'll remember 2019-03-12T23:23:59 < kakimir> just don't be weirdo 2019-03-12T23:25:18 < antto> a weirdo? here in ##stm32? no way! 2019-03-12T23:26:48 < Steffanx> no frenchies in my home mawk :P 2019-03-12T23:26:59 < mawk> :( 2019-03-12T23:27:06 < antto> 2019-03-12T23:27:16 < mawk> I'm only a third french, so I can get two thirds of myself in your home 2019-03-12T23:27:33 < mawk> since I'm 180cm tall that means I can enter 1.2m of your home if I lay on the ground 2019-03-12T23:27:58 < antto> that'd be risky 2019-03-12T23:28:19 < kakimir> I'm planning to go directly to lurencer 2019-03-12T23:28:36 < antto> better put on yer iron pants 2019-03-12T23:28:39 < kakimir> alone 2019-03-12T23:28:52 < antto> kakimir :~( 2019-03-12T23:33:56 < Steffanx> is this a real plan or just ... idk kakimir ? 2019-03-12T23:34:28 < antto> kakimir is usually not kidding 2019-03-12T23:34:46 < Steffanx> True 2019-03-12T23:34:59 < antto> that's why.. 2019-03-12T23:37:11 < Steffanx> irl mr lb is a nice guy. We all know that from his high altitude video 2019-03-12T23:37:29 < kakimir> I think so too 2019-03-12T23:37:32 < Steffanx> about the Kármán line 2019-03-12T23:42:36 < antto> maybe his ISP has weird IP filters and blocks all the "normal" websites 2019-03-12T23:53:06 -!- scrotal_b [uid118777@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qkvnguzszqprxies] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-12T23:58:42 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:8c7f:9c77:8b71:507] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] --- Day changed Wed Mar 13 2019 2019-03-13T00:05:07 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-77e1e253.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-13T00:29:30 -!- ds2 [~ds2@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T00:36:46 < mawk> I went on the same websites as he when I was younger 2019-03-13T00:37:01 < mawk> I was spending most of my time on the 420chan irc & video chat 2019-03-13T00:37:18 < mawk> witnessing drughead pointing guns at their heads or od'ing live on camera 2019-03-13T00:37:25 < mawk> I think that may have desensitized me a little 2019-03-13T00:39:16 < kakimir> gui I used to smoke weed with a few times like 10years ago called 2019-03-13T00:40:26 < kakimir> nice gui 2019-03-13T00:40:36 < kakimir> but has done a lot of drugs since then 2019-03-13T00:42:44 < kakimir> he wasn't fully ok.. I wonder if I should try to help him or anything 2019-03-13T00:44:18 -!- catphish [~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T00:51:21 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-13T00:53:15 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T00:59:47 -!- bvernoux [~Ben@2a01:e35:8b76:a0f0:a13a:2d76:3ead:6ee6] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-13T01:01:26 < mawk> get him to a support center maybe kakimir 2019-03-13T01:01:53 < mawk> but unless he acknowledges there's a problem he maybe won't go, or won't do it seriously 2019-03-13T01:02:11 < mawk> and no narcotics anonym religious bullshit, serious clinical setups are the best 2019-03-13T01:02:57 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-13T01:05:16 < kakimir> he talked about church 2019-03-13T01:05:58 < srk> bout burning one? 2019-03-13T01:06:36 < kakimir> he joined back 2019-03-13T01:08:39 < kakimir> apparently he is in help group or so 2019-03-13T01:13:45 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-13T01:26:41 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T01:31:45 -!- sklv [~sklv@gateway/tor-sasl/sklv] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-13T01:32:08 < Cracki> PaulFertser, mawk: if my nick is exactly Cracki, I can't join. if it's "Cracki_", I can. I can then change my nick to Cracki, which can't talk. which is what my client does upon a network failure. besides I wouldn't want to risk the powers that be considering the underscore to be BAN EVASION and totally flip their shit 2019-03-13T01:32:31 -!- sklv [~sklv@gateway/tor-sasl/sklv] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T01:39:46 -!- Dave_Elec [~Dave@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-13T01:43:39 < mawk> yeah 2019-03-13T01:44:01 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-13T01:44:06 < mawk> maybe his client didn't have a good /ban shortcut that takes the host automatically so he did a /mode +b Cracki!*@* by hand 2019-03-13T01:44:48 < Cracki> I hope he does the same next time 2019-03-13T01:45:29 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T01:50:05 < jadew> is bitcoin dead? 2019-03-13T01:50:33 < friendofafriend> Eventually, probably will have a dead cat bounce. 2019-03-13T01:52:17 < jadew> am I understanding this correctly or is the difficulty adjustable? 2019-03-13T01:52:41 < Cracki> that's right, it's supposed to grow 2019-03-13T01:52:58 < jadew> I'm watching a video with a guy that says it gets adjusted 2019-03-13T01:53:03 < jadew> and that it got lowered recently 2019-03-13T01:53:04 < Cracki> I think they use moore's law and adjust sometimes 2019-03-13T01:53:11 < Cracki> lowered? hmm 2019-03-13T01:53:30 < jadew> yeah... so all that bullshit that it keeps increasing was just bullshit 2019-03-13T01:53:46 < Cracki> they had to keep it increasing :P 2019-03-13T01:54:08 < jadew> apparently they lowered it several times since october 2019-03-13T01:54:26 < Cracki> so... buy rigs? 2019-03-13T01:54:35 < mawk> difficulty adjusts automatically Cracki 2019-03-13T01:54:45 < mawk> to get a constant mining rate 2019-03-13T01:55:01 < jadew> sounds stupid 2019-03-13T01:55:02 < mawk> but I don't think it's that tightly coupled to price 2019-03-13T01:55:05 < mawk> why ? 2019-03-13T01:55:31 < jadew> because when it was advertised to me, the big thing was that the complexity increased by itself 2019-03-13T01:55:45 < jadew> and it should have increased to a point where it just can't be mined anymore 2019-03-13T01:55:53 < jadew> and that's what gave bitcoin its value 2019-03-13T01:55:55 < Cracki> no, just exponentially 2019-03-13T01:56:17 < Cracki> difficulty != total number of possible coins 2019-03-13T01:56:17 < mawk> yeah the difficulty increases empirically, but it's not bound to increase 2019-03-13T01:56:21 < jadew> the fact that there's this impending unavailability of new bitcoin 2019-03-13T01:56:25 < mawk> and it has local fluctuations where it decreases anyway 2019-03-13T01:56:34 < jadew> but if they can change the mining difficulty, then it defeats the purpose 2019-03-13T01:56:41 < mawk> nobody can change it, jadew 2019-03-13T01:56:42 < Cracki> nah, mining just gets you progressively fewer coin 2019-03-13T01:56:49 < mawk> it's in the source code, hardcoded 2019-03-13T01:56:53 < mawk> it's dynamic 2019-03-13T01:57:06 < mawk> difficulty adjusts according to a formula so that it takes X minutes to validate a block 2019-03-13T01:57:18 < Cracki> the number of coins is still limited, but the difficulty changes 2019-03-13T01:57:21 < mawk> if there are less miners, difficulty will decrease, vice-versa 2019-03-13T01:57:39 < Cracki> limited but never reached* 2019-03-13T01:57:43 < jadew> here's a question tho 2019-03-13T01:57:52 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T01:58:00 < jadew> when there are no more bitcoins left, who's going to validate those blocks and why? 2019-03-13T01:58:03 < mawk> it will be reached Cracki , it's not exponentially decreasing 2019-03-13T01:58:09 < Cracki> oh 2019-03-13T01:58:09 < mawk> constant mining rate will make constant difficulty 2019-03-13T01:58:13 < mawk> it's just that the reward gets lower and lower 2019-03-13T01:58:23 < mawk> and eventually no more coins can be mined, miners just get paid with tx fee 2019-03-13T01:58:40 < mawk> here the financial incentive will drop massively, difficulty too, and probably normal people can get back to mining 2019-03-13T01:58:43 < jadew> ah ha, so there's a fee there 2019-03-13T01:58:44 < Cracki> ah, right, mining incentives are (1) you mine coin (2) you get fees from transactions 2019-03-13T01:58:48 < mawk> yes 2019-03-13T01:58:54 < mawk> and when all coin has been mined, only (2) 2019-03-13T01:58:54 < Cracki> so if all coin has been mined, there's still fees to keep them going 2019-03-13T01:59:11 < Cracki> ic ic 2019-03-13T01:59:47 < jadew> this guy says a lot of big miners are selling their shit, because the cost of electricity per btc, is higher than what a bitcoin is worth 2019-03-13T02:00:17 < englishman> they moved to places with cheaper electricity, who then made special buttcoin mining rates because that shit is dumb as fuck 2019-03-13T02:01:12 < mawk> china 2019-03-13T02:02:48 -!- scrotal_b [uid118777@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qkvnguzszqprxies] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-13T02:03:02 < catphish> i love china's stance against wasting power mining shitcoins 2019-03-13T02:03:55 < jadew> no reason to fuel a pseudo coin when they're sitting on mountains of gold 2019-03-13T02:04:09 < BrainDamage> well, more like, they cannot tax that shit 2019-03-13T02:04:28 < BrainDamage> if they could, they'd be much more eager 2019-03-13T02:04:34 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-13T02:04:43 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T02:07:43 -!- catphish [~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-13T02:21:20 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-riekxgtrqvtnedyi] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-13T02:31:52 -!- Dave_Elec [~Dave@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T02:41:28 -!- SuperBawlz [~SuperBawl@c-68-60-126-222.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T02:41:54 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-13T02:48:07 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T03:01:32 -!- codyps [~codyps@richard.einic.org] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T03:13:04 -!- gsi__ [~gsisig@x4db9a521.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T03:15:56 -!- gsi_ [~gsisig@x4db5179e.dyn.telefonica.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-13T03:25:02 < kakimir> disease 2019-03-13T03:25:22 < kakimir> olo on fantsu 2019-03-13T03:25:53 < kakimir> I kinda like that empty feeling in head 2019-03-13T03:44:40 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T04:07:25 < Laurenceb_123> supppp 2019-03-13T04:32:58 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-13T05:57:22 -!- Dave_Elec [~Dave@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-13T05:59:11 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T06:03:18 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-havdcxtvxeguztse] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T06:46:19 -!- fc5dc9d4_ [~quassel@p5B08107A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T06:50:05 -!- fc5dc9d4 [~quassel@p5B08118C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-13T06:55:34 -!- Chris_M|2 [~Chris_M@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T06:58:22 -!- Chris_M [~Chris_M@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-13T06:59:27 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-13T07:00:05 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T07:02:52 -!- benishor [~benny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 2019-03-13T07:11:44 -!- R2COM [~R2COM@ip68-3-184-221.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T07:33:13 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-13T07:34:46 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T08:16:10 -!- benishor [~benny@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T08:25:33 -!- Rajko [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T08:27:29 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-13T08:30:00 -!- friendofafriend [~chat@pool-71-120-200-135.nrflva.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-13T08:32:59 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-havdcxtvxeguztse] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-13T08:33:26 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 2019-03-13T08:35:07 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-13T08:35:57 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T08:44:01 -!- friendofafriend [~chat@pool-71-120-200-135.nrflva.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T08:45:14 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-bbebe155.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T08:45:27 -!- Rajko [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-13T08:57:30 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T09:06:37 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-13T09:11:36 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T09:15:28 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-13T09:16:36 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T09:27:19 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-bbebe155.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-13T09:30:08 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T09:34:26 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-gbtlhztknrhnhdgt] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T09:36:48 -!- SuperBawlz_ [~SuperBawl@c-68-60-126-222.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T09:38:47 -!- SuperBawlz [~SuperBawl@c-68-60-126-222.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-13T09:43:47 -!- Jybz [~jibz@2a02:8071:9289:5900:4a51:b7ff:fe84:99e6] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T09:46:11 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T09:52:17 < tjq> I need a dr 2019-03-13T09:53:54 < tjq> A blaxter 2019-03-13T09:53:58 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T09:54:23 < tjq> Haohmaru: now you can get the marshal 2019-03-13T10:01:11 -!- sterna [~Adium@h-90-120.A137.corp.bahnhof.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T10:02:55 < R2COM> he needs a dbdoctor from Allegro 2019-03-13T10:06:33 < tjq> Cadence? 2019-03-13T10:06:39 < R2COM> ye 2019-03-13T10:06:52 < tjq> Got any good advice? 2019-03-13T10:06:57 < tjq> ADCs 2019-03-13T10:07:01 < tjq> I mean 2019-03-13T10:07:34 < tjq> 96khz 32shits 110db DR? 2019-03-13T10:08:06 < qyx> audio? 2019-03-13T10:08:07 < R2COM> 96khz sampling? 32bit? 2019-03-13T10:08:10 < tjq> 💀 2019-03-13T10:08:14 < tjq> Yup 2019-03-13T10:08:19 < R2COM> why 32 bit 2019-03-13T10:08:26 < tjq> Cause autism 2019-03-13T10:08:26 < qyx> there are some from TI with 115dB afaik 2019-03-13T10:08:33 < R2COM> how did you come up that you need 32 bits 2019-03-13T10:08:33 < qyx> 192k, but 24bit only 2019-03-13T10:08:35 < R2COM> just cuirious 2019-03-13T10:08:37 < tjq> 24 bit is ok 2019-03-13T10:08:55 < tjq> 32 is autism mainly 2019-03-13T10:08:59 < R2COM> ads1258 what i used long ago 2019-03-13T10:09:27 < R2COM> it was nice, but my first attempt failed 2019-03-13T10:09:36 < R2COM> cuz of bad pcb design 2019-03-13T10:09:38 < R2COM> layout 2019-03-13T10:09:54 < tjq> Yeah the old pcb 2019-03-13T10:09:57 < R2COM> (was getting rare spurs) 2019-03-13T10:10:16 < R2COM> cuz too much stuff was on PCB + micro and other noisy shit 2019-03-13T10:10:29 < tjq> The clackers 2019-03-13T10:10:33 < R2COM> after redoing it with 6 layers and proper isolation etc i got all problems gone 2019-03-13T10:10:39 < tjq> Wow 6 2019-03-13T10:10:45 < tjq> That’d be sweet 2019-03-13T10:11:05 < qyx> yeah pcm1863 2019-03-13T10:11:30 < tjq> In the audiofuck world they’re still over the grounplane split/solid bullshit debate 2019-03-13T10:11:32 < qyx> but there are better ones 2019-03-13T10:11:40 < R2COM> oh for audio 2019-03-13T10:11:43 < R2COM> i didnt do audio 2019-03-13T10:11:55 < tjq> Yah the pcm burr brown ones are pretty 2019-03-13T10:12:15 < tjq> I’m going to be an AKM nigger 2019-03-13T10:13:35 < R2COM> so you got the choices go and start design nigga 2019-03-13T10:13:56 < tjq> Already done 2019-03-13T10:15:06 -!- Jybz [~jibz@2a02:8071:9289:5900:4a51:b7ff:fe84:99e6] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-13T10:16:31 < R2COM> im going to sleep 2019-03-13T10:16:38 < tjq> Good idea 2019-03-13T10:16:45 < tjq> peace 2019-03-13T10:21:05 -!- R2COM [~R2COM@ip68-3-184-221.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [] 2019-03-13T10:36:28 < dongs> https://www.w3.org/Tools/fm2html.html found what zyp was coding before he got into electronics 2019-03-13T10:43:09 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T10:43:32 < tjq> Anime collection database 2019-03-13T10:47:08 < tjq> +waifu design 2019-03-13T10:47:12 < tjq> Desu 2019-03-13T10:57:38 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T11:00:22 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 2019-03-13T11:00:40 -!- Cracki [~cracki@unaffiliated/crackwitz] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-13T11:00:55 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T11:01:11 -!- Cracki [~cracki@unaffiliated/crackwitz] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T11:04:48 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 2019-03-13T11:08:56 -!- pulsar [~PLS@2a01:4f8:130:4029::1:7] has quit [Quit: *poof*] 2019-03-13T11:25:57 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-13T11:31:37 < tjq> should I click on that link? 2019-03-13T11:31:58 < dongs> no 2019-03-13T11:57:02 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-13T12:48:13 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T12:48:30 < Laurenceb_123> reeee uk parliament 2019-03-13T12:50:10 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T12:52:44 < Steffanx> Bg? 2019-03-13T12:54:33 < Laurenceb_123> we had better be 2019-03-13T12:54:46 < Laurenceb_123> they need to vote for hard brexit today but I bet they dont :( 2019-03-13T12:54:57 < Sadale> .uk is too british... ? 2019-03-13T12:55:10 < Laurenceb_123> hopefully eu will kick us out anyway 2019-03-13T12:55:28 < Sadale> This brexit thingie is dumb. :/ 2019-03-13T12:55:45 < Laurenceb_123> the deal was, hard brexit makes sense 2019-03-13T12:55:47 < Sadale> I mean, why? Obviously it's not a wise choice to do that as of the info we've got today. 2019-03-13T12:55:54 < Laurenceb_123> we need a Canada style deal 2019-03-13T12:56:18 < Sadale> just a single referendum and we've got brexit :/ 2019-03-13T12:56:23 < Laurenceb_123> >just 2019-03-13T12:56:34 < Sadale> Fortunately I'm not Brtish. 2019-03-13T12:56:37 < Laurenceb_123> heh 2019-03-13T12:56:42 < Laurenceb_123> its called democracy 2019-03-13T12:56:59 < c10ud> muh pudding 2019-03-13T12:58:02 < Sadale> Well, I don't quite buy the idea of democracy. Public opinion can be manipulated easily. 2019-03-13T12:59:42 < Sadale> And if there were a second referendum I bet that the brexit thing would not be a thing anymore. And a second one isn't happening. :/ 2019-03-13T13:00:27 < Sadale> I think democracy is about how convincing a agenda sound, not what good it'd actually brings to the people. 2019-03-13T13:00:40 < Sadale> lol possibly 2019-03-13T13:02:26 < Steffanx> Lol this was even more readable than your average sentence Haohmaru ;) 2019-03-13T13:02:34 < Steffanx> *thiz waz 2019-03-13T13:02:48 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-13T13:02:56 < Steffanx> I know 2019-03-13T13:03:54 < Steffanx> Dont blame others.. 2019-03-13T13:04:27 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-13T13:04:45 < Sadale> who's senpai 2019-03-13T13:07:40 -!- jsoft [~jsoft@unaffiliated/jsoft] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 2019-03-13T13:07:43 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T13:08:31 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-13T13:11:19 < Sadale> Lately I've manually assembled 5 new units of toki pona calculators. :3 2019-03-13T13:11:29 < Sadale> took me 10 hours >_< 2019-03-13T13:12:13 < Sadale> In a nutshell it's a calculator for an obscure numeral. 2019-03-13T13:12:26 < Sadale> We've got base-10 numeral, roman numeral, and we've got toki pona numeral. 2019-03-13T13:13:09 < Sadale> Here's the site of the calculator, and you won't be able to understand that because English version isn't available :P https://ilonanpa.sadale.net/ 2019-03-13T13:15:38 < Sadale> Oh. Here's a better link. The part of hackaday podcast describing the device (30:30~33:40): https://soundcloud.com/hackaday/igloos-lidar-and-the-blinking-led-of-rf-hacking#t=30:30 2019-03-13T13:15:43 < Sadale> This one's English. 2019-03-13T13:31:22 < englishman> Sadale> Fortunately I'm not Brtish. 2019-03-13T13:31:23 < englishman> anymore 2019-03-13T13:31:53 * Sadale :P 2019-03-13T13:41:15 < kakimir> how is flu englishman? 2019-03-13T13:43:30 < englishman> getting better, no thanks to you 2019-03-13T13:44:47 < jpa-> https://youtu.be/7mJ6vfdPjXE babbys first bga 2019-03-13T13:44:54 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T13:45:27 < englishman> cool, jpa junior is getting better with the paste 2019-03-13T13:47:38 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-13T13:47:43 < jpa-> he'd probably have less shaky hands than i do 2019-03-13T13:50:35 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T13:52:09 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-13T13:53:47 < BrainDamage> jpa-: my hands shake a bit too, what I do instead is use locking tweezers and move the board 2019-03-13T13:54:06 < BrainDamage> once it's aligned on top, unlock the tweezers and let it fall 2019-03-13T13:54:16 < jpa-> hmm, sounds useful 2019-03-13T14:00:59 < Adluc> aandrew: for tented vias, what drill/outer ring size you use? 2019-03-13T14:01:09 < Adluc> low speed signals (spi/i2c etc.) 2019-03-13T14:14:02 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-gbtlhztknrhnhdgt] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-13T14:16:00 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T14:16:01 < dongs> your pcb house will tell you usually 2019-03-13T14:16:05 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@] has quit [Changing host] 2019-03-13T14:16:05 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T14:16:19 < dongs> 0.3mm hole/0.5mm pad doesn't get any extra charge usually. 2019-03-13T14:17:52 < jpa-> actually looks like the short-circuit is under another QFN chip 2019-03-13T14:18:43 < dongs> damn jpa 2019-03-13T14:18:46 < dongs> your hands shake more than mine 2019-03-13T14:40:51 < jpa-> https://jpa.kapsi.fi/stuff/pix/vcc_short.png eh, and here i sit wondering why vcc is short-circuited to gnd 2019-03-13T14:42:22 < dongs> lewl 2019-03-13T14:42:27 < dongs> blame kikad!! 2019-03-13T14:42:32 < dongs> wouldnt have happened with real software 2019-03-13T14:42:36 < dongs> ynm 2019-03-13T14:43:09 < dongs> yes obviously 2019-03-13T14:43:17 < dongs> its not something that would be in opensores shitlibs 2019-03-13T14:45:57 < kakimir> amateurish mistake 2019-03-13T14:46:52 < BrainDamage> everyone expects the stm32 inquisition 2019-03-13T14:48:08 < dongs> uhh 2019-03-13T14:48:14 < dongs> i'm ok with top/bottom but i wouldnt merge pins like that 2019-03-13T14:51:20 < jpa-> yeah, for some reason this symbol is drawn to follow the pins on the package 2019-03-13T14:51:25 < jpa-> and i was too lazy to make my own 2019-03-13T14:53:36 < dongs> wiat what 2019-03-13T14:53:43 < dongs> you used shit drawn by some random retard? 2019-03-13T14:53:45 < dongs> without checking it? 2019-03-13T14:56:03 < jpa-> sure i checked it, i even used it on another board and it worked 2019-03-13T14:56:11 < jpa-> then i just went full retard myself 2019-03-13T14:57:24 < dongs> im surprised a .5mm pitch dialog part is even in opensores libraries 2019-03-13T14:57:37 < dongs> like what kinda typical kikecad user is even got the equipment to soldedr it 2019-03-13T14:57:51 < dongs> they're busy snipping legs off through-hole resistors 2019-03-13T14:59:59 < jpa-> nah this is different part 2019-03-13T15:00:01 < Steffanx> Damn it ARROW. Stop shipping my 3 items in 3 different packages 2019-03-13T15:00:03 < jpa-> BGM113 2019-03-13T15:10:33 < qyx> ok, 433MHz antenna doesn't work for 2.4G 2019-03-13T15:10:38 < qyx> knowledge gathered 2019-03-13T15:19:28 < mawk> they want to harm the planet Steffanx it's a secret plan 2019-03-13T15:22:48 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T15:26:17 < Laurenceb> wait englishman is literally a bong? 2019-03-13T15:27:55 < englishman> lol jpa- 2019-03-13T15:28:11 < englishman> nice one 2019-03-13T15:29:16 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Gone to sleep...] 2019-03-13T15:30:12 < kakimir> englishman: I'm getting better too 2019-03-13T15:30:35 < kakimir> guise how did I get signedness warning of my uart_putchar parameter go away 2019-03-13T15:30:40 < kakimir> without changing warnings 2019-03-13T15:30:50 < jpa-> https://jpa.kapsi.fi/stuff/pix/via_drill.jpg there, i fixed it 2019-03-13T15:30:56 < kakimir> I think it's const char *string 2019-03-13T15:30:59 < kakimir> now 2019-03-13T15:31:05 < jpa-> drilled from backside and cut the trace 2019-03-13T15:31:16 < kakimir> wait no* const uint8_t *string 2019-03-13T15:32:01 < kakimir> I have selected unsigned strings in build options 2019-03-13T15:32:06 < kakimir> or unsigned char 2019-03-13T15:32:42 < kakimir> everything works but 500warnings is a bit too much in order to find important ones efficiently 2019-03-13T15:35:11 < jadew> you should have none 2019-03-13T15:35:22 < jadew> so start with the first one 2019-03-13T15:38:29 < kakimir> it's all from call uart_putstring 2019-03-13T15:38:36 < kakimir> every instance of it 2019-03-13T15:39:00 < kakimir> I remember there was trick to format parameter so that it doesn't mind 2019-03-13T15:39:26 < kakimir> tried void *string but it was like nah 2019-03-13T15:39:58 < jadew> that would take any pointer 2019-03-13T15:41:26 < kakimir> it didn't like it 2019-03-13T15:41:31 < kakimir> it resulted in error 2019-03-13T15:42:06 < jadew> probably because you didn't use it properly in the function 2019-03-13T15:42:07 < kakimir> maybe it was const void *string 2019-03-13T15:42:28 < kakimir> should it matter if it's const or not? 2019-03-13T15:42:30 < jadew> either way, it's a bad idea to use void *, unless you know what you're doing 2019-03-13T15:42:37 < jadew> it does, yes 2019-03-13T15:42:48 < jadew> if the function doesn't want to change the object, use const 2019-03-13T15:42:56 < jadew> that way, you can pass both const and non const stuff 2019-03-13T15:43:10 < jadew> but if it's not const, then you can only pass non-const stuff 2019-03-13T15:43:23 < kakimir> oh wait the last time I had problem it was with that const stuff 2019-03-13T15:43:58 < kakimir> took a ride on tesla model 3 today 2019-03-13T15:44:01 < kakimir> nice 2019-03-13T15:44:50 < jadew> I've never been in an electric car 2019-03-13T15:45:36 < kakimir> I have driven P100D 2019-03-13T15:47:33 < Laurenceb> my car was giving engine warning lights yesterday :( 2019-03-13T15:48:04 < Laurenceb> obd2 tiem 2019-03-13T15:48:06 < kakimir> get a cable 2019-03-13T15:48:11 < Laurenceb> yeah 2019-03-13T15:48:30 < Laurenceb> it could be a faulty glow plug controller apparently 2019-03-13T15:48:40 < Laurenceb> also the power steering fluid is black :-S 2019-03-13T15:51:00 < kakimir> Laurenceb: just patch the car and drive it 2019-03-13T15:51:07 < kakimir> until it doesn't go anymore 2019-03-13T15:51:12 < Laurenceb> heh yeah 2019-03-13T15:51:24 < Laurenceb> it still drives fine, no issues today so far 2019-03-13T15:51:34 < kakimir> older it get's the nastier fixes you need to apply 2019-03-13T15:52:07 < Laurenceb> I did have a 1996 car, only issue was high tax and rusty suspension 2019-03-13T15:52:21 < Laurenceb> this is 2007 and loads of issues so far 2019-03-13T15:52:49 < jadew> it's 12 years old, what do you expect? 2019-03-13T15:52:52 < Laurenceb> it also has bad corrosion 2019-03-13T15:53:01 < kakimir> Laurenceb: what is your car now? 2019-03-13T15:53:04 < Laurenceb> ford 2019-03-13T15:53:05 < jadew> cars start falling apart after 5-6 years 2019-03-13T15:53:09 < jadew> 7 if you're lucky 2019-03-13T15:53:11 < Laurenceb> old one was opel 2019-03-13T15:53:22 < kakimir> vauxhal 2019-03-13T15:53:24 < Laurenceb> I should repair the opel lol 2019-03-13T15:53:25 < Laurenceb> yeah 2019-03-13T15:53:34 < kakimir> you still have it? 2019-03-13T15:53:38 < Laurenceb> yes 2019-03-13T15:53:53 < jadew> get a tesla 2019-03-13T15:53:55 < Laurenceb> even with repaired suspension it would cost ukp260/year in tax :( 2019-03-13T15:54:28 < kakimir> hmm my car is like 700eur in a year 2019-03-13T15:54:44 < Laurenceb> I will probably sell it, its worth more than my ford second hand cuz it has isuzu engine 2019-03-13T15:54:51 < jadew> speaking of cars, I'm on the lookout for a car too 2019-03-13T15:55:03 < jadew> not new tho, can't afford new now 2019-03-13T15:55:26 < Laurenceb> kakimir: wow expensive 2019-03-13T15:55:33 < Laurenceb> my ford is ukp20/year 2019-03-13T15:55:52 < jadew> that's cheap, it would be at least 50-100 here 2019-03-13T15:56:05 < Laurenceb> yeah uk vehicle tax is stupid 2019-03-13T15:56:06 < kakimir> Laurenceb: fokkin nothin 2019-03-13T15:56:36 < kakimir> :o 2019-03-13T15:56:38 < Laurenceb> same vauxhall but 6 months newer is half the tax, same engine but it was certified as euro3 compoliant 2019-03-13T15:57:36 < Laurenceb> people use the isuzu engines in 4wd and rally racing, I could sell it for >1k 2019-03-13T15:57:45 < Laurenceb> really nice torque 2019-03-13T15:57:54 < Laurenceb> ford cdti is shit 2019-03-13T15:58:13 < jadew> ford in general is shit 2019-03-13T15:58:24 < jadew> we have a ford too 2019-03-13T15:58:24 < Laurenceb> I'm going to try a retune if the engine isnt fucked 2019-03-13T15:58:30 < Laurenceb> yeah as I'm discovering 2019-03-13T15:59:03 < Laurenceb> much worse corrosion on 2007 ford than 1996 vauxhall/opel 2019-03-13T15:59:10 < jadew> didn't have any major issues with it, it's an OK car, but it has lots of stupid issues 2019-03-13T15:59:28 < Laurenceb> in face 1996 vauxhall is almost factory condition apart from suspension arms 2019-03-13T15:59:33 < Laurenceb> *fact 2019-03-13T15:59:54 < Laurenceb> parked outside in uk weather all that time O_o 2019-03-13T16:00:07 < kakimir> I would pay the tax and drive it 2019-03-13T16:00:20 < jadew> I had a BMW before and that car was great 2019-03-13T16:00:21 < Laurenceb> ford has pitting corrosion everywhere, it needs a respray 2019-03-13T16:01:08 < Laurenceb> going to try fitting a "tunebox" to the ford to boost the shitty torque 2019-03-13T16:01:13 < mawk> you're the kind that does tuning I'm sure Laurenceb 2019-03-13T16:01:14 < mawk> uh 2019-03-13T16:01:19 < mawk> exactly what I'm saying 2019-03-13T16:03:06 < zyp> kakimir, how was the tesla? 2019-03-13T16:03:23 < kakimir> good lookin 2019-03-13T16:03:28 < kakimir> going fast 2019-03-13T16:03:32 < kakimir> new car smell 2019-03-13T16:03:44 < kakimir> slim look 2019-03-13T16:04:16 < kakimir> new car smell as how 3days old cars smell 2019-03-13T16:04:28 < kakimir> as from delivery 3 days 2019-03-13T16:06:45 < kakimir> car manufs have their tricks 2019-03-13T16:06:49 < markus-k> afaik some actually do 2019-03-13T16:06:54 < kakimir> maybe it's new car smell patented by 3M 2019-03-13T16:07:03 < kakimir> sold only to car manufs 2019-03-13T16:07:29 < kakimir> secret smell 2019-03-13T16:08:28 < kakimir> I need that smell of money parfume 2019-03-13T16:09:50 < kakimir> want to smell like million dollars 2019-03-13T16:10:22 < jadew> what's a higher quality board house, than the regular chinese ones? 2019-03-13T16:10:41 < jadew> I just got some boards and the silkscreen looks like shit, even tho in the past it used to be good 2019-03-13T16:11:02 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Quit: Streaker] 2019-03-13T16:11:12 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T16:11:43 < kakimir> jadew: pcbway 2019-03-13T16:12:07 < kakimir> I do small fancy shit all the time and pcbway never let's me down 2019-03-13T16:12:12 < jadew> Haohmaru, yeah, that's not the issue, it just looks faded 2019-03-13T16:12:26 < jadew> I'll check it out, thanks kakimir 2019-03-13T16:14:07 < kakimir> and use green board if you want best parameters for solder mask 2019-03-13T16:14:31 < kakimir> 0.075mm details or so 2019-03-13T16:14:55 < kakimir> other colors it's line 0.1mm or 0.15mm 2019-03-13T16:16:16 < jadew> kakimir, do you get a serial number on your boards from PCBWay? 2019-03-13T16:16:29 < kakimir> ye 2019-03-13T16:16:39 < kakimir> it's on boards 2019-03-13T16:16:46 < jadew> yeah, by good I meant one without that 2019-03-13T16:16:51 < jadew> good silkscreen 2019-03-13T16:16:54 < kakimir> extra moneh 2019-03-13T16:16:55 < jadew> good soldermask 2019-03-13T16:17:01 < jadew> yeah, for extra money 2019-03-13T16:17:14 < jadew> I'm wondering what's the next step 2019-03-13T16:18:25 < jadew> I care about money, I'm just willing to pay a bit extra for a bit extra 2019-03-13T16:19:53 < kakimir> these pcb shops have good customer service 2019-03-13T16:19:57 < kakimir> just ask them 2019-03-13T16:21:22 < jadew> they'll say no 2019-03-13T16:21:34 < jadew> some of them have that question answered in their FAQ 2019-03-13T16:24:51 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T16:26:56 < kakimir> without serial code they need to manually track the boards in process 2019-03-13T16:27:02 < kakimir> but boi 2019-03-13T16:27:05 < kakimir> panelize 2019-03-13T16:27:15 < kakimir> they will write the serial to panel edge 2019-03-13T16:28:03 < kakimir> anything fancy? 2019-03-13T16:31:33 < kakimir> you were like "me did tis?" 2019-03-13T16:31:55 < kakimir> "what is dis?" 2019-03-13T16:33:16 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T16:33:22 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 2019-03-13T16:41:58 < jadew> know anything about olimex? 2019-03-13T16:42:26 < bitmask> ugh this password manager blows, what do you guys use? 2019-03-13T16:42:51 < bitmask> thanks i'll check it out 2019-03-13T16:43:04 < BrainDamage> I use https://www.passwordstore.org/ 2019-03-13T16:43:58 < jadew> ah... 2019-03-13T16:44:07 < bitmask> Ive been using lastpass since 2014 because they seemed to have the most platforms supported but now that I'm trying to do extra stuff, nothing seems to work. I couldn't disable 2fa when my phone broke and had to go through 2 days of support messages to disable it, now I'm trying to export my passwords so that this wont be a problem again and it froze 2019-03-13T16:44:34 < kakimir> keepassxc 2019-03-13T16:45:01 < bitmask> other than that, lastpass has been great, but I dont really have anything to compare it to 2019-03-13T16:45:23 < BrainDamage> keepass is quite similar to lastpass 2019-03-13T16:45:23 < bitmask> do those automatically pop up dialogs to save undetected passwords and offer to auto generate a password if one isnt found 2019-03-13T16:45:29 < BrainDamage> it's the sane version 2019-03-13T16:45:39 < bitmask> I see, i'll check that one out then thanks 2019-03-13T16:47:15 < bitmask> lastpass lets you decide how automatic you want certain sites to behave which is nice 2019-03-13T16:47:59 < kakimir> keepass has chrome plugin 2019-03-13T16:48:02 < bitmask> for low importance sites it doesnt matter to me 2019-03-13T16:48:11 < kakimir> at least keepassxc 2019-03-13T16:48:17 < bitmask> does it fill in android app passwords? 2019-03-13T16:48:29 < kakimir> *shrug* 2019-03-13T16:49:21 < zyp> I still memorize important passwords, but I've started using lastpass for anything else 2019-03-13T16:49:58 < bitmask> the only password I still know (that isnt a random character string) is my main email address 2019-03-13T16:50:48 < zyp> Haohmaru, yeah, I used to reuse shit for unimportant shit, turns out it's still annoying when it leaks somewhere 2019-03-13T16:51:25 < bitmask> thats what I did until 2014, saw my password was leaked and started using a pw mgr 2019-03-13T16:51:27 < zyp> bitmask, why isn't your main email password a random character string? 2019-03-13T16:51:56 < bitmask> to make sure I can log into it no matter what 2019-03-13T16:52:10 < bitmask> if something like what just happened and I couldnt get into my password manager then I woulda been screwed 2019-03-13T16:52:10 < zyp> uh 2019-03-13T16:52:16 < zyp> I mean 2019-03-13T16:52:25 < bitmask> its pretty strong 2019-03-13T16:52:29 < zyp> you could memorize a random character string 2019-03-13T16:52:51 < bitmask> 16 characters, a typo, special characters, acronym, numbers 2019-03-13T16:52:59 < BrainDamage> most authentication mechanisms have email as fallback 2019-03-13T16:53:10 < BrainDamage> so if your email is vulnerable, so is everything else 2019-03-13T16:53:22 < zyp> correct horse battery staple 2019-03-13T16:53:37 < BrainDamage> no, that exact one 2019-03-13T16:53:39 < bitmask> the crypto method 2019-03-13T16:53:42 < zyp> but still 2019-03-13T16:54:07 < zyp> memorizing shit like hbqyh4sc isn't that hard 2019-03-13T16:54:26 < zyp> I didn't even try 2019-03-13T16:55:10 < zyp> -hbqyh4sc was the windows-generated suffix of the network name on one of my friends' computer when I was a kid 2019-03-13T16:55:24 < zyp> I still remember that shit 15 years later 2019-03-13T16:55:38 < mawk> I do that too 2019-03-13T16:55:48 < mawk> I went on random.org to generate a 20 characters random string 2019-03-13T16:55:53 < mawk> and used it as a password 2019-03-13T16:56:24 < zyp> yeah 2019-03-13T16:56:33 < bitmask> yea I remember my first house phone number from when I was a little kid 2019-03-13T16:56:34 < zyp> and grandparents that have long passed away 2019-03-13T17:01:03 -!- SuperBawlz_ [~SuperBawl@c-68-60-126-222.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-13T17:02:44 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-13T17:03:22 < aandrew> Adluc: my vias are typically 0.2mm/0.4mm, but those are intentionally small. Dongs is right with 0.3/0.5 being more typical for a small via. 2019-03-13T17:04:37 < aandrew> those are not really great for test points, at least not according to me, because I'd like to be able to slip a 30AWG wire into one if it's a test point. 0.3mm should do it but with plating I find it gets a little small 2019-03-13T17:07:34 < Laurenceb> vias that small must have been socially constructed 2019-03-13T17:08:41 < Laurenceb> the patriarchy is obsessed with plugging holes 2019-03-13T17:09:47 < BrainDamage> that almost made sense, have they changed your meds recently? 2019-03-13T17:12:09 < Steffanx> Dont blame us. 2019-03-13T17:22:11 < jadew> I'm so pissed off about these boards :/ 2019-03-13T17:22:19 < jadew> $60 and I can't fucking use them 2019-03-13T17:23:47 < jadew> what's worst is that I've now compared with older boards and they got progressively worse 2019-03-13T17:23:52 < jadew> they were amazing at first 2019-03-13T17:24:11 < jadew> then they got a bit crappier, and a bit more 2019-03-13T17:24:18 < jadew> and now I got this awful shit 2019-03-13T17:24:29 < jadew> and all the time the price got higher 2019-03-13T17:25:13 < jadew> what's pissing me off is that I wasted time waiting for them 2019-03-13T17:25:33 < jadew> and that now I have to find a better PCB house 2019-03-13T17:25:52 < jadew> my goal is $2-3/board, before shipping or anything else 2019-03-13T17:26:11 < jadew> that should mean pretty good quality, right? 2019-03-13T17:26:32 < jadew> considering the current rate is ~50c/board (100x100 mm) 2019-03-13T17:27:51 < jadew> problem is the good PCB houses seem to want a lot more per board than that 2019-03-13T17:28:47 < jadew> micron20 for example is charging me 7 eur/board 2019-03-13T17:28:53 < jadew> that's 8 usd/board 2019-03-13T17:29:03 < jadew> before shipping 2019-03-13T17:32:21 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-13T17:32:56 < c10ud> I was thinking of scripting my initial flashing of bootloader + app 2019-03-13T17:33:15 < c10ud> with jlink and some cmd-fu 2019-03-13T17:34:07 < mawk> shouldn't be that hard 2019-03-13T17:34:22 < mawk> no need to script it even, you do it as a oneliner in bash then you ctrl-r to find it back 2019-03-13T17:34:29 < mawk> less time wasted 2019-03-13T17:34:43 < c10ud> the idea is others do it, so I don't waste my time :) 2019-03-13T17:34:54 < c10ud> but I wanted to avoid learning jflash scripting 2019-03-13T17:35:06 < Laurenceb> alba-chan sighted https://imgur.com/LWoFLNX 2019-03-13T17:35:16 < c10ud> I was thinking of something like flash boot.bin 0x800000; flash app.pin 0x800y00 2019-03-13T17:37:21 < Laurenceb> https://i.imgtc.com/xmtwSWM.png 2019-03-13T17:39:01 < Laurenceb> the redditinator 2019-03-13T17:39:47 < Laurenceb> india elevated highway collapse 2019-03-13T17:43:40 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T17:51:09 < bitmask> monies! 2019-03-13T17:59:08 < bitmask> new battery, new screen, new screen protector, like I'm getting a new slow phone 2019-03-13T18:01:48 < kakimir> do I get green text with \[32m 2019-03-13T18:02:05 < kakimir> is that like 4characters long? 2019-03-13T18:02:28 < kakimir> tester runs full test now 2019-03-13T18:02:36 < kakimir> time to color them texts 2019-03-13T18:02:58 -!- ski4x7 [~quassel@ip5b437fc1.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-13T18:03:01 < srk> NO. 2019-03-13T18:03:10 < kakimir> yes boi 2019-03-13T18:03:15 -!- ski7777 [~quassel@ip5b437fc1.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T18:03:19 < srk> why would you do that?! 2019-03-13T18:03:43 < kakimir> a little candy color wont hurt 2019-03-13T18:04:23 < BrainDamage> a little colour enhances contrast 2019-03-13T18:04:36 < BrainDamage> a patchwork of colour is just camouflage 2019-03-13T18:04:55 < kakimir> I want green here and there wen all is good 2019-03-13T18:05:00 < kakimir> red when it's shit 2019-03-13T18:07:33 < kakimir> I don't know how you make a comparison between them but ok 2019-03-13T18:08:42 < jadew> one is free, the other steals your soul 2019-03-13T18:09:20 < mawk> add bold too kakimir 2019-03-13T18:10:03 < mawk> also it's not \[ it's \033[ 2019-03-13T18:10:14 < mawk> \033[91;1mBOLD RED\033[0m 2019-03-13T18:10:21 < mawk> and \033[92;1mBOLD GREEN\033[0m 2019-03-13T18:10:48 < mawk> if you do this in your bash $PS1 prompt remember to wrap with \[ and \] so that readline doesn't break 2019-03-13T18:10:55 < mawk> but apart from this little detail everything is fine 2019-03-13T18:11:15 < kakimir> do I need to set my putty to ESC mode or VT100+ mode? 2019-03-13T18:11:16 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T18:13:09 < kakimir> sweet 2019-03-13T18:13:46 < mawk> both should be the same I guess 2019-03-13T18:13:49 < mawk> those are ESC codes 2019-03-13T18:14:10 < mawk> the best unix compatible way would be "xterm" mode but xterm inherits the vt100+ codes anyway 2019-03-13T18:14:23 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:d4de:72f6:d3b4:2199] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T18:15:49 < Laurenceb> https://imgur.com/XXuijyy 2019-03-13T18:17:25 < Laurenceb> kek wtf https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-47559920 2019-03-13T18:17:55 < Laurenceb> >uk homes to be heated with magic 2019-03-13T18:26:43 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-98-247-192-179.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T18:27:27 < aandrew> what I do not understand about this brexit thing 2019-03-13T18:27:58 < aandrew> leave won by the slimmest of margins, and it's clear that nobody actually wants to leave, but May is insistent that britain will leave 2019-03-13T18:28:01 < aandrew> why? 2019-03-13T18:29:18 < englishman> doesn't matter if the referendum passed by 1 vote, it passed 2019-03-13T18:29:34 < aandrew> yes I understand 2019-03-13T18:29:47 < englishman> anything other than brexit would be against the will of the people as voted upon 2019-03-13T18:30:51 < aandrew> but nobody seems to actually WANT to leave -- all proposed deals are shot down, everyone who was bullish on leaving has quit/stepped down, it's painfully obvious it's not the will of the people 2019-03-13T18:30:53 < Laurenceb> >t's clear that nobody actually wants to leave 2019-03-13T18:31:00 < Laurenceb> only politicians 2019-03-13T18:31:12 < aandrew> Laurenceb: interesting. that's not what we see over across the pond 2019-03-13T18:31:14 < englishman> Nigel garage wants to leave 2019-03-13T18:31:38 < englishman> the bloggers that Laurence fawns over want to leave 2019-03-13T18:31:39 < Laurenceb> my area was > 75% leave 2019-03-13T18:31:42 -!- Cracki [~cracki@unaffiliated/crackwitz] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-13T18:32:08 < Laurenceb> englishman: Alba wants to remain, but she is more of a lolcow 2019-03-13T18:32:18 < englishman> never heard of it 2019-03-13T18:32:23 < Laurenceb> >alba-chan sighted https://imgur.com/LWoFLNX 2019-03-13T18:32:43 < Laurenceb> she is from 4chan in case you cant tell 2019-03-13T18:33:09 < Laurenceb> but I suspect it is all multi layered irony tbh 2019-03-13T18:36:53 < Laurenceb> that or extreme autism 2019-03-13T18:43:30 -!- Cracki [~cracki@unaffiliated/crackwitz] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T18:46:48 < Laurenceb> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kP7B1c4n3HY 2019-03-13T18:50:14 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-13T18:51:07 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T18:56:07 -!- Rajko [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T18:59:31 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 2019-03-13T19:02:06 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T19:04:56 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-13T19:05:28 -!- sterna [~Adium@h-90-120.A137.corp.bahnhof.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-13T19:09:40 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:d4de:72f6:d3b4:2199] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-13T19:17:33 < Laurenceb> found englishman https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=j8m-MtodpVM 2019-03-13T19:29:27 < Laurenceb> Brazil shooter identified https://imgoat.com/uploads/9adc1e107f/206038.jpg 2019-03-13T20:02:54 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 2019-03-13T20:13:38 < Laurenceb> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdUoZJvdipA 2019-03-13T20:23:40 < jadew> what brazil shooter? 2019-03-13T20:23:52 < Laurenceb> brazil school shooting 2019-03-13T20:24:35 < Laurenceb> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3dwynlg-Vs 2019-03-13T20:24:44 < jadew> is that related? 2019-03-13T20:24:59 < Laurenceb> yes, they were nazi 2019-03-13T20:27:21 < Laurenceb> F https://imgur.com/lrmLufd 2019-03-13T20:43:18 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-13T20:45:06 < PaulFertser> Laurenceb: I have a feeling that your politicians think that brexit is going to be an economical disaster and people will regret it, so everybody wants to be able to say "I wasn't supporting it" a few years later. 2019-03-13T20:45:30 < Laurenceb> only there has been close to 0 economic effect so far 2019-03-13T20:46:15 < jadew> you haven't left yet 2019-03-13T20:46:18 < jadew> and I'm sure there has 2019-03-13T20:46:29 < jadew> haven't lots of companies already fled? 2019-03-13T20:49:48 < Laurenceb> nope 2019-03-13T20:51:07 < PaulFertser> Laurenceb: well, but if it really was that, if your MPs are really thinking that they are going to be blamed rather than praised for it, wouldn't that explain their current behaviour consistently? 2019-03-13T20:51:27 < Laurenceb> yes 2019-03-13T20:51:37 < Laurenceb> doesnt mean its going to fail 2019-03-13T20:52:36 < PaulFertser> Also, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_effects_of_Brexit doesn't seem to be written out of the blue, there're some hard numbers and actual research. 2019-03-13T20:56:03 < Laurenceb> >hard numbers 2019-03-13T20:56:17 < Laurenceb> https://i0.wp.com/bilbo.economicoutlook.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/UK_Germany_France_Italy_GDP_2016_December_2018.jpg 2019-03-13T21:04:19 < PaulFertser> Laurenceb: btw, regarding your "memes are real" notion. I've seen https://www.britishcouncil.ru/en/programmes/uk-russia-science-education/future-science-train and it has plenty of outright nonsense like (literally!) "British scientists created a flash drive (sic!) that detects HIV presence in blood" and "In the future the AI will be able to predict heart attacks in 76.4% of cases". I mean, 2019-03-13T21:04:25 < PaulFertser> seriously, a whole train is a fucking joke?! Is it an anti-science statement by some radical artists? Or is it ironically highlighting the public ignorance? And British Council participating?! Just WTF... 2019-03-13T21:04:59 < Laurenceb> wtf did I just watch 2019-03-13T21:09:52 < PaulFertser> That video oh my, they can't be serious! 2019-03-13T21:19:49 -!- qyx_ [~qyx@gw2.krtko.org] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T21:19:49 -!- qyx [~qyx@gw2.krtko.org] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-13T21:21:47 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-wuyexissevokcmdy] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T21:26:20 < markus-k> has anyone used nrf52 on here before? 2019-03-13T21:26:55 < mawk> yes 2019-03-13T21:27:14 < Steffanx> not really. i programmed one once :P 2019-03-13T21:28:04 < markus-k> is the SDK as bad as I think? It just seems so bloated and error prone 2019-03-13T21:28:22 < mawk> I used it with success on the first time, markus-k 2019-03-13T21:28:29 < mawk> but I did not went extremely far 2019-03-13T21:29:16 < mawk> but no apparent error or bloat 2019-03-13T21:30:39 < markus-k> Okay. Well I'm just starting and it's already throwing errors at me I can't explain :) 2019-03-13T21:30:55 < mawk> try us 2019-03-13T21:31:57 < markus-k> STM32 just seems much nicer if it wasn't for the bluetooth.. 2019-03-13T21:32:37 -!- sterna [~Adium@cgn85-194-11-99.bredband.comhem.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T21:35:49 < PaulFertser> Laurenceb: I'm still shocked, can't stop thinking about that train. 2019-03-13T21:36:24 < Laurenceb> reee 4 votes 2019-03-13T21:36:28 < Laurenceb> the state of this 2019-03-13T21:37:01 < Steffanx> british fake news in russia? 2019-03-13T21:38:10 < PaulFertser> markus-k: the shitty part about nrf51/52 is that you can't debug it as usually due to softdevice running so you have to count on jlink rtt debug info instead. Other than that, well, it's a Cortex-M0 device, it works, softdevice seems to be ok, the SDK is kinda bloated but so what. 2019-03-13T21:39:52 < PaulFertser> Steffanx: it's not really fake news, that's the point. It's outright nonsense, as if you asked a 5 y.o. what he or she loves about science and decorate a whole train based on that with implications that's what science really is. 2019-03-13T21:42:10 < Laurenceb> I dont speak Russian so cant fully appreciate the stupid 2019-03-13T21:43:13 < PaulFertser> Doesn't the video have subtitles? Also, I translated two absurd statements accurately enough. 2019-03-13T21:44:03 < jpa-> british politicians invented Schrödinger's nation 2019-03-13T21:45:19 < PaulFertser> Haha, indeed. "We're leaving but we are not". 2019-03-13T21:55:44 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:d4de:8f0a:3210:88a1] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T21:55:59 < tjq> lol 2019-03-13T22:01:44 < tjq> I've got a foire in the cuck pit 2019-03-13T22:02:05 < tjq> mayday UK going down 2019-03-13T22:19:38 < englishman> SCIENCE TRAIN is rolling into YOUR TOWN 2019-03-13T22:19:39 < englishman> http://www.tsb.gc.ca/eng/rapports-reports/rail/2013/r13d0054/Images/r13d0054-photo-01.jpg 2019-03-13T22:22:51 < englishman> why nrf52 when you have esp32? 2019-03-13T22:23:34 < tjq> lol englishman 2019-03-13T22:24:55 < englishman> esp32 is better in literally every way 2019-03-13T22:24:58 < englishman> - more flash 2019-03-13T22:25:01 < englishman> - less softdevices 2019-03-13T22:25:05 < englishman> - fcc approved module 2019-03-13T22:25:22 < englishman> - A R D U I N O 2019-03-13T22:25:24 < englishman> need i say more 2019-03-13T22:25:27 < mawk> lol 2019-03-13T22:25:51 < jpa-> - crazy high power usage 2019-03-13T22:26:03 < englishman> noone cares 2019-03-13T22:26:08 < mawk> does it have ANT stack ? 2019-03-13T22:26:11 < mawk> the esp32 2019-03-13T22:26:20 < Steffanx> im still not sure how much troll has gotten into englishman 2019-03-13T22:26:21 < englishman> idk what that is sounds complicated. it has BLUETOOTH 2019-03-13T22:26:25 < mawk> lol 2019-03-13T22:33:14 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@upc31-1-78-208-110-13.fbx.proxad.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T22:38:21 < kakimir> https://pr0gramm.com/new/3044231 2019-03-13T22:42:48 -!- psprint [~psprint@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-13T22:48:39 < Steffanx> is it shitnesday? 2019-03-13T22:49:47 < bitmask> for a crappy scope would you rather 8-bit @ 2MHz or 12-bit @ 200kHz 2019-03-13T22:50:25 < BrainDamage> near the totality of the scopes are 8 bit 2019-03-13T22:50:27 -!- psprint [~psprint@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T22:50:34 < BrainDamage> because visual is the only thing you care 2019-03-13T22:50:42 < bitmask> interesting 2019-03-13T22:50:55 < BrainDamage> you don't care about high fidelity 2019-03-13T22:51:06 < BrainDamage> you want it fast to catch non-repeating signals 2019-03-13T22:52:44 < bitmask> I was thinking of picking this guy up just to have something 2019-03-13T22:52:52 < bitmask> https://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/JYETech-Original-DSO112A-handle-digital-oscilloscope-w-touch-panel-standard-BNC-probe-inlcuded-CE-Certified-11203A/3213139_32836794832.html 2019-03-13T22:53:38 < BrainDamage> maybe see if you can buy a chinashit used dso 2019-03-13T22:53:53 < BrainDamage> a 5 year riglol should still work 2019-03-13T22:53:58 < BrainDamage> and will give you 100MHz 2019-03-13T22:54:08 < BrainDamage> and proper control 2019-03-13T22:54:50 < bitmask> I don't really have the space for a regular one. maybe I should just not get anything and wait until I have money+room 2019-03-13T22:55:02 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@upc31-1-78-208-110-13.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-13T22:55:46 < Cracki> I wouldn't buy that. 2019-03-13T22:56:12 < Cracki> does it even mention analog bw? 2019-03-13T22:56:29 < BrainDamage> getting 1MHz analol bandwith is not hard 2019-03-13T22:56:36 < BrainDamage> even the most cheap shit opamp can do it 2019-03-13T22:56:38 < Cracki> some people worked on "scope" firmware for stm32 because the builtin adcs can give you 1 MS/s at least 2019-03-13T22:56:40 < bitmask> Analog Bandwidth: 0 - 2MHz 2019-03-13T22:56:50 < bitmask> it says it right there 2019-03-13T22:57:24 < Cracki> hm 2019-03-13T22:57:43 < bitmask> doesnt read anything, "I wouldnt get it" 2019-03-13T22:58:09 < Cracki> oh, down there! pgdown x5 2019-03-13T22:58:44 < Cracki> pls, I read the first four pages and saw no facts 2019-03-13T22:59:30 < BrainDamage> bitmask: do you have a logic analyser? 2019-03-13T22:59:51 < BrainDamage> for that price you can get a tolerable logic analyser, and unlike that device, it won't be a toy 2019-03-13T23:00:05 < bitmask> a cheap one yea. I guess the reason I am even considering one is to measure psu ripple, is that possible with something like this? 2019-03-13T23:00:21 < BrainDamage> depends, for linear psu yes 2019-03-13T23:00:30 < bitmask> yea linear 2019-03-13T23:00:37 < BrainDamage> for a switching, depending on the freq you'll only see 1-2 harmonics 2019-03-13T23:00:46 < BrainDamage> which means you'll see distorted and attenuated 2019-03-13T23:00:50 < bitmask> true 2019-03-13T23:01:18 < kakimir> https://pr0gramm.com/new/3043901 2019-03-13T23:02:35 < bitmask> ehh I'll pass on it for now I guess, I'm sure I can find something else to purchase 2019-03-13T23:11:09 -!- \\server\share [x13@gateway/shell/suchznc/x-nvtjtifpnmnloqav] has quit [Quit: So long fuckers] 2019-03-13T23:19:01 < Rajko> bitmask, dont get these 2019-03-13T23:19:11 < Rajko> jyetech shit is cheap stm32 toy oscopes 2019-03-13T23:19:15 < bitmask> already said I wasnt 2019-03-13T23:19:38 < Rajko> for same money you can get a 48MHz FX2 based one thats completely a slave to computer 2019-03-13T23:20:14 < Rajko> or for a bit more you can get an isolated one with fpga, still uses a computer to view results but capture isnt fully passthrough like the fx2 one 2019-03-13T23:20:56 < Cracki> I doubt the 48 MHz number out of an fx2. for LA-use they can dump 24 MByte/s so you could have 8-bit 24 MS/s 2019-03-13T23:21:32 < Rajko> its still way better than these 2019-03-13T23:21:36 < Rajko> the display on these is TN btw so you cant see shit 2019-03-13T23:21:37 < Cracki> certainly 2019-03-13T23:21:38 < Rajko> it hurts eyes 2019-03-13T23:21:56 < Cracki> if you want to spend 50 bucks, I think there are mixed signal LA/"scope" thingies... dslogic clones might be that cheap 2019-03-13T23:22:03 < Cracki> worth a look anyway 2019-03-13T23:22:32 < Cracki> (ok more like 60) 2019-03-13T23:24:05 < Rajko> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Hantek-6022BE-20MHz-2-channels-48MSa-s-USB-Digital-Oscilloscope-Dual-Channel-With-2-Probes-free/32337964382.html that is the cheapest "oscilloscope" i would use 2019-03-13T23:24:15 < Rajko> its just a FX2 connected to DAC 2019-03-13T23:24:27 < Rajko> the computer processes all data, does auto ranging and triggering etc 2019-03-13T23:24:32 < Rajko> i mean ADC* 2019-03-13T23:25:10 < Rajko> it does 2x 24MSPS or 1x 48MSPS 2019-03-13T23:25:16 < Cracki> interesting! how do they get 48 MS/s... 2019-03-13T23:25:23 < Cracki> compression maybe 2019-03-13T23:25:26 < Rajko> the FX2 can run its clock at 48MHz 2019-03-13T23:25:28 < Rajko> samples 8 bits 2019-03-13T23:25:35 < Rajko> or it samples 16 bits at 24MHz 2019-03-13T23:25:45 < Cracki> still, 48 MB/s is not doable for USB2 2019-03-13T23:25:58 < Rajko> its not MB/s 2019-03-13T23:25:59 -!- Rajko [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-13T23:26:06 < Cracki> 48 MHz * 8 bits 2019-03-13T23:26:29 < Cracki> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 2019-03-13T23:27:13 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T23:28:15 < rajkosto> but yeah it has only DC coupling (and thus your usb shield is your ground) 2019-03-13T23:28:19 < Cracki> 48 MHz * 8 bits 2019-03-13T23:28:28 < Cracki> so... do they compress? 2019-03-13T23:28:35 < Cracki> or use 4 bits 2019-03-13T23:28:50 < Cracki> still, it's a very good choice for the price 2019-03-13T23:29:04 < bitmask> thanks i'll take a look 2019-03-13T23:30:26 < rajkosto> slightly better (does all things on fpga but has a small sample buffer so you cant continuously sample) https://www.amazon.com/Owon-VDS1022-USB-Oscilloscope-100MS/dp/B00HC4KY2G 2019-03-13T23:30:51 < rajkosto> https://www.amazon.com/Owon-VDS1022I-USB-Oscilloscope-Isolation/dp/B00HC4UP52/ isolated version is 30$ more unfortunately 2019-03-13T23:32:15 < BrainDamage> those oscopes don't run in realtime 2019-03-13T23:32:31 < rajkosto> the owon doesnt, no 2019-03-13T23:32:51 < BrainDamage> they buffer, send a chunk, then have a gap 2019-03-13T23:33:02 < rajkosto> the FX2 has to 2019-03-13T23:33:06 < rajkosto> because it has no internal processing at all 2019-03-13T23:38:53 < jadew> what's the cheapest pro PCB house? 2019-03-13T23:39:14 < jadew> by PRO, I mean nice soldermask and silkscreen, and general attention to details 2019-03-13T23:41:01 < kakimir> Steffanx: https://pr0gramm.com/new/3043445 2019-03-13T23:41:21 < Steffanx> Ty 2019-03-13T23:41:31 < Steffanx> Are you still sick mr kakimir ? 2019-03-13T23:41:31 < kakimir> have you done any ice skating this year? 2019-03-13T23:41:36 < kakimir> Steffanx: yes 2019-03-13T23:41:37 < kakimir> but 2019-03-13T23:41:40 < kakimir> I'm well 2019-03-13T23:41:43 < kakimir> thanks 2019-03-13T23:41:53 < Steffanx> Yes, but no? 2019-03-13T23:41:58 < kakimir> indeed 2019-03-13T23:42:06 < Steffanx> Sick but well. Sick != Well 2019-03-13T23:42:10 < kakimir> no 2019-03-13T23:42:26 < kakimir> it's all about perspective 2019-03-13T23:42:47 < kakimir> if I'm medically diagnosed 2019-03-13T23:42:51 < kakimir> I'm sick 2019-03-13T23:43:06 < kakimir> but in my mind I'm already well 2019-03-13T23:43:30 -!- X230t [x13@gateway/shell/suchznc/x-qphfofyslzoilhrd] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-13T23:43:30 < jadew> like in the 6th sense? 2019-03-13T23:45:10 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:d4de:8f0a:3210:88a1] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-13T23:45:38 < jadew> this crap silkscreen issue is driving me nuts 2019-03-13T23:45:54 < kakimir> https://pr0gramm.com/new/3043406 calculating conversions for my adc data 2019-03-13T23:46:10 < jadew> I had one board house I liked, now I have 0 2019-03-13T23:47:58 < Steffanx> Who what your shitty ones? 2019-03-13T23:48:30 < jadew> not sure what you're asking me 2019-03-13T23:48:56 < jadew> who made the shitty ones? 2019-03-13T23:49:29 < jadew> elecrow, they used to have decent quality, but it has slowly declined and now they're just bad all around 2019-03-13T23:49:48 < jadew> the soldermaks is spotted and poorly applied too 2019-03-13T23:50:03 < jadew> a year ago they used to be perfect 2019-03-13T23:50:45 < jadew> I've been using them for about 3 years I think and they were always ok, up until half a year or so ago 2019-03-13T23:51:17 < Steffanx> Ty 2019-03-13T23:51:22 < jadew> now it looks like someone made it in their bathroom and applied the solder mask with an iron 2019-03-13T23:52:45 < jadew> I think they've changed processes or maybe they hired another board house to deal with the volume? 2019-03-13T23:53:08 < jadew> the silkscreen seems to be completely different than before 2019-03-13T23:53:26 < jadew> before it was made out of small dots and it looked okish, not the greatest, but it was decent 2019-03-13T23:53:34 < jadew> now it's printed in lines 2019-03-13T23:53:42 < Steffanx> Its just silk ;) 2019-03-13T23:53:46 < Cracki> I'd ask them about it. maybe they'll tell you who they outsourced this to previously 2019-03-13T23:54:00 < Steffanx> Otherwise use dongs's house. Its PERFECT 2019-03-13T23:54:18 < jadew> Cracki, you mean disclose their source, I doubt it 2019-03-13T23:54:24 < Steffanx> Like ABSOLUTELY PERFECT 2019-03-13T23:54:31 < jadew> Steffanx, didn't know dongs handled PCBs too 2019-03-13T23:55:05 < Steffanx> Nah, i meant the one he used and showed pics of 2019-03-13T23:55:06 < jadew> I might not be able to afford his PCB house, but I'll ask 2019-03-13T23:55:08 < rajkosto> just use jlcpcb like everyone else 2019-03-13T23:55:21 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-13T23:56:54 < jadew> rajkosto, that's lower quality than elecrow used to provide 2019-03-13T23:57:50 < jadew> so I want to either get back to that or just get something better 2019-03-13T23:58:27 < jadew> I might try a local PCB manufacturer too, might turn out to be a good deal in the long run --- Day changed Thu Mar 14 2019 2019-03-14T00:00:39 -!- PaulFertser [paul@paulfertser.info] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-14T00:07:28 -!- sterna [~Adium@cgn85-194-11-99.bredband.comhem.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-14T00:15:10 < jadew> 2019-03-14T00:15:30 < jadew> it looks worse in reality 2019-03-14T00:15:46 < jadew> has very little contrast 2019-03-14T00:23:34 -!- PaulFertser [paul@paulfertser.info] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T00:26:51 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T00:29:08 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 2019-03-14T00:29:13 -!- BrainDamage_ is now known as BrainDamage 2019-03-14T00:32:20 < Cracki> too much paint thinner maybe :P 2019-03-14T00:32:41 < jadew> yeah, there's a lot more wrong than that 2019-03-14T00:32:51 < jadew> there are marks on each board, on the solder mask 2019-03-14T00:33:04 < jadew> like... from a tool 2019-03-14T00:33:06 < Cracki> maybe start a table or document otherwise the various pcb houses you tried, and how you judge their results 2019-03-14T00:33:57 < jadew> I've done comparisons like that in the past 2019-03-14T00:34:06 < jadew> seeedstudio seems consistent enough 2019-03-14T00:34:07 < Cracki> I would have sent you to eurocircuits because that's the first that comes to my mind, but maybe it's too pricey 2019-03-14T00:34:19 < jadew> but I found the quality to be worse than what elecrow used to deliver 2019-03-14T00:34:31 < jadew> I'm actually on their website right now 2019-03-14T00:34:35 < jadew> I'll have to check them 2019-03-14T00:34:40 < Cracki> maybe elecrow doesn't know they're selling shit 2019-03-14T00:35:09 < jadew> I wrote to them, if they didn't know, they know now 2019-03-14T00:35:11 < Cracki> you'd be surprised to know that companies are bad judges of their own quality (or that of their resale products) 2019-03-14T00:35:13 < Cracki> hehe 2019-03-14T00:35:35 < jadew> what bothers me the most is that they had the boards in their hands and they said "ok, these are good enough, send them" 2019-03-14T00:35:47 < jadew> wasting my time and my shipping money & taxes 2019-03-14T00:36:03 < Cracki> prolly swapped house from china to india :> 2019-03-14T00:36:07 < jadew> when they should have said "ok, trash them, let's make new ones" 2019-03-14T00:36:36 < jadew> yeah, it's possible they hired another house to deal with the volume 2019-03-14T00:37:02 < jadew> but it's something that must have happened a long time ago, because I've seen the quality decline from order to order 2019-03-14T00:37:32 < jadew> I've seen this kind of silkscreen before from them, but it wasn't this bad 2019-03-14T00:39:34 < jadew> yeah, eurocircuits seems a bit expensive 2019-03-14T00:39:57 < jadew> 175 EUR for 10 boards 2019-03-14T00:50:44 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-14T01:26:29 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Gone to sleep...] 2019-03-14T01:39:53 -!- tomeaton17 [tomeaton17@unaffiliated/tomeaton17] has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.7.2 - https://znc.in] 2019-03-14T01:41:29 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-wuyexissevokcmdy] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-14T01:42:06 -!- tomeaton17 [tomeaton17@unaffiliated/tomeaton17] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T01:44:42 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T01:50:29 < ds2> 4L, 4/4, mask/silk; 10 for 175 EUR isn't too bad 2019-03-14T01:50:34 < ds2> :D 2019-03-14T01:50:44 < jadew> that's a 2 layers board 2019-03-14T01:52:53 < ds2> 4/4, filled vias? :D 2019-03-14T01:53:55 < jadew> nah, the requirements are much looser 2019-03-14T01:54:11 < jadew> anyone can build my board 2019-03-14T01:54:27 < ds2> ah 2019-03-14T01:55:27 < jadew> I guess what I have to find now is a board house that does nice silkscreen and doesn't put random numbers on the boards 2019-03-14T01:55:47 < ds2> what random numbers? the EIA/UL/etc stamps? 2019-03-14T01:56:17 < jadew> no, random shit the cheap chinese manufacturers put on the board in order to track it 2019-03-14T01:56:32 < ds2> oh those... and they put on the silk? 2019-03-14T01:56:39 < jadew> yeah 2019-03-14T01:56:43 < jadew> and in a random place 2019-03-14T01:56:47 < jadew> you can't choose 2019-03-14T01:57:10 < rajkosto> its not random they just find a big enough space 2019-03-14T01:57:11 < jadew> they usually try to hide it under a footprint, but you don't always get lucky 2019-03-14T01:57:15 < rajkosto> usually behind some TQFP 2019-03-14T01:57:30 < ds2> how are the prices for pcbpool? 2019-03-14T01:57:38 < ds2> based in germany, IIRC 2019-03-14T01:57:49 < jadew> high 2019-03-14T01:57:51 < jadew> very high 2019-03-14T01:58:06 < ds2> better then the 175 EUR I'd think 2019-03-14T01:58:08 < jadew> similar to eurocircuits 2019-03-14T01:58:13 < jadew> not by much 2019-03-14T01:58:27 < ds2> they don't seem expensive in the US 2019-03-14T01:59:50 < jadew> all the EU ones seem to be in that ballpark 2019-03-14T02:00:06 < jadew> not sure why 2019-03-14T02:00:42 < jadew> I doubt they're all top-level board manufacturers 2019-03-14T02:00:50 < ds2> as far as I know, pcbpool ships from europe 2019-03-14T02:01:07 < ds2> wonder if its the vat and vats of stuff 2019-03-14T02:01:56 < jadew> just got another quote to make sure, they're asking for 164 EUR 2019-03-14T02:27:53 < Adluc> jadew: https://www.gatema.cz/plosne-spoje 2019-03-14T02:28:05 < Adluc> i have good experience with these, near brno, czech republic 2019-03-14T02:28:36 < Adluc> https://www.gatema.com/printed-circuits 2019-03-14T02:29:22 < Adluc> for some reason only czech version offers pool service -_- 2019-03-14T02:30:34 < Cracki> https://extranet.gatema.cz/dps/konfiguratorpool.aspx 2019-03-14T02:30:41 < Cracki> usable with auto translation 2019-03-14T02:31:50 < jadew> Adluc, thanks, let me check 2019-03-14T02:31:58 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-14T02:32:47 < jadew> unfortunately they only do 1.6mm PCBs 2019-03-14T02:33:36 < Adluc> 1.5mm in pool 2019-03-14T02:33:54 < jadew> but yeah, they seem to be much cheaper than the rest 2019-03-14T02:34:35 < Cracki> just asking... jlcpcb.com or dirtypcbs.com or pcbshopper.com are unsuitable? 2019-03-14T02:35:14 < Cracki> not sure if allpcb is jlcpcb, but it's in my bookmarks 2019-03-14T02:35:17 < jadew> I don't like that they add the order number to the silkscreen 2019-03-14T02:35:31 < jadew> from the reviews it seems jlpcb has the best silkscreen 2019-03-14T02:35:42 < Cracki> also got pcbway, never tried it 2019-03-14T02:36:34 < jadew> pcbway has shitty silkscreen it seems 2019-03-14T02:36:44 < jadew> at least they had in the reviews I've seen 2019-03-14T02:36:49 < Cracki> if you don't like eurocircuits, I think wuerth isn't just a reseller of them https://www.wedirekt.de/en/ 2019-03-14T02:37:04 < Cracki> (wuerth is generally a respectable name) 2019-03-14T02:37:13 < Cracki> good to know 2019-03-14T02:37:15 < jadew> for all I know, they're all using the same sweat shops and it doesn't really matter who you're buying from 2019-03-14T02:37:52 < jadew> Cracki, funny you mention them, they called me a couple of days ago 2019-03-14T02:38:01 < Cracki> maybe they sort and dispatch by complexity to the rattier or the more upstanding shops 2019-03-14T02:38:07 < Cracki> they did? that's good :P 2019-03-14T02:38:13 < jadew> but I checked them out too and they are among the priciest 2019-03-14T02:38:37 < sync> maybe try quickturn pcb in korea? 2019-03-14T02:38:46 < jadew> yeah, they saw I bought some RF gasket and thought they'd give me a call 2019-03-14T02:39:09 < jadew> sync, I'll check it out, thanks 2019-03-14T02:41:39 < jadew> sync, they don't have Romania in the shipping list :P 2019-03-14T02:42:03 < jadew> their quote is 100 USD before shipping & taxes, which might make them more expensive than the european houses 2019-03-14T02:43:39 < jadew> wait 2019-03-14T02:43:54 < jadew> $110 2019-03-14T02:45:45 < Adluc> jadew: from gatema, 4L, enig, 18/35/35/18um, HAL, 10 panels 265x403mm -> 125 eur setup fee, 10,92 eur per piece 2019-03-14T02:45:48 < Adluc> 234 eur total 2019-03-14T02:46:23 < Adluc> solder mask black ^_^ 2019-03-14T02:46:27 < jadew> that's not bad 2019-03-14T02:46:40 < Adluc> not enig, HAL, typo 2019-03-14T02:46:51 < jadew> that's fine, I don't want ENIG anyway 2019-03-14T02:46:55 < jadew> it's lead free tho? 2019-03-14T02:46:58 < Adluc> yes 2019-03-14T02:47:36 < Adluc> they have only lead free/enig/OSP 2019-03-14T02:49:24 < Adluc> even beating china in some cases, plus you know they dont dump shit to river 2019-03-14T02:49:42 < Adluc> minus customs bullshits 2019-03-14T02:50:01 < jadew> yeah, that's a huge plus 2019-03-14T02:50:05 < jadew> shipping should be cheaper too 2019-03-14T02:50:14 < Adluc> 10 eur max 2019-03-14T02:50:37 < Adluc> from czech to slovakia i think or so it was 2019-03-14T02:54:37 < jadew> how did you get that quote? 2019-03-14T02:54:58 < jadew> it's asking me for email, company name, etc 2019-03-14T02:56:17 < Adluc> sad part follows: you have to ask for a price quotation and human will send you one back 2019-03-14T02:56:42 < jadew> I see 2019-03-14T02:56:47 < Adluc> so you have to register 2019-03-14T02:57:20 < jadew> trying to find pictures of their PCBs, but can't find many 2019-03-14T02:57:27 < jadew> only a couple of images from their own website 2019-03-14T02:57:41 < Adluc> i have some photos i think 2019-03-14T02:59:28 < jadew> got one where the silkscreen quality is visible? 2019-03-14T03:01:57 < Adluc> 2019-03-14T03:02:03 < Adluc> i will make a photo under microscope tomorrow 2019-03-14T03:02:48 < Adluc> (actually totally incorrect PMOD footprint on the pcb you can see :D) 2019-03-14T03:02:55 < jadew> oh, that looks sweet! 2019-03-14T03:03:10 < jadew> thanks for the photos 2019-03-14T03:03:33 < jadew> the soldermask looks great 2019-03-14T03:07:19 < Adluc> jadew: https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/s2048x2048/40481657_282691465896701_6496733180228272128_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&_nc_ht=scontent-frt3-1.xx&oh=f1773f91cfcd8bad96fffdc97f98a7ca&oe=5D15C126 2019-03-14T03:07:23 < Adluc> here i found one more photo 2019-03-14T03:07:31 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T03:07:32 < Adluc> you can see smaller fonts there 2019-03-14T03:09:13 < jadew> yeah, doesn't look bad, considering how small those fonts are 2019-03-14T03:10:27 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-98-247-192-179.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-14T03:11:08 -!- gsi_ [~gsisig@x4db525b2.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T03:11:19 < Adluc> going to send tomorrow next version of board , hopefully all footprints are correct 2019-03-14T03:12:46 < Adluc> and backside 2019-03-14T03:13:00 < jadew> if you make 20 more boards 3 months from now, will they charge you the tooling fee again? 2019-03-14T03:14:26 -!- gsi__ [~gsisig@x4db9a521.dyn.telefonica.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 2019-03-14T03:14:56 < Adluc> not sure, have to ask, just pool servicing yet, but I hope they keep the fab foil indefinitely 2019-03-14T03:15:10 -!- johntramp [~john@unaffiliated/johntramp] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.4] 2019-03-14T03:16:41 < sync> they probably have a digital exposure unit 2019-03-14T03:17:04 < jadew> so the tooling fee is just for kicks? 2019-03-14T03:17:23 < Cracki> tooling is the `b` in ax+b? 2019-03-14T03:18:00 < Cracki> someone's gonna look at the data and puzzle it into a sheet 2019-03-14T03:18:03 < sync> well, they have to import your shit in their intermediate format and possibly panelize it 2019-03-14T03:18:13 < sync> and that takes time 2019-03-14T03:18:31 < sync> after that they probably just tell the line how many and everything is figured out automagically 2019-03-14T03:18:46 < Adluc> https://www.gatema.cz/plosne-spoje/technologie 2019-03-14T03:21:17 < sync> yeah, they have a DI setup 2019-03-14T03:22:44 < sync> really strange mix of machines tho 2019-03-14T03:43:48 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T03:50:56 < englishman> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fromaggio/fromaggio-worlds-first-smart-automatic-home-cheese/description 2019-03-14T03:56:28 < englishman> oh wow you have a fromaggio! could you make me some cheese? 2019-03-14T03:56:34 < englishman> sure! *puts in milk* 2019-03-14T03:56:41 < englishman> >3 years later 2019-03-14T03:56:50 < englishman> here's your 100g of parmesan! 2019-03-14T04:16:42 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-crjxjvegpkwvqyii] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T04:43:15 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T04:59:51 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-14T05:17:21 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T05:45:41 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-14T05:50:07 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T05:55:02 -!- kakimir [~kakimir@87-92-85-140.bb.dnainternet.fi] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 2019-03-14T06:05:27 < BrainDamage> if you notice they only advertise non aged cheeses 2019-03-14T06:16:48 < ds2> .ro.... didn't Olimex offer a PCB service? 2019-03-14T06:26:12 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-crjxjvegpkwvqyii] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-14T06:34:14 -!- Rickta59 [~kimballr@unaffiliated/rickta59] has quit [Quit: leaving] 2019-03-14T06:34:34 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 2019-03-14T06:34:47 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T06:38:18 -!- jon1012 [~jon1012@foresight/developer/jon1012] has quit [Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)] 2019-03-14T06:39:06 -!- jon1012 [~jon1012@foresight/developer/jon1012] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T06:45:02 -!- fc5dc9d4 [~quassel@p5B081038.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T06:49:12 -!- fc5dc9d4_ [~quassel@p5B08107A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-14T06:58:27 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-14T06:58:46 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T07:10:40 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 2019-03-14T07:29:12 < rajkosto> oh good my jlcpcb marker leaked 2019-03-14T07:50:00 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rbwohtjpklbmujkr] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T08:06:43 < tjq> Thanks for it 2019-03-14T08:17:58 -!- kakimir [~kakimir@87-92-85-140.bb.dnainternet.fi] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T08:29:02 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T08:52:10 -!- sterna [~Adium@cgn85-194-11-99.bredband.comhem.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T09:09:27 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-14T09:19:49 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:ecc5:f13a:ab4b:719a] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T09:20:11 -!- renn0xtk9 [~max@2a02:810d:1540:6ba6:ecc5:f13a:ab4b:719a] has quit [Client Quit] 2019-03-14T09:20:52 -!- sterna [~Adium@cgn85-194-11-99.bredband.comhem.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-14T09:22:38 -!- MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-14T09:23:57 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T09:27:32 -!- no0b [~tx@x4db7e346.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T09:37:22 < no0b> hi, i have a blue poll and i use stm32duino. now i like to change vid and pid vie USBComposite but the host (linux) didn't recognize any changes. instead i see the following in the syslog: http://pastebin.com/MhEqu0KT i use the midiin.ino example from th stm32duino libs. 2019-03-14T09:37:56 < no0b> blue pill, not poll.. 2019-03-14T09:42:40 < jpa-> how are you changing it? 2019-03-14T09:42:56 < jpa-> it seems you are getting the descriptor corrupted somehow 2019-03-14T09:44:25 < no0b> in the example it says: USBComposite.setVendorId(0x0030); 2019-03-14T09:44:59 < jpa-> hm, -71 is EPROTO which according to here is low level communication error or just timeout https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/6f0d349d922ba44e4348a17a78ea51b7135965b1/Documentation/driver-api/usb/error-codes.rst 2019-03-14T09:49:25 < no0b> well, even the stock midiin from the examples just don't do. https://bit.ly/2TBsk0k 2019-03-14T09:52:39 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T10:00:17 * no0b sighs 2019-03-14T10:00:40 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T10:11:24 -!- sklv [~sklv@gateway/tor-sasl/sklv] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-14T10:11:52 -!- sterna [~Adium@h-90-120.A137.corp.bahnhof.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T10:12:09 -!- sklv [~sklv@gateway/tor-sasl/sklv] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T10:23:36 < no0b> ok! i found the problem. the stock example works. but if i include the wire_slave lib to the project (i use eclipse) the strange thing happened. 2019-03-14T10:25:01 < no0b> does it make sense to anyone? 2019-03-14T10:41:02 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T10:45:20 < no0b> i filed a bug: https://github.com/arpruss/USBComposite_stm32f1/issues/23 2019-03-14T10:46:00 < Laurenceb_123> your last comment was absolutely appalling, and likely hugely triggering for many 2019-03-14T10:46:56 < no0b> what do you mean? 2019-03-14T10:47:50 < Steffanx> > sketch > arduino > ##stm32 is not a fan of arduino 2019-03-14T10:48:11 < no0b> don't be religious 2019-03-14T10:52:25 < no0b> or is it a channel policy? 2019-03-14T10:53:04 < rajkosto> ##arduino 2019-03-14T10:58:17 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 2019-03-14T11:01:54 < Steffanx> The ##stm32 is the only way, no0b ;) 2019-03-14T11:02:02 < Steffanx> ##stm32 way* 2019-03-14T11:02:20 < rajkosto> you are feeling the shittiness of arduino libs that ##stm32 people dont use for good reason 2019-03-14T11:02:40 < rajkosto> most libs other than libmaple dont work with stm32duino anyway 2019-03-14T11:02:53 < Steffanx> Some do. Some even love ESP32 2019-03-14T11:03:40 < Steffanx> libmaple was hot when started with stm32. Is it still a thing? 2019-03-14T11:03:58 < rajkosto> usbcomposite requires it 2019-03-14T11:04:35 < Steffanx> Maple much 2019-03-14T11:04:49 < rajkosto> which is a shame otherwise i could use that lib 2019-03-14T11:09:34 < Sadale> Just use whatever library suits your use case the most :P 2019-03-14T11:10:02 * no0b sighs 2019-03-14T11:24:38 < Steffanx> Poor no0b :P 2019-03-14T11:25:07 < Steffanx> Your nick doesnt help either 2019-03-14T11:25:24 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-14T11:25:36 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T11:30:02 < no0b> yepp 2019-03-14T11:39:45 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rbwohtjpklbmujkr] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-14T12:10:10 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-14T12:25:26 < Laurenceb> nice http://www.ti.com/sensors/mmwave/awr/overview.html# 2019-03-14T12:44:12 -!- PaulFertser [paul@paulfertser.info] has quit [Quit: leaving] 2019-03-14T12:50:43 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-14T12:52:02 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 2019-03-14T12:54:27 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T13:01:35 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T13:07:48 < Laurenceb> kek 2019-03-14T13:08:02 < Laurenceb> tfw u shrink ur intelligence 2019-03-14T13:08:45 < englishman> Laurenceb_123> we need a Canada style deal 2019-03-14T13:08:48 < englishman> what does that mean 2019-03-14T13:08:59 < englishman> you want to leave britain, but keep some retarded inbred landowners on your money? 2019-03-14T13:09:03 < Laurenceb> copypasta Canadian trade arrangement 2019-03-14T13:12:57 -!- PaulFertser [paul@paulfertser.info] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T13:31:09 -!- f3r70rr35f [~fernando@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T13:36:36 < Laurenceb> the wut 2019-03-14T13:45:01 < Laurenceb> Canadian Cross product 2019-03-14T14:03:52 < jadew> looks like infineon has a building here... 2019-03-14T14:04:04 < jadew> I wonder why 2019-03-14T14:04:30 < jadew> next to honeywell and HP 2019-03-14T14:05:30 < jadew> probably just pencil pushers, right? 2019-03-14T14:07:01 < Laurenceb> https://imgur.com/bpIoqB1 2019-03-14T14:15:29 < englishman> wow STUSB4500 looks good on paper 2019-03-14T14:15:36 < englishman> until you get into it 2019-03-14T14:16:12 < englishman> and realize changing settings over i2c involves writing secret opcodes to the onboard CPU and shifting in magic bits to undocumented registers 2019-03-14T14:17:12 < englishman> how to make even cypress look good 2019-03-14T14:20:53 < karlp> jadew: perhaps aisler.net? heard good things, but never ordered myself. 2019-03-14T14:21:20 < karlp> englishman: heh, so many of these things that are "ASICS" that are actually just fucking 8051s with magic undocumented blobs everywhere. 2019-03-14T14:21:23 < jadew> karlp, checking 2019-03-14T14:21:42 < karlp> https://www.eevblog.com/wiki/index.php?title=PCB_Manufacturers#Germany too :) 2019-03-14T14:21:51 < englishman> yep 2019-03-14T14:22:02 < englishman> makes TI's shit at 3x the price seem attractive 2019-03-14T14:22:14 < karlp> I've been very happy with elecrow, but *srugs* 2019-03-14T14:22:15 < jadew> karlp, went through all of that list, but I missed aisler 2019-03-14T14:22:36 < jadew> karlp, I've been happy too, but I've seen a real decline in quality lately 2019-03-14T14:22:36 < karlp> website's a bit trendy and modern, but heard good things from multiple separate channels 2019-03-14T14:23:29 < englishman> has anyone here implemented a PD sink that also supports >1.5A legacy charging 2019-03-14T14:24:41 < englishman> putting an entire stm32g0 just for PD actually seems sane 2019-03-14T14:24:49 < englishman> it's one of the cheaper options 2019-03-14T14:25:45 < sync> yes 2019-03-14T14:26:47 < englishman> what did you use 2019-03-14T14:27:25 < Laurenceb> oh nice it actually supports 20V 2019-03-14T14:27:36 < Laurenceb> but you still need a host that supports that 2019-03-14T14:27:46 < englishman> that's fine 2019-03-14T14:29:05 < Laurenceb> https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-47524760 2019-03-14T14:29:16 < Laurenceb> >be female >run py.exe >??? >profit 2019-03-14T14:33:25 < BrainDamage> I'm a bit curious what requires billion of digits of pi 2019-03-14T14:33:42 < Laurenceb> really really round things 2019-03-14T14:33:50 -!- Jybz [~jibz@2a02:8071:9289:5900:4a51:b7ff:fe84:99e6] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T14:34:19 < BrainDamage> like replacing the mass unit with the sphere of silicon with counted atoms? 2019-03-14T14:34:31 < Laurenceb> yeah 2019-03-14T14:36:01 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Gone to sleep...] 2019-03-14T14:37:26 < jadew> with 100 trillion digits, you gain access to the matrix 2019-03-14T14:52:47 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T15:06:49 < Laurenceb> https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/knife-gps-tracker-tory-mp-scott-mann-national-database-knife-crime-statistics-a8822506.html 2019-03-14T15:06:53 < Laurenceb> orbital sides 2019-03-14T15:09:05 < sync> englishman: some f1 2019-03-14T15:09:19 < Laurenceb> noice 2019-03-14T15:09:25 < Laurenceb> muh wambulance failed 2019-03-14T15:09:45 < Laurenceb> gui ragequit and there is no record apart from dmesg 2019-03-14T15:10:16 < Laurenceb> looks like all the usb shit died and couldnt be re enumerated 2019-03-14T15:10:40 < Laurenceb> >managers thought itd be a good idea to make this shit usb based 2019-03-14T15:13:05 < Laurenceb> >Device not responding to setup address 2019-03-14T15:13:09 < Laurenceb> this is bad right 2019-03-14T15:16:02 < karlp> you people using lsatpast, keepass, passwordstore stuff, what does that bring to the table beyond what chromium/firefox password store has? 2019-03-14T15:16:42 < Laurenceb> I think I'm gunna blame this https://pro.intona.eu/en/products/7054 2019-03-14T15:17:27 < sync> > 480MBit 2019-03-14T15:17:30 < sync> > innovation 2019-03-14T15:17:32 < sync> pls 2019-03-14T15:18:18 < sync> I like how they have a high res pcb shot for easy clonering 2019-03-14T15:18:32 < jpa-> karlp: separate login to password manager, + easier manual management 2019-03-14T15:20:29 < Laurenceb> sync: I suspect it broke my usb, everything working now reeee 2019-03-14T15:20:45 < Laurenceb> should have used rs485 2019-03-14T15:21:21 < Laurenceb> even the hubs failed 2019-03-14T15:21:26 -!- Jybz [~jibz@2a02:8071:9289:5900:4a51:b7ff:fe84:99e6] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-14T15:22:03 < Laurenceb> weird that it made muh Qt GUI segfault - hotplugging devices works ok 2019-03-14T15:22:37 < Laurenceb> guess all the usb devices failing epically at low level causes some sort of major issue... 2019-03-14T15:24:08 < Laurenceb> surprised lunix didnt kernel panic tbh 2019-03-14T15:32:38 < englishman> sync: buttbanging PD? 2019-03-14T15:32:48 < karlp> jpa-: I don't need a seðarate login, I login to my desktoð environmnet 2019-03-14T15:33:14 < karlp> but yeah, sure, scrolling a list in chromium isn't the best for sharing lists. 2019-03-14T15:34:00 < englishman> karlp: not all my passwords get stored in chrome, lots more data can be added like SSL keys or 2fa words, etc 2019-03-14T15:34:04 < englishman> I use keepass 2019-03-14T15:34:24 < englishman> like, SSH server info is in there 2019-03-14T15:35:31 < englishman> plus makes it easy to copypasta passwords and usernames on phone 2019-03-14T15:45:05 < Steffanx> Does it work on esp32? 2019-03-14T15:48:11 < Laurenceb> oh wow 2019-03-14T15:48:21 < Laurenceb> they just crashed the wambulance 2019-03-14T15:48:23 < Laurenceb> my sides 2019-03-14T15:50:27 < Laurenceb> mfw https://imgur.com/i4OcBEz 2019-03-14T15:50:47 < veverak> wat 2019-03-14T15:51:13 < Laurenceb> apparently it hit another car and took the cars front bumper off 2019-03-14T16:07:16 < jpa-> karlp: yeah, i usually leave my desktop unlocked at home etc, but wouldn't want all my passwords immediately accessible 2019-03-14T16:09:19 < Steffanx> Im so used to locking it, i do it everywhere 2019-03-14T16:10:11 < zyp> hmm 2019-03-14T16:10:40 < zyp> stm32wb docs doesn't document very well what the maximum freqs for the various buses are 2019-03-14T16:11:03 < zyp> apparently it's okay to feed them all 64MHz 2019-03-14T16:11:41 < zyp> but I also believe I've read that CPU2 is only 32MHz 2019-03-14T16:12:10 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T16:14:07 -!- MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T16:20:24 < zyp> ah, right 2019-03-14T16:20:29 < zyp> «The maximum frequency of the AHB (HCLK1 and HCLK4), and of the PCLK1 and PCLK2 domains is 64 MHz. The maximum frequency of the AHB (HCLK2) domain is 32 MHz.» 2019-03-14T16:25:24 < Steffanx> Yw :) 2019-03-14T16:26:41 -!- sk_tandt_ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T16:30:02 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-14T16:34:57 < zyp> thanks 2019-03-14T17:01:16 -!- CheBuzz- [~CheBuzz@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T17:01:24 -!- CheBuzz [~CheBuzz@unaffiliated/chebuzz] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-14T17:01:24 -!- CheBuzz- is now known as CheBuzz 2019-03-14T17:01:25 -!- CheBuzz [~CheBuzz@] has quit [Changing host] 2019-03-14T17:01:25 -!- CheBuzz [~CheBuzz@unaffiliated/chebuzz] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T17:06:55 < sync> yes englishman 2019-03-14T17:09:39 < Laurenceb> kekking http://www.isengard.co.uk/images/JPEGS/KX_NM16-2-19B.jpg 2019-03-14T17:13:36 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 2019-03-14T17:19:08 < englishman> sync: gay 2019-03-14T17:20:51 < sync> pretty much 2019-03-14T17:24:06 < Laurenceb> https://www.nfb.ca/interactive/ 2019-03-14T17:34:59 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T17:36:55 -!- jon1012 [~jon1012@foresight/developer/jon1012] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-14T17:37:41 -!- jon1012 [~jon1012@foresight/developer/jon1012] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T17:40:49 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T17:41:28 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 2019-03-14T17:41:31 -!- BrainDamage_ is now known as BrainDamage 2019-03-14T17:45:30 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T17:45:38 < zyp> hmm, the stm32wb usb block is acting weird 2019-03-14T17:45:52 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-14T17:46:03 -!- BrainDamage_ is now known as BrainDamage 2019-03-14T17:50:46 < zyp> control register initializes to the right value and responds correctly to being turned on, but the endpoint registers appears to ignore writes 2019-03-14T17:50:53 < aandrew> Laurenceb: lol 2019-03-14T17:56:34 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-14T18:33:50 -!- sterna [~Adium@h-90-120.A137.corp.bahnhof.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-14T18:33:57 < englishman> did you unbrick the wb? 2019-03-14T18:35:00 < zyp> no, I don't think that's possible 2019-03-14T18:35:20 < mawk> how did you brick it ? 2019-03-14T18:35:42 < zyp> tried to unlock CPU2 so I could run my own code on it 2019-03-14T18:36:32 < zyp> unlocking it would erase crypto blob that decrypts encrypted radio firmwares 2019-03-14T18:36:34 < mawk> so it couldn't be done ? or you just made a mistake 2019-03-14T18:36:39 < mawk> ah 2019-03-14T18:36:43 < mawk> why is it encrypted ? that sucks 2019-03-14T18:36:47 < mawk> it's IP ? 2019-03-14T18:37:28 < zyp> well, apparently it's force locked either way 2019-03-14T18:38:01 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T18:38:12 < zyp> apparently I managed to erase the locked area of the flash, but it's still force locked so I can't rewrite it 2019-03-14T18:38:40 < mawk> isn't it said in the eeprom feature bytes or somethign ? 2019-03-14T18:38:50 < zyp> which means I still can't run my own code on CPU2, and now there's nothing else for it to run either 2019-03-14T18:38:59 < zyp> yes 2019-03-14T18:39:12 < zyp> there's an ESE bit in the option bytes that controls whether it's locked 2019-03-14T18:39:19 < zyp> and I've managed to write that to 0 2019-03-14T18:39:37 < mawk> right 2019-03-14T18:39:49 < mawk> and that should clear the flash and let you the hand 2019-03-14T18:39:52 < zyp> but the shit that loads the option bytes says «fuck you» and load it as 1 anyway 2019-03-14T18:39:56 < englishman> so you bricked cpu2? 2019-03-14T18:40:01 < zyp> englishman, yes 2019-03-14T18:40:04 < englishman> yikes 2019-03-14T18:40:35 < englishman> esp32 sure makes all that "pro" shit look bad 2019-03-14T18:41:03 < englishman> that's like avr-level fail 2019-03-14T18:41:10 < zyp> well, I don't blame anybody but myself 2019-03-14T18:42:40 < zyp> according to the release revision of the RM, it's not supposed to be possible to unlock CPU2 2019-03-14T18:43:01 < zyp> the prerelease I got a copy of however documents the method I tried :p 2019-03-14T18:43:11 < zyp> all that stuff got stripped out of the release 2019-03-14T18:43:44 < zyp> which is fair enough 2019-03-14T18:44:40 < zyp> overall, having a locked CPU2 that runs a radio blob is still less hassle than getting a radio blob that you have to share a cpu with 2019-03-14T18:45:23 < zyp> so stm32wb still seems like a good platform for what I want to do 2019-03-14T18:46:02 < zyp> which is why I stopped fucking around with CPU2 and started on bringing up the other peripherals instead 2019-03-14T18:46:18 < zyp> I don't get why USB doesn't work 2019-03-14T18:48:11 < zyp> ah, I think I've figured it out 2019-03-14T18:50:06 < zyp> apparently there's a bit in the PWR block that gates the VDDUSB supply 2019-03-14T18:50:09 < Laurenceb> > I don't get why USB doesn't work 2019-03-14T18:50:13 < Laurenceb> welcome ot the club 2019-03-14T18:50:23 < zyp> that would explain why some registers work but others don't 2019-03-14T18:50:38 < Laurenceb> in my case we also dont know why the other cars bumper doesnt work 2019-03-14T19:01:26 < zyp> have you tried turning it off and on again? 2019-03-14T19:04:25 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-98-247-192-179.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T19:05:23 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-14T19:07:54 < zyp> here we go 2019-03-14T19:07:55 < zyp> Bus 020 Device 025: ID 1234:5678 1234 Composite Device 2019-03-14T19:15:10 < Steffanx> Such vid/pid 2019-03-14T19:15:34 < zyp> yeah, I usually use that for testing until I come up with something better 2019-03-14T19:17:02 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-14T19:29:01 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-14T19:29:19 < Laurenceb> zyp: yeah I think its this intona thing 2019-03-14T19:32:57 -!- sterna [~Adium@m5-241-60-115.cust.tele2.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T19:41:38 < Laurenceb> nice now gpsd has broken 2019-03-14T19:45:41 < Laurenceb> how do I even gpsd 2019-03-14T19:45:45 < Laurenceb> reee I hate the PC 2019-03-14T19:45:53 < Laurenceb> fire it into the sun tbh 2019-03-14T19:51:16 < Laurenceb> somehow udev rules have broken 2019-03-14T19:55:51 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T19:58:23 < Laurenceb> SYMLINK+="ubloxgps" has suddenly started having no effect 2019-03-14T19:59:32 < Ultrasauce> you know about udevadm test right 2019-03-14T19:59:58 < Laurenceb> sounds useful 2019-03-14T20:00:01 * Laurenceb googles 2019-03-14T20:00:48 < Laurenceb> thanks 2019-03-14T20:08:20 < Thorn> Soyuz launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfLQvB7m9OE 2019-03-14T20:10:16 < Laurenceb> hopefully they used an rtos 2019-03-14T20:10:19 < Laurenceb> https://pastebin.com/QNY0hMz6 2019-03-14T20:10:34 < Laurenceb> looks like the symlink part is failing 2019-03-14T20:12:15 -!- sterna [~Adium@m5-241-60-115.cust.tele2.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-14T20:12:43 -!- bvernoux [~Ben@2a01:e35:8b76:a0f0:6973:276f:80fb:595e] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T20:14:36 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T20:14:40 -!- no0b_ [~tx@x4e367c7e.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T20:15:03 -!- catphish [~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T20:16:40 -!- no0b [~tx@x4db7e346.dyn.telefonica.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-14T20:16:50 -!- no0b_ is now known as no0b 2019-03-14T20:18:34 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-14T20:22:02 -!- sk_tandt_ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-14T20:22:24 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T20:24:06 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-14T20:24:09 -!- BrainDamage_ is now known as BrainDamage 2019-03-14T20:27:34 < jadew> why are the astronauts behind the glass? so they don't get sick 2019-03-14T20:27:36 < jadew> ? 2019-03-14T20:29:47 < Ultrasauce> yeah they're quarantined for 2 weeks or something before launch 2019-03-14T20:31:27 < jadew> they probably have the best medicine there tho 2019-03-14T20:31:53 < jadew> they can probably go through the flu without even knowing they have it 2019-03-14T20:33:09 < jadew> how long are these missions? 2019-03-14T20:34:44 < jadew> has there ever been an astronaut with diarrhea? 2019-03-14T20:35:50 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T20:36:56 < Thorn> jadew: https://twitter.com/historyinmoment/status/1105819079254962176 2019-03-14T20:37:53 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-10e0e253.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T20:39:47 -!- qyx_ is now known as qyx 2019-03-14T20:47:05 < Cracki> https://www.quora.com/What-happens-if-someone-gets-explosive-diarrhea-in-space 2019-03-14T20:47:21 < Cracki> >this left the spacecraft full of small globules of... 2019-03-14T20:48:42 < jadew> fantastic 2019-03-14T20:48:57 < jadew> they must have powerful fans now 2019-03-14T20:49:06 < jadew> some sort of vacuum system? 2019-03-14T20:49:24 < jadew> if all fails, they can just crack the window 2019-03-14T20:49:25 < Cracki> hey mission control, could you check that "data dump" please 2019-03-14T20:49:42 < Cracki> I'm sure they have lots of filters up there and vacuum too 2019-03-14T20:50:05 < Cracki> that was apollo 8. for ISS they said they have to have circulation/ventilation or you suffocate 2019-03-14T20:59:33 -!- barthess [~barthess@nat-16-metro-pool-1-ip-2.cosmostv.by] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T21:00:38 -!- barthess [~barthess@nat-16-metro-pool-1-ip-2.cosmostv.by] has quit [Client Quit] 2019-03-14T21:11:36 < upgrdman> anyone know of a connector like this, but panel mount? https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/3m/N3314-6302RB/MHS14N-ND/1239780 ... 0.1" ribbon cable type, with latches 2019-03-14T21:14:43 -!- Jybz [~jibz@2a02:8071:9289:5900:4a51:b7ff:fe84:99e6] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T21:24:24 < Cracki> sorry, all I can think of is solder to pcb, then mount that behind the panel 2019-03-14T21:25:19 < jpa-> you can also hotglue it to panel 2019-03-14T21:25:37 < Cracki> some googling shows me, also 3M, panelmount types, but more like scsi 2019-03-14T21:26:31 < Cracki> this looks like it can be screwed down but I don't see latches http://www.chipmall.com/product/assmann-wsw-components/awh-16g-e202-idc/2421614 2019-03-14T21:27:14 < Cracki> ah, with latches http://www.chipmall.com/product/assmann-wsw-components/awh-26g-e232-idc/2421628 2019-03-14T21:27:54 < Cracki> I think that's about as close as I can imagine :P 2019-03-14T21:29:48 < jpa-> heh, those links show some totally different chips for me 2019-03-14T21:30:09 < jpa-> but google finds it with product number 2019-03-14T21:31:22 < Cracki> "AWH 26G-E232-IDC" http://www.chipmall.com/image/product/1804/1600/23/9a9e7854-4ce1-47c8-9c11-ccb5e1fc2708.jpg 2019-03-14T21:34:08 < Cracki> these dumbasses probably have a base-8 problem. one product id has a leading zero 2019-03-14T21:34:19 < Cracki> bingo 2019-03-14T21:37:45 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T21:38:37 < Cracki> indeed it stops parsing the number before the 8, which results in 83058 decimal, which is that damn IC 2019-03-14T21:38:39 < Cracki> kek 2019-03-14T21:41:30 < Laurenceb> https://twitter.com/BWWings/status/1106198395092373504 2019-03-14T21:43:38 < Cracki> wtf 2019-03-14T21:43:49 < Laurenceb> the replies are extra spicy 2019-03-14T21:47:27 -!- davor_ [~davor@unaffiliated/davor] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T21:47:58 -!- davor [~davor@unaffiliated/davor] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-14T21:47:58 -!- davor_ is now known as davor 2019-03-14T21:48:31 < Cracki> gah that site is even worse than I thought! something generated the 0242... link, google loaded and indexed it, saw what is effectively ID 83058 2019-03-14T21:49:29 < Cracki> even their own search doesn't return 83058, but that other id... 2019-03-14T21:52:58 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-14T22:14:47 < Laurenceb> aha fixed muh usb 2019-03-14T22:14:55 < Laurenceb> usb is broken 2019-03-14T22:15:13 < Laurenceb> heavy vehicle vibration can cause connectors to lose contact 2019-03-14T22:15:27 < Laurenceb> need usb over ethernet or something 2019-03-14T22:17:03 < zyp> «STM32WB55xx MAC User Manual» 2019-03-14T22:17:09 < zyp> fucking useless bullshit document 2019-03-14T22:17:47 < zyp> it's just doxygen generated from the source, doesn't add anything useful 2019-03-14T22:18:56 < Laurenceb> heh lunix doesnt like nasty breaking usb 2019-03-14T22:19:06 < Laurenceb> tho it is probably doing the best it can 2019-03-14T22:19:47 < Laurenceb> sometimes devices get dropped and dont re-enumerate 2019-03-14T22:20:22 < Laurenceb> tfw usb is not for industrial use :P 2019-03-14T22:25:06 < Cracki> m12 connectors with usb plug in them? 2019-03-14T22:25:20 < Cracki> you'd be surprised how much usb is laying in factories 2019-03-14T22:26:25 < Cracki> *d 2019-03-14T22:29:05 < rajkosto> Cracki, https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-14_21-29-01_NW4WmcTEL.png what do you think about this 2019-03-14T22:32:05 -!- obsrver [~quassel@p5DC6BB91.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T22:39:34 < Laurenceb> kek I should make a robust usb system for lunix 2019-03-14T22:39:42 < Laurenceb> dunno how that could actually work tho... 2019-03-14T22:40:10 < Laurenceb> there is probably a way to reset the state machine thing to force it to re enumerate failed stuff 2019-03-14T22:41:16 < Laurenceb> something like 2019-03-14T22:41:32 < Laurenceb> if(enumeration failed using regular state machine) 2019-03-14T22:41:41 < Laurenceb> try again in 20 seconds time 2019-03-14T22:41:42 < Cracki> first take systemd out back and shoot it 2019-03-14T22:41:47 < englishman> Laurenceb: pix of crashed shakebulance plz 2019-03-14T22:41:48 < Laurenceb> heh 2019-03-14T22:42:05 < Cracki> maybe build usb based on avahi and pulseaudio 2019-03-14T22:42:07 < Laurenceb> englishman: the shakebulance is ok, car lost its bumper 2019-03-14T22:42:26 < Laurenceb> a honda civic 2019-03-14T22:42:33 < englishman> thats a big car for UK 2019-03-14T22:42:39 < Laurenceb> heh 2019-03-14T22:43:28 < englishman> shakebulance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12zAERC0KA0 2019-03-14T22:46:29 < Laurenceb> no its more like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeuJ_6skbF4 2019-03-14T22:48:05 < englishman> a station wagon? 2019-03-14T22:48:21 < Laurenceb> no, weirdo driving fake ambulances 2019-03-14T22:48:45 < englishman> lol 2019-03-14T22:49:00 < zyp> like faketaxi? 2019-03-14T22:49:18 < englishman> as seen on pornhub? 2019-03-14T22:49:48 < zyp> yes 2019-03-14T22:49:54 < englishman> good guess 2019-03-14T22:50:06 < englishman> all part of laurence's plentyoffish strategy 2019-03-14T22:52:04 < Laurenceb> correct 2019-03-14T22:52:08 < Laurenceb> that was be driving btw 2019-03-14T22:53:14 < Laurenceb> >Probably got a human centipede in his basement 2019-03-14T22:53:17 < Laurenceb> kek the comments 2019-03-14T22:53:49 < englishman> all that for a 150ukp fine 2019-03-14T22:54:01 < englishman> and a stern talking-to 2019-03-14T22:54:27 < kakimir> fake hearse 2019-03-14T22:58:28 < Laurenceb> yeah but he never said anything bad on twitter 2019-03-14T22:58:31 < Laurenceb> so its all cool 2019-03-14T22:59:16 < kakimir> ya have a twitter? 2019-03-14T23:03:26 < zyp> I wish the IPC interface was documented 2019-03-14T23:23:34 < c10ud> zyp, try the NSA decompiler 2019-03-14T23:24:04 < zyp> I do have the source 2019-03-14T23:25:07 -!- Jybz [~jibz@2a02:8071:9289:5900:4a51:b7ff:fe84:99e6] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-14T23:25:45 < c10ud> oh ok 2019-03-14T23:25:52 < zyp> haha, wtf, there's an interface here for CPU2 to ask CPU1 to read and write arbitrary addrs 2019-03-14T23:26:25 < zyp> wonder what the point of that is, considering CPU1 and CPU2 are supposed to live in the same memory space 2019-03-14T23:26:40 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Gone to sleep...] 2019-03-14T23:26:55 < c10ud> backdooring your binaries 2019-03-14T23:27:31 < c10ud> just kidding, is this the linux+f4 thing from st? 2019-03-14T23:28:01 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ubtgnbbuqyswjyqi] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T23:28:04 < Steffanx> wireless thing ;) 2019-03-14T23:28:32 < c10ud> ah 2019-03-14T23:28:34 < tjq> https://youtu.be/5ZaDCCKVDvE 2019-03-14T23:28:39 < zyp> you're thinking of mp1, this is wb55 2019-03-14T23:30:32 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-14T23:47:12 -!- bvernoux [~Ben@2a01:e35:8b76:a0f0:6973:276f:80fb:595e] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-14T23:48:57 < Laurenceb> wew usb fixed 2019-03-14T23:49:54 < Laurenceb> sort of 2019-03-14T23:50:03 < englishman> god damn usb-c pd support is all over the fucking place 2019-03-14T23:50:10 < Laurenceb> sometimes it can get misaligned by 2048 frames :-S 2019-03-14T23:50:18 < englishman> buttbanging their 420khz shit is literally the best way 2019-03-14T23:50:22 < Laurenceb> at least the gui shows a sync error warning if that happens 2019-03-14T23:51:12 < Laurenceb> it can take up to 45s to recover from nasty usb events, but thats all due to lunix usb stuff 2019-03-14T23:52:39 < Laurenceb> sync codez is up to 5k lines :S 2019-03-14T23:55:19 < Laurenceb> each device has its own thread that pipes raw stuff to central synchroniser/thread manager 2019-03-14T23:57:48 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Gone to sleep...] --- Day changed Fri Mar 15 2019 2019-03-15T00:01:13 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-15T00:01:55 -!- obsrver [~quassel@p5DC6BB91.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.] 2019-03-15T00:03:46 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-10e0e253.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-15T00:11:07 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T00:11:54 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Client Quit] 2019-03-15T00:53:01 -!- Rickta59 [~kimballr@unaffiliated/rickta59] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T00:55:53 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-15T00:58:47 -!- catphish [~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-15T01:55:41 -!- Chris_M|2 [~Chris_M@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-15T02:02:12 -!- veegee [~veegee@ipagstaticip-3d3f7614-22f3-5b69-be13-7ab4b2c585d9.sdsl.bell.ca] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-15T02:05:25 -!- Streake_ [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T02:07:26 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-15T02:22:17 < Thorn> soyuz docking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dng5mQl_wP0 2019-03-15T02:25:01 -!- Streake_ [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-15T02:43:10 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-98-247-192-179.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 2019-03-15T02:47:34 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ubtgnbbuqyswjyqi] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-15T02:48:34 < englishman> thanks 2019-03-15T02:51:47 < englishman> that zoom lens really shows how fast they are moving 2019-03-15T03:08:56 -!- gsi__ [~gsisig@x4db42653.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T03:11:50 -!- gsi_ [~gsisig@x4db525b2.dyn.telefonica.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-15T03:22:43 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T03:41:54 -!- machinehum [~machinehu@ip-142-232-170-188.ptr.bcit.ca] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T03:56:06 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@CPE7cb21b1e4c70-CM7cb21b1e4c6d.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T04:06:46 < Cracki> oh boy https://joebiden.info/ 2019-03-15T04:09:37 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@CPE7cb21b1e4c70-CM7cb21b1e4c6d.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-15T04:19:47 -!- machinehum [~machinehu@ip-142-232-170-188.ptr.bcit.ca] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-15T04:24:55 -!- machinehum [~machinehu@ip-142-232-170-188.ptr.bcit.ca] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T04:46:52 -!- machinehum [~machinehu@ip-142-232-170-188.ptr.bcit.ca] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-15T04:47:57 -!- tsprlng [~tsprlng@cpc99580-brnt1-2-0-cust501.4-2.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-15T04:53:00 -!- tsprlng [~tsprlng@cpc99580-brnt1-2-0-cust501.4-2.cable.virginm.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T05:06:42 -!- tsprlng [~tsprlng@cpc99580-brnt1-2-0-cust501.4-2.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-15T05:11:11 -!- machinehum [~machinehu@ip-142-232-170-188.ptr.bcit.ca] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T05:13:28 -!- tsprlng [~tsprlng@cpc99580-brnt1-2-0-cust501.4-2.cable.virginm.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T05:17:50 -!- tsprlng [~tsprlng@cpc99580-brnt1-2-0-cust501.4-2.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-15T05:26:42 -!- tsprlng [~tsprlng@cpc99580-brnt1-2-0-cust501.4-2.cable.virginm.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T05:30:53 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T05:39:06 < rajkosto> aaah the ws2812b connected to my stm32 misinterpreted the data line randomness from high impedance and decided to flash me bright yellow 2019-03-15T05:41:53 < mawk> lol 2019-03-15T05:47:14 -!- machinehum [~machinehu@ip-142-232-170-188.ptr.bcit.ca] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-15T05:50:52 -!- tsprlng [~tsprlng@cpc99580-brnt1-2-0-cust501.4-2.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-15T05:56:13 -!- tsprlng [~tsprlng@cpc99580-brnt1-2-0-cust501.4-2.cable.virginm.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T06:02:54 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T06:07:53 -!- tsprlng [~tsprlng@cpc99580-brnt1-2-0-cust501.4-2.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-15T06:08:33 -!- sklv [~sklv@gateway/tor-sasl/sklv] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 2019-03-15T06:08:37 -!- tsprlng [~tsprlng@cpc99580-brnt1-2-0-cust501.4-2.cable.virginm.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T06:12:52 -!- sklv [~sklv@gateway/tor-sasl/sklv] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T06:13:27 -!- tsprlng [~tsprlng@cpc99580-brnt1-2-0-cust501.4-2.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 2019-03-15T06:13:42 -!- tsprlng [~tsprlng@cpc99580-brnt1-2-0-cust501.4-2.cable.virginm.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T06:44:04 -!- fc5dc9d4_ [~quassel@p5B081139.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T06:45:28 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-15T06:45:43 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T06:47:42 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-affekwsfgzysbprf] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T06:48:01 -!- fc5dc9d4 [~quassel@p5B081038.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-15T06:57:27 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-15T06:58:05 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T07:14:39 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [] 2019-03-15T07:19:27 < tjq> New Zealand high score attempt 2019-03-15T07:19:34 < tjq> 30 dead 2019-03-15T07:44:38 -!- mirage335 [~mirage335@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-15T07:49:40 -!- mirage335 [~mirage335@mirage335-base.soaringindustries.space] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T08:01:20 -!- no0b [~tx@x4e367c7e.dyn.telefonica.de] has left ##stm32 [] 2019-03-15T08:27:07 < jadew> what happened? 2019-03-15T08:28:06 < jadew> mass shooting 2019-03-15T08:29:51 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Gone to sleep...] 2019-03-15T08:31:47 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-15T08:32:48 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T08:34:01 < jadew> apparently they had a manifesto? 2019-03-15T08:34:05 < jadew> got a link to that? 2019-03-15T08:41:31 < jadew> https://www.news.com.au/world/pacific/gunman-who-opened-fire-on-christchurch-mosque-addresses-attack-in-manifesto/news-story/70372a39f720697813607a9ec426a734 2019-03-15T08:51:23 < jadew> so... it was live streamed 2019-03-15T08:57:06 -!- grindhold [~quassel@] has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.] 2019-03-15T08:58:26 -!- grindhold [~quassel@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T09:01:11 -!- tsprlng [~tsprlng@cpc99580-brnt1-2-0-cust501.4-2.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 2019-03-15T09:03:48 -!- tsprlng [~tsprlng@cpc99580-brnt1-2-0-cust501.4-2.cable.virginm.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T09:05:54 -!- Jybz [~jibz@2a02:8071:9289:5900:4a51:b7ff:fe84:99e6] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T09:08:40 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 2019-03-15T09:10:23 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-3bebe155.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T09:11:42 < tjq> Lol 2019-03-15T09:12:33 < tjq> Was it halal? 2019-03-15T09:13:43 -!- Jybz [~jibz@2a02:8071:9289:5900:4a51:b7ff:fe84:99e6] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-15T09:30:28 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T09:42:27 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-3bebe155.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-15T09:47:14 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T09:52:18 < rajkosto> tjq, the video i saw has the remove kebab song playing in the background 2019-03-15T09:52:21 < rajkosto> so absolutely haram 2019-03-15T09:52:32 < dongs> lmao 2019-03-15T09:59:09 < tjq> It’s a beautiful thing 2019-03-15T10:01:24 < dongs> > see whats in latest skype 2019-03-15T10:01:29 < dongs> > don't missout on these new features 2019-03-15T10:01:37 < dongs> > everyone i know who upgraded has been bitching its complete shit 2019-03-15T10:01:49 < rajkosto> the skype app post Qt has been absolute doghost 2019-03-15T10:01:50 < rajkosto> dogshit 2019-03-15T10:01:58 < rajkosto> they ruined it on mobile first, with the ~~~~~~~~~ verssion 2019-03-15T10:02:04 < dongs> Loool 2019-03-15T10:02:06 < dongs> yeah 2019-03-15T10:02:16 < rajkosto> hey you like seeing only 3 messages on yourt 1080p phone screen ? 2019-03-15T10:02:20 < rajkosto> fill the rest with whitespace and ~~~~~~~~~ 2019-03-15T10:05:36 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T10:06:00 < dongs> rajkosto: i just switched to skypelite on mobile (assdroid) 2019-03-15T10:06:04 < dongs> full client is absolute shitshow 2019-03-15T10:06:10 < dongs> i couldnt handle the ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2019-03-15T10:06:15 < dongs> more liek ~~~~~~~~~~shoa im fukcin 2019-03-15T10:07:38 < rajkosto> tjq, did it make you subscribe to pewdiepie 2019-03-15T10:07:54 < tjq> What 2019-03-15T10:08:30 < rajkosto> 30 seconds in 2019-03-15T10:18:33 < tjq> Wha 2019-03-15T10:19:02 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T10:19:32 -!- sterna [~Adium@h-90-120.A137.corp.bahnhof.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T10:27:52 < rajkosto> jadew, still want the manifesto ? 2019-03-15T10:30:56 < jadew> rajkosto, nah, I got the jist 2019-03-15T10:31:08 < jadew> thanks 2019-03-15T10:40:48 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T11:28:31 < jadew> finally calibrated my sig gen 2019-03-15T11:29:38 < jadew> the expensive connectors really made a difference 2019-03-15T11:32:15 < jadew> now I have to calibrate my SA, for some reason, it was only calibrated in the lower band 2019-03-15T11:47:59 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T11:49:08 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-15T11:49:10 -!- BrainDamage_ is now known as BrainDamage 2019-03-15T11:57:54 < jadew> any ideas of a BASIC code explorer? 2019-03-15T12:06:03 -!- obsrver [~quassel@p5DE860E6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T12:27:33 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-affekwsfgzysbprf] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-15T12:33:58 -!- sterna [~Adium@h-90-120.A137.corp.bahnhof.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-15T12:55:53 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T12:58:19 < zyp> dongs, skype just gets shittier and shittier with each release, been like that for years 2019-03-15T13:01:44 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-15T13:05:21 < jadew> ms is not what it used to be 2019-03-15T13:08:35 < Cracki> skype has always been shit tho 2019-03-15T13:08:45 < jadew> that too 2019-03-15T13:15:05 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-15T13:16:12 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T13:17:46 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-15T13:18:26 -!- BrainDamage_ is now known as BrainDamage 2019-03-15T13:20:41 -!- Chris_M [~Chris_M@203-214-82-107.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T13:59:20 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-15T14:05:59 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-abjfloiuxjeqlnvs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T14:23:20 < Laurenceb> when a kiwi shitposts irl 2019-03-15T14:23:41 < Laurenceb> his manifesto is so much better than Elliots 2019-03-15T14:24:28 < Laurenceb> >I was drawn to ethno-nationalism by Chandice Owens, and trained for ultraviolence by playing fortnight non stop 2019-03-15T14:25:29 -!- sterna [~Adium@cvis.oal.lindholmen.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T14:30:53 < Laurenceb> oh wow the navy seal copypasta is in there too 2019-03-15T14:32:08 < Laurenceb> lurn to google 2019-03-15T15:10:40 < tjq> Lol Laurenceb 2019-03-15T15:10:47 < Laurenceb> oh you are here 2019-03-15T15:10:55 < Laurenceb> I was expecting you to have been the shooter 2019-03-15T15:11:51 < tjq> Gorilla warfare 2019-03-15T15:12:36 < dongs> oh shit, i totally didnt connect the dots 2019-03-15T15:12:45 < dongs> it was crt snapping at his fucking paki audiophool boss 2019-03-15T15:13:01 < dongs> after he made him resolder one more fucking shitty mackie speaker 2019-03-15T15:13:08 < tjq> Lol 2019-03-15T15:13:35 < tjq> CR4 2019-03-15T15:14:31 < dongs> https://i.imgur.com/xIewqSF.png wtf is this shit 2019-03-15T15:15:09 < tjq> Crt hung himself 2019-03-15T15:21:04 -!- psprint [~psprint@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 2019-03-15T15:25:40 -!- psprint [~psprint@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T15:28:01 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T15:28:14 < jadew> yey, I'm done calibrating the SA 2019-03-15T15:34:13 < aandrew> the navy seal copypasta isn't a laurence thing 2019-03-15T15:38:19 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T15:43:13 -!- PeterM [bgdwiepp@115-69-25-80-cpe.spintel.net.au] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T15:47:40 < Laurenceb> He's a self described ethno-nationalist eco-fascist, and an elite combat seal with over 300 confirmed kills 2019-03-15T15:48:09 < Laurenceb> Ben Shapiro specifically told me not to read his manifesto 2019-03-15T15:52:41 -!- sterna [~Adium@cvis.oal.lindholmen.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-15T15:57:33 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-15T16:08:49 < dongs> man the fucking insistence of these god damn fucking sidebars in altifuck 2019-03-15T16:08:59 < dongs> why the FUCK did they have to put place-part into a fuckign sidebar 2019-03-15T16:09:05 < dongs> i keep trying to close teh shit and it closes other shit with it 2019-03-15T16:09:09 < dongs> annoying as FUCK PLZ KILL ME 2019-03-15T16:09:22 < dongs> the fucking docking shit is busted too 2019-03-15T16:09:29 < dongs> if I try to tear off just the components shit 2019-03-15T16:09:32 < dongs> it tears off the entire side bar 2019-03-15T16:09:34 < dongs> which incldues properties 2019-03-15T16:09:36 < dongs> which i DO want to keep 2019-03-15T16:09:40 < dongs> absolute garbage 2019-03-15T16:09:43 < dongs> FUCK SIDEBAR; SIDEBAR SUX; SIDEBAR IS DYING; SIDEBAR IS DEAD TO ME; SIDEBAR HIT WTC 2019-03-15T16:10:24 < mawk> lol 2019-03-15T16:10:28 < jpa-> switch to kicad, then if you want to customize the UI it is only a matter of some simple C++ coding 2019-03-15T16:15:30 < dongs> yeah ok 2019-03-15T16:18:03 -!- Streaker [~Streaker@unaffiliated/streaker] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-15T16:19:39 -!- sk_tandt_ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T16:21:19 -!- sk_tandt [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-15T16:32:11 < Laurenceb> On Friday, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison confirmed that a man in custody in New Zealand was an Australian-born citizen 2019-03-15T16:32:14 < Laurenceb> it was crt 2019-03-15T16:32:20 < dongs> fact 2019-03-15T16:36:55 < aandrew> so I can't get the altera FPGA's PLL to lock on to my 125MHz clock 2019-03-15T16:37:22 < Laurenceb> https://017qndpynh-flywheel.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/4-1.jpg 2019-03-15T16:37:26 < aandrew> I have an ADSMB MEMS OSC (not spectacular from a jitter standpoint) feeding an ISPClock5406D which is cleaning it up a bit and emitting 125MHz out to the FPGA 2019-03-15T16:37:39 < aandrew> the FPGA can use the clock from the pin just fine, but if I feed it to a PLL it never locks 2019-03-15T16:38:12 < dongs> Laurenceb: did you just discover the internet or something 2019-03-15T16:38:19 < Laurenceb> kek 2019-03-15T16:41:16 < Laurenceb> https://www.bellingcat.com/news/rest-of-world/2019/03/15/shitposting-inspirational-terrorism-and-the-christchurch-mosque-massacre/ 2019-03-15T16:42:51 < dongs> edit->refactor is perttty handy in altidumb 2019-03-15T16:43:00 < dongs> Laurenceb: plz stop retard thanks 2019-03-15T16:44:11 -!- drzacek [~drzacek@b941c009.business.dg-w.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-15T16:45:14 < dongs> the fuck is a "series regulator? 2019-03-15T16:45:20 < dongs> is that jut a fancy name for linear/ldo? 2019-03-15T16:45:29 < dongs> oh, it is 2019-03-15T16:45:33 < dongs> shitty jap datasheets lo 2019-03-15T16:46:07 < aandrew> dongs: refactor? 2019-03-15T16:46:38 < dongs> ya, select something, E-O->move selected to different sheet 2019-03-15T16:46:55 < dongs> it keeps refdes (yes i know you can toggle that in settings for cut/paste but this is faster) 2019-03-15T16:51:06 < kakimir> fuck these shitty microusbs 2019-03-15T16:51:11 < kakimir> (cables) 2019-03-15T16:53:50 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T16:54:10 < Cracki> wand miniusb back? 2019-03-15T16:54:17 < Cracki> *want 2019-03-15T16:54:28 < kakimir> nah 2019-03-15T16:54:38 < kakimir> I want shitty cables to stop exist 2019-03-15T16:54:49 < Cracki> usb c, or at least usb 3 plugs, those are kinda robust 2019-03-15T16:55:15 < kakimir> nobody stops making them shitty too 2019-03-15T16:55:23 < Cracki> ah right, chinesium cables with a single strand of coppery hair 2019-03-15T16:55:37 < kakimir> and bad contact tension 2019-03-15T16:55:45 < Cracki> can be fused if you give them an amp or two 2019-03-15T16:56:19 < kakimir> give an amp and there is no voltage left in another end 2019-03-15T16:56:23 < Cracki> the graphite pencil could carry more current than that chinesium usb cable I once had 2019-03-15T16:56:50 < aandrew> dongs: damn I did not know of this feature 2019-03-15T16:56:52 < aandrew> that is nice 2019-03-15T16:56:55 < kakimir> I should cut these in half and throw in a bin but it would mean I needed to get good ones before continuing 2019-03-15T16:57:04 < Cracki> cheap chinese crocodile clamp leads... resoldered with 1.5mm2 2019-03-15T16:58:05 < kakimir> https://soundcloud.com/mahoney/future encore 2019-03-15T16:59:05 < kakimir> is there a way for interrupt to exit a function currently executing immedietelly 2019-03-15T17:00:41 < dongs> aandrew: i had to move a bunch of shit from a single sheet into separate sheets and i got tired of copypasting nad losing refdes and i didnt wann go to settings to turn that option off. 2019-03-15T17:00:43 < kakimir> without conditions inside the function 2019-03-15T17:00:45 < dongs> so i looked around edit menu and found it 2019-03-15T17:00:47 < Cracki> uhhh sure, if you're comfortable dicking with the stack frame 2019-03-15T17:00:56 < kakimir> that is what I thought 2019-03-15T17:00:59 < Cracki> I'm not sure that's within th erule book of c/c++ tho 2019-03-15T17:01:01 < kakimir> better not do that 2019-03-15T17:01:07 < Cracki> you can... 2019-03-15T17:01:14 < kakimir> better not 2019-03-15T17:01:30 < kakimir> my code is the robbustness 2019-03-15T17:01:40 < Cracki> while (keep_running) {...} 2019-03-15T17:01:49 < kakimir> it's like a lada of codes 2019-03-15T17:01:50 < Cracki> volatile bool keep_running 2019-03-15T17:01:57 < kakimir> not the fastest 2019-03-15T17:01:58 < Cracki> refactor until it's not 2019-03-15T17:02:11 < kakimir> there has not been a much of refactoring 2019-03-15T17:02:12 < kakimir> just doing 2019-03-15T17:02:43 < Cracki> stop looking at the damn road signs, DRIVE! 2019-03-15T17:02:52 < dongs> https://i.imgur.com/SAWnYU4.jpg any idea wat dc/dc is this 2019-03-15T17:02:56 < dongs> i believe its a stepup 2019-03-15T17:03:40 < dongs> oh its MP1542 2019-03-15T17:03:41 < Cracki> plug it in and voltage probe? 2019-03-15T17:03:44 < BrainDamage> look at how the coil is wired and you'll know 2019-03-15T17:03:53 < aandrew> interesting 2019-03-15T17:03:54 < dongs> i was miserading that 1542D as 15420 2019-03-15T17:04:03 < aandrew> I made two digikey orders yesterday 2019-03-15T17:04:16 < aandrew> the first one hasn't arrived but the second (order made later) just arrived 2019-03-15T17:04:30 < aandrew> the one that arrived has a bunch of oscs which is the more imporatnt one 2019-03-15T17:05:09 < aandrew> huh, fedex tracking has "pending" on that one 2019-03-15T17:05:16 < aandrew> probably won't arrive until monday 2019-03-15T17:05:27 < dongs> hmm that is weird 2019-03-15T17:05:32 < dongs> that part has no current limit... 2019-03-15T17:05:59 < dongs> i mean, it has internal 2.6A but the shit its used on is supposed to drop dead after 500mA 2019-03-15T17:06:03 < dongs> otherwise shit will start smoking 2019-03-15T17:08:56 < aandrew> if that song didn't have that fucking rushing noise every 10s it'd be okay 2019-03-15T17:10:40 < jpa-> dongs: that 2.6A is on the switch, remember to divide by the boost ratio 2019-03-15T17:10:53 < dongs> yeah? 2019-03-15T17:10:58 < dongs> i think its taking 12V to 15V or so 2019-03-15T17:11:08 < jpa-> ah, so not much higher 2019-03-15T17:11:36 < dongs> wait now what hte hell 2019-03-15T17:11:41 < dongs> its taking 5V to 17V 2019-03-15T17:11:48 < dongs> wtf this is completely out of spec 2019-03-15T17:12:24 < jpa-> so the most it could ever output is 0.76 A, and in practice much lower for continuous current 2019-03-15T17:12:32 < dongs> hmmmm 2019-03-15T17:12:39 < dongs> maybe that's what they're hoping for then? 2019-03-15T17:12:39 < dongs> hmmm 2019-03-15T17:13:39 < dongs> what the fuck 2019-03-15T17:13:46 < dongs> it turns into 15V after soemthing 2019-03-15T17:13:55 < dongs> need to take the board out 2019-03-15T17:15:10 -!- veegee [~veegee@ipagstaticip-3d3f7614-22f3-5b69-be13-7ab4b2c585d9.sdsl.bell.ca] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T17:16:33 < dongs> ahh fuck 2019-03-15T17:16:40 < dongs> there's to SOT223s or so on the back 2019-03-15T17:16:49 < dongs> that are doing voltage drop and current limiting looks like 2019-03-15T17:18:29 < dongs> https://i.imgur.com/fKPfpFR.jpg 2019-03-15T17:18:46 < dongs> huh, LM1117? 2019-03-15T17:19:44 < dongs> the fuck is going on here 2019-03-15T17:20:02 < dongs> are they abusing these parts as some kinda current limiter? 2019-03-15T17:20:29 < kakimir> art of abuse 2019-03-15T17:24:38 < dongs> PeterM would probly know if he wasnt sleeping 2019-03-15T17:29:02 < kakimir> but for sure general LDOs are not just voltage regulators but can be bent to do many type of stuff and it's ok 2019-03-15T17:31:11 < jpa-> dongs: how do you figure those are LM1117? 2019-03-15T17:33:21 < dongs> jpa, GH16C/GH16D 2019-03-15T17:33:26 < dongs> are diodesInc LM1117 markings 2019-03-15T17:33:30 < dongs> for 1.5V and 3.3V 2019-03-15T17:33:34 < dongs> in package type H 2019-03-15T17:33:49 < dongs> anyway, i checked those are just LDOs for unrelated bits of the circuit 2019-03-15T17:33:52 < dongs> not what I thought it was gonna be 2019-03-15T17:33:53 < dongs> hmm. 2019-03-15T17:35:44 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-abjfloiuxjeqlnvs] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-15T17:37:20 -!- sterna [~Adium@h-90-120.A137.corp.bahnhof.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T17:38:55 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T17:40:08 < Laurenceb> https://pastebin.com/sXibfYeV 2019-03-15T17:40:14 * Laurenceb brainmelt 2019-03-15T17:40:27 < dongs> nice code 2019-03-15T17:41:04 < Laurenceb> there is some sort of rare bug if lots of devices fail at the same time 2019-03-15T17:41:18 < Laurenceb> they can end up misaligned by 2.048s once they reconnect 2019-03-15T17:41:22 < Laurenceb> funtimes 2019-03-15T17:42:12 < Laurenceb> tfw still better than alsa 2019-03-15T17:42:14 < dongs> can 1.5V fixed LDO be used to make 1.8V? 2019-03-15T17:42:18 < dongs> by adding some resistor to adj? 2019-03-15T17:42:53 < Laurenceb> alsa + audacity locks up in minutes under really bad road conditions 2019-03-15T17:45:17 < jpa-> dongs: adding a series resistor to GND/ADJ usually 2019-03-15T17:46:08 < dongs> it can only increase, right 2019-03-15T17:50:57 < dongs> well according to that pic they're just adding a R to GND/ADJ pin 2019-03-15T17:51:11 < dongs> hmm. 2019-03-15T17:51:32 < dongs> still dont understand how 17V becomes 15 if its not going through those parts. 2019-03-15T17:51:44 < dongs> but thats to figure out tomorrw, sleep time 2019-03-15T17:52:34 < jpa-> dongs: you can also decrease by putting resistor divider between ground, adj and vout 2019-03-15T17:55:27 < Laurenceb> arg this code is giving me brain cancer 2019-03-15T17:56:34 < jpa-> Laurenceb: uh oh.. i know you have a pretty high tolerance when it comes to crap links on internet, but never, never, open https://github.com/Laurenceb if you want to avoid headache! 2019-03-15T17:56:44 < Laurenceb> heh 2019-03-15T17:58:19 < BrainDamage> is the horse telemetry thing banned under the new uk porn laws? 2019-03-15T17:58:23 < Laurenceb> kek 2019-03-15T17:58:29 < Laurenceb> probably 2019-03-15T17:59:12 -!- m4ssi [~massi@host138-130-static.62-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-15T18:07:16 < Laurenceb> hmm looks like I underestimated how slow lunix can be to reconnect failing usb 2019-03-15T18:08:08 < Laurenceb> my code is built around the assumption it doesnt take >1.024s to reconnect 2019-03-15T18:08:47 < Laurenceb> but it can take 3s or so 2019-03-15T18:09:01 < kakimir> wow such failure in code 2019-03-15T18:09:08 < kakimir> but no negative effects 2019-03-15T18:09:18 < Laurenceb> heh it works ok 99% of the time 2019-03-15T18:09:21 < kakimir> because how reseived areas are in registers 2019-03-15T18:09:35 < kakimir> and how default values of fields are 2019-03-15T18:09:37 < Laurenceb> its built around 11 bit usb frame number logic, which overflows 2019-03-15T18:10:20 < Laurenceb> ironically my "nasty hack" usb audio sync code works perfectly, so it can probably all be fixed with copypastering 2019-03-15T18:11:25 * Laurenceb fails to remember usb spec... 2019-03-15T18:11:56 < Laurenceb> aiui a host will stop trying to enumerate a device that fails to enumerate after numerous attempts? 2019-03-15T18:12:55 < Laurenceb> in which case lunix is just following the spec when my devices sometimes disappear :-/ 2019-03-15T18:17:09 -!- sk_tandt_ [~sk_tandt@net-5-88-141-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-15T18:25:05 -!- sterna [~Adium@h-90-120.A137.corp.bahnhof.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-15T18:35:32 < englishman> (Remove Kebab was also written on one of the shooter’s firearms.) 2019-03-15T18:43:37 < englishman> Gearbest Hack: Hundreds of Thousands Affected Daily by Huge Data Breach 2019-03-15T18:44:19 < englishman> wow $1.5b in sales 2017 2019-03-15T18:45:19 < englishman> Gearbest’s database isn’t just unsecured. It’s also providing potentially malicious agents with a constantly-updated supply of fresh data. 2019-03-15T18:52:19 < Laurenceb> https://twitter.com/juliaioffe/status/1106408797533339649 2019-03-15T19:00:37 -!- c10ud [~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-15T19:01:24 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T19:05:12 -!- STWDG [6b4dd0aa@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T19:06:19 < STWDG> I've been trying to play with the watchdog and it seems to do it's job by causing a reset, but I'm unable to handle any interrupt for it. I'm using the HAL library. 2019-03-15T19:06:25 < STWDG> ... v1.24 2019-03-15T19:07:09 < STWDG> I was at least hoping I could set a breakpoint on the WWDG_IRQHandler. 2019-03-15T19:07:30 < STWDG> I know the EXTI0_IRQHandler is working as expected for me. 2019-03-15T19:07:53 < Laurenceb> thats the windowed watchdog 2019-03-15T19:09:44 < STWDG> yup. 2019-03-15T19:10:06 < STWDG> I take it from your statement that my expectations are incorrect? 2019-03-15T19:10:07 < Laurenceb> was wondering if you confused watchdog with windowed watchdog 2019-03-15T19:10:09 < Laurenceb> nvm 2019-03-15T19:10:14 < STWDG> ah. 2019-03-15T19:16:41 < jpa-> it you want just interrupts and not reset, why not use a timer? 2019-03-15T19:17:07 < Laurenceb> https://imgur.com/S4eJKnh 2019-03-15T19:23:17 < STWDG> jpa-: I'm just experimenting and wondering why I'm not getting the wwdg interrupt to hit. 2019-03-15T19:23:38 < Laurenceb> https://twitter.com/LokiJulianus/status/1106416670250283008 2019-03-15T19:25:29 < STWDG> Are you a channer? I've perused it on occasion and have a hard time believing people really believe in what's being said and are trolls trolling other trolls. But then you get a weak mind who glom onto what's said like it's gospel. 2019-03-15T19:26:13 < Laurenceb> it's metaironic 2019-03-15T19:26:46 < Laurenceb> so many layers of irony you dont know when the trolling stops 2019-03-15T19:28:13 < jpa-> it starts at and ends at \n 2019-03-15T19:28:22 < Laurenceb> correct 2019-03-15T19:28:31 < upgrdman> when mcdonalds gets my order wrong https://i.imgur.com/ZTttnPS.gifv 2019-03-15T19:28:32 < STWDG> lol. troll, meet troll. XD 2019-03-15T19:38:59 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Gone to sleep...] 2019-03-15T19:40:02 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T19:40:05 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Client Quit] 2019-03-15T19:53:48 -!- tprrt [~tprrt@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-15T19:55:07 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-3ce0e253.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T20:16:18 -!- ds2 [~ds2@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-15T20:19:27 < Laurenceb> >the attacker said in a chilling message on twitter that he was 'securing access to fresh tendies' 2019-03-15T20:21:03 < aandrew> heh 2019-03-15T20:21:25 -!- ds2 [~ds2@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T20:21:44 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T20:22:49 < kakimir> what is tendie? 2019-03-15T20:23:43 < Laurenceb> https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/tendies-stories 2019-03-15T20:26:07 < kakimir> memetics 2019-03-15T20:32:54 < Laurenceb> https://imgur.com/OK9hbyk 2019-03-15T20:47:03 -!- Jybz [~jibz@2a02:8071:9289:5900:4a51:b7ff:fe84:99e6] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T20:48:50 -!- obsrver [~quassel@p5DE860E6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-15T20:54:03 -!- superbia [~user@unaffiliated/superbia] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T20:54:06 < superbia> howdy 2019-03-15T20:58:19 < Steffanx> Lo 2019-03-15T20:58:28 < superbia> Steffanx: hi hi hi hi 2019-03-15T20:58:33 < Laurenceb> >disaffected internet misfits create memes and other messages to provoke dismay and sow chaos 2019-03-15T21:00:32 -!- mode/##stm32 [+q *!*@cca100-pool11.nottingham.ac.uk] by ChanServ 2019-03-15T21:00:44 < superbia> am i quieted? 2019-03-15T21:02:24 < Steffanx> Lb 2019-03-15T21:02:35 < superbia> why 2019-03-15T21:05:38 -!- superbia1 [~user@unaffiliated/superbia] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T21:05:46 < superbia1> why 2019-03-15T21:08:04 -!- f3r70rr35f [~fernando@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 2019-03-15T21:08:46 -!- superbia [~user@unaffiliated/superbia] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 2019-03-15T21:14:07 < Cracki> the question with no answer in ##philosophy32 2019-03-15T21:14:28 < superbia1> why not just opt him out of logs, and problem solved 2019-03-15T21:15:57 < Cracki> it would be unwise to express my opinion on these proceedings 2019-03-15T21:16:19 < Cracki> besides, I think the guy who logs this place already blocks individual people 2019-03-15T21:18:18 -!- superbia [~user@unaffiliated/superbia] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T21:20:10 -!- superbia1 [~user@unaffiliated/superbia] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 2019-03-15T21:21:44 < englishman> STWDG: welcome to trollchan 2019-03-15T21:22:00 < englishman> Laurenceb: shut the fuck up when real STM32 chats are happening plz 2019-03-15T21:24:16 -!- superbia1 [~user@unaffiliated/superbia] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T21:25:42 < Ultrasauce> i appreciate your restraint, conditioned as it may be 2019-03-15T21:26:26 < superbia1> Steffanx: tldr, buy the kit, solder it, you won't be dissapointed 2019-03-15T21:26:34 -!- superbia [~user@unaffiliated/superbia] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-15T21:26:42 < Steffanx> What kit superbia1? 2019-03-15T21:26:47 < Steffanx> The kb? 2019-03-15T21:26:56 < superbia1> sure 2019-03-15T21:27:24 < Steffanx> Why would i? Im ok with my current kb 2019-03-15T21:27:44 < qyx> whats kb 2019-03-15T21:27:51 < superbia1> i mean yea, fair enough, then just invest in an ergo mouse if you can 2019-03-15T21:27:58 < Steffanx> Keyboard 2019-03-15T21:28:02 < qyx> oh 2019-03-15T21:28:40 < Steffanx> Dont you like my logitech g502 superbia1 ? 2019-03-15T21:28:53 < superbia1> whaths g502 2019-03-15T21:29:11 < Steffanx> A mouse. 2019-03-15T21:29:31 < superbia1> I think I got one back at home 2019-03-15T21:29:43 < superbia1> gray with black stains, or some circular shittery on top 2019-03-15T21:29:51 < Steffanx> What kind of mouse are you referring to? 2019-03-15T21:29:57 < superbia1> has like 16 feet pads 2019-03-15T21:30:03 < superbia1> i think the g502 ? 2019-03-15T21:41:26 < Steffanx> so how is your kb now superbia1? 2019-03-15T21:41:37 < superbia1> tldr, buy it, it's amazing 2019-03-15T21:42:00 < superbia1> you will gain 10 wpm, and huge ergonomy gains 2019-03-15T21:42:54 < Steffanx> idk, i would need 2. Work and home. 2019-03-15T21:43:10 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rqeeemnshewsfozd] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T21:43:43 < superbia1> if you buy kit, you can save huge dollar... buy from japan and save even more dollar 2019-03-15T21:44:06 < Steffanx> What was it again? 2019-03-15T21:44:08 < superbia1> only downside is that you will have to assemble it yourself, which trust me is not a trivial task 2019-03-15T21:44:35 < superbia1> google helix keyboard (will get some random manga japanese website you can purchase it on) 2019-03-15T21:46:13 < Steffanx> Tried to find a picture or video of someone actually using it.. didnt find any :P 2019-03-15T21:46:54 < superbia1> go on youtube, look for Iris Keyboard Build 2019-03-15T21:52:06 < Steffanx> hm 2019-03-15T21:53:55 < superbia1> the only real problem is that it can happen that a row / collumn dies for like a few seconds, just enough so you can't figure out where is a weak joint 2019-03-15T21:54:32 < superbia1> happens to the best of us (happened to me) 2019-03-15T21:57:31 < Steffanx> Do you actually use it for your programmin job or just at home 2019-03-15T21:57:51 < superbia1> home 2019-03-15T21:58:03 < superbia1> it's kind of loud though 2019-03-15T22:04:04 -!- superbia1 [~user@unaffiliated/superbia] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.4] 2019-03-15T22:36:52 -!- Jybz [~jibz@2a02:8071:9289:5900:4a51:b7ff:fe84:99e6] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-15T22:58:46 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T23:17:59 < englishman> Steffanx: microsoft sculpt keyboard is awesome 2019-03-15T23:18:08 < englishman> with separate numpad 2019-03-15T23:18:14 < englishman> perfect pro irc EE setup 2019-03-15T23:18:44 < Steffanx> im not convinced. 2019-03-15T23:18:58 < englishman> you dont have to be convinced. its like $50 2019-03-15T23:19:28 < Steffanx> are you talking about hte one with the gap in the middle? 2019-03-15T23:19:34 < englishman> yes 2019-03-15T23:19:46 < englishman> like the old microsoft natural keyboards from 30 years ago 2019-03-15T23:19:49 < Steffanx> make that 90 euro times dollar currency. 2019-03-15T23:20:04 < Steffanx> = 102 dollar bucks 2019-03-15T23:20:14 < englishman> still 1/5 what you will spend on some gay opensores keyboard with tarduino. and actually works 2019-03-15T23:20:42 < englishman> and like 5 fucking cables coming out of it 2019-03-15T23:20:42 < englishman> wtf 2019-03-15T23:20:46 < Steffanx> i wouldnt buy such thing 2019-03-15T23:20:52 < Steffanx> or make 2019-03-15T23:21:02 < englishman> clearly a pro ^ 2019-03-15T23:21:40 < Steffanx> Anyway its not $50 :P 2019-03-15T23:22:10 < Steffanx> it seems it was 4 years ago 2019-03-15T23:22:34 < englishman> idk maybe amadongs is screwy 2019-03-15T23:22:37 < englishman> where you are 2019-03-15T23:23:19 < Steffanx> https://tweakers.net/pricewatch/351114/microsoft-sculpt-ergonomic-keyboard-(qwerty-nl).html there 2019-03-15T23:23:38 < Steffanx> and yes, we dont amazon 2019-03-15T23:23:45 < englishman> thats not amazon 2019-03-15T23:23:51 < Steffanx> i know, we dont amazon. 2019-03-15T23:23:55 < englishman> no wonder you pay more 2019-03-15T23:24:11 < Steffanx> i could amazon.de but usually amazon shows up in that list as well 2019-03-15T23:24:17 < englishman> at staples it was like $150 2019-03-15T23:24:24 < Steffanx> but zhe germans dont qwerty 2019-03-15T23:24:32 < englishman> its probably banned in germany 2019-03-15T23:24:42 < englishman> cuz you could potentially type a swastika with it 2019-03-15T23:24:50 < Steffanx> Anyway, reviews are so-so. 2019-03-15T23:25:08 < englishman> the thing about keyboard reviews 2019-03-15T23:25:15 < englishman> is that they are done by keyboard reviewers 2019-03-15T23:25:26 < Steffanx> nah, not on this website. 2019-03-15T23:25:41 < Steffanx> the dutch nerd scene. 2019-03-15T23:25:46 < englishman> even worse 2019-03-15T23:25:58 < Steffanx> Yes, those are not irc ee pros 2019-03-15T23:26:20 < Steffanx> Ill stick to my apple keyboard :) 2019-03-15T23:26:28 < englishman> the little numpad has totally replaced my casio calculator 2019-03-15T23:33:41 < jadew> had an ergonomic keyboard once 2019-03-15T23:33:53 < jadew> didn't like it 2019-03-15T23:34:20 < jadew> regular keyboards don't bother me 2019-03-15T23:37:28 < jadew> the only keyboards that bother me are sticky ones 2019-03-15T23:42:27 < rajkosto> tarduino keyboards are hillarious 2019-03-15T23:42:31 < rajkosto> 300$ aluminum backing 2019-03-15T23:50:36 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@c-98-247-192-179.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-15T23:55:57 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Gone to sleep...] --- Day changed Sat Mar 16 2019 2019-03-16T00:02:34 < Lux> is the new st backed attolic ide any good ? 2019-03-16T00:03:09 < Lux> *atollic 2019-03-16T00:03:12 < rajkosto> nah 2019-03-16T00:03:16 < rajkosto> its just eclipse 2019-03-16T00:03:23 < rajkosto> with proprietary project format and templates 2019-03-16T00:03:27 < Lux> i know 2019-03-16T00:03:34 < rajkosto> just use gcc arm mcu eclipse 2019-03-16T00:03:54 < rajkosto> https://gnu-mcu-eclipse.github.io/ 2019-03-16T00:04:22 < Lux> hmm yeah proprietary project format kinda sucks 2019-03-16T00:05:40 < Steffanx> Like anything but eclipse can use eclipse projects 2019-03-16T00:05:40 < Lux> thanks 2019-03-16T00:06:16 < Steffanx> Just try truestudio yourself. 2019-03-16T00:06:51 < rajkosto> do live variables in truestudio ST edition work ? 2019-03-16T00:06:57 < Steffanx> Not sure 2019-03-16T00:07:06 < rajkosto> i tried it before it was acquired and when it cost money and it constantly bothered you to buy it if you were using free ver lol 2019-03-16T00:08:36 < Lux> everything should be free now 2019-03-16T00:13:43 < Thorn> WGS-10 launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2D8Gq4jGPo 2019-03-16T00:34:19 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-16T01:12:43 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@CPE7cb21b1e4c70-CM7cb21b1e4c6d.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T01:14:38 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T01:29:01 < dongs> hm so to make this 1.0V using linear reg im gonna need to use some adjustable one that has Vref < 1V 2019-03-16T01:29:04 < dongs> is there such thing 2019-03-16T01:30:33 < Laurenceb_123> suppp 2019-03-16T01:30:33 < dongs> hm vref is not a filter category on digikey 2019-03-16T01:37:23 < dongs> oh, but voltage output min is 2019-03-16T01:50:15 < Thorn> United Scrub Alliance 2019-03-16T01:56:12 < dongs> http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tps7a7001.pdf 2019-03-16T01:56:14 < dongs> this looks ok 2019-03-16T01:56:18 < dongs> like 50c in china 2019-03-16T02:02:02 < dongs> how the fuck do you hide, connect to net a pin in new altifuck 2019-03-16T02:02:11 < dongs> that feature has been fucked into the sidebar and i can no longer find wehre it is 2019-03-16T02:08:45 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-3ce0e253.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-16T02:44:56 < kakimir> altifuck :o 2019-03-16T02:47:33 -!- SuperBawlz [~SuperBawl@c-68-60-126-222.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T02:50:57 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@c-98-247-192-179.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-16T02:51:13 < kakimir> evolution of the name and apparently frustration of dongs: altidongs, altidumb, altifuck 2019-03-16T03:07:07 -!- gsi_ [~gsisig@x4dbe33cc.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T03:10:07 -!- gsi__ [~gsisig@x4db42653.dyn.telefonica.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-16T03:10:42 < tjq> L0de? 2019-03-16T03:11:54 < dongs> will he do a NZ shooting special 2019-03-16T03:20:12 < aandrew> he already did 2019-03-16T03:25:54 < karlp> NZ dude only just made the top 10. scandal. 2019-03-16T03:25:58 < karlp> good ifrst entry for NZ though I guess. 2019-03-16T03:26:39 < englishman> here i was wondering why karlp hasn't chatted in 24 hours after a trip to oz 2019-03-16T03:27:13 < karlp> still in aus. 2019-03-16T03:27:23 < englishman> handing in your guns i hope 2019-03-16T03:27:39 < englishman> careful or they might shoot up a mosque 2019-03-16T03:27:40 < karlp> australia fixed fun laws after port arthur 2019-03-16T03:27:42 < karlp> NZ didn't 2019-03-16T03:27:47 < karlp> we'll see what happens there now. 2019-03-16T03:27:47 < englishman> guns are always doing that. 2019-03-16T03:28:17 < englishman> they have already promised to ban everything and think about things later 2019-03-16T03:28:38 < englishman> probably a good time to ban moonshine and drones too 2019-03-16T03:31:12 < tjq> Semmmmy auduhmadicks 2019-03-16T03:36:42 < karlp> heheh, artik is dead: https://www.cnx-software.com/2019/03/14/samsung-artik-discontinued-iot-graveyard/ 2019-03-16T03:36:52 < englishman> wtf 2019-03-16T03:37:03 < karlp> so much fo rbuying from a big player for product security :) 2019-03-16T03:37:33 < englishman> wtfff 2019-03-16T03:37:53 * karlp laughs 2019-03-16T03:38:50 < karlp> the artik020 used on the balenaFin is a white-label rebrand of the Silicon Labs bgm111, which is not being discontinued. Future boards will come with a Silicon Labs branded module but they’re the entirely the same thing underneath 2019-03-16T03:38:51 < englishman> good thing i still have a few hundo Edisons 2019-03-16T03:39:11 < karlp> balen being resin.io, no idea why they're making hardware honestly. 2019-03-16T03:39:39 < karlp> that's only one of the tiny artik ones, though, not the useful ones. 2019-03-16T03:40:06 < englishman> they are makiing hardware probably because NOONE ELSE IS 2019-03-16T03:40:22 < aandrew> TRUST THE CLOWWWWWWWD 2019-03-16T03:40:40 < englishman> balena works, it's a great system 2019-03-16T03:40:45 < aandrew> PUT ALL YOUR BUSINESS EGGS IN SOME OTHER CORP'S BASKET 2019-03-16T03:40:53 < englishman> if your needs fit their product 2019-03-16T03:41:43 < karlp> yeah, iliked resin's blogs, they seemd competntit, if you neded their stuff. 2019-03-16T03:49:23 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T03:58:13 -!- SuperBawlz [~SuperBawl@c-68-60-126-222.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-16T04:00:25 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T04:04:48 < Laurenceb_123> Give a person a computer, they will be frustrated for a day. Teach a person to program a computer, and they will be frustrated for the rest of their lives. 2019-03-16T04:05:45 < emeb_mac> hrhr 2019-03-16T04:42:57 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-16T04:48:37 -!- STWDG [6b4dd0aa@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 2019-03-16T05:21:36 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@CPE7cb21b1e4c70-CM7cb21b1e4c6d.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-16T05:29:56 -!- codyps [~codyps@richard.einic.org] has quit [Quit: quit] 2019-03-16T05:30:54 -!- codyps [~codyps@richard.einic.org] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T06:15:54 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rqeeemnshewsfozd] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-16T06:29:30 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T06:42:47 -!- fc5dc9d4 [~quassel@p57A32C7F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T06:46:42 -!- fc5dc9d4_ [~quassel@p5B081139.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-16T06:56:27 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-16T06:56:58 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T07:12:05 < dongs> fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk 2019-03-16T07:12:13 < dongs> parts placing sidebar is SO FUCKING BAD UX oh my FUCK 2019-03-16T07:12:26 < dongs> what used to be 2-3 clicks to pick a part, choose its footprint, and place 2019-03-16T07:12:37 < dongs> now needs endless scrolling, clicking, and no guarnatee the shit will actually pick the right bits 2019-03-16T07:12:40 < dongs> fuck 2019-03-16T07:12:55 < dongs> what the FUCK are altiniggers doing 2019-03-16T07:58:59 -!- Hamilton [~Hamilton@unaffiliated/hamilton] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T08:16:56 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-16T08:18:00 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T08:19:07 -!- benishor [~benny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-16T08:32:07 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-16T08:33:06 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T09:10:12 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 2019-03-16T09:17:17 -!- Hamilton2 [~Hamilton@2606:2e00:8003:10::1:2236] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T09:17:27 -!- Hamilton2 [~Hamilton@2606:2e00:8003:10::1:2236] has quit [Client Quit] 2019-03-16T09:20:54 -!- Hamilton [~Hamilton@unaffiliated/hamilton] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 2019-03-16T09:22:11 < PaulFertser> Pro wifi advice: for penetrating the walls you need three antennas as the first will be blocked by the first wall, the second by the second, and the third will reach the AP! https://img.staticbg.com/images/oaupload/banggood/images/7E/01/41670c9f-b3ce-4791-8544-6df8b7149844.jpg 2019-03-16T09:24:05 < jpa-> only one-directional comms though, as the AP has only two antennas 2019-03-16T09:27:50 < PaulFertser> Probably this cam can be hacked to use https://github.com/svpcom/wifibroadcast for uni-directional video streaming 2019-03-16T09:35:25 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-43b9d954.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T09:38:52 < Lux> englishman: wasn't artik your edison relacement ? 2019-03-16T11:00:46 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-16T11:28:33 < antto> jpa-, i saw you're using some semi-cheap usb scope.. and it looks pretty nice.. what do you think about this more ghetto model? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/202403566060/ 2019-03-16T11:29:13 < antto> i probably won't use its built-in LEDs coz it's gonna suck, so ignoring that.. 2019-03-16T11:33:39 < jpa-> the one i use actually has its own display 2019-03-16T11:33:52 < jpa-> over USB it has too much lag for soldering etc. 2019-03-16T11:34:05 < jpa-> so i'd recommend one that has either own display or HDMI output 2019-03-16T11:34:42 < jpa-> if you only need it for checking results though, then that's probably fine 2019-03-16T11:48:08 -!- Jak_o_Shadows [~Jak@unaffiliated/jak-o-shadows/x-0479135] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T11:49:43 < antto> lag? 2019-03-16T11:49:48 < antto> jpa- are you on windows? 2019-03-16T11:50:58 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-svkqzvnkiiugppvb] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T11:53:42 < tjq> cats and dogs 2019-03-16T11:53:59 < dongs> implying using USB webcam on windows would cause "lag" 2019-03-16T11:54:07 < dongs> does lunix even suport video cameras 2019-03-16T11:54:38 < antto> https://i.imgur.com/ZH7O5ub.mp4 2019-03-16T11:55:30 < tjq> hahahha 2019-03-16T11:55:54 < antto> well, at the j0b i got one of these: https://cdn.chv.me/images/6bUp4sPz.jpg 2019-03-16T11:56:03 < dongs> haha 2019-03-16T11:56:07 < dongs> that thing is absolute shite 2019-03-16T11:56:09 < dongs> was it like $10? 2019-03-16T11:56:11 < antto> yes 2019-03-16T11:56:11 < jpa-> antto: no, linux 2019-03-16T11:56:20 < antto> jpa- which program do you use? 2019-03-16T11:56:20 < dongs> i got one of those before like 10 years ago 2019-03-16T11:56:24 < dongs> it had tremendous lag 2019-03-16T11:56:58 < jpa-> antto: i've tried several, but IIRC all have 100+ ms lag 2019-03-16T11:57:13 < jpa-> if you know some good one i can test it 2019-03-16T11:57:13 < antto> it came with a smol disc with sh*t, i think i didn't even touch it, i plugged it in a computer and tried to view it with vlc 2019-03-16T11:57:17 < antto> then with mplayer 2019-03-16T11:57:27 < antto> it had like 2 seconds lag, and more 2019-03-16T11:57:55 < antto> i thought "what the absolute f*ck" 2019-03-16T11:58:06 < antto> then someone told me bout guvcview 2019-03-16T11:58:13 < antto> boom, it became usable o_O 2019-03-16T11:58:56 < antto> but the actual scope still sux big time, it has to sit very low to focus, then you get flux splashes onto its plastic lens, and as you try to clean it - it gets scratched 2019-03-16T12:00:09 < antto> it's too bulky, and the focusing distance is terrible 2019-03-16T12:00:21 < antto> the stand is dumb too 2019-03-16T12:01:26 < antto> but the metal one from ebay looks kinda better, yet it's not too eggspensive 2019-03-16T12:02:10 < antto> it's less bulky too, this is good cuz my iron is hot and likes to OMNOM plastic 2019-03-16T12:03:10 < antto> i can live without the on-board screen, i plan to wire it to the comput0r and use it with guvcview like i do with the one at the job 2019-03-16T12:07:00 < jpa-> antto: looks like guvcview works reasonably well, but it's still 210 ms lag and 8 FPS speed, compared to 80ms lag and 26 FPS speed with the built-in display 2019-03-16T12:07:46 < antto> uh, resolution might play a role 2019-03-16T12:08:00 < antto> the cheap garbage one is only 640x480 2019-03-16T12:08:11 < antto> i get 25fps with it 2019-03-16T12:08:20 < antto> ..with guvcview 2019-03-16T12:08:46 < jpa-> it might just be that this one isn't optimized for fast usb streaming because it has hdmi also 2019-03-16T12:09:28 < jpa-> i tested at 640x480 because the internal display doesn't have more resolution than that either 2019-03-16T12:09:43 < jpa-> but looks like it gets the same at 1024x768 2019-03-16T12:11:30 < jpa-> my laptop's internal webcam gets 20 FPS and 60 ms, so i guess it is possible to have good ones also 2019-03-16T12:11:38 < jpa-> my experience so far has been just bad, though 2019-03-16T12:12:07 < jpa-> local hacklab has one of those cheapest-of-cheap usb microscopes and it is totally unusable at anything over 640x480 2019-03-16T12:17:11 < jpa-> https://www.elektormagazine.com/news/review-andonstar-usb-microscope/14455 seems like a useful review 2019-03-16T12:17:17 < jpa-> (and comments) 2019-03-16T12:17:28 -!- Frans-Willem [~quassel@5ED252C3.cm-7-3b.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.] 2019-03-16T12:22:25 -!- Frans-Willem [~quassel@5ED252C3.cm-7-3b.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T12:40:35 < antto> i can work with the delay 2019-03-16T12:42:17 < antto> i'm assuming the actual camera/scope part is the same between the "A1" and the "V160" models 2019-03-16T12:42:43 < antto> 640x480 is usable 2019-03-16T12:43:04 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-16T12:45:12 < englishman> Lux: yes. probably will use CM3 2019-03-16T13:35:30 < englishman> karlp: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12213269 2019-03-16T13:36:00 < englishman> no mention of banning gopro 2019-03-16T14:09:52 < englishman> funny since allowing immigrants to change your laws was one of the things the shooter was against 2019-03-16T14:18:41 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T14:19:24 < bitmask> ali what are you doing, let me confirm goods received 2019-03-16T14:20:37 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-svkqzvnkiiugppvb] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-16T14:25:45 -!- DisruptiveNL [~Disruptiv@5ED4324B.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T15:01:48 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T15:22:38 < Laurenceb_123> >rebbit 2019-03-16T15:59:59 -!- Steffanx [~steffanx@unaffiliated/steffanx] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-16T16:11:59 < jadew> antto, why don't you get the cheapest optical one? 2019-03-16T16:12:09 < jadew> it's going to be way better than the USB ones 2019-03-16T16:16:13 -!- a_morale [~quassel@2a03:b0c0:1:d0::3de:a001] has quit [Quit: a_morale] 2019-03-16T16:25:22 < Lux> englishman: yeah seems like a good choice these days 2019-03-16T16:26:25 < Lux> i've allready seen it in designs of bigger companies trying to sell stuff for industrial control 2019-03-16T16:43:51 < bitmask> well arent you guys lucky, my phone is broken and I can't show you my labels 2019-03-16T16:44:59 -!- DisruptiveNL [~Disruptiv@5ED4324B.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-16T16:46:58 < bitmask> too bad! I used my webcam 2019-03-16T16:46:58 < bitmask> https://i.imgur.com/EWsIYbR.jpg 2019-03-16T16:47:53 < bitmask> ( I just picked long items, the component/description don't match) 2019-03-16T17:09:33 < englishman> Lux: only NXP could make shitberreypi look good 2019-03-16T17:10:07 < englishman> at least they gave a datasheet tho. 4900 pages 2019-03-16T17:14:54 -!- Hamilton [~Hamilton@unaffiliated/hamilton] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T17:35:32 -!- X230t [x13@gateway/shell/suchznc/x-qphfofyslzoilhrd] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-16T17:43:51 -!- Steffannn [uid97872@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bjgrtoiuejeumtgf] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T17:48:31 -!- X230t [x13@gateway/shell/suchznc/x-cctztkgmknrovlqc] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T17:53:01 < Laurenceb_123> https://imgur.com/AniRc3P 2019-03-16T17:53:38 < bitmask> is laurenceb an incel? 2019-03-16T17:55:07 < Laurenceb_123> no but I sexually identify as one 2019-03-16T17:55:13 < bitmask> heh 2019-03-16T17:55:41 < bitmask> get on some dating apps 2019-03-16T17:56:48 -!- kow__ [~afed@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-16T17:57:00 < BrainDamage> dating app for 4 channer 2019-03-16T17:57:12 < Laurenceb_123> >a portion of the manifesto contains a “Navy Seal copypasta,” which is a facetious message swirling with intentional toxic masculinity. “What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?" 2019-03-16T17:57:37 < Laurenceb_123> kek bbc are learning about memes 2019-03-16T17:58:13 < Laurenceb_123> bitmask: I mean I can get laid but still identify as incel 2019-03-16T17:59:39 < antto> jadew aren't those kinda huge and eggspensive? 2019-03-16T18:00:20 < antto> also, i don't really do complicated sh*t at home.. 2019-03-16T18:00:29 < jadew> #notallmicroscopes 2019-03-16T18:01:10 < antto> well, my nose has learned that heavy/big objects are expensive just due to the shipping costs alone 2019-03-16T18:01:12 < Laurenceb_123> toxic microscopy 2019-03-16T18:01:23 < antto> that's why i don't buy a CRT scope from ebay 2019-03-16T18:01:45 < antto> cuz they're like 10kg 2019-03-16T18:06:25 < englishman> lol usb microscopes 2019-03-16T18:06:31 < englishman> insert directly into garbage 2019-03-16T18:06:37 < englishman> i wasted a bunch of cash and time on that junk 2019-03-16T18:06:52 < englishman> before spending a quite modest sum and getting a microscope i will have for the rest of my life 2019-03-16T18:10:04 < antto> englishman pls, remember, i'm ghetto 2019-03-16T18:10:24 < englishman> you could get a small loupe or loupe-glasses 2019-03-16T18:10:27 < englishman> i worked with those for a while 2019-03-16T18:10:29 < englishman> still do sometimes 2019-03-16T18:10:51 < antto> it'd be convenient to be able to take pictures 2019-03-16T18:11:04 < englishman> https://www.banggood.com/9892H1-8x15x-ABS-Head-mounted-Magnifier-Glasses-Magnifying-Glass-White-p-1409729.html?rmmds=search&cur_warehouse=CN 2019-03-16T18:11:04 < antto> and i don't wanna setup my DSLR just for that every time 2019-03-16T18:11:11 < englishman> put the loupe in front of your cellphone then 2019-03-16T18:11:28 < antto> my cellphone don't have a camera 2019-03-16T18:11:46 < Steffannn> Wut 2019-03-16T18:11:46 < englishman> wut 2019-03-16T18:12:03 < englishman> i would love to show you a picture of cellphone+loupe that i took a couple weeks ago but IMGUR IS A FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT 2019-03-16T18:12:13 < Steffannn> Wut? 2019-03-16T18:12:44 < antto> anyway, what's the problem with the usb scope? yeah it's kinda garbage (low res, very chinese, wiggling stand, etc..) 2019-03-16T18:12:52 < antto> but other than that - what? 2019-03-16T18:13:12 < englishman> you listed some great reasons there 2019-03-16T18:13:23 < englishman> why look for more reasons 2019-03-16T18:13:37 < antto> i'm okay with that 2019-03-16T18:13:59 < antto> remember, i got one of these at the job: https://cdn.chv.me/images/6bUp4sPz.jpg 2019-03-16T18:14:08 < englishman> https://i.imgur.com/kMtYLs1.jpg 2019-03-16T18:14:25 < antto> that should be more garbage than the one i'm eyeballing 2019-03-16T18:14:42 < antto> yet i managed to find a use for it 2019-03-16T18:15:07 < antto> for working with 0603 stuff, and i don't plan to do that small stuff at home 2019-03-16T18:15:23 < englishman> 0603 you dont really need magnification 2019-03-16T18:15:24 < jadew> there are some things you shouldn't skimp on 2019-03-16T18:15:29 < antto> i do 2019-03-16T18:15:56 < jadew> at least, not go for the absolute cheapest 2019-03-16T18:16:00 < englishman> well sorry imgur is a total turd i cant post a fucking pic 2019-03-16T18:16:18 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-16T18:16:24 -!- kow_ [~afed@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T18:16:56 < Steffannn> I had one of cheapskate usb things. I could deal with the wiggling video, but the wiggling lens when zooming was fucking awful 2019-03-16T18:18:18 < Steffannn> Whats hard about posting something mr englishman? 2019-03-16T18:18:26 < Steffannn> pebkac? 2019-03-16T18:19:03 < englishman> shut up 2019-03-16T18:19:09 < englishman> https://i.imgur.com/koBaKjx.jpg 2019-03-16T18:19:17 < englishman> cellphone + $5 loupe 2019-03-16T18:19:31 < antto> i can do like this with my camera, but the setup is huge since it includes the tripod and what not.. https://i.imgur.com/2qPV5eg.jpg 2019-03-16T18:19:41 < dongs> wot 2019-03-16T18:19:45 < dongs> i can do that shit with my sellfone 2019-03-16T18:19:45 < Steffannn> lol, relaaax mr englishman 2019-03-16T18:19:55 < englishman> https://i.imgur.com/h34P7oN.jpg 2019-03-16T18:20:08 < dongs> https://i.imgur.com/fKPfpFR.jpg 2019-03-16T18:20:29 < antto> wut happened to that chip :/ 2019-03-16T18:20:29 < englishman> wut thats just like a regular ass photo 2019-03-16T18:20:39 < englishman> exactly. 2019-03-16T18:20:46 < englishman> it wasnt assembled by dongs or englishman 2019-03-16T18:20:47 < dongs> isnmt that waht he pasted 2019-03-16T18:20:54 < englishman> so thats what happened when you pay $$$$ to "pros" 2019-03-16T18:21:39 < antto> i can't read the labels on some 0805 resistors 2019-03-16T18:21:56 < antto> those which have 4 digits 2019-03-16T18:22:30 < antto> the silly garbage scope at the job fixes that, i can read 0603 resistors with it too 2019-03-16T18:22:57 < antto> and i can see shorts between nearby stuff 2019-03-16T18:23:11 < antto> or suspicious "soldering" 2019-03-16T18:24:25 < Steffannn> antto its clear you already made up your mind 2019-03-16T18:25:22 < antto> i've not decided which one to get yet 2019-03-16T18:27:00 < antto> i definately don't want one like the one at the job, that's aweful, the huge plastic "lens" at its front is perfect for collecting flux splashes and scratches.. it also likes to become white and thus reduces the image dynamic range 2019-03-16T18:27:30 < antto> the focusing distance is plain wrong 2019-03-16T18:27:38 < antto> ...for soldering 2019-03-16T18:28:13 < jadew> I used my optical one for a lot more than soldering 2019-03-16T18:30:42 < antto> last time i did soldering at home woz last year 2019-03-16T18:32:22 < jadew> ah... I'm doing that as we speak 2019-03-16T18:32:47 < antto> aka you're distracting yourself with IRC 2019-03-16T18:32:56 < jadew> actually, I'm desoldering - I'm moving components from previous prototype to the current one 2019-03-16T18:33:09 < antto> ah, nice.. ghetto 2019-03-16T18:33:31 < jadew> it's easier than lining up all the components I need to make a new board 2019-03-16T18:33:39 < jadew> + they're expensive 2019-03-16T18:34:05 < antto> no need to eggscuses, i'm ghetto too 2019-03-16T18:34:49 < Cracki> how much value in components per board? 2019-03-16T18:35:07 < Cracki> how long to transplant the valuable ones? 2019-03-16T18:35:10 < jadew> ~$150 2019-03-16T18:35:26 < Cracki> yeh that saves money 2019-03-16T18:36:22 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T18:36:42 < jadew> apart from the passives and a couple of regulators, it's all expensive 2019-03-16T18:37:05 < jadew> I'm gonna try to move the connectors too, they're $10 each 2019-03-16T18:37:36 < jadew> I guess after it's done I'll look into optimizing the cost 2019-03-16T18:44:21 -!- kow_ [~afed@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-16T18:55:35 -!- a_morale [~quassel@2a03:b0c0:1:d0::3de:a001] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T18:58:27 < Cracki> eh, just wanting to point out that (even justifiable) component cost can easily be more than the time it takes to transplant them 2019-03-16T19:02:38 < Cracki> I love how it's literal civil war in france, but only on weekends. one could almost accuse them of being swiss. 2019-03-16T19:06:11 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-16T19:14:52 < bitmask> https://imgur.com/a/Xxz3Yht 2019-03-16T19:14:53 < bitmask> down to these two fonts... 2019-03-16T19:20:54 < Cracki> I'd pick the one where the digits look the most different from each other 2019-03-16T19:21:25 < Cracki> i.e. first, because that's probably easier to read 2019-03-16T19:21:35 < bitmask> yea I think i'll go with futura 2019-03-16T19:21:54 < Cracki> also it looks like letters and digits have different heights, visually grouping them 2019-03-16T19:22:16 < bitmask> yea thats what I liked about the other one 2019-03-16T19:22:37 < Cracki> check how I, L, 1, 0, O in lower and upper look 2019-03-16T19:24:08 < bitmask> https://imgur.com/a/1hm5dl8 2019-03-16T19:25:02 < bitmask> futura is a little ambiguous 2019-03-16T19:25:14 < Cracki> maybe... maybe not... 2019-03-16T19:25:41 < bitmask> just the capital I and lowercase l 2019-03-16T19:26:09 < Cracki> Fraktur maybe, or some Gotik 2019-03-16T19:26:21 < Cracki> or metal band name fonts 2019-03-16T19:27:05 < Cracki> qr codes with subtly altered patterns that speak subliminally to you 2019-03-16T19:29:06 < bitmask> ugh I just gotta start printing, futura it is 2019-03-16T19:35:54 -!- dogukan [~dogukan@unaffiliated/dogukan] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T19:36:29 < dogukan> Hi 2019-03-16T19:38:20 < dogukan> I use an stm32f303k8 nucleo board, I'm trying to make PA2 and PA3 to use alternate modes 2019-03-16T19:39:55 < dogukan> I've enabled the clock of GPIO port A using RCC, but the board stops working after "GPIOA->MODER = 0x000000F0;" 2019-03-16T20:03:30 < Cracki> define "stops working" 2019-03-16T20:05:04 < dogukan> Oh sorry my expalanation was a little vague, I just didn't know where to start 2019-03-16T20:05:37 < dogukan> gdb stops taking inputs and it does not move to the next instruction 2019-03-16T20:06:40 < Cracki> funny. setting that value merely switches two pins to analog input (rest digital input) 2019-03-16T20:06:57 < Cracki> I'd guess that something else, vital, is on that port, which you've now switched to input 2019-03-16T20:07:14 < Cracki> try |= and &= ~ to only touch the bits you want 2019-03-16T20:08:05 < Cracki> also look up "bit banding". that's a way to touch bits without read-modify-write of the whole register 2019-03-16T20:09:39 < dogukan> Cracki: thanks, only touching to the bits that I need to change using |= worked, I think other pins messes something with stlink 2019-03-16T20:09:55 < dogukan> also thank you for the suggestion 2019-03-16T20:09:59 < dogukan> n 2019-03-16T20:09:59 < Cracki> not stlink in particular 2019-03-16T20:10:18 < Cracki> it'll mess with other pins on port A. you might wanna look up what's on port A 2019-03-16T20:10:45 < Cracki> table 13 of the data sheet 2019-03-16T20:10:50 < Cracki> https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/stm32f303k8.pdf 2019-03-16T20:12:29 < Cracki> yes, looks like some of those pins have to do with JTAG or SWD 2019-03-16T20:12:34 < bitmask> someone find me a table of MS to regular package name :P 2019-03-16T20:12:50 < Cracki> MS? microsip? 2019-03-16T20:13:38 < bitmask> oh its not just ms, shit I misunderstood that 2019-03-16T20:13:59 < bitmask> mo, ms, sc, im sure others 2019-03-16T20:14:08 < Cracki> those are package names? 2019-03-16T20:14:29 < bitmask> I dont know what they are, they are some alternate naming, let me look further 2019-03-16T20:14:40 < Cracki> naming of what? 2019-03-16T20:14:52 < bitmask> IC packages 2019-03-16T20:15:05 < Cracki> mfg-specific stuff maybe 2019-03-16T20:16:02 < bitmask> looks like jedec 2019-03-16T20:16:52 < bitmask> ypu 2019-03-16T20:16:52 < bitmask> yup 2019-03-16T20:17:41 < Cracki> identifiers of their standards documents for standard packages? https://www.jedec.org/taxonomy/term/2343 2019-03-16T20:18:14 < Cracki> https://www.jedec.org/sites/default/files/MOINDEX.pdf 2019-03-16T20:18:34 < Cracki> that explains MICROELECTRONIC OUTLINES (MO) 2019-03-16T20:18:42 < bitmask> YES THAT, thanks 2019-03-16T20:18:52 < bitmask> now I just need the others too 2019-03-16T20:18:58 < Cracki> oh boy I've never heard of this... 2019-03-16T20:19:02 < bitmask> luckily replacing MO with MS works 2019-03-16T20:19:04 < Cracki> try MSINDEX.pdf? 2019-03-16T20:19:07 < Cracki> ;) 2019-03-16T20:19:34 < Cracki> google inurl:https://www.jedec.org/sites/default/files/ 2019-03-16T20:21:28 < Cracki> this one lists a bunch of other 2-letter things https://www.jedec.org/category/technology-focus-area/jc-10/registered-outlines-jep95 2019-03-16T20:22:43 < bitmask> https://www.jedec.org/sites/default/files/Master.pdf 2019-03-16T20:22:59 -!- a_morale [~quassel@2a03:b0c0:1:d0::3de:a001] has quit [Quit: a_morale] 2019-03-16T20:24:01 < Cracki> wikipedia only knows them for their ram standards 2019-03-16T20:24:45 -!- a_morale [~quassel@2a03:b0c0:1:d0::3de:a001] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T20:25:57 -!- Hamilton [~Hamilton@unaffiliated/hamilton] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-16T20:43:52 -!- bvernoux [~Ben@2a01:e35:8b76:a0f0:cc81:a940:2d5f:9cdc] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T20:50:17 -!- a_morale_ [~quassel@2a03:b0c0:1:d0::3de:a001] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T20:51:40 < Cracki> took a shower, realized of course I've heard of TO-??? 2019-03-16T20:53:10 < bitmask> well thats the common name, I dont really know how this naming works, I guess SOP/SOT/TQFP/DIP etc are more descriptive, I guess TO is essentially a SIP? 2019-03-16T20:53:27 -!- a_morale [~quassel@2a03:b0c0:1:d0::3de:a001] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 2019-03-16T20:56:18 < Cracki> they just use increasing numbers, no sense behind it 2019-03-16T20:56:53 -!- a_morale_ [~quassel@2a03:b0c0:1:d0::3de:a001] has quit [Quit: a_morale_] 2019-03-16T20:57:05 < jpa-> jpa junior's opinion on TO-220: "weird bunny, too many ears" 2019-03-16T20:57:27 < bitmask> oh then you got TO-3 2019-03-16T21:02:42 -!- dogukan [~dogukan@unaffiliated/dogukan] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 2019-03-16T21:03:11 -!- Steffannn [uid97872@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bjgrtoiuejeumtgf] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-16T21:06:33 < Cracki> smells like they took all the outlines of all the transistors of all the manufacturers, and enumerated them 2019-03-16T21:07:19 -!- Steffanx [~steffanx@unaffiliated/steffanx] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T21:07:22 -!- Steffann [~steffanx@unaffiliated/steffanx] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T21:11:23 < bitmask> choosing to display package images on these labels wasn't my best idea 2019-03-16T21:17:09 < jadew> hah jpa- 2019-03-16T21:19:14 -!- kow_ [~afed@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T21:49:04 < bitmask> is there a diff between sot-89 and sot-223? 2019-03-16T21:51:38 < bitmask> oh is sot223 4 separate pins? 2019-03-16T21:55:12 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T22:13:19 < Steffann> http://www.marsport.org.uk/smd/pkg3.htm :P 2019-03-16T22:18:24 -!- R2COM [~R2COM@ip68-3-184-221.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T22:28:54 -!- obsrver [~quassel@p4FF16E4D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T22:43:57 -!- Jak_o_Shadows [~Jak@unaffiliated/jak-o-shadows/x-0479135] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 2019-03-16T22:44:21 -!- Jak_o_Shadows [~Jak@unaffiliated/jak-o-shadows/x-0479135] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T22:48:05 < bitmask> grrr, why does my old phone take a different sim card 2019-03-16T22:48:30 < bitmask> oh size is different too? thanks 2019-03-16T22:51:12 < englishman> Herpes viruses reactivate in more than half of crew aboard Space Shuttle and International Space Station missions, according to new NASA research, which could present a risk on missions to Mars and beyond. 2019-03-16T22:51:43 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T22:51:54 < bitmask> dirty dirty astronauts 2019-03-16T22:52:52 < bitmask> oh I'm a fool 2019-03-16T22:53:01 < bitmask> a fool for you 2019-03-16T22:53:09 < bitmask> no im not 2019-03-16T22:53:49 < Steffann> Yes you are. 2019-03-16T22:54:09 < bitmask> ok 2019-03-16T22:55:15 < bitmask> this sim card is smaller but the weird pins/separated bottom part looks the same, the bigger one just has some extra/uncoppered area on one side 2019-03-16T22:55:19 < bitmask> think it will work? 2019-03-16T22:56:41 < Steffann> sounds like nano vs micro, you can always get a $0.01 adapter. 2019-03-16T22:56:51 < Steffann> i bet wallmart sells em 2019-03-16T22:56:52 < bitmask> but I need it now 2019-03-16T22:56:56 < bitmask> now! 2019-03-16T22:57:06 < Steffann> send you gf out to get em 2019-03-16T22:57:40 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T22:58:39 < upgrdman> windows pros: is it possible to force the TTL value of all outgoing packets to a certain value? i know about the "default ttl" registry setting, but it seems like some programs don't use the default, and it's causing me problems :/ 2019-03-16T22:59:03 < upgrdman> guessing some firewall rule can do the trick, but fuck if i know what to try 2019-03-16T22:59:23 -!- Steffanx [~steffanx@unaffiliated/steffanx] has quit [Quit: Meh] 2019-03-16T22:59:27 -!- Steffann is now known as Steffanx 2019-03-16T23:08:01 < bitmask> psh who needs a stinkin adapter, works fine :) 2019-03-16T23:09:01 -!- bvernoux [~Ben@2a01:e35:8b76:a0f0:cc81:a940:2d5f:9cdc] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-16T23:14:22 < Cracki> upgrdman, sure, you can set ttl on windows. I don't remember how, but search won't be futile 2019-03-16T23:15:01 < Cracki> that is... for newly generated packets. I hope you don't use windows for routing and want to manipulate ttl of existing packets. that would involve a little work with winpcap 2019-03-16T23:15:05 < upgrdman> Cracki, i searched. i keep finding the default ttl registery shit, but nothing on how to FORCE the ttl value for every packet 2019-03-16T23:15:06 < Cracki> https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/ffffd4e3-db95-4c3b-b646-3ec9b707a529/changing-the-time-to-live-ttl-in-windows?forum=w7itpronetworking 2019-03-16T23:15:13 < Cracki> ah, force? 2019-03-16T23:15:22 < Cracki> got some program that has its own default? 2019-03-16T23:15:30 < Cracki> usually everything uses the system default 2019-03-16T23:15:39 < upgrdman> Cracki, yes. like i mentioned, i already knew about DefaultTTL 2019-03-16T23:15:50 < Cracki> ah, didn't read that far yet :P 2019-03-16T23:15:54 < upgrdman> :) 2019-03-16T23:16:01 < Cracki> hmmm then winpcap :P 2019-03-16T23:16:09 < Cracki> not sure if the firewall can do it 2019-03-16T23:17:54 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-16T23:18:21 -!- obsrver [~quassel@p4FF16E4D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.] 2019-03-16T23:18:26 < Cracki> ah, not winpcap, but tun/tap 2019-03-16T23:18:47 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T23:19:03 < rajkosto> SK9822 or APA102 2019-03-16T23:19:16 < bitmask> ws2813 2019-03-16T23:19:22 < bitmask> jk 2019-03-16T23:19:32 < Cracki> flintstone. nk 2019-03-16T23:24:36 -!- Teeed_ [~teeed@teeed.eu] has quit [Quit: Reconnecting] 2019-03-16T23:24:51 -!- Teeed [~teeed@teeed.eu] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T23:36:40 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-98-247-192-179.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-16T23:54:49 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-43b9d954.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] --- Day changed Sun Mar 17 2019 2019-03-17T00:09:24 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-17T00:11:56 < rajkosto> https://images.sshnuke.net/2019-03-16_23-11-35_Sa6j362BC.png how can it differentiate End frame from a LED you want 100% on 2019-03-17T00:13:10 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@CPE7cb21b1e4c70-CM7cb21b1e4c6d.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T00:27:11 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T00:28:35 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xgiwyebqkiicfysp] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T00:31:03 -!- tjq [uid339161@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xgiwyebqkiicfysp] has quit [Client Quit] 2019-03-17T00:37:34 < Cracki> rajkosto, (1) say what part this is for (2) look at the modulation, it's probably not plain uart/ook but something self-clocking, maybe manchester, maybe just pulse width 2019-03-17T00:37:50 < rajkosto> its spi without cs 2019-03-17T00:38:11 < rajkosto> but it doesnt matter if it was manchester 2019-03-17T00:38:21 < rajkosto> you still cant detect one 32 bits of 1 from another 32 bits of a 2019-03-17T00:39:43 -!- upgrdman [~upgrdman@blender/artist/upgrdman] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-17T00:42:39 -!- jadew` [~rcc@unaffiliated/jadew] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T00:43:39 < Cracki> give data sheet 2019-03-17T00:43:47 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-98-247-192-179.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-17T00:44:02 < rajkosto> google for either of the 2 words i said before that line 2019-03-17T00:44:18 < Cracki> are they compatible? 2019-03-17T00:44:18 -!- jadew [~rcc@unaffiliated/jadew] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 2019-03-17T00:44:28 < rajkosto> pretty much 2019-03-17T00:44:33 < rajkosto> same thing in both 2019-03-17T00:45:32 < Cracki> explain the mention of CKI 2019-03-17T00:46:01 < rajkosto> ? 2019-03-17T00:46:16 < Cracki> explain why the datasheet mentions a clock line while you claim it's clockless 2019-03-17T00:46:22 < rajkosto> i never did 2019-03-17T00:46:24 < rajkosto> i said its spi 2019-03-17T00:46:25 < Cracki> ah, you said cs 2019-03-17T00:46:32 < Cracki> so what's the problem then? 2019-03-17T00:46:40 < rajkosto> if you make the light fully bright and 255,255,255 2019-03-17T00:46:44 < rajkosto> its 32 bits of 1s 2019-03-17T00:46:52 < rajkosto> which matches their stop condition 2019-03-17T00:46:56 < Cracki> no idea why they'd even need an "end" frame 2019-03-17T00:47:03 < rajkosto> its when the data is latched 2019-03-17T00:48:58 < rajkosto> end of sequence marker since it makes all the leds in a series work like a huge shift register 2019-03-17T00:49:00 < Cracki> can you tolerate the "global" field not being 11111? 2019-03-17T00:49:16 < rajkosto> that loses you half the brightness 2019-03-17T00:49:24 < rajkosto> if we hackin then just make the max intensity 254,254,254 2019-03-17T00:50:13 < Cracki> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 2019-03-17T00:50:48 < Cracki> https://hackaday.com/2014/12/09/digging-into-the-apa102-serial-led-protocol/ 2019-03-17T00:52:06 < rajkosto> say hwat 2019-03-17T00:52:14 < Cracki> https://cpldcpu.wordpress.com/2014/08/27/apa102/ 2019-03-17T00:52:43 < Cracki> sounds like a make:r grade protocol 2019-03-17T00:52:50 < rajkosto> hey 2019-03-17T00:52:57 < rajkosto> its better than repeating bits as bytes for ws2812b 2019-03-17T00:53:03 < Cracki> wat 2019-03-17T00:53:07 < rajkosto> becase there you have fixed timing of 0 and 1 2019-03-17T00:53:11 < rajkosto> no clock line 2019-03-17T00:53:33 < Cracki> that's called modulation 2019-03-17T00:54:15 < rajkosto> its a goof one 2019-03-17T00:54:18 < Cracki> but yes, I don't like ws2812 either 2019-03-17T00:54:20 < rajkosto> manchster would have been way better 2019-03-17T00:54:55 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T00:55:15 < Cracki> APA should have stuck to standard SPI operation, not this clock inversion nonsense or that "end frame" 2019-03-17T00:55:43 < rajkosto> they cant 2019-03-17T00:55:51 < Cracki> just add a chipselect :> 2019-03-17T00:55:54 < rajkosto> adding the clock line to ws2812 already made it more ackward to route 2019-03-17T00:56:04 < rajkosto> 5050 package can barely do 6 pins 2019-03-17T00:56:32 < Cracki> or... take the "chop head pixel off, then pass on" idea from ws2812 2019-03-17T00:56:37 < Cracki> then you need no end frame 2019-03-17T00:57:25 < Cracki> inverts the order of LEDs but that's really irrelevant 2019-03-17T00:58:36 < Cracki> of course, ws2812 use a timeout to know when it's finished... which would destroy the "advantage" of having something spi-like you can just leave sitting for however long you like 2019-03-17T00:58:52 < rajkosto> advantage of spi is 30MHz clock 2019-03-17T00:59:06 < Cracki> still, even a raspi can be controlled so you get tolerable delay/jitter 2019-03-17T00:59:59 < rajkosto> only with a kernel driver 2019-03-17T01:00:12 < rajkosto> but raspbi has spi you can do the multibyte bits trick over too 2019-03-17T01:01:09 < Cracki> according to these posts, the "end frame" might require extending sometimes. looks like it's really just dummy data 2019-03-17T01:01:18 < rajkosto> thats good 2019-03-17T01:01:41 < rajkosto> i thought it used that as a trigger for end sequence 2019-03-17T01:02:45 < Cracki> dude says each chip inverts clock so the end frame causes the whole transmission to be clocked through upto 64 chips 2019-03-17T01:03:00 < Cracki> inv+delay 2019-03-17T01:03:35 < rajkosto> they should have just specified XXXXXX as end frame 2019-03-17T01:04:49 < Cracki> that whole protocol is fucked 2019-03-17T01:04:57 < Cracki> I have no idea how it would behave with more than 64 leds 2019-03-17T01:05:13 < rajkosto> make end frame LOUTER 2019-03-17T01:05:20 < Cracki> you'd have at least a full frame stretched across the string 2019-03-17T01:05:53 < Cracki> and that "end frame" or parts of it if it's extended, would be read as actual data by the first led again 2019-03-17T01:06:27 < Cracki> make:r grade bullshit 2019-03-17T01:06:56 < Cracki> can only speculate, not predict, how that thing would behave 2019-03-17T01:09:53 < rajkosto> dobt need a >64 string yet 2019-03-17T01:13:12 < Cracki> maybe that dude scoped something weird, or these LEDs actually just ignore FFFFFFFF instead of taking that for data 2019-03-17T01:13:47 < Cracki> you definitely shouldn't extend the end frame with random bits 2019-03-17T01:25:53 < englishman> rajkosto: did you figure it out 2019-03-17T01:26:02 < rajkosto> what 2019-03-17T01:26:15 < englishman> on ws2812b there is no endframe you just hold the signal low for x time 2019-03-17T01:26:24 < rajkosto> yes 2019-03-17T01:26:39 < englishman> is that apa102 datasheet m 2019-03-17T01:26:41 < englishman> ? 2019-03-17T01:26:56 < englishman> are the bits modulated at all like ws2812? 2019-03-17T01:27:01 < rajkosto> n 2019-03-17T01:27:06 < englishman> hmm 2019-03-17T01:28:14 < englishman> what is Global 2019-03-17T01:28:25 < rajkosto> current 2019-03-17T01:28:37 < englishman> so there is a string length limit 2019-03-17T01:28:47 < englishman> of 2^5? 2019-03-17T01:28:51 < rajkosto> n 2019-03-17T01:28:58 < rajkosto> its ARGB 2019-03-17T01:29:08 < englishman> that's strange 2019-03-17T01:29:11 < rajkosto> A is 111 and then 5 bits of BRIGHTNESS 2019-03-17T01:29:19 < rajkosto> this gives you way more control than just RGB 2019-03-17T01:29:34 < englishman> how so 2019-03-17T01:29:35 < rajkosto> and 111 vs 000 lets them detect stop frame 2019-03-17T01:29:44 < rajkosto> because you now have 256 * 32 brightness levels 2019-03-17T01:29:47 < englishman> I mean yes but 2019-03-17T01:30:18 < englishman> it's already 24bit rgb 2019-03-17T01:30:24 < englishman> which is p good 2019-03-17T01:30:31 < rajkosto> not when 20ma is 255,255,255 2019-03-17T01:30:33 < englishman> can you see the diff 2019-03-17T01:30:34 < rajkosto> and its blinding 2019-03-17T01:30:41 < rajkosto> the 5 bits controls the ma 2019-03-17T01:30:46 < rajkosto> the 255,255,255 controls the color 2019-03-17T01:30:52 < englishman> right 2019-03-17T01:31:08 < rajkosto> but that wasnt even the question 2019-03-17T01:31:22 < englishman> is 11111 a valid value 2019-03-17T01:31:24 < englishman> for that 2019-03-17T01:31:27 < rajkosto> yes 2019-03-17T01:31:45 < englishman> well, rip 2019-03-17T01:32:19 < englishman> guess you will have to sacrifice one bit of resolution 2019-03-17T01:32:33 < rajkosto> no it doesnt seem that the end frame is there for anything more than stuffing so ti can be anything 2019-03-17T01:32:52 < rajkosto> i dunno ill see when i get them 2019-03-17T01:33:10 < englishman> much easier to clock out at least 2019-03-17T01:33:21 < englishman> arent they way more expensive too? 2019-03-17T01:33:33 < englishman> I think I didn't buy them for that reason 2019-03-17T01:33:47 < englishman> then the 2812b mini came out 2019-03-17T01:37:59 < rajkosto> they make sk in 2020 though 2019-03-17T01:38:05 -!- malinus_ [~malinus@] has quit [Changing host] 2019-03-17T01:38:05 -!- malinus_ [~malinus@unaffiliated/malinus] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T01:38:08 -!- malinus_ is now known as malinus 2019-03-17T01:55:58 -!- boB_K7IQ [~boBK7IQ@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-17T02:10:13 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-98-247-192-179.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T02:39:33 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-98-247-192-179.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 2019-03-17T02:46:17 < zyp> so apparently my nfc readers are too sensitive or something 2019-03-17T02:46:27 < zyp> http://i.mechacrash.com/mkqI3iY9.mp4 <- this is pretty hilarious though 2019-03-17T02:47:20 < zyp> my best guess is that the metal panel acts as a loop around both readers and couples them together 2019-03-17T02:49:30 < zyp> I wonder if both readers are actually able to talk to the card, or if the second reader just piggybacks on the first and gets the same reply 2019-03-17T02:55:07 < Cracki> why are both lighting up? 2019-03-17T02:55:20 < Cracki> ah hm yes metal can fuck things up :> 2019-03-17T02:55:46 < zyp> they light up when they have detected a card and read the UID from it 2019-03-17T02:55:54 < Cracki> I'm sure there's some collision detection and avoidance in the protocol 2019-03-17T02:56:43 < zyp> yeah, but that's mostly for handling several tags in the range of one reader, not several readers seeing one tag at once 2019-03-17T03:05:11 -!- gsi__ [~gsisig@x4db609b2.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T03:08:05 -!- gsi_ [~gsisig@x4dbe33cc.dyn.telefonica.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-17T03:09:07 < Thorn> can jlcpcb route isolation slots and how do I specify them? 2019-03-17T03:19:21 < Cracki> probably the same as nonplated holes 2019-03-17T03:22:14 < Thorn> https://easyeda.com/forum/topic/PCB_Slot_Cut_out-e6ZhbtL3l 2019-03-17T03:22:16 < Thorn> >U can draw a Solid Region and set the type to NPTH. 2019-03-17T03:22:37 < Thorn> can you do that in altium disaster 2019-03-17T03:24:28 < Cracki> draw it as outline? 2019-03-17T03:24:37 < R2COM> lol what a shitsoft is that 2019-03-17T03:26:26 < Cracki> yeah board outline/shape... https://www.altium.com/documentation/17.0/display/ADES/PCB_Obj-BoardShape((Board+Shape))_AD 2019-03-17T03:27:11 < Cracki> they show you how to make a polygon hole 2019-03-17T04:31:09 < dongs> what 2019-03-17T04:31:20 < dongs> you just draw a polygon (or import from dxf/whatever) 2019-03-17T04:31:26 < dongs> then set it to multilayer, board cutout 2019-03-17T04:31:27 < dongs> done 2019-03-17T04:31:39 < dongs> and also copy its outline to keepout layer for GKO gerber 2019-03-17T04:31:52 < dongs> lol @ easyEDA blind leading the blind 2019-03-17T04:33:09 -!- gsi_ [~gsisig@x4dbd575c.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T04:35:16 -!- gsi__ [~gsisig@x4db609b2.dyn.telefonica.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-17T04:50:37 < Cracki> "easy" eda, sounds like a pro tool. who would you recommend it, who wouldn't you? 2019-03-17T05:00:18 < fenugrec> for you opinionated people here... which mobo manufacturer(s) suck less than Asus and MSI ? 2019-03-17T05:02:50 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T05:05:46 < Cracki> you want opinionated? etch your own :> I doubt you can go wrong with (1) select features (2) sort by cheapest (3) check reviews, be aware of mfgs 5-starring their own reviews 2019-03-17T05:06:05 < Cracki> I've been content with asus, msi, I think I had an asrock at some time as well 2019-03-17T05:07:16 < fenugrec> I've had dead / problematic mobos from MSI (leaky caps), 2 flaky ASUS, but those were all old boards so not necessarily representative of current offerings 2019-03-17T05:07:36 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-17T05:09:50 < Cracki> select solid state caps to entirely avoid that problem? I hope that was still within warranty 2019-03-17T05:09:51 < Thorn> why is remove kebab in my youtube recommended videos 2019-03-17T05:10:04 < Cracki> because it's currently popular to do that? 2019-03-17T05:10:48 < Cracki> also the intelligence operative who perforated 50 muslims in a mosque in a place called CHRISTCHURCH NZ started his livestream with that music 2019-03-17T05:14:04 < Cracki> here's VLAD playing it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZOYAGL1Uts 2019-03-17T05:14:15 < fenugrec> Cracki, I haven't seen poser-grade mobos with anything else than 'lytic caps... 2019-03-17T05:14:20 < Cracki> fenugrec, how were the asus flaking? 2019-03-17T05:14:25 < Cracki> hmhm 2019-03-17T05:14:52 < Cracki> then maybe you were as unlucky as many back when elcaps got some shit mfging 2019-03-17T05:16:00 < fenugrec> Cracki, can't remember the first asus I chucked, most recent is having / causing RAM issues (I've tried 8 different sticks of RAM, pretty confident they're not all bad) 2019-03-17T05:16:08 < fenugrec> yea possibly 2019-03-17T05:16:52 < Cracki> I've been on an asus p8b ws since... 2012 or so? I'm so fucking glad it hasn't spazzed yet 2019-03-17T05:16:59 < Cracki> or anything else for that matter 2019-03-17T05:17:55 < fenugrec> I think this was a P5Q-VM 2019-03-17T05:18:15 -!- mirage335 [~mirage335@mirage335-base.soaringindustries.space] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-17T05:20:55 < fenugrec> holy crap, when did "RGB" everything become a desirable feature 2019-03-17T05:21:07 < fenugrec> I'm buying a computer, not a damn christmas tree 2019-03-17T05:21:27 < Cracki> buy supermicro server gear maybe 2019-03-17T05:21:47 < Cracki> or anything "workstation", i.e. with ecc 2019-03-17T05:22:49 < Cracki> if you need a power laptop, there are some "gaming" laptops (schenker) that are also good for running a bunch of VMs concurrently and whatnot 2019-03-17T05:23:40 < fenugrec> nah, I'll probably buy semicheap "gamer" garbage, disable the LEDs, and complain 2019-03-17T05:25:47 < Cracki> to think... there are smart lightbulbs. I'm sure they'll come up with smart christmas trees soon. they might have enough compute power to act as desktops! 2019-03-17T05:28:21 -!- mirage335 [~mirage335@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T05:59:04 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@CPE7cb21b1e4c70-CM7cb21b1e4c6d.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 2019-03-17T06:00:18 -!- hesperaux [~hesperaux@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T06:09:05 < R2COM> Thorn cuz your country is kebab 2019-03-17T06:09:32 < R2COM> Evga mobos are good 2019-03-17T06:12:42 < R2COM> dongs its time to stop using irc and move to discord 2019-03-17T06:13:42 < friendofafriend> Ewwww, that's going backwards. 2019-03-17T06:13:48 < R2COM> no 2019-03-17T06:17:42 < R2COM> alright its time to game 2019-03-17T06:18:43 < dongs> lol discord no 2019-03-17T06:18:44 < dongs> useless trash 2019-03-17T06:18:48 < R2COM> wut 2019-03-17T06:18:51 < dongs> we do have a pro STM32 chat on telegram tho 2019-03-17T06:18:55 < dongs> discord is gamerfagslol 2019-03-17T06:19:11 < R2COM> telegram=russian spy network 2019-03-17T06:19:31 < Cracki> better than discord, which is a murican commie spy network 2019-03-17T06:19:31 < dongs> i have nothing to hide 2019-03-17T06:19:32 < dongs> so its ok 2019-03-17T06:19:36 < dongs> yeah exactly 2019-03-17T06:19:44 < Cracki> is the telegram group chat any fun? 2019-03-17T06:20:07 < dongs> no its just pictures oc ats 2019-03-17T06:20:08 < dongs> of 2019-03-17T06:20:15 < Cracki> ah, I have that already 2019-03-17T06:20:25 < R2COM> discord is fantastic 2019-03-17T06:20:46 < dongs> discord doesnt even haev a feature to reply to a message 2019-03-17T06:20:55 < dongs> that is such a basic IM thing i cannot take it seriously until they implement that 2019-03-17T06:21:04 < dongs> in group chat, that is like indispensable 2019-03-17T06:21:08 < dongs> some faggot pings you asking a question 2019-03-17T06:21:12 < dongs> you wake up 6 hours later 2019-03-17T06:21:18 < dongs> there's no way to ping him back for reply while keeping context 2019-03-17T06:21:22 < dongs> so fuck that shit 2019-03-17T06:21:24 < Cracki> kek 2019-03-17T06:21:47 < Thorn> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WP8T2Vtbq8 2019-03-17T06:22:02 < Cracki> that is neither a car not a rocket 2019-03-17T06:22:04 < Cracki> *cat 2019-03-17T06:22:32 < Cracki> sounds like german rhyming 2019-03-17T06:24:13 < Cracki> oh, prague 2019-03-17T06:25:08 < Cracki> oh, moscow even 2019-03-17T06:26:27 < dongs> anyway discord is not suitable for pro chats 2019-03-17T06:27:07 < Cracki> I think the same goes for "slack" 2019-03-17T06:27:26 < Cracki> it's impossible to browse history properly 2019-03-17T06:27:33 < R2COM> that track sucks 2019-03-17T06:27:36 < R2COM> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVb83ltfKWY 2019-03-17T06:27:41 < Cracki> they just give you huge scrollback that eventually kills your ram 2019-03-17T06:29:10 < dongs> all these newfag shits with web-based clients are cancer 2019-03-17T06:29:12 < dongs> slack, discord etc. 2019-03-17T06:29:20 < dongs> discord windows desktop client is basically chrome.exe 2019-03-17T06:29:22 < dongs> displaying a webpage 2019-03-17T06:29:25 < dongs> fucking garbage 2019-03-17T06:29:31 < dongs> (same for slack as well) 2019-03-17T06:29:54 < dongs> also discord can't attach jpegs > 8meg or someshit 2019-03-17T06:29:59 < Cracki> lol 2019-03-17T06:30:01 < dongs> how the fuck im gonna send highrez pics of my cats over that shit 2019-03-17T06:30:11 < Cracki> that's the only usecase for these things 2019-03-17T06:41:51 -!- fc5dc9d4_ [~quassel@p57A3214A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T06:45:52 -!- fc5dc9d4 [~quassel@p57A32C7F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-17T06:55:27 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 2019-03-17T06:56:17 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T06:57:07 -!- baenana is now known as sloth 2019-03-17T06:57:13 -!- sloth [~banandana@cassini.whatbox.ca] has quit [Disconnected by services] 2019-03-17T06:57:44 -!- banana [~banandana@cassini.whatbox.ca] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T06:59:44 -!- banana [~banandana@cassini.whatbox.ca] has quit [Client Quit] 2019-03-17T07:00:09 -!- banana [~banandana@cassini.whatbox.ca] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T07:00:53 -!- mirage335 [~mirage335@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-17T07:03:04 < Thorn> arduino pros discussing a difficult circuit design problem https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=99182.0 2019-03-17T07:04:26 < dongs> why the fuck is that discussion 3 pages 2019-03-17T07:04:37 < Thorn> >difficult circuit design problem 2019-03-17T07:06:08 -!- banana [~banandana@cassini.whatbox.ca] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.5-dev] 2019-03-17T07:06:24 -!- banana [~banandana@cassini.whatbox.ca] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T07:17:18 < Cracki> uh... 2019-03-17T07:17:25 < Cracki> replacing a poti turned fully to one end 2019-03-17T07:17:33 < Cracki> that's either x value or 0 value :> 2019-03-17T07:18:05 < dongs> is poti some german shit 2019-03-17T07:18:12 < dongs> i remember seeing this name in mikrokopter schematics 2019-03-17T07:18:18 < Cracki> yes 2019-03-17T07:18:34 -!- mirage335 [~mirage335@mirage335-base.soaringindustries.space] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T07:18:36 < Cracki> what's better? pot? 2019-03-17T07:18:41 < dongs> ya 2019-03-17T07:18:44 < Cracki> k then 2019-03-17T07:18:59 < Cracki> so where's the punchline to that forum thread 2019-03-17T07:19:11 < dongs> i think just dumb, is all 2019-03-17T07:19:20 < dongs> gonna play some apex, work's done for today 2019-03-17T07:30:06 < aandrew> IRC is where it’s at. Everything else is walled garden shit 2019-03-17T07:34:28 < Thorn> why does tilde look so horrible in altium disaster's default font 2019-03-17T07:53:56 < R2COM> lol rly u play apex 2019-03-17T07:56:27 < R2COM> dongs do you sleep 8 hours every day or no 2019-03-17T08:32:57 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 2019-03-17T08:33:49 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T08:44:23 < dongs> yes 2019-03-17T08:44:26 < dongs> or try to anyway 2019-03-17T08:44:53 < dongs> R2COM: I currently have 30 kills vs ~300 games played. y ou can tell how good i am 2019-03-17T08:48:38 < rajkosto> the rtx2080 not helping then 2019-03-17T09:18:19 -!- alexfan [uid325562@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uawpmwsdloperxkd] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T09:33:41 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Gone to sleep...] 2019-03-17T09:37:49 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-17T09:56:35 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-18e1e253.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T10:43:32 -!- ub|k [~ubikuitou@indico/developer/ubik] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T10:58:32 < ub|k> hi 2019-03-17T10:58:40 < ub|k> anyone doing stm32 programming in rust? 2019-03-17T11:02:11 < PaulFertser> Yes, but it's not really popular here. 2019-03-17T11:02:28 < PaulFertser> Got any funny stories to share? 2019-03-17T11:22:27 -!- DisruptiveNL [~Disruptiv@5ED4324B.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T11:25:55 < ub|k> ehm... no 2019-03-17T11:26:05 < ub|k> but why is it not popular? 2019-03-17T11:26:07 < ub|k> is it slow? 2019-03-17T11:27:56 -!- alexfan [uid325562@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uawpmwsdloperxkd] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 2019-03-17T11:30:46 < ub|k> PaulFertser: ^ 2019-03-17T11:35:43 < PaulFertser> ub|k: properly applied Rust should be as fast as C I guess. You can always check the generated assembly to see for yourself. I think the main reason is that learning and using Rust is more complicated than C and at the same time its advantages are mostly useless to the majority of embedded developers. 2019-03-17T11:39:55 < PaulFertser> ub|k: and those people who could enjoy Rust have usually mastered C++ enough by the time Rust came into play, so the motivation to switch is not too big as C++ is almost as powerful. 2019-03-17T11:40:12 < PaulFertser> ub|k: at least that's how I see it, take my words with a grain of salt. 2019-03-17T11:42:13 -!- DisruptiveNL [~Disruptiv@5ED4324B.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-17T11:42:21 < malinus> most embedded developers has a lot of gain just switching form C->C++ imho. which is at least fully supported on most platforms. 2019-03-17T11:45:51 < PaulFertser> ub|k: have you already tried it? Or are you coming from a more CS-aimed background? Then you might enjoy the IvoryTower language (Haskell-based DSL). 2019-03-17T11:46:09 < ub|k> PaulFertser: just made a blink example run :D 2019-03-17T11:46:33 < ub|k> the thing that annoyed me the most was not the language (i like it), it was the toolchain 2019-03-17T11:46:50 < ub|k> and lack of documentation on how to properly set up your project 2019-03-17T11:47:50 < PaulFertser> ub|k: it sound like http://blog.japaric.io/ doesn't provide enough documentation in that regard? 2019-03-17T11:50:46 < ub|k> it's a bit outdated, from what I saw 2019-03-17T11:50:52 < ub|k> and the information is quite sparse 2019-03-17T11:50:58 < ub|k> but anyway, I found something that works 2019-03-17T13:12:30 -!- Chris_M [~Chris_M@203-214-82-107.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-17T13:18:40 < jpa-> malinus: "fully supported" .. except for STL? 2019-03-17T13:19:31 < jpa-> so you end up coding weird mix of libc and C++; atleast my experience has been that some parts of libstdc++ are unusable for embedded, and libc++ is not much better 2019-03-17T13:19:46 < karlp> is libc++ the clang one? 2019-03-17T13:19:57 < jpa-> yeah 2019-03-17T13:20:10 < malinus> jpa-: newlib-nano has all STL 2019-03-17T13:20:37 < jpa-> malinus: uh? really? to me it seems just libc 2019-03-17T13:21:10 < Steffanx> And the there is this embedded stl that isnt meant smaller mcus? 2019-03-17T13:21:30 < Steffanx> Wasnt it you who asked the maintainer of that project mr jpa- ? 2019-03-17T13:21:30 < jpa-> Steffanx: which one is that? 2019-03-17T13:21:39 < jpa-> ah, no, ustl is not meant for embedded at all 2019-03-17T13:21:58 < jpa-> it's a tiny STL-like library (not standard compliant) that is targeted for.. PCs 2019-03-17T13:22:10 < Steffanx> Oh its obsolete 2019-03-17T13:22:11 < karlp> ... why? 2019-03-17T13:22:30 < karlp> was it a compile time goal or what? 2019-03-17T13:23:07 < jpa-> i guess some people like to make small binaries for PCs 2019-03-17T13:23:09 < malinus> jpa-: hmm I'm not sure then. All I know is that I'm only including newlib-nano, and using g++. And I have all the STL. Sure it's like 300kB in the flash, but I have 64MB external flash on my target so idgaf. 2019-03-17T13:23:23 < malinus> jpa-: I'm honestly currently not sure where the STL are from if it's not the newlib-nano. 2019-03-17T13:23:37 < jpa-> malinus: ok, then you are probably using libstdc++; are you using the part of it? 2019-03-17T13:23:42 < malinus> yes 2019-03-17T13:24:13 < jpa-> ok, then things have got better, last time I tried to include libstdc++'s iostream, it pulled in so many locale depedencies that the binary bloated to 2MB 2019-03-17T13:24:41 < malinus> This is code with iostreams, most container types, templates everywhere and a lot of c++14. 2019-03-17T13:24:50 < malinus> and it's less than 0.5MB 2019-03-17T13:24:53 < jpa-> i have used libstdc++'s etc. in 32kB flash size, but then i had to be careful what parts to use and not use 2019-03-17T13:26:02 < karlp> still _wayyyyy_ out of spac efor lots of tarkets malinus :) 2019-03-17T13:29:38 < malinus> karlp: meh, nor flsh is so cheap. But yeah stm32 are very expensive if you want a bit more flash. 2019-03-17T13:30:47 < malinus> And when going external you are gonna get at least 8MB 2019-03-17T13:31:04 < karlp> completely different project when you start putting down external flash though :) 2019-03-17T13:31:25 < rajkosto> can stm32 even XIP out of SPI flash 2019-03-17T13:31:35 < rajkosto> would need parallel 2019-03-17T13:31:37 < malinus> karlp: I'm mostly working on cortex-m with no internal flash. I don't think it's that different work-wise. 2019-03-17T13:32:08 < malinus> rajkosto: no idea, I'm on nxp which can XIP, but it also has 0.5MB ram 2019-03-17T13:32:12 < karlp> I'm just saying your "just use c++, it' sonly 300kb, use external flash" isn't really applicable to everyone 2019-03-17T13:32:24 < rajkosto> i use c++ 2019-03-17T13:32:28 < rajkosto> no extra flash needed 2019-03-17T13:32:36 < rajkosto> you cant use stdlib containers tho 2019-03-17T13:33:13 < jpa-> http://paste.dy.fi/ZVc/plain yeah, 295kB for iostreams, with e.g. 10kB of that going into formatting support for all kind of monetary values 2019-03-17T13:33:50 < malinus> karlp: I agree. I also work on small targets (stm32f0), which has like 32kB flash :P. I wouldn't touch c++ (other than basic) on that. 2019-03-17T13:33:51 < jpa-> but lots of stuff like most containers are fine to use and don't take much flash 2019-03-17T13:34:22 < malinus> jpa-: dang what's bloaty? 2019-03-17T13:34:30 < malinus> jpa-: looks neat man 2019-03-17T13:34:45 < rajkosto> > iostreams 2019-03-17T13:35:41 < jpa-> malinus: https://github.com/google/bloaty 2019-03-17T13:37:07 < malinus> I guess that's what they use in VisualGDB hehe 2019-03-17T13:42:54 < jpa-> (actually, with newlib-nano for the libc side, it's only 160kB) 2019-03-17T13:43:26 < aandrew> jesus fuck I hate this $foo-y Mc$fooFace naming shit 2019-03-17T13:44:01 < aandrew> cool utility though 2019-03-17T13:44:37 < jpa-> it's a bit annoying in that it wants to automatically download and globally install its own version of all build deps 2019-03-17T13:48:31 < karlp> the google way 2019-03-17T13:49:19 < karlp> I like the size diffs mode. 2019-03-17T14:02:51 -!- vindicator [6b4dd0aa@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T14:03:53 < vindicator> I'm quite flummoxed with some math I think. I started playing with timers and felt I had the math right for the prescaler and period... 2019-03-17T14:04:47 < vindicator> But when I get to the timer handler, my math seems off somewhere. The short of it I want the timer to run at 1MHz so I can deal with microseconds. 2019-03-17T14:05:41 < vindicator> When I get to the handler, I increment a counter +1 and then check if it % 1000000 == 0. This would lead me to believe I can check with it's hitting 1 second marks on time. 2019-03-17T14:06:11 < vindicator> The thing is, it wasn't. It was more like 2 seconds and when I % 500000, it is correct. 2019-03-17T14:08:05 < vindicator> It seems to be that the SysClk is 168MHz with the APB1 prescaler is 4. So it should be 168MHz/2/1000000-1, giving me a prescaler of 83. The period is just set to 1. 2019-03-17T14:10:32 < zyp> period = 1 means you divide by 2 2019-03-17T14:10:42 < zyp> since it'll count 0, 1, 0, 1 and so on 2019-03-17T14:11:52 < zyp> if the point of the timer is to generate events at 1 MHz, I suggest instead setting PSC=0 and ARR=83 2019-03-17T14:12:26 < zyp> prescaler can do /1, main counter can't 2019-03-17T14:13:00 < englishman> bladeRF installer forces windows reboot before the installer is even complete 2019-03-17T14:13:04 < englishman> fucking opensores faggots 2019-03-17T14:13:08 < zyp> haha 2019-03-17T14:13:12 < zyp> hmm 2019-03-17T14:13:18 < zyp> wonder where my bladerf went 2019-03-17T14:13:31 < zyp> haven't seen it in a couple of years 2019-03-17T14:13:38 < zyp> probably in a box somewhere 2019-03-17T14:13:42 < englishman> i use it in production to spoof gps 2019-03-17T14:13:51 < zyp> nice 2019-03-17T14:19:10 < karlp> just drown out real signal with a fixed one? 2019-03-17T14:20:02 < zyp> I assume the DUT would be inside a shielded box 2019-03-17T14:21:00 < englishman> my office is a shielded box 2019-03-17T14:21:08 < englishman> which is why i have to spoof gps 2019-03-17T14:21:36 < kakimir> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOdQSZPj1kk Jean Michel Jarre 2019-03-17T14:21:41 < kakimir> 2018 production 2019-03-17T14:21:41 < vindicator> zyp: I found that when I tried that, the main loop slows down a ton. Basically I have 2 LEDS that flash. 1 from the main loop and 1 from the timer handler. 2019-03-17T14:21:43 < englishman> it works on my desk, but not across the room, haven't had any complaints so far 2019-03-17T14:22:24 < vindicator> The main loop calls HAL_GetTick and if the tick value % 1000, it's supposed to flash that LED. 2019-03-17T14:23:02 < vindicator> Then in the timer handler, the same kind of idea except using a counter and % 1000000. 2019-03-17T14:23:06 < zyp> vindicator, well, duh, when you fire interrupts at 1 MHz, of course that'll slow down everything 2019-03-17T14:23:53 < zyp> it takes quite a few cpu cycles to enter and exit an interrupt handler, and you only have 168 cycles per microsecond 2019-03-17T14:24:04 < vindicator> Figured as much. I'm guessing I should just do all of my handling in that and leave the main loop alone. 2019-03-17T14:24:17 < zyp> naturally when you only fire the interrupt at 500 kHz, you're leaving more cpu to the main loop 2019-03-17T14:25:14 < vindicator> Read the DHT-22 datasheet, I see signals are handled in terms of us and not ms. 2019-03-17T14:25:39 < zyp> huh? 2019-03-17T14:25:44 < vindicator> *I read 2019-03-17T14:25:54 * karlp laughs 2019-03-17T14:26:34 < vindicator> The datasheet for that sensor and see it has to handle stuff in terms of microseconds. That's why I was looking at timers. 2019-03-17T14:26:56 < vindicator> I am very new at this and I may be approaching it all very wrong. 2019-03-17T14:27:51 < zyp> hmm, is this a pulse length encoded signal? 2019-03-17T14:28:13 < karlp> https://github.com/karlp/karlnet/blob/master/nodes/boxcar/firmware/boxcar.c has some libopencm3 code for talking to those things 2019-03-17T14:28:18 < karlp> haven't looked at it for a while. 2019-03-17T14:28:30 < englishman> what's 3 orders of magnitude between pals 2019-03-17T14:28:30 < Steffanx> wait_for_shit yay 2019-03-17T14:28:30 < vindicator> "DHT22 will send out low-voltage-level signal and this signal last 80us as response signal" 2019-03-17T14:28:45 < vindicator> tnx, karlp. I'll take a look. 2019-03-17T14:31:13 < zyp> glancing at the datasheet, this looks like a timer+dma problem to me 2019-03-17T14:31:44 < zyp> use input capture to grab the pulses and DMA them into the buffer, then when it's all captured just scan the buffer and translate the data 2019-03-17T14:32:00 < zyp> pretty much like dealing with ws2812b, just in reverse 2019-03-17T14:33:32 -!- Jak_o_Shadows [~Jak@unaffiliated/jak-o-shadows/x-0479135] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-17T14:34:28 < vindicator> tnx to you too zyp. I'm saving what you said so I can reference it while I learn about it. 2019-03-17T14:36:58 < zyp> to capture the pulse length, you feed the signal into a timer channel, and then you configure the timer to reset on rising edge and capture on falling edge 2019-03-17T14:37:40 < karlp> (that was ome old ass code of mine, bsaed on porting some avr code iirc) 2019-03-17T14:37:49 < zyp> timer should be configured with PSC=84-1 and ARR=0xffff or something, that'll give you pulse length in microseconds 2019-03-17T14:37:50 < karlp> but it at least worked, and it sure didn't need 1Mhz interrupts 2019-03-17T14:38:05 < karlp> that was my first stm32 project 2019-03-17T14:38:20 < zyp> or you can set PSC lower if you want better resolution, but I expect 1 and 0 to be distinct enough that microseconds are fine 2019-03-17T14:39:00 < zyp> when you've configured that, TIMx_CHy will give you the pulse length of each pulse that arrives 2019-03-17T14:39:16 < karlp> I was just using exti irqs for the arriving edges and calculating as it came in. 2019-03-17T14:39:33 < karlp> dma+input capture is smarter, definitely 2019-03-17T14:39:42 < karlp> bit more thinking on setting it up though :) 2019-03-17T14:39:46 < zyp> and to store that, you set up a DMA job that triggers on that timer channel and copies the data from TIMx_CHy into a memory buffer 2019-03-17T14:40:18 < zyp> as far as I can see you're expecting 40 pulses, so set the DMA job to complete after 40 transfers 2019-03-17T14:40:28 < zyp> then just wait for the DMA job to finish :) 2019-03-17T14:41:01 < karlp> (and setup a timer to timeout the dma job, because thos devices are garabge. 2019-03-17T14:41:22 < zyp> once you've got that in place, you've got a nice 40-element array with pulse lengths, which you just loop over to convert to binary 2019-03-17T14:41:30 < karlp> ther's a ti/silabs cheaper 'smaller humi sensor these days that ar echeap enough 2019-03-17T14:41:30 < zyp> karlp, I'd just use the timer update event as a timeout 2019-03-17T14:41:49 < karlp> just as long as you have one somewhere :) 2019-03-17T14:42:06 < zyp> I mean on the same timer that does input capture 2019-03-17T14:42:30 < zyp> since it resets on each pulse, it should never hit update as long as pulses are arriving 2019-03-17T14:55:49 < aandrew> englishman: when I built this place I installed two conduits from the attic to the basement 2019-03-17T14:55:53 < vindicator> oh geez, didn't know the chat was continuing. saving all of this since, even though it means nothing to me yet, it is valuable/handy info. 2019-03-17T14:55:54 < aandrew> one's galvanized and one's just plastic 2019-03-17T14:56:14 < aandrew> I have a gps antenna up there with a long cable so I have gps in the office int he basement 2019-03-17T14:56:47 < malinus> Why would one write a 1-line macro in C, when you can have a 26 lines of code using C++???? https://godbolt.org/z/qoh_i5 2019-03-17T14:56:52 < englishman> i thought about that but i am testing devices with antennas already installed 2019-03-17T14:57:02 < englishman> spoofing is dead easy anyway 2019-03-17T14:57:21 < englishman> this way catches antennas that have been improperly installed too 2019-03-17T14:57:40 < englishman> it 100%s the whole device before shipping 2019-03-17T15:02:24 < aandrew> englishman: well this has an antenna inside as well 2019-03-17T15:02:31 < aandrew> it's kind of a retransmitter I guess? not sure 2019-03-17T15:02:55 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T15:04:09 < aandrew> englishman: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B0756W895Z I think is the one I have 2019-03-17T15:04:33 < aandrew> different cable lengths 2019-03-17T15:04:44 < englishman> ah, neato 2019-03-17T15:19:02 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 2019-03-17T15:21:00 -!- catphish [~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T15:22:32 -!- scrts [~quassel@unaffiliated/scrts] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T16:24:34 -!- vindicator [6b4dd0aa@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has left ##stm32 [] 2019-03-17T17:07:38 < dongs> fuck this is retarded 2019-03-17T17:07:55 < dongs> this usb-c shit has pinout exactly inverted from how the plug is mounted 2019-03-17T17:08:01 < dongs> i wonder if they expect plug on one side of PCB and chip on another 2019-03-17T17:13:16 -!- BrainDamage_ [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T17:13:44 -!- BrainDamage [~BrainDama@unaffiliated/braindamage] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-17T17:13:46 -!- BrainDamage_ is now known as BrainDamage 2019-03-17T17:16:44 < rajkosto> most of them are midmount, arent they ? 2019-03-17T17:16:51 < rajkosto> and take up both sides of the pcb 2019-03-17T17:19:58 < dongs> no 2019-03-17T17:20:04 < dongs> you're thinking of paddle connector 2019-03-17T17:20:07 < dongs> that chinks solder up 2019-03-17T17:20:13 < dongs> every usbc footprint i have is top-mount 2019-03-17T17:20:45 < dongs> in either case my design cannot use mid-mount stuff because the pcb has no clearance on teh bottom 2019-03-17T17:21:09 < dongs> i wonder if I can just rename Axx/Bxx to rotate it 2019-03-17T17:21:14 < rajkosto> most of them are mid-mount cuz lol phones gotta save space 2019-03-17T17:21:17 < dongs> which would be same as turning the cable around 2019-03-17T17:21:25 < dongs> nobody buys usb-c conenctors for phones 2019-03-17T17:21:36 < dongs> zyp would probly know 2019-03-17T17:21:52 < dongs> whatever time to sleep 2019-03-17T17:30:32 -!- Laurenceb_123 [~laurence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-17T17:39:30 -!- catphish [~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-17T18:42:24 -!- DisruptiveNL [~Disruptiv@5ED4324B.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T18:47:45 -!- jon1012 [~jon1012@foresight/developer/jon1012] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-17T18:48:06 -!- jon1012 [~jon1012@foresight/developer/jon1012] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T18:56:03 -!- catphish [~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T19:19:55 -!- laurence_ [~laurence@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T19:20:12 -!- laurence_ is now known as Guest38618 2019-03-17T19:20:19 -!- Guest38618 is now known as Laurenceb_ 2019-03-17T19:22:21 -!- bitmask [~bitmask@pool-100-35-68-83.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T19:31:24 < kakimir> what is simulink 2019-03-17T19:32:58 < BrainDamage> part of matlab 2019-03-17T19:33:27 < BrainDamage> kakimir: http://bfy.tw/Mn2n 2019-03-17T19:34:05 < englishman> matlabview 2019-03-17T19:42:46 < kakimir> BrainDamage: is it safu? 2019-03-17T19:42:49 < kakimir> link 2019-03-17T19:43:27 < englishman> yes safe for kakiwork 2019-03-17T19:47:13 < Laurenceb_> http://archive.fo/d4cBr 2019-03-17T19:55:44 < kakimir> laurence might try to use oppoturnity to push non-safu links in the wake of safu links 2019-03-17T19:59:22 < mawk> lol 2019-03-17T20:00:41 < kakimir> just a thought 2019-03-17T20:01:38 < scrts> so finally pulled the trigger on zynq board 2019-03-17T20:02:10 < kakimir> pulled the plug? 2019-03-17T20:04:27 < kakimir> looked at matlab code once 2019-03-17T20:04:34 < kakimir> nasty 2019-03-17T20:04:40 < kakimir> like C but not C 2019-03-17T20:04:53 < kakimir> also no macros iirc. 2019-03-17T20:05:25 < kakimir> cannot do import/include hierarchy like in C 2019-03-17T20:05:38 < kakimir> *macros as in preprocessor directives 2019-03-17T20:06:05 < kakimir> scope is the actual directory where you need to stuff all the things you need 2019-03-17T20:09:47 < kakimir> not sure if subdirectories are included 2019-03-17T20:20:53 < bitmask> hello everybooody 2019-03-17T20:21:22 < kakimir> hello evenings 2019-03-17T20:21:33 < bitmask> how do you do sir 2019-03-17T20:21:56 < kakimir> doin fine sire 2019-03-17T20:22:14 < bitmask> sire, I like that, you all shall call me sire from this day forth 2019-03-17T20:22:52 < bitmask> or not 2019-03-17T20:23:08 < englishman> cool i bought a zynq late last year and did nothing with it 2019-03-17T20:23:32 < bitmask> did you find a use? I have a fpga that hasnt been used as well 2019-03-17T20:23:48 < bitmask> and its a very nice looking board, hate for it to sit there 2019-03-17T20:24:49 < kakimir> what is the deal with this zynq thing? 2019-03-17T20:26:17 < englishman> wow Laurenceb_ that is a very hostile response to a police request for information on a shooting 2019-03-17T20:26:33 < Laurenceb_> kek 2019-03-17T20:26:40 < Laurenceb_> it's Joshua Moon 2019-03-17T20:26:55 < bitmask> mine is altera though, cyclone V + dual core cortex-a9 2019-03-17T20:27:22 < englishman> Joshua Moon 2019-03-17T20:27:22 < englishman> Redirect page 2019-03-17T20:27:22 < englishman> Null 2019-03-17T20:27:30 < bitmask> maybe make a temporary scope? 2019-03-17T20:27:40 < englishman> Kiwi Farms is an immensely creepy American internet forum run by a manchild named Joshua Conner Moon out of his mom's house[2] 2019-03-17T20:29:35 < R2COM> lo 2019-03-17T20:31:25 < englishman> She visited the business address of LOLCOW LLC, which is the company that runs Kiwifarms in order to have a conversation about the damaging impact Kiwifarms was having on the community Trans Lifeline serves and to convince them to stop harassing Trans Lifeline staff. This address turned out the be the home of Joshua Moon, the person who runs LOLCOW LLC and Kiwifarms. Joshua did not come to the door, but his 2019-03-17T20:31:25 < englishman> mother did. 2019-03-17T20:34:13 < kakimir> I thought I was reading lurencer pastes 2019-03-17T20:45:44 < R2COM> so what are you building kakimir 2019-03-17T20:50:00 < kakimir> what do you reffer to? 2019-03-17T20:51:26 < Laurenceb_> irl kekking at that lulstory 2019-03-17T20:51:35 < R2COM> dunno anything 2019-03-17T20:51:53 < Laurenceb_> also >Florida 2019-03-17T20:52:04 < kakimir> R2COM: very interesting secret stuff 2019-03-17T20:52:10 < kakimir> cannot talk about it 2019-03-17T20:55:38 < englishman> ive managed to talk everyone at work out of using any cypress product 2019-03-17T20:55:49 < englishman> its going to be a completely cypress-free zone 2019-03-17T20:56:40 < englishman> of course they do not make it easy to choose them over other companies but there are some niche products they have 2019-03-17T20:57:46 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 2019-03-17T21:02:04 -!- catphish [~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-17T21:06:05 < jadew`> I remember there was a single chip solution to create a -0.5 V rail, any idea which IC that was? 2019-03-17T21:06:38 -!- catphish [~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T21:10:31 < jpa-> jadew`: you mean single chip without external parts or just regular any DC-DC or charge pump chip? 2019-03-17T21:10:52 < jadew`> jpa-, no external parts 2019-03-17T21:11:03 < jadew`> might have had external caps 2019-03-17T21:11:08 < jadew`> but no inductor 2019-03-17T21:11:29 < jpa-> well charge pumps have no inductors 2019-03-17T21:12:00 < jadew`> yeah, but I don't know if it was a charge pump 2019-03-17T21:12:17 < jadew`> I've seen recent chips with everything integrated 2019-03-17T21:12:25 < jadew`> including the inductor 2019-03-17T21:13:35 -!- catphish [~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-17T21:14:20 < jadew`> not sure when I stumbled upon it 2019-03-17T21:14:31 < jadew`> should have made a bookmark 2019-03-17T21:17:14 < R2COM> one day when i get time i should think how to make negative voltages on IC with minimal resources 2019-03-17T21:17:56 < jpa-> maybe MAX850? though with so many caps, one might as well throw in a tiny inductor 2019-03-17T21:19:25 < R2COM> max is better if caps required are not large value ones 2019-03-17T21:19:59 < R2COM> wow they include chip topography lol 2019-03-17T21:20:09 < R2COM> why would users need that 2019-03-17T21:21:39 < jpa-> there are also "chips" like TPS826951 that have integrated inductor, but you end up paying extra to TI for putting the inductor next to chip and squirting black epoxy over it 2019-03-17T21:22:30 < englishman> at least when LT does it you are already paying the premium just for buying LT 2019-03-17T21:22:34 < jadew`> jpa-, don't they also have additional shielding? 2019-03-17T21:23:08 < jpa-> jadew`: TPS826951 doesn't claim any 2019-03-17T21:24:31 < Thorn> why doesn't mov r3, 0 ; str r0, [r3] throw a fault? 2019-03-17T21:25:36 < jpa-> Thorn: because if flash was placed in programming mode, that would be totally valid operation? 2019-03-17T21:27:34 < Thorn> and it won't fault even if flash programming is not enabled? 2019-03-17T21:27:40 -!- benishor [~Burd@] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T21:29:42 < Thorn> need to try writing to 0x0800 0000 2019-03-17T21:30:10 < Thorn> maybe address translation/aliasing/whatever it's called has to do with it 2019-03-17T21:30:59 < jpa-> i think there usually isn't access mode checks in peripherals, they only fault if the area is not mapped at all 2019-03-17T21:31:25 < Thorn> lazy verilog coders from bangalore 2019-03-17T21:32:51 -!- [1]MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-17T21:36:19 -!- MrMobius [~default@c-73-134-82-217.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-17T21:36:19 -!- [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius 2019-03-17T21:53:25 < Laurenceb_> Trump is based and magapilled 2019-03-17T21:55:15 < Laurenceb_> haters are just jealous of his perfect skin and hair 2019-03-17T21:55:57 < R2COM> lo 2019-03-17T22:08:23 < Thorn> writing to 0x0800 0000 also doesn't crash 2019-03-17T22:08:36 < Thorn> thanks jpa- 2019-03-17T23:04:19 < Laurenceb_> lulwut 2019-03-17T23:04:27 < Laurenceb_> 4chan blocked in uk but 8chan isnt 2019-03-17T23:05:59 < rajkosto> less popular 2019-03-17T23:06:11 < rajkosto> oi m8 wheres your trollin licence 2019-03-17T23:07:16 < Thorn> lulcence 2019-03-17T23:07:59 < Laurenceb_> Andrew Yang 2020 tbh 2019-03-17T23:08:52 < Thorn> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jj9YtvC_SIo 2019-03-17T23:12:09 < kakimir> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MLWSQqFdFk&list=OLAK5uy_mwgxJaid3qStUkKT8icwzHCA6oD7CmzXg&index=1 musics 2019-03-17T23:13:15 < kakimir> oh I forced this earlier 2019-03-17T23:16:41 < PaulFertser> Laurenceb_: an internet website blocked, what the hell, is your kingdom trying to be more like bloody russia or what?! 2019-03-17T23:20:27 < Cracki> the kiwis are stomping down on everything right now too 2019-03-17T23:31:21 < Laurenceb_> yeah its nothing compared to NZ 2019-03-17T23:31:50 < Laurenceb_> https://imgoat.com/uploads/9adc1e107f/206877.jpg 2019-03-17T23:32:09 < Laurenceb_> >""offensive"" content >thats 10 year in jail 4 u 2019-03-17T23:32:31 < rajkosto> cert on imgoat expired 2019-03-17T23:32:49 < rajkosto> OI M8 2019-03-17T23:32:59 -!- sterna [~Adium@c-18e1e253.016-35-62726f1.bbcust.telenor.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 2019-03-17T23:33:12 < Laurenceb_> ur certificate loicense 2019-03-17T23:33:36 < Cracki> when I first saw the video, I thought it's the UK because driving on the wrong side and everything looks made of crumpets 2019-03-17T23:33:44 < rajkosto> and the mentions of "lads" 2019-03-17T23:33:51 < Cracki> and the diversity 2019-03-17T23:36:42 < Cracki> they don't do this for isis videos 2019-03-17T23:38:37 < rajkosto> too many of them, not worth the bother 2019-03-17T23:43:20 < Laurenceb_> keeek went to my mums house earlier and she was watching Sargon 2019-03-17T23:43:21 < Laurenceb_> my sides 2019-03-17T23:46:35 < Thorn> >plastic waveguides 2019-03-17T23:46:50 < Laurenceb_> >future science train 2019-03-17T23:47:34 < Cracki> plastic waveguides? explain 2019-03-17T23:48:08 < jadew`> I assume he's referring to Shahriar's video 2019-03-17T23:48:20 < Laurenceb_> tbh future science train is up there with emdrive and eestor 2019-03-17T23:48:21 < jadew`> he printed some waveguides and coated them with a conductive paint 2019-03-17T23:48:28 < Laurenceb_> sounds interesting tbh 2019-03-17T23:48:34 < Cracki> hm 2019-03-17T23:48:43 < Cracki> google gives some results 2019-03-17T23:49:14 < Cracki> caltech: https://chic.caltech.edu/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Fukuda-Hajimiri-JSSCDec2011.pdf 2019-03-17T23:49:25 -!- DisruptiveNL [~Disruptiv@5ED4324B.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 2019-03-17T23:49:30 < Cracki> ah millimeter waves 2019-03-17T23:49:47 < rajkosto> how do i waveguide light 2019-03-17T23:50:07 < jadew`> that article looks interesting 2019-03-17T23:50:18 < jadew`> but I think the guy is doing it differently 2019-03-17T23:50:44 < jadew`> I think he has a plastic bar and it's coated on the outside 2019-03-17T23:50:48 < jadew`> so the dielectric is plastic 2019-03-17T23:51:07 < jadew`> that's something that you could print more easily I guess 2019-03-17T23:51:19 < Laurenceb_> >the dialectic 2019-03-17T23:52:03 < jadew`> but then you have to make the transition from plastic to air if you want to put it out of a horn antenna 2019-03-17T23:54:23 < jadew`> hmm, sounds like it's not coated 2019-03-17T23:56:45 < Laurenceb_> https://www.theage.com.au/national/inside-the-shit-posting-subculture-the-christchurch-shooter-belonged-to-20190317-p514xt.html 2019-03-17T23:57:50 < rajkosto> Laurenceb_, well now uk will ban 8ch too 2019-03-17T23:57:57 < Laurenceb_> ikr 2019-03-17T23:58:05 < Laurenceb_> but its banned 4chan instead 2019-03-17T23:58:07 < Laurenceb_> epic fail 2019-03-17T23:58:14 < jadew`> they should just spy on Laurenceb_ and ban anything he visits 2019-03-17T23:58:14 < rajkosto> probably cuz they googled 8ch 2019-03-17T23:58:15 < rajkosto> and got 4chan 2019-03-17T23:58:17 < rajkosto> as 8ch is unlisted 2019-03-17T23:58:21 < Laurenceb_> keeeek 2019-03-17T23:58:35 < Laurenceb_> well they will all get b& soon cuz pronz ban 2019-03-17T23:59:37 < Laurenceb_> >extreme dark humour is an expression of hyper-masculinity 2019-03-17T23:59:50 < rajkosto> cant have none of that can we lads, shut it all down 2019-03-17T23:59:56 < rajkosto> objectionable content --- Day changed Mon Mar 18 2019 2019-03-18T00:00:49 < Laurenceb_> inb4 >ur face is objectionable 2019-03-18T00:02:57 < jadew`> how do you document big projects? 2019-03-18T00:03:10 < jadew`> especially how do you deal with various revisions 2019-03-18T00:03:27 < jadew`> for example, I have a bunch of screenshots and measurements from older versions 2019-03-18T00:03:39 < jadew`> some are still relevant, others not 2019-03-18T00:04:05 < Laurenceb_> tbh I run away and laugh at the managers failing 2019-03-18T00:04:06 < jadew`> I want to have a current state of all this, that reflects the current version 2019-03-18T00:04:21 < jadew`> but I also want to keep track of everything before 2019-03-18T00:04:40 < Laurenceb_> I've used mercurial to manage things that shouldnt really be managed that way previously 2019-03-18T00:04:55 < Laurenceb_> wew PewDiePie is top news item in uk now 2019-03-18T00:05:10 < Laurenceb_> he's gunna get arrested at this rate 2019-03-18T00:06:21 < rajkosto> if he makes a denouncement video it will just spread the NZ stuff to waaay more people who had no idea about it 2019-03-18T00:07:10 < Cracki> if he doesn't, he'll get hanged 2019-03-18T00:07:16 < Laurenceb_> people are shouting "subscribe to pewdiepie" at muslims across uk apparently 2019-03-18T00:07:24 < Cracki> madlads 2019-03-18T00:07:44 < Cracki> it's really not safe for them here. I just wish they'd understand that. 2019-03-18T00:08:04 < rajkosto> well they should subscribe, t-series is dangerously close 2019-03-18T00:08:57 < Laurenceb_> keeek 2019-03-18T00:09:18 < Cracki> the longer this "enemy people on same soil" experiment continues, the more people will snap and lash out against like this. it's very understandable. 2019-03-18T00:16:43 < rajkosto> so why do we bother with yellowish phosphor when we can just get these https://www.waveformlighting.com/d_waveform/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/realuv-strip-1024x1024.jpg and slap a dope quantum dot coating on them at any nm we want 2019-03-18T00:18:03 -!- hesperaux [~hesperaux@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-18T00:19:03 < Laurenceb_> efficiency 2019-03-18T00:19:32 < Laurenceb_> maybe I should look at my led croplamps idea again 2019-03-18T00:25:36 -!- rajkosto [~Rajko@cable-178-149-127-67.dynamic.sbb.rs] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 2019-03-18T00:29:28 < Steffanx> Id rockoon them into space 2019-03-18T00:55:48 -!- fenugrec [~fenugrec@CPE7cb21b1e4c70-CM7cb21b1e4c6d.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-18T01:21:32 -!- boB_K7IQ [boB_K7IQ@c-73-193-6-103.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-18T01:23:14 < Cracki> oh look they found out who jack the ripper was 2019-03-18T01:27:42 < kakimir> is 395nm useful for anything instead of 365nm? 2019-03-18T01:29:07 < jadew`> is that UV? 2019-03-18T01:29:20 < Cracki> yes it's uv 2019-03-18T01:29:32 < Cracki> 405 nm is still uv, and usable for some uv curing stuff 2019-03-18T01:29:56 < Cracki> if you want to be precise about it, figure out what material you have and its absorption properties 2019-03-18T01:30:19 < kakimir> for inspection use 365nm is a whole different world compared to 395nm 2019-03-18T01:30:37 < Cracki> uv curable stuff often responds to a wide section of uv, so anything in there should be good 2019-03-18T01:30:46 < Cracki> inspection? 2019-03-18T01:30:57 < jadew`> to check for cum stains 2019-03-18T01:31:00 < Cracki> what are you inspecting and how do 365 differ from 395 qualitatively? 2019-03-18T01:31:06 < Cracki> ic, should have known 2019-03-18T01:31:14 < kakimir> jadew` got it right 2019-03-18T01:31:14 < Cracki> it's always the same with this place 2019-03-18T01:31:36 < kakimir> I mean it shows even residues of water droplets 2019-03-18T01:32:02 < kakimir> another thing it might be useful for is NDI 2019-03-18T01:32:18 < jadew`> I guess it's a good way of finding the cleanest underwear from the pile 2019-03-18T01:32:41 < jadew`> what's NDI? 2019-03-18T01:32:42 < kakimir> nah boi 2019-03-18T01:32:48 < kakimir> non-destructive inspection 2019-03-18T01:33:00 < kakimir> using marker color 2019-03-18T01:33:10 < kakimir> it goes into cracks 2019-03-18T01:33:21 < kakimir> and lights them up in uv light 2019-03-18T01:33:35 < kakimir> ofc. there is xray and ultrasonic 2019-03-18T01:33:48 < kakimir> maybe some electronic stuff too idk. 2019-03-18T01:45:28 < Laurenceb_> https://imgoat.com/uploads/9adc1e107f/206884.png 2019-03-18T01:53:09 < kakimir> browser says no 2019-03-18T01:54:35 < kakimir> if you need to add exception to browser to get to your shitpost 2019-03-18T01:54:41 < kakimir> don't bother to paste 2019-03-18T02:15:51 -!- Jak_o_Shadows [~Jak@unaffiliated/jak-o-shadows/x-0479135] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-18T02:28:50 -!- fc5dc9d4_ [~quassel@p57A3214A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 2019-03-18T02:31:22 -!- fc5dc9d4 [~quassel@p5B0810DA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-18T02:37:07 -!- fc5dc9d4 [~quassel@p5B0810DA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 2019-03-18T02:39:53 -!- fc5dc9d4 [~quassel@p5B3A800E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-18T02:52:21 -!- emeb_mac [~ericb@ip68-2-70-26.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-18T03:02:52 -!- gsi__ [~gsisig@x4db9672d.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-18T03:05:43 -!- gsi_ [~gsisig@x4dbd575c.dyn.telefonica.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-18T03:43:07 < Laurenceb_> my relatives have been making youtube videos 2019-03-18T03:43:09 < Laurenceb_> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sZ5gHTjX28 2019-03-18T03:43:12 < Laurenceb_> the absolute state 2019-03-18T03:43:26 < Laurenceb_> >465 views 2019-03-18T03:44:12 < Thorn> that is not a webcam recording 2019-03-18T03:44:18 < Laurenceb_> >I thought wambulance was a waste of time 2019-03-18T03:44:47 < Laurenceb_> now u have to play "spot Laurenceb's brother" 2019-03-18T03:45:14 < englishman> ah yes milton keynes 2019-03-18T03:45:25 < Laurenceb_> >HACK TRAIN FIVE POINT OH 2019-03-18T03:45:27 < englishman> well known innovation hub and home of torquing group 2019-03-18T03:45:34 < Laurenceb_> keeek 2019-03-18T03:46:06 < Laurenceb_> protip: 3:15 on the left 2019-03-18T03:47:21 < Laurenceb_> tfw half the views end up coming from ##stm32 2019-03-18T03:49:36 < Laurenceb_> tfw hacking the trains and the ambulances 2019-03-18T03:53:10 < Laurenceb_> tbh this video makes even less sense than bushworld adventures 2019-03-18T03:54:28 < Laurenceb_> https://mobile.twitter.com/TheHackTrain/status/1065648665350586368?p=v 2019-03-18T03:55:47 < Laurenceb_> oh wow https://mobile.twitter.com/TheHackTrain/status/1065649869321367552?p=v 2019-03-18T03:56:52 < R2COM> hi emeb_mac 2019-03-18T04:00:48 < Laurenceb_> what the... https://mobile.twitter.com/TheHackTrain/status/1065627474560786433?p=v 2019-03-18T04:04:21 < Laurenceb_> this shit is a goldmine of lulz https://mobile.twitter.com/TheHackTrain/status/1065605150449037313/photo/1 2019-03-18T04:08:42 -!- PeterM [bgdwiepp@115-69-25-80-cpe.spintel.net.au] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 2019-03-18T04:13:48 -!- PeterM [bgdwiepp@115-69-25-80-cpe.spintel.net.au] has joined ##stm32 2019-03-18T04:13:54 < Cracki> >diversion 2019-03-18T04:14:02 < Cracki> euphemism of the century 2019-03-18T04:14:31 < Laurenceb_> this is unironically awful 2019-03-18T04:14:36 < Thorn> if ##stm32 ever organizes a hackathon we should call it the Human Centipede 2019-03-18T04:14:44 < emeb_mac> R2COM: hey - what's up? 2019-03-18T04:14:50 < Laurenceb_> >iphone app to evaluate train door performance using deep learning 2019-03-18T04:15:06 < Laurenceb_> >or you could just dump diagnostics off the trains CAN bus 2019-03-18T04:15:37 < Cracki> *door* performance?? it works or it doesn't 2019-03-18T04:15:45 < Cracki> nobody there ever heard of busses 2019-03-18T04:15:58 < Cracki> except maybe USB or the kind that's full of bum vomit 2019-03-18T04:15:59 < Laurenceb_> they should send everyone from hacktrain out as slave labour to clean up all the litter and graffiti on the uk rail network tbh 2019-03-18T04:16:06 < R2COM> emeb_mac innovating 24/7 2019-03-18T04:16:18 < R2COM> emeb_mac is your car battery here also doesnt last >2 yrs? 2019-03-18T04:17:23 < emeb_mac> R2COM: Yes - most batteries crap out around 2yrs due to heat. 2019-03-18T04:17:56 < R2COM> i wonder how is it with teslas 2019-03-18T04:18:10 < R2COM> although..its different story since batteries are not inside engine compartment which adds more heat 2019-03-18T04:18:15 < emeb_mac> R2COM: good question. but then they're not lead-acid batteries 2019-03-18T04:18:23 < R2COM> ahh yes 2019-03-18T04:18:40 < Cracki> they give warranty of 70% cap for 100k miles for model 3 2019-03-18T04:18:58 < Laurenceb_> advantages of uk climate 2019-03-18T04:19:08 < Laurenceb_> batteries last for >10 years 2019-03-18T04:19:09 < Cracki> some other articles mention 90% cap after 160k miles 2019-03-18T04:19:15 * Laurenceb_ zzz 2019-03-18T04:19:29 < Cracki> what kills those batteries anyway? 2019-03-18T04:19:54 < Cracki> unless you roast them in a desert or park near the russian front 2019-03-18T04:20:12 < emeb_mac> R2COM: I was surprised - driving down University in Tempe on Thurs I saw that Tesla has a huge service center there. 2019-03-18T04:20:45 < R2COM> hehe 2019-03-18T04:21:19 < R2COM> maybe my next car will be electric 2019-03-18T04:23:31 < R2COM> ehh... if uncle Sam stopped his crazy tax policy 2019-03-18T04:23:34 -!- Laurenceb_ [~laurence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 2019-03-18T04:24:47 < emeb_mac> R2COM: https://goo.gl/maps/t2G4drRfFBu 2019-03-18T04:24:54 < englishman> Tesla traction batteries are immersed in coolant fyi 2019-03-18T04:25:19 < R2COM> thats neat 2019-03-18T04:26:26 < emeb_mac> didn't even know that was here 2019-03-18T04:27:27 < emeb_mac> only about 5miles from my house 2019-03-18T04:35:28 < mawk> js is so ugly 2019-03-18T04:35:59 < mawk> to include another .js file I have to litteraly create a